03/18/14: Cynopsis Classifed Advantage



Sell best in class mobile advrtsng ntwk to Agencies & Fortune 500 Brands. BA deg & 5 yrs outside advrtsng sales exp w/in Agency, Mobile mktg &/or Mobile Advrtsng worlds.

Full info/apply: HERE.


Good morning. It’s Tuesday, March 18, 2014, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

Welcome to Leadership Lessons, the column that focuses on conversations with senior managers and leaders in the TV world, speaking candidly about their professional journeys and how that informs what they look for when hiring new employees.

What was one of your first management challenges and how did you handle it?

Paul Cestari, General Manager, Veria Living: Addressing performance issues, especially being a new manager myself. Fortunately, I have always been able to keep in the forefront of my mind that every employee is an equal person and always deserves the utmost respect and compassion. That said, it’s also my responsibility, as an agent for the organization that I work for, to manage as efficiently as possible. With that in mind, I don’t have the luxury of not addressing a performance issue. I realized early on that it truly is more compassionate to deal with it immediately and directly. Some inexperienced managers shy away from this type of feedback, but I have found it best to engage early and often. I believe that, by doing this, it actually gives everyone the very best chance for success. I also believe that by far the majority of people truly want to do a good job. A little redirection in a timely manner actually allows your team to quickly develop and tackle the challenges at hand.

As a leader in today’s business world, you need to earn the respect of your team. Clearly, respect is not just given. A team that trusts its leader is capable of accomplishing amazing things.

Consequently, each member is able to contribute freely and willing to make mistakes knowing that they’re working in an environment that’s collaborative. On the other hand, earlier in my career, I just expected that my team would trust in me and listen to my direction. The problem with just making that assumption is that you never get to a real level of trust. Accordingly, you might have compliance, but rarely will you have true commitment.

What do you know now about being a leader that you didn’t know early in your career?
Bob Scanlon, General Manager of Velocity: That a truly effective manager is one who allows people to not only make mistakes but allows them to take on as much as they want regardless of the job they’re in. They should see a future in the company. Even if you have really talented people you’re not going to keep them unless you’re developing productive people for the company, as opposed to for your own department. Turnover may be higher, but you’re developing people to make them effective employees, not just staff.

Deborah Myers, General Manager and Executive Vice President, Science Channel: Relationships, relationships, relationships. I can’t say it enough. We work in a very small world. Being a leader in this business relies on the strength of partnerships, connections and relationships in the creative and business community. Do right by others because I guarantee that your paths will cross again.


The Exploding World of Kids’ Tablets: The New Way to Build Your Brand
Thursday, March 20, 2014 ||| 1:30 – 3:00pm ET ||| Sign-Up Now

Speakers Include:
Moderator: Cathy Applefeld Olson  Editor {Cynopsis Kids!}
Abby Jenkins
– Director of Content {PBS KIDS Digital}
Mindy Brooks
– Director of Education & Research {SesameWorkshop}
Graham Farrar
– Co-Founder {IStoryTime}
Caroline Fraser
– VP, Digital Products & Production
{Scholastic Media}

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JOB OPENING: VICE PRESIDENT ABC/ABC Studios Primetime Research/LA: 10+ yrs media research exp; TV ratings; multiplatform pref; Strong mgmt, analytical, relationship skills. To apply: http://bit.ly/1hx8rev

JOB OPENING: MGR PROD/IFC/NYC: Asst w/creation of IFC Orig Prgrmng. Liaise w/3rd party prod entities to ensure compliance w/IFC guidelines. Mng trafficking of cuts & creation of assets for Int’l, domestic dist partners. Full info/apply HERE (3/22)

