Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Friday, February 22, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Microsoft made more noise about transitioning to an open-source environment to make its products more interoperable. According to Ray Ozzie, Microsoft’s chief software architect, the company realizes it must deliver software and services any developer can use to integrate with other applications, insure maximum innovation and value for the end user. That doesn’t mean Vista or Office will be written in open source, but it will mean the release of APIs for these products to allow developers to create plug-ins and widgets for them. Cynics will say this is all a play to get the EU off its back. But the company even went to the trouble of designing an open source website for the occasion.


CBS Interactive is dusting off a selection of its own classics from the CBS Library for distribution across the CBS Audience Network. Full-length episodes of Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, Hawaii Five-O, MacGyver and Melrose Place will be available for free on an ad-supported basis through more than 300 member sites.
Johnny Knoxville and MTV are bringing Jackass to the digital age with The site, slated to be “fully erect” by Saturday, will kick off with 24-straight hours of continuously updated video of the latest stupid stunts users can view and comment on via message board, email or text message.
Verizon is casting subjects for an online technology makeover show, The Upgrade Show, to showcase its television and high-speed internet products. Email them a testimonial (300 words or less) at [email protected] about why you would be the perfect candidate for a sweet new home set up, along with jpegs of your family and home.
NBC Mobile is offering movie fans instant text alerts of Oscar award winners as they are announced on Sunday, along with the usual red carpet and backstage video interviews. Coverage kicks off tonight at 4 pm ET.


Streaming video services provider Vividas is launching a revised version of its media platform next month that will improve live streaming scalability and incorporate advanced features such as easy integration with its DRM and CMS solutions.
Scientific documentary video portal is launching a burn-to-DVD option, making 13 titles initially available for download in a format that can be easily saved on a DVD Rom. The feature is powered by Germany’s ACE GmbH and costs $8.99/program, vs. $2.99 for a TV quality download and $2.49 for a portable quality download.


Google is floating an idea with Arizona-based Space Data to deliver wireless coverage to rural areas using hot air balloons, reports The Wall Street Journal. Cost is the motivation: $1,500 wireless receivers could be carried in $500 balloons, a fraction of the cost of a wireless tower.
Collegiate licensing firm IMG College reached a 5-year agreement to manage multimedia rights and sponsorship sales for The Ohio Valley Conference.


More details about Google’s Video AdSense program, officially in beta as of yesterday:

  • Participating publishers must serve at least 1 million U.S. streams/month
  • Ads come in two formats – Overlaid InVideo ads are paid on a CPM basis, activated when users click on a prompt
  • Contextual AdSense text ads are paid on CPC basis triggered by tags in the video, taking the user to the advertiser’s website when clicked on
  • Online ad networks YouMe and Tremor Media will integrate with the program
  • Best of all, there are no pre-rolls



Google slightly extended its share of core searches in January to 58.5 %, according to ComScore. Yahoo sites ranked second with 22.2%, followed by Microsoft sites (9.8 %), AOL (4.9 %) and Ask Network (4.5 %).
Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Show Sites (Week ending Feb. 16, 2008)
Rank     Network     Website                           Market Share of Visits
  1           FOX         American Idol                              16.85%
  2           NBC         Deal or No Deal                            12.82%
  3           CBS         Survivor: Micronesia                       5.22%
  4           ABC         Lost                                              4.30%
  5           FOX         America’s Most Wanted                   4.00%
  6           CBS         Jericho                                          2.51%
  7           ABC         Extreme Makeover: Home Edition    2.10%
  8           NBC         American Gladiators                       1.97%
  9         The CW      One Tree Hill                                  1.96%
 10          ABC          Dance War: Bruno vs. Carie Ann     1.64%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise


Connexus’ Traffic Marketplace ad network upped Jim Waltz to President. Jim most recently served as CEO of AdModus, acquired by Connexus in July 2007. He reports to Art Shaw, CEO.

Philip Manwaring joined the Gospel Music Channel as VP/Digital Media, the network’s first digital chieftain. He reports to Charles Humbard, GMC’s founder and President.
Ketchum Interactive Communications hired a pair of new VPs. BrandInfluence founder James Andrews will serve as Director in Atlanta while Innovation Ads’ Scott Kilroy will become Director in the New York office.


