Monday, December 10th, 2012

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Monday, December 10, 2012, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

If you watched a video on YouTube over the weekend, you probably noticed that the site has undergone a noticeable facelift. The new design prioritizes what has been the central tenet of the YouTube video philosophy over the past year — channels and subscriptions. To that end, the new design lets users access their channel subscriptions, regardless of the device they’re using to visit and surf the site. The Channel Guide is also available on every page of the site, cataloging new videos available from each subscription so users know how many new videos are available for viewing. To boost video discovery and keep users around on the site longer, the Guide also offers recommendations and information on which content users’ friends are sharing across the web. In terms of viewing aesthetics, videos have been pushed up to the top of the page accompanied by the usual social buttons, including those to subscribe, share, and view more information. So have video playlists, which are available to the right of each video.


Speaking of YouTube: It has inked a deal with Virgin America to bring the original programming initiative 35,000 feet into the air. The site will offer shows from five of its original programming partners for free on all Virgin America planes in the US and Mexico. The five channels/shows covered under this agreement are H+ The Digital Series (from Warner Bros. and Bryan Singer), Blue (from the WIGS scripted drama channel), Written by a Kid (from Geek & Sundry), Crash Course (from John Green), and The Key of Awesome (from Barely Political). These shows will arrive on Virgin America flights through the company’s in-flight entertainment system, beginning on December 15. Going forward, YouTube says new series and shows will be available every two months.

“Charlie Bit My Finger,” which is one of the most popular viral videos of all-time on YouTube, has topped 500 million views. In making this announcement, Viral Spiral, a management and marketing company that looks to connect viral content with brands, agencies, and production companies, has teamed up with online video distributor Rightster to launch three new series featuring the kids from the original viral hit. The pilot episodes for each new show — Biting News, King of the Week, and Charlie Bites… Toys — are already available via their own YouTube channels, categorized under the “Charlie Bit Me” brand. Viral Spiral and Rightster have also elected to share some consumption/device data about the original viral hit. According to the companies, 73.5% of all views of the original video in 2012 came from smartphone or tablet devices. This is compared to 45.2% in 2011 and 22.4% in 2010. The original “Charlie Bit My Finger” video was recently selected by EE to star in one of six TV spots with Kevin Bacon as part of a multimillion pound 4G ad campaign.


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Question-and-answer service ChaCha is launching a new social engagement platform called Social Reactor, which aims to connect advertisers with consumers through influential people on sites such as Twitter and Tumblr. For these “social influencers” and celebrities, they can earn some additional revenue by aligning with brands to drive traffic to the brand’s website, video, mobile property, or anything else relevant to the campaign. For advertisers, ChaCha says Social Reactor offers access to 250 million followers across various social media platforms. During its beta phase, ChaCha reports that Social Reactor demonstrated up to 6x revenue increases for brands through its social ad campaigns. The platform is already delivering 2 million visits per day. It has also received the endorsement of Daymond John, star of ABC’s Shark Tank alongside Mark Cuban.


The television and the computer are the two most popular devices for watching video content, according to the results of the latest Verizon FiOS Innovation Index: Borderless Lifestyle Survey. Conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Verizon between November 16 and 20 of this year, the survey of 2,324 US adults, ages 18 and over, finds that 80% of consumers still prefer the television screen for watching video content. In comparison, 40% of respondents said they watch video content on a laptop computer and 33% said they do so via desktop computers. These devices are followed by smartphones (19%), connected gaming consoles (16%), and tablets (15%). When these numbers are broken down by “borderless consumers” versus “non-borderless consumers,” it shows that borderless consumers are more likely to consume video content across all different screen types (85% watch video via TVs; 53% via laptops; 39% via desktops; 36% via smartphones; 24% via connected consoles; and 31% via tablets).The survey defines a borderless consumer as one who owns a laptop or desktop; owns a smartphone or tablet; has an internet-enable device at all times; is motivated to make technology and connectivity upgrades; and is interested in the benefits of a connected home. Per Verizon, 39% of US adults are currently borderless consumers. Among the other findings:

  • 40% of borderless consumers are interested in interacting with TV commercials via their phones or tablets.
  • 74% of all consumers believe all the electronics in the house should be connected both to the internet and with each other (90% of borderless consumers want this).
  • 60% of all consumers want to access their files and content on any device, at any time, and anywhere (82% of borderless consumers want this).


