07/15/14: : YouTube getting serious about premium content?, CDS’ EpicMealTime is making the bacon (literally), Facebook, Refinery 29 and Adaptly research shows sequencing ads most effective


Good morning. It’s Tuesday, July 15, 2014, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


YouTube is getting serious about premium content, according to Reuters. The video hub is in talks with independent and Hollywood producers to fund programming in an effort not only to bring in complementary higher profile advertising, but also to push its three-year-old $100 million dollar effort forward. “Over 115 of the channels launched as part of that initiative are now the top two percent most-subscribed to channels on the platform,” a YT company representative told Reuters. The site recently launched a major campaign promoting creators and shows in billboards and TV ads.

Collective Digital Studio’s (CDS) EpicMealTime is bringing home the bacon  Hormel bacon, that is. BBDO Minneapolis for Hormel and the multi-channel network announced that Hormel Black Label Bacon will be a sponsor and official bacon provider for the cooking series known for its over-the-top meat meals. EMT host Harley Morenstein is expected to use more than 1,300 pounds of the product in the next year, with recipes and demonstrations integrated in episodes. “Harley epitomizes our brand as someone who doesn’t just eat bacon, but lives and breathes bacon,” BBDO Minneapolis Executive Creative Director Noel Haan said.

Discovery Digital Networks’ channel TestTube debuted the new show In the Making yesterday. Hosted by Dr. Mike North, of Science Channel’s Outrageous Acts of Science and Prototype This, the series will bring viewers behind the scenes of the next big thing while it’s still “in the making” (think a 3D printed gun or fly boarding). New eps will be released every Thursday at testube.com/inthemaking and youtube.com/user/inthemakingTV.

USA is partnering with Vice Media and HowAboutWe to promote provocative relationship series Satisfaction. The net commissioned Vice for a three-part docu-series exploring modern romance, and is rolling out advertorials on HowAboutWe, made up of digital platforms to help daters. “By aligning with disruptive and innovative digital platforms we hope to appeal to new audiences,” said USA EVP of marketing and digital Alexandra Shapiro. Satisfaction premieres Thursday, July 17 at 10p.

Save the date: Thursday, November 13th at the Grand Hyatt in New York City for the Digital Model D Awards! Early deadline to enter is August 8, and late deadline is August 15. Register at https://acclaimworks.com/svc/cynopsis-digital


Small Screen/Big Ideas Conference
Wed., August 6, 2014 | San Fran | Early Bird End: July 18th

Speakers Include:
Ed Lee,
VP, Content Acquisition –
Vijay Balan, SVP, Client ServicesLiveRail
Sean Byrnes,
CEO Flurry
Mike Folgner,
CEO – SnappyTV

Thank you to our Gold Sponsor – SIZMEK
Please contact [email protected] at 203-899-8483.


A study from Facebook, lifestyle site Refinery 29 and Adaptly reveals that when it comes to digital advertising, sequencing ads will more likely lead consumers to a purchase than a sustained call-to-action message (CTA). Sequencing ads for Refinery 29 that were placed on Facebook’s users newsfeeds translated to 87 percent view-throughs, and conversion of 56 percent. “Although the research finding might sound like an obvious outcome, some advertisers may find it counterintuitive to elongate a campaign as a way to more gradually bring their audience through the purchase funnel, rather than more immediately delivering a call-to-action,” Adaptly CEO Nikhil Sethi said.

Volvo is the first advertiser to use The Weather Channel’s branded background on its recently re-launched iPad app. The campaign, which begins today, integrates full-screen branded images under translucent weather content that changes to match a user’s current weather conditions.

Please take a moment to participate in Cynopsis Media’s first salary survey, to help us provide you and your industry colleagues with a trustworthy benchmark for salaries and benefits in TV and digital media. Deadline is July 17, 2014. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/cynsalary


OpenSlateEngagement Data for comedy channels, based on the engagement metric for the week ending7/14.
Channel/(Engagement)/Monthly Views/Total Subs/SlateScore
(9.8) / 70,537,440 / 7,575,006 / 833
DrossRotzank (9.5) / 45,088,770 / 3,437,223 / 792
JimmyKimmelLive (9.5) / 85,926,720 / 4,367,172 / 536
Latenight (9.4) / 156,143,820 / 3,901,658 / 792
MyTechnicalDifficult (9.4) / 0 / 2,024,126 / 583
IISuperwomanII (9.4) / 35,386,860 / 3,255,466 / 789
rhettandlink2 (9.3) / 52,241,550 / 2,753,379 / 780
collegehumor (9.3) / 70,244,520 / 7,356,885 / 827
Enchufetv (9.3) / 85,008,390 / 6,311,003 / 776
SergioRazta (9.2) / 692,310 / 688,067 / 633
Source: The Engagement metric is one of OpenSlate’s component scores, and is a measure of a producer’s ability to evoke meaningful interaction with their audience. It is calculated on a scale of 1 – 10 with higher being better. The OpenSlate Engagement score uses a subset of the data incorporated in the SlateScore to perform a set of unique calculations. It factors in views, comments, likes, and more.

