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Cyn opsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Monday, September 5, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
Marketers are continuing to step up efforts to get the government to take a harder look at the pending search agreement between Google and Yahoo, a pact that if approved will give Google control of between 80-90% of the search market. The Association of National Advertisers sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) late last week, citing its objections to the deal. Advertisers fear diminished competition and increased concentration of market power will ultimately lead to higher prices for online advertising.
Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane’s new web series Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy officially launches on Wednesday with an ambitious distribution model designed by Google, reports The WSJ. One new clip will be doled out each week over the next 50 weeks on a multiple sites including Fandango.com and Maxim.com, delivered in slots where banner ads normally appear. Seth’s penchant for spicy dialogue has necessitated a control system that delivers bleeped-out dialogue to users who have set their browsers to block offensive content. Media Rights Capital produced the series and Burger King has signed on as its first sponsor.
CBS Sports, CBSSports.com and USopen.org have partnered to bring tennis fans live streaming video of CBS Sports’ broadcast of the US Open Men’s Final, postponed until Monday, September 8, at 5 p ET due to bad weather. The match, between No. 2-seeded Roger Federer and No. 6-seeded Andy Murray, can be seen on CBS.Sports.com and USopen.org.
Michael Moore’s latest film Slacker Uprising will be distributed by Brave New Films and blip.tv as a free download on Sept. 23rd to U.S. and Canadian users as a way to reward fans and boost voter turnout in November. The film documents Moore’s traveling grassroots revue launched in Elk Rapids, MI to motivate the “Slacker” generation to become politically active.
ABC is developing In the Motherhood, the MSN internet series produced by MindShare that acts out stories from real-life moms, into a weekly comedy series, per THR. ABC Studios has ordered up 13 episodes, to be produced by MindShare’s David Lang and Peter Tortorici, along with writers Jennifer Konner and Alexandra Rushfield.
ION Television unveils a “positively entertaining” (that’s the tagline) multiplatform rebranding campaign today along with the relaunch of iontelevision.com. The site will feature new content including streaming video, interactive games, video mash-ups and a digital transition user guide.
Online peer-to-peer entertainment service Joost has decided to kill off its desktop client software once and for all. The plan is to release a plug-in instead that will enable most popular browsers to play videos and ads without having to download an entire application on your desktop. The new plug-in, due out for beta testers in a couple of weeks, will remain on your desktop taskbar even while you’re not using the site, according to an early review of the product in CNET.
Facebook is set to switch over to its newly redesigned user interface this week. The social network reports in its developers blog that over 30 million users have already checked out the new profile. Of course, not everyone is happy with the changes. One group is out to convince 1 million users to sign an online petition to keep the old Facebook in place. They’re about half way there with close to 560,000 members.
Glam Media introduced a new set of value added services for publishers including an integration with the Splash News & Picture Agency giving Glam Publisher Network members access to Splash’s library of licensed photos for no extra cost. Other Glam Perks services include audience and marketing services and graphic design and tech support for brand ad campaigns.
Pats owner Robert Kraft and CBS hosted a grand opening bash at the CBS Scene on Saturday, a new state-of-the-art sports bar filled with audio visual wonders adjacent to Gillette Stadium in Foxborough. The multi-level venue showcases CBS current and classic programming and Patriots football games displayed on 135 SONY Plasma, LCD and graphic projector displays. Video displays feature photography, art and film footage culled from the CBS archive. Diners can answer trivia questions about CBS history or surf 20 programmed channels directly from their table.
EA Sports is powering a new technology that will be integrated into ESPN‘s NFL-themed programming this season including Sunday Night NFL countdown and NFL Live. Virtual Playbook is created using feeds from in-studio real-world cameras as well as a camera that captures EA’s in-game graphics depicting real game scenarios. Both real and virtual people are moved around the studio set to demonstrate plays and scenarios. ESPN commentators will use the system to analyze game matchups, demonstrate offensive and defensive schemes and highlight mismatches as if the players were alongside them in the studio.
Phone-based movie showtime service AOL Moviefone will announce a joint venture with voice and visual mobile ad company Apptera today to monetize the more than 40 million annual calls Moviefone receives with targeted in-call ads. Apptera’s voice and visual mobile advertising solution will manage and monetize the calls on behalf of AOL Moviefone based on location and user buying preferences. Apptera’s MobileAd Xchange now reaches an estimated 100 million callers a year.
