10/13/14: Disney to bring Maker Studios talent to TV, Five Minutes With…AT+T AdWorks President Mike Welch, Crackle will bring back David Spade for Joe Dirt 2



Good morning. It’s Monday, October 13, 2014, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Disney will bring digital talent from recently acquired MCN Maker Studios to Disney Channel and Disney XD. Both have ordered an original Maker-branded half-hour special, the companies announced at Mipcom last week. The first will be Halloween-themed as part of Disney Channel’s “Monstober,” and will feature two 11-minute episodes that highlight the best spooky programming on Maker. Disney XD content will follow a similar format, but will focus on the best pranks from Maker Studios.

Crackle signed David Spade for a Joe Dirt digital sequel set to begin production in November. The story will pick up where the first movie left off, and Spade will re-team to co-write and executive produce the project with Fred Wolf, who will also direct. Production duties will be handled by Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison Productions. Crackle plans to release Joe Dirt 2 in 2015.

The second co-production from international TV and movie web service DramaFever, titled Tomorrow’s Cantabile, will premiere today. Each week, a new episode will stream on DF with English, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles after airing on Southern Korean’s KBS2. DF’s first production was Heirs, which hit two billion views across VOD platforms. “It’s the Odd Couple meets Boys Over Flowers meets Glee (but instrumental!), and we expect it to be very popular with viewers around the world,” Co-founder and Co-CEO Suk Park said about the series.

The Paley Center for Media announced a living streaming sponsorship with Yahoo now through 2015, in which Yahoo will live stream and offer VOD content following all its entertainment programs, along with a “purple carpet” to host interviews and brands. The live streams began at PaleyFest NY over the weekend, which featured The Walking Dead and Archer.

What’s Trending and digital video entertainment company Culture Machine are launching an Indian channel and network for What’s Trending. “Culture Machine has a unique unmatched understanding of India’s digital market and we not only understand what the audience sitting online want but also have capability to deliver it and at scale,” Culture Machine COO Venkat Prasad said.

Want to find out what shows from DreamWorks, Red Bull TV, and OWN are online and when? They’re just three of the latest companies whose programming is included in Watcheroo, Cynopsis’ new Digital Programming Guide. Organized by show name, date, and platform, here is everything you’ll need to be caught up on digital premieres, ongoing programs, live-streamed events and integrated series.


The crowd-sourced mash up video to the Star Wars sequel  called The Empire Strikes Back Uncut debuted on StarWars.com last Friday. The original Star Wars shot-for-shot fan video, Star Wars Uncut, was created by developer Casey Pugh together from thousands of fan submissions in 2010 – and brought home an Emmy. The latest homage garnered more than 1,500 responses from fans sending 15-second segments using their own actors, props, animation and artwork to reenact The Empire Strikes Back. Additionally, Lucasfilm announced the return of the Star Wars Fan Film Awards, which is accepting entries starting this month and will screen its selections in an April ceremony.

Top Chef fans can soon cook the show’s winning dishes, thanks to a partnership between Bravo Media and Blue Apron. The program begins after the premiere of the latest Top Chef season on Oct. 15 at 10p ET, and once fans sign up online they will receive instructions and ingredients to prepare the dish, beginning on Oct. 27. Additionally, fans can cook the dish together with Blue Apron on its Facebook page on Oct. 29.



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The top 40 cable channels have lost more than 3 percent of their distribution over the last four years, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Nielsen ratings data. How to account for the decline, which exceeds the loss of subscribers? Pay-TV customers are signing up for less expensive bundles with fewer channels, says the WSJ. “What we are seeing is some cord cutting and some cord shaving,” Nielsen global president Stephen Hasker told the paper. “Consumer time and attention is shifting.”


Cynopsis sat down with AT+T AdWorks President Mike Welch to discuss TV advertising and targeting audiences, as well as Otter Media, AT+T’s joint venture with The Chernin Group.

AdWorks takes data from TV, online and mobile channels to help brands appear on multiple screens. Which platform is AT+T emphasizing right now?

Our biggest channel is linear TV, and is by far our biggest focus area right now. With Otter Media, [we plan] to go beyond over-the-top content into TV Everywhere and then into digital.

AdWorks recently introduced a new data source for its TV Blueprint platform  including mobile subscriber data and set-top box data. Why do you think this information is so important for advertisers to incorporate?

The methodology we use is what I call “program addressable” targeting – the solution through which you deliver an ad to a specific TV series the targeted audience is most likely watching, but not to the specific household. The enhancements we made include matching a program to a single person household  so advertisers get a purer, more exact view of what’s being watched. Additionally, we’re leveraging mobile subscriber data by looking at the device type used in a household, the data usage and contract expiration; all of this tells lot about the viewer and audience.

Digital media advertising sales are expected to surpass those of television by 2018. How are you preparing?

Looking at the future combined company of AT+T and DirecTV – assuming it’s completed – AT+T will have the ability to monetize TVE not just on Uverse but also 21 million DirecTV subscribers, for a total of 27 million subscribers. We have the technology, so when a brand comes to us asking to reach  say women ages 18-35  we can provide data from TV, over-the-top and TVE to truly target the right audience.


Marco Rigon was tapped to serve as Global Head at Mobext, the mobile arm of Havas Group. Prior to Mobext, Marco was Associate Director at Phonevalley, mobile marketing agency at Publicis Groupe.



