Monday, March 29th, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL



Good morning, it’s Monday, March 29, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

As Hulu ponders whether or not to increase its ad load or establish a pay wall, in a CBS Corp./Time Warner joint venture The CW has decided to double the amount of non-avoidable commercials it streams with its shows online matching what runs with the shows on air, reports the WSJ. As more and more of its younger-skewing viewers turn to the internet to watch CW shows like Gossip Girl, the network hopes to package on air and online ads at the upfronts to sell at a higher rate to advertisers. Ad loads would increase from 10 to 20 thirty-second spots per hour of programming.


Following its success charging for the WSJ and The New York Times’ stated plan to adopt a metered paywall for online readers next year, News Corp.’s U.K.-based newspapers The Times and The Sunday Times announced plans to charge readers for online news beginning in June. Visitors will pay 1 pound sterling per day or 2 pounds per week while print subscribers will get free access to the sites. New, separate websites at and will be launched in early May and will be free to registered customers during a trial period.
DreamWorks Animations‘ feature “How To Train Your Dragon” (distributed by Paramount) netted $43.3 million at the Box Office over the weekend according to Rentrak. That’s some $16 million less that the debut of the company’s “Monsters vs. Aliens” a year ago, despite the availability of 3D prints at hundreds of locations and overwhelmingly positive reviews.
Leading up to premier of season 5 on April 5, Oxygen is hosting a Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood marathon on Monday beginning at 8 am ET/PT, including on-air tweets from Tori Spelling, Dean McDermott, best friend Mehran, the Guncles and their fans. The tweets, featured in on-air snipes, provide perspectives from the series stars and fans on past seasons.


Facebook raised privacy concerns once again with a new post warning of yet another revision of its Privacy Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Details are scant, but Deputy General Counsel Michael Richter writes of “working with some partner websites that we pre-approve to offer a more personalized experience at the moment you visit the site” (via Facebook Connect) – suggesting personal data may soon be shared without opting in.
Toronto-based StickerYou is a new create-your-own sticker destination, providing a library of thousands of images or allowing users to upload their own images via its Sticker Maker widget. The company has struck brand partnerships with Peanuts, Mr. Men and Little Miss and Star Trek, among others. Weatherproof sticker sheets cost $7/sheet and ship in under a week.


Kodak announced it will again sponsor the Streamy Awards to celebrate outstanding achievements in Web television, via a live awards ceremony on April 11, 2010 at Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles, CA. Kodak’s Zi8 Pocket and Playsport Video Cameras have been named the “Official Digital Video Cameras of the Streamy Awards.”


Google says it received applications from more than 1,100 municipalities with populations of 50,000 to 500,000 residents, leading up to Friday’s deadline to volunteer to become test sites for its experimental ultra high-speed 1 GB/per second internet service. Pittsburgh has been one of the most aggressive cities to court the project, building a website PittsburghGoesGoogle supported by more than 140 local companies.
Infamous 28-year-old hacker Albert Gonzalez was sentenced to 20 years in prison in U.S. District Court for his participation in a cybercrime ring that collected tens of millions in stolen credit and debit card numbers.


TV viewing is up across the board but the way viewers are watching is changing, according to Nielsen 2010 TV Upfront Fact sheet:

  • DVRs are in 35% of American homes, with usage up 25% from a year ago
  • Online video consumption is up 16% from last year­while 44% of online video is consumed at the workplace
  • Primetime online viewing lasts from noon-6 pm, peaking at 4 pm
  • 59% of Americans use TV and internet simultaneously at least once a month
  • 242m Americans use a mobile phone and 17.6m watch mobile video each month
  • Active mobile video users grew 57% Q408 to Q409 from 11.2 m to 17.6m
  • Smartphone users make up 59% of mobile video users in Q4

Relative Use of Media
Average Time Spent using 4Q08 (hrs:mins) 4Q09 (hrs:mins) % Change Year to Year
Media per Week – Users 2+­­______________________________________________ 
TV                                        34:25                 34:37                  +1%
DVR                                        1:39                  2:04                +25%
Online*                                   3:25                   3:56               +15%
Online Video *                         0:17                   0:22                +29%
Social Networks and Blogs*      0:13                   0:40               +214%
Mobile Video**                        0:02                   0:04              +100%
Source: Nielsen * TV in the home includes Live usage plus any playback viewing within the measurement period. Timeshifted TV is playback primarily on a DVR but includes playback from VOD, DVD recorders and services like Start Over. ** The mobile figures are based on all Americans 13+.


Demand for Apple‘s iPad has pushed back the estimated delivery date of the device from April 3 to April 12 while consumers are no longer offered the option to reserve one at an Apple Store, noticed the Planet iPad blog. Best Buy is only other retail outlet that will carry the iPad from its launch date of April 3, according to MacRumors. Reports estimate that Apple has received some 250k orders for the device so far.
Charter Communications has launched a mobile app for the iPhone and BlackBerry platforms enabling users to view On Demand listings and trailers, find local service centers and view local TV listings.