JOB OPENING: truTV/WRITER/PRODUCER, CREATIVE SERVICES/NY: Write/prod on-air promotional spots & content. Generate ideas for both conceptual & clip-driven spots & dvlp multiple creative executions. Prior cable exp pref. 3-4 yrs + exp Apply HERE (3/22)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICITY ASST/RLJ Entertainment- Acorn Brands/Silver Spring MD: Support Publicity Dir w/a broad range of all publicity matters. BA deg & min 1yr exp working publicity dept (ent media a +) Apply to: [email protected] (3/22)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST/HUB/LA (full-time/non-staff/CW): Resp: handling all aspects of show PR, for live-action & anim. 3+ yrs media exp. kids TV a plus. Apply at: www.hubnetwork.com/about/careers (3/21)

JOB OPENING: WRITER, ON AIR PROMOS/MTV/NYC: Utilize strong, high-level conceptual thinking to create work that can be campaign-able across many mediums. 4-6 yrs agency exp in promos or comedy writing. Full info apply HERE (3/21)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, SALES RESEARCH/MSNBC & NBC NEWS PORTFOLIO/NYC: Expert in analysis, reporting, Excel. 3+ years media rsch required. Nielsen, Simmons/MRI a must. Full info/apply: HERE (3/21)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/EPIX/NYC: Write, produce & edit programs/spots. Must have exp creating & executing innovative, high-concept TV promos for premium cable. Exp prod theatrical trailers a plus. Apply HERE (3/20)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORD/TV GUIDE NETWORK/NY: Multi tasked ind to work with AEs, planners, sales, traffic, mktg & pricing pln’g teams. Resp for deal maint wkly allocations, move requests and daily comm w/agencies. BA req’d. Apply HERE (3/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ON AIR PLANNING/Crown Media Family Networks/LA: Develop and implement strategies for utilization of on-air inventory assets to increase ratings. BA deg req’d. Apply HERE (3/19)
JOB OPENING: HBO/SR RESEARCH ANALYST/NYC: Research professional that demonstrates research and analytical skills to provides strategic insights. 3+ yrs of exp. in TV Research. Please apply @ http://bit.ly/1ghDb3s (3/19)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST/WB/NYC: 3-5 years Media exp. Advertising sales billing, rev recognition, cash application & reporting, mnthly & quarterly closes & budgeting/forecasting for Media Ad Sales group. APPLY HERE (3/18)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STANDARDS & PRACTICES/NICKELODEON/NYC: Review marketing proposals, pitches, executions for digital and multi-plat initiatives. Ensure regulatory guidelines and Nick best practices are met. 3 – 5 yrs exp. APPLY HERE (3/18)

JOB OPENING: SALES DIR OLYMPICS & SPORTS SALES/NBCU/Chicago: Sell multi-platform Sports & Olympics. Exceptional presenter & 8+ years sales exp. Apply: HERE (3/15)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RESEARCH/ATL: 5+yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable.Prof in basic statistics/analysis. Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen rsrch software. To apply, contact: HERE (3/15)

JOB OPENING: VP AD SALES RSRCH/Nickelodeon/NYC: Dvlp innovative/insightful initiatives that competitively position & distinguish us in mktplace. 10+ yrs related media rsrch. Proficiency in media based applications Full info apply HERE (3/15)

JOB OPENING: LICENSING SALES MGR/CHI/MINN/CIN Midwest area: Identify, solicit, negotiate and secure licensed partners, retail/licensee management. Knowledge of licensing and retail, high energy and self-motivated. Resume to: [email protected] (3/15)

JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR, AD SALES/SIRIUSXM NY: support all aspects of sls & mktg process. Resp for dvlpmt & execution of select mktg proposals & pgms. 5+ yrs exp in ad sls/media. Biling Spanish pref. [email protected] (3/15)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR INTEGRATED MARKETING/ABC/NY: Will respond to RFP’s, sponsorships, video execution, campaign mgmt. Must have 5+ yrs digital mkt or sponsorship exp, project mgt. TV exp preferred. SEND RESUME: [email protected] (3/15)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER MKTG/ION/NY: Support Nat’l Ad Sales team, assist w/development & execution of integrated client solutions 2 – 3 yrs exp mktg, prefer sponsorships, 4-yr degree, prefer Marketing. Apply [email protected] EOE (3/14)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD TRAFFICKER/ABC Owned TV/NYC or SEATTLE: Digital Ad Ops exp is a must, FreeWheel or Ad serving systems exp is preferred, will do technical support, monitor campaigns. SEND RESUME: [email protected] (3/14)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICITY ASST/RLJ Entertainment- Acorn Brands/Silver Spring MD: Support Publicity Dir w/a broad range of all publicity matters. BA deg & min 1 yr exp working publicity dept (ent media a +)  Apply to: [email protected] (3/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SALES BRAND SOLUTIONS/HIPCRICKET/CHI: Sell best in class mobile advrtsng ntwk to Agencies & Fortune 500 Brands. BA deg & 5 yrs outside advrtsng sales exp w/in Agency, Mobile mktg &/or Mobile Advrtsng worlds. Full info/apply: HERE (3/14)  

JOB OPENING: AD TRAFFICKER/MLS DIGITAL PROPERTIES/NYC: Resp for daily advrtsng ops. 1-3 yr prior trafficking exp w/a strong understanding of ad systems. Knwlg of Flash, HTML, JavaScript, Photoshop. Strong attention to detail. Resume HERE: [email protected] (3/13)

JOB OPENING: CONTENT SCREENER/Media Information Services/NYC: Entry-level position writing summaries of TV programs. Requires BA/BS, strong writing skills, attention to detail and love of TV. Send resume to [email protected] (3/13)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR- DEVELOPMENT: Well capitalized and successful non-fiction content creator seeking ratings driven developers with great ideas, great relationships, and great track record. NY or LA. [email protected] (3/13)

JOB OPENING: SVP, ON AIR PROMO/Nickelodeon/NYC: Lead team that creates compelling & best in class promot’l campaigns. BA degree 15 + yrs of relevant media exp & min 10 yrs strategic brand comm exp on-air promos. Full info/apply HERE (3/12)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/EDITOR, ON-AIR PROMO/REELZ/ABQ: Write, produce & edit on-air promotions, oversee graphics and VO talent. 3-5 years of relevant exp required. Relo available. Apply (3/12) 

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/WNBC/NYC: The RA w/b the primary point of rsrch contact team, providing rsrch reports & analytics. Also provide sales positioning support across multiple media including TV & exposure to Digital. Apply HERE (3/12)

JOB OPENING: SALES DEV/AD SALES MKTG MGR/YUME/NYC: partner with sales team to position and sell thru YuMe’s digital video platform. 5-7 years exp. TV/agency exp. a plus. Apply: yume.com/careers (3/12)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DIGITAL PUBLICITY CORPORATE PUBLIC RELATIONS/SHOWTIME/NYC: Develop and implement PR campaigns. Establish & maintain online & social media relationships. Manage PR dept social presence Apply: www.sho.com/careers (3/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR OPERATIONS INT’L/A+E Networks/NY: Engineering Technology support Int’l team. Staff/Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/8)

JOB OPENING: SR QUANTITATIVE ANALYST/WWE/STAMFORD: Dvlp/deliver dig. strats & performance-enhancing solutions that are derived from apps of large data sets. 5+ yrs solving analytical problems using quantitative approaches. Apply HERE (3/8)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAM RSCH SR ANALYST/Bravo/NYC: Analyze, present & report on qualitative rsch. 1-2 yrs TV/Cable rsch experience. Nielsen knowledge a must. Apply HERE (3/8)

JOB OPENING: VP, CORP COMM/AMC/NYC: Manage trade& business media rel.for AMC & IFC Films. Rare opp for driven and dynamic exec, hot network, highly-visible job. Submit res: http://tinyurl.com/k3gqfpf (3/8)

JOB OPENING: MGR, CLIENT SERVICES: Digital dist consulting co. seeking PT mgr to asst President. Sales exp & new bus dvlpmnt are also a +. Must be able to work from home. BA/BS + 3-5 yrs min exp dig media & dist req’d. Resume: HERE (3/8)

