Friday, October 28th, 2005


#5 Program of the Week (out of 134) with:
A18-49, A18-34, A25-54, W18-49, W18-34 & W25-54

Available exclusively from Warner Bros. Domestic Cable Distribution Get with the programming online.

Source: NTI, Explorer, 10/17-10/23/05, US Rtg. Ties CSI Miami & Survivor with A25-54. 


Good morning. It’s Friday, October 28, 2005, and this is your first early morning briefing.

ABC has finalized the date and time for the return of Dancin’ with the Stars — January 5 at 8p. That’s a Thursday, and that means Alias will go on hiatus as its star Jennifer Garner goes on maternity leave. What has not yet been announced is the date/time for the 30m results show. Dancin’ with the Stars from BBC Worldwide will air for 8 episodes, and Alias will return later in the season.

Tonight’s Premieres:
Discovery Channel:
I Shouldn’t Be Alive at 9p, The Haunting at 10p
Showtime: Masters of Horror at 10p


Lifetime has announced this will be Strong Medicine’s last season. The show is cable’s long running original series on which Lifetime built its Sunday night success for the past six years. So far this season the Sony Pictures Television series has averaged 2.5 million viewers for each first run episode. So why cancel? The statement from the network says “After 132 episodes, we felt that the show had, as all television programs eventually do, run its course, and it was time to offer viewers another option.” The current season is expected to wind up in first quarter 2006.

More content joining Verizon FiOS TVSuperstation WGN will be available on the service’s basic tier. The agreement also calls for retransmission consent for Tribune’s 26 local stations, and carriage of their analog and digital signals.

Comedy Central has acquired the cable TV rights to the Matt Groening and David X. Cohen animated series Futurama, from Twentieth Television. The show will join the network’s schedule in January 2008 with all 72 episodes. Futurama aired on Fox from 1999-2003.

A couple of notable dates coming up in the November sweep (Nov 3-30, 2005): The premiere of Stacked on Fox airs November 9 at 830p, and the finale of Fox’s Prison Break is set for November 28 at 9p.

Through four games of the World Series, handily swept in four by Chicago White Sox, the series averaged approx 17.2 million viewers per game. Flipping all the way to the first time Nielsen archives have data of total viewers per series, this year’s average is the lowest ever recorded. Comparing this year’s World Series to last year is silly, given the whole Curse of the Bambino thing and the Boston Red Sox’s win last year (which averaged 24.4 million viewers per game). So we’ll skip over that one. Going back to 2003, well that was a win by the Yankees and that almost always means big numbers (averaged 20.1 million viewers). The year before that, 2002 was Anaheim Angels vs. San Francisco Giants, averaging 19.3 million viewers. And the lowest numbers before this year was in 2000, the subway series between the Yankees and the Mets (probably too local for most), with an average of 18 million viewers per game. And yet, despite all that — Fox won each of the four nights in total viewers.


HBO has signed a two year development deal with producer Alan Ball, the creator and exec producer behind Six Feet Under. The first project Ball will tackle is based on a series of novels from Charlaine Harris called Southern Vampire, in a place and time where vampires and just regular folk have learned to live together thanks to the genius invention of synthetic blood.

20th has signed a development deal with writer Barbie Adler, whose credits include My Name is Earl and Arrested Development. Adler signed a two year deal that for the time being will keep her tied to My Name is Earl, according to Variety.

ABC‘s Jake in Progress from Brad Grey Television with 20th, has cast Charlotte Ross as Annie, Jake’s ex-fiance. The comedy is expected to rejoin the schedule midseason this year, per Hollywood Reporter.

ABC has ordered a pilot of a comedy project from Elton John called Him and Us. The show revolves around a rock star and his posse of managers, friends and hangers-on. John and his collaborate Bernie Taupin, will write original music for the project, per Variety.


ABC Television Network has announced a bit of a restructuring. The new lineup has David Westin, Pres/ABC News, and Mike Shaw, Pres/Sales & Marketing, both now reporting directly to Anne Sweeney, co-Chair/Disney Media Networks and Pres/Disney-ABC Television Group. Previously, both had reported to Alex Wallau, who does continue as Pres/ABC Network Operations & Administration, also reporting to Anne Sweeney. Under the new arrangement: ·      David is responsible for all aspects of ABC News’ broadcasts, and oversees ABC News Radio, and the satellite service: NewsOne, and ABC News Now, tne network’s ground-breaking 24/7 multi-media news channel. ·      Mike oversees all sales and integrated marketing efforts for all dayparts of the network, including ABC Daytime, ABC News, ABC Late-Night and ABC Primetime. ·      And Alex oversees affiliate relations and technical operations & engineering for the network.
Patrick Cavanaugh has been promoted to Controller at the YES Network. He will be responsible for financial reporting and forecasting as well as financing transactions. Patrick will continue to report to Al Gaherty, SVP/Finance.