Sony Movie Channel (SMC) has launched a new digital campaign to offer viewers an enhanced second-screen/social viewing experience tied to the 2009 film Julie & Julia. At the center is a new Facebook app, which will be available through December. The app, which is available via a standalone tab on SMC’s Facebook page, features an array of content, from an interactive recipe guide to movie trivia. The recipe section is powered by, an online community and cookbook app publishing platform. Other aspects of the digital campaign include a new Julie & Julia sticker for those who check-in to the channel on GetGlue. The sticker will also be available until December 31. SMC plans to air the movie, which stars Amy Adams and Meryl Street in the titular roles, several times during this month.

Amazon is offering a new A/B testing capability for free to Kindle Fire developers. This will allow developers to simultaneously test different treatments of their apps, access data on what’s working best, and make necessary changes to improve the end-user experience. The A/B testing beta SDK can be downloaded here. In the same announcement, the company reported that app downloads in the Amazon Appstore have grown more than 500% over the previous year.

The iPhone is finally coming to T-Mobile, and it will do so next year, according to what the carrier’s CEO John Legere said at an investor conference in Germany late last week, per CNET. Legere cautioned that the iPhone experience with T-Mobile will be “dramatically different,” but declined to provide additional details on the partnership with Apple. According to the CNET report, it’s a possibility that T-Mobile offers the device at full-price, instead of subsidizing it with expensive two-year contracts, which is what the other carriers currently do. T-Mobile would make the device affordable by charging an upfront fee, followed by “affordable monthly installments” until the cost has been paid in full.


Cynopsis Social Media Webinar
December 13 | 1:30-3:00pm ET
Social Media 3.0 for TV Programmers: Beyond Facebook + Twitter

Expert Speakers:
Jessica Chow
(Associate Media Director) Ignited
Tom Fishman
(Director Social Media) MTV Networks
Pamela Russo
(VP, Digital Media) Discovery Communication
Tom Thai
(VP, Marketing) Bluefin



The Paulilu Mixtape is one of my favorite running video series. Available on the Above Average comedy channel on YouTube, the series features a number of funny videos parodying different aspects of pop culture, from the differences between Christopher Nolan’s Batman franchise and characters as they were depicted in the 1960s to what’s currently popular on TV. Above Average comes from Broadway Video, Lorne Michaels’ production company.

Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Associate Editor for Cynopsis Digital

Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Media Entertainment
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
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JOB OPENING: SR EXEC ASST/Fox Group/LA: Apply to: (12/15)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, DIRECT RESPONSE/REELZ/NYC: experienced AE in selling long & short form direct response advertising. Apply: [email protected] (12/15)

JOB OPENING: TV RSRCH DIR/HARTFORD CT: Provide sales & news for assgnd stations with rsrch. 5+ yrs exp in brdcst TV or cable station in rsch/mktg dept req’d. Apply at (12/14)

JOB OPENING: ABC RESEARCH PART TIME CONTRACTOR/ABC Network Research, ABC Television Network, Burbank, CA. [email protected] (12/14)

JOB OPENING: MKTG RESEARCH MGR/ATL: 5+ yrs mktg/media rsrch exp. Prof in basic statistics/analysis. Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen rsrch software. To apply, contact: (12/14)

JOB OPENING: VP, BUS & LEGAL AFFAIRS CDM/NYC: Structure/draft/negotiate variety of agreements relating to dist of a broad portfolio on traditional linear. JD & min 8-10 yrs in-house or law first exp req’d. (12/14)

JOB OPENING: VP GLOBAL COMPLIANCE, TRAINING & COMM/NYC: Dvlp & facilitate enterprise-wide compliance training. Proven track record and 10+ yr exp. More info/apply:  (12/14)

JOB OPENING: SVP, MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES/GAC/Knoxville: 8 yrs+ exp in advertising, marketing or promotions. Manage and lead on & off air promotion and network marketing in a broadcast/cable environment. Click here to apply (12/14)


JOB OPENING:  SR. MGR, DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICS/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Dvlps data models/analyses to est impact of TVEverywhere. Mngs data aggregtn & reporting. 5+yrs in media/distrib/rsrch, MBA prefd. #148846, (12/14)

