Friday, October 7th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Friday, October 7, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

The effect the passing of former CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs would have on Apple’s stock performance was a big topic of conversation yesterday. After a small amount of sell-off which resulted in the price dropping from $373.33 to $372, Apple shares began to rise, moving towards $384 as the day wore on. As AllThingsD says, this reflects investor confidence in the future of the company as one that will continue to innovate and succeed even without its revolutionary leader at the helm. As Arik Hesseldahl writes, “Apple, without Jobs, will still be Apple, and for the immediate and medium-term future, there is no reason to believe that its strategy and execution will falter in his absence.”


Microsoft has officially unveiled its entertainment and digital content service for Xbox Live subscribers. Xbox has secured partnerships with many entertainment companies and content providers including HBO, ESPN, TMZ, Netflix, YouTube and nearly 35 more. The service will also allow users to share content and connect with friends on social media. And best of all, using its Kinect platform, you won’t even need a remote; just use voice search with Bing on Xbox to find and play content.
Zodiak Rights, the international division of Zodiak Media Group, has signed a deal with Netflix to bring the original U.K. version and U.S. adaptation of its popular series Being Human to Netflix Instant Watch. The British version will be available as early as October 15, while its U.S. counterpart will come in January 2012.

~ INNOVATORS & START-UPS ~ has raised $1.1 million in additional funding, reports TechCrunch. The site allows business owners to compare and choose from thousands of cloud-based applications to help grow their business. The company currently reaches around 60,000 businesses each month in North America and the U.K.
Myriad Group has launched Alien Dalvik 2.0, which is a port of the Dalvik virtual machine found in the Android operating system, according to TechCrunch. This release will allow developers to build Android apps that can run on non-Android devices, including TVs, tablets and e-book readers. Attendees of next week’s CTIA Enterprise & Applications 2011 conference will get a firsthand look at the technology.


To promote the VO5 Extreme Style brand online and drive engagement amongst fans and viewers on Facebook and YouTube, Euro RSCG Worldwide has developed what it calls a “content campaign” that spans social networks, blogs, online advertising and television. Called Pageant, the story is set in a rural, conformist town in which a man participating in a local pageant uses VO5 to stand out from the crowd. The story will be told through content delivered online, on video and community sites and TV.


Disney is close to acquiring online and mobile game developer Indiagames, reports AllThingsD. This follows a July purchase of Indian media conglomerate UTV, which owned a stake in Indiagames, and falls in line with recent statements Disney has made to investors outlining a desire to build their presence in other countries, especially in India.
Online data company Datonics has signed an agreement with end-to-end digital media management platform TRAFFIQ for the use of Datonics’ keyword and segment-based behavioral data in order to help TRAFFIQ, and its marketers, deliver targeted, privacy-sensitive online advertisements.


According to data compiled by comScore, and reported by eMarketer, web users in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico and Peru averaged more time on social networks than those in Brazil in June 2011. Furthermore, while orkut remains the top social networking site in Brazil, Facebook leads the pack by far in the other Latin American countries. In fact, the same report also indicates that five Latin American countries are in the top 10 list of Facebook penetration in June of 2011.


Digital Harmony Games has announced a new cross-platform game that will be released in early 2012. Dragons vs. Unicorns will be the company’s first title and will be available for iOS and Android operating systems, along with PC and Mac browsers. The game will allow users to connect from any of the compatible platforms and will offer single-player and multi-player modes.
Garfield’s BooClips, created by CastleBuilders, is an interactive children’s digital book app that narrates the Garfield’s Pet Force storybook using a variety of content from the movie of the same name, including video clips, animations and music. It also offers an American Sign Language option throughout the narration. The app is currently available for the iPad, PC and Mac.


Andrew Davis has joined Near Field Communications’ startup Tapit as Agency Director. Mr. Davis will oversee all agency and client relationships at Tapit, which seeks to use NFC technology to simplify the delivery of content to mobile phones, and will also play a hand in the startup’s expansion.


