Friday, October 19th, 2007



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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Friday, October 19, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

Google‘s profit soared 46% during the third quarter on revenues of $4.23 billion with Google-owned sites (not including AdSense partners) accounting for 65% of total revenue. The company hired 2,130 employees during the quarter to keep up with demand for its services, bringing its total workforce to 15,916. Meanwhile YouTube launched a Chinese language site localized for Taiwan as reports circulate that the U.S. site has been blocked in mainland China with hundreds of users reporting connection errors. No official reason why, but the 17th National Congress is currently underway in Beijing and the government has blocked sites like Wikipedia for months. An unreceptive Chinese government remains a concern for Google, given the importance of the territory for future growth.


is featuring a series of exclusive mobisodes of Tyler Perry’s House of Payne for its Very Funny Channel available on Verizon’s V Cast service. They feature short, self-contained vignettes of family life among the Paynes. The channel also includes clips from TBS’s syndicated comedy line up as well as sneak peaks of upcoming original series.
Sen. Barack Obama is the next candidate to be features on MySpace and MTV‘s presidential dialogue series on Monday, Oct. 29 to be held at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The interactive dialogue, powered by Flektor, will be streamed live on MySpace, MTV’s and MTV Mobile and premiere on MTV at 7 pm ET/PT that evening.
American Public Media
unveiled an extensive catalog of archived radio shows on the free educational-themed iTunes U section of the iTunes store including Marketplace, American RadioWorks and The Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor.
A&E Network announced a special Criss Angel Mindfreak eBay charity auction to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation beginning on Sunday, October 21st at 3PM ET. Fans can log onto A&E’s eBay store to bid on an autographed Mitsubishi Outlander, bundled with a flight and stay for two at the Luxor in Vegas and an appearance on an episode of the fourth season of the show on A&E.
Vivendi Games’ Sierra Online set release dates for its Battlestar Galactica space combat game, on sale for PC’s Oct. 23 and via Xbox Live Arcade on Oct. 24. is building anticipation for season 4 with “flashback” clips of the two-hour Razor episode premiering Nov. 24 on Sci Fi Channel.
Multiplatform kids service Kabillion launched a new Halloween-themed avatar program allowing kids to create scary digital masks of themselves. Kabillion is also featuring holiday themed programming, wallpapers and IM icons.


Video sharing site Dailymotion launched a new digital fingerprinting system powered by Ina, which maintains one of the world’s largest digitized image banks. Ina’s Signature technology, which searches uploaded content for copyrighted material, will be localized on Dailymotion’s sites in all 14 languages currently available.
Next New Networks
acquired I Got a Crush on Obama creator for an undisclosed amount. The online studio will serve up regular political comedy sketches and reports from correspondents and videobloggers.
Music Video 2.0 and The Source Magazine launched a contest for unsigned bands encouraging artists to upload their videos for a chance to record a demo in NYC.


A group of major media and technology companies have banded together to issue guidelines for following today’s copyright laws including Disney, CBS, NBCU, Veoh and Microsoft. The UGC Principles call for users to “Encourage creativity and respect intellectual property.” Curiously Google and YouTube are missing from the list of participants.
News is out about project “white phone,” a Skype-branded cell phone allowing users to make calls without being in front of a computer. The eBay subsidiary has deals in place to launch the service with wireless carrier 3 Mobile in Europe, Asia and Australia, reports Business Week.
After cutting prices in Japan and Europe, Sony announced it will also cut the entry level price for the PlayStation 3 console in the U.S., offering a 40-gig hard drive model for $399. Like the cheaper Japanese model it will not play PS2 games.


DoubleClick signed a deal with video-targeting technology provider Visible World to power Dynamic Video ads. The rich media ads combine interactive design, ad serving and reporting capabilities with the power of dynamically generated, flexible, customized video messages.
BBC Worldwide announced that it will introduce advertising on for users from outside the United Kingdom in order to significantly develop the portal. Advertising revenues will be reinvested online in BBC News, functionality and international-facing content with current editorial unaffected. BBC also announced it will cut its work force by a net 1,800 and require remaining broadcast journalists to create content for multiple platforms.


Comedy Central re-upped its contract with Jon Stewart, keeping him hosting The Daily Show and serving as Executive Producer and Writer behind Busboy Productions through 2010.
Comcast Interactive Media named Scott Bailey as SVP & GM of, the MSO’s web portal for its 12.4 million high-speed internet subscribers. Scott joins CIM from Turner Sports Interactive where he served as VP and GM of a portfolio of sites including, and
Christy Tanner has been named Editor-In-Chief of TV Guide Online.  She will retain her position as VP/Marketing to continue to enhance cross-platform editorial effectively on the web to drive more users, readers and viewers to TV Guide properties.
Movie P2P download device maker Vudu named former Fox executive Mark Jung as CEO. Mark co founded IGN Entertainment, acquired by Fox Interactive Media in October 2005 and later became CEO of FIM.
As part of a partnership between Dan Patrick, The Content Factor and SI, Dan has joined Sports Illustrated as Senior Writer for Sports Illustrated and beginning in January 2008. The three entities will host and produce
The Week magazine announced its NYC-based online staff for Harold Maass has been named Editor, with key hires; Ken Switzer, Associate Editor; Peter Weber, Contributing Editor; Obele Brown-West, Online Marketing Manager; and Kate Goebel, Online Account Manager.


Seeing how Daily Show clips were one of the early drivers of traffic to YouTube, Viacom figured why not use the show to power a web portal of its own. archives more than 16,000 video clips spanning back to 1999 when Jon Stewart started hosting the show. Offering extensive tagging, themed playlists, specialized search tools and video-sharing capabilities, the site includes the kind of web 2.0 features users have become accustomed to. It also makes it simple to revisit popular past segments such as “This Week in God,” “Even Stephen,” or every Beth Littleford and Steve Carell piece. Now the question becomes how much impact will such direct portals have on content aggregation sites, which continue to multiply on the web.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: SALES SERVICE EXECUTIVE/NY (tivo723): 2-4 yrs sales planning exp. support salespeople & mgmt. Visit for job description (10/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ASSOC/NBCU, NY: Analyze on-air & dig metrics to support mktg & sales for NBC News properties. BA/BS, 2+ yrs exp w/ Comscore, NetRatings, Omniture, WebTrends, other Nielsen systems. #711105 (10/26)

JOB OPENING: COPYWRITER/iNDEMAND Networks/NYC:  Develop ad/online/marketing copy.  BA + 5 yrs writing exp in TV/cable/studio/ad agency.  Apply at:  [email protected] (10/26)

JOB OPENING: ONLINE AE/NYC: eMedia Rep seeks self-starting sales pro with 3+ years experience with agency community to sell geo-targeted on-line ad campaigns. Email resume to: [email protected] (10/26)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/EDITOR/iNDEMAND Networks/NYC: Edit daily Howard Stern shows.  Re-edit & uncensor raw footage.  BA, 6+ yrs exp cable or TV network.  Apply to:  [email protected] (10/26)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/NCC/NYC: 1+ yrs Ad Sales Research required. Knowledge of Quant & Qual data. Ability to prioritize & multi-task.  Email: nccr&[email protected] (10/26)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RESEARCHER/NY or CA (tivo726): 5 yrs of TV or media research exp/perform data analysis. Visit for job description (10/25)

JOB OPENING: SR BROADCAST NEGOTIATOR/Miami ad agency: 5+ yrs spot buying exp. for U.S. gen’l market; nat’l and reg’l accounts; TV, radio, local cable and non-traditional.
Email resume to [email protected] (10/25).

JOB OPENING: SR. RSRCH ANALYST/BIG TEN NETWORK/Chicago: 4+ yrs cable/brdcst rsrch. Nielsen systems exp. Strong knwldg of Strata/Scarborough. Strong qualitative /analytical/comm skills. Reply: ref: FNG9326 (10/25)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Cablevision/Fishkill NY:  Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, internet adv.  Valid NY DL.  See full posting and apply to req 4429BR (10/25)

JOB OPENING: VP/SR DIR, AD SALES /NY (tivo724): 10 yrs w/nat’l tv & cable ntwk exp/seek new deals/lead hire & train sales staff. Visit for job description (10/24)

JOB OPENING: ADMIN ASST/Sony Pictures TV Research: Research & Sales Supp’t plus Admin duties report to SVP Sales & Mktg. Strong comp skills inc Pwrpt. Vry detail orientd. Apply: (10/24)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/ABC Family & SOAPnet/Burbank: Degree, 5 yrs synd/bcast/cable exp; Mastery of Nielsen/TV software, outstanding writing/Excel skills req, prev mgr exp. pref. Visit : (Req ID 116769) (10/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH MGR/ABC TV NTWK/Burbank: Degree, 5+yrs media/ent/advtg rsrch; qual/quan primary rsrch, stat analys, excllnt writing/presentatn skills req, digtl bckgrd pref. (Req ID 113023) (10/24)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/Cablevision/Woodbury, Long Island: 2 yrs related work exp. Process/schedule orders for Ad time. See full posting and apply to 4675BR at (10/24)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/Fine Living/TN: Develop, write & produce on-air& off-air creative. 4+ yrs TV station/Cable Network exp. Mac/Windows exp req. Familiar with editing & graphics. Apply on line at (10/23)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’R/SONY PICTURES: Asst w/ maint’g accts across all Dig prop’s. Work w/Mgr Pricing/Analysis on invtry issues, moving invtry. tracking accts, & ensuring media sched run precise. Apply: (10/23)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR MANAGER/TV Land Research/MTV Networks/NYC: Ratings analysis expert. 5+yrs TV exp. Strong analytical/numeric/data interpretation skills/detailed knowledge Nielsen systems. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (10/23)

