Monday, July 22nd, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Monday, July 22, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Goooooool! Join us on Aug. 14 when we present Telemundo staple Andres Cantor with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit. Cantor, of course, is an internationally known star behind the microphone, calling countless soccer matches all over the world and his goal calls have become iconic for both Telemundo and sports culture in the United States. Telemundo Executive Vice President of Sports Jorge Hidalgo will present the honor. Tickets are on sale now at


Broadcast networks have been threatening to move their programming to a paid-cable model if the court system continues to let streaming businesses such as Barry Diller’s Aereo stream their content without payment. But Chet Kanojia, Aereo’s founder and CEO, told C-SPAN Saturday that he didn’t think that will happen: “I have a very difficult time believing that lawmakers are going to sit idle while this develops and as… consumers [don’t] have access to broadcast TV,” he said. Kanojia also said that he didn’t think Congress would change the rules that have allowed Aereo to continue business as usual: “There’s a desire [in Congress] to support innovation, create competition, and have choice,” he said. Aereo is currently available in New York, Boston, and Atlanta and has plans to soon be in about two dozen more cities.

YouTube’s Machinima channel had 20.4 million viewers last month who stuck around for an average of 76 minutes. That’s good enough to make it the seventh largest channel on YouTube. The company that produces gaming-related videos has a “crazy, engaged, and ravenous” fan base, according to CEO Allen DeBevoise. Now Machinima would like to capitalize on that and is seeking $80 million in funding in order to get a subscription-based online video service that’s feature fanboy content started up, Reuters reports. Machinima, which already has $35 million in Google-backed funding, would help create and license full-length, 44-minute gaming-related films to distribute. DeBevoise aims to “be a company in the spirit of HBO and AMC, but in an over-the-top (online) world.”
In Other Words: Machinima’s planned channel will give such partners as Warner Brothers and Paramount access to a mostly young male market that can be difficult to connect with otherwise.

While Netflix was busy celebrating the Emmy nominations given to its House of Cards and Arrested Development shows last Thursday, it also was dealing with rumblings started by a Tumblr blog What Netflix Does that collected examples of the streaming service drastically cropping the image size of some films. Netflix, though, told the Huffington Post that it denies that any images were intentionally cut and any such shifts were completely made in error.


One superhero that was introduced at Comic-Con International in San Diego this past weekend who was a bit of a surprise was 80-year-old Kay D’Arcy, who plays the title role in Agent 88, a web series about an aging assassin that will launch Aug. 8 for 88 cents. The series was inspired by a YouTube video of an older woman who fought back against robbers. D’Arcy can thank her years of work at tai chi for her ability to do some of her own stunts in the series. Series creator Digger T. Mesch can probably thank his casting find’s salability for helping his project bring in more than $100,000 on Kickstarter.

Self-described as “the show the networks should be afraid of,” gritty web-based drama Cream debuts today on YouTube ( The show tells the story of a corrupt hip hop entrepreneur, and features new music from up-and-coming artists. Exactly what is it that should have the nets shaking in their boots? Clayton Prince gives Cynopsis an example. “One of the major storylines deals with sexual responsibility and STDs,” says the actor/director/writer. “This makes a lot of networks nervous, but we feel this is subject matter that should be talked about.”

Collective Digital Studio has just added another channel to the more than 200 on its digital network. Improv Everywhere, the New York-based public-performance group that has created such frivolity as the annual No Pants Subway Ride, has joined CDS in the hopes of bringing its content to even more eyeballs. The group already has 1.3 million subscribers on its YouTube channel. Improv Everywhere will join the party with more than 135 videos, including the 33-million-view Frozen Grand Central and the very sweet Best Game Ever when the group does everything it can to turn a Little League game into a Major League experience.


Digital video brand advertising solutions YuMe has announced an advertising partnership with VidZone, a music-video application for connected TV devices that is available on PlayStation 3. YuMe will be the ad-serving platform for VidZone in America, allowing it to serve up targeted ads to the end consumers.
In Other Words: Because VidZone’s users are in discovery mode – actively searching for and selecting music video and related content – ads can become more targeted with each choice.


AOL has hired Bob Lord to be CEO of AOL Networks as of August 1. Lord’s most recent gig was Global CEO of Razorfish and CEO of Publicis Groupe’s Digital Technologies Division. Lord will also serve as the chair of a new partnership between AOL and Publicis Groupe that will result in the creation of PAL (Publicis AOL Live), the world’s first live digital advertising product with live syndicated distribution and real-time consumer connection tools and metrics.