If you’re still trying to read between the lines of the Writer’s Guild’s New Media deal, check out this Huffington Post by Jonathan Handel, entertainment attorney and former Associate Counsel for the guild. Or better yet go to Jonathan’s Digital Media Law blog, if you got a knack for legalese.  


Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

Cynopsis Digital Ad Sales: Jason Cesare 732-718-0629 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-926-9878 / [email protected]

Cynopsis website – Video Resumes, Extended Classified Ads, Archives, and the Cynopsis Daily Video

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JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCT EXEC/Sony Pictures/LA: Sell Sony Ent Online invent. across range of online ent properties. Mng W Coast sales. Digital contacts, 2-5 yrs digital ad sales exp req’d. Res: [email protected] (2/29)

JOB OPENING: F/T EXEC ASST/LA based Daytime Drama: For Show Runner.Candidate must have previous exp & possess excellent organization, computer and communications skills. Email your cover letter/resume to:   [email protected]   (2/29)

JOB OPENING: VP, DIGITAL VIDEO DISTRIBUTION/ESPN/BRISTOL CT:  Sales and marketing strategies to drive distribution non-mobile phone, digital products and services.  10+yrs industry exp. [email protected]   (2/29)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/CNN DIGITAL/NY: Support sales across multiple digital platforms. BA, Strong media math, 1+ yrs. exp with Nielsen Online and web analytics products pref’d. Apply: [email protected] (2/29)

JOB OPENING: MGR AFF SALES ADMIN/A&E TV-NY:  Maintain Aff subs data – analy & report in SCRIBE.  Manage NCTC acct.  – BA/BS & 3+ yrs cable exp. & knowl of aff data structure.  Res:   (2/29)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/Cablevision NY, NY:  Seeks Research Mgr 5+ yrs TV Rrsch exp. Working knwlg new media/digital industry. Online and Trad. rsrch tools pref.  See full posting and apply to reg id 1786BR (2/29)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/Rainbow Media/ NYC: 2+ yrs exp in broadcast/cable tv editing. Must have Avid/Final Cut Pro. See Full posting and apply to req id 5297BR (2/29)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ONLINE / LIFETIME/NY: Sales Account Manager responsible for growing and managing media sales for and Apply at: (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/CBS TV Dist/NY: Take-charge person to manage online inventory. Communicate with ad agencies and execute clients tech needs. Knowledge and experience working with DART. Email: [email protected] (2/28)

JOB OPENING: ASST TO PRES/CEO/REALITY TV CO/LA: 3yrs exp working for senior-lvl exec. Detail oriented, computer skills, fast pace. Phones, sched mtgs, interact with agents/writers/producers. Res to: [email protected] (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  DIG PROD MGR/WE tv/NYC: 2-4 yrs exp Web tech/new media. Support Interactive content & mktg proj for digital platforms.Strong knwlg of client-side& web-based technologies, html. rez ref #5414BR (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  VP, PRODUCTION MGMT: Will oversee all aspects of production for VH1/Logo. Events, original series, pilots etc. Apply under Prod. Mgmnt. EOE (2/28)

JOB OPENING: KIDS DTV PRODUCER/CDA Productions/LA: Must have demonstrated exp. with live action kids productions. Infant/Toddler experience preferred. Apply to:  [email protected] (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH ANALYST II/Discovery/MD:  Min. two yrs research exp pref. broadcast/media. Quantitative/Qualitative exp req. Strg proj. management & comp. skills Nielsen or SPSS. Apply:   req# 7677   (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  ADV SALES MGR/ Coast: 2+ yrs sales mgmt exp, 3-5 yrs online ad sales, knwlg budgets, online sales & motivating sales people. Focus on Ent. Media nat’l, retail.  Res to: [email protected]  (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT EXEC/NYPost/ Coast: 2+ yrs Online, Ad sales, Exp w/ agencies/clients across nat’l, retail, ent/media, TV/video ad sales a +, Strong sales, presenting, negotiating skills. Res to: [email protected] (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  MGR DOMESTIC SALES ADMIN/NBC UNI/Universal City: resp. for the sales process and mngmnt of the domestic TV Basic Cable, TV (pay & free) & New Media deals. Degree or 2 yrs exp. keyword #786681. (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  SW QA PROFESSIONAL/iTVX/Westchester NY: iTVX leader in Brander integration is seeking qualified QA Database experts to lead creation of new tools and services.  Resume to:  [email protected]  (2/28)

