Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Friday, December 7, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
A movie studio and a user generated video site are hitting the road with their hottest property. The Landlord star Will Ferrell will be criss-crossing college campuses next February to promote and Semi Pro, his latest feature from New Line Cinema. The site will also release a new viral video starring Ferrell and his Semi Pro co-star Andrew Daly each week leading up to the film’s premiere on Leap Year Day, Feb. 29th. The “Will Ferrell’s Funny or Die Comedy Tour” pairs Will with three of the site’s regular stand up comedians, Zach Galifianakis, Demetri Martin, and Nick Swardson.
National Geographic Digital Motion signed an agreement with China Intercontinental Communications Center (CICC) to license approximately 1,300 hours of programming and 3,000 hours of video footage never before seen in the West. The CICC, the media production arm of China’s State Council Information Office, maintains a digital library of footage rich in nature and travel programming. The archive should be of particular interest to National Geographic and third party producers leading up to the Olympic Games next summer, according to Jocelyn Shearer, VP/Video Licensing and Archive Management, National Geographic Digital Motion.
The Sundance Film Festival is expanding its Short Film Program this year to distribute entries on multiple digital platforms. The 83 short films selected from the more than 5,000 films submitted will be available for purchase on iTunes and Xbox 360 for $1.99/each beginning Jan. 18, 2008. Netflix subscribers will be able to view them online for no additional fee. The Sundance website will again feature one free short each day during the festival, which kicks off on Jan. 17.
The Weather Channel Interactive‘s debuted a newly enhanced ski minisite chock full of information on current conditions, forecasts, events, maps and a selection of “Top to Bottom” instructional videos courtesy of Warren Miller Productions. To promote Epic Conditions, the team also came up with, an embeddable mashup tool allowing users to create their own personalized ski video.
The newest episode of CBS Mobile‘s original series Danny Bonaduce: Life Coach guest stars the voice and likeness of celebrity blogger Perez Hilton. The two seem made for each other.
Social networking site PeopleJam unveiled its first original online video series featuring one-on-one interviews with celebrities that go beyond the usual gossip. The site’s first batch of interviews ask NBA stars such as Vince Carter and Ray Allen what advice they would give others to help them succeed in life.
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The Television Bureau of Advertising‘s electronic Spot TV buying system, ePort, has signed contracts with 605 local TV stations in 178 DMAs, representing over 96% of U.S. TV households. ePort, expected to roll out Q2 2008, automates the entire transaction process for station airtime, online and digital subchannel inventory.
Mobile advertising solutions provider Amobee Media Systems is enlisting Winstar Interactive Media to represent sales for a selection of mobile ad inventory it manages. Winstar will sell ads and develop relationships with agencies and buyers on behalf of Amobee from its six offices in the U.S.
A couple of mainstream programmers reported their best traffic numbers so far last month. Bravo Digital‘s and its suite of broadband channel claimed its monthly uniques count reached an all time in Nov. with 3 million visitors. Meanwhile garnered 16.3 million unique users, an increase of 28% compared to Nov. 2006. ABC News launched a Facebook application last month featuring up-to-the-minute news, video and social networking functionality.
Top Visited US Broadcast Network TV Show Websites (Week ending December 1, 2007)
Rank Network Website Market Share of Visits
1 ABC Dancing With The Stars 29.62%
2 NBC Deal or No Deal 8.03%
3 NBC Heroes 5.43%
4 FOX America’s Most Wanted 3.88%
5 ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 2.49%
6 NBC The Biggest Loser 2.16%
7 ABC The Bachelor 2.14%
8 FOX American Idol 2.12%
9 ABC Grey’s Anatomy 1.95%
10 NBC The Office 1.93%
Source: Custom report from Hitwise
ABC Television Network hired Amul Shah as Associate Director/Digital Research to develop digital research projects in support of new business and other initiatives.
