03/11/14: Good Morning America unveils the #SocialSquare


Good morning. It’s Tuesday, March 11, 2014, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Good Morning America debuted its new #SocialSquare digital studio yesterday, which will host the new digital show GMA Live every morning at 9 a.m. The new studio partnered with Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Samsung and Spotify for viewers to connect with celebrity guests and the show’s hosts throughout the broadcast. Cool equipment includes: an Instagram video chat wall, photo wall, a social "slot machine" with questions, a Twitter mirror for stars to "photo bomb" each other’s selfies, and the Spotify juke box. "The Social Square is not so much about ROI as it is about GMA’s take on how to integrate social media into the news business," ABC News Senior Social Media Editor Andrew Springer said. NBC rival Today, which opened its own digital studio in September, noted, "If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we are deeply and sincerely flattered – and not surprised given our ratings gains, specifically in younger viewers."

Vimeo rolled out a redesign of its Vimeo On Demand platform in celebration of its one-year anniversary. Additions include themed groups of titles to its Collections storefront, improved navigation, a My Library tab, and integrated visual title posters. The video streaming site also created four collection bundles for viewers: Oscilloscope Laboratories (movies like We Need to Talk About Kevin and The Messenger), Patagonia Selects (a bundle of social impact films curated by Patagonia), Slamdance (films premiered at the Slamdance film festival in the past 20 years) and Vimeo SXSW Favorites

Comcast stuck a deal with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, giving the cable provider rights to distribute Netflix‘s House of Cards first season through its set-top boxes without a Netflix subscription. Although Netflix owns the rights to the series, Sony is in charge of international and home video distribution. HOC is currently available on Amazon Prime and Walmart‘s streaming service Vudu, but for the price of $1.99 an episode.

As previously reported, YouTube gaming network Machinima finalized its latest funding round, with $18 million from Warner Bros. and previous investors like Google, Redpoint Ventures and MK Capital. Machinima recently laid off 42 employees.

Learn about the Hispanic market and digital initiatives from brands and networks at the Cynopsis webinar on March 27:Reaching Today’s U.S. Hispanic Connected Audience Through Digital, Social Media and Web Video. Register at www.cynopsis.com/webinars/hispanic-connected-audience/.


Controversial TV streaming service Aereo has been temporarily shut down in the Salt Lake City and Denver over the weekend after the U.S. Appeals Court circuit covering those cities refused to overturn a preliminary conjunction against Aereo. The service issued full refunds for the month to current customers in both cities.

Some fans had to delay watching the season finale of HBO‘s True Detective on Sunday night when streaming service HBO Go crashed. "Due to overwhelming popular demand for #TrueDetective, we’ve been made aware of an issue affecting some users," HBO GO tweeted. "Please try again soon." It appears some viewers might have moved to an actual television to catch the show – total viewers hit a series high 3.5 million, up from 2.3 for the show’s premiere.


The Exploding World of Kids’ Tablets: The New Way to Build Your Brand
Thursday, March 20, 2014 ||| 1:30 – 3:00pm ET ||| Sign-Up Now

Speakers Include:
Moderator: Cathy Applefeld Olson  Editor {Cynopsis Kids!}
Abby Jenkins
– Director of Content {PBS KIDS Digital}
Mindy Brooks
– Director of Education & Research {SesameWorkshop}
Graham Farrar
– Co-Founder {IStoryTime}
Caroline Fraser
– VP, Digital Products & Production
{Scholastic Media}


YuMe launched programmatic branding solution Video Reach yesterday. The new ad-buy technology offers first-party audience targeting and SDK-integrated video inventory with multi-screen reach. "In the same way that brand advertisers already diversify their TV schedules with cable and across dayparts to meet various reach goals, they need to find a way to diversify their digital video spend by embracing programmatic," YuMe Co-Founder and CEO Jayant Kadambi told Cynopsis. "But up until now, that’s been difficult, due to concerns of not enough scale, wrong targeting algorithms and inventory not including mobile, tablet and CTV. So we purpose-built a solution called VideoReach, addressing those concerns and offering two additional advantages  first-party data science-powered audience targeting through SDK-integration and multi-screen reach without the use of cookies."


WeatherNation TV is now available 24/7 for national, regional and local weather news on and app for Roku devices. Viewers can now watch on-demand video segments, weather forecasts for any location, travel forecasts before a trip and receive weather advisories for severe weather.

Don’t Miss Out… The call for entries in the third annual Cynopsis Kids !magination + People Awards is now open. The Awards honor the best children’s and family multiplatform programming and marketing, plus the outstanding execs in kids entertainment. This year, we will also be honoring an elite group of Animation Innovators. Entry deadline is Friday, March 14, and we will salute all winners on June 11, 2014, at the !magination Awards ceremony in NY. Please visit the awards website for info: http://www.cynopsis.com/events/kids-awards.