NIELSEN TWITTER TV TOP TENfor the week of 7/7/14
Program, Date,Unique Audience (000), Tweets (000)
Pretty Little Liars
(ABC Family), 7/8,3,769, 533
The Bachelorette (ABC), 7/7,
2,432, 90
Teen Wolf (MTV), 7/7,
2,116, 287
Finding Carter (MTV), 7/8,
1,845, 143
Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (VH1), 7/7,
1,703, 458
Catfish: The TV Show (MTV), 7/8,
1,537, 103
Keeping Up with the Kardashians (E!), 7/13,
1,484, 39
WWE Monday Night RAW (USA), 7/7,
1,367, 196
Big Brother (CBS), 7/13,
1,270, 78
Big Brother(CBS), 7/10
1,247, 112
Source: Nielsen. Nielsen Social captures relevant tweets from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Unique Audience measures the audience of relevant Tweets ascribed to an episode from when the Tweets are sent until the end of the broadcast day at 5a. The data includes new/live primetime and late fringe episodes only and excludes sports events.


Unruly appointed Kenneth Suh as Senior Vice President of Global Business Development and Christine Ryder as Regional Vice President of Sales in Chicago. Before joining Unruly, Suh led business development for AOL Platforms, and Ryder was President of the Chicago Interactive Marketing Association.

Federated Media Publishing named Debbie Menin as Head of Video Business Development, and Alyssa Vitrano as Executive Producer of Video Strategy. Menin was formerly the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships for TV Networks at Machinima, and Vitrano worked on content strategy at Mindshare.

TV production house ArsenalFX Color hired Randy Starnes as Colorist. Most recently, Starnes was a Colorist with Sony pictures Studios’ Colorworks Division, where he worked in their 4K TV facility since 2012.

If you’ve got happy news, weddings, babies, engagements you’d like shared with your industry colleagues for a new feature going up soon on our web site, send to [email protected].


Don’t forget to enter the
Entry Deadline:
August 8th | Late Submissions: August 15th

Featured Categories Include:
Branded Integration in a Web Series
Digital Video Ad Platform
Social Media Campaign
Best Host in a Web Series or Channel

Visit our website for additional info & categories.


At the Cynopsis Digital Monetization conference on June 19th, we paired up with Shareablee to interview social media experts from Discovery Digital Networks, USA Networks, Univision and others about the state of social media right now. Check out the vid that provides answers to the question, “How do you view the value of social media?” at www.cynopsis.com/#video.

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese  @JMarieReese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: AE-CNN INT’L/NY: Dev/maintain global ad sales of TV/digital/mobile properties to agencies, clients in North America. Collaborate w/ CNN US & global sales teams. BA Deg, 3-5 yrs sales exp req’d. New bus dev exp a + Apply HERE (7/22)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DEVELOPMENT & ORIG PROGRAMMING/VH1/NYC: Identify new concepts & talent w/strong emphasis on ability to generate successful internal ideas. Min 7 yrs dvlpmnt @ Network &/or Prod co. Full info/apply HERE (7/22)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/WO Network/NYC TELECOMMUTE: Manage large cable network client for growing VC backed co. 3+ yrs exp in cable network, pref in sales or pricing. Able to spend signif. time in NY. Full info/apply HERE: http://www.wideorbit.com/careers/ (7/22)

JOB OPENING: IMPLEMENTATION SPECIALIST/WIDE ORBIT/TELECOMMUTE: Travel to clients to implemnt softwre and train usrs. 2+ yrs exp in cable network, pref in traffic dept. Able to travel up to 70%. Full info/apply HERE: http://www.wideorbit.com/careers/ (7/22)

