


Minimum 10 yrs mkt research exp; TV & supplier-side experience preferred; College Degree req’d; Strong analytical/written/management skills.

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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, January 28, 2014, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

Welcome to Leadership Lessons, the column that focuses on conversations with senior managers and leaders in the TV world, speaking candidly about their professional journeys and how that informs what they look for when hiring new employees.

What qualities do you look for when hiring?

Keith Chapman, founder, Keith Chapman Productions and the creator of Bob the Builder and new Nickelodeon series, Paw Patrol: People who have the same regard for quality as I do, and those who have a passion for what they are doing and want to produce the very best shows they can. I like people who push themselves.

Deborah Myers, General Manager and Executive Vice President, Science Channel: I look for someone with passion and intelligence who has a real sense of self. I want someone who has done her homework ahead of time and knows my business in and out. I want them to bring fresh ideas. I’m impressed with people who listen and then ask thoughtful questions.


Jan. 30, 2014|8-10:30AM|New York Athletic Club (NYAC)

Featured Speakers:
George Pyne – President
(IMG Worldwide Sports & Ent.)
Stephen Master –
SVP Global Head of Sports Practice (Nielsen)
Blaise D’Sylva
VP of Media, Sports & Ent. (Anheuser-Busch)

Register Now.

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unsubscribe from this edition, click here. Or for further assistance please email [email protected].


JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ASSOCIATE/Ipsos/NYC or LA: Entry level, 1 yr TV research exp pref; College Degree req’d; Strong analytical/written skills; Proficient in MSOffice. E-mail [email protected] (2/1)

JOB OPENING: AE – DIRECT RESPONSE/MUSIC CHOICE/NY: 3+ yrs DR sales exp w/proven track record and strong presentation skills. exp selling multi-platform & integrated ops a +. Some travel. Apply HERE (2/1)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER PROGRAM MKTG & ADV/SHOWTIME/NYC: Manage the development & execution of consumer advertising campaigns & marketing plans for Showtime Original series. Min 3-5yrs exp. Apply: http://www.sho.com/sho/about/careers (2/1)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR/Ipsos/LA: Minimum 7 yrs mkt research exp; multi-cultural & supplier-side experience preferred; College Degree req’d; Strong analytical/written skills. E-mail [email protected] (2/1)

JOB OPENING: VICE PRESIDENT/Ipsos/LA: Minimum 10 yrs mkt research exp; TV & supplier-side experience preferred; College Degree req’d; Strong analytical/written/management skills. E-mail [email protected] (2/1)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Outcast Media/NYC: Develop and execute media proposals, Monitor Campaigns, Coordinate btwn Client & Traffic Dept, Need BS+ 2+ years planning exp, Media math, highly organized, strong excel. Apply here(2/1)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC PROD/VULCAN PRODUCTIONS/SEA: Support prod team from pre-prod/post prod/final delivry. Knwlg of multi-media projs, story-telling, rsch skills, comm. skills a must. 3 yrs exp. assoc. prod. doc films &/or TV series prod. Apply HERE (2/1)

JOB OPENING: COORD PROD/Vulcan Productions/SEA: Mng prodctn sched, prjct milestones & prod., soc/dig media, mrktng & outrch teams. Attnd premre evnts, confrncs. Mng/maintain prod. standrds and proj. excutn. 1 yr temp assignment APPLY HERE (2/1)

JOB OPENING: UNIT MGR/Vulcan Productions/SEA: Mng media projct frm dev. thru complete, & post-prod evaln. Exprt in multi-media prod, fiscl ovrsit and ops mgmnt. BA deg & 5 yrs exp w/multimillion $ prodct. budgts. 1 yr temp assignmnt. APPLY HERE (2/1)

JOB OPENING: MGR – MEDIA PLANNING, SCHED, STRAT/NICKELODEON/NYC: Coord development and construction of programming events. Monitor on-air promo time. Supervise scheduling. TV/broadcast and short form exp. required. Apply: HERE (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MGR CONSUMER MKTG/EPIX/NYC: Great opp for Coor w/cable exp ready for next step. Spprt dvlmt of all ntwrk campaigns & prog promo. Manage production timelines/budgets/ and more. Cable exp a must. Apply HERE (1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL REVENUE MGMNT/A+E Networks/NY: Mgmt/train planning team. Dev/manage rev budget/inventory/forecast. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers(1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL RSRCH & ANALYTICS/FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY/LA: Oversee & conduct analysis on all dig. platforms, work w/FBC mgmt., dev bus strategy for FBC content. BA or above, 4+ yrs. Exp in media res  (FNG0002983) APPLY HERE  (1/31) 

