01.21.16 Good morning. It’s Thursday January 21, 2016, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
Looks like Netflix isn’t ready to rely entirely on original content just yet. Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos confirmed that the company is currently in renewal talks with Warner Bros. and CBS, which jointly own the CW network. Netflix featured CW content on its service as part of a deal running from 2014-2015, and the company wants to keep things going. “It’s great programming,” said Sarandos on an earnings call. “We have a great relationship with Warner Bros. and CBS on that deal, and we’d like to continue it.” Netflix will have competition; the content in question is currently up for bidding.
YouTube and Sundance are doubling down on their partnership. For the fifth straight year, the Google-owned video-sharing site will be the presenting sponsor of the Sundance Film Festival Shorts Program. YouTube will also present the post-fest Short Film Tour, bringing the winning shorts to more than 50 U.S. art house cinemas. On top of that, YouTube and Sundance will be providing two digital media-focused panels at the festival. They’ll take place on January 23 and 24th – learn more about them here.
Filmmaker and comedian Kevin Smith has launched a new YouTube channel in partnership with the MCN Defy Media, featuring a video podcast of his Fat Man on Batman podcast. (Why Batman? Smith is a comic book fanatic. Why Fat Man? That’s self-explanatory.) The first episode of FMoB debuted on the channel earlier this week. The Defy partnership doesn’t end there: Jason Mewes (the Jay to Smith’s Silent Bob) will team with Smith to co-host What’s in the Box with Jay and Silent Bob, a new talk series for Defy’s recently-launched streaming service ScreenJunkies Plus. Smith’s new partnership with Defy was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter.
Well that was anticlimactic. Rumors briefly swirled yesterday that News Corp had taken an interest in buying Twitter. Twitter’s stock prices spiked – and then promptly fell to earth when a News Corp spokesperson said the rumors were untrue.
You wonder how Lebron James finds time to dunk a basketball. Uninterrupted, the NBA star’s entertainment network, has teamed with Blue Ribbon Content (Warner Bros.’ short-form digital studio) to produce Now We’re Talking, a sports-centric scripted comedy series. It’s slated to debut this spring, exclusively on Verizon’s Go90 streaming service.
Altered Carbon is coming to Netflix. That might sound like some kind of mundane chemistry lecture, but it’s actually the title of Richard Morgen’s award-winning sci-fi novel, as well as a new 10-episode series adaptation. The new show, from production studio Skydance Television, is the brainchild of creator, writer, and EP Laeta Kalogridis. Learn more here.
With dollars steadily shifting to audience-based ad buying and technology ramping up, you can’t afford not to get up to speed on this fast-changing ecosystem. By joining Cynopsis on Thursday, January 28, for the webinar, Programmatic TV 2016: The Keys to Mining Data and Measurement, your team will get the tools they need to understand the opportunities and challenges of unprecedented behavioral targeting.
It’s only one week away, so grab your spot today! Questions? Contact Trish Pihonak.
190 countries may be a lot – but as of yet, Netflix has failed to launch in the biggest one. And that may or may not change in the immediate future. “This could be many years of discussions… or it could be faster than that,” said Netflix CEO Reed Hastings in the company’s earnings call, discussing the company’s efforts to launch in China. China has stringent rules for streaming services, including significant censorship regulations. The company, Hastings has acknowledged, will have to clear up a lot of red tape – and maybe blur out the odd bit of nudity – before it can debut in the world’s most populous country.
MHz Networks has chosen the TV Everywhere and OTT Platform provider Anvato (and Anvato’s Media Content Platform) to power the relaunch of the MHz Choice OTT network. The service features international crime fiction and dramas. The subscription cost is $7.99 per month.
This is what a ringside seat looks like in 2016. Live VR company NextVR has partnered with Fox Sports to broadcast the upcoming January 23 Premier Boxing Champions matches live in virtual reality. It will be available for free on the Samsung Gear VR headset, via the NextVR app. In an email to Cynopsis Digital, a spokesperson for NextVR was bullish on the company’s viewership prospects. “We anticipate our audience growth to expand in the immediate future. The install base of potential viewers is already well into the millions, and we had viewers from 120 countries for a recent Democratic Presidential debate in late 2015,” the company wrote. “In regards to VR technology being costly for some users, Qualcomm announced a new partnership with NextVR to bring virtual reality content to any mobile device with the latest chip, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. We expect VR streaming to become more mainstream through mobile devices in the future, and help make VR technology more accessible.”
When’s the best time to try out a new advertising feature? During the Super Bowl of course. Google is getting into the real-time ad game, launching a new feature for YouTube and Google’s Display Network that will allow advertisers to run pre-uploaded ads at a time of their choosing. In other words, advertisers will get the chance to operate on the fly, timing ads to run after specific big events and moments. Time will tell whether the new Google feature can compete with Twitter, which not only allows for real-time ads, but also allows marketers to create ad content at a moment’s notice (as opposed to uploading them in advance, as is necessary with Google’s new product). The website-development company Wix is onboard, with plans to run an ad under the new format during Super Bowl 50 on February 7.
