Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Wednesday, October 19, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

In a double whammy of news items, Dropbox announced that not only did it raise $250 million in Series B funding, but also revealed how it declined a nine-figure acquisition offer from Steve Jobs and Apple in late 2009. This latest round of financing makes Dropbox’s valuation at $4 billion. The company boasts a user base of more than 45 million saving more than one billion files every three days. As for the interesting news item regarding Apple, the revelation came from a Forbes interview with Dropbox co-founders Arash Ferdowsi and Drew Houston, who recount the story of being invited to meet with Jobs at his office, being offered the large sum of money, declining and then being notified that they should sell because Apple was going to come after them with a competing product, or as we now call it, iCloud.


Universal Pictures is expanding its Social Cinema Facebook app by offering the first Johnny English film for rent in the U.S., U.K. and Australia for 30 Facebook Credits for a 48-hour span. Social Cinema offers viewers the chance to comment and engage with friends and other viewers while watching the movie. The offering coincides with the release of the film’s sequel, Johnny English Reborn. has launched Social Spotlight, a second-screen Social TV experience that offers information to users and allows them to engage in discussions on Facebook, Twitter and its own website while watching a TV show. The service is launched with ION‘s Flashpoint as its first series sponsor.
To coincide with the release of the new Battlefield 3 T video game, EA, GameSpot and Bunim/Murray Productions are teaming up to produce a web-based reality show called The Controller. The show will team up six top gamers with six amateurs as they compete to win $50,000. Starting October 21, the show will air every Friday at 2pm ET on In addition, host Jonny Moseley and Freddie Wong will team up to produce segments to air within the show.
Starting on November 3, and continuing for the span of one week, the Cooking Channel will offer full episodes of two of the network’s popular shows, and a sneak preview of a one-hour special airing on November 6, on
The U.S. Library of Congress has selected A+E Networks‘ interactive Civil War 150 website for preservation in its collection of digital materials and content related to the American Civil War’s sesquicentennial, or 150-year anniversary for those who, like me, had to take a second to read that term.


SugarSync, a cloud-based file storage service similar to Dropbox, now enables you to share large media files within emails without having to embed or attach them in the traditional sense, says TechCrunch. How it works: once you’ve selected a file, the SugarSync plug-in creates a link for the file and attaches it to the email. It also lets you to track and shut down links as you see fit. The service is free and is compatible with Outlook 2007 and 2010 for Windows.


To promote Qualcomm‘s Snapdragon mobile processor technology, social media marketing house Denizen Company has launched a new video short and Facebook campaign, titled Bug Circus. The video campaign playfully shows how Snapdragon requires very little energy by showing insects on different electricity-generating equipment such as a unicycle and treadmill powering the technology. The video racked up 170,000+ views within two days of the launch.
Cognitive Match
has selected eXelate‘s audience data to improve Cognitive’s ad creative and content targeting in real-time. For  both Cognitive’s ad targeting solution and site targeting solution, the company will integrate eXelate’s audience data to match the consumer with the most relevant ads for them and then package and deliver the ad to the viewer in real-time.


Viacom and Google are back in the courtroom as Viacom seeks to appeal a 2010 ruling in Google’s favor over copyright violations the media conglomerate threw at YouTube, reports AllThingsD. The matter concerns the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which protects sites like YouTube from being held responsible for content users upload that they do not own, as long as they remove offending content when asked by copyright owners.
Keeping with the courtroom drama, a U.S. International Trade Commission judge has made a preliminary ruling that Apple did not infringe on four patents held by HTC, reports AllThingsD. However, an HTC spokesperson stressed that the company still believes it has “a strong case for the ITC appeals process.”
Great Lakes Data Systems
, a provider of billing, subscriber management and provisioning systems for small-to-medium global broadband companies, announced that its WinCable in the Cloud billing platform, for clients with 300-300,000 subscribers, is currently being used by over 80 operators worldwide.


During the summer of 2011, Booz & Co. and Buddy Media surveyed managers from Fortune 100 companies to gauge the current and future status of their social media usage. While only 67% indicated that social media made up less than 5% of their total digital spend in 2011, they forecasted that these numbers will increase in the coming years. Specifically, 28% predicted social media will take up between 10-20% of their total digital spend, with 28% answering it will take up more than 20%, in three years. Other findings from the survey, as reported by eMarketer, include:

  • 57% said that the money will be invested in hiring full-time employees and 39% said it will be used to create more content.
  • 63% indicated that their companies have plans to integrate social media into the overall marketing strategy.
  • 56% said they are building plans to use social media for customer insights generation.

From a report in The Telegraph, an interesting Goldsmith survey at the University of London finds that one out of every ten people in the U.K. leave their social networking password(s) in their will. In addition, more than 25% feel they have digital media that they have to pass on to family members. In related news from the same report, the European Union is currently has a proposed law on the table that will offer online users the chance to be “forgotten online.”


