Monday, January 28th, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Monday, January 28, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

We are pleased to announce that Roberta Caploe has joined Cynopsis as Editorial Director. She will oversee all of Cynopsis’s e-newsletters and e-special reports, including Cynopsis flagship, Cynopsis Digital, Cynopsis Sports, and Cynopsis Kids. She’ll also collaborate on the development of the growing roster of Cynopsis Media business summits, awards events, Webinars, and other initiatives. Roberta will be attending NATPE — so please feel free to reach out to her at [email protected].

Online video programmer My Damn Channel is launching the My Damn Channel Comedy Network today. The new multi-channel network will premiere “hundreds” of new comedy series in 2013, all of which will be available on and the company’s roster of channels on YouTube. This large-scale expansion will be managed, curated, and programmed by Founder/CEO Rob Barnett; My Damn Channel Co-Founder/COO Warren Chao; newly anointed Director/Programming and Acquisitions Eric Mortensen; Editor-in-Chief Maria Diokno; Director/Talent & Audience Development Molly Templeton; Director/Production Melissa Schneider; and Director/Sales David Kaplan. 2012 was a big year for My Damn Channel, as the company reports that it elevated revenue by 300%; videos produced by 268%; YouTube subscribers by 366%; Youtube views in the US by 550%; and total video views by 91% in 2012 versus 2011. Content creators who want to join the new Comedy Network have to sign a non-exclusive, one-year licensing and distribution deal to showcase their work on and the company’s YouTube channels. My Damn Channel will share revenue with creators as well as provide distribution, promotion, marketing, and social media support. Information on how to submit videos to the new Network can be found here.


Prospect Park’s The Online Network (TOLN) has reached an agreement with Hulu and Apple to distribute new episodes of All My Children and One Life to Live on Hulu/Hulu Plus and iTunes. “I believe that both Hulu and iTunes have the vision, the reach, and the technology to help us launch TOLN in a significant way,” said Prospect Park Chairman and CEO, Jeff Kwatinetz, in a statement. “Through both of these partners, we hope daytime drama fans are absolutely delighted to be able to watch their favorite programs in a broadcast-quality HD format wherever and whenever they want.” Per the deal with Hulu, new 30-minute episodes of both soap operas will be available every weekday. Hulu will handle ad sales for both shows, and will look to “package integrated sponsorship opportunities.” TOLN will also offer e-commerce and other digital marketing initiatives. In 2011, Prospect Park signed a multi-year licensing deal with Disney/ABC Domestic Television Group to continue production on All My Children and One Life to Live (the series ended their TV runs in September 2011 and January 2012, respectively). Prospect Park also inked a consulting agreement with Agnes Nixon, the creator of both series, to guarantee her active involvement going forward.

The BBC Sport iOS app, which launched a couple of weeks ago, has now been updated to include live and on-demand video content. This update extends to BBC Sport’s mobile website, which will now offer live and on-demand video clips as well. Live events that will be featured on BBC Sport’s mobile products include the on-going Australian Open and upcoming events like F1 racing, Six Nations rugby, and Wimbledon. Users will also be able to access BBC’s sports shows like Match of the Day.


C A L L   F O R   E N T R I E S !

Like the market it serves, the kids content business emanates creativity. Cynopsis: Kids !magination Awards honor the best in kids programming & marketing – now’s your chance to win a crystal !magination Award.

Entry Deadline: February 20, 2013
Late Submission Deadline: February 27, 2013
Awards Ceremony: June 2013


The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) have released the Mobile Phone Creative Guidelines for public comment. The guidelines aim to simplify the development of mobile ad units across the industry. The guidelines include specifications for both basic and rich media units, and supplement MMA’s Universal Mobile Ad Package as well as align with the IAB’s Display Advertising Guidelines. In developing the set of guidelines, the MMA and IAB incorporated input from a range of marketing and media executives. Among the things they address include factors such as different data connections, carrier plans, Z-Index range, and the impact reduced processing power can have on file load size and web display. The public comment period ends on February 25, 2013, after which the MMA and IAB will evaluate feedback, make any needed changes, and release a final version.