Next New Networks has upped Diane deCordova to SVP/Brand Sales and hired Lisa Radist as VP/West Coast Sales, to be based in Los Angeles. The company also announced a partnership with Outrigger Media to represent the online video producer’s interest with media agencies and to manage media sales.
Sports news video agency Sports News Television has hired CNBC Biz Dev executive Martin Kay to serve as Managing Director, overseeing client services including digital solutions for sports news coverage. He takes up his new post in June 2010 from London.


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Showtime‘s Edie Falco vehicle Nurse Jackie and United States of Tara starring Toni Collette, both of which were just renewed for third seasons, have benefited from the network’s unique brand of digital marketing. Showtime broke ground by offering the pilots of these shows for free on various digital platforms to give non-subscribers a taste of what they were missing – a big help for a pay network that has much less penetration than its counterpart HBO. Current campaigns are all about increasing engagement and building buzz. The United States of Tara returns with an online journal while this Facebook personality quiz identifies users’ alternative personalities. To promote Nurse Jackie, this promotional video on YouTube draws links between NY City numbers and the numbers of nurses in Manhattan. Then tying into the new episode entitled “Twitter Dr. Cooper” premiering tonight, the Dr. Cooper character (played by Peter Facinelli) has been given his own Twitter account DoctorCoop to share inside dope on goings on at All Saints Hospital. The tweets are going to written by the show’s writing staff in real time as the show airs on the West Coast.
Corrections: It was MTV that acquired Valemont from Fireworks  International, not the other way around. Also, the new ESPN New York site doesn’t officially launch until next Friday, April 2.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC DIGITAL AD SALES/LA: Grwng/mngng onlne ad sales rev for & AETN Dig Props. Exp digital ad sales, major ad clients, & gaming. (4/3)

JOB OPENING: NBCU has an opening for an ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, DIGITAL MEDIA AD SALES; Sports & Olympics (job#1134602) please visit our career website for more information  (4/3)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALESPERSON/GMC/ATL: Sell video, display & custom sponsorships on , a leading site in the family values market. Commission only with potential for full time position. Apply to [email protected] (4/3)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL RESEARCH/TURNER BROADCASTING/ATL: Leadership role supporting Young Adult/Kid Digital Research: multiple platforms/8 yrs exp/primary/secondary/Omniture/NetRatings/4 yr degree. [email protected]   (4/3)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/CHIC OR LA/RMG NETWORKS: Join the leading away-from-home TV ent team. Build sales proposals, post analysis, research, strong excl, ppt, BA & 2-3 yrs agency/b’cast exp. Send resume: [email protected]  (4/3)

JOB OPENING:  SR. RSRCH ANALYST,RSRCH/AETN/NY:Support AETN’s dist efforts thru dvlpmnt of reports, presentations& strategies pertinent to positioning the brands w/traditional& new media dist. Apply: (4/3)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH /TV One LLC/Silver Spring, MD:  Dir. & controls devlpmnt. & execution of quantitative/qualitative resrch prgms. Eval resrch. data & recommends chgs. to senior management. See: (4/2)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST (TEMP)/TV One LLC/ Silver Spring, MD: Passion for broadcasting and cable business; background in statistical analysis & exp. with research software apps See : (4/2)

JOB OPENING: PROJECT COORD (temp)/NY: For TV Ntwrk. Mng dev of print/merch projects from concept to delivery. Knwldg of print/merch processes, & proj mgmt a must! 2+ yrs exp.  4-5 mnths starting asap. [email protected] (4/2)

JOB OPENING: At MWW-AE/SAE – NY/NJ: Focus is business/media pitching in mkt/advt/media space; online/offline digital media exp, media contacts, exp working in-house media/advt/PR agency. Apply: [email protected] (4/2)

JOB OPENING: At MWW-SVP, DIALOGUE MEDIA – NY/NJ: Lead devt, strategy/direction for social media mkt prog/services, create/execute online social media campaigns for corp entities, 10+ yrs social media req’d. Apply: [email protected] (4/2)

JOB OPENING:  Universal City- NBCU seeks MGR NON-THEATRICAL SALES & OPS.Looking for applicants eager to learn all aspects of the IFE industry,2 yrs entertainment or sales experience. Apply to job#1150059 (4/1)

JOB OPENING:  SR WRITER/PRODUCER/A&E TV Net/NY: Write, produce & conceptualize on-air promos for A&E and Bio. 5 yrs exp producing on-air promo pieces.To apply:   (4/1)

JOB OPENING:  MEDIA INDUSTRY BUSINESS ANALYSTS/NYC: Multiple.Experience w/Ad Sales, Traffic, Programming, production, rights mgmt. and requirements gathering. Use case development a plus. Apply to: [email protected] (4/1)  

