02.26.15 Good morning. It’s Thursday February 26, 2015, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
The competition for kids content continues to heat up between Netflix and Amazon: yesterday, Netflix ordered five new children’s series, including a remake of DHX Media’ Inspector Gadget set to debut next month. Alongside IG, the streaming service will reboot Danger Mouse, push out two other ‘toons Bottersnikes & Gumbles, Super 4 and premiere live-action show Some Assembly Required. Amazon Studios ordered second seasons of four original children’s series earlier this week. unveiled its fourth web series, #AdamSays, starring O Magazine creative director Adam Glassman. The weekly short-form series will tackle fashion do’s and don’ts with the help of appearances from celebrities including Sarah Jessica Parker, Hoda Kotb, and Ali Wentworth. #AdamSays will air on, its YouTube channel, on its Huffington Post channel and on Facebook.
After launching its SVOD service this week, Kabillion announced that it will distribute two new kid’s series Ozie Boo and Mademoiselle Zazie across all digital platforms in the U.S. From French producer and distributor Cyber Group Studios, Mademoiselle will launch on March 15 on Kabillion Girls Rule and Ozie Boo will be released in the third quarter of this year.
The WWE surpassed the NBA as the top sports channel on YouTube, with more than 4.2 billion video views in the last 12 months. Additionally, the WWE YT channel clocks in 5.2 million subscribers, which is more than the MLB, NFL, NHL, ESPN, NASCAR, MLS and NBC Sports combined.
Tribune Broadcasting saw record-breaking traffic on its local news sites last month, with more than double the unique visitors compared to the year prior. According to Google Analytics, TB local sites racked up 90 million unique visitors, compared to 42 million in January 2014. TB stations also boast more than ten million fans on Facebook, nearly three million followers on Twitter and four million active users on its iPhone and Android apps.
Google Play users can now store up to 50,000 songs on Google Play Music for free, and stream or download them on to iOS and Android devices as well as on Chromecast. Previously, the GPM’s cloud based service stored 20,000 songs for free.
TODAY, February 26, 2015 | 1:30PM to 3:00PM | Register Now Featured Panelists:
Andrea Russett, Gen Edger, YouTube Star + Twitter Influencer
Jasmeet Gill, Brand Strategist, Omelet
Bill Carter, Partner, Fuse Marketing
Robert O’Neill, Vice President, Programming & Promotion Strategy, Comedy Central
Discovery Communications and Civis Analytics formed an exclusive partnership to study viewership patterns across Discovery’s networks. Discovery’s Chief Communications Officer David Leavy said that the two companies will “track the behavior of our superfans across platforms and dayparts, build stronger consumer engagement across our brands, and grow expertise in [marketing] addressability.”
Babycenter and Stonyfield kicked off a multi-platform campaign for the latter’s organic yogurt products. BabyCenter will include Stonyfield video pre-roll, email, branded content, mobile media, as well as new apps and contests that will roll out on its virtual “Half-Birthday Community Party” and throughout the year in articles.
This week, PBS Digital Studios gathered their hosts and producers from around the country in one place: YouTube Space New York. The six-month old studio is nothing less than what you would think Google would come up with, from the state-of-the-art camera equipment and green screens to its massive TVs and pre-built sets. PBSDS’ newest series First Person, which hit the web today, was filming promo videos with host and producer Kristin Russo. Here’s what she had to say about the show.
Cynopsis: What’s the goal of First Person?
Kristin Russo: It covers important queer and trans issues by looking at individual lives whose stories intersect with those issues. The first episode is about the growing presence of trans YouTubers, or people who are documenting their transition on YT. The subject, Skyler Kergil, is one of the first people to do this and it became something other young trans people used as a resource in their own transformations. Upcoming episodes will cover topics such as queer fashion and sports as they overlap with gender and sexuality. Many of the elements of the show come from queer or trans spaces. For instance, I identify as queer, one of the producers is in the LGBTQ sphere and the intro music is from an LGBTQ artist. So, there are a lot of pieces to it that feel authentic.
CD: How did your involvement come about?
KR: I’m a co-founder of an organization that started in 2010 called Everyone Is Gay. It’s really just an advice platform, but very quickly we learned there was a huge need. Over the last five years, we started making videos, and essentially PBSDS asked me to audition for the role.
Follow @CynopsisMedia on Instagram for photos from the interview and the day at YouTube Space New York.