The iGoogle start page launched a new widget to help users follow their favorite candidates on the campaign trail. The viewer tracks YouTube videos, news and blogs and even maps where in the country they’re currently campaigning. Too bad it’s not embeddable elsewhere.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: DIR, OPS/ LIFETIME/LA: Oversee tech, creative, client srvc, & admin ops for Post Prod facility. Post prod exp w/ mgmnt/proj plan’g skills. Asst client proj, & liaison to NY & Eng Dept.Apply: [email protected] (12/14)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/MTV Tr3s/NYC: BS/BA. 1+ yrs exp resrch/data analy cable/brdcast. Exp w/ Nielsen (Explorer, NPower, MarketBreaks, etc). Str analytic sk. Bi-ling Spanish a +. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/14)
JOB OPENING: ACCT REP/RSRCH ANALYST/LA: Role uses Return Path Data (RPD) for TV audience ratings for interactive svcs. RPD is the cutting edge of audience analysis allowing second-by-second reporting. Apply at (12/14)
JOB OPENING: ASST, RSRCH/Comcast Networks/NY: Media ind exp pref; Asst in creating reports, maintain Nielsen prog names, retrieve audience data, maintain rsrch library, maintain dept calendars/sched. Contact [email protected] (12/14)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER, SHOWS/VH1.Com/NYC: 4+yrs prod online media exp, Strg multi task/time mgment skills, Strg Microsoft Word, Visio, Adobe skills. Knwldge of brand/digital prgrming. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/14)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER OF DEVELOPMENT for TV host and his prod co/LA: Must identify commercial ideas & talent. Strong contacts. Previous development exp a must. Hands-on production exp preferred. Email: [email protected] (12/14)
JOB OPENING: BRAND MGR/CNN (NY): 5-7+ yrs exp in brand mgmt; MBA preferred. Will research market/consumer trends, analyze client brand strategies, develop strategic positioning. Apply online via , Req# 91872. EOE (12/14)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/FOX/NY: Mng daily aspects of Ad Sales Rsrch (tracks/trends & analysis) for channel. Formulate innovative concepts w/regard to sales objectives/goals.6-8 yrs exp media ind rsrch pref’d; (12/12)
JOB OPENING: COORD PROGRAMMING/Comedy Central-NYC: 1 – 2 yrs exp working in television; working knwldg TV programming/scheduling. Detail oriented; good comm sk. Proficient in MS Excel. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/12)
JOB OPENING: COORD PROGRAMMING MOBILE TV/Comedy Central-NYC: 1-2 yrs exp working in TV; working knwlge TV prog/promo sched; knwldg digital/mobile landscape a plus. Proficient in MS Excel. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/12)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLAN’G COORD/SOAPnet/Burbank: PLAN’G/SCHED’G ON-AIR PROMO. 2+ yrs exp mktg/adv/progrmng. Detail-oriented a must; strategic thinker. Encoda, Grip-it! Filemaker Pro a +. Apply: , Req #127799. (12/12)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA MGR/NY : Work w/ all aspects of TV/radio/outdoor media campaigns. Asst dvlpmnt of media strategies/promos. BA deg mktg. 2-3 yrs agency or at ntwrk within ad sales and/or mktg Res to: [email protected] (12/12)
JOB OPENING: 2 SALES PLANNERS/Galavision/NY: Generate upfront/scatter plans. Handle all aspects of ongoing deal maintenance/stewardship. Dealmaker/VCI/media experience & Spanish a plus. Apply: [email protected]. EOE (12/12)
JOB OPENING: FREELANCE & POSS FT DESIGNER/3d/Animator/Viewpoint Creative/LA: Strong design & comm skills, EXP pref’d in Cinema 4d (or Maya), After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator.Send reel/res/URL to [email protected] (12/12)
JOB OPENING: ART DIRECTOR/Word World, LLC/NYC: 5+ yrs exp. Branding, digital design, direct mail, print design, video packaging and special projects. Experience in children’s market a plus. Email: [email protected] (12/12)
