Friday, August 6th, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Friday, August 6, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

In a Thursday full of cloak and dagger meetings, FCC officials called off their private talks with industry lobbyists drawn up to try and reach a compromise over net neutrality policy issues. Grassroots efforts conducted by groups such as flooded the agency with calls and emails to put an end to the closed door talks, as critics complained that representatives from Google, AT&T, Verizon and Skype were unfairly determining policy that would affect how consumers will be able access the web in the future. The announcement was made after reports filtered in that Google and Verizon were close to striking a behind-closed-doors agreement of their own regarding the management of network traffic. Fresh off its failed experiment with the NexusOne handset, critics fear that Google trying to use cash and leverage to gain faster access for its services.


EchoStar’s Dish Network is planning to begin offering live streaming to mobile devices next month such as the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and BlackBerry at no extra charge to subscribers, per the AP, with plans to extend the service to Android devices in October. Live streaming will be accomplished by hooking up (EchoStar subsidiary) Sling Media‘s SlingBox to your satellite set-top or by upgrading to an HD box embedded with SlingBox functionality.


Leading Chinese video sharing site raised an additional $50 million in financing, largely from Singapore’s state-owned investment firm, Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. Temasek,. A vast holding company, provides streaming online video, including syndicated television shows and user-generated content, among other investments.


The IAB released a report which examines the methodology behind site intercept studies, a common form of consumer advertising effectiveness research. Authored by former Nielsen Chief Research Methodologist Paul Lavrakas, Ph.D., it identifies 3 flaws in such studies that jeopardize their results, including their

  • Tendency to rely on “extremely low” response rates
  • Use of “quasi-experimental” research designs vs. classic experimental designs
  • reliance on the above to correct for biasing effects

The IAB also announced it would lead an industry effort to undertake additional research to ensure that brand-effectiveness studies adhere to established principles for use in market and consumer research.
The Telemundo Station Group announced it has added Digital Out of Home capabilities to its Conexion sales platform. The digital network, “Telemundo en tu Mundo,” reaches over 200 Hispanic supermarkets, 800 retailers and 2,000 buses and public areas, offering marketing opportunities including new package and product launches, test marketing and price point advertising.


DirecTV, Cablevision and Time Warner Cable all reported better-than-expected Q2 earnings, indicating that viewers are spending more time and money on home entertainment during the recession. Sales rose by 5.8% to $4.73 billion at Time Warner Cable; sales at DirecTV were up 12% to $5.85 billion; and Cablevision reported a sales jump of 5.8% to $1.8 billion.


Europe and North America lag behind Asia, Latin America and the Middle East in terms of Online Video usage, according to a new Nielsen global How People Watch survey reaching over 27k users. Online video usage was strongest in China, Indonesia, the Philippines, India and Mexico, while consumers in Germany, France and Denmark – who are just beginning to get access to premium content online – were at least 50% less likely to watch it. Other trends included:

  • Globally, 57% of respondents report having watched online video on their PC at work
  • Consumers in North America and Europe, where content blocking filters have been installed, were 40% and 33% less likely to consume video in the workplace, respectively
  • Europe and North America also lag in mobile video adoption, with Asia-Pacific online consumers 45% more likely to use mobile video
  • 22% of global online consumers owns or has a definite interest in purchasing an internet-connected TV with Latin Americans and Middle Easterners expressing the most interest
  • Only 11% of global consumers already own or expressed interest in buying a tablet PC



PGA of America and partner Tuner Sports have launched their 2010 iPhone app for the PGA Championship, the season’s final golf major. This year the basic app is free but live video streaming of the tourney’s par 3 holes will cost you $1.99.
‘s Kindle developer’s kit has yielded the first two games for the e-reader. As you might expect, both appeal to the bookish: Every Word is “Jumble” style game, asking you to make as many words as you can with 6 or 7 letters. Shuffled Row is similar, with a lot more lettered tiles to work with.
Online location-based premium dating service meetMoi, run by former SixDegrees founder Andrew Weinreich, introduced a new free Android app allowing users to hook up with singles in their area. The app asks you to fill out a profile, then matches you with compatible users who are located within a mile of your location, in real time.


Satellite TV industry veteran Ken Carroll has been named COO of EchoStar Satellite Services. Ken will report to Dean Olmstead, President of EchoStar Satellite Services, and will have operational oversight over capacity leasing, ViP-TV, and other satellite-related businesses as they become operational.
Omnicom’s Fathom Communications hired Bob Raczka as Associate Creative Director/Writer and Mark Wiegard as Associate Creative Director/Art Director. Both are newly created positions and both will be based in Fathom’s Chicago office.


