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Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning. It’s Wednesday, October 30, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
Philip DeBevoise and Aaron DeBevoise, the brother and nephew of Machinima co-founder Allen DeBevoise, will leave the company at year’s end, says Tubefilter. Philip, who bought the Machinima site with his brother, is the company’s president; Aaron is its Exec VP of Network Programming. Both are moving onto unannounced ventures. Allen will remain as Chairman & CEO.
CEO Larry Lieberman of video chatroom app OoVoo, spoke with Cynopsis about the power of social media when it comes to marketing. “Social media genuinely offers superior targeting and engagement,” he said. “Ultimately, brand dependence on social media will grow far larger than its reliance on sports and other lifestyle marketing.” Hear more from Lieberman on our “Social Media & The Second Screen” panel at the Cynopsis Digital Measurement Summit on Nov. 13 in New York City. Sign up at http://www.cynopsisdigitalsummit.com.
SoundCloud and Instagram are teaming up to allow users to upload Instagram photos as album art on any playlists or tracks stored on the music service. The Verge reports SoundCloud is already considered the “Twitter of music” with its 250 million visitors a month.
DefyMedia and Ford have partnered to create original comedy series Laugh Trek for YouTube channel MadeMen. The seven-episode series consists of two stand-up comedians competing to perform their best act in unusual venues. The deal is part of Ford’s The Next Fiesta Movement; the first episode just went live.
AwesomenessTV and Universal Cable Productions announced yesterday that its new music drama, Side Effects, is now available to watch on YouTube. The 42-minute movie is part of YouTube’s Music Week, and includes YouTube stars and up-and-coming actors.
Hulu released the first three episodes of its original sports’ mascot documentary Behind the Mask yesterday. The ten-episode series was created by Emmy winning filmmaker Josh Greenbaum. A new episode will debut every week until December.
Apple delivered a high fourth quarter earnings report yesterday, with revenue of $37.5 billion at $8.26 per share, out-performing analyst predictions of $7.92 a share or $36.82 billion. Apple sold 22.8 million iPhones this quarter, which is up by 26 percent since last year. It also averaged one acquisition every three to four weeks. Apple plans to open 30 new stores in 2014; two-thirds will be located outside the U.S.
In 2 short weeks, we’ll announce the finalists for the inaugural Cynopsis Digital Model D Awards at the Grand Hyatt in New York City! Check out the impressive list of finalists and register your team today: http://www.cynopsisdigitalsummit.com/model-d-awards/
Mobile ad network MobileFuse unveiled its latest product, Vision. It pairs with MobileFuse’s current dashboard to give brands a more self-service platform that formats videos for any mobile device. Also new is its real-time data reporting that allows advertisers to see instant results. MobileFuse’s President and Chief Product Officer Chris Boucher told Cynopsis a major goal of Vision is to make the process so easy and accessible that smaller brands can compete with their bigger competitors.
Don’t expect to see the much-anticipated Facebook auto-play video ad before 2014. All Things D reports Facebook is delaying the ads yet again (they were meant to roll out in the first half of the year), because they fear a negative response from the site’s users. Demand for the ads remains high from advertisers, however, given the lure of reaching TV-sized audiences on the web.
Online video company and YouTube network Fullscreen launched a separate service called Channel+ yesterday. Channel+ oversees YouTube channels so brands can better assess their footprint on YouTube audiences. “With Channel+ we’ve been able to increase brand views 2,200 percent and grow subscribers 1500 percent across more than 100 channels,” COO Ezra Cooperstein said. Fullscreen’s clients include Cartoon Network, AARP and NBCUniversal.
Call for Submissions: Cynopsis is producing its annual Holiday Programming Guide, which comes out on November 26 and will be sent to all Cynopsis and Cynopsis Kids subscribers. If your network has holiday-themed programming airing from November 27 through December 31, please send your listings to Lynn Leahey at [email protected] no later than Monday November 18. Please include the following information: type of program (i.e. series, special, documentary, movie or holiday-themed episode), title, dates and times of all airings (please indicate when the show first premieres and when subsequent encores will air). A confirmation email will be sent following each submission from Lynn (if you don’t receive a confirmation email, please resubmit).