CableFAX Webinar: Social Media for Cable
What Works for Your Bottom Line
October 12, 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET

Join us as industry experts from Time Warner Cable, Bravo and Charter share their tips and best practices for social media’s pivotal role in cable’s future success. This is your chance to get your head around the evolving area of the business – and what it means as you serve your customers, viewers and advertisers. Register Now.


Thoora is a cool website that rounds up all of the content that you would find relevant and interesting on the internet, cuts through that clutter, and offers it to you in an easily digestible way. It’s a pretty simple method: you can either follow pre-set topics available on the site, and/or create your own unique topic. When a topic is created, you also set custom keywords you want the topic to focus on. The site then populates the topics with relevant news, tweets, blog posts, photos and videos. The site’s algorithm is adaptive so it gets better at creating a content list that suits you, as you use Thoora more. And before I forget, the web design of the site can only be described as: top notch. So check it out!

Later – Sahil
 Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: VP BUSINESS AFFAIRS/YOU On Demand/NYC: 3-5 yrs corp legal exp. Resp for negotiating, drafting legal agreements for all facets of VOD, and counsel for all depts. [email protected], (10/14)

JOB OPENING MGR, CLOO CHILLER SALES RSRCH/NBCUNIVERSAL/NY: Mng on-air sales rsrch for Cloo & Chiller cable ntwrks. Knwldg NielsenGalaxy Explorer, TVToolbox, Simmons, MRI, CMR, Excel/PP req’d.Apply: (#2970BR) (10/14)

JOB OPENING COPYWRITER TV & PRINT/New York: Write short & long form for mkt’g ads, scripts for promos. Must be a strong writer & have a flare for comedy. 3+yrs of writing exp. req’d. Resume: Apply: 3034BR (10/14)

JOB OPENING MGR, OFF-AIR MKTG/Syfy/NYC: Plan/exec media & promotional plans, mng budgets.Plan/exec promot’l campaigns. Knwlg of tradit’l/non-tradit’l mktg 3+ yrs media plan’g/TV/agency exp. Apply: #1865BR (10/14)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH MNGR/NBCU/NY: Fulfilling resrch requests from progrmg, corp communication, ad sales, strategic mkting, site operators & business devpmnts. To apply, visit Job# 3142BR (10/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, MAR COMM/Golf Channel/FL: Lead dvlpmnt of consumer communications to support Marketing plans. Exp managing brands & campaigns across multiple media a must. Apply: Keyword: NC65800231 (10/13)

JOB OPENING: DRTV BUYER/ACTIVE INT’L/Pearl River, NY (15 miles from NYC): Must have 1-3 yrs exp. in DRTV, negotiating and buying req’d. Resumes to: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 (10/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR. PRGRMNG/SHED/Nat Geo Wild/DC: Responsible for strategic creation of the Wild Channel’s daytime progr. Dvlp new progr. strands &progr. sched. Pref BA and 3+ yrs exp in sched/progr. at media co. (10/13)

JOB OPENING: DEV EXEC/Jane Street Ent/NYC: Looking for a seasoned Dvlpmnt Exec. 2+ yrs exp in the dvlpmnt space & exp in the general bus of TV & prod. Please have ideas & know how to sell them. [email protected] (10/12)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR, MSNBC PROGRAM RESEARCH/NY: Responsible for analyzing all facets of MSNBC program schedule for optimal ratings delivery & improvement of audience levels. To apply, visit Job# 3120BR (10/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR/SPORTS PROGRAMMING/TWC/TX: Responsible for the local sports channels in TX with emphasis on high school and regional college teams. BA or equivalent experience required. BR# 130630BR (10/12)

JOB OPENING: SR. ANALYST RSRCH/DISNEY/CA: min 2 yrs exp in TV research, exp in Nielsen (Npower, Galaxy Explorer), strong quant analytical & written skills. Apply at: Req ID 875 (10/11)

JOB OPENING: PR MANAGER/TNT-TBS-TCM/ATL: develop and execute innovative publicity campaigns for TNT, TBS and TCM programming. 8+ years entertainment publicity experience (10/11)