JOB OPENING: PROJECT MGR/Impact Mktg/LA: 3-5 yrs media exp (radio +). Manage radio campaigns. Multi-tasker, detailed & personable. Strong comm and MS Ofc skills req. Exp w/Mac a +. Reply @ [email protected] (1/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR – MEDIA PLANNING, SCHED, STRAT/NICKELODEON/NYC: Coord development and construction of programming events. Monitor on-air promo time. Supervise scheduling. TV/broadcast and short form exp. required. Apply: HERE (1/30)

JOB OPENING: DRTV BUYING/MAHWAH AREA NJ: Small growing agency immed. hiring all levels DRTV  asst, buyer, senior DRTV staff… 2+ yr & CORE exp highly pref, if you live in No. NJ this is your dream commute! [email protected] (1/29)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/CSI SPORTS/NY: 3-5 yrs TV Network exp. Create/manage logs and allocate inventory. Schedule promos, ads & coord. w/Ad Agencies. Traffic software exp. & excel skills req. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE (1/29)

JOB OPENING: SALES RSCH DIR/NBCU/NYC: Lead sales research for Oxygen. Expert in ratings reptg, sales estimates, presentations. Exp w/Nielsen, Simmons/MRI req, 7+ years ntwk exp. Apply at http://bit.ly/1b2QMtH (1/29)

JOB OPENING:DIR, AD SALES MKTG/pivot/NYC or LA: Mng dev & execution of multi-platform Ad Sales deals. Respond to RFPs, develop sales pkgs. 5-7 years experience in ad sales mktg at a TV Network. Resumes (1/29)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PRODUCT DEV/NBCU/LA: Director – Product Development & Strategy, Digital Platforms will manage NBCU Authenticated Video & TV Everywhere efforts across critical distribution partnerships. Apply HERE (1/29)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/WB/LA: 5-8 yrs exp. Sell commercial time for synd prgrmng. Direct selling exp req’d. Customize sales pres, make client calls to increase purchase of commercial time. Maint client scheds & track aud delivery. APPLY HERE (1/29)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR – NETWORK MKTG/El Rey Network/NY: Develop and execute strategic objectives w/ heavy reliance on digital activation & social media platforms for newly launched renegade Network. 7+ yrs mktg & media exp. Apply: HERE (1/29) 

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF PR/El Rey Network/NY: Lead the PR/Communications front for newly launched renegade Network. 8+ yrs in PR and TV industry preferred. Apply: [email protected](1/29)

JOB OPENING: AD TRAFFICKER/MLS DIGITAL PROPERTIES/NYC: Resp for daily advrtsng ops. 1-3 yr prior trafficking exp w/a strong understanding of ad systems. Knwlg of Flash, HTML, JavaScript, Photoshop.
Strong attention to detail. Resume HERE:
[email protected](1/29)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES EXEC/NY/San Diego/LA: Generate new brand & brand/hybrid ad sales for programmatic TV platform. Also sales strat, cold calling, trade show representation & a bit of client service duties. 3+ yrs exp ad sales. Resume here: [email protected] (1/28)

JOB OPENING: SALES DirECTOR CLIO AWARDS/NYC:Identify new leads & sponsorship opps from agencies to brands to sell & grow sponsorship revenue. 4+ yrs related exp. Strong Negotiation skills. RESUMES TO: http://bit.ly/1b408oR (1/28)

JOB OPENING: ENTRIES & jUDGING mGR. CLIO AWARDS/NYC:Asst. w/dvlping & managing judging programs. Review submissions; asst. planning & execution of on-site judging. 2-4 yrs. adv. industry exp. RESUMES TO: http://bit.ly/1i6mJ8y (1/28)

JOB OPENING: AD TRAFFICKER/MLS DIGITAL PROPERTIES/NYC: Resp for daily advrtsng ops. 13 yr prior trafficking exp w/a strong understanding of ad systems. Knwlg of Flash, HTML, JavaScript, Photoshop.
Strong attention to detail. Resume HERE:
[email protected](1/28)

JOB OPENING:ASSOC DIR, INTEGRATED MKTG/CONDE NAST/NYC: Mng/lead team of 5. Dvlp integrated mktg proposals across many selling categories. Interest in fashion in fast paced environment. Min 8 yrs dig exp. Apply HERE Ref job id 1400073. www.condenastcareers.com (1/28)

JOB OPENING: EVENTS MKTG MGR/Discovery/NYC: Detail focused creative marketer w/project mgmt skills to spprt VP w/ideation to execution of Ad Sales mktg events including Upfront/client events. 4-6 yrs mktg/event exp req’d. APPLY HERE (1/28)

JOB OPENING:  SALES SUPPORT SPECIALIST DIGITAL/AT&T AdWorks/New York: Manage reporting/media planning/account creation/research/traffic to assist campaign creation. BA/BS. Apply: http://attlinks.com/19xiorN (1/25)