Amped Wireless has unveiled a free Wi-Fi Analytics Tool Android app that makes it easier for users to install, and test the performance of, their wireless networks. Among its features, the app has tools that measure signal strengths and provide visually-delivered information of nearby wireless networks.
Zipcar has released a new Facebook app that allows users to reserve a car without having to leave the social media site. The app is currently in beta phase, so be advised that it might sprout a couple of glitches.
Skyreader Media
, a publisher of interactive children’s eBooks for the iPad, has unveiled five new eBooks: Ghost House, Hawk Mansion, Daedalus Reinvented, Master of the Hounds and Move Over. The apps are available in the App Store for $2.99 each.


Brad Collar has been named the Senior Vice President and General Manager of Global Digital Media eXchange (GDMX), a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Entertainment. Reporting to executive vice president of product operations Brian McKay, Collar will oversee all of GDMX, which offers supply chain operations and content distribution services across broadband, syndicated programming, VOD, DVD and Blu-ray.



This one is going to hit a little close to home. Lookout Mobile Security has expanded its app offering to the iOS. The free app helps Apple users protect their mobile devices by offering such services as helping you find it or send a voice message (VOIP) to it if it gets lost, manage the iOS device over the web, warn you about unsecure wireless networks, warn you about outdated versions of iOS, caution you about the threats associated with a jailbroken device, backup your data and protect your personal information. Unfortunately, they have yet to figure out how to incorporate its Plan B software (which is currently offered on the Android version of the app and lets you track down a lost phone even if you hadn’t set safeguards against that ahead of time) on to iOS. If/when they do, that will be incredible, because maybe then I’ll find my iPhone that is currently hanging out with some stranger somewhere in Manhattan. Sigh.

Later – Sahil
 Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
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Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: DIR STPL /Turner Digital/NYC: Streamline video ad offering(site & ad server),create specs,capacity growth; enable dynamic display adv; report biz metrics,create ratecards. More info click here.  (10/26)

JOB OPENING: DIR- US DIST/(OWN-HUB-3NET)/LA: Mng all aspects of Discovery’s acct mgmt relationships w/MSOs; dvlp/implmnt strtgy for top affiliates & internal comm; 8+yrs cable TV/business dvlpmnt/mrktg/sls; # 4286 (10/26)

JOB OPENING: AUDIENCE PROFESSIONAL/New York:Audience professional needed immediately for syndicated talk show. Prior relevant experience required. Resume: [email protected] (10/26)

JOB OPENING: TEMP-ASST DATA ANALYST/AMC/NY: Create/review/distrbte metadata to advced pltfrms VOD, Internt, mobile. Propensity for data/info mgmt, detail oriented, time/deadline mgmt. Library Science, XML bkgd [email protected]  (10/26)

JOB OPENING: SR EDITOR/Dailymotion/NY: Curate/Orgnz/dvlp/implement prgrmng for the site in music, movies, gaming and sports. Req: BA/BS deg, 5+ yrs exp editorial/programming, 3+ yrs digital. (10/26)

JOB OPENING: DEV MGR/LA:  Reality TV Production Company seeks Development Mgr. Must have solid writing skills, exp developing original ideas. Ability to shoot/edit a plus. Cvr/res/writing sample to [email protected] (10/26)

JOB OPENING: DIR PRODUCTION/MTVNetworks/NYC: BA; 8ys exp evnt/tv/live, evnt mgmt. Fin plng, bdget, analy, reprt (Movie Mgic,EP bdget,Word,Excel).Wrk knwlg grnd plns, CAD,Vectorwrks. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/25)

JOB OPENING: TALENT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER/National Geographic TV/DC: Seeking Mgr to oversee casting & on-camera talent needs. Identify new talent & manage existing talent. Apply ID 4866. EOE (10/25)

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/National Geographic TV/NY: Seeking Producer responsible for conception creation, research, writing pitch documents & treatments. Apply ID 4705. EOE (10/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR, FINANCE-AD SALES ENT/Fox Cable Networks/NY: Dvlp new bus. models as req. by sr. sales mgmt. Sprvs staff, oversee prep/dvlpmt of all ad sales overhead, dir cost budgets & long range plans. BA req. (10/25)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST/nuvoTV/LA: Nielsen rating analysis, collect/evaluate audience & market research data, 3-4 yrs TV media research experience, familiar w/ American Latino mrkt +, EOE/M/F/D/AAP [email protected] (10/22)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE VP MKTG/GSN/LA: Asst; 3+ yrs exp. Heavy scheduling, calendaring. Excellent comm., time management, multi-tasking w/efficiency; Growth opportunity. Send res and CL to [email protected] w/salary history (10/22)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANALYST/TV ONE AD SALES/NYC: Compose rsrch reports using Nielsen & syndicated data. Bach deg, 5yrs TV media rsrch exp and multitasking pro. APPLY: (10/22)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORD/TV ONE AD SALES/NYC: Seeking recent grad with previous ad sales/advertising internship experience to assist ad sales department. Detail oriented and multi-tasking skills a +. (10/22)

