


Strg writing, conceptual, mktg, pitching & edit to dvlp TV promo campaigns for major ntwks. 3+ yrs exp cable, studio, or bc netwk. TV promo exp or a strong ad agcy bgd a must.

Send resume HERE: [email protected].

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, December 10, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

Welcome to Leadership Lessons, the column that focuses on conversations with senior managers and leaders in the TV world, speaking candidly about their professional journeys and how that informs what they look for when hiring new employees.

What are your go-to interview questions?

Keith Gordon, President, NFL Players, Inc: I like to start out by asking them to tell me about themselves – if they recite their resume to me, they’ve lost points already. I want to know about them, not just what’s on the sheet of paper. I also prefer to go directly at most people and ask them point blank: “why should I hire you over someone else who’s arguably more qualified for this job?” I’m not always looking for the pedigree, but I’m looking to see how people analyze scenarios, synthesize information and deal with conflict. More often than not, those are very difficult skills to teach, so if they’re already there I can usually overlook other shortcomings with experience.

Paul Cestari, General Manager, Veria Living: Obviously, trade skills are required depending on what the role is, but I think one of the most important elements are drive and initiative. As much as people can learn the skills of a particular job, drive really is an innate thing. As long as someone possesses drive, they can typically learn as they go — encountering and overcoming new circumstances and challenges along the way. People with those talents usually manage things well beyond just simply being directed… they are the ones who take ownership of problems and relish the process of finding and implementing creative solutions.

Bob Scanlon, General Manager of Velocity: Someone who can articulate a clear career aspiration. What will get you out of bed in the morning not to go to work, but to go to your dream job? I admire people who have thought that through before coming in.


Register Now – Sports Social Media Webinar is Today!
Insider Secrets to Engaging Sports Fans on Multiscreens
Today – 1:30-3:00pm ET

Expert Speakers:
Scott Carlis: (VP, Digital & Social Media) AEG Global Partnerships
Jayar Donlan: (VP, Social Media) WWE
Amanda Perkey: (Social Media Senior Manager) FOX Sports
Megan Hueter: (Director, Digital/Social Strategy) Catalyst an IMG consulting company

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JOB OPENING:BUSINESS AFFAIRS EXEC/Pilgrim Studios/LA: Seasoned, energetic business affairs executive; primarily non-scripted, scripted exp a plus; JD from ABA school with at least 5 years experience. Resume HERE (12/14)

JOB OPENING:SEARCH MARKETING MANAGER/WB/NYC: Setting strategy & implementing SEM, SEO, CSE, & retargeting for online shops. Design, deploy, & manage pay-per-click campaigns on search engines. To Apply HERE (12/14)

JOB OPENING:MKTG MGR/RLJ Entertainment/Chatsworth CA: Dvlp title specific positioning & overall mktg strat for assigned releases. BA w/5+ yrs of brand marketing exp. View more info HERE Apply to: [email protected](12/14)

JOB OPENING:TRAFFIC COORD/AlJazeera America/NY: 1-3 years traffic or commercial Ops exp./edit commercial logs, rotation of commercial spots, & understanding of Ad-Sales process. Resume here (12/14)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ANALYST/Music Choice: Dvlpmt/Mgmt of media planning/trking system. Maximize media allocations. Evaluate ROI on mrktg cmpgns. BA/BS, 1+ yrs exp. in media analysis rqd. http://musicchoicecareers.iapplicants.com (12/13)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC DIRECTOR/MASN/Baltimore MD: Mng 2 traffic coord. Oversee all aspects of Traff Dept. A minimum of 5-10 yrs exp in Traffic management and working knwlg of OSi Traffic & Billing software. For more info/apply HERE (12/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PRICING & PLANNING/El Rey Ntwks/NY: Ad/Media netwk experience preferred strong exp with Ad Sales. Must be detailed/analytical/able to multi-task. BS/BA Deg req,must have strong analytical & math skills. Apply HERE (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR POST PROD PRODUCER/CSI SPORTS/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. Support network programming. Produce/write & manage production dept. AE exp. + Sports background a plus. Send resume and cov ltr ATTN: ROSE: [email protected] (12/13)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, LEGAL AFFAIRS/NBCU: The Business & Legal Affairs Department supports the various business units of Telemundo Media principally in the area of drafting talent agreements. Apply HERE (12/13)

JOB OPENING:DEVELOPMENT PRODUCERS/NYC: Prod co seeks all levels of dev producers Showrunner to AP for casting/shooting/producing/posting sizzle reels. Past sizzle exp req. Send resumes and sample reels: [email protected] (12/12)