This will be the year consumers finally cut the cord, according to Wall Street analyst Craig Moffett. The analyst accounted for the growth in new households in the U.S., with 1.4 million American households cancelling pay-TV or never subscribing in the first place in 2014. By the fourth quarter of last year, pay-TV providers added 101,000 subscribers; cable nets lost 170,000 subs; and DirecTV and Dish Network added 86,000. He also blames the impending shift on the major cable and pay-TV providers’ expected release of alternative OTT bundles. “A year from now, the fourth quarter may well be viewed as the calm before the storm,” Moffett wrote.
Celebrating social responsibility in the TV & entertainment industry. Tuesday, March 3, 2015- 8:00-10:00 a.m. | Yale Club NYC Space is very limited and tables are selling out quickly. Register yourself and your team today! VIEW FINALISTS & REGISTER NOW! Industry Partner: The Cable Center
YouTube celebrated its tenth birthday this month, and Vlogbrothers content creator Hank Green took to Medium to outline the platform’s history and give his own opinion on its future. “Ten years on, it seems like a great deal has happened, but a quick glance at history tells me that we are only at the very beginning of this revolution,” Green said. Check out the first video that started it all, called Me At The Zoo from co-founder Jawed Karim at
See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese @JMarieReese
Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group
Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459
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JOB OPENING: MGR AUDIENCE RESEARCH & ANALYSIS/NBCU/Univ. City, CA: Provide strategic insights to TV Distribution and LATAM channels teams. Min 3 years media research exp required. Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: WRITER/RESEARCHER/VULCAN INC/Seattle: Support dev/prod on writing, research, fact-checking, story dev. 6+ yrs exp. & Bach Deg. Knowledge of prod process from script to screen. Great comm skills & professional manner a must. Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: SENIOR DESIGN MANAGER/NBC/Univ. City, CA: Create from concept to production print consumer & trade advertising for NBC. 7 years print design exp. req. Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: SR GRAPHIC DESIGNER/YES Network/CT: conceptualize, design & animate all broadcast designs for the regional network, highly skilled & experienced sr. creative motion graphics artist. Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: MARKETING MANAGER/LA: Responsibilities include, but are not limited to. Driving Fandango Family strategy and initiatives including, but no limited to: Fandango influencer network, national screen Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR CONSUMER INSIGHTS/E! & Esquire/LA, CA: Oversee consumer research for both networks. Minimum 10 years entertainment research experience required. Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: SALES MARKETING DIR/MLS Media Ad Sales/NYC: Dvp/execute advrtsng solutions for our partners across our Spanish Language ntwrks. BA deg. 5+ yrs of TV, dig, mktg &/or sponsorship exp. Exc comm skills a must. Span speaking & sports knwlg a + Res HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: AD TRAFFICKING MGR/MLS Media Ad Sales/NYC: responsible for leading the day to day advrtsng ops of MLS Dig Properties, enabling successful rev recognition of all dig advrtsng campaigns. 4+ yrs dig ad ops or acct mngmnt exp. Res HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: MGR, AUDIENCE PERFORMANCE & INDUSTRY ANALYSIS/Viacom/NYC: Asst rsch team maximize its potential. 4+ yrs media w/concentration aud rsch. BA deg. Proficient knwlg of Nielsen data. Nat’l TV Ratings exp/synd & digital is a +! Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: DIR DIG MARKETING/Discovery/NYC: Proactive marketer to ensure Discovery Digital Media grows and engages traffic that consumes/shares/returns to our content by understanding audience. 10+ yrs dig mktg exp incl. SEO. Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: COMMERCIAL OPS COORD/Discovery/NYC: Maximize revenue through accurate analysis and execution of client supplied creative instructions and effective sequencing of commercials. 1+ yrs media indstry exp w/strong attention to detail. Full info/apply HERE (3/5)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH ANALYST/ support digital ad sales & product dev/editorial team for BBC digital properties. Knowledge of ComScore, Omniture, Telmar, digital & basic research metrics. [email protected] (3/4)
JOB OPENING: PUBLICITY DIRECTOR/USA/LA: Lead show campaigns and drive press strategy for USA Network. 7+ yrs publicity exp required. Strong writing skills & tv/studio exp needed. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: ADVERTISING PUBLISHER OPERATIONS COORD/GSN/Santa Monica: Resp for all aspects of digital ad initiatives, inventory & campaign mgmt. and billing. Min 2 yrs of ad ops/trafficking exp. Degree or equivalent work exp. Send res and CL to (3/4)
