Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Friday, July 8, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here.
Major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and movie, TV and music industry groups including the RIAA and MPAA unveiled a new 6 strikes-and-you’re-out system to help curb online copyright infringement. The “Copyright Alerts” system, which works from a blacklist of illegal sites, calls for ISPs to warn subscribers who have been identified downloading content illegally; after five notices they are subject to “mitigation measures” including speed throttling, or permanently redirecting their start-up page to a primer site on copyright infringement. Users can appeal at the Mitigation Measures stage, on the grounds that the wrong account was targeted, but that process will cost $35. Participating ISPs include AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Verizon.
Long-running soaps All My Children and One Life to Live are to have a new life thanks to an exclusive multiplatform deal between ABC and Prospect Park, the production company founded by Jeffrey Kwatinetz and former Disney Studios head Rich Frank. The licensing agreement allows Prospect Park to produce and deliver new full-length episodes of the shows to consumers via online formats and additional emerging platforms including IP-connected television sets. Both shows were cancelled when ABC decided to replace them with health and lifestyle shows, The Chew, premiering Sept. 26 and The Revolution, replacing One Life To Live in Jan. 2012.
Trying to make the company more attractive to prospective buyers, Hulu CEO Jason Kilar released some updated info about the portal’s Q2 performance. Hulu Plus subscribers are expected to reach the 1 million mark by the end of the summer – earlier than previously forecast. The subscription service has also increased its content library by 67% to 15,000 hours and is now accessible on an installed base of more than 100 million connected devices.
Amazon announced that Kindle New York Times subscribers can now finally gain access to’s pay site through this link page for no extra charge, as print subscribers do.
Apple announced some that 15 billion apps have now been downloaded from the App Store by 200 million+ iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users worldwide. There are now more than 425k iPhone apps and 100k native iPad apps to choose from.
The Investigation Discovery network has launched a new site soliciting horror relationship stories. is a companion to season two of Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry, premiering next Wed. at 10p ET. Scorned lovers are also invited to record video testimonials at a “confessional kiosk” set up in a trio of locations in New York City next week. The booth will be in Penn Plaza on Monday, Times Square on Tuesday and at Grand Central Vanderbilt Hall on Wed.
Is the U.K.- based Spotify online music service finally ready to launch in the U.S.? The service’s international website says yes it is and is taking invite emails, but the site is vague on the details, such as when and on what devices. (Although there are pictures of Android, iPhone and Windows smartphones on the site.)
In this YouTube post, Google+ Advertising Product Manager Christian Oestlien has asked brands, businesses and other entities to sit tight for now and wait before creating their own profile pages on Google’s new social network. The company is busy testing business-related elements such as rich analytics and interfaces with other Google products such as Adwords. But he is inviting a few applicants to participate in the process.
Apple is planning to cut its rates for its expensive iAd mobile ad platform by as much as 70% for some top-shelf clients, according to a Bloomberg report. The company has already cut the minimum ad buy from $1 million when it first introduced the platform a year ago to $500k and will reportedly go as low as $300k if agencies bring multiple campaigns into the mix.
Cisco unveiled a new software/hardware enterprise solution to manage and distribute live and on demand video to thousands of users. Dubbed the Enterprise Content Delivery System (ECDS,) the system can be configured to maximize video quality and minimize bandwidth consumption by pushing video out across a network during off-peak hours, and then caching it locally for access by multiple users.
#4 MSO Charter Communications has competed a deal to distribute Rovi‘s next generation TotalGuide Solution on its set top boxes. The solution features advanced search, discovery and recommendation features and includes an application that can extend and connect Charter’s video experience to tablets, smartphones and PCs.
Games continue to be the most popular app category, and according to Nielsen, 93% of app downloaders are willing to pay for the games they play. (In contrast, only 76% of downloaders are willing to pay for news apps.) Among smartphone consumers who have played mobile games in the past 30 days, those with iPhones, Windows 7 phones or Android phones are the most likely to have downloaded the games they played, while those with Blackberry phones or featurephones tend to play pre-loaded games. The average mobile gamer plays an average of 7.8 hours a month. iPhone users top the charts with 14.7 hours of game playing/month while Android users play around 9.3 hours per month.
Time Warner Cable launched an updated version of its TWCable TV iPad app with new remote control features, a new 7-day interactive programming guide, a remote DVR Manager and a total of more than 100 live channels. (Viacom channels are still missing – TWC has reached agreements with many programmers to offer live programming on the app within subscribers’ homes and has agreed to a cease fire with Viacom as they negotiate an agreement.)
The Motorola Droid 3 is now available online from Verizon for $199.99 with a two-year agreement. The 3G phone runs on Android’s Gingerbread OS and features a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, a 4-inch touchscreen, a dual-core processor and an 8MP camera. It also features a HDMI port in order to view content from the phone on a large screen TV.