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Sony’s PlayStation Network released the trailer for its first original series, Powers. The show stars Sharlto Copley, Michelle Forbes and Max Fowler and is directed by David Slade. Sony Pictures Television will produce the rest of the show’s ten episodes to be available on the PlayStation Network on game consoles in December. Check it out at http://www.cynopsis.com/#video



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JOB OPENING:IMPLEMENTATION SPECIALIST/WO Network/TELECOMMUTE: Self sufficient person needing little supervision to Travel to clients to implemnt softwre & train new users. 2+ yrs exp cable ntwrk, pref in sales or traffic dept. Able to travel up to 50-70%, Full info/apply HERE (10/18)

JOB OPENING: VP of RESEARCH/NUVOtv+FuseTV/L.A. or N.Y: Oversee research needed to support network efforts. 10 yrs TV rsch exp & Expertise in analyzing data and presenting actionable information for programming and production agendas. Resume HERE (10/18)

JOB OPENING:FIELD PRODUCER, CNBC TECH/BAY AREA, CA: Work with tech reporter to break news and produce segments in field & studio. Must have exp w tech beat & strong writing/shooting skills. Full info/apply HERE (10/18)

JOB OPENING:MKTG MGR, PR/Bellevue, WA: Dvlp global communications to support Pokemon brand, write press releases, partner w PR firms & communications vendors, act as Pokemon spokesperson, build media relationships, review mktg comm. Full info/apply HERE (10/17)

JOB OPENING:MKTG MGR, PROMOTIONS/Bellevue, WA: Conceptualize, plan, & execute promotional programs to increase Pokemon brand awareness. Provide creative direction on campaign assets, partner with multiple agencies to execute mktg programs. Full info/apply HERE (10/17)

JOB OPENING:CUSTOMER SVC MGR/Bellevue, WA: Manage processes, technology, & multiple vendors to ensure quality experience for Pokemon customers worldwide. Daily problem-solve & recommend new initiatives to enhance customer exp. Full info/apply HERE (10/17)

JOB OPENING:RETAIL MKTG MGR/Bellevue, WA: Create retail mktg programs to drive brand awareness & sales. Logistical mgt of mktg programs with retail/trade partners. Manage mktg communications, prod/dist of POP, mdse programs, & mdse displays. Full info/apply HERE (10/17)

JOB OPENING:DIGITAL PLANNER: AD SALES REVENUE PLAN’G/A+E Networks/NY: Support Dig. AE thru Ad Sales Pricing/Plan’g in efforts to max ad rev for A+E Networks web properties & other mobile, social media, dist & email mktg extensions. FullInfo/Apply (10/17)

JOB OPENING:MANAGER, CLIENT SERVICES/Whistle Sports/NYC: Develop sponsorship & sales pkgs across multiple digital platforms; Manage media planning & campaign management; Oversee Acct Mgmt and Ad Ops teams; min 4 yrs experience Apply HERE (10/16)

JOB OPENING:INTEGRATED MKTG MANAGER/FUSE/NUVO TV/NYC: Strategic dvlpmt & execution of multiplatform integrated mktg solutions for potential/existing Ad Sales clients. Exp: Mktg/Ad Sales/Mgmt/Media/Crtv Writing [email protected] (10/16)

JOB OPENING:DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT/YANGAROO/Toronto: Join our rapidly growing ad tech. co.; oversee revenue growth from Media Agencies, Prod Houses & Content Producers. Veteran seller w/existing agency relationships a must. Apply HERE (10/16)

JOB OPENING:HEAD OF DVLPMNT/BSTV/Montclair NJ: Oversee small dvlpmnt team. Development exp a must. proven track record of dvlpg/selling shows & finding new talent. Previous ntwrk exp a +. Working parents welcome, we offer flexible schedules. RESUMES HERE (10/16)

JOB OPENING:BUSINESS AFFAIRS EXEC/AMAZON STUDIOS/Santa Monica: Negotiate deals as well as evaluate alternate deal structures. Deep understanding media business models. 5+ yrs exp ent deal making/work w/major scripted production. Info/apply HERE (10/15)

JOB OPENING:COORDINATOR, TRAFFIC/PIVOT TV/LA: Maintain & oversee daily operation of centralized TV traffic operation; coordinate ads, promos & interstitial material. Cover letters & resumes: [email protected] (10/15)

JOB OPENING:MANAGER/SR MANAGER, PRIMARY RESEARCH: AD SALES RESEARCH/A+E Networks/NY: Support Sr. Director in development and implementation of primary research utilized to leverage A+E brands in sale marketplace. FullInfo/Apply HERE (10/15)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER INTEGRATED MKTG/Nick Sponsorships & Innovations/NYC: Create innovative mktg sponsorships – on air, desktop, mobile & tablet platforms for our advrtsg clients. 3-6 yrs exp dvlpng sponsorship prgrms- especially TV. Full info apply HERE (10/15)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/Discovery/NY: Superb time manager to support frontline sales AE and Managers. Help to create/deliver proposals for new RFPs, ensure campaign’s success, and meet client’s needs. 2+ yrs digital media ad sales exp. Full info/apply HERE (10/15)

JOB OPENING: MGR, VIDEO ASSIGNMENT/The National Geographic Society/DC: Act as air traffic controller for all video being shot/edited thru every dept of NG Studios. BA deg/equiv work exp. 5+ yrs fast-paced/high pressure TV or news envir. Full info/apply HERE (10/15)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PROD, DIGITAL VIDEO/The National Geo Society/DC: Mng growing team (about 15) of dig journalists & storytellers. BA in related field.6 yrs prod exp &/or journalism exp, 3-5 yrs digital video 3-5 yrs mngmnt exp req’d. Full info/apply HERE (10/15)

CASTING CALL:Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:PRODUCER/CREATIVE WRTR: 10+ yrs exp Ent, Reality & Music TV shows for MTV, Mun2, Univ & others. Strong creat, mng, ppl skills & ethics. Eng/Spa, Photoshop, HD Cam, basic Avid, FCP. Qual & Quant rsrch exp. [email protected] 3102540131 (10/15)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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