CBS again registered as the most visited network website according to Hitwise on the strength of its Big Brother site that features 24/7 RealNetworks-powered video feeds from inside the Big Brother home. ABC’s Dancing with the Stars catapulted to 2nd place with a 13.2% market share of visits while FOX’s Prison Break site cracked the top 10 for the first time. On the cable side, Paula’s Home Cooking is the top visited show online, one of the 3 Food Networks sites in the top 10.
Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Websites (Week ending Aug. 30, 2008)
Rank Network Website Market Share of Visits
1 CBS www.cbs.com 31.22%
2 NBC www.nbc.com 24.28%
3 ABC www.abc.com 22.64%
4 FOX* www.fox.com 16.56%
5 The CW www.cwtv.com 4.87%
6 MNTV www.mynetworktv.com .41%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise, *includes traffic aggregated from stand alone websites americanidol.com, amw.com, familyguy.com, thelot.com and thesimpsons.com.
Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Show Sites (Week ending Aug. 30, 2008)
Rank Network Website Market Share of Visits
1 CBS Big Brother 9 15.14%
2 ABC Dancing With The Stars 13.28%
3 FOX American’s Got Talent 10.04%
4 FOX Prison Break 8.47%
5 NBC Deal or No Deal 5.62%
6 FOX America’s Most Wanted 3.88%
7 FOX American Idol 3.64%
8 NBC The Office 1.87%
9 NBC Heroes 1.58%
10 CBS CSI 1.56%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise
Top Visited US Cable Network TV Show Sites (Week ending Aug. 30, 2008)
Rank Network Website Market Share of Visits
1 Cartoon Network Drama Island 14.96%
2 Cartoon Network Ben 10: Alien Force 3.97%
3 Nickelodeon Spongebob 3.52%
4 Food Network Paula’s Home Cooking 2.97%
5 ABC Family Secret Life of the Am. Teen 2.48%
6 Comedy Central South Park 2.47%
7 SciFi Eureka 2.07%
8 Cartoon Network Chowder 2.00%
9 BET 106 & Park 1.99%
10 Cartoon Network Naruto 1.83%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise
Top Visited US Cable Network TV Show Sites – Excluding Children’s Programming (Week ending Aug. 30, 2008)
Rank Network Website Market Share of Visits
1 Food Network Paula’s Home Cooking 5.10%
2 ABC Family Secret Life of the Am. Teen 4.33%
3 Comedy Central South Park 4.32%
4 SciFi Eureka 3.62%
5 BET 106 & Park 3.48%
6 MTV The Hills 3.06%
7 Comedy Central The Daily Show 2.62%
8 Fox News O’Reilly Factor 2.46%
9 Food Network 30 Minute Meals 2.12%
10 Food Network Everyday Italian 1.87%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise
Championship Gaming Series (CGS) today announced the appointment of Scot Rubin as VP/Marketing for the league. Scot, a former video games/entertainment consultant, will manage global strategy, development, execution and ongoing oversight of league marketing, reporting directly to COO Geoff Stevens.
Finding video content on topics you are interested in on the web often means wading through maliciously tagged adult programming or other junk. A new web video called Mefeedia is quickly gaining traction as an online video search and aggregation tool. Its active community of users has put together over 1,000 curated channels of content from multiple sources to create a video storehouse of information. Though its index of 15,000+ sites you can find, subscribe to, view and stay updated on both traditional TV and made for the web programming. Some heavy hitters in the content space joined as programming partners last week including Hulu, ABC, Revision3, NextNewNetworks and 60 Frames. There’s also a cool new social networking component; import your subscriptions from YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu and iTunes to allow friends to keep track of what’s on your personal playlist.