Since Burning Man got started in the late ’80s, it has operated using 10 lofty-sounding principles, such as Decommodification, Radical Self-Reliance, Gifting, Immediacy, and Communal Effort. Bay Area creative agency The UDDA (Unified Digital Design Associates) had the idea of taking those principles and creating a mobile game, Zammis Adventures. In the spirit of that last principle, UDDA has asked people to throw in whatever cash they can on Kickstarter in order to help make a game that has characters going on an epic violence-free quest.


New research from Parks Associates shows that around 14% of smartphone and tablet owners used them to watch TV. However, of those who had did so in the last six months, more than 60% had watched TV on their device less than three times a month. Those between 18 and 34 were more open to using mobile apps for entertainment while anyone older than that was less interested. The survey also found that some of the more popular TV-related apps were associated with AMC’s The Walking Dead and Fox’s Glee.
In Other Words: Most people still prefer to watch shows on larger screens, but as content becomes more tailored for mobile, expect these numbers to continue to climb.
Some have said that the best things in life are free. If you’re into apps, that may be true. In Apple’s App Store, 90% of all iOS apps available don’t cost a dime, according to a new study from Flurry Analytics. Since 2010, Flurry reports, free apps were consistently between 80% and 84%, but that rose this year. Also, developers who went to market with a paid app often switch to a free model – 65%, in fact. In April, the number jumped to 80%.
In Other Words: App designers are getting revenue from in-app purchases and advertisements, or only offering limited versions of their apps in the free model and then charging users in order to upgrade.


Cynopsis: Sports Webinar
: Sports & Second Screen: Driving fan engagement and brand ROI
JULY 25 ~ 1:30-3:00pm ET ~ $295/site
This 90-min webinar will deliver the latest insights, case studies and tactics to take advantage of the second screen experience, which is rapidly changing the face of the sports world.
Rob Shaw
(Bloomberg Sports), Gus Weber (ESPN)
Chris Lencheski (Front Row Marketing Services) with Special Guest  Barry Switzer
Chris Pursell


For those of you who couldn’t make it to Comic-Con International this past weekend in San Diego, don’t worry about it. There are plenty of folks who were there that are happy to tell you all about it, including Trish Hershberger, otherwise known as @ThatGrlTrish on Twitter. She dresses up for Comic-Con and gives a great tour of all the lunacy, getting behind all the PR luster of the big-name PR that went on there. At its heart, Comic-Con is a place for all sorts of curious folks to gather and express themselves. To paraphrase Trish’s Twitter bio, Nerds Rule.

See you tomorrow,
Mark Miller 

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JOB OPENING: DIR, PR/TURNER BROADCASTING/BURBANK: 7+yrs TV publicity exp at ntwrk, studio or agency & comprehensive knwldg of ent/cable ind. Strong relationships with key print, brdcst & online media outlets essential. Resume HERE (7/27)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, CONSUMER MARKETING/National Geographic Channel/ Washington D.C.: Develop ads & media strategies. Manage off-air campaign schedules. 5 yrs exp min. Entertainment/agency exp a must. Apply: (7/26)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NBC UNIVERSAL/MID WEST: Design/animate show & live event graphics (opens, lower thirds, transitions, bumps, boxes, billboards, snipes, etc.) Fulfill daily news/live event requests for graphics APPLY HERE: (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NEWS & EDITORIAL PRODUCER/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: As the News & Editorial Producer for Weekend TODAY you will be responsible for writing opens and teases. You will also produce live segments and write segment intros. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ANALYST AD SALES/NBC Universal/NYC: Description: 1-3 yrs media rsrch exp, support Sports & Olympics sales rsrch, proficient w/rsrch software, able to visually comm insights, provide mktplce insights. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. Apply: (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, DIGITAL AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs exp online or other new media research. Knwldg of Nielsen & ComScore reqd. Strg knwldge of Adobe/Omniture anlytics pref (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 3+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills (7/26)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES COORD/NBC UNIVERSAL/WEST COAST: Assist VP of Sales and Syndication, Maint nati’l sales orders, revisions, pre-emptions/make goods, post-logs, and discrepancies for the dept. Apply HERE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRGRMNG & ORIG DVLPMENT/FOX INT’L CHANNELS/LA: Identify writers/ prod’s for TV dvlpmnt & TV formats/books/other source material. 5 yrs relevant work exp w/Min 2yrs exp dvlpmnt &/or current prgrmng @ studio. Apply HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF TALENT/VIACOM/NYC: Coord talent booking, strategy, plan’g logistics, & oversight at quarterly tentpole events and throughout the year for specific ntwks needs. 5-7 yrs related job exp. Full info/apply: HERE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Fox Broadcasting Co/Chicago: 2+ years digital media buying exp req, strong Excel skills req, knowledge of Comscore & media sales systems (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/Nashville or KC: You choose. Support GM/Sales/News for multiple stations. Requires strong working kwldg of Nielsen. Ability to estimate/make projections & 1 sheets. Apply online at EOE (7/25)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/Cynopsis/NY: Write daily Digital e-pub covering news for dig. TV ind; write special reports & help produce webinars and award shows. Excellent news reporting& writing & exp in digital industry a must. Resume HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR RSCH & INSIGHTS, YOUTH & MUSIC/VIACOM INT’L/NY: Overseeing Youth & Music brand rsrch & insights  BA degree. Min 5+yrs media rsrch exp, pref analytical exp TV- ratings & dig data. Full info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ADVRTSNG, DIG & EMERGING MEDIA STANDARDS & PRACTICES/VIACOM/NYC: Daily review of scripted/filmed advertising material to ensure compliance with laws, regulations & ntwk policies. Min 2yrs exp TV/ent. Info/apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL/Viacom/NYC: Negotiate/draft/review for execution by mngmnt, intellectual property license agreements for the consumer products bus. Min 3yrs legal practice and a current license. Full info/apply HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: LEGAL COORD/A&E Networks/NYC: Provide admin support to 3 attorneys & 1 mgr with focus on Litigation and Trademark matters. 5-6 yrs min legal exp highly orgnz’d & team player. #165878, (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD SALES RESEARCH ANALYST/NYC: MUST have 1 yr dig rsrch exp. Analyze digtl and crss-pltfrm metrics. Exp. w comScore, Nielsen @Plan, NPower and/or Omniture. Apply: HERE (7/24)

