08.31.15 Good morning. It’s Monday August 31, 2015, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
Watcheroo Premieres and Tune-in Alerts for August 31-September 4:
–People Now at, Monday-Friday at 8:30a ET and 11:30a ET: Guests include singers Andra Day and Jordin Sparks, royal watcher Imogen Llloyd Webbe and reality star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi.
Hulu: Seasons 1-3 of Elementary (CBS) and season 6 of The League (FX) will be available to stream on September 1; the season 4 finale of ABC’s Celebrity Wife Swap will be available September 3; and the season 3 finale of Mistresses (ABC) and the season six finale of Rookie Blue (ABC) will be available September 4.
There’s nowhere to hide from the The Walking Dead. On the heels of the massively successful August 23rd debut of series spinoff Fear the Walking Dead, AMC has announced plans to release a standalone web series set within the two shows’ universe. The web series’ installments will debut not only online, but also as a series of segments to be aired during commercial breaks for The Walking Dead season six. The web show, set aboard an airplane, will be a half-hour in length. No word yet on how precisely it will be divided up for broadcast.
…And the Streamy Awards hosting gig goes to Tyler Oakley and Grace Helbig. Oakley, one of the most prominent LGBTQ activists on Youtube, is hosting for the first time. Helbig, a YouTube star and host of E!’s The Grace Helbig Show, is co-hosting for the second straight year. The Streamy Awards, which honor the best in online video and content creation, will air Thursday, September 17 on VH1 – the first time the ceremony has received a live TV broadcast. Naturally, it will also be available on VH1’s digital platforms.
MTV called it “the millennial Super Bowl”: the network made use of Twitter Amplify at an unprecedented scale during last night’s VMA Awards, joining with 24 brands – including Taco Bell, Verizon, and Trojan – to direct targeted real-time tweets, ads, and branded Periscope streams to the younger demos. MTV even used Periscope to livestream a pre-show concert, complete with ads and sponsored messaging from Taco Bell.
Netflix has come to Hollywood and they’ve claimed a good deal of its real estate. The SVOD giant’s new lease, in the ICON office tower at Sunset Bronson Studios on Sunset Boulevard, clocks in at 200,000 square feet. That’s more than double the amount of space they’re currently leasing in Beverly Hills. The ICON property includes sound stage and production space. Netflix CFO David Wells called the space the perfect spot “to support our next stage of growth and content creation.”
There’s also some bad news for Netflix: The company’s Ultra HD 4K version of the Breaking Bad pilot found its way onto torrent websites, thanks to hackers. The file is almost 18GB, so would-be digital pirates beware: Unless your Internet connection is as flawless as Walter White’s blue meth, you likely won’t be able to stream it uninterruptedly.
Looks like Apple is taking a cue or two from Nintendo. The new Apple TV remote will be motion sensitive, similar to the Wii’s. The remote will also include a trackpad and a Siri microphone.
Next year, the virtual slugfest will be very real. Valve and HTC have delayed the release of the Vive, their new VR headset – only a limited quantity will be released this year; the rest ship in 1Q16. The move ensures a major competition between HTC/Valve and their biggest competitors in VR, Sony and the Facebook-owned Oculus: All three are launching VR headsets during the first half of next year.
Freebooters beware: Facebook aims to crack down on unauthorized video use. The company announced plans to test a new beta technology allowing content creators to identify matches of their videos on other profiles, groups, and pages. “Our matching tool will evaluate millions of video uploads quickly and accurately,” the company said in a blog post. “And when matches are surfaced, publishers will be able to report them to us for removal.” Facebook acknowledges that at first, the beta technology will be available to only a small group of media companies, multi-channel networks, and individual video creators.
Time Inc.announced the creation of The Foundry,a new collective placing editorial and branded content creators into a single group, working together under one roof. The automotive-centric The Drive, Time Inc.’s first new vertical to be released under this structure, will launch in September. “All of [The Foundry’s] new brands will be digital centric and, of course, they’ll work across multiple platforms,” said Chris Hercik,VP of Time Inc.’s Native Studio. The group will be helmed by Mark Ford,Time Inc.’s EVP of Global Advertising Sales.
Cynopsis Social Media Webinar:
Harnessing the Power of Periscope
Here’s what you’ll learn from our panel of experts:
1) The 101 of getting started
2) How to integrate Periscope into your social media strategy
3) Keys to finding the right audience
4) When to go public or private for a broadcast
5) How organizations can protect their rights while also taking advantage of a new platform that can boost their brand
Save your spot TODAY!.
Autoplay Flash, we hardly knew ye. Google has announced that, come September 1, its Chrome browser will block all Flash content that isn’t “central to the webpage.” Autoplay videos on websites that aren’t video-centric will automatically be paused, and can only be un-paused manually. Consumers may cheer the decision: Flash video drains computer battery life and can spread malware. But online advertisers – most of whom still use Flash – may not be as happy.
The live-streaming mobile space is getting pretty crowded. DeNA, a Japanese mobile game and Internet company, announced the release of Mirativ, its answer to Periscope and Meerkat. The new app allows users to live stream literally anything they’re doing on their phone, be it a game of Candy Crush or a glance at the S&P 500. Users can also transmit their voices, along with picture-in-picture streams of their faces. The app is currently available only for Android. DeNA says an iOS version will appear soon, but initially users will be limited to watching streams rather than broadcasting their own.
Speaking of mobile live-streaming: Mobcrush, a service that allows mobile gamers to stream their real-time mobile gameplay directly from phones to other Mobcrush users, announced that it secured $10 million in its most recent funding round. The company, founded in August 2014, has not yet said how it intends to use the funds.
Wrestling is coming to the Middle East: Mid-East pay-TV company OSN is bringing the WWE Network to Go Online TV, its OTT app.
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Forget tax forms and neck-tied advisors- financial firm Charles Schwab turned to animated monsters and more to press the importance of owning “your own tomorrow.” Check it out the spot here.
See you tomorrow,
David Teich
Roberta Caploe: Associate Publisher @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group
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JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PROGRAM STRATEGY & ANALYSIS/Viacom/NYC: Min 8+ yrs TV Prgrmng/Acquisitions & Prgrmng Rsch exp at TV Ntwrk w/robust understanding of cable & ind trends a must. Stellar negotiation/presentation skills a must. Full info/apply HERE (9/5)
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JOB OPENING: UNIT PUBLICIST (Nat’l Synd Talk Show)/Summerdale Productions/Culver City CA: Resp for daily consumer publicity efforts & dvlpng/implementing episodic PR strategies to drive tune-in.
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CASTING CALL: Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]
EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]
INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PRODUCTION INTERNSHIP/Raw Travel TV Show: Has opening for 2 serious interns. Duties incl transcribing, rsrching story ideas & destinations, social marketing & more. Position req’s telecommuting. College credit req’d. Submit cover letter & resume HERE (9/1)
FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Easton, PA – Lou Reda Productions: Looking for interns with Final Cut knowledge, will have a chance to learn from and work with editors on various projects. For credits. email can be [email protected] (9/1)
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