JOB OPENING:MARKETING MANAGER/iN DEMAND/NYC: Devlp/execute consumer mktg & ptnrship initiatives, 3-5 yrs mktg exp., strong know of digital & social media. Resume & sal req to: [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOC. Broadcast/Cable Dir. ADWEEK/NYC:Integrated Sls – dvlp custom prgms to clients across print, dig, editorial. 3-5 yrs Sls media & adv exp. Strong kwldg brdcst & cable sales. RESUMES 2: http://bit.ly/1dxyIIC (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECT RESPONSE AE/Sportsman Channel/WI OR NY: AE w/3+ yrs exp in broadcast or cable network a must. Proven track record in sales. Apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR/NYC: Veria Living. 15 yrs exp, 7 yrs in network nonfiction & reality manage dept & staff Exp in strategy and FPC planning. Send resumes to [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/SIRIUSXM RADIO/NYC: Reconcile SXM Talk Channels, manage format changes, prophet logs, traffic logs. Obtain copy & instructions for scheduled sales orders. 2+ yrs exp. [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR. SOCIAL MEDIA-SPORTS/Univision/Miami: Leading SM for 2014 FIFA World Cup. Strategy, plan’g of SM & social TV efforts for all sports related initiative. Min 5 yrs SM exp. Fluent in Spanish. http://tinyurl.com/pllvh9o (1/24)

JOB OPENING: AE/BabyFirst/LA or CHI: Oversee Ads and Brand Integration in region. Prior cable net sales exp. req’d; women/kids nets preferred. Lo-Mid 6-figure Pkg w $70K base. Report to SVP. Reply @ [email protected] (1/24)

JOB OPENING: SVP, CREATIVE MKTG/MTV2/U & Logo/NYC: Lead and oversee creative dvlpmnt of on-air promo &environment for all screens. 8+ yrs hold mktg &/or creative positions. Strong business & personal ethics.  More info apply HERE (1/24)

JOB OPENING:Writer Prod/2CMedia/CHI: daily dir, dev, execution & edit sup of topical show promos. Strg/quick writing skills, create thinking, org skills, client mgmt. 5+yrs exp cable, bc net or syn. Resumes & links to [email protected] (1/24)

JOB OPENING:VP AFFIL MKTG/FOX BROADCASTING CO./LA: Oversight of daily ops of the dept. Resp: Implementing the network mktg strategy… Advertising, Mktg, Promotions, PR and Sales Mgr Apply: http://tinyurl.com/kvdayds (1/22) (FNG0002896)

JOB OPENING:AD SALES ASST/UP TV/NY: Recent grad w/previous ad sales/adv internship exp. to asst ad sales dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Good comm, interpersonal & organzt’l skills.Res: [email protected] (1/22)

JOB OPENING:DIR CLIENT SOLUTIONS/USA TODAY/NY: Mng generating revenue thru dvlpmnt of insight-lead integrated mktg solutions for Nat’l Sales/Acct Execs. 10+ yrs insight-lead Media Sales mktg. Resume: [email protected] Full details HERE (1/22)


The Cynopsis Media Boot Camp
One-Day Immersion In Ratings Analysis, Web/Social Analytics + Multi-platform Buying
February 11, 2014 | Yale Club NYC | Early Bird Ends – Jan. 27

Peter Katsingris, VP, Industry Insights, Nielsen
Thomas Ziangas, SVP, Research, AMC Networks
Audrey Siegel, President & Co-Founder, TargetCast tcm
Ron Geraci, EVP, Research & Planning, Nickelodeon Group

Click Here for Agenda & Pricing.


lead client-related accounting efforts including determining proper revenue recognition, contract management (including change orders), and accounts receivable tracking and follow up
Senior Client Financial Analyst

work closely with Researchers and Engineers by providing linguistic expertise and direction for language specific NLP projects
Analytical Linguist, NLU in Machine Intelligence

partner with Relationship Manager(s) to plan, scope, and manage for highest-quality client experience and results
Vice President/Group Director – Project Management

create a range of concepts and designs for each project and be able to partner with copywriters to ensure the art direction and visual presentation supports the concept
Senior Art Director

collaborate directly with writers and direct designers in executing and ideating concepts
Sr. Art Director

partner with Grab’s sales force and business leaders, guiding the development of specific ideas, etc
Director of Sales Development – Digital Video
Grab Media

manage the growing NYC branch of our Trust & Safety team (we’re currently at four!)
Trust & Safety Manager

ensure compliance with telecommunications laws and regulations in the United States and other jurisdictions worldwide, particularly with respect to Google’s network operations
Associate Counsel, Communications Law
Washington DC

partner with peers, in Strategy, Creative & New Business
Associate Director, Strategy
Detroit MI

partner with our Brand Strategists to help our clients succeed on Tumblr
Creative Strategist
Detroit MI

