Monday, August 15th, 2011


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Monday, August 15, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here
A controversy has erupted over the Bay Area Rapid Transit Authority’s (BART) decision to jam underground cell phone service for a few hours on Thursday night in an effort to thwart a planned protest over the recent fatal shooting of a 45-year old man by transit police. Twitter users and civil liberty organization including the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (which utilized the hashtag “muBARTek” over the weekend) have compared the move to the efforts of ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, who shut down the internet in Egypt to quell protests organized through social media outlets.


‘s “Glee 3D” movie lacked the dimension of box office support over the weekend, grossing just $5.7 million from over 2,000 screens to finish #11 among all releases.
Time to put up or shut up. Would-be buyers of Hulu are supposed to have their initial bids in by the end of this week, according to a report in AllThingsD. Yahoo, Google, Apple and DirecTV have all been mentioned as potential suitors.
Turner Sports-managed teed up a record setting round online during opening day coverage of the year’s final major on Thur., setting new single day records with 2.1 million unique users (up +22% vs. 2010) and 974,000 live streams (up +9%.) Mobile traffic also saw significant growth with 1.1 million WAP page views (up 65% vs. 2010).


Angry Birds creator Rovio Entertainment is in talks to raise additional funding that would value the Finnish company at around $1.2 billion, per Bloomberg. Shortlisted investors include EA, News Corp. and Walt Disney Co. Rovio received $42 million in funding from investors including Skype co-founder Niklas Zennstrom’s Atomico and Facebook Inc. investor Accel Partners in March.


Six verticals experienced triple digit growth or greater year-over-year in mobile ad spend (from Q2 2010 to Q2 2011,) led by explosive growth in Finance (+1095%), Retail & Restaurants (956%) and Pharmaceuticals (+426%), according to Millennial Media‘s latest SMART mobile advertising report. Brands utilized mobile ads to drive awareness, leveraging mobile efficiency to buy on a national scale while increasingly leveraging local marketing to target messaging. Local Market made up 44% of all targeted audience campaigns in Q2, up from only 2% for the first SMART report. Some 60% of the devices on the Millennial network now use a touch screen as their input device, nearly double the amount from the first SMART report last year.
Quick Response codes are becoming a more mainstream marketing method, with 14 million or 6.2% of the total U.S. mobile audience trying out the technology in June, according to ComScore. The most popular source of scanned QR codes was a printed magazine or newspaper, with nearly half scanning QR codes from this source. Product packaging was the source of QR code scanning for 35.3%, followed by codes from a website on a PC (27.4%) and codes from a poster/flyer/kiosk (23.5%). QR users are more likely to male, young to middle-age and upper income.


Federal efforts to legalize online gambling have failed, so look for individual states to continue to push for the right to profit from this fast-growing cash cow. The District of Columbia became the latest province to look into legalizing internet gambling to help raise money for the strapped district, according to a NYTimes report. Efforts underway at about a dozen states to legalize online poker, blackjack and other games of chance are being fought tooth and nail by Senators Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Jon Kyl (R-Az.,) who have asked the Justice Dept. to step in.
Tivo announced a $100 million stock buyback program on Friday to try and arrest the slide of its stock price, which hit a 52-week low of $7.06 earlier last week. So far so good – the DVR maker’s share price closed up 5% on Friday.


U.S. retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories dropped 20% in July to $707.7 million, hit hard by a drop in demand for video game consoles, according to NPD Group research. Even Microsoft’s top-selling Xbox 360 console experienced its first year-over-year decline last month since Dec. 2009. July 2011 saw just 17 new game releases (at the title level,) compared to 29 last July.


is following its sister network’s digital efforts launching the MAX GO authenticated video streaming app on Friday. Available for both iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch, the app features access to over 700 hours of movies in addition to the first two episodes of Strike Back, the premium net’s first original series (which premiered on air last Friday.) MAX GO is currently available to authenticated Charter, Cox Advanced TV, Verizon FiOS, AT&T U-Verse, Suddenlink, DIRECTV and DISH Network subscribers.