Who says the rich don’t back anymore? At least the filthy rich are doing their part. A total of 38 billionaires have now followed in the footsteps of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet (who have a combined net worth of $90 billion depending on what kind of day the stock market had) by committing at least half of their wealth to charity. A few made their fortunes in the media business, including Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, Barry Diller and George Lucas. documents each one of the parties who’ve taken the pledge, each of whom have written a letter describing why they decided to give. The letters can’t help but inspire and give you faith in humanity. “If you want to do something for your children and show how much you love them, the single best thing – by far – is to support organizations that will create a better world for them and their children. And by giving, we inspire others to give of themselves, whether their money or their time,” writes Mayor Bloomberg. “I’m particularly thankful for my father’s advice to set goals so high that they can’t possibly be achieved during a lifetime and to give help where help is needed most. That inspiration keeps me energized and eager to keep working hard every day on giving back and making the world a better place for generations to come,” writes Ted Turner, who became famous for his largesse when he pledged $1 billion to help pay off the U.S. debt to the United Nations.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
[email protected]

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ATTENTION JOB RECRUITERS FOR THE TELEVISION AND ADVERTISING INDUSTRY – send us your contact information so we can begin to build a database for referrals.  We get people all the time around the country asking us for names of local recruiters.  Help us out – send us your contact information, name, company, address, phone, email and fax.  NY and LA are great, but we also need names of firms in Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta, DC, and elsewhere.  We have people to send you!   Email your info to [email protected].

JOB OPENING: AFFILIATE MRKTG, INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS MGR/Univision NYC:  Develop/Execute distributor marketing and media partnerships/exp in media and consumer marketing, Spanish fluent a + EOE Resumes: [email protected]   (8/13)
JOB OPENING:  DEPUTY ENT EDITOR/New York, NY:  Conceiving, writing and editing online content, including frequent blog posts, slide shows, special features. Apply: Job #1242079 (8/13)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING MGR/Mun2/Universal City, CA:  Exp in affiliate, consumer mktg & cable distribution req & understanding of US Hispanic and/or Multicultural/Ethnic consumer. Apply: Job # 1219561 (8/13)

JOB OPENING:  DIR OF FINANCE/Multi platform kids /Burbank:  Needs  P/T 3days a wk.  Understanding of children’s properties & cross media platforms. Expert fin’l modeling & hands on attitude req’d. [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING:    INTEGRATED MKTG MGR/fuse:  Dvlp/execute revenue generating multi-platform integrated mktg opps 4 potential/existing Ad Sls clients. Dvlp promo/spnsrshps 4 dig pltfrm. Apply:   employment @bott #2010-503

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PRODUCT MNGMNT/NYC/Northern VA/INVISION, Inc: Digital professional w/ exp in sales plan’g and/or sales operations at a mid to lrg sized publisher, looking for a new challenge. Resume: [email protected] (8/12)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR PRODUCT STRATEGY/ Burbank: manage multiplatform digital strategy, identify digital platform opportunities, EOE apply via job ID 257865 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRODUCT STRATEGY/Burbank: define digital priorities for the Playhouse Disney property & franchise; min 6 yrs exp in digital media space; EOE apply via job ID 257203 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED MKTG/AETN/LA: Liaise btw ad sales partnerships/mktg on added val sprshps btw clnts/adv & LT/LMN assts/props; TV Mktg exp; Ad Sls Mktg pfd (8/12)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER EDITORS/HOUSTON: The new Tribune is recruiting anti-establishment preditors to collaborate on a groundbreaking morning news/infotainment format unlike anything ever tried on local TV. Job 15014 (8/11)

JOB OPENING: SR. AD SALES EXEC/Hearst Magazines/NY: Develop and implement sales strategy for media tablet “apps” Work across magazine platform,7-10yrs ad sales exp, be early adapter of changing media technology  [email protected] (8/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER-MUSIC CHOICE/LA:Create integrated cross platform proposals,mng accnts,update sales materials,identify & research prospects. 2+yrs of ntwrk/agency exp pref’d. (8/11)

JOB OPENING: ONLINE RADIO EDITOR/ Mng all editorial aspects and the radio blog.For more info & to apply: (8/11)