JOB OPENING: SR MGR, PROD OPERATIONS/Viacom/NYC: Oversee prod area, online sys, servers, processes & workflows of print & dig projects from approval/delivery. 7+ yr exp working in creative srvcs corp dept, ent &/or agency w/in a print & dig prod envir. Apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: SR PRODUCER/TV ONE/Silver Spring: Resp for hands-on leadership of the PM or AM staff as assigned by the Exec Prod for live brdcst of Daily News Show. Min 8rs exp TV (5 yrs producing. Exp nat’l or major mkt envir. pref’d or deg TV prod. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: BOOKER/(Eve Shift-12pm-10pm)/TV One/Silver Spring: Seek/book relevant guests for in-studio interviews & field stories. Mng calendar of regular segments and themes; 5+ yrs exp TV (2 yrs producing/booking exp). Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER (1) (12PM-10PM)TV One/Silver Spring: Evening Prod conceptualizes/prod compelling segments for the Daily News Show, suggesting guests, gathering video, graphic etc. Min 5 yrs (2 yrs prod)exp TV Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER (2) (12pm-10pm)TV One/Silver Spring: Evening Prod conceptualizes/prod compelling segments for the Daily News Show, suggesting guests, gathering video, graphic etc. Min 5 yrs (2 yrs prod)exp TV. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: AP (3)/ (2 AM & 1 PM)/TV ONE/Silver Spring: Assist w/conceptualize/prod compelling segments for the Daily News Show, incl asst w/booking guests, gathering video, graphic etc. Exp nat’l or major mkt envir. pref’d or deg TV prod. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT (2 EVENING)/TV ONE/Silver Spring: for The Daily News Show 1+ yr exp TV (i.e. news, public affairs, morning shows, cable shows, broadcast TV, etc.). Exp nat’l or major mkt envir. pref’d or deg TV prod. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION COORDINATOR/TV One/Silver Spring: For The Daily News Show. supports the work of the Prod team across the board. Min 1 yr exp TV prod. Exp nat’l or major mkt envir. strongly pref’d or deg in TV prod. Full nfo/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: FIELD PRODUCER/TV One/Silver Spring: Conceptualizes/produce compelling field-produced segments for The Daily News Show. 5 yrs exp TV (i.e. news, public affairs, morning shows, cable shows, broadcast TV, etc.) or deg in journalism or TV prod. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: MGR AUDIENCE RESEARCH & ANALYSIS/NBCU/Univ. City, CA: Provide strategic insights to TV Distribution and LATAM channels teams. Min 3 years media research exp required. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: PROMO WRITER/PRODUCER/EDITOR/REELZChannel/Albuquerque: Write, produce & edit high impact promo spots for national cable network series & documentaries. Exc opp for fresh, talented On-Air Promo “Preditor” on the rise. Relocation pkg. TV exp. Full info/apply HERE (3/3)
JOB OPENING: VP DIGI STRATEGY/MSNBC/NYC: Partner with VP/Executive Editor to identify and benchmark short and long term business goals and objectives for msnbc digital. Full info/apply HERE (3/3)
JOB OPENING: DIR SOCIAL MEDIA MKTG/AMC/NYC: Serve as liaison to AMC social comms & dvlpmnt of social mktg initiatives to engage & est social presence.Find new social opps in mkt. Dvlp partnerships & foster relationships w/all social media platforms. Info/Apply here (2/28)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/TENNIS CHANNEL/NYC: Support all aspects of the ad sales process. A team-player & ability to work under pressure meeting deadlines to fulfill client req’s. 2-5 yrs exp media sales plan’g or agency buying req’d Res/salary req’s: [email protected] (2/27)
JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR, CABLE AD SALES/ONE World Sports Network/NY: 5+ yrs exp selling founding partner sponsorships. Solid knwlg of benefits of advrtsng, proven prospecting track rec, exc presentation & public speaking skills. Sports sales ind knwlg a +. Resume HERE (2/27)
JOB OPENING: DESIGNER/NBCU/LA: The position requires an experienced, creative, talented and motivated Designer to provide art and design support to the team. Full info/apply HERE (2/27)
CASTING CALL: Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]
EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]
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SITUATION WANTED: Veteran analyst looking for next big adventure. 15+ years TV experience in research/programming. Expert in Nielsen myEVNTs and other research products. Hard worker and quick learner looking for full-time position. Please email [email protected] (3/5)
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