build and maintain business relationships at all the necessary levels in the client’s organization
Senior Account Director
Austin TX

collaborate with the global engineering team to innovate, prioritize, and bring to market products supporting the platform technology business, as well as the YuMe ad network business
Sr. Product Manager
Redwood City CA

ensure compliance with corporate accounting policies, procedures and controls for revenue accounting
Senior Accountant – Revenue
Redwood City CA

oversee all external facing executions across corporate and consumer press and events
Director, Communications
Maker Studios
Los Angeles CA

support annual budget and quarterly re-forecast processes, incorporating actual results, current trends, and future business operations
Senior Financial Analyst
Maker Studios
Los Angeles CA

oversee the product management/marketing team
VP, Marketing
Universal Music Group
Santa Monica CA

propose, develop, and launch new and differentiating experiences for our Yahoo mail users
Director of Product Management, Yahoo! Mail Search
Sunnyvale CA

deliver projects to support Learning Management business objectives, as well as provide day-to-day operational support to meet the needs of LMS administrators, learners, and Learning program managers
Business Systems Manger, Talent Technologies
Sunnyvale CA

analyze objectives and characteristics across a broad spectrum of learners (employees, partners and end-users) who perform a variety of tasks
Program Lead – Marketer Training and Certification
Menlo Park CA

partner with L&D colleagues and HR Business Partners to identify and drive a comprehensive learning strategy for both emergent and senior leaders across Facebook
Leadership Development Consultant
Menlo Park CA


Cynopsis Classified Advertising… We’re not a job board!
“Easy & Hassle Free”
Send your ad to a real person who will handle it with elite customer service.
Contact Trish Pihonak to spotlight your company’s job openings today.

[email protected]



Susie Kricena was promoted to Senior Vice President, Program Acquisitions at Comedy Central. Kricena  was previously Vice President, Program Acquisitions.

ITV Studios upped Brian Zagorski to Senior Vice President of Current and Programming. Zagorski joined ITV in 2007 as Executive Director of Development.

STARZ promoted Kevin Kasha to the position of Head of Acquisitions. Previously, Kasha was Anchor Bay Entertainment‘s Executive Vice President of Worldwide Acquisitions and Co-Productions.

9 Story Entertainment promoted Tanya Green to Vice President, Production. Green had been the company’s Head of Production.

FremantleMedia North America hired Toby Gorman as Executive Vice President, Alternative Programming. Gorman most recently served as co-executive producer and showrunner on Hollywood Game Night.

High Noon Entertainment promoted Patrick Jager to Senior Vice President, Development and Production and Scott Feeley to Senior Vice President, Current Programming. Jager had been Vice President of Development; Feeley had been Vice President of Current Programming.

Meredith Corporation named Tim Russell as Senior Managing Director of Sales at Meredith Video Studios. Russell had been Vice President East at Comcast Media 360.

Global Eagle Entertainment promoted Dave Davis to Chief Operating Officer. Previously Davis served as, and will continue to serve as, Chief Financial Officer.

Tribune Broadcasting‘s New York CW affiliate, PIX11, named Alan Straub Local Sales Manager. Previously, Straub was Director, National Sales Manager at MSG Media.

ITV Studios promoted Patrice Andrews to Chief Operating Officer, East Coast, ITV Studios America. Previously Andrews had been Executive Vice President Development, Production and Operations for New York.

Telemundo Media upped Allan Infeld to Vice President, Client Development. Infeld had served as Director, Client Development.

Bruce Casino was promoted to Executive Vice President, NBCUniversal Television & New Media Distribution, U.S. & Canada. Casino had been Senior Vice President.

Debra O’Connell was upped to President of ABC National Television Sales. O’Connell, with ABC for 17 years, had been Senior Vice President of Sales.

A+E Networks announced the hires of Liz Fine and James Bolosh to serve as Vice President, Development & Programming for FYI. Previously, Fine was Co-Exec Producer for Atlas Media Corp and Left/Right; Bolosh helped launch CNBC‘s primetime alternative block of programming.

Daniel Eilemberg has been named Chief Digital Officer for Fusion. Eilemberg was the founder of Animal Politico, Mexico’s first news platform to launch exclusively on Twitter.

FremantleMedia International promoted Hayley Dickson to Vice President, Television Acquisitions and Development, Global Content. Dickson had been Director, Television Acquisitions and Development.

T Group Productions promoted Rob Lobl to Executive Vice President of Development and Current, and appointed Elyse Seder as Vice President of Development. Lobl has been with T Group since 2011; prior to T Group, Seder served as Vice President of Development at Lizard Trading Company.

Inception Media Group hired Steve Saltman to serve as President of its newly formed TV and digital division, effective March 1. Saltman most recently served as Senior Vice President and Head of Television for RLJ’s Image Entertainment.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

Copyright Cynopsis 2014

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