Thursday, April 16th, 2009


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Thursday, April 16, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

Time Warner Cable, which continues to take heat this week for its metered broadband plan, would like the FCC to back off insisting that ISPs meet net neutrality obligations per Ars Technica, noting a response to the FCC’s call for input regarding the stimulus plan. “Now is not the time, nor is this the appropriate proceeding, to engage in a debate about the need for net neutrality obligations,” the company writes.

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Addressing the need to improve efficiencies and increase cost savings, News Corp. is creating a global online-content portal that will function as a central repository for news-gathering operations across the company’s web sites, cable networks and newspapers. The web portal will be led by John Moody, EVP of News Editorial for the Fox News Channel.
Oxygen Media, World of Wonder, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott have entered a multiplatform development deal that includes the renewal of “Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood” for a fourth season and the creation of original webisodes around Tori’s new book “Mommywood,” to be featured on


HP is backing a new mobile video start-up dubbed Gabble that is positioning itself as a private communal video portal for mobile phones. The idea is to allow users to send goofy videos only to friends in their network rather than post them to a sharing site for the world to see. (Of course privacy settings on YouTube, Facebook and other platforms allow for this but if “private” is the raison d’entre here than Gabble could gain some traction.)
Movie fans may want to check out a new regular audio podcast that benefits from a journalistic point of view: Mighty Movie Podcast from Dan Persons features thoughtful interviews with independent filmmakers, such this week’s Q&A with Tim Disney (American Violet.)


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All eyes in the online ad space are looking west today as Google announces its Q1 earnings; rumors have been circulating that the slowdown has hit the search giant harder than expected.
compiled an interesting run down of several ad forecasts released by banks, investments houses and analysts over the past few months. Starting at the low end, UBS foresees a pessimistic 6% drop in growth for 2009, Oppenheimer & Co. predicts a 1.8% fall and Cowen and Company is also on the negative side at -0.9%. Not everyone is a nay-sayer; Morgan Stanley predicts US online ad spending will grow at nearly a 10% rate while ZenithOptimedia is still calling for an 18.1% jump for 2009. eMarketer recently revised its growth rate to 4.5% for the year.
Video ad network VideoEgg introduced a new toolbar-style ad format geared toward blogs. Dubbed Twig, the format runs at the top or the bottom of the current page you’re on, sticking with you as you scroll up and down the page. The IAB standard-compliant video ad expands when the user rolls his or her cursor over the bar.


Tension is mounting over how to dole out the $7 billion in the Obama administration’s stimulus package allocated for broadband infrastructure, reports the WSJ. Consumer groups worry that politically connected locals will end up with most of the funds unless the government maintains tighter control of the funding process.
Digital entertainment company Macrovision acquired the assets of information systems and media discovery service Muze for $16.5 million in cash. Muze maintains databases of metadata and rich media content companies use to attract and retain subscribers and increase sales of traditional and digital media including film, video, music, books and games.
The Open Mobile Video Coalition (OMVC) will make its presence felt at NAB next week seeking to educate broadcasters on how they can make the most of the Mobile DTV standard. DTV specs will allow stations to use their digital spectrum to distribute content to mobile phones, netbooks and other mobile devices. The 25 member, 800-station group will maintain a booth, point attendees to compatible DTV devices and sponsor sessions including a Super Session on Monday morning about the state of the mobile DTV rollout.
AT&T is looking to extend its exclusive deal with Apple to offer the iPhone in the U.S. from 2010 to 2011, per the WSJ. AT&T has reported adding 4.3 million iPhone customers in the second half of 2008, some 40% of which were new to AT&T.