JOB OPENING:  SR. RESEARCH PROJECT MANAGER/CNN/ATL: Design/manage/present web analyses and primary research projects for CNN Digital businesses. 5+Yrs research/online analytics/Masters pref’d. Apply: [email protected] (2/28)

JOB OPENING: S&P & RIGHTS CLEARANCES MGR/PBS Sprout/PHILA: Knwldg of and/or exp w/legal or acquisitions & clearance procedures. Exp. w/children and/or cable prgrmng ind. BS/BA pref. legal/acquisitions. Apply: (2/27)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PRICING & PLANNING, STYLE/Comcast Nets/NY: 1+ yr industry exp; Resp for tracking inventory, processing MSA posting, oversee EDI & supporting sales staff. Apply: 60506BR EEO/AA/Drug Free (2/27)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING COORD/Hallmark Channel/LA: Support consumer marketing. 2 yrs admin. exp. See full posting & apply @ (2/27)

JOB OPENING: DIG CONTENT MGR/WE tv/NYC: 2-4 years web content or prod exp w/ent/web/cable. Video prod exp pref. Strong PM, comm & tech skills a must. rez to ref #5294BR (2/27)

JOB OPENING: MGR.ON-AIR PROMO PRODUCTION/LIFETIME TV/LA: Must have solid TV on-air promo exp. and knowledge of post-production technologies and digital file management. Apply to: [email protected]  (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  SR.WRITER PRODUCER/LIFETIME TV/LA: Conceptualize, write and produce on-air and radio promos. Must have demonstrated exp. within cable or broadcast network.   Apply to: [email protected] (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  CREATIVE DIRECTOR/LIFETIME TV/LA: Must have extensive exp. in on-air promos within cable or network and demonstrated editorial expertise. Apply to: [email protected] (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  PR COORDINATOR/FOODNETWORK/NY:  Work w/ PR Mgr to provide market press support for select primetime series; develop support materials & select show releases. 1-3 yrs exp PR/related. Apply at: (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR & AE SALES POSITIONS (NY, LA, Chicago)/Arena Media Networks: Exciting opportunity to join quickly growing digital placed based media company in sports & entertainment arenas.Contact: [email protected] (2/23)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF PRODUCTION (ADMIN)/Wash D.C: Dir prod multiple TV series: schedules, budgets, crews, equip, deliverables. Upbeat /detail oriented. Exp w/ 3+ series, 5+ yrs prod mgmt. Ltr/ Res: [email protected] (2/23)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CABLEVISION/WOODBURY NY:  Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, internet adv.  Valid NY DL.  See full posting and apply to req 4047BR (2/23)

JOB OPENING:  ONLINE REVENUE MGR/Discovery Communications /Miami:  Mgmt of online ad campaign, SEO exp req’d, Lat Am mkt knwldg, ROI Analysis, campaign budgets, media plans, staff mgmt. Resume to: [email protected]  (2/23)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RSCH ANALYST/Oxygen/NYC: 2+ yrs data analysis exp using Nielsen softwares and other sales tools. Att to detail a must. . #803511 (2/23)

WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTERN/Bethpage, NY: AP department is responsible for processing invoices to generate payments to suppliers.   For more info/submit a resume, visit . Enter requisition id 5498BR (2/29)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  POLITICAL AD SALES INTERN/NY, NY: An understanding & interest in the political process is required.  Preferred Majors: Poly Sci & Communications.  Excellent communication skills.  Send resume to:  [email protected] (2/28)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SUMMER INTERNSHIPS AVAIL/News Channel 8/MyTV9-New Haven. CT: Now hiring interns for 5 depts, news, sports, mktg/community, mktg rsch and web prod. Deadline to apply is April 1st. Contact [email protected] (2/26)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: RESEARCH INTERNSHIP/Hallmark Channel/LA: Avail immed. Learn about cable television, ratings and programming. Must take for class credit. Available now! Email resume to [email protected] (2/23)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

SITUATION WANTED:  MKTG/ACCT MGMT/PROMOTION/EVENTS: 10 yrs exp in cable, publishing, advertising. Versatile, creative, resourceful, detailed, outgoing personality. Seeking F/T role in similar capacity. [email protected] (2/28)

E-mail  [email protected] for rates and specs for Job Openings. 

Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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