Raycom Sports, a North Carolina-based sports sales & marketing, syndication, and production firm, is using T3Media’s T3 Library Manager product for web-based access to its library of ACC football and men’s basketball content. “The [T3 Library Manager] enables ACC Network producers to locate archived ACC moments within seconds, preview a web version of the content, make edits online, and download the edited footage they need directly into tools like Avid Media Composer,” said Chad Swofford, Senior Director/New Media and Business Development at Raycom Sports. Raycom Sports will use the T3 Library Manager to integrate ACC archival content into the ACC Network’s productions, including live TV broadcasts, original shows, and mobile apps.


Worldwide smartphone shipments represented 45.5% of all mobile phone shipments in Q4 2012 — the highest percentage ever — according to new data released by the International Data Corporation (IDC). Overall, vendors shipped 219.4 million smartphones during Q4, which amounted to a year-over-year growth of 36.4%, slightly below IDC’s forecast of 39.5% for the quarter. Looking at all of 2012, IDC reports that 712.6 million smartphones were shipped globally, a 44.1% increase over 2011. Unsurprisingly, Samsung and Apple stood tall as the top smartphone vendors. In Q4 2012, Samsung shipped 63.7 million smartphone units globally, cultivating a 29.0% market share. Apple shipped 47.8 million iPhones, which equaled a market share of 21.8%. But looking away from the high-end manufacturers, all’s not lost for other vendors in the market. “Vendors with unique market advantages, such as lower-cost devices, can rapidly gain market share, especially in emerging markets. A good example is Huawei, which overtook LG as a Top 5 vendor in the overall mobile phone market and passed HTC to become a Top 5 smartphone vendor,” said Kevin Restivo, Senior Research Analyst at IDC.

TV Everywhere (TVE) services from TV networks seem to be doing better with consumers than similar offerings from pay-TV providers. New research from Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK) shows that 64% of consumers in pay TV homes are aware of TVE services from TV networks, and 37% have ever used them (via standard or mobile websites and apps). In comparison, only 52% of consumers in pay TV homes said they are aware of TVE services from pay-TV companies, and 30% reported having ever used them. To conduct this study, GfK screened 1,275 people, ages 13 to 64, for having a pay-TV service in their households. Of these, 1,008 people were identified as pay-TV subscribers and took the full survey. Other findings include: 30% of pay-TV respondents reported using a TV network’s mobile website to access TVE features, and 34% have used a network’s app. For pay-TV services, those numbers were lower: 25% for mobile websites, 26% for apps.


ConnecTV has launched a new Social TV Timeline capability that allows users to sync their mobile devices to the program they’re watching in order to access additional content such as news, bios, polls, and celebrity tweets. The Timeline also features a “guest star” chat option, which allows users to converse with show talent and celebrities. In the past, this feature has been used to connect fans with stars from shows like Pretty Little Liars, Dancing with the Stars, and The X-Factor, as well as Super Bowl and Heisman Trophy-winning athletes. The Social TV Timeline is available via, the ConnecTV app on iOS devices, and a module that third-party sites can integrate into their websites and apps. The SocialTV Timeline launch follows the announcement of ConnecTV’s AdSync Network, which enables users to “act” on TV ads by tapping on synchronized companion ads in order to purchase the product, see special promotions, watch additional product videos, find a nearby store, and/or enter into a contest.


Coinciding with the launch of the new My Damn Channel Comedy Network, the company’s Founder/CEO Rob Barnett has appointed Eric Mortensen to the newly created position of Director/Programming and Acquisitions. He comes from Blip, where he was Senior Director/Content and Network Programming.







