Wednesday, March 1st, 2006

Cynopsis: Kids!



Good morning. It’s Wednesday, March 1, 2006 and this is your first early morning Kids! briefing.

Hit Entertainment is making a play to purchase Chorion Plc for $200+ million, according to numerous UK press reports.  Last week we reported that Noddy rights-holder Chorion had accepted an acquisition bid from Waheed Alli in partnership with 3i, a private equity firm, for $193 million.  With Hit pitching its bid into the ring, other suitors may also come calling.


Composer Alan Menken has signed a non-exclusive, multi-picture deal with Disney/Touchstone Pictures to score non-animated feature films and compose music for live-action projects.  Menken, the man behind the animated musicals The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin among others, begins the new deal by re-teaming with the great Stephen Schwartz to create the score and five original songs for Disney’s upcoming musical-fantasy, Enchanted, which is being directed by Kevin Lima.  Previously Menken and Schwartz collaborated on the animated features Pocahontas and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Under the new agreement, Menken will work with a number of divisions within the company.  He is currently in pre-production on the stage version of The Little Mermaid with the Disney Theatrical Productions.  Menken is also developing The Frog Princess, an animated musical feature.  Additionally, for Disney Creative Entertainment, he is creating a stage musical of The Snow Queen set to debut at Tokyo DisneySea, as well as writing music for a Sinbad attraction in Japan for Walt Disney Imagineering.  He is also composing the score for a musical stage adaptation of Touchstone Pictures’ movie Sister Act, slated to open October 2006 at the Pasadena Playhouse.

You may have read the story or have seen the photos of the baby hippo becoming the closest of pals and snuggling with the 100+ year-old tortoise at a wildlife reserve in Mombasa. And now there will be a movie based on the unlikely friends. These guys wound up together when the hippo was rescued off the cost of Kenya following the Tsunami in December 2004.  Walden Media and Relevant Entertainment have tapped visual effects supervisor John Dykstra to make his first directorial outing on the movie currently titled Tortoise and Hippo, per the Hollywood Reporter.  The story is adapted for the big screen by Roger S.H. Schulman, co-writer of Shrek.  The movie will be a mix of live action and photo-real CG animation, and will likely be produced by Andrew Adamson.  Also producing is Relevant Entertainment’s Mike Menchel.  Now, what about a movie based on the CBS News story about the autistic high-school basketball player last week?

Wild Brain, the animation studio, has entered into a deal to acquire Kidrobot, the NY-based, limited edition art-toy creator and pop-culture company and retailer.  Together, Wild Brain and Kidrobot plan to develop animated TV shows, feature films and direct-to-video titles as well as other entertainment properties using Kidrobot characters.  If you haven’t ever been to a Kidrobot store, you gotta go – it is a family activity at our place.


Cox Communications has expanded its Paquete Latino channel lineup in the San Diego area to include Discovery Kids en Espanol and Discovery Travel & Living (Viajar y Vivir), both new 24/7 channels from Discovery US Hispanic Networks, and feature programming created in Spanish (versus SAP feeds of their English-language counterparts).  Discovery Kids en Espanol includes programming blocks targeted to preschoolers, tweens and families.’s Packaged Facts released a new report titled The US Urban Youth Market: Tapping the Power of the Trendsetting Hip-Hop Culture and Lifestyle.  The study looked at 15-29 year olds who connect with hip-hop music and culture.  The results showed that the “hip-hop experience” was more preferred by females (58.8% vs. 41.2%) and 15-17 year-olds (48.8%) across racial lines.  Consumers living in suburbia, smaller cities and rural settings voiced the same opinions and values on hip-hop trends as those living in the large metro areas.  More info on this report available at

mun2 and Look-Look revealed the findings of their Latino youth-only national study at yesterday’s New York research forum, me2: Understanding the Young Latino in America. The 3-part study, commissioned by mun2, centered on psychographic profiles of the 14-34 year old Latino demographic regarding their ethnicity, culture, language, family, and religion opinions.  The study used research methods such as surveys, ethnographies, blogs and visual journals to survey 1,800+ participants in 7of the top 10 markets for A14-34 Latinos.  Look-Look is a consumer research, marketing and trend forecasting company specializing in youth culture. For more information go to