JOB OPENING:SR PROD/WRITER/2CMedia/MIA: Strg writing, conceptual, mktg, pitching & edit to dvlp TV promo campaigns for major ntwks. 3+ yrs exp cable, studio, or bc netwk. TV promo exp or a strong ad agcy bgd a must. Send resume HERE: [email protected] (12/12)

JOB OPENING:MKTG MGR/RLJ Entertainment/Chatsworth CA: Dvlp title specific positioning & overall mktg strat for assigned releases. BA w/5+ yrs of brand marketing exp. View more info HERE Apply to: [email protected](12/12) 

JOB OPENING:AE/BabyFirst/LA or CHI: Oversee Ads and Brand Integration in region. Prior cable net sales exp. req’d; women/kids nets preferred. Lo-Mid 6-figure Pkg w $70K base. Report to SVP. Reply @ [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING:MGR, BRDCST OPS/NUVOtv/Glendale CA: Mng daily ops for prgrmng, video on demand, scheduled on-air elements, Nielsen, & closed captioning. Highly orgnzd/detail-oriented, 3-5yrs exp Cable Ntwrk enviro req’d. Apply HERE: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING:DIGITAL PRODUCTS ANALYST/iN DEMAND/NYC: build financial models, conduct mkt. research, analyze/negotiate/recognize new bus. opps. Bachelors + 3-4 yrs digital exp. Resume & sal req to: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING:ASST EDITOR/PRODUCER/iN DEMAND/NYC: attend video & audio sessions, produce/edit prom. assets weekly. Bachelors + 2 yrs post-prod exp. Resume & sal req to: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING: VP INDUSTRY PRGRMNG/The Paley Ctr for Media/NY: Resp for strategic vision, creation & successful implementation of critically engaging & distinctive prgrmng that attracts Nat’l & global audiences. 10+ yrs exp. Send res HERE (12/10) 

JOB OPENING: VP SPONSORSHIP SALES/The Paley Ctr for Media/NYC: Dynamic sales prof. to secure key Sponsorship, mktg & media partnerships. Solid relationships w/sr-level brand decision makers. Proven track rec closing deals. Res HERE (12/10) 

JOB OPENING: DIR, BRANDED ENT/ZO Newcast/NYC: 7 yrs exp’d with integrated mktg or ad mktg exp within a TV/Dig Nwk or Br. Ent. Agency. Apply via www.zenithoptimedia-na.com (12/10)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR, MKTG & PROMOTIONS/NBCU/East Coast: Create mktg & promo strategies and 360 campaigns for Sprout Network (affiliate, event, consumer). 7+ yrs mktg exp. Ad sales exp. a plus. Cable/TV background pref’d. Apply HERE (12/10)

JOB OPENING: AE/METV Network Sales: Join growing sales force. Independent self-starters with Network agency contacts are a must. Create, present proposals to secure bus. Dvlp/maintain client & agency relationships. Resume Here (12/7)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER/NBCU/NYC: Produce integrated on-air promos for USA Network. 5 yrs exp. creating content at TV or agency required. Co-branded exp. 20% travel. Apply HERE (12/7)

JOB OPENING: SVP CONSUMER MKTG & CREATIVE/CMT/Nashville: Dvlp/support cross-co., multi-channel consumer strategies, & breakthrough creative initiatives which lead to increased mkt share & contribute to overall aud. growth. Apply HERE (12/7)

JOB OPENING: SR PRODUCER, LONG FORM/Weather Channel NYC/ATL: 8-10 yrs exp at Production Co or Network. Guide series of varied genre for original content. Oversee series from conception 2 delivery. Resumes: [email protected] (12/7)

JOB OPENING:TVONE/AD SALES COORD/NY: Work w/AE & Planners. POC for agencies. Create flowcharts, handle make good offrs. Trffic & agency Liaison. Self strter, strg org skills,attn to details. BA+2yrs exp. Resumes: [email protected] (12/7)

JOB OPENING: DILIGENCE SPECIALIST/LA: Work with the Production Legal group handling television production to help oversee the vetting of prospective participants in unscripted (“reality”) shows. Apply HERE (12/5)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/NBCU/NYC: Provide support to their respective sales team, which is constituted of a SVP/VP, Directors, and Account Managers, and assist in the management. Apply HERE (12/5)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PROJECT MGR/SHOWTIME/NYC: Manage execution of digital marketing initiatives; maintain overall project roadmap & workflow. 4 to 5 yrs exp, thrives in small team; PM certification preferred but not essential. Apply here: www.sho.com/careers (12/4)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST DIGITAL ANALYTICS/ESPN/NYC: 1-3 Yrs exp in digital analytics (pref. Omniture) implementations. Must have strong tech skills & ability to translate business req’s into analytics specifications. Apply HERE (12/4)