NIELSEN TWITTER TV TOP TEN for the week of 3/03/24-3/09/2024
Program, Date, Unique Audience (000), Tweets (000)
The Walking Dead
(AMC), 3/9, 4,214, 307
Pretty Little Liars (ABC Family), 3/4,
3694, 344
True Detective (HBO), 3/9,
3475, 97
Cosmos: A Spacetime Journey (FOX), 3/9,
3126, 167
The Bachelor (ABC), 3/3,
2614, 79
Teen Wolf (MTV), 3/3,
2515, 278
Bates Motel (A&E), 3/3,
2463, 157
WWE Monday Night Raw (USA), 3/3,
2286, 306
The Voice (NBC) 3/3,
2168, 104
Scandal (ABC) 3/6,
2110, 310
Source: Nielsen SocialGuide. SocialGuide captures relevant Tweets from three hours before, during and three hours after an episode’s initial broadcast, local time. Unique Audience measures the audience of relevant Tweets ascribed to an episode from when the Tweets are sent until the end of the broadcast day at 5am. The data includes new/live primetime and late fringe episodes only and excludes sports events. Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings are only available for English-language U.S. Broadcast and Cable Networks

OpenSlate Engagement Data for Gaming Channels, based on the engagement metric for the week 3/2 – 3/8
Channel/(Engagement)/Monthly Views/Total Subs/SlateScore
(9.9) / 60,145,350 / 4,316,666 / 813
SSundee (9.8) / 34,074,060 / 2,119,215 / 790
TheSyndicateProject (9.8) / 32,891,760 / 7,081,510 / 872
CaptainSparklez (9.8) / 52,541,280 / 7,080,915 / 857
TheRadBrad (9.8) / 46,067,400 / 2,365,693 / 824
Vegetta777 (9.8) / 83,134,950 / 4,648,989 / 779
IHasCupquake (9.8) / 24,652,320 / 1,358,815 / 801
TheBajanCanadian (9.8) / 59,497,410 / 3,331,409 /844
Jeromeasf (9.8) / 35,425,260 / 2,755,428 /
SkyDoesMinecraft (9.7) / 91,863,480 / 9,234,308 / 850
Source: The Engagement metric is one of OpenSlate’s component scores, and is a measure of a producer’s ability to evoke meaningful interaction with their audience. It is calculated on a scale of 1 – 10 with higher being better. The OpenSlate Engagement score uses a subset of the data incorporated in the SlateScore to perform a set of unique calculations. It factors in views, comments, likes, etc.


Reaching Today’s U.S. Hispanic Connected Audience Through
Digital, Social Media and Web Video Webinar

Daniel Eilemberg, Chief Digital Officer (Fusion)
Virginia Lennon
, SVP, Client Partnerships (Ipsos MediaCT)
Carlos Restrepo
, VP, Business Development & Sales (Outrigger Media)

Sign-Up Today: March 27th, 2014 | 1:30-3:00 pm EST


Katie Couric‘s interview with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (and new U.N. Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change) will debut at 8AM on Friday as part of her new online anchor role with Yahoo News. Couric will take questions, photos and videos from viewers on her Tumblr page as well as through Yahoo and Flickr (all platforms owned by the company). Check out Couric’s first Yahoo News interview with Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates at www.cynopsis.com.


The competition for best kids’ programming and marketing initiatives
Entry Deadline: March 14, 2014
Late Submissions: March 21, 2014
Awards Event: June 11, 2014 (NYC)

Visit our website for additional information on:

Who Should Enter, How to Enter, Eligibility Period, Categories, Deadlines, Sponsorship Opportunities, Contact Information and FAQs.

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese  @JMarieReese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST/WB/NYC: 3-5 years Media exp. Advertising sales billing, rev recognition, cash application & reporting, mnthly & quarterly closes & budgeting/forecasting for Media Ad Sales group. APPLY HERE (3/18)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STANDARDS & PRACTICES/NICKELODEON/NYC: Review marketing proposals, pitches, executions for digital and multi-plat initiatives. Ensure regulatory guidelines and Nick best practices are met. 3 – 5 yrs exp. APPLY HERE (3/18)

JOB OPENING: SALES DIR OLYMPICS & SPORTS SALES/NBCU/Chicago: Sell multi-platform Sports & Olympics. Exceptional presenter & 8+ years sales exp. Apply: HERE (3/15)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RESEARCH/ATL: 5+yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable.Prof in basic statistics/analysis. Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen rsrch software. To apply, contact: HERE (3/15)

