Monday, November 29th, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Monday, November 29, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

Google announced on Thanksgiving day that it signed an agreement with three French royalty-collecting groups representing filmmakers, screenwriters and authors to pay artists when their works pop up on YouTube. (The agreement follows a similar pact made two months ago, when YouTube agreed to pay French composers when their songs appear on the site.) Similar pacts have been struck in Spain, Italy and England enabling musicians and filmmakers to share in the ad revenue YouTube generates from copyrighted material.


In an effort to place all its video assets under one umbrella, AOL announced the launch of a new AOL Video division overseeing creation, production and syndication of partner and originally-produced fare. The company recently acquired video syndication platform 5min. Media to expand its distribution reach and has struck content partnerships with Vuguru, Ben Silverman’s Electus, Next New Networks and Telepictures Prod., among other producers. Video streams at AOL have increased by 157% from 192 million to 493 million from July 2010 to Oct. 2010, according to ComScore, with AOL’s new daily series You’ve Got racking up more than 4 million views since launching Nov. 1.
The soon-to-be new owners of Miramax are in talks to license the digital rights of a select number of feature films to YouTube to help jumpstart its limited-selection online rental offerings and the flagging Google TV platform. Viewers may have the option to rent, purchase or watch free with ads library titles such as “Pulp Fiction” and “Shakespeare in Love,” according to the LA Times. The acquisition of Miramax by Ron Tutor and Colony Capital is expected to close next month.


The verdict reached against three members of the infamous Pirate Bay file sharing site was upheld in a court last week, with Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij and Carl Lundstrom again found guilty of “contributory copyright infringement,” reports Torrent Freak. The Pirate Bay founders have been handed down prison sentences ranging from 4 to 10 months, in addition to damages of more than $6.5 million in total.


Deluxe Entertainment Services Group has signed an agreement with Ascent Media Corp. to acquire Ascent’s Creative Services and Media Services businesses, including the brands of Company 3, Beast, Method, Rushes, Encore Hollywood and Level 3 Post. The deal will help enhance the film processor’s digital services, including file based mastering, archiving, digital distribution, DVD and Blu-ray authoring. 


Retail sales on Black Friday trended upward slightly from 2009 with sales increasing .3% and traffic to stores up 2.2%, according to research firm ShopperTrak. Data shows early holiday sales and door buster promotions impacted Friday’s performance as the company saw unexpected strength in early November, with sales up over 6% through Nov. 13. ComScore pegged online Black Friday sales at $648 Million in U.S., up 9% vs. a year ago, with Turkey day sales increasing 28% to $407 million. Another researcher CoreMetrics notes that online retailers saw a 16% rise in Black Friday sales compared to last year and another boost of 33% on Thanksgiving Day itself. Online retailer, for one, reported its best Black Friday ever, with sales increasing more than 45% y/y from the previous day-after-Thanksgiving totals.
Household income levels significantly effect tech ownership and internet usage, according to an analysis of several recent surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Some 95% of Americans who live in households earning $75k or more/year use the internet at least occasionally, compared with 70% of those living in households earning less than $75k. Even among those who use the internet, the well off are more likely than those with less income to use technology. Of those 95% of 75K or more higher-income internet users:

  • 99% use the internet at home, compared with 93% of users in lower brackets
  • 93% of higher-income home internet users have some type of broadband connection versus 85% of the internet users who live in households earning less than $75k/year (translating into 87% of all those who live in those better-off households having broadband at home)
  • 95% of higher-income households own some type of cell phone compared with 83% in households with less income



Ran Harnevo, co-founder of 5min Media, will oversee the newly established AOL Video as SVP, reporting to David Eun, President, AOL Media & Studios and David Mason, SVP/AOL Content Platform.


In a move I suppose you can call better late than never, restaurant and local business ratings service Yelp, which rolled out the ability for mobile users to “check in” to the shops they frequent more than a year ago, has finally developed software to monitor frequent shopper’s status in order for business owners to offer them freebies and discounts. (It’s not clear how many users really care about reaching “duke” or “duchesses” status anymore, but discounts are always welcome in this economy.) Interestingly, the site chose to launch the new Check-in Offers for a newly redesigned Android app to begin with – indicating the growing importance of Android particularly in Yelp’s sweet spot of the S.F. Bay area.
Correction: Wednesday’s item about the temporary restraining order placed upon online re-broadcaster FilmON mistakenly named the ivi TV brand as part of the suit. FilmOn is a completely separate entity which deploys different practices, including encrypting broadcast signals and charging subscribers a fee, which ivi TV then distributes to broadcasters as a licensing fee. We regret the error.

Later —
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis Digital
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ATTENTION JOB RECRUITERS FOR THE TELEVISION AND ADVERTISING INDUSTRY – send us your contact information so we can begin to build a database for referrals.  We get people all the time around the country asking us for names of local recruiters.  Help us out – send us your contact information, name, company, address, phone, email and fax.  NY and LA are great, but we also need names of firms in Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta, DC, and elsewhere.  We have people to send you!   Email your info to [email protected].