Later — Wayne
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JOB OPENING: DIR, DEVELOPMENT/BUENA VISTA PRODS/LA: 5+ yrs exp develop, pitch + sell NON-scripted prgrming; netwrk, cable and/or 1st run. Strong pre-exist relationships w/creative community. Apply www.disneycareers.com # 175964 (9/13)
JOB OPENING: FREELANCE CONTENT & SCHEDULING ADMINISTRATOR/AETN, NY: Coord prog catalog & logistical support.2-3 yrs prog/scheduling exp. Strong comm & org skills.Foreign language a plus. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (9/13)
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JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, LEGAL AFFAIRS/Scripps Networks/NY: Resp. for providing legal counsel to internal clients; negotiate, draft, interpret agreements. Knowledge of entertainment/contract law. Apply at: www.scrippsnetworks.com (9/13)
JOB OPENING: Producing team of a primetime comedy special is looking for PRODUCERS with television, variety, and pop culture experience (3-5 years). Send a cover letter and resume, attached and in the body, to us at [email protected]. (9/13)
JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT/NATURAL HISTORY DIRECTOR 3632: National Geographic Television is seeking DEVELOPMENT/NATURAL HISTORY DIRECTOR. To apply visit our website: www.nationalgeographic.com/jobs and search fro Job ID 3632. EOE (9/13)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES DIRECTOR/Jumptv/NY, NY: ( www.Jumptv.com ) 3-7 years exp new media sales. Must be able to generate and close new online sponsorship, advertising and video sales. Email res to [email protected] (9/12)
JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST/ABC Burbank: Degree, min 2 yrs exp TV research. Bckgd in rtgs analys, qual testing, strong written & analytical skills. Primary research, a plus. Apply at: www.disneycareers.com . (Req ID 174327) (9/12)
JOB OPENING: DIR CORP COMM/NBC UNIVERSAL, mun2/LA: Manages business/trade & consumer/programming communications for mun2 operation. 5 yrs exp(industry exp pref)/BA/Bilingual(Spanish/English). Apply @ nbcunicareers .com (#811173) (9/12)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES ACCT MGR/Discovery Int’l/NY: Talented sales executive w/ 5+ yrs media sales exp to grow revenue and expand international client base. Int’l exp required. Apply: www.discovery.com , Req#8258 (9/11)
JOB OPENING: LINE PROD/AMCtv/NY: Resp for ntwrk non-scripted orig prog (stunts, series, fests, ent news & spec events). Mng multiple projects from start to fin. 5+ yrs set prod & prod mgmt exp. Res: www.cablevision.jobs ref# 5824BR (9/11)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ONLINE/LIFETIME NY: Sales Account Manager responsible for growing and managing digital media sales for myLifetime.com and related properties Apply at: http://www.mylifetime.com/about/jobs.html (9/11)
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JOB OPENING: DIR, NAT’L AD SALES/Fox Dig. Media (FDM)/NY: Dvlp/implement strategic plan for sale of Sports advrtsng. 6-8 yrs Sales & prior mngmnt exp needed. Sell integrated deals w/ TV as well as online only. www.foxcareers.com (9/11)
JOB OPENING: RIGHTS & CLEARANCES ADMINISTRATOR (Freelance) /A&E TV, NY: Negotiate 3rd party licenses for footage, music, photos for program renewals. BA & 2+ yrs entertainment exp in licensing. Resume: www.aetn.com/careers.html (9/11)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR CONVERGENCE PROGRAMMING/Scripps Networks/TN: Resp. for convergent interactive/television, web content, page design, video production, and technology across brand sties. Apply at: www.scrippsnetworks.com (9/11)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES: Hispanic kids and family targeted biz seeks sales talent. 3 to 5 yrs non-traditional ad sales/sponsorship in Hispanic, Kids or Cable TV.Positions in NYC and/or Texas. Email [email protected] (9/11)
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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:PUBLIC RELATIONS/MKTG.INTERN/LA: Opp to work with entertainment, fashion & gourmet clients.Work on press releases, calling media and building brands. Send resume: [email protected] and specify intern in subject (9/11)
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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:PRODUCTION : Liquid Theory/ LA FT and PT internships to assist our Fall productions. Strong digital skills and a positive approach a plus! Pls send resume/cover letter to [email protected] (9/9)
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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: ENT PR INTERN: Need reliable, trust-worthy, focused college student for PR firm. Computer/network/Microsoft Office literate; resp incl: phones, PR materials, photo shoots & events. Res: [email protected] (9/9)
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