America’s Funniest Home Videos has launched its first app, the AFV App for iPhone and iPod touch, featuring 14 channels of classic AFV clips and an upload feature enabling users to submit videos to be considered for the show.
The Weather Channel updated its Android app, improving the user interface, adding international language support and integrating TWC’s iWitness Weather user-generated resource. The app also includes several new features offered exclusively to Verizon customers with 4G LTE smartphones through the end of the year, including TruPoint maps and near-HD quality videos.
The NYTimes’ Calorie announced the launch of a new barcode scanning feature for its Calorie Count iPhone app. The barcode addition scans and locates nutritional data for approximately 100,000 nationally-available packaged foods.
E! Entertainment has promoted top marketing, news and online executive Suzanne Kolb to President. Suzanne began with the Comcast-owned network in 2005 as SVP/Marketing and most was most recently credited with unifying and expanding E!’s news entities, including E! News, E! Online and E! News Now.
Victoria, B.C.-based ecommerce market research company Terapeak has named Colin How to the position of President, effective immediately.
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Handwritten letters are a unique form of expression going the way of the dodo bird, thanks to digital platforms. But they’re not dead yet. Check out Letters of, an archive of over 500 letters compiled by freelance copywriter Shaun Usher, most of which are scanned then transcribed. Yesterday’s entry is from a 31-year-old Stanley Kubrick, who felt compelled to write to Ingmar Bergman to tell him how much he admired his work. This one is a message to aspiring artists from Pixar animator Austin Madison to PERSIST on staying true to your vision, no matter the obstacles. “Next time you hit writer’s block, or your computer crashes and you lose an entire night’s work because you didn’t hit save (always hit save), just remember: you’re never far from that next burst of divine creativity,” he writes.
Correction: Michael Thornton has just joined Starz Entertainment, not PRNewswire, as EVP/Business and Legal Affairs. Michael, who held the same position with Disney/ABC Domestic Television since 2005, is working out of the company’s Englewood, CO offices.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: DIR OF DEV/NY prod co: Producer/Writer with dev. exp and network relationships respond to [email protected] (7/15)
JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER & PRODUCTION ASST/HarperCollins Publishers/NYC: seeking a Graphic Designer and Production Asst to join the team that creates its enhanced e-books. View jobs/apply: (7/15)
JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/NEW YORK: History, Prog: Exec Asst w/3-5 yrs admin experience in Cble/Tv/Ent indstry. Excllnt comm/orgztnl skilz. (7/15)
JOB OPENING: MGR, PROG RESEARCH/NEW YORK: Research-based analysis, insight & info aimed at supporting A+E Networks Prog, Mktg, Sched & PR (7/15)
JOB OPENING: COORDINATING PRODUCER (FT)/NYC: Work on new talk show interfacing with show producers to create program copy and coordinate copy elements to integrate into studio shoot days. Email to: [email protected] (7/15)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/ABC Owned/NY: generate, communicate proposals to sales teams for presentation to agencies, clients. Follow through on all aspects of digital campaigns. Apply: Req:298513 (7/15)
JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER/NEW YORK: Sr. Writer/Producer: Please visit req#99192 for full description & to apply. (7/14)
JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/OUTDOOR CHANNEL/NY: Create mktg decks; Assist bldg plns and check avls; Review MSAs and track delivery; Self-starter, proactive, media degree/exp helpful; To: [email protected] (7/14)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF NETWORK OPERATIONS/NESN/MA: Responsibilities incl leading & overseeing the dvlpmnt of: an operations mngmnt team & staff, high quality and efficient technical operations, and safety programs. (7/14)
JOB OPENING: SPECIALIST, DIST MKTG (Freelance)/A+E/NY:Support Dist Mktg initiatives across A+E Networks. Cust show presentations/comm tools/asset agg & tracking. 3+ yrs mktg, cable pref’d, affiliate mktg a plus. #99373. (7/13)
JOB OPENING: EXEC ASSISTANT/WEtv/NYC: 3-5 yrs exec admin exp in Cble/Tv/Ent indstry. Assts SVP w/ admin tasks incldng: calendr, phone, expnse reprts, special proj, etc. Excllnt comp/comm/orgztnl skilz. Rez: [email protected] (7/12)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR MEDIA/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Establish comm strategy & positioning for netwk priorities. 8-10 yrs exp in agency and/or ent media exp pref’d. Exp managing multi-million dollar budgets. #2345 (7/19)
JOB OPENING: GHOST WRITERS Looking for Children’s Book ghost writers. Send samples and rates to [email protected] (7/12)
JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIR, NBCU/Syfy/NY: Job#2123BR Oversee promo campaigns (Bdcst),consumer/trade mktg materials. Sprvs creative process incl concepting/scripting/prod/editorial. 5+yrs exp TV. Apply online (7/12)
JOB OPENING: DIR, TECHNOLOGY & OPS/CA: Job#2190BR Oversees business operations, delivery, and emerging technology for Digital Distribution group at NBC Universal. 7+ yrs exp. To apply: (7/12)
JOB OPENING: DIR SALES & PRTNSHPS/IFC & SUNDANCE/CHI: Sell multi-platform packages. Pitch, negotiate, build relatnshps. Devlp new opportunities to meet mktplace needs. 7+ year media/agency exp. Rez to: [email protected] (7/12)
JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH DIR/RSRCH DIR/LA: Design/dir rsrch prods & custom mkt rsrch studies. 5-7 yrs primary rsrch exp, strong quant skills; exp mkt rsrch design & good client skills a must. Apply: (7/12)
JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/LA: Resp: questionnaire design, sampling, preparing banner and tab specs, analysis and reporting. 2-3 yrs primary mktrs rch req’d. Exp w/Ent ind rsrch pref’d. Apply: (7/12)
JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/NCC Media ( Jr level. BS/BA deg req’d. 1 to 2 yrs TV, online display or radio advrtsng sales exp or 1 to 2yrs agency media buying or plann’g exp. Resume: [email protected] (7/9)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AFFILIATE MARKETING /SPT/Miami: Oversee & support Affiliates area; Bachelor’s req, Fully bilingual Eng/Span req; 5 yrs affiliate exp req, 2 yrs mgmt exp req. See full profile & apply at (7/9)
JOB OPENING: VP AD SALES RESEARCH/FX/NY: Manage all aspects of ad sales research, qual/quant data, oversee 3 employees; 10+ yrs exp in media research, mgmt exp req. Apply: (7/9)
JOB OPENING: USA SALES RESEARCH DIRECTOR/NBCU/NYC: Direct on-air sales research for USA Network. Knwldg of Nielsen Galaxy Explorer, TVToolbox, IAG, Simmons, MRI, CMR; Excel/PowerPoint. Apply online at (#2122BR) (7/9)
INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NBCU Integrated Media works across portfolio to develop custom, innovative ad sales marketing solutions. Intern responsibilities: brainstorms, research, newsletter mgmt, etc. Res/cov ltr to: [email protected] (7/13)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SCD, a TV Development Company in NYC is seeking a summer intern. Flexible hours but must be smart, reliable and funny. [email protected] (7/9)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Seeking DIGITAL MKTG intern to help creating mobile apps, viral vids, social media strategy. Assist execs directly and learn a ton. Having a smartphone and laptop is a plus. Send letter/resume: [email protected] (7/9)
SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]
SITUATION WANTED: New York Producer/UPM With business finance background 5-7 Years in tv/Film Looking for Freelance or Full Time work. Brian [email protected] (7/15)
SITUATION WANTED: Recent college graduate looking for ENTRY LEVEL JOB in entertainment industry.Marketing experience, bilingual with Japanese, PBK. Based in Philly. Please contact Bethany Rycek at [email protected] (7/15)
SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE MEDIA MIND Seeking to assist, Entry- Junior level positions, B.A. & Communications/Media background, 3-5 years of experience domestically & internationally. NY based. Please contact, [email protected] (7/15)
SITUATION WANTED: Consultant for script notes, standup act/material, pitching projects. Resume includes managing talent for 10 years, devel. exec, producer. Teach seminars/college. Reasonable fees. [email protected] for info (7/14)
SITUATION WANTED: LA. Exp’d director/ producer seeking position in production, development or sales at a feature film/ TV production company or studio, 15 years exp in commercials, TV and film. contact: [email protected] (7/14)
SITUATION WANTED: MANAGER/DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND ANALYSIS/LA. 10+ yrs exp in corporate entertainment finance. Extensive background in financial budgeting, planning, modeling and executive presentations. [email protected] (7/13)
SITUATION WANTED: I’ve written a 1-hour dramedy entitled, Tree House, which is loosely based on my life story. It’s, ” A Contemporary, Edgy, Multiplatform Show “. I’m looking for studio executive assistance. [email protected] (7/13)
SITUATION WANTED: UK: DEVELOPMENT RESEARCHER/AP Skilled in Factual & Fact Ent research, finding contributors and writing pitches. more info at or email [email protected] (7/13)
SITUATION WANTED: BILINGUAL COPYWRITER SPANISH – Print, TV, Social Media, Digital see my portfolio (7/9)
SITUATION WANTED: Script Doctor/PROD w 16 yrs as Brdcst exec can consult/edit/polish your TV/film/web pitch/bible/screenplay. Credits inc. DeGrassi, DaVinci, Dragon [email protected] (7/9)
SITUATION WANTED: Recent CSUN graduate looking for an entry level job in Production/Post-production in LA. Exp w/ PA, final cut pro, videography, web design, graphic design. Please contact Christian Mikkelson at [email protected] (7/9)
E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.
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