Grand Hyatt, NY | November 12, 2013 | Noon – 2:00 p.m.
A few of the categories that will be awarded are…
Connected TV Platform, Daily Series, Digital Consumer Brand, Digital Studio/Production Company, Digital Television Group,
Digital Video Technology Platform, Multiplatform Marketing Campaign and more…
Starbucks launched what appears to be the beginning of Twitter commerce with its Tweet-a-coffee program yesterday. Users tweet at @tweetacoffee and at another user to give a $5 Starbucks voucher. The voucher then transfers the funds to the Starbucker’s mobile app account.
Nickelodeon has updated its Spongebob Moves In app with a Halloween twist. This version now features a “Haunted Bayou Package” with Halloween-themed quests, characters and decorations. The app originally premiered at number one in the paid apps store in June, and is available for Apple devices.
Amazon unveiled a new Cloud Player platform for Macs yesterday, which allows all music libraries on a user’s computer to be stored and played offline. Files can then be accessed from Kindle Fire, Android devices, iPhone, iPad, Samsung TV or Roku.
FremantleMedia announced its new Executive Vice President and General Manager of Kids & Family Entertainment Rick Glankler. He previously worked for Mattel/Fisher Price.
DefyMedia’s talent management division, Generate, has brought on Jared Schwartz, Laura Gibson and Yoni Ovadia to the team. Both Schwartz and Gibson come from Caliber Media, and Ovadia hails from Ovadia Talent.
Digital Media Exchange NDN has appointed Jason Jedlinski as its new Senior Vice President of Marketplace Development. He was previously Vice President of Digital Operations at Tribune Broadcasting.
Cynopsis Digital’s Video Measurement Summit
Monetizing Cross-Platform Video November 13 | Grand Hyatt, NY | 8:30am-4:00pm
More info + registration: http://www.cynopsisdigitalsummit.com
Registration / Tickets: Pete Romas, 203.899.8483
Advertising / Sponsorships: Mike Farina, 203.218.6480
Sponsors: OneScreen (Silver) Mass Revelence (Social Media Partner) IAB (Industry Partner)
Unruly Media uploaded a new YouTube video that highlights how social media has changed from 2006 to 2013. The video explains that four out of ten people socialize more online than face-to-face, and share more than four billion pieces of content every day. Watch the video for more insights at www.cynopsis.com.
Developing & Distributing Kids Content in the Digital Age
Tuesday * November 12, 2013 * 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET
Hosted by: Cathy Applefeld Olson, Editor, Cynopsis Kids
Stephen Hodge: Managing Director (Toon Goggles)
Susanna Pollack: Head of Strategy & Partnerships (yummico)
Brandon Cole: Manager, Media & Business Development (Peanuts Worldwide + Iconix Brand Group)
Dane Boedigheimer: Filmmaker (Annoying Orange)
See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese
Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group
Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858
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Leveraging Social Media to Drive Tune-In and Ratings
One of the hottest topics in media today is the effect of social media on television ratings. Nielsen released research this summer that said the volume of tweets affects live TV ratings 29% of the time – and that number is only expected to rise.