JOB OPENING: VP PRG SCHEDULING/OTH JOBS/MD: VP Prg oversee all prg sched functions; resrh and design short/long term sched strategies 7+yrs exp/Other opportunities avail Visit: (10/22)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PRODUCT MANAGER/ATP Tennis Marketing/FL: 5 yrs exp web/mobile product mgmt. Exp global marketplace,devices,OS,browsers,apps,research,analytics,QA. Apply: (10/22)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PROGRAM SCHEDULING/NYC: Resp for creating, populating & distrib program schedules for USA & Emerging Ntwrks. Min 3 yrs exp in prog/scheduling, 3 yrs in TV. 1 direct report. (2811BR) (10/21)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR APPAREL/HOME/ MTVNetworks/Toronto: 7 yrs licesng, sales, mktg, retail, categ mgmnt. Authority in Softlines/home categ/industry. BA Business/Mktg/Brand Mgmnt. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/21)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, PRICING/PLANN’G/Fox Cable Networks/NY: Resp for daily components of the Sales Plann’g function. BA plus 3+ yrs pricing & plann’g or sales plann’g exp a media co.Supervisory exp strongly pref. (10/20)

JOB OPENING:  DIR MARKETING/RLTV/NYC: Min 10 yrs exp in ad sales/cons/aff marketing at agency, cable or broadcast. Exp w/ brand partnerships/client relations/on-air promotions necessary. Apply: [email protected] (10/20)

JOB OPENING:    VP, ACQ & STRATEGY/EPIX/NY: Res for acqs (linear, VOD, & brdbnd). Ovrsee prgrmng mdl, mng budget, neg film agreements. Dev/launch new prog offerings. 8+ yrs stud/ntwrk exp, MBA pref. EOE (10/20)

JOB OPENING: CHILDREN’S INTERACTIVE MEDIA PRODUCER/NY: Major children’s publisher seeks digital producer to dvlp & implement interactive content for web, apps, and VOD; 5+yrs production exp Res: [email protected] (10/20)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Jarrett Creative Group is seeking student interns. Will assist with day-to-day activities of Development Department .Unpaid/Credit Only Please forward resume and cover letter to [email protected] (10/26)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER-CREATOR with highly marketable, smart concept, tween-targeted original TV/transmedia project seeks option/development deal from producer/producing partner or representation by agent/manager.  347-313-4335 (10/26)

SITUATION WANTED: AD SALES ASSISTANT: (CHICAGO) Interned at Comcast Sports Net in Ad Sales, Worked as Sales Assistant at NBCUniversal. Has B.A. from DePaul in PR/Advertising. Resume upon request. Contact [email protected] (10/26)

SITUATION WANTED: Experience AFFILIATE MARKETING/SALES CANDIDATE. Looking for opportunities in affiliate sales, distribution and account management. Training to be certified in MS Excel and PowerPoint. Please email [email protected] (10/26)

SITUATION WANTED: Research Intern – Recent graduate w/ BA in Sociology looking to gain MEDIA RESEARCH experience in NYC area. Has experience w/ focus groups. Motivated self-started and team player. Contact [email protected] (10/26)

SITUATION WANTED: Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST, Web Links:, , Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Specializes in unique character voices for various animated productions (10/25)

SITUATION WANTED: INTEGRATED COPYWRITER. Marketing campaigns, promotion, collateral, program packaging. TV, print, digital. Trade, consumer. Upfront anyone? I hear brand voices. SO fast. SO fun. (10/25)

SITUATION WANTED: SALES INTERN/Woodbury, LI: Intern will gain experience with all facets of creating Optimum Homes & Autos channel & website. College credit. See full posting and apply to req 15503BR (10/22)

SITUATION WANTED: Seeking summer 2012 internship. Will have BS in Business in Music Industry Mgmt. w/ Film Studies minor in May 2012. Looking for music supervision or music publishing, pref. in NY. Contact [email protected] (10/21)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE MEDIA MIND Seeking to assist, Entry-Junior level slots, B.A.  Mass Comm/Media backgrnd, 3-5 years experience, NY based, but interested in warmer climates.Please email, [email protected] (10/21)

SITUATION WANTED: Recent college graduate with a B.S. in Marketing/Management. I am interested in entry-level positions in marketing,sales, or media advertising. Looking to be located in New York City. Contact me at  [email protected] (10/21)

SITUATION WANTED: Laila Berzins, VO Artist/Singer: [email protected] Specialty in dynamic Character & Commercial VO. Also great with Corporate and E-learning projects! (10/21)

SITUATION WANTED: AD SALES ASSISTANT/CHICAGO: Interned at Comcast Sports Net in Ad Sales, Worked as Sales Assistant at NBCUniversal. Has B.A. from DePaul in PR/Advertising. Resume upon request. Contact [email protected] (10/21)

SITUATION WANTED:  MEDIA ADVERTISING AND MARKETING EXPERT. 18 yrs. of media mgmt. and sales experience in broadcast, digital, print, mobile and event marketing in #2 media mkt. Willing to relocate.  Tony Siracusa. 626-390-6719 (10/20)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NYC) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (10/20)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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