JOB OPENING: Seeking top notch SR AE for Channel One News-NYC: Must have min. 7+ yrs consultative sales, proven Biz Dev exp; ideally in Broadcast/TV, and/or non-traditional space. see full desc and apply: (12/12)
JOB OPENING: MTV Tr3s Research/NYC: /BA. 1+ yrs exp resrch/data analy for cable/brdcast. Exp w/ Nielsen (Explorer, NPower, MarketBreaks, StarTrak). Str analytic sk. Bi-ling Spanish a +. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/12)
JOB OPENING: INVENTORY ANALYST /BET, NY: 1-2years experience in sales or traffic; strong analytical skills;Dealmaker,VCI, Excel experience preferred. Email resume to: [email protected] (12/11)
JOB OPENING: PROJECT MGR/ Manage planning and execution of online projects/scope, budget & time tracking, and stakeholder mgt/3 yrs interactive exp as PM. Apply: , Req: 86605. (12/11)
JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG MANAGER/qubo/NYC: Manage/execute mktg efforts for affiliate launches, campaigns and trade shows. Prefer 3+ yrs exp, some travel. Send resumes to [email protected] (12/11)
JOB OPENING: ON AIR MKTG COORD TEMP/USA NETWORK/NY: PLAN’G/SCHED’G SECONDARY EVENTS, NBCU BARTER COORDINATION. 1+ yrs exp mktg, adv, or related field. Strong database skills for content mngmnt/sched’g. Res: [email protected] (12/11)
JOB OPENING: NAT’L TV REP – PROG DEPT NYC: High visibility. Deal w/TV nets & syndicators. Good analytical, problem solving & comm. skills. Multi-tasker w/strong writing & math. 1 Yr related exp or recent media grad. [email protected] (12/8)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH SALES MGR/NY (tivo651): 5 yrs research sales exp /Aggressively pursue & close bus. to meet/exceed quarterly revenue goals. Visit for job desc (12/8)
JOB OPENING: DIR AD SALES RESEARCH/Vh1/NY: Detail-oriented, proactive; provide sales research, materials, create estimates, analyze rtg data. Expert w/Nielsen, MRI, etc. 8+ yrs Na tl’ TV Rsch. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (12/8)
JOB OPENING: NETWORK BUYER/ NATIONAL TV & SYNDICATION/Initiative/NY: 2-3 yrs. Network TV buying experience. Supervise 3 assts. Knowledge of Donovan (DDS) or similar. Resume to [email protected], subject “Network Buyer” (12/8)
JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/CABLEVISION/Woodbury, NY: 2+ yrs exp in mrkt, adv or bus related field. Assist VP and Sales team. Strong Excel and Powerpoint skills. See full posting and apply to req 4906BR (12/8)
WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .
WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: TV PROD. INTERN/PICTURE THIS, NY: New season of Emmy winning Reality Show. Rsch, logging, assist post, phones, runs. Exp w/ Word & Excel. Min 2-3 days/week. Local Trvl Stipend avail. [email protected] (12/12)
WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: ART DESIGN 8 MKTG INTERN/Big Tent Ent, NY: exp with digital photo editing, mkt research, MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, In Design, and Illustrator; good computer skills. Email: [email protected] (12/12)
WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MARKETING INTERN/Big Tent Ent, NY: strong MS Office skills, knwldge of mkting and licensing, and good written and oral skills. Email: [email protected] (12/12)
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SITUATION WANTED: VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER:TV production, admin and personal assistant support. Let me make your life easier. E-mail – [email protected] (12/12)
SITUATION WANTED: Dread networking? Not sure what to say? Hate going alone? You’re missing career opportunities! For professional networking help – [email protected] (12/8)
SITUATION WANTED: RENT $$$: Experienced reality producer w/tons of show ideas & NO time to develop them as I’m always working, needs a housing deal & time to develop/sell them. Your company wants ’em: [email protected] (12/8)
E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.
Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact [email protected] for more information ….
Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.