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Casual game fans should be tickled to learn that Zynga has finally launched it long-promised follow-up to FrontierVille on Facebook, the Lewis & Clark-themed Pioneer Trail. It’s a departure from the usual Zynga model is some ways – the game limits play to teams of just four (instead of rewarding users for stockpiling as many friends or neighbors as they can), with the idea being to choose compatriots who have valuable survival skills such as the ability to make cannibalized body parts taste good (just kidding.) You can complete fully-developed adventures along the Beaver Valley, High Plains or Avalanche Pass maps.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: MGR, BUSINESS SOLUTIONS/NASCAR/NY: dvlp innovative, strategic mktg & promotional ideas. 7+ yrs exp consumer marketing w/ exp in ad & mktg agency. (8/20)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/RLTV/NY: supp for sales team, booking orders, agency liaison, client research, coord sales reports, presentations, admin duties, exp w/Salesforce, excel organized & detail oriented apply at: [email protected] (8/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRGRMNG RSRCH/COMEDY CENTRAL/NYC: 3-5 yrs exp prgrmng/ ratings rsrch. Top performer, accurate & detail driven. Passionate about TV, takes initiative. Nielsen/ N-Power exp, also MultiTrak systems. (8/20)

JOB OPENING: VP STRAT & BUS DEV /MTV NETWORKS/NYC: Identify, eval, structure & help implement new deals, commercial relationships, joint ventures & acquisitions. MBA & 6 yrs exp, mngt consulting or IB + TV exp. (8/20)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR /NYC : NYC: seeking editor w/ strong reality/lifestyle background & Windows-based AVID experience, for new HGTV home renovation show. 2+ yrs exp req’d. Res/Cov Ltr: [email protected] (8/20)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/ESPN/NY: Coordinate and manage projects focused on cross-media advertising effectiveness research; 1-2 years of research experience  media/agency exp. a +. REQ ID 319775 (8/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR, Syfy PRIMARY RSRCH/NYC: Plan, design, analyze & report consumer rsrch projs. 7+yrs exp internet surveys, focus groups & syndicated rsrch services desired. BA/BS Req. Apply: Job# 2137 (8/19)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE WEB ANALYST/NBCUNIVERSAL/LA:   3-6 mos. assignment. Supports & E!Online. 3+ yrs. Omniture exp. needed. Apply: (8/19)

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL MKTG/TVL: Mng overall dig mktg plans/deliverables, help dev strat/excute tactics. Str knwldg anlyzng/optimizng SEM, mobile, social ntwks. TV mktg exp plus EOE/M/F/D/AAP Apply (8/19)

JOB OPENING: DISTRIBUTION COORD/OTF/NY: Play meaningful role in all mktg initiatives to acquire & sell prgrmng across mult platforms in the US & Canada. Content sales & admin exp prfd. Res/cover: [email protected] (8/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CNBC/NY: Job#2583BR Responsible for revenue goals which include growing existing business as well as developing new business. To apply, please visit (8/17)