Yahoo announced that programmatic native advertising will now be available on its BrightRoll exchange; publishers and advertisers will now be able to bid on native mobile inventory. The BrightRoll Exchange, which is integrated with over 100 DSPs, enables access to thousands of sites and apps via real-time bidding, according to a press release.
AOL announced a three-year deal with the content marketing platform Taboola. The platform will be integrated across all of AOL’s brands, including, TechCrunch, The Huffington Post, and others. AOL also announced that it has received the opportunity to take an equity stake in Taboola, and expects to do so. Taboola, which has worked with AOL since 2013, is known for placing content-recommendation widgets at the bottom of articles.
The programmatic advertising platform SpotX announced a partnership with mobile game publisher Gameloft Advertising Solutions, the ad tech arm of the game publisher Gameloft. The deal will enable advertisers to aim targeted video ads at gamers.
Is Apple building an Internet TV service? Depending on who you ask, the answer seems to run somewhere between “Yes,” “No,” “Maybe,” and “Sort of.” Last month, CBS’s Les Moonves suggested that Apple had pressed pause on developing the service. The latest exec to profess insider knowledge of the situation is John Skipper, the President of ESPN. “We are big proponents of believing [Apple] would be a fabulous place to sell some subscriptions,” he said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. “We have ongoing conversations. They have been frustrated by their ability to construct something which works for them with programmers. We continue to try to work with them.”
About three years after launching its Twitter TV Ratings, Nielsen is adding Facebook data into the mix. The Twitter TV Ratings will now be renamed Social Content Ratings and the product will launch in the U.S, Australia, Italy and Mexico in the middle of this year. Sean Casey, President of Nielsen Social, discussed the new product in an email with Cynopsis Digital. “On Facebook, in addition to engagement (e.g., likes, shares, comments) with ‘owned’ [content] posted from TV networks and brands, a lot of…conversations are taking place just between friends and family,” he wrote. “This ‘earned’ activity – consumers engaging not just with public accounts, but also with each other around TV programs – is what the industry has not been able to measure before, and what Social Content Ratings will measure for the first time.” It’s a great step forward for Nielsen, though Jason Klein, the co-CEO and co-Founder of analytics company ListenFirst Media, pointed out to Cynopsis Digital, “We measure all Facebook conversation (public and private) across not just the TV industry, but across all categories (films, advertisers, talent, brands, politicians, etc.). We measure earned as well as owned activity across all of Facebook, not just public accounts.” Cynopsis Digital publishes ListenFirst’s Television Interest Rating (TM) each week. Speaking of which…
The ListenFirst Television Interest (TVI) Rating (TM) is a standardized measurement of the most buzzed-about TV programs on linear TV and streaming services. A complement to ListenFirst’s other syndicated data products (such as the ListenFirst Digital Audience Rating – TV), the metrics included in the rating are the purest form of showing interest digitally, since they’re organic actions that are largely unaffected by paid media. Programs that surface on the TVI leaderboards are the most hashtagged on Facebook, Google+, and Tumblr, as well as most searched for on Wikipedia (used as a proxy for organic search volume).
Streaming Only (1/12/16 – 1/18/16)
Source: ListenFirst. The TVI Rating aggregates metrics that measure organically generated activity by fans of the TV show. The metric includes total volume of official hashtag mentions on Facebook, Google+, and Tumblr, along with Wikipedia page views (as a proxy for organic search volume) for a show as a percentage of the total volume of the same activities for all shows.
At an age when many college grads are still living in their parents’ basements, 24-year-old Tamoor Shafi is already an executive. Relativity Media has named Shafi Chief Digital Officer. Shafi, who previously served as founder and CEO of the multi-channel media company Omni Media, will now oversee Relativity’s brand partnerships and digital marketing. He’ll also oversee Relativity Digital Studios, as well as Relativity’s digital platform Quantum. Looks like he’ll start paying off his student loans right quick.
YouTube: the only thing that blitzes more than an NFL team. For the eighth consecutive year, the site’s AdBlitz hub will serve as the digital home for Super Bowl ads. Many of the ads will roll out days before their linear broadcast during the February 7 game. After the game, the hub will give users the chance to vote on their favorite ads. YouTube rolled out a highly entertaining teaser for AdBlitz 2016, starring Jake and Amir of CollegeHumor fame. Check it out here.