JOB OPENING:  SR CREATIVE MGR/ESPN/Bristol CT: To view full job description please use this link –    (12/14)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/AMAZON STUDIOS/LA: Act as a strategic bus. partner to internal teams, leveraging rsrch to provide recommendations/analyses on film & series projects in dvlpmnt. 5+ yrs mkt rsch ind exp. [email protected] (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/New York City: Provide services to all research dept. internal clients through analysis & tracking of standard & custom reports. More info & apply: (12/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, FUNNY OR DIE/PROMOS/NYC: 8 yrs of dig promos & branded ent exp. Act as liaison btwn & Digital Sales team. Work closely w/ on-air counterparts for dig. support on integrated FOD deals. Click here (12/13)

JOB OPENING: LEAD PRODUCER/University of Notre Dame/Notre Dame IN: Req. Bachelor’s degree in video prod, comm. or related field. Extensive exp. leading video prod. teams. For more info & to apply, visit AA/EOE (12/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/NY: 4+ yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable.Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen/MRI rsrch software.Create sales present, primary, mgmt & presentation exp. a plus. To apply, contact: (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, PRICING & YIELD MANAGEMENT/Crackle Network/LA: Drive Yield Mngmnt & optimization. 4yrs exp dig advrtsng inventory mngmnt, & yield optimization. More info/Apply #502 (12/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR PROD/NESN/NYC: Mng/coordinate all aspects of NESN’s network broadcast center productions. 12+ yrs exp of TV production mngment. More info/apply: (12/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR, ON-AIR PROMO PLNG/History/NY: Develop & implement on-air media plng strategies that support network. 5 yrs exp plng & executing on-air promo plans for brdct/cable. Apply: (12/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR SPORTS & EVENTS/SPIKE/NYC: Monitor delivery req’s to ensure compliance w/live action prod guidelines. Insure prod/companies are on schedule; BA Deg w/ 5+ yrs of media exp. More details (12/11)

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT EXECS/(2 openings)/NYC: For reality/non-fict TV. Extnsve rsrch for characters, subcultures, formats. Basic shoot/edit/cast & treatment writing. Res/Cov Ltr: [email protected]. 3+ yrs exp req’d (12/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES MGR/WPIX-TV-Sales/NYC: Resp for all sales activity in local TV mkt; monitor/evaluate sales perf of local acct execs; 5 yrs TV sales, 3 in a major mkt. More info/apply: (12/11)

JOB OPENING: TWITTER TV MGR/LA, CA: Be the Twitter ambassador to TV celebrities. Grow/evolve Twitter’s creative relationships. Exp TV prod w/exp working dir w/talent & their reps. Res:,Job (12/11)

JOB OPENING: VP, AD SALES MKTG/REELZCHANNEL/NYC: Lead team to dvlp & execute strong mktg ideas for clients. Create effective multiplatform mktg initiatives. 10+ yrs exp ad sales mktg role. Apply: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/REELZCHANNEL/NYC: Create, maintain & stew ad sales plans. 1-3 yrs exp network/agy Apply: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING: COORD DIST FIELD SALES/A+E TV/NY: Support the East Region Field Sales Team in reaching goals through admin & sales support duties. Act as liaison w/ internal & ext customers. Apply: (12/11)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE COPY WRITER ENTERTAINMENT & DIGITAL MEDIA/NYC: Agency Experience is a must. Strong relationships with vendors. Conceptualize & execute creative across different media. #7291 (12/11)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES INTERN/Woodbury, LI: Intern will gain experience with all facets of creating Optimum Homes & Autos channel & website. College credit. See full posting and apply to req 15503BR (12/12)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: DEVELOPMENT PRO/LA BASED: Reality/Docs long/short formats A&E; Bravo; Dis; E!; Fox21; Hist; Logo; MTV; Spike; TLC; VH1; Travel; solid showrunner/prodco/agency/network relationships, runs on batteries! [email protected] (12/13)

SITUATION WANTED: MUSIC/NON-FICTION DEV/PROG/PROD/LA BASED: Background in top tv networks, production company w/top 10 show and major labels. Strong experience in digital, content mktg & distribution. [email protected] (12/12)

SITUATION WANTED: NYC, Ffld, Wstchstr. counties: Experienced sales,biz development pro seekingposition in educational / home media, ad sales. Solid resume and excellent references. email: [email protected] (12/12)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 888.702.3858 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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