JOB OPENING: INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS and a DEPUTY EDITOR /The American Independent/DC: Candidates must be based in Washington, DC. Strong investigative and narrative writing skills are a must. Send resume to: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: ADVERTISING ACCT MGR/Revolution Media/Woodland Hills CA: must have 6+ years of proven experience in retail advertising and retail marketing environment. To respond to this opportunity, go HERE (7/23)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/GSN/NY: 2yrs digital sales/gaming; Promote and sell casual/core games across digital properties incl expanding advertiser relationships. Please send res + cl to [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE & ADVANCED TV RESEARCH ANALYST/DISH MEDIA SALES/NYC: Rsch exp. w/TV & digitalmeasurement.Research brands, analyze data, identify trends & findings. Presentation skills needed. Apply: [email protected] (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FRLNC PHOTO COORD/NYC: Long-term to edit/curate/archive photos; support photo needs for all depts; photo asset mgmt. Reqs: 1-2 yrs exp, strong asset mgmt/comm skills, great creative eye. Full descpt (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Direct prod team w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Ability to call a show is a must. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: (7/23)

JOB OPENING: CONTROL ROOM TECHNICAL DIRECTOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk. Partnr w/Prod, EP, Talent daily.Control tech prod of programming blocks. 5+ yrs exp: Digital, Broadcast, Prod. Resume: (7/23)

JOB OPENING: LIVE STUDIO GRAPHIC OPERATOR/CHI: Key member of digital sports netwrk.Able to work indep. Kwldg of variety of prod control room & studio op. 4+ yrs exp; Chyron Duet or equiv. Resume: (7/23)

JOB OPENING: FOX MGR STD & PRACTICES/LA: Resp for ensuring that guidelines & procedures are adhered to for programming content & advertising. BA/BS. 3+ years exp in entertainment. Read & write Spanish pref. (7/23)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PR INTERN/MPRM Communications/LA: Ability to interact in a fast-paced PR office. Exce organz’l skills, oral & written comm skills mandatory. Juggle several tasks at once a must. Email: [email protected] (7/25)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: LA-based Producer & Showrunner: with nearly 20 years worth of experience in non-fiction TV (news, talk, lifestyle, reality). I’m a great VO writer and a monster show, field, and post producer. Resume & reel at (7/27)

SITUATION WANTED: REALITY/DOCU-SOAP/COMEDY PRODUCER/NY-STAMFORD: TV/Digital team leader with proven track record with MTV, HGTV, BET, SHO, TV LAND is available for a new project. Contact: [email protected] (7/24)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/PRODUCER/EDITOR/ASPEN, CO: 10+ years exp shooting & editing documentaries, commercials & lifestyle living programs for PBS, NBC, PlumTV and more. Speaks fluent Japanese. email: [email protected] (7/24)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER: Talented, creative and reliable producer equipped with excellent AVID and FCP story editing skills looking to get busy in the NYC area. I will work within your budget – email at [email protected] (7/24)

SITUATION WANTED: SR PRODUCER: In non-profit/educational field seeks opportunities as producer, segment producer, production coordinator in cable, prod house, etc. NYC–based, open to any and all new challenges. [email protected] (7/24)

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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