Mark E. Dubas has been named VP/Advertising Sales for TuTv. He will be based in Los Angeles and report to TuTv’s EVP/Business Affairs, Chris Fager. Mark will oversee all national spot advertising sales activities.


Top 10 M-F Syndicated Strip Series for the week of Oct 10-16, 2005 ranked by HH Rtg
Wheel of Fortune (King World) 8.1 AA
Oprah (King World) 7.6 AA / 7.7 GAA
Jeopardy (King World) 6.2 AA
Everybody Loves Raymond (King World) 5.7 AA / 7.3 GAA
Dr. Phil (King World) 5.5 AA / 5.5 GAA
Seinfeld (Sony) 5.0 AA / 6.1 GAA
Entertainment Tonight (Paramount) 4.9 AA / 5.0 GAA
Friends (Warner Bros.) 4.7 AA / 5.9 GAA
Judge Judy (Paramount) 4.6 AA / 7.0 GAA
Source: Nielsen Media Research

Top 10 M-F Syndicated Strip Series for the week of Oct 10-16, 2005 ranked by A18-49
Everybody Loves Raymond (King World) 3.3 AA / 4.2 GAA
Friends (Warner Bros.) 3.2 AA / 4.1 GAA
Seinfeld (Sony) 3.2 AA / 3.9 GAA
Oprah (King World) 3.0 AA / 3.1 GAA
That ’70s Show (Carsey-Werner) 2.7 AA / 3.3 GAA
Wheel of Fortune (King World) 2.1 AA
Dr. Phil (King World) 2.0 AA / 2.0 GAA
Entertainment Tonight (Paramount) 2.0 AA / 2.0 GAA
King of Queens (Sony Pictures TV) 1.7 AA / 2.1 GAA
Jeopardy (King World) 1.7 AA
Source: Nielsen Media Research

New First Run and Off Net strip Syndicated Series – week of Oct 3-9, 2005 ranked by A18-49:
Sex and the City (Warner Bros.) 1.3 AA / 1.5 GAA
Bernie Mac Show (20th) 1.3 AA / 1.5 GAA
My Wife & Kids (Buena Vista) 1.2 AA / 1.6 GAA
South Park (Tribune/DebMar) 1.0 AA / 1.2 GAA
Tyra Banks Show (Warner Bros.) 0.9 AA / 0.9 GAA
Judge Alex (20th) 0.8 AA / 1.1 GAA
Martha (NBC Universal) 0.6 AA / 0.6 GAA
Source: Nielsen Media Research

Broadcast Daytime Ratings Rankings – Women 18-49, week of Oct 17-23, 2005:
ABC: THE VIEW 1.3/10
Source: Nielsen’s Galaxy Explorer, NTI as dated

Wednesday — A18-49 Analysis: You don’t need me to tell you Fox won the night with Game 4 of the World Series on Wednesday night, you just want to know by how much. The answer is … by thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss much. Oh, numbers. Right. Fox led the night with a 5.4/15 A18-49 rating, according to final numbers from Nielsen Media Research. CBS was #2 with a 3.5/9, followed by ABC 3.5/9, NBC 2.9/7, UPN 2.1/5, WB 1.5/4. At 8p George Lopez led with a 3.1/9 on ABC, while the pregame on Fox earned a 2.9/9. At 830p tho, Game #4 started and it was all Fox for the rest of the evening. The game itself, ending at 12:09a, earned a 6.6/18 A18-49. Elsewhere, from 8-9p Freddie on ABC earned a 3.4/9, while America’s Next Top Model on UPN and E-Ring on NBC tied, each earning a 7 share. Top Model also won the W18-34 demo (4.9/14) and the W18-49 demo (3.9/10) for the hour. At 9p a repeat of Criminal Minds on CBS earned a 3.6/9, while a Lost repeat on ABC caught 3.5/9. At 10p CSI: NY led the non-sports programming with a 4.9/12, while Invasion on ABC earned a 3.7/9.