JOB OPENING: MGR MKTG & STRAT PRTNRSHIP/Fox Sports Media/LA: Maint/expand prtnrships w/FOX Sports incl. overseeing Creative University Prgrm & other educ initiatives. 2-3yrs. exp. mkt, community relations or PR.  Apply/full info Here (12/3)  

JOB OPENING: STRATEGIC MKTG MGR/NBCU/NYC: 6 month freelance role w/USA Network. Dvlp 360 campaigns for Upfronts & multi-platform mktg. 5 yrs TV or agency exp. req’d. Apply at http://bit.ly/18oIsD0 (#12908BR)  (12/3)

JOB OPENING: MKTG COORD/NBCU/NYC: Freelance role w/USA Network. Support team w/tracking, RFP’s, admin. Expert at PPT, Excel. 2+ yrs mktg exp required. Apply at http://bit.ly/1bRNJ6R (#12910BR) (12/3)

JOB OPENING: PROMOTION WRITER/EDITOR/DC: Produce, write & edit marketing & promotional messages to drive brand image/viewership of WUSA. 4 yrs. promo prod. exp. & strong knowledge of broadcasting a must. Resume: [email protected] (12/3)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/ATL: Dev. ad sales mkting strategies. Dev. & executes media plan’g. Prior ad sales mktg exp.req. Exp. mging people. Prior exp. w/budget mgt. Some consumer & affil mktg exp. req. Res: [email protected] (12/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR, BRANDED ENT/ZO Newcast/NYC: 7 yrs exp’d with integrated mktg or ad mktg exp within a TV/Dig Nwk or Br. Ent. Agency. Apply via www.zenithoptimedia-na.com (12/3)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT/NGT/NY: Mng ops in NY office. 5 yrs TV/network exp & strong creative rep w/contacts. Must know industry trends & ability to lead others a must.  Resume to:  www.nationalgeographic.com/jobs (Job ID: 5720) (12/3)


TOMORROW is the Cynopsis: Kids Webinar!
How to Drive Tune-In & Ad Dollars with Apps and Games
Dec 11, 2013| 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET|REGISTER NOW

Hosted by:Cathy Applefeld Olson, Editor, Cynopsis Kids

Speakers Include:
Brad Powers,Co-Founder{Cupcake Digital}
Sharon Rechter,
Co-Founder & Principal{BabyFirst}
Bryce Hunter,
Interactive Producer{DHX Media}


find, engage, and recruit key Agency Partners in your target market
Agency Partnerships Manager, Northeast Region

distill complex data and knowledge into digestible insights used for storytelling across the business
Senior Manager of Research, Sales Marketing

prospect for clients, pitch new business, and generate sales
Sales Director

work alongside internal stakeholders to create product strategies and roadmaps that are both aligned with ESPN’s existing product vision and our partners’ platform goals
Senior Product Manager Partner Products
Bristol CT

develop and maintain relationship with ESPN.com editorial team defining strategy, determining prioritization, developing the roadmap and executing entire .com content experience
Senior Product Manager Content
Bristol CT

play a key role in driving the direction of the Market Intelligence function as it increases visibility and strategic relevance to senior executives across multiple functions and business units
Director Market Intelligence
Hopkinton MA

develop and lead a human resources framework that aligns management an HR practices with RSA’s core values
Sr Director Human Resources Global Services
Bedford MA

locate, prioritize and execute partnerships and integrations that produce substantive results
Business Development Director, SMB
San Francisco CA

oversee all external facing executions across corporate and consumer press and events
Director, Communications
Maker Studios
Los Angeles CA

serve as an external & internal thought leader in the mobile space
Business Development Director, Mobile
San Francisco CA

responsible for collaborating with and mobilizing numerous product and platform teams globally to improve user lifecycle management and grow user engagement with Yahoo’s offerings
Sr Product Manager, Growth & Engagement
Sunnyvale CA or San Francisco CA

manage a team and set/execute the strategic, creative and media strategy for consumer marketing campaigns that extend and enhance Hulu’s ability to reach new and existing audiences
Senior Manager, Content Marketing
Santa Monica CA

ensure every Business Lead and hiring manager receives world-class recruiting consultation and support
Director, Recruiting
Santa Monica CA

partners with HR Directors and HR Coordinators to drive a culture of High Performance throughout the organization
HR Business Partner
Sunnyvale CA

support annual budget and quarterly re-forecast processes, incorporating actual results, current trends, and future business operations
Senior, Financial Analyst
Maker Studios
Culver City CA