| NOV. 21 |1:30PM – 3:00PM EST | REGISTER NOW |
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JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER/HGTV & DIY/Knoxville: crafts & directs on-air promotions including on/off-channel, episodic & convergent campaigns. Key point of contact for creative requests. 7 yrs exp. Click HERE to apply (11/6)
JOB OPENING: ACCT SERVICE REP/Hallmark Channel/NY: Sales development. 3+ yrs Ad Sales exp. Prior planner or buyer exp. Apply: www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (11/6)
JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANLYST/MGM TV/LA: Use quant & qual rsrch tools to track & anlyze compet TV lndscpe. Create nat’l, local and cable present. Rsrch sftwre + 1 yr exp w/nat’l & local NR anlysis. Apply/more info: HERE (11/6)
JOB OPENING: MGR CSR & SUSTAINABILITY/NBCU/NYC: NBCU seeks key staffer for the devlpmnt of strategy and sustainability projects. Strong pm skills and high energy. BA + 5+ yrs exp. Digital a must! Apply HERE (11/6)
JOB OPENING: UNIT MGR/MTV/NYC: Create/mng smaller scale budgets, schedules/show calendars and daily prod reports. Support Prod Mgr & Line Prod by managing specific areas BA & 4-5 yrs exp within Prod Mngmnt. More info & apply HERE (11/6)
JOB OPENING: FULFILLMENT SPECIALIST/A+E Networks/NY: Account mgmt. & customer service. Non-staff position. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (11/6)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIRECTOR/WB/NYC: 5+ yrs dig media sales. Drives web & mobile sales. Develop relationships w/clients, deliver mrkting solutions & client service. Apply HERE (11/6)
JOB OPENING: EXEC DIR, BRAND MKTG, HOME ENTERTAINMENT/LA: Lead all activity related to optimizing performance for a portfolio of live action new release titles. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/ltg6djs (FFE0002012) (11/5)
JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/NY: Create/manage logs and allocate inv. Schedule promos, ads & coord. w/Ad Agencies. Traffic software exp. & excel skills req. Res/cvr to Rose: HERE [email protected] (11/5)
JOB OPENING: SR. ANALYST MARKET RESOURCES/DISCOVERY/NY: Sharp mind to track advertiser/category spending and utilize rsrch to gather market intelligence. Turn findings into thoughtful reports/presentations. 3+ yrs media rsrch. Apply. (11/4)
JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PROD/CONDE NAST/NY: produce & manage innovative content for CNE Digital Channels.Execute on the vision set by the dev lead & EVP on new programs, genres & ways of engaging audiences cross platform. Apply here (11/1)
JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT PROD/VULCAN/SEA: Devlp new non-fctn contnt. 5 yrs exp in prgrming at cable ntwrk. Prcjt mgmt., dev exp, undrstnding of TV/production technq. Apply: http://hire.jobvite.com/j/?cj=oEF0Xfw0&s=Cynopsis (11/1)
JOB OPENING: STRATEGY & INSIGHTS MGR/Univision/NYC: Find insights, build compelling presentations for adv/internal clients. Knwldge of Simmons/Scarborough type tools. Min 2 yrs mktg at client/agency or media co. Res: [email protected] (11/1)
JOB OPENING: ASSOC PRODUCER/HBO/NY: Assist in producing, publishing & maintaining BO.com/Cinemax.com Original Programming digital experiences. Min of 2 yrs digital exp. Apply http://bit.ly/18HphDZ (10/31)
JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL MARKETING/NICKELODEON/NY: Resp for leading team to support product mktg for mobile games & acquisition for dig biz, supporting new & existing products. 10+ yrs mktg exp. Apply here (10/31)
JOB OPENING: PROD CONSULTANT/LA: Cost consult for an auto dealer group, overseeing the prod of TV & Radio commercials. Auto exp & current knowledge of all costs assoc w/prod & talent req. Cover letter & resume to: [email protected] (10/31)
JOB OPENING: TRAINING SPECIALIST/INVISION/NY: 3-5 yrs. experience. Design & deliver product training: cable, network, ad sales, traffic & addressable. Dealmaker & traffic exp a plus. Excellent presentation skills. Apply HERE (10/31)
JOB OPENING: ART DIR, CHARACTER ART/ILLUSTRATION/NICKELODEON/NY: 8-10 yrs exp.in 2D and 3D illustration. Oversee in-house & external illustrators, 3D modelers & character artists supporting our Consumer Product biz. Apply here (10/31)
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SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].
SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL MEDIA: Senior Account Management professional looking to break into the digital media industry. All opportunities welcome. Contact, [email protected] (11/4)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/ASSISTANT: I am recent graduate with a BA in communications. Hardworking and a quick learner. Please contact me, [email protected] (10/31)
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