FINAL HOUSEHOLD RATINGS: Wednesday, October 26, 2005, for all Networks – program averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research.  
FOX 11.1/18 Pre-game 6.5/11, MLB World Series Game # 4 (ended at 12:09a) 13.0/21 
CBS 7.8/12 Still Standing 4.4/7, Yes Dear 4.7/7, Criminal Minds [r] 8.5/13, CSI: NY 10.2/16 
NBC 5.8/9 E-Ring 5.8/9, The Apprentice: Martha Stewart 5.4/8, Law & Order [r] 6.2/10 
ABC 5.7/9 George Lopez 5.5/9, Freddie 5.2/8, Lost [r] 5.9/9, Invasion 6.0/9 
UPN 3.1/5 America’s Next Top Model 3.8/6, Veronica Mars 2.4/4 
WB 2.1/3 One Tree Hill 2.4/4, Related 1.9/3 
A18-49 Fox 5.4/15, CBS 3.5/9, ABC 3.5/9, NBC 2.9/7, UPN 2.1/5, WB 1.5/4 

Friday Fun Fact:
A man must stand a long time on a hillside with his mouth open before a roast duck flies in. — Chinese proverb

The History Channel presents This Day in History:
1886-“Liberty Enlightening the World,” otherwise known as the Statue of Liberty, is dedicated in New York harbor by President Grover Cleveland. The 151-foot statue, designed by Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: “I’m a pepper, he’s a pepper, she’s a pepper, we are peppers, wouldn’t you like to be a pepper, too?” was the jingle sung by a man dancing in the streets. This same gentleman starred on a ’70s TV show. What show was it? MAKIN’ IT WITH DAVID NAUGHTON Kudos to: Gary Lico-Cableready/Norwalk CT; Amy Pecorino-The Tony Danza Show/NY; Mike Nagle-Playboy TV Networks/NY; Christina Ricucci Owen-Millenia 3 Communications/Atlanta; Joe E. Dale-Me-TV/Chicago; Kevin Van Wye –WNDY TV UPN/Indianapolis; Kyle Krebs-KLTY/Dallas; Mark Prince-GSD&M/Chicago; Janice Ogata-Newsflashpix/LA; Peter Johansen-New Hip Ent/Studio City; Len Klatt-Premiere Radio Networks/LA; Art Davie-WOW Productions/W. Hollywood; Stephen Gallagher/UK

T hank G od I t’s S moking G un F riday!

Well, pretend: write your own “backstage riders!” Visit for inspiration: do you want jasmine and lavender scented candles, like Prince? Perhaps you require a local, multi-ethnic children’s choir like Celine Dion?? And what about snacks for your crew???
Court TV wishes you a self-indulgent weekend. 

Today’s Trivia Question Courtesy of Gary Griffin-The Gugenheim Agency/Houston:
On Star Trek, everyone knows the Vulcan greeting of “Live Long and Prosper.” There is a second one. It was spoken to Ambassador Sarek, Mr. Spock’s father, in only one movie. What was the greeting? (click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Cyn
10.28.05 – 5:20a
Cynopsis Ad Sales – Barbara Shapiro – 203-583-1224 /

Classified Ad Sales – Trish Pihonak – 203.381-9096 /

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Copyright Cynthia Turner 2005 
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JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Univision Online-Miami, FL: Assist w/creation &maintenance of sales presentations. Exp w/in an AD Agency or Adsales. 1-2 yrs of exp w/ strong written & comp skills.Email:

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TBS & TNT, CHICAGO: Seeking solid planner to support AE with creating proposals, data analysis, targeted research & sales pieces. Col deg, prev ad sls or agency exp req. Email

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/Universal McCann/LA: Analyze ratings data, ensure proper interpretation of data w/planning dept, & other duties. 3+ yrs exp in TV or rel. business, IMS/Stradegy/Donovan exp. Resume to

JOB OPENING:PRODUCT PLACEMENT PROD/Queer Eye for the Straight Guy/NY: Prof. w/exp in Branded Ent. to secure trades out & fee based deals. Must be org. detail oriented, self motivated. Email res:


JOB OPENING: OPS MGR, ORIG SERIES/IFC/Jericho: 4+ yrs ProdLine/Mgmt. TV or Prod Coexp a must.Line prod, budget, legal, contracts, vendor and asset mgmt exp. Strg analytical and business sense. Apply to

JOB OPENING: CASTING (LA): Seeking an experienced go-getter who can follow detailed instructions, with access to a mini-dv camera for casting for a pilot shooting.

JOB OPENING: FIELD PRODUCER (LA): Seeking a detailed-oriented, creative person for pilot with 5 years exp, with solid LA contacts.