help develop the vision for diversity at Facebook and a strategy to guide our activities towards that vision
Diversity Programs Manger
Menlo Park CA

initiate, structure, negotiate, and maintain high impact strategic content partnerships
Strategic Partner Development
Menlo Park CA

refines/grows/scales the team from the organizational, capability/skill-set, roles and capacity perspective
VP, US Operations
Burbank CA

execution and implementation of all artwork requirements in order to support the current business and growing international business needs and project initiatives
Manager, Digital Art
Sherman Oaks CA

responsible for ensuring that New Release coordinators are accurately and efficiently entering metadata to meet Vubiquity’s deadlines
Programming Supervisor
Sherman Oaks CA


CYNOPSIS: SPORTS is proud to launch the highly anticipated…

Honoring the best and brightest work from around the spectrum of sports business, with categories that include our Legacy and Vision Awards, the Award of Distinction as well as honors for best series, live coverage of a sporting event, social media excellence, marketing campaign, app and more!

For more information & to enter, visit the awards webpage:


Mia Lane was appointed Head of Development at Comedy Central UK. Previously, Lane was Senior Entertainment Development Producer at Wall to Wall.

Fox International Channels named Helena Choe its Vice President of Syndication, and Rahul Sood its Vice President of Affiliate Sales and Commercial. Choe was previously Managing Director of the Hong Kong office of Sportive International. Rahul, who starts December 9, spent 10 years as the Head of Affiliate Sales and Network Distribution at NDTV.

Andrew Schechter has been upped to Vice President, Programming and Development for Food Network and Cooking Channel. Schechter had been Director of Programming.

Laurie Kaman has joined iTVX/Rentrak as Senior Vice President Branded Entertainment. Kaman was previously SVP of Branded Entertainment & Partnerships at The Talent Channels.

Fox International Channels named Francis Chang its Senior Vice President Legal & Business Affairs and General Counsel for Asia Pacific and Middle East. Chang was most recently a partner in the Canadian law firm Blake, Cassels & Grayson LLP.

Upcoming net El Rey announced its marketing and communications team. Chad Blankenship joins as Vice President, Consumer Marketing, coming from ESPN; Jose Antonio Hernandez has been tapped for the role of Vice President, Trade Marketing after working at La Comunidad, and Clarissa Colmenero has been named Executive Director, Public Relations & Communications, from Summit Entertainment Studios.

Electus tapped Jessica Sebastian to serve as its first Vice President of Unscripted Television. Sebastian was recently Senior Director of Development at now-shuttered Style Network.

Online video platform NDN named John Vilade Executive Vice President of Ad Sales. Vilade had been Vice President, National Advertising Sales at Hulu.

Edible Media, a new subsidiary of Lifestyle Media Partners, named Varanya Vadakan Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, and Brian Quinn Chief Revenue Officer. Susan Wyland was appointed Chief Content Officer of EdibleFeast.com. Vadakan served as GM of Welcome Wagon, Inc., Quinn was a senior manager at Scripps Interactive and Wyland had been an editorial consultant.

Tricon Films & Television named Jeffrey Hevert its Vice President of US Factual Development. Hevert was previously VP of US Alternative Development and Current Programming at eOne Entertainment.

Angela Neillis joined FremantleMedia International as Director of Non-scripted Content. Most recently Neillis was Head of Acquisitions at Sky Vision.

NBCUniversal appointed Raquel Egusquiza to the position of Vice President, Community Affairs, Hispanic Enterprises and Content. Egusquiza was recently Vice President, Multicultural Markets for AARP.

Jason Brist has been promoted by Outdoor Channel to the position of Executive Vice President of Advertising Sales. Brist was most recently Senior Vice President, Media Sales.

Warner Bros. Television announced Bryon Schafer is its new Senior Vice President, Media Research and Rights. Schafer had been leading research and sales strategy at Hulu.

Scripps Networks Interactive named Carrie Regan its Director of Programming and Development. Previously, Regan had bee a freelance development consultant, producer and writer.

Popsugar named Lauren Levinson its newest Beauty Editor. Levinson had been the fashion news editor at Elle Magazine.

Byron Chapin has joined CSI Sports as Director of Sales. Chapin was previously at WGN America.

Todd Porch has been named Vice President and General Manager of Comcast Wholesale’s AdDelivery service. Porch to joining Comcast, Porch had been Executive Director of Advertising Operations and Account Management at Yahoo! Inc.

Viacom International Media Networks named Oliver Nitz Senior Vice President of Mobile Brand Licensing. Nitz had been at Red Bull Media House.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

Copyright Cynopsis 2013

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