Top Ten Monthly Year-to-Year Comparison: Total Day Rankings among K6-11 (000) 1/30-2/26/06 vs. 1/31-2/27/05, Cable Networks Only:
Network:       (000)  %diff
NICK*:             711    -3%
DSNY:             481  +39%
CARTOON***: 417  -20%
NAN**:             218  -32%
ADSM***:         142     n/a
TOON DIS.:       56     -8%
MTV:                  44  +26%
ANIMAL:            29    +4%
BET:                   29  +53%
NKTOONS:        28  +12%
*Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p
**NAN Total Day 9p-6a
***Cartoon Network & Adult Swim share channel space ADSM airs
Sat.-Thurs. 11p-6a
The networks listed are mostly those cable networks that regularly appear on the K6-11 weekly ranking charts.
Source: Star Media Multitrak Reporting System Live+7 Blended with Live+SD from 2/13/2006 to date; Data prior to 12/26/2005 is based on Live Viewing

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K2-11 (000) 2/20-2/26/06:
Total Day           (000)   Primetime          (000)
NICK:                  1481   DSNY*:               1204
DSNY*:                 848   CARTOON:          907
CARTOON:          730   NAN**:                  652
NAN**:                  652   TOON DIS:           175
TOON DIS.:          165   ANIMAL PLANET:  85
NOG/THE N:        119   BET:                       83
MTV:                      83   DISCOVERY:         73
NICKTOONS:        62   MTV:                       71
DISCOVERY:        59   ESPN:                     58
Source: Disney Research from Star Media MultiTrak Reporting System Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K6-11 (000) 2/20-2/26/06:
Total Day            (000)   Primetime          (000)
NICK:                    814   DSNY*:                 873
DSNY*:                 507   CARTOON:           618
NAN**:                  477   NAN**:                   477
CARTOON:          461   TOON DIS:              88
TOON DIS.:           80   ANIMAL PLANET:    61
MTV:                      64   MTV:                        53
DISCOVERY:        36   DISCOVERY:           48
ANIMAL PLANET: 36   BET:                         47
NICKTOON:          35   COMEDY:                 38
BET:                      29   NICKTOONS:            32
NOG/THE N:         29
Source: Disney Research from Star Media MultiTrak Reporting System Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.

Weekly, Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among Tweens 9-14 (000) 2/20-2/26/06:
Total Day          (000)   Primetime          (000)
NICK:                  592   DSNY*:                 738
NAN**:                 502   CARTOON:          497
DSNY*:                399   NAN**:                  502
CARTOON:         328   MTV:                     213
MTV:                   193   COMEDY:             101
BET:                      60   BET:                       88
DISCOVERY:        46   DISCOVERY:         71
TOON DIS.:           44   ESPN:                    60
ESPN:                    34   ANIMAL PLANET: 53
ANIMAL PLANET: 34   THE N:                   53
Source: Disney Research from Star Media MultiTrak Reporting System Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Saturday, February 25, 2006, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:            K2-11 1417; K6-11 957; TWEENS 9-14 749
DISNEY CHANNEL:       K2-11   991; K6-11 598; TWEENS 9-14 473
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   877; K6-11 587; TWEENS 9-14 434
TOON DISNEY:              K2-11   184; K6-11   98; TWEENS 9-14   46
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Sunday, February 26, 2006, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:            K2-11 1457; K6-11 958; TWEENS 9-14 690
DISNEY CHANNEL:       K2-11   989; K6-11 633; TWEENS 9-14 513
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   856; K6-11 560; TWEENS 9-14 350
TOON DISNEY:              K2-11   173; K6-11   70; TWEENS 9-14   40
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Monday, February 27, 2006, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11
NICKELODEON:            K2-11 1307; K6-11 540; TWEENS 9-14 388
DISNEY CHANNEL:       K2-11   743; K6-11 457; TWEENS 9-14 380
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   649; K6-11 346; TWEENS 9-14 241
TOON DISNEY:              K2-11   129; K6-11   55; TWEENS 9-14   39
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to Yesterday’s trivia question:
What is the last name of Archie’s rival Reggie?  MANTLE   Kudos to: Carin Greenberg Baker/NY; Terry Taylor-Disney ABC Kids/NY; Mimi Borowich-Barnard College/NY; Ali Klass-Mindshare/NY; Izzy Neis-Star Farm Productions/Chicago; Kerri Berney-Sony TV Research/LA; Karen Bolt-Carrie Productions/LA; Suzanne Marchese-Film & Video Stock Shots/N. Hollywood; Liz Stahler-Suppertime Entertainment/LA