For Cinemax’s upcoming original series Banshee, the premium channel has launched, which features a transmedia element tied to the TV series. Working with Tin Punch Media, show-runner Greg Yaitanes (House) created a different title sequence for each episode of Banshee. Each title sequence features clues to characters’ back-stories. Viewers can take these clues and input them on The Vault section on the website in order to “unlock” additional content. Created by Jonathan Tropper and David Schickler, Banshee is executive-produced by Tropper, Schickler, Yaitanes, Peter Macdissi, and True Blood and Six Feet Under honcho Alan Ball. Starring Anthony Starr, the show is set in a small town in Pennsylvania Amish country and follows an ex-con who has assumed the identity of a recently murdered sheriff.

Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Associate Editor for Cynopsis Digital

Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Media Entertainment
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: DIR, DIG AD SALES/NBC SPORTS REGIONAL NETWORKS/NY: work with/oversee dig. ad sales: 2 nat’l rep firms, NBC TV Stations and Fox Home Team sports; meet/exceed revenue targets. More info/apply: HERE (2/2)

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC DIG MEDIA SALES (3)/CRACKLE NTWRK/LA/Chi/NYC: Dev new bus/mng accts, 5yrs dig adv exp, & 2 yrs video media sales req. Proven track rec dvlpng 7 Figure+ deals – brand/client contacts/agencies. [email protected] (2/2)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DIGITAL RESEARCH/FOOD NETWORK/COOKING CHANNEL/New York: 5 yrs digital analytics exp; competence with web metrics tools: Omniture SiteCatalyst & Discover. Aptitude for analyzing & synthesizing data. Apply HERE (2/2)

JOB OPENING: TEMP MKTG SUP/SHOWTIME/NYC: coordinate consumer mktg, branding and on-air campaigns for Smithsonian Channel. Min 3 yrs exp. Organized, creative, media and marketing savvy. Apply at (2/2)

JOB OPENING: CAMPAIGN MGR/Crackle Ntwrk Ad Ops/NYC: Lead dvlpmt of the ad trafficking team to support US ops. Be liaison regarding tech integrations/ad serving upgrades/custom unit implementations, etc. Resume: [email protected] (2/2)

JOB OPENING: SUPV CONSUMER CONNECTIONS/St Louis: Asst mgr. in dev. strategic recommendations for achieving media & marketing obj’s. 3 yr media exp. Resume to: (2/1)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH/PROJECT MGR/Latitude/BOS: Join innovative media rsrch firm: established exp. w/mkt rsrch, pgt mgmt & clnt relations; attn. to detail & strong writing – Apply: [email protected] (2/1)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL MKTG (DOMESTIC THEATRICAL) LA: 20 CENTURYFOX Oversee mkting for domestic theatrical releases that touch Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, PR and Sales Mgr.  Apply: (FFE0000797) (2/1)

JOB OPENING: SVP, INT’L PROG & CONTENTMUSIC & YOUTH/NYC/London: 15+ yrs exp. in TV Prog/Acquis/Dev; Min 3yrs @VP level & above; Exp. Youth demo across cultures/languages; Exp. w/Brdcst TV. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply (2/1)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR PUBLICIST/E!/NBCUniversal/Los Angeles, CA: Publicize & Promote E! programming including E! News & E! Online. Exp.w/ Consumer TV PR Req; Breaking news exp. desired. Job#7375BR (1/31)

JOB OPENING: SR. WRITER/PRODUCER, ON AIR PROMOS/E!/Los Angeles, CA: Write, and produce promos for network and programming. 4 yrs. promo or advertising exp. required; Must be a true creative! Job#5591BR (1/31)