JOB OPENING: DIR MKTG PARTNERSHIPS/Food Network/Cooking Channel/ NY. Oversee creation & execution of partnerships. 7-10 yrs exp integrated and/or partnership mktg for a media/cable/entertainment brand req’d. (12/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR, NEW BUS. & INTEGRATED MKTG/FOOD NETWK & COOKING CH/NY: Resp for mngmnt of Networks’ brand, talent & prgrmng representation. Undergrad degree req’d w/ 6-8 yrs ent and/or new bus. mktg exp. (12/3)

JOB OPENING: VP MEDIA RELS/KIDS/LA: Min 10 yrs leadership/strategic mgmt of comms; Disney Chanl, Kids TV progming. Exec/dir media rels activities. Must have establ press/key media contacts. Apply: Req 272115 (12/3)

JOB OPENING: MGR  DIGITAL RSRCH/DISNEY/CA: min 4 yrs exp in new media rsrch, exp in comScore, Omniture, web traff, quan analys, strong analytical & written skills. Apply at: (ID250326) (12/3)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/ION Media Networks/Burbank, CA: Seeks Asst for nat’l longform sales. Provide general admin support to Acct Execs, deg preferred. Full ad: EOE (12/3)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES MKTG MGR/DISH Network/NY: Dev/create ad sales mktg materials across entire portfolio incl Adv TV. Resp for ad sales brand messaging. 5+ yrs ad sales mktg/related exp. Res to: [email protected] (12/3)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/DISH Network/NY: BA pref. 3+ yrs exp in advertising/buying/planning. Knowledge/exp in broadcast/cable TV Ent. industry a +. Proficient in MS Office. Res to: [email protected] (12/3)

JOB OPENING: P&I ANALYST/DISH Network/NY: BA pref. 2+ yrs exp in inventory/planning/research. Knowledge/exp in broadcast/cable TV Ent. industry a +. Proficient in MS Office. Click here to apply.  (12/3)

JOB OPENING: VP, DIGITAL AD SALES/WFN/Denver: Manage digital sales efforts for World Fishing Network in US and Canada. Bachelor’s + 6-8 yrs in TV/Sales. Apply to: [email protected] (12/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR CORP COMMUNICATIONS/RAINBOW-NATL TRADE PR/NY: 7+yr publicity exp in Cble indstry. Creative w/ strg writing, ppl & projct mgmt skils. Must have Trde/Biz/Media contcts. Rez to: [email protected] (12/2)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/LIBERMAN BROADCASTING (ESTRELLA TV)/NY: 3+ years experience with network sales planning, Dealmaker, building proposals, maintenance, stewardship, and revenue analysis. [email protected] (12/1)

JOB OPENING: AE /Burbank, CA/ION: Sell national half-hour time, 2-3 yrs TV/Cable/DR exp, Outlook/Excel/Word/PP, must have reliable transportation. Submit resume w/salary to [email protected]. EOE (12/1)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE AD SALES/NYC/REELZCHANNEL: 3+ yrs media ad sales exp. Exp cable, network, online, mp biz, strat integ mktg solu. Resp for ad sales & sales activity of EC ofc. Send res: [email protected]   (12/1)

JOB OPENING: Sr RESEARCHER IFC/SUN/NYC: 3+yr ad sales resrch exp w/Cble/Brdcast indstry. Desgn/prep presntations, enhce sales/prgm effrt. MRI/Simmons/Omniture/Comscore/BrgtCove/NielsenTolbx/AdViews/Arianna. [email protected] (12/1)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, PROGRAM RESEARCH/Oxygen/ NYC:  Min 4 yrs exp in media research. Supports mgmt, programming, development, scheduling, press/publicity, marketing & pricing/finance. Apply@ (Job #1282882) (11/30)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE P.A-ON-AIR PROMO/ABC/LA:Update status sheets/screen shows/pull shots for VOD. Bach deg/int. in TV mktg/promos req. Excellent org & comm skills. Final cut pro a +. Resumes: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, CONSUMER INSIGHT DIGITAL/WWE/Stamford, CT: 4+ yrs exp media research; exp w/ with Omniture Site Catalyst & Search Center, HitWise, comScore Media/Plan Metrix, and Forrester required. Apply: (11/30)

JOB OPENING:   DIRECTOR INTERACTIVE ADVERTISING/Newsday/NY: 7+yrs adv sales exp driving sales/strategy w/in dig. media space. Exp selling to Nat’l & Local accts/agencies & staff mgt req’d. Email resumes to: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING:  RSRCH MGR/NFL/NY: Mng and  support design & execution of primary and secondary rsrch relating to NFL fan & brand.  4-7 yrs of mkt rsrch exp.  More info/apply: NFL – Research Manager Position (11/30)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

WINTER/SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NYC production co. seeks SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERT. Grow web presence for popular YouTube act prepping TV network pitch. Intern starts ASAP. Res/Cov Ltr to [email protected] (12/1)

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SITUATION WANTED:  SALES CLOSER in TV, FILM & NEW MEDIA 6+ years International experience in Film & TV sales, a true closer w/ strong sales record and solid management skills. email [email protected] (11/30)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMENTARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (11/30)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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