JOB OPENING: VP DIR. OOH STRATEGIC SERVICES/Pearl River NY (15 miles NYC): 10+ yrs exp. in OOH Acct. mgm. , leadership, sales & media planning. Resume to: [email protected] or call 845 732-8943 (4/1)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANLYST/WE tv/NYC:  Provide support for Prog/Sched teams. 1-2 yrs exp in cable res pref. Strong anlyt/org skills a must.knwldg of Star Media & Nielsen systems. Res to ref #10658BR (4/1)

JOB OPENING: DIR, INTEGRATED ON-AIR MKTG/A&E TV Net/NY:Conceptualize& create “high end” on-air promo campaigns to maximize Ad Sales strategies. 10 yrs exp producing on-air promos.To apply: (4/1)

JOB OPENING: WEB PROD MGR/ALBUQUERQUE/REELZCHANNEL: 3+ yrs online exp. Sprvs content & design staff; uphold scheds & editorial strategy; liaison w/ TV, Mktg, PR. More info: Res: [email protected] (3/31)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Brooklyn, NY: Seeks AE for local ad sales.1-3 yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, e-media adv.  Valid NY DL.  See full posting and apply to req 9911BR (3/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Cablevision/Norwalk, CT: 1-3 yrs exp in mrkt, adv or bus related field.  Assist  sales team & mgmnt. Strong Excel and Powerpoint skills. See full posting and apply to req 10644BR (3/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/San Fran: Proposal writer to respond to RFPs. Req’s 2 yrs+ dig. media sales exp.,  strong excel, ppt, graphic design, SalesForce, @Plan, Mediavisor, Atlas & writing skills. Email: [email protected]  (3/31)

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC (2 POSITIONS)/STARGREETZ:  8+ yrs. in digital/mobile sales. Strong relationships, creative & strategic.Based in NY  LA  Chicago. College degree preferred. Apply: [email protected] (3/31)

JOB OPENING: MKTG COORD/GMC/ATL: Support Consumer, Ad Trade Mkting & Affil Mktg Depts. 3-5 yrs exp creative/media at cbl ntwrk a must. Strong writing & orgnz’l skills req. Knwldg of MS Office. Apply, send resume: [email protected] (3/30)

JOB OPENING: NBCU/NY:has an ANALYST, CHILLER SALES RESEARCH POSITION available working with the Research Department. Visit for more info and to apply (3/30)

JOB OPENING: NBC Universal has an opening for a DIGITAL ACCOUNT MANAGER/NYC. Please visit for more information (3/30)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF LICENSING, CONSUMER PRODUCTS/AETN, NY: Develop/execute global strategy for monetizing AETN brands & IP through goods and services. Apply: (3/30)

JOB OPENING EXEC ASST/Rainbow/NYC: Exp’d administrative professional to support busy Sr Exec in corp comm group. 2-3 yrs exp exec supp, cable/net exp pref. res to #10856BR (3/30)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS ENTERTAINMENT is looking for summer interns for MKTG & SOCIAL MEDIA in Washington, DC. Apply on & search for ID #4133. CONTACT: Alaina Appleman [email protected] (4/1)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:  RESEARCH/MKTG MGR/NY:  Excellent analytical and pres skills. Highly creative w/ability to transform data into a sell-able story. Exp. in general and Hispanic markets. Broadcast, Digital, Publishing. [email protected] (4/2)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER. Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (4/1) 

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION MANAGER: 10+ Yrs of industry experience. Worked for Bravo, Discovery, Animal Planet, TRU & Playboy.Travel exp, multiple crews, cool under fire, on-time & under budget. Please contact [email protected] (4/1)

SITUATION WANTED: CORPORATE CONCIERGE/PERSONAL ASSISTANT LA: Years of experience with Los Angeles A-List companies and celebrities. Looking for new assignment. [email protected] (4/1)

SITUATION WANTED:  SR LEVEL/DIR of TALENT ACQ: Entertainment exp, recruit all levels including execs. Will relocate, 15 yrs exp, contract or permanent.Hunter mentality and expert sourcer. Available immediately.Contact:  [email protected] (3/31)

SITUATION WANTED: EIC/LINE PRODUCER Available now.10+ yrs exp. Variety, Docu-Reality, Game Show, Scripted, Competition/Elimination- Mngd Productions for major TV & cable nets. Looking for next project. [email protected] (3/31)

SITUATION WANTED: SALES/RESEARCH DIR/STRATEGIST: 20+ yrs media, Nielsen, Hisp, research, sales, and presentation experience. How can I help you? Email: [email protected] (3/30)

SITUATION WANTED: BROADCAST TALENT MANAGER.Very experienced in all facets of talent including payments, celebrity negotiations and music licensing.Freelance or Staff. [email protected] (3/30)

SITUATION WANTED: MARKETING CONSULTANT available to develop marketing plans on a fee project basis. Advertising, direct marketing and sales promotion experience for the last 23 years. Contact: [email protected] (3/30)

SITUATION WANTED: 5 PRIME TIME EMMYS/ DOC. PROD, DIR., WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (3/30)

SITUATION WANTED: Creative COPYWRITER. Award-winning, all media, affordable. [email protected]. For FREE samples, visit (3/30)

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