Today’s Trivia Question: The cute little girl dressed in a yellow dress walking in the “rain” was the mascot for an advertisement of what product? (click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Gwen
Gwen Billings for Cynthia Turner’s Cynopsis Kids!
03.01.06 – 3:45a
Ad Sales – Barbara Shapiro – 203-583-1224 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak – 203.926-9878 (new number!) / [email protected]

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Copyright Cynthia Turner 2006


JOB OPENING: AE, AD SALES/The Hotel Networks/NYC Dynamic growing co. seeks exp media sales professional. Send res. to [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, PROGRAMMING RESEARCH/TBS/TNT: Analysis and reporting for movies & specials. Min 1+ yr media research experience. Knwlg. of Nielsen systems and media math essential. Visit www.turnerjobs (3/8)

JOB OPENING: KTXL FOX 40 seeks an ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE.  For more info visit . To apply send resume to; Fax: (916) 733-3110; Email: [email protected]. EOE (3/8)

JOB OPENING: OFFICE ASSISTANT/JUMA BURBANK Administrative position. Must have excellent phone, writing & computer skills, incl exp w/ Photoshop & Powerpoint. Extensive research involved. Must be a self-starter. [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT & PROD ASSOC/JUMA BURBANK: Highly creative individual sought as development & production assoc. 2yrs+  writing, development & prod exp. Final Cut, iMovie. Report to Head of Production & Dev. [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: MKG/LICENSING COORDINATOR/Silver Lining Productions/NY: Support for Lic & Mktg Directors. MS Office, Powerpoint, Mac knwldg, good multi-tasker. 4yr degree & prior licensing exp pref. Email: [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION ASST/Silver Lining/NY: Support for TV development/prod team. Must be good multi-tasker & work well under pressure in small office environment. Prior prod. exp req’d. Email: [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH/Starz Entertainment Group/Englewood CO: 10+yrs res. exp, media pref’d. BA degree bus. admin, MBA pref’d. Operat’l & mrktng exp Cable MSO’s, DBS providers, TV prgrmrs.  Fax Cvr Ltr/resume to: 720.852.5891 (3/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/TBS & TNT, Detroit: Support AE and sales planner w/ all aspects of the sales process (book/maintain order & admin tasks). Col deg or prior office exp preferred. Email [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TBS & TNT,Detroit: Seeking solid planner to support AE with creating proposals, data analysis, targeted research & sales pieces. Col deg, prev ad sls or agency exp req. Email [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/TBS & TNT/Detroit: Opening for outstanding sales person.Candidates should have 3+ yrs sales exp in related field proven record in building & maintaining client relationships. Email [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC. RES. ANALYST/CNN/NY: Multi-tasker, strong analytical/problem solving skills & MS Office proficient; media exp a +,details@ Email: [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: MUSIC CHOICE/NYC/AD SALES COORD: Day-to-day acct mgmt, media flighting, campaign delivery & post reports. Liaison with Operations, Research & Programming depts.1-2 yrs exp. Growth Opportunity!! [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: MUSIC CHOICE/ADMINISTRATIVE ASST/NYC: Support of Ad Sales dept. Produce presentations & materials. Handle customer inquiries & provide phone backup staff. 