JOB OPENING: WEBSITE METRICS ANALYST/Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia/NY: Resp for analysis and reporting of all key website metrics. More info & to apply: (8/11)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MKTG MGR/NYC: Provide strategy & execution of digital mktg efforts (online communities, social media, partnerships) for digital ntwrks (qubo & ION Life) of ION Media Ntwrks EOE [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/OVATION/NY: Develop & mng new/existing accts. Excellent presentation + negotiation skills, solid agency/client relationships  5+ years media experience. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR BUS. OPS/ESPN Inc/NYC:Resp.for mgmt of ad sales support team. Min of 5 yrs exp. in ad ind.TV exp. Pref’d-dig. exp. a +. Strong analytical skills w/mgmt or supervisory exp. Resume: [email protected] EOE/M/F/D/AAP (8/10)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH DIR/SPOTLIGHT/PITTSBURGH PA: Comcast Spotlight: 10+ yrs related rsrch exp; excellent written and oral comm. skills; provide leadership & direction for rsrch team of 3; learn more at (8/10)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES AE/NYC: small TV Net sales group, 2-5 years sales exp in internet/digital req’d , build/create sales strategies & proposals , young adult exp a + , some travel to Chicago & LA [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST /Fuse/NY: Support consumer/trade publicity efforts to gen awareness of Fuse brand. Write, pitch, & execute public relations plans & events. Min 2-3 yrs media rel. exp. Rez to [email protected] “Pub” in subj (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/THE HOTEL NETWORKS/NYC: 1+ Y.R. Related Media Exp; Organized, Detail-Oriented, Media Math Skills, Word, Excel, PPT Proficient, College Degree Pref, Resumes to [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: SR. AE/DISNEY INTERACTIVE NY: MUST have 5+ yrs DIGITAL/ONLINE sales + exceed $5mm goals annually. Email: [email protected] (8/7)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Oxygen Media/NBCU/NY/ SOCIAL MEDIA INTERN: Must be eligible to earn college credit, able towork2-3 full days during fall semester, passionate about TV & social media. Resume to [email protected] (8/13)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  TV PROD INTERN/NY: handle fast-paced position for a min of 10 hrs per wk. Addt’l hours may be banked. Must have basic knwldg of Excel & Word. Prior office exp is a +. Please contact [email protected] (8/13)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Development Company in midtown Manhattan. Good writing skills, attention to detail, and enthusiasm a must! Knowledge of FCP a plus. Start right away, for credit only. Email resumes: [email protected] (8/11)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Oxygen Media/NBCU(NY) DIGITAL EDITORIAL INTERN with an enthusiasm for marketing/online, strong writing/editing skills, social networking,& MS Office. work part time. Resumes to [email protected] (8/11)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: GRAPHIC DESIGN/Embassy Row Productions/NYC: intern who is fast and talented with Photoshop or related software. Must receive school credit. Starts early September. Email resume/portfolio to [email protected] (8/7)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Rainbow AD SALES, MARKETING/Woodbury, NY: Unpaid, must be able to get College credit, 2 openings. See full posting and apply to req id 10523 (8/7)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: Hard working, self-starter PRODUCTION MANAGER(NY)with Field Producing and Post Supervisor experience seeks challenging new position. Past companies include HBO, MTV, A&E, Thirteen & Nat Geo. [email protected]   (8/13)
SITUATION WANTED: STORY/POST PRODUCER (LA): Creative thinker/hard worker, 10+ years experience, all reality genres, many network & cable credits. Great at paper cuts, solid in edit bay, detail-oriented, fun. [email protected] (8/12)

SITUATION WANTED: ONLINE ACCOUNT EXEC/NY: 5yrs digital Media exp/goal oriented, customer service driven/top agency list/exp. with display,video,sponsorships,newsletter,integrated custom content. Contact: [email protected]  (8/12)

SITUATION WANTED: Assistant – Film/Television. 13 yrs. work experience (6+ as an asst.). Internship at Participant Media. Final Cut Pro. Hold MFA, MA, and BA degrees. [email protected] (8/11)

SITUATION WANTED: CHILDREN’S PRODUCER/CREATIVE DEVELOPER Animation and live action. BBC TV trained. 200 credits as producer and 100 credits as writer of children’s and family shows. Canada-based Canadian and UK citizen. [email protected] (8/11)

SITUATION WANTED: PA/ NYC: NYU Film & TV grad seeking entry-level work. Writer/Director/SFX Makeup/Art Department/Production. Can handle both Mac and PC systems with Microsoft Office, FCP, etc. Contact: [email protected] (8/11)


SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NY) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (8/7)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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One Corporate Drive, Suite 724
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