JOB OPENING: MGR PUBLICITY/NY: Dvlp & implement prgm publicity cmpgns for Discovery Fit/Health series & specials; mng/implement national/local mrkt branding/comm initiatives; 5+yrs media relations exp; #4582 (10/11)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH STRATEGIST/DISCOVERY/MD: analyzes/reports Nielsen TV ratings data/mrkt research statistics to support Discovery Fit & Health; 3+yrs mrktg research exp; media exp a plus #4560 (10/11)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, GLOBAL CP BUS OPS/NICK/NYC: Asst SR DIR mng effort to redesign financl/contrct. mgmt. CP licensing processes/capture bus. needs/req’s. 5+ yrs relevant Cons Prods Finance work exp. Apply: (10/11)

JOB OPENING: SR NAT’L BCST Negotiator Emphasis on Network and Cable Active Int’l/Pearl River, NY (15 mi. NYC): Freelance to perm poss 8-10 yrs buying exp @ major agency or buying srvc [email protected] 845-732-8943 (10/11)

JOB OPENING: AE, ITV SALES/Rovi/Chicago: Resp for growing Ad Sales rev in Central Division. Proven performance in new biz dev. Agency & client relationships req’d. 5+ yrs TV/Emerging Media sales exp. To apply: (10/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR, NBC NEWS & MSNBC SALES RESEARCH/NY: Resp. for formulating strategic & customized research plans focused on optimizing & driving revenue. To apply, visit job# 3075BR (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SVP MKTG/History/NY:Establish brand vision for History nets & provide strat dir to ensure creative drives ratings, usage & brand equity. 10 yrs media, promo, mktg or adv pref in TV/ent. Apply: (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/INSP/CHARLOTTE NC/NY: Asst w/ pricing/analyzing upfront & scatter pkgs. Interact w/ AEs, Sales Ops, & Rsrch, regarding deal maint. Min 2yrs exp. DealMaker-1 yr exp a must Apply/res: [email protected] (10/8)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERN NEEDED: MARLIN ENTERTAINMENT/CT: Marketing agency that is currently launching a new brand. Research & phone skills needed. Must multitask & think outside of the box. Send Resume to [email protected] (10/14)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: DIGITAL MEDIA FALL/LA: Gain valuable experience in digital piracy working with anti-piracy research team.Basic Excel/Word skills plus a knack for investigation. Resume to [email protected] (10/12)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:CREATIVE MEDIA MIND Seeking to assist, Entry-Junior level slots, B.A.  Mass Comm/Media backgrnd, 3-5 years experience, NY based, but interested in warmer climates.Please email, [email protected] (10/13)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/VIDEO-EDITOR: Experience in field shoots and casting. Goal-oriented team player. Endless drive, a passion for TV/Film production. Resume upon request. [email protected] (10/13)

SITUATION WANTED:NYC-based marketing executive with 9 years experience in B2B and B2C marketing including affiliate/consumer/integrated marketing, ad sales, promotions and events. Contact: [email protected] (10/13)

SITUATION WANTED: Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST, Web Links:,, Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Specializes in unique character voices for various animated productions. (10/12)

SITUATION WANTED: ASSISTANT: Attending UCLA’s TV writing cert. program. Experienced in Final Draft. Worked as PA and Studio Page. Creative and detail-oriented. Has B.S. in journalism. Contact [email protected] (10/12)

SITUATION WANTED: NY/PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/COORDINATOR experience in graphics production, news broadcasting and live production. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications and Avid editing. Resume upon request; [email protected] (10/12)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NYC) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (10/11)

SITUATION WANTED: Recent college graduate with a B.S. in Marketing/Management. l am interested in entry-level positions in marketing,sales, or media. Looking to be located in New York City. Contact by ([email protected]) (10/11)

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA BUYER/TRAFFIC: 11+yrs experience B.S. in Communications looking for freelance/full time position please contact me at [email protected] (10/8)

SITUATION WANTED: SO Sr. Integrated Copywriter. Style guides, positioning, promotion, collateral. Digital, print, video. Trade, consumer, Upfront anyone? I hear brand voices. SO fast. SO fun. (10/8)

SITUATION WANTED: Seeking a job with a film location or production company, scouting, or negotiating film/TV location contracts. I have a strong background in the LA entertainment industry. BA in PR/Marketing Contact: [email protected] (10/8)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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