Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Wednesday, July 6, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

Hot on the heels of a strong TV upfront that registered double-digital price bumps for broadcasters, online media will enjoy some of ad largesse as well. Leading new media research firm eMarketer reported that online ad spending will grow 20% this year and continue on a double-digit growth track through at least 2014. By 2015, the online ad market should near $50 billion, eMarketer said. Video continues to grow the fastest and will help drive the overall online ad market past $31 billion this year, along with spending on Facebook ads,  eMarketer said. Search continues to be the biggest fish in the pond though, accounting for nearly half of online ad spend this year.


Google+ may in time be a Facebook killer, but for now Google’s new social networking start-up is another feather in the cap for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. He’s currently the most followed user on Google +, besting even Google’s own founders.


Media planners are expecting to up their spending in digital place-based media, with about 44% of planners saying they’ll shift money away from TV into digital ads at airports, gas stations, shopping malls, elevators and other related spots. About 86% of media planners said they’ll include such ad buys in their plans for next year, up from about 75% this year, according to a study conducted by the Digital Place-based Advertising Association.


Nearly 77 million Americans own a Smartphone, accounting for about a one in three penetration, comScore says in its new research report. Samsung has snagged about one-quarter of mobile market share in the United States for its handsets, while Google’s Android has landed 38% market share for its platform, for the three-month period ending May 2011.
iPad usage is making a serious dent in Web traffic and now accounts for 1% of worldwide Web traffic and 2% of all U.S. Internet traffic, said analytics and technology firm Net Applications in its new NetMarketShare report. Apple may want to thank Netflix, since watching streaming movies and TV shows on the tablet has been one of the most popular uses. The iPad has 53 times the traffic of the next closest tablet competitor.
Web surfing soars on mobile devices in the early evening when most people are returning home from the office, according to a new study from mobile ad solutions provider MediaMind. The company found that mobile browsing peaks between 7-9pm and that click-through rates on ads is highest at 8 pm, suggesting that may be an ideal time for advertisers to capture the interest of mobile audiences.
Online video viewing between the hour of 6-9 p.m. has grown 30% since 2009, said Yahoo citing the findings of a new online video study. The search giant also found that more women and more people between 25 to 64 are watching online video than they were two years ago.


It’s not you; it’s them. If you’ve been having trouble accessing Google‘s real-time search results, SearchEngineLand reports that the search giant’s 2009 deal to cull Twitter results in its searches expired over the holiday weekend. According to SearchEngineLand, there are no immediate plans to re-up the deal, though Google has said it will continue to crawl Twitter.

Private social network provider FMYI  (For My Innovation) recently inked a deal with Casting Duo for Fear Factor on NBC to use FMYI’s tech tools for collaboration on the show’s production. FMYI provides technology for producers to share details via a private social network on casting, talent, show files and the production. Casting Duo has used FMYI on other shows including Tabitha Salon Takeover on Bravo and Commercial Kings on IFC.  

Big news on the homefront!  Cynopsis Media has been acquired by Access Intelligence, the third such acquisition for A.I. in the past six months.  Access Intelligence, an integrated media company serving a global audience, delivers award-winning business intelligence to executives in the media, communications, healthcare, aviation, energy, defense and chemical markets through conferences, trade shows, networking events, publications, books and emedia offerings.  Personally, I’m thrilled to be working with Access Intelligence who is committed to growing the Cynopsis brand.  Utilizing the much larger AI platform and extensive resources, we will be able to extend Cynopsis beyond the business of eletters into several new areas, providing me and the entire Cynopsis team with an extraordinary and exciting opportunity to reach further than ever before.  All good.


Online ad platform LeadBolt rolled out an ad platform for both Android and iPhone apps. The solution is designed so app makers for both platforms can easily create and monetize apps with banner ads, video ads and other ad formats.
As part of its continuing expansion to new mobile platforms, real-time traffic info provider Beat The Traffic  released a version of its app for the HP Touchpad tablet. The app includes up to the minute traffic updates in more than 110 U.S, and Canadian cities. To date, more than 1 million users have downloaded one of Beat The Traffic’s mobile apps.


United Kingdom-based digital video ad firm Unruly hired George Mani as Director of Publisher Development & Media Strategy for the company’s U.S. division based in New York. He’ll manage publisher relationships and traffic-building strategies for the firm’s ad campaigns for clients such as Evian, Adidas and Unilever.
Technology reporter Roger Cheng has joined CNET as a Senior Writer covering mobile technology from the New York offices. He most recently worked as Senior Technology Reporter for Dow Jones Newswires.


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Exercise apps abound, but there’s a reason for that ­ we need constant reminders to keep moving and stay in shape. To that end, GE partnered with health social network MedHelp to launch Fit Friendzy, an exercise challenge app that marries social networking with fitness. Users can invite friends to compete in different exercise and fitness challenges from daily walking to pushups up to marathons. C’mon ­ isn’t that a better way to connect with old friends than by accepting a request to grow digital fruit on a virtual farm? Fit Friendzy is available for free for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
See ya! – Daisy
Daisy Whitney, new media reporter and author of The Mockingbirds, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – VP/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: SPECIALIST, DIST MKTG (Freelance)/A+E/NY:Support Dist Mktg initiatives across A+E Networks. Cust show presentations/comm tools/asset agg & tracking. 3+ yrs mktg, cable pref’d, affiliate mktg a plus. #99373. (7/13)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASSISTANT/WEtv/NYC: 3-5 yrs exec admin exp in Cble/Tv/Ent indstry. Assts SVP w/ admin tasks incldng: calendr, phone, expnse reprts, special proj, etc. Excllnt comp/comm/orgztnl skilz. Rez: [email protected] (7/12)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR MEDIA/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Establish comm strategy & positioning for netwk priorities. 8-10 yrs exp in agency and/or ent media exp pref’d. Exp managing multi-million dollar budgets. #2345 (7/19)