2-3 yrs. exp. in sales administration. [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: ASST REGIONAL MKTING MGR/National CineMedia-NY: Experience in writing presentations & proficient in PowerPoint, great multi-tasker. Min. of 5 years of mkting or direct mail experience pref Email: [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: REGIONAL MKTING COORD/National CineMedia-NY: Support Regional Mkting Mgr & Regional Sales Team. PC savvy, MS Office, great writing skills, good multi-tasker, Experience in mkting a plus. Email [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: ADMINISTRATIVE SALES ASSISTANT/TWI/NY: Admin support and researching sales leads. Min. 1 yr. exp. Full job description on Careers page @ ., send resumes to:  [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/ADVRTSNG SALES/NY: Independent Media Co. seeks salesperson min 3 yrs TV sales exp to sell cross platform sponsorships & syndicated prgrmng. Creative thinker & entrepreneurial skills a must. [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, ON-AIR PROMOTION/HGTV, Knoxville. 7+ yrs station/cable network experience pref’d.Excellent writing, project management and leadership skills req’d. Resumes: [email protected]; ref job #5077-U.  (3/7)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DEVELOPMENT (FREELANCE), VH1/NYC. 4+yrs Knwlg of prod concepts/biz affairs/pop culture, Strng research/writing skills a must EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Send resume to: [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, ONAIR PROMOS OPERATIONS, SPIKE/NYC. 5+yrs entertainment/media exp, 2+yrs proj. mgmt exp, Strong detail/organization skills, High volume, Strng relationship builder, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (3/7)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, BRAND & CONSUMER RESEARCH, Spike/NYC. 6+yrs media/consult/research exp, Qual&Quan exp, Multiplatform exp req, Strng analyst skills, Nielsen exp A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (3/7)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, OPERATIONS/CREATIVE GROUP, TVLand-NickAtNite/NYC. 5+yrs entertainment/media exp, 2+yrs proj. mgmt exp, Strng detail/org skills, High vol, Strng relationship builder, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (3/7)

JOB OPENING: RES. ANALYST/Endeavor Agency:1 yr. Nat’l research exp. Req’d. Must have strong Nielsen Galaxy Explorer skills, be detail oriented & highly org.  Should also have exp w/ Nielsen Ad Views.  Res to [email protected]  (3/4)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PLANNING & INV/A & E TV NETS/NY:Inv mgmt & pricing analysis. Min2 yr planner or inventory/pricing exp plus strong analytical/prob solv skills. Gabriel knldg a +. E-mail res & sal reqs: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER-AETN, NY. Create plans, steward accts, designate ADUs& recaps, coord make goods & post analysis prep. 2yrs exp plnng or buyer. Exc comm skills. Client service mindset. Res & Sal Req: [email protected]. (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SR CLIENT ANALYST/MSA Media/NY: manage cable nets on Gabriel/other SW. Perform biz svcs, issue resolution, training, JR Acct mgmt duties, prod planning. Must have tech knowledge. Send res & $ req to [email protected]  (3/4)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT EXEC/Electric Artists/NY: 3+ Yrs Online Mktg exp. Creative/strategic thinker. Exec online mktg/promotion campaigns: TV/film/music/video game/etc. Exp w/Ppt, Excel, Word. Resume/Salary: [email protected]       (3/4)

JOB OPENING:   SR MKTG MGR/IGN ENT, BRISBANE CA. 5+ yrs ent or media mkt exp to create mktg & collateral materials, provide strat/research support.  Resume to: [email protected]   (3/4)