JOB OPENING: YANGAROO/DIRECTOR OF SALES, DIRECT RESPONSE/NY: Oversee sales into and revenue growth from Direct Response Agencies. 10+ years relevant DR sales role and experience in media, advertising or Saas. Resumes: [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER ON-AIR PROMOS/CNN/ATL: Exp write/produce national and/or local news promos, writing for multiple genres and platforms. Topical Exp Pref.2-3 yrs+ exp.To Apply: http://bit.ly/1h88sbZ (3/8)

JOB OPENING: SR. CREATIVE PRODUCER/NYC: Responsible for creative ideas and day-to-day mgmt of app dev process. Work with tech and mktg teams at all stages. 4+ yrs in apps, games, entertainment, etc. Resume to: [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MOBILE GAMES, APPS/LOS ANGELES CA: Fox Digital Entertainment is seeking a VP, Business, Development, for its mobile games and apps business. General Strategy Consultants Apply: http://tinyurl.com/jwem3vj (FFE0002218) (3/8)

JOB OPENING: TEMP-DIRECTOR MULTI-PLATFORM INTERSTITIAL STRATEGY & PLANNING/SHOWTIME/NYC: Direct the content strategy & media plans of all networks & alternative platforms; maintain media post-analysis reviews. Apply www.sho.com/careers (3/8)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR PROMOTIONS WRITER/PRODUCER/TWC/ATL: Conceive, write & produce on-air promotion & brand communication. Strong creative skills. 5+ yrs exp w/cable Co., local news, ad agency, etc. Apply: [email protected] (3/8)


Not attracting the right candidate for the job?
Start today & email: Trish Pihonak

Hear from the experts about Cynopsis Media Classifieds

"Cynopsis has been an extremely valuable and cost effective recruiting tool for CSI Sports. We have hired several qualified candidates over the years from postings on Cynopsis. It is one stop shopping for media and entertainment employers and candidates."
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responsibility for leading the conceptualization and communication of Huffpost value proposition and strategic initiatives for our advertisers, partnering with our sales team and products teams to position the Huffington Post brand in market
VP, Sales Marketing
Huffington Post

develops the HuffPost international sales story and solutions
International Sales and Marketing Strategist
Huffington Post

own the creation and regular maintenance of all Partner Studio collateral; including spearheading the creation of quarterly case studies to showcase successful native content campaigns by advertiser category
Marketing Specialist
Huffington Post

provide confident leadership as a senior executive for SpinMedia
Sales Director

oversee a team of individual contributors and be responsible for related revenue goals, reports, forecasts, and regional account strategies
VP, National Sales – Adap.tv
AOL Networks

partner with Grab’s sales force and business leaders to guide the development of specific ideas
Director of Sales Development – Digital Video
Grab Media

create territory plan that becomes actual plan for managing territory
Enterprise Sales Representative, SLED
Washington DC, NYC NY, Boston MA

lead the development of the company’s public policy positions on telecommunications issues
Public Policy and Government Affairs Counsel, Telecommunications
Washington DC

day to day and career management of a team of Customer Analytics Associates
Manager, Business Intel
Seattle WA

shape the future of Premium Delivery at Amazon
Senior Product Manager
Seattle WA

lead a team of people tasked with driving the Adap.tv mobile video business forward
Director, Mobile – Adap.tv
AOL Networks
San Francisco CA

implement & manage a metrics driven sales methodology
Director of Global Sales
San Francisco CA

provide vision, leadership and direction for the HootSuite Developer Program
Senior Manager, Developer Program
San Francisco CA

develop a deep understanding of Google (buy and sell side) and wider industry trends and dynamics in order to be a thought partner in designing and executing on PBS strategy
Financial Analyst, Partner Business Solutions
San Francisco CA

interact with client and vendors throughout the lifecycle of a project to explain and  follow through on approvals from client
Production Scheduler
Warner Brothers
Los Angeles CA