JOB OPENING: GHOST WRITERS Looking for Children’s Book ghost writers. Send samples and rates to [email protected] (7/12)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIR, NBCU/Syfy/NY: Job#2123BR Oversee promo campaigns (Bdcst),consumer/trade mktg materials. Sprvs creative process incl concepting/scripting/prod/editorial. 5+yrs exp TV. Apply online (7/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR, TECHNOLOGY & OPS/CA: Job#2190BR Oversees business operations, delivery, and emerging technology for Digital Distribution group at NBC Universal. 7+ yrs exp. To apply: (7/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR SALES & PRTNSHPS/IFC & SUNDANCE/CHI: Sell multi-platform packages. Pitch, negotiate, build relatnshps. Devlp new opportunities to meet mktplace needs. 7+ year media/agency exp. Rez to: [email protected] (7/12)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH DIR/RSRCH DIR/LA: Design/dir rsrch prods & custom mkt rsrch studies. 5-7 yrs primary rsrch exp, strong quant skills; exp mkt rsrch design & good client skills a must. Apply: (7/12)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/LA: Resp: questionnaire design, sampling, preparing banner and tab specs, analysis and reporting. 2-3 yrs primary mktrs rch req’d. Exp w/Ent ind rsrch pref’d. Apply: (7/12)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/NCC Media ( )/DENVER:  Jr level. BS/BA deg req’d. 1 to 2 yrs TV, online display or radio advrtsng sales exp or 1 to 2yrs agency media buying or plann’g exp.   Resume: [email protected] (7/9)

JOB OPENING:  MANAGER, AFFILIATE MARKETING /SPT/Miami: Oversee & support Affiliates area; Bachelor’s req, Fully bilingual Eng/Span req; 5 yrs affiliate exp req, 2 yrs mgmt exp req. See full profile & apply at (7/9)

JOB OPENING:  VP AD SALES RESEARCH/FX/NY: Manage all aspects of ad sales research, qual/quant data, oversee 3 employees; 10+ yrs exp in media research, mgmt exp req. Apply: (7/9)

JOB OPENING: USA SALES RESEARCH DIRECTOR/NBCU/NYC: Direct on-air sales research for USA Network. Knwldg of Nielsen�@Galaxy Explorer, TVToolbox, IAG, Simmons, MRI, CMR; Excel/PowerPoint.�@Apply online at (#2122BR)  (7/9)

JOB OPENING: ON AIR CREATIVE MGR/Discovery Comm/FL: Supervising/senior producer 5+ yrs exp in TV entertainment, manage budget, responsible for output of Gen entertainment ch. LIV. Speak Eng & Spa a must. #4150 (7/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES OPS ASST TEMP/TV One/NYC: copy & order entry, data validation entry; crspond w/clnts. Attn detail MS Suite min 2 yrs office exp req’d. Brdway Sys; Ad Sales/Sales exp a+; Sal DOE Visit: (7/8)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR OPS/Traffic/NYC: Mng daily operations ensure the timely and accurate upload of inventory; perform tracking and billing process; order approvals 4+ yrs exp traffic/sales ops. Visit (7/8)

JOB OPENING: TEMP TALENT MGR/WEtv/NY: 5+ yrs exp managing talent. Coord sched talent for all net events. Ensure contract compliance. Exc comm skills. Rez:[email protected] (7/8)

JOB OPENING: ACCT SERVICE REP/IFC & SUNDANCE/LA: create proposals/handle all aspects of deal maintenance & prospect new advertisers. Excllnt comp/comm/orgztnl skilz 3+ yrs prior agency/media experience. Rez: [email protected] (7/8)

JOB OPENING:  IT PROJECT MANAGER/NY: Please go to req#94274 for Full Description and to apply!  (7/8)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/MD: Mngs 360 ad campaigns for variety of Discovery networks within our in-house creative agency. Strong digital advertising experience a plus. # 4164

JOB OPENING:  SR DIR OF DVLPMENT/MD: Lead development for Science Channel that span from quirky to groundbreaking/craft to appeal to the curiosities of audience; +7yrs exp in broadcast/cable industry # 4020 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/OUTDOOR CHANNEL/CHICAGO: Create mktg decks; Assist bldg plns and check avls; Review MSAs and track delivery; Self-starter, proactive, media degree/exp helpful; To: [email protected] (7/7)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER NEW BUSINESS MRKTING/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Oversee mkting of brand’s new biz endeavors, driving rev & ratings. Degree req’d. 5 yrs exp in media, brand &/or adv desired. #2411 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: DIR STRATEGIC INSIGHTS/Women @ NBC U/NY: #1827BR  Provide strategic & analytical guidance for integrated mrktng div. sales research w/new ROI research methods. 5+ yr exp. (7/7)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  NBCU Integrated Media works across portfolio to develop custom, innovative ad sales marketing solutions. Intern responsibilities: brainstorms, research, newsletter mgmt, etc. Res/cov ltr to: [email protected] (7/13)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  SCD, a TV Development Company in NYC is seeking a summer intern. Flexible hours but must be smart, reliable and funny. [email protected] (7/9)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Seeking DIGITAL MKTG intern to help creating mobile apps, viral vids, social media strategy. Assist execs directly and learn a ton. Having a smartphone and laptop is a plus. Send letter/resume: [email protected] (7/9)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: MANAGER/DIRECTOR FINANCIAL PLANNING AND ANALYSIS/LA. 10+ yrs exp in corporate entertainment finance. Extensive background in financial budgeting, planning, modