Friday, November 13th, 2009

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Friday, November 13, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Intel reached a legal settlement with chip making rival AMD over unfair competitive practices that includes a payout of $1.25 billion and a promise by Intel to amend its ways. The deal, which addresses claims that Intel rewarded computer manufactures who used their chips and punished those who didn’t, could help get Intel out of the hot seat with government antitrust regulators, including the New York Attorney General’s office and the EU, which levied a record $1.45 billion fine against the company last spring. As a result of the settlement, AMD will drop all pending litigation including the case in U.S. District Court in Delaware and two cases pending in Japan. AMD will also withdraw all of its regulatory complaints worldwide.


AMC is gearing up for premier of its The Prisoner redux on Sunday night with a number of digital extensions including a digital mock up of “The Village,” a mysterious town where everybody seems to know everybody and people have numbers instead of names. (Think Stepford.) invites fans to contribute to the story and solve the show’s mysteries and a Flash-based online graphic  novel serves up another storyline related to The Village. (It reads much like a comic book, with each click taking you to the next frame of the story.) Starting Sunday, will also feature documentary footage that was shot throughout the production, as well as exclusive behind-the-scenes Prisoner videos.
One way of organizing video on your website is by chronological order. NBC’s launched a new interactive video timeline allowing viewers to navigate Today videos and find the daily segments they’d like to watch in the order that they appeared on the show. Each video has a segment marker which consumers can scroll over to view the headline and the time the story aired. 
NBCU’s launched a new food site geared toward helping busy women plan better meals, featuring recipes and advice from food experts, contributions from Top Chef talent and content from Time Inc’s Spice maker McCormick has signed on as the launch sponsor.
WE tv‘s answer to “He’s Just Not That Into You” is, an interactive forum where women can have their most taboo questions answered by real men. The site, built in house with the help of Plasticmind Design, features a Q&A style format where users receive answers to queries on everything from dating and relationships to pop culture, news, family, food, and work. The questions are answered by one of six GuySpeak bloggers, each representing a distinct male persona: Chic Geek, Funny Guy, Girls’ BFF, Mystery Man, Reformed Player and Wise-Ass.

~ INNOVATORS & START-UPS ~ is a new niche social networking site geared toward car lovers and social souls who would like to connect to folks who share their taste in cars. It allows you to browse by age, “life stage,” hobby or personality to try and figure out what kind of car might best suit you and it’s completely user-generated. (“No journalists here,” opines the home page.) Founder Tom Taira, who has worked on automotive sites focused on the unpleasant practice of lead generation, sees Honk as a safe haven for potential car shoppers and an attractive buy for car advertisers, precisely because it doesn’t try to trick you out of your personal info. Honk launches a new Facebook app today that allows you to post pictures of cars you’ve owned and share them with friends. In January, it also plans to release an app based on its recommendation engine, allowing users to watch car videos, share basic opinions, and receive car suggestions contoured to their needs.
Tech-oriented web producers Revision3 premiered its latest series, INST MSGS. This one riffs on Twitter, Facebook, IM and other web-based phenomenon by dramatizing them the way a cable show would re-enact an historical event. The 13-episode season kicks off with “My Women,” based on an actual Craigslist ad that promises to decode women’s Craigslist personal posts. (For example, “adventurous=slept around.”) The show was developed by Ann Le, Justin Simien and Mathieu Young. Actors appearing in season 1 include Dileep Rao (“Avatar”), Abigail Spencer (Mad Men), Josh Cooke (“Four Kings”) and Liam Sullivan of (“Kelly”).


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Microsoft’s Massive ad unit and ComScore have struck a new research partnership to try to popularize the mainstream use of in-game ads. The companies have developed a new methodology similar to currently accepted ad tracking and measurement standards to measure in-game ad consumption, determine engagement and action while maintaining consumer privacy and anonymity. The companies pointed to “preliminary research” showing that people exposed to in-game ads were 280% more likely to visit to a TV channel’s Web site; 125% more likely to search for a movie rental brand and 17% more likely to visit an entertainment site after seeing in-game ads for a particular movie.
Online ad formats and creative have not evolved sufficiently to meet marketers’ needs and the digital space is never going to live up to it’s expectations until these shortcomings are met, according to a study released yesterday by consulting firm Bain & Company and the IAB. Other problems limiting the flow of brand ad dollars include a lack of clear metrics and the lack category expertise at the agency level when they sell to brand marketers and engage with them too late in the media planning process. The “Building Brands Online” study recommends the following remedies:

  • Create segmented offerings to meet the separate needs of advertisers who are focused on building brands and those who are looking for direct response
  • Make brand-focused marketers a priority by building a sales force of category experts who respond directly to those marketers’ specific needs
  • Develop a full range of solutions with more engaging options and formats, including social networks, video and other rich media
  • Offer deeper service and support customized to vertical industries, to help advertisers plan, create and measure the brand impact of online ads
  • Optimize the ways that ad inventories are sold, with a range of approaches from full-service to self-service to partnership with ad networks and resellers
  • Enhance organizational effectiveness by setting the right priorities, clarifying internal roles and accountability and investing in sales staff skills and incentives



Conditions put by the FCC on Comcast‘s acquisition of NBC Universal could damage some of the synergies that the cable operator is counting on to make the deal worthwhile, reports Reuters. For instance, the FCC could force Comcast to continue providing channels to competitors such as Verizon and Dish, even if they are unable to agree on affiliate fees. Net neutrality or worse yet the “a la carte” issue could be even more detrimental, forcing Comcast to offer content a la carte that it has used for years to get customers to buy into higher tiers.
Warning of the appearance of impropriety, political action group Consumer Watchdog issued a statement calling on senators to skip a $5,000/head “fundraiser” set for today at Google headquarters.


NBC’s SNL site ranked as the top drawing broadcast TV site offering full episodes and short clips in Oct., drawing just slightly more than the ABC Music Lounge site – although both attracted over 1 million visitors, according to Nielsen‘s Oct. VideoCensus rankings. ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy delivered the highest total streams of any show streaming on a broadcast site, but keep in mind the ranking doesn’t factor Hulu into the equation.
Top 10 B’cast Programs – Unique Viewers (October ’09) 
Program                                   Network                      Unique Viewers
Saturday Night Live                    NBC                              1.041 million
ABC Music Lounge                     ABC                               1.012 million
Dancing with the Stars               ABC                                 998,000
Grey’s Anatomy                        ABC                                 985,000
FlashForward                            ABC                                 871,000
The Office                                NBC                                 773,000
Ugly Betty                                ABC                                 736,000
The Jay Leno Show                             NBC                                  720,000
Desperate Housewives              ABC                                 687,000
Modern Family                          ABC                                 471,000
Source: Nielsen VideoCensus
Top 10 B’cast Programs – Total Streams (October ’09)   
Program                                   Network                        Total Streams
Grey’s Anatomy                        ABC                                21.8 million
The Office                                NBC                                20.7 million
FlashForward                            ABC                                12.5 million
Glee                                         Fox                                 12.5 million
Desperate Housewives              ABC                                11.5 million
Heroes                                      NBC                                10.7 million
House                                                Fox                                  9.1 million
Dancing with the Stars             ABC                                 8.2 million
Private Practice                        ABC                                 8.0 million
Vampire Diaries                        CW                                 8.0 million
Source: Nielsen VideoCensus
Top 10 Search Providers for October 2009, Ranked by Searches (U.S.)
Rank  Provider                         Searches (000)      Share of Searches
1        Google Search                 6,759,395   66.1%
2        Yahoo! Search                 1,574,891   15.4%
3        MSN/Windows Live/Bing      986,747  9.7%
4        AOL Search  3                      10,178   3.0%
5 Search                  176,744   1.7%
6        My Web Search                  101,436   1.0%
7        Comcast Search                   51,995   0.5%
8        NexTag Search                     35,088   0.3%
9        BizRate Search                     30,690   0.3%
10      Yellow Pages Search              30,422  0.3%
Source: The Nielsen Company


NBA Digital, a NBA and Turner Sports joint venture, launched a two-screen interactive app that allows viewers to view real-time stats, 3D shot charts and play-by-play analysis as they watch the games on TV at home. The web-based NBA TV Companion app also features integration with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Yahoo, enabling live trash-talking with friends.


Mobile content retailer Mobile Streams has appointed Arnd Aschentrup to the newly created position of Chief Operating Officer, joining Ian Brewer recently hired as CFO. Arnd will be responsible for managing all aspects of Mobile Streams’ content activities globally including licensing, preparation, distribution and reporting.
Palo Alto-based social network template provider Ning announced a number of promotions and new hires:

  • Ning upped SVP/Business Operations Jason Rosenthal to COO
  • Diego Doval was recently promoted from Chief Technology Officer to Chief Product Officer
  • John McDonald was hired as VP of Advocacy who joins Ning from eBay
  • Jill Nissan was upped to VP/Chief Policy Officer
  • YouTube marketing director Julie Supan was named VP/Marketing
  • VP Joel Wright and Director Cristian Cussen were added to the Biz Dev team
  • Sridatta Viswanath was recently promoted to VP/Engineering overseeing the entire Engineering organization



Yet another TV aggregation player is trying to make a splash. San Diego-based Yidio, which has quietly amassed a monthly audience of 4 million in the past year and half according to Google Analytics, is similar to other players at first glance, providing an episode guide and linking to full episode sites and online storefronts. But the technology behind the platform is further along than meets the eye. It’s out to be the Amazon of the online TV space by providing a superior recommendation engine that points you to content based on your interactions on the site. What’s more, Yidio’s discovery engine features a new social component, mining other users’ favorites and interactions to recommend titles you might like based on what others of similar taste are watching. “This functionality is at the core of version 3 of Yidio,” said the company’s 26 year-old COO Adam Eatros, who founded the site with his older brother Brandon. Yidio, which says it is “currently profitable,” announced yesterday at the NewTeeVee conference that it has received its first round of Angel financing, led by Appolicious CEO Alan Warms. That money will be used to expand it episode guide and recommendation engine to mobile platforms, social networks and media centers.


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JOB OPENING: STRATEGIC MKTG MGR/(USA)/NBCU/NY: Devel. & execute revenue generating, multi-platform mktg opportunities for potential & current clients, support USA network’s sales goals. BA 5 yrs exp. , #1109143 (11/20)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, MARKETING PARTNERSHIPS/Nat’l Geo Channel, DC. Lead/develop promo partnerships. BA & 7yrs exp & cable network pref. Apply job# FNG17451 (11/20)

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SPRING INTERNSHIPS CREDIT ONLY: Rock Ridge Music/Newark NJ: call tour promoters & retail stores, work directly w/RRM staff & artists, Internet promo/research, computer savvy, familiar w/social networking sites [email protected] (11/20)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Trylon SMR (, a NYC PR agency, is seeking a Spring intern that has familiarity with the media industry and tech sector, and strong internet skills. [email protected] (11/17)

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