JOB OPENING: DIR BRANDED ENT/INTEGRTD MKTG/TLC/MD/LA/NY: Rock star creative to guide ideation/strategy/execution of breakthrough Branded Ent Solutions. Cross-net synergy, 360 cmpgns, Upfront, Crtve Svcs spprt. 5-7 yrs Integrtd Mktg reqrd Apply HERE (7/19)

JOB OPENING: DIR RSCH/WME/LA: Drive consumer & mkt rsch initiatives & strategy. Min 6 yrs media rsrch exp. Strong analytical & quant skills req’d. Exp w/rsch sys (ie Nielsen, Simmons & Scarborough). Resume: [email protected] (7/17)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PRODUCER/LXTV Talk Stoop/NYC: Dvlp/maintain creative strategy & communicate creative direction to all members of production and post-production process. 3+ yrs min exp TV production. Apply: HERE (7/17)  

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/Crown Media/Midtown, NY: Ideal opportunity for new grad to work w/AEs and Planners to service and maintain agencies and clients. To apply go to www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (7/16)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST/MLS/NYC: Provide quantitative/qualitative support for commercial units. BA/BS quantitative field (Finance, Economics, Statistics) 1 yr exp rsch, consumer insights, or bus analytics. Full info/apply HERE (7/16)

JOB OPENING: BEAUTY HOST, EXPERT or TV HOST/Major Beauty Brand/MID EAST COAST: Interest in either beauty & skin care or Dermatology as Doctor or NP. Req’s freq travel to PHL area. Should be located w/in 2 hrs of West Chester, PA. Res/recent photo HERE (7/16)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, CONSUMER MKTG/VH1 & VH1 Classics/NYC: Mng execution of 360 mktg campaigns. BA Deg w/5 yrs relevant consumer mktg exp. Exp w/ad agencies & media buying. Full info/apply HERE (7/16)

JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL ANALYST/A+E Networks/NY: Invoicing, Int’l exp a +/Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (7/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF OPERATIONS WC/RNN TV/Rye Brook NY: 5-10 yrs. exp managing teams in brdcst operations, B.S., Deliver exceptional service by providing organization-wide leadership for all production & operating staff. Resumes to: [email protected] (7/16)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED SALES MGR/Meredith Video Studios/NY: Drive rev for branded ent programs leveraging Meredith assets. Conceptual seller across all platforms with strong client and agcy contacts. Resume: [email protected] (7/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STRATEGIC MKTG/NYC: Dvlp proposals in response to RFPs & execute mktg campaigns for USA. 5+ yrs integrated mktg exp required in broadcast media/agency. Digital exp req’d. Full info/apply HERE (7/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR, LIVE ACTION DVLPMNT/Nickelodeon/Santa Monica: Oversee development process from script phase through pilot prod. 5+ yrs min exp in TV PROD and/or dvlpmnt, preferably w/in children’s prgrmng. Full info/apply HERE (7/16)

JOB OPENING: HR MANAGER/CNBC/NYC: Provide day-to-day support for 200 staff employees in the Tech & Digital depts to facilitate growth in a dynamic environment. Full info/apply HERE (7/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR BUSINESS AFFAIRS/Sundance/NY: Serves as internal bus. contact for owned orig prods. Process weekly prod & payroll funding for owned orig prods. Confers w/key internal depts on all contract points/budgets. Apply HERE: http://tinyurl.com/phpa9ws (7/16)

JOB OPENING: PRGRMING COORD/Debmar Mercury/NYC: Gen. Admin skill req.; Must be proficient in PowerPoint creation. A general understanding for marketing & branded entertainment, as well as programming & content. Submit to: [email protected] (7/16)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, MARKETING/re:fuel agency/New York, NY: Supports all company marketing efforts include dev marketing collateral, biz dev & proposal generation, event mgmt. & execution. 3+ yrs min exp in marketing. Apply HERE (7/16)

CASTING CALL: Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: Digital media position wanted. 10 yrs biz experience across multiple industries and writer/editor/photog for print & online. Masters in journo from Columbia. NYC-based, willing to travel/relocate. [email protected] (7/22)

SITUATION WANTED: Junior Motion Designer position wanted. BFA in Motion Design. Hard-working, resourceful, team player. Portfolio: www.aleckaedwards.com. Willing to freelance/relocate. Email: [email protected] (7/19)

SITUATION WANTED: Casting/Talent/ TV Production/Audience position wanted-NY. 20 years experience casting and producing a myriad of projects including Talk, Game, Award, Reality and Episodic programs. Email barb.casting@gmail.com (7/18)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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