See you tomorrow,
David Teich
Roberta Caploe: Associate Publisher @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group
Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Cynopsis Job Listings Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459
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JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, PRIMARY RESEARCH/A+E Networks/NY: Dvlp/implement primary rsrch to leverage A+E brands in the sales mktplace, assist primary rsrch team in mngng custom rsrch solutions for advrtsng effectiveness & harness actionable consumer insights Full Info/Apply HERE (1/30)
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JOB OPENING: MGR, PRICING & INVENTORY/Viacom/NYC: Work w/Kids & Family Group Pricing Team to ensure accuracy between groups/clients. BA Deg. Min 2 yrs ntwrk pricing/ plan’g exp & media buying &/or sales exp. Proven ability to think strategically. Full info/apply HERE (1/30)
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JOB OPENING: BUSINESS ANALYST/McClatchy Co/DC: Build/maint working relationships w/video strategic partners & represent their interests w/in The McClatchy Co; Mng daily relationships w/partners. Min 3yrs dig. &/or media business exp. Full info/apply HERE (1/28)
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JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/AT&T/New York, Los Angeles: Support sales activities and client/account management. Requires 2 yrs experience in advertising media sales/buying/planning with strong knowledge of ad sales applications. Full info/apply HERE (1/28)
JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING/AT&T/New York, Chicago: Support sales activities for the Ad Sales Dept. Resp for acct/campaign mngmt. Great opp to get exp in media industry, specifically TV Ad Sales. Entry Level. 1-3 yrs exp. Full info/apply HERE (1/28)
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JOB OPENING: BUSINESS ANALYST SYSTEM/AT&T/NYC: Responsible for support of our systems that support precision targeted sales. Responsibilities include system design, implementation and front-line support. Typically req’s a BA degree. 1-3 yrs of exp. Full info/apply HERE (1/28)
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JOB OPENING: MGR, SALES ADMIN/TV ONE/NY: Sprvs team/coordinators to review allocations & flighting; ensure that inventory load is sufficient for effective placement. BA deg &/or 3 yrs exp operations, traffic or ad sales. Exp w/brdway traffic sys pref’d. Full info/apply HERE (1/27)
JOB OPENING: SR RSCH ANALYST/WME|IMG/NY: Support media rsch activities, sports mrkt. Dom. & Int’l focus. Min 2 yr media rsrch exp. Strong quant req’d. Exp w/rsch sys (ie Nielsen, Simmons, Scarborough). Resume: [email protected] (1/27)
JOB OPENING: MGR, INTEGRATED MARKETING/truTV/NYC: Dynamic innovator to conceptualize/implement strategic multi-platform ad sales initiatives in support of Dir, Int. Partnerships. Strong Digital/Social/Comm skills & det oriented a must. Min 4 yrs cable/brdcst int mktg & project mgt exp. Full info/apply HERE (1/26)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/Tennis Channel/Santa Monica: Provide support for all aspects of ad sales process. Create media plans w/pricing & plan’g direction. 3 yrs ad Sales ind exp. Sales Asst/Financial Plan’g / Rsrch exp a +. Email Resume/sal history HERE [email protected] (1/26)
JOB OPENING: SALES DIRECTOR/NeuLion/NYC: Exceptional person w/proven track rec for delivering on/exceeding goals to lead our dig. platform efforts in collegiate market-place. Strong knwldg digital platforms/products; ie, web, video streaming, mobile, social media & OTT products. Resumes HERE (1/26)
JOB OPENING: TICKETING SALES DIRECTOR/NeuLion/NYC: Exceptional person to lead our efforts in our ticketing & donor business that focuses on collegiate & pro sports organizations. Create/implement/own a sales pipeline to mng customer lead intake & outbound activity. Resumes HERE (1/26)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH ANALYST/NBC Owned Stations/NYC: Responsible for conducting advanced analysis using Adobe Ad Hoc to identify audience segments and traffic patterns. 2+ years in the media research field req’d. Full info/apply HERE (1/23)
JOB OPENING: PROD COOR,CREATIVE SVCS/EPIX/NYC: Support prod mngmt team overseeing promo materials (TV, digital, etc). Gather assets, build deliverables logs, work w/internal mktg & PR clients, QC & handle final delivery. 2+ yrs TV exp. Full info/apply HERE (1/23)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION & REPORTING ASSOCIATE/D S SIMON MEDIA/NYC: Combines supporting producers during live production & assisting analytics team. Entry-level. Attention to detail, ability to multi-task, & HTML knowledge a must. Send resume to [email protected] (1/22)
JOB OPENING: DIR, PROGRAMMING/Travel Channel/Knoxville: Create/dvlp new orig programming for brand. Mng all aspects of orig commissioned prods. Evaluate shows & episode treatments, scripts, music, rough cuts & fine cuts to make sure they meet brand specifications. (1/22)
CASTING CALL: Companies can showcase their casting notices/casting calls here. For information on rates and specs for posting a casting notice, please email Trish at [email protected]
EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]
INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].
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E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.
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