JOB OPENING: VP AD SALES RSRCH/Nickelodeon/NYC: Dvlp innovative/insightful initiatives that competitively position & distinguish us in mktplace. 10+ yrs related media rsrch. Proficiency in media based applications Full info apply HERE (3/15)

JOB OPENING: LICENSING SALES MGR/CHI/MINN/CIN Midwest area: Identify, solicit, negotiate and secure licensed partners, retail/licensee management. Knowledge of licensing and retail, high energy and self-motivated. Resume to: [email protected] (3/15)

JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR, AD SALES/SIRIUSXM NY: support all aspects of sls & mktg process. Resp for dvlpmt & execution of select mktg proposals & pgms. 5+ yrs exp in ad sls/media. Biling Spanish pref. [email protected] (3/15)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR INTEGRATED MARKETING/ABC/NY: Will respond to RFP’s, sponsorships, video execution, campaign mgmt. Must have 5+ yrs digital mkt or sponsorship exp, project mgt. TV exp preferred. SEND RESUME: [email protected] (3/15)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER MKTG/ION/NY: Support Nat’l Ad Sales team, assist w/development & execution of integrated client solutions 2 – 3 yrs exp mktg, prefer sponsorships, 4-yr degree, prefer Marketing. Apply [email protected] EOE (3/14)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD TRAFFICKER/ABC Owned TV/NYC or SEATTLE: Digital Ad Ops exp is a must, FreeWheel or Ad serving systems exp is preferred, will do technical support, monitor campaigns. SEND RESUME: [email protected] (3/14)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICITY ASST/RLJ Entertainment- Acorn Brands/Silver Spring MD: Support Publicity Dir w/a broad range of all publicity matters. BA deg & min 1 yr exp working publicity dept (ent media a +)  Apply to: [email protected] (3/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SALES BRAND SOLUTIONS/HIPCRICKET/CHI: Sell best in class mobile advrtsng ntwk to Agencies & Fortune 500 Brands. BA deg & 5 yrs outside advrtsng sales exp w/in Agency, Mobile mktg &/or Mobile Advrtsng worlds. Full info/apply: HERE (3/14)  

JOB OPENING: VICE PRESIDENT ABC/ABC Studios Primetime Research/LA: 10+ yrs media research exp; TV ratings; multiplatform pref; Strong mgmt, analytical, relationship skills. To apply: http://bit.ly/1hx8rev (3/14)

JOB OPENING: AD TRAFFICKER/MLS DIGITAL PROPERTIES/NYC: Resp for daily advrtsng ops. 1-3 yr prior trafficking exp w/a strong understanding of ad systems. Knwlg of Flash, HTML, JavaScript, Photoshop. Strong attention to detail. Resume HERE: [email protected] (3/13)

JOB OPENING: CONTENT SCREENER/Media Information Services/NYC: Entry-level position writing summaries of TV programs. Requires BA/BS, strong writing skills, attention to detail and love of TV. Send resume to [email protected] (3/13)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR- DEVELOPMENT: Well capitalized and successful non-fiction content creator seeking ratings driven developers with great ideas, great relationships, and great track record. NY or LA. [email protected] (3/13)

JOB OPENING: SVP, ON AIR PROMO/Nickelodeon/NYC: Lead team that creates compelling & best in class promot’l campaigns. BA degree 15 + yrs of relevant media exp & min 10 yrs strategic brand comm exp on-air promos. Full info/apply HERE (3/12)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/EDITOR, ON-AIR PROMO/REELZ/ABQ: Write, produce & edit on-air promotions, oversee graphics and VO talent. 3-5 years of relevant exp required. Relo available. Apply (3/12) 

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/WNBC/NYC: The RA w/b the primary point of rsrch contact team, providing rsrch reports & analytics. Also provide sales positioning support across multiple media including TV & exposure to Digital. Apply HERE (3/12)

JOB OPENING: SALES DEV/AD SALES MKTG MGR/YUME/NYC: partner with sales team to position and sell thru YuMe’s digital video platform. 5-7 years exp. TV/agency exp. a plus. Apply: yume.com/careers (3/12)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DIGITAL PUBLICITY CORPORATE PUBLIC RELATIONS/SHOWTIME/NYC: Develop and implement PR campaigns. Establish & maintain online & social media relationships. Manage PR dept social presence Apply: www.sho.com/careers (3/12)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: DEV & PROG ASST/COORD/NYC: Exp’d & highly referred NBC Page with numerous internships including BBC London, Scripps Networks, & PBS. Searching for ent related dev/prog position. Email: [email protected] (3/13)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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