JOB OPENING: SOCIAL MEDIA SPLST/NEW YORK: Execute social media-driven content & consumer engagement strategies various social media platforms (8/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR CONTRACT ADMIN/AMC NETWORKS/NYC: Ovrsee rights mgmt systm. Prep/review standard forms/agreements for prod, promo sponsrshp, events for cable channls. 5+ yr exp, bar certfd paralegl preferd. [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER /TV talk show/NY: TV talk show looking for seasoned talk show Producer with strong leadership qualities, 5+yrs booking ex, exc rsrch, written & verbal comm. skills. Immed start. [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC PROD/BOOKER/TV talk show/NY: 5 yrs of strong booking exp. Book personal and breaking news stories, prep guests for shows, strong rsrch/written & comm. skills. [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR, STRATEGIC RESEARCH/NY: Provide in depth analysis of TV landscape(broadcast cable & alternative platforms) focus on issues impacting media business. 7+ yr exp. job#2017BR (8/16)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF NETWORK OPERATIONS/NESN/MA: Responsibilities incl leading & overseeing the dvlpmnt of: an operations mngmnt team & staff, high quality and efficient technical operations, and safety programs. (8/16)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Fall Internship Credit ONLY: Billboard/Adweek events team/NYC seeking a motivated marketing intern to assist with marketing initiatives and event logistics. Send resumes and cover letters to [email protected] (8/20)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Paolucci Communications Arts in PV, CA is looking for Fall Intern. Internship includes Social Media, PR efforts. Learn how an Agency runs  incredible networking opp. Res/Cover Lisa @ [email protected]  (8/19)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: PR FALL INTERNSHIP/THE LIPPIN GROUP/NYC Seeking smart, creative self-starter to assist busy entertainment PR agency. Strong writing/research skills required. Resume and cover letter to [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 40 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas.Includes RT flight to Beijing. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: FALL PROD INTERNS/SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE/NYC: completion of at least two yrs of college level courses related to field of interest is pref’d, good organizational skills a must. Email: [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY:. START ASAP: RESEARCH INTERNS/TWO CATS PRODUCTIONS/NYC: Interns wanted to research and develop new TV show ideas. Please send resumes [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Bergen County non-profit, Shelter Our Sister is seeking an intern (currently enrolled in school) to assist the Director of Development and PR. Hours/Days are flexible. Please send resumes to [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES/MARKETING FALL INTERNSHIP/PLUM NTWRK/NYC:Gain practical experience in the communications industry by working with a top-notch sales & marketing team at a multi-platform media company. Resume to [email protected] (8/17)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Kirkstall Road Enterprises/NYC: immediately seeking interns for various departments for The Jeremy Kyle Show. Apply @ [email protected] (8/16)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: LA- Seeking Assistant position in the Entertainment/PR/Marketing field. Hard working, bubbly personality! “Go Getter” media relations 4+yrs exp. contact: [email protected] (8/20)

SITUATION WANTED: MANAGER/DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND ANALYSIS/LA. 10+ yrs exp in corporate entertainment finance. Extensive background in financial budgeting, planning, modeling and executive presentations. [email protected] (8/20)

SITUATION WANTED: A young creative & proactive NY-based woman seeking CREATIVE EXECUTIVE/DEVELOPMENT POSITION (Exp: 2 yrs. agency,2 yrs.Exec.Assistant,1+yrs.Creative & Acquisitions) Please contact [email protected] (8/19)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER, FIELD PROD & CREATIVE WRITER: 9+ yrs exp on TV for MTV, Mun2 & others. Strong Mng, people skills, ethics, talent, artists & celebs intvs Eng/Spanish FCP, Photosh, Mini DV Cam. [email protected] 3102540131 (8/18)

SITUATION WANTED: SCRIPT DOCTOR w 16 yrs Broadcast Exec/ Story Editor can consult/edit/polish your TV or film pitch/bible/screenplay. 8500+ scripts eval’d. Credits include DeGrassi, DaVinci & Dragon Boys. Exp. w convergence [email protected] (8/18)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMETARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (8/18)

SITUATION WANTED: I’ve written a 1-hour dramedy entitled, Tree House, which is loosely based on my life story. It’s, ” A Contemporary, Edgy, Multiplatform Show “. I’m looking for studio executive assistance. [email protected]   (8/17)

SITUATION WANTED: HOST/SPOKES – Complete package personality seeks TV show/online series or corp spokes role. Exp in TV, online, radio, live. Career as life coach, motiv spkr, pub. author, producer. Email [email protected] (8/16)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER/NYC: Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (8/16)

SITUATION WANTED: NEED A BUDGET DONE?? LINE PROD/EIC – 10+ yrs.exp- Budgets done for all formats TV, feature, & 3D. Very accurate, Reasonable rates, fast turn around-30 days unlimited revisions. Email: [email protected] (8/16)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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