develop custom marketing ideas in response to RFPs and on a proactive basis using innovative marketing solutions that leverage the SpinMedia’s audience
Sr Manager Integrated Marketing
Los Angeles CA

work with internal departments: sales, account managers, integrated marketing, developers and vendors to implement and oversee ad campaigns
Director, Ad Operations
Los Angeles CA

effectively manage Sales Communications to all accounts-physical only, hybrid, digital only
Vice President Sales Franchise
Warner Brothers
Burbank CA

strategic partner with Sr. Executive Management of Global Business Services Inc (GBSI and Human Resources), to identify IT solutions that enable the strategic business plan
Vice President, Sr. CRM
Warner Brothers
Burbank CA

communications around relationships with Internet Service Providers and consumer electronics companies, including the continuing enhancement of the Netflix ISP Speed Index
Director – Technology & Corporate Communications
Los Gatos CA

responsible for phone and tablet design, solving customer problems, ideas for delivering amazing mobile experiences to millions of customers
Senior User Experience Designer – Phone and Tablet
Los Gatos CA


And more from the experts on…
Cynopsis Classifieds

"Cynopsis is an amazing resource for getting qualified candidates relevant and significant to the media and entertainment industry."
Karla Paz Mobray, Director, Talent Acquisitions, Viacom Media Networks- Human Resources

"Cynopsis has been a great resource in getting qualified candidates for CBS Television Distribution. In the past year I have filled 3 sales openings with candidates from Cynopsis."
Suzy Saddik, Human Resources Representative, CBS Television Distribution

Email:  Trish Pihonak.


Twentieth Century Fox Television upped Jennifer Carreras to Vice President, Comedy Development and Mandy Summers to Vice President, Programming, and brought Jen Weinberg aboard from Glamour, where she had worked as West Coast Editor as well as Director of Public Relations, as Vice President, Talent Relations and Events.

Shannon Driver has been promoted to Senior Vice President of Marketing and Creative Services at HGTV and DIY Network. Driver will oversee the Knoxville-based team.

Kristen Finney was promoted to Senior Vice President, Worldwide Pay Television and Subscription Video on Demand at Twentieth Century Fox Television Distribution. Finney, who has been with Fox for over a decade, had previously served as Vice President of Worldwide Pay Television and SVOD.

Tribune Broadcasting named Devin C. Johnson Senior Vice President, Head of Digital Media. Johnson, who began his media career at Tribune, was most recently NBC Universal‘s General Manager of Digital Works @NBCU.

Leslie Picard has been named Senior Vice President of Sales and Branded Solutions for CNN Ad Sales. Most recently, Picard was President of Brand Solutions at Time, Inc.

Mike Muccilo was hired for the newly created position of Director of Direct Response Advertising Sales at Music Choice. Muccilo had been National Account Executive at Rovi.

Fox Broadcasting Company‘s reorganization of its programming team, combining its development and programming functions, led to five promotions: Terence Carter to Executive Vice President, Drama Development & Programming; Suzanne Makkos to Executive Vice President, Comedy Development & Programming; Charlie Andrews to Senior Vice President, Drama Development & Programming; Lauren Levy Neustadter to Senior Vice President, Comedy Development & Programming and Samata Narra to Vice President, Comedy Development & Programming.

SundanceTV tapped Drew Pisarra as Vice President of Digital Media and Marketing and promoted Mark Zadroga to Director of Online Content. Pisarra was previously Vice President of Digital Media at AMC; Zadroga rose from his role as a Senior Producer.

Discovery Communications promoted Jane Latman to General Manager, Discovery Fit & Health. Latman will retain her responsibilities as Senior Vice President, Investigation Discovery.

VH1 named Nina L. Diaz as Senior Vice President, East Coast Production and Development. Most recently, Diaz was Senior Vice President, Head of Current Production at Left/Right Productions.

Technicolor named Tim Sarnoff as President of Production Services, a new group integrating Creative Services and Digital Productions, and Claude Gagnon as Senior Vice President, Content Solutions and Industry Relations.

Thanks — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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