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PROD/THE TENNIS CHANNEL-LA: Need exp’d producer to lead monthly newsmag on pro tennis tour field shoots. Responsible for bookings, content & overseeing edit. EOE. Rez to:

JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLANNERS/Universal McCann/ Los Angeles: Looking for media planners of all levels to join our awesome team to work on our growing entertainment account. Please e-mail your resume to

JOB OPENING: ADMIN ASST/Broadway Video-NY Organized multi-tasker w/ excellent comm skills & interest in sales/business to aid in distribution, biz dev, marketing for SNL, etc. Res:

JOB OPENING: MGR, Licensing CONSUMER PRODS/VIZ Media/SF: Min 3yrs intl. lic. exp, team player, contracts exp, negotiating, budgeting/forecasting, estd. industry relationships a plus. Email resume (NO ATTACHMENTS) to

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE SOLUTIONS ACTIVATION COORD/Katz Media/NYC. Execute and implement all aspects of value added radio-centric promotions. 1-5 yrs. exp. Send resume & cover letter to:
. Specify subject as CYN1 (11/2)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF RESEARCH, PROG/MKT Food Net/NY:8 yrs cable ntwrk primary/secondary res. exp, strong analytical skills/strategic thinker, exc pres. & writing. Expertise: Nielsen & secondary tools

JOB OPENING: MGR, LICENSEE COMPLIANCE/NY: Liaison w/licensing partners assur’g proper use/maint/integ sys & data that support bus. applicat’s. Effective comm/solutions. 4yrs+ licensing exp; excel skills. . EOE (10/29)

JOB OPENING: CBS Station in Detroit seeks solid GENERAL SALES MANAGER. Prior broadcast sales mgmt. experience required. See full listing online at . Please email resume to

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING COOR/PBS KIDS Sprout/PHL: Support overall program planning, scheduling and ops needs.Serve as liaison for Network Partners, Affiliate & field requests. Apply at (22499BR) (10/29)

JOB OPENING: EXPERIENCED FREELANCE SEGMENT WRITERS & PROD/NAHB Prod Group/DC: Req’d Clear, Energetic scripts delivered in a timely manner. Knwldg home building & design ind. a plus. Res, writing samp/or reels to:

JOB OPENING: RES. MGR/DISNEY ABC CABLE NTWK GROUP/BURBANK: Mng variety of res. proj’s incl Nielsen Analyses & primary res. studies. 3+ yrs Nielsen ratings analysis exp/ cable, bcst or synd res dept. BA req’d

WINTER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Seeking intern for NY based TV Production Company to assist in all areas including research, production, and basic office duties. Email resume to

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Needed for live, syndicated TV show, ‘Martha’ in NYC. Asst w/ off procedures, runs, research. Det oriented, PC literate, reliable, & strong desire to learn about TV industry. Email resumes to


SITUATION WANTED: Seeking BUSINESS OR LEGAL AFFAIRS POSITION at film studio or production co (NYC or LA): Ivy league attorney with 3½ years exp. in corporate law at elite law firm plus prod/creative exp.

SITUATION WANTED: MARKETING ASSOC/MKT RESEARCH ANALYST 2+ yrs experience Mkt Research, Sports Mktg, Promo, PR. Know Nielsen; Galaxy, NPower, IAG. Trained at top 4 network, creative and analytical skill. Contact

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA BUYER/PLANNER:-willing to relocate-worked at Starcom for a yr. Looking to get back into the media buying/planning market in the midwest 2+ yrs exp w/ large & small account
m , will send resume. (11/01)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT, Fluent in French, English, and Italian, television media professional with great background looking for a position in the Los Angeles area.

SITUATION WANTED: EXP. PRODUCER/FIELD DIR./WRITER. Credits: Dr. Phil; VH-1; Starting Over; E!; Discovery; Extreme Expeditions; CNN. LA Based, will travel.

for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email
for specs
WHAT’S ON TONIGHT: Friday, October 28, 2005 
ABC Supernanny, Hope & Faith, Hot Properties, 20/20
CBS Ghost Whisperer, Threshold, Numb3rs
FOX The Bernie Mac Show, Malcolm in the Middle, Killer Instinct
NBC Dateline NBC, Three Wishes, L & O: Criminal Intent
i America’s Most Talented Kids, Mary Higgins Clark’s The Cradle Will Fall
UPN Friday Night Smackdown
WB What I Like About You, What I Like About You, Reba, Twins
TELE El Cuerpo del Deseo, Los Plateados, Decisiones
UNIV Contra Viento y Marea, La Esposa Virgen, Cristina

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