The FCC’s white space auction should bear fruit in the form of new wireless data services that serve rural underserved areas in particular, according to new findings from ABI Research. The delay of the digital transition may have pushed back the freeing up of spectrum a bit, but it looks increasingly doubtful that the NAB will be able to convince the FCC that white space devices will significantly interfere with digital signals, according to ABI Research VP Stan Schatt. “Where it could be an issue is in declining revenue for TV stations adjacent to other metro areas,” he noted.
Facebook’s rapid rise to the top of the social networking space has included huge gains in Europe, according to comScore. In just one year the site has claimed the #1 ranking in several territories, increasing its unique user base ten-fold in counties such as Spain. In fact, the only countries in which Facebook does not hold the #1 or #2 position in the social networking category are Germany, where it ranks fourth, Russia (#7) and Portugal (#3.)
Facebook Growth in Europe – February 2009 vs. February 2008
Total Europe, Age 15+ – Home and Work Locations                                 Unique Visitors (000)
                               Feb-08    Feb-09 Percent Change  Rank Feb-2009                                                                  
Europe                        24,118    99,776            314%            1
United Kingdom              2,957    22,656             75%            1
France                           2,217    13,698            518%            1
Turkey*                           N/A     12,377             N/A              1
Italy                                 382    10,764           2721%           1
Spain                                515     5,662            999%            1
Germany                           680     3,433            405%            4
Belgium                             327     2,308            607%            1
Sweden                           1,211     2,298             90%            1
Denmark                           533     2,022            279%            1
Switzerland                       282     1,690            499%            1
Norway                             819     1,479             81%            1
Finland                             555     1,341            142%            1
Netherlands                       236     1,031            337%            2
Austria                               112       663            491%            2
Ireland                              203       512            153%            2
Russia                               117       478            309%            7
Portugal                              72       193            169%            3
Source: comScore World Metrix
*Turkey is a newly reported individual country in comScore World Metrix; year ago data not available
Cable VOD service FEARnet reported strong viewing numbers for Q1, up 72% over the same period in 2008 (48.5 million vs. 28.2 million), sourcing Rentrak. FEARnet views were also up for 13% from February 2009 (17.3 million vs. 15.2 million). Friday the 13th led the FEARnet movie pack with 1.9 million views, followed by The Descent with 1.6 million views and Already Dead with 1.5 million views.


Google introduced some changes to the user interface in the newest version of its Android mobile operating system, as seen here in screenshot posted on the Android developer website. Upcoming Android 1.5, codenamed “Cupcake,” will sweeten the OS with several new anticipated features including video recording and playback – enabling instant uploads to YouTube, a screen based keyboard and a bunch of new widgets for the home screen including a music player and photo album.
Internet radio service Pandora is now available on the BlackBerry Storm, Curve, Pearl and 8800 series. Sign up for it here.


has upped Kent Reese from VP to SVP of Marketing, reporting to Jennifer Caserta, EVP
and GM. Kent will oversee strategy, planning, and execution of all on-air, online, print and on demand marketing content for IFC, as well as manage the evolution of the brand on all platforms.
Sports content and marketing company XOS Digital has added a trio of new sales executives: Brian Philo will serve as Director of Digital Sales, West; Brian Liebler joins as Director of Digital Sales, Northeast; and Todd Foster comes aboard as Director of Digital Sales, Midwest.


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Music-centric blogging network underwent an elegant redesign sporting a much cleaner look and adding new filtering tools to make it easier to sift through the site’s news, features and recommended tracks. Mog has slowly built a huge network of 5,000 music-obsessed bloggers over the years, who use the site’s publishing tools to get their stuff seen, both on and via 300+ partner sites who also share in the ad revenue. But navigation on the site was never pretty. Now content is organized by curated categories including Featured Stories, Editors Picks, Essential Tracks and Must See Videos, striking a nice balance between what’s popular and what’s recommended. New “recently popular” algorithms push the best recent news, reviews and blog posts to the forefront. New personalization features allow users to sign up for notifications alerting them to new artist mentions or releases. New customizable RSS feeds allow users to receive posts from their favorite “Mogger” or filter content by genre, source, and/or popularity.
Correction: WEtv’s website was incorrectly referred to as in yesterday’s edition. WEtv’s URL is


Thursday, April 30, 2009

“What was important for me in making this story is that one person really can make a
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Television has the power to enlighten, create awareness and encourage positive change.
For more information or to buy tickets, click here.

Later — Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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