JOB OPENING:   DISTRICT MGR/IGN ENT, Culver City & Brisbane. Exp in men’s lifestyle/video game/movie biz. Will cover LA and SF territories. Dev, close & maintain accts thru adv campaigns. Resume:  [email protected]   (3/4)

JOB OPENING:  ONLINE SALES COORD/IGN ENT, Brisbane CA and NY. Provide logistical & admin support to sales team, perform mkt research, asst in proposal dev, track campaign activity. Resume: [email protected]   (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SALES DEV MGR/IGN ENT, Brisbane CA. 4+ yrs online adv, agency/media exp. Support sales teams w/audience insight, create industry presentations, build client relations. Resume: [email protected]   (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR-SUBSCRIPTION & ACQ MKTG/IGN ENT, Costa Mesa CA. Drive external awareness and cons. Acq for subsc, digital distrib and e-commerce services. 8+ yrs relevant exp req. Resume:  [email protected]   (3/4)

JOB OPENING: UNIT PUBLICIST/NY-Assertive/energetic unit pub/overall pt person on court show. Dev/execute local press, oversee unit, on-set activities. 5+ yrs exp & strong press, writing, talent rel skills. Email: [email protected]         (3/4)

JOB OPENING: JUNIOR ASSOCIATES/  Positions avail for experienced energetic talent to support production team and sales staff at rapidly growing broadband destination RESUME: [email protected]  (3/4)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, MEDIA RELATIONS COMM, DIGITAL MEDIA, NBC Universal, NY. 5+ yrs strong internal & external comm exp. Knowledge of digital media & exp in technology & corp strategy. Apply job #490743 (3/4)

JOB OPENING:  Univision National Sales seeking Sr. AE. 3-5 years broadcast sales, documented sales success and solid key client and agency contacts.  Fax resume to Laurie Kaman -VP, Univision National Sales, L.A. (310) 348-3619  (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIR MEDIA STRAT/Nat Geo Chan/DC: Dvlp/impl media strat & drive ratings. Tech savvy indv.-interpret ratings & dvlp strat. 7+yrs exp/media planning, off/on-air strat/TV/cable. BA deg. . (#fng1108)EOE (3/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR MKTG/Nick Toons/NY: Drct mgmt & dev mktg plns/advrtsng 4 Ntwrk, exlnt prsnt/commu/cr8tv skls, strng brnd grwth emrgn + all media pltfrms 7 yrs cnsmr mktg + pasn 4 toons. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (3/3)

JOB OPENING: MGR LICNSEE COMPLI/Nick/NY: Dvlp cnsmr prds dpt licnsg ops matrls + adhc rprtng, dev raprt + cmplianc w/lcnse prtnrs, 5yrs lic rprtng. CMS knwldga+, strng wrtng/com skls. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (3/3)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/National CineMedia/NY: Support for 2 Ntl Acct Directors. PC and excel savvy, MS Office, great oral & written skills, good multi-tasker, 4 yr degree & prior office exp pref. Email:  [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING: PROD MGR/NYC:  Prod Co seeks organized, detail oriented individual to manage daily activities of studio based production, pilot to series.  Resumes to: [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, NEWS MARKETING/NBC Universal, NY: Set ad sales marketing strategy. Avg 10 yrs exp at agency, media, sales, or research. Strong comm & creative skills. Apply job #491799 (3/2)

JOB OPENING: ADMIN ASSISTANT/WE/NYC – Bright, detail oriented, highly org, admin prof for Sr. Ad Sales Exec. Exp w/mktg or sales support, Degree pref. resumes to [email protected] (3/2)

SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .


SITUATION WANTED: AUDIENCE RESEARCH/Grad Student (Media, New School, NYC): Seeks work TV/film res. Exc analytical, writing & presentation skills. Educated in research methods, strategy & media theory. Mrktng background. [email protected] (3/8)

E-mail [email protected] for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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