JOB OPENING: ONLINE MEDIA MANAGER/iN DEMAND/ NY, NY:  Project lead for online storefront & product mgr.  BA in technology.  3-5 yrs exp in media/online/software.  Apply at:  [email protected]  (10/23)

JOB OPENING: INVENTORY MANAGER/ LIFETIME NY: Analyze, report & manage placement of all Nat inv to optimize revenue & delivery. 1 yr Gabriel Deal Maint rqd. Strong Excel BA/BS Apply at: (10/20)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH FREELANCER/ LIFETIME TV NY: short-term engagement, 3-5 days per week. Must have 3+ years experience with Nielsen N-Power. Apply at: (10/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF LICENSING (primarily Soft Goods)/NY: CBS Consumer Products seeks Dir w/ent & specific category experience. Licensing strategies & plans for apparel, accessories, etc. Res & cover letter: [email protected] (10/20)

JOB OPENING: CONTRACTS ASSISTANT/CBS TV DIST/NY: Media Sales Dept seeks Contracts Asst to draft & revise contracts, maintain spreadsheets. Strong Word, Excel, math, & admin skills. Inc sal req in cover ltr [email protected] (10/20)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L TV BUYER/NYC: Midsize agency, quality account.  6mnths – 2yrs exp negotiating ntwrk cable and syndi plans. DDS exp a plus. Strong MS Skills/Excel. Excellent salary offered.  Email res to: [email protected] (10/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR PRICING & PLAN’G/WE tv/NYC:Mng all plan’g/pricing functions for advert inv. 5+yrs Ad Sales Pricing/Plan’g at Nat’l Brdcst or Cable Net. Exp with MSA/Nielsen & sales budgets nec. Res: ref#4712BR (10/20)

JOB OPENING: MARATHON MEDIA/SANTA MONICA:  For an Online Buyer/Planner w/1-2 years exp.  E-mail resume: [email protected] (10/20)

JOB OPENING: LOCAL SALES MANAGER/Comcast Spotlight: Guilford, CT: 5-7 yrs media/mgt exp. Oversee promotion dev’t. Manage team, rel’ship w/sales/network/clients. ref. 55326BR  (10/20)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, AUDIENCE RSRCH/MTV Networks/Chicago: Exciting opp to join one of the world’s leading creators of prgrmng/content across all media platforms. Full job description: log on to (10/20)

SUMMER or FALL INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  FALL/WINTER PROD INTERN/Westport, CT: CNBC’s “dLife TV” seeks office intern to assist producers 3-5 days/wk. Rsrchng, organizational & on-set help. Email: [email protected] with Ref: prod intern in subject line. (10/24)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  FALL/WINTER EDITING INTERNS/Westport, CT: CNBC’s “dLife TV” seeks asst editing interns to work 1-2 nights/wk. AVID exp helpful, but willing to train. Email: [email protected]   w/ Editing intern in subject line. (10/24)


Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

SITUATION WANTED: SALES/PROMO WIZ w/STRONG WRITTEN/ORAL SKILLS/L.A. area: 15+ yrs exp.; TV & music label exp. writer, ad sales, promoter, very organized, hard worker, upbeat person, team player. email: [email protected] (10/25)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/WRITER/FIELD DIRECTOR. Reality/Talk/Entertainment/Docs. 3 time Emmy nominee; LA based, willing to travel; 12 yrs. exp; strong credits; witty persona; [email protected] (10/25)

SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL MEDIA EXEC: Just relocated to CA. 15+ yrs creating & launching video/music products & tech; Programming, marketing, distribution, licensing & bus dev. Startup & large co. experience: [email protected] (10/24)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/ PROD COORD/ L.A. area: 7+ yrs exp. mult shows at one time, great work ethic; have TV & Film exp. as Prod, Dir, Writer, talent coord, great verbal skills, resourceful,team [email protected]  (10/20)

SITUATION WANTED: ENTRY LEVEL POSITION/NY/NJ area: Motivated, hard-working Fordham University grad with production/talk show and other varied experience seeks assistant/entry level position in creative environment. [email protected] (10/20)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.  

Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

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