JOB OPENING: VP, PRICING & PLAN’G/SUNDANCE/NYC: Mng financial plan’g, forecasting, reports for Ad Sales Finance. Est’d upfront & scatter rate cards. Review proposals, oversee mgmt ntwk inventory. (1/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/PLANNER/American Target Network/NYC: Dvlp Sales prop, work w/agency buyers, 3 yrs+ exp in TV, must be very orgnzd, media math, Nielson, excel & PP skills a must. Apply: [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR STRATEGY & CONS MKTG/LIFETIME MKTG/NY: Mng strat plng, cons mktg & digital/tradit’l media initiatives. 7+yrs strategy exp within an ad agency, ent mktg exp, media plng exp. BA/BS Deg Apply: (1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, FINANCE & ADMIN OPS/DirecTV/NYC: Oversee expense mgmt. & reporting / revenue trends/financial modeling BA/BS Req’d (MBA Pref’d) 12+ yrs exp Ad Industry /Mgmt Exp + Strategy & Dvlpmnt (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES MKTG/DISH MEDIA SALES/NY: Generate mktg strategies & supporting ad sales materials. Oversee presentation dvlpmnt, mktg partnerships, events & external comm. 5-7 yrs exp. Resumes: [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MKT. MGR./RLTV/MD: 5+ yrs mkt. exp. at a network or entertain. co.; min. 3+ yrs exp. in digital & social media; develop/execute digital and consumer mkt. materials and consumer contact. B.A req. Apply: [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STANDARDS & PRACTICES/DISNEY/BURBANK: Review Original & Acquired ABC Family shows. Knowledge primetime & family programming. Strong communication & negotiating skills. S&P exp req. REQ 54793 (1/31)

JOB OPENING: LOCAL MEDIA SALES POSITIONS/Vidicom/NY/Chi: Lead sales efforts selling brand integration opptys for the Citybuzz DOOH Ntwrk. Strong kwldg local ad mktplace & non-trad media.1-3 yrs exp req’d. Res to: [email protected] (1/30)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL DIR/Bleacher Report/NYC: Min 8 yrs Digital Mkting exp. Must be passionate about sports. Partner with sales to bring Promos to market, spec focusing on Bleacher Report. To apply: click here: (1/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRICING & PLANNING/Fox Sports Media Group/NY: 3-5 yrs Media Ad Sales, planning or research req. Reporting & forecasting. Must have exp w/Ad Sales Systems, Excel, analytical & math skills req. (1/29)

JOB OPENING: MGR, AFFILIATE RELATIONS & PROMOTION/NBCUniversal/Stamford, CT: Relations & promo contact for 4 NBC produced shows. Exp.w/TV syndication req; affiliate relations desired. Job#8455BR (1/29)

JOB OPENING: ADV (ONLINE TRAFFIC) ACCT MGR (86025BR) & DIGITAL PLANNER (86025BR)/ABC Owned/NY: For more info & to apply: or forward resume to: [email protected] (1/29)

JOB OPENING: WRITER PRODUCER/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL: 5+ years industry related exp. Resp for concept development, writing, production & proj mngt of creative on-air promo & campaigns for network. Resume to: [email protected] (1/29)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SLS RESEARCH/Vh1/NY: 5+yrs rsch exp, proficient in Nielsen systems, MRI, Lake 5, Support P&I needs, Develop unique rsch metrics & methods of measurement, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. (1/29)

JOB OPENING: DIR, RSCH/Turner/ATL: 8+ yrs media rsch &/or plan’g exp. Media agency exp pref’d & Strong knwldg of rsrch systems such as NPower, IMS, Adviews, MEMRI. Resume: (1/29)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  INTERN/NUVOtv/NY: Support Pricing & Planning/Ad Sales Dep. NY Office. Strong comm. & writing skills a must. Strong MS Office Skills req. Must be enrolled in a credit-only course. Resume to: [email protected] EOE (2/1)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: DP/EDITOR (LA): 15+ years exp. Reality, Corporate, Music Video, News, Live, New Media. ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC, ESPN; Full Pkg. Mobile FC Edit System. [email protected] (travels) (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER (LA): 10+ years exp. Field & Story; Shooter; Casting; Discovery, NBC, VH1, E!, CMT, Disney, History, CNN, etc. LA based, can work local in NY. [email protected] (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED: CASTING PRODUCER/AP/FIELD PRODUCER: with 6+ years in production and a casting background, looking for new full time or freelance job opportunities in NY. [email protected]  (1/31)

SITUATION WANTED: MARKETING CONSULTANT: Over 20 years marketing experience in digital video and cable television.  Capabilities include branding, positioning, market planning, strategy creation and execution.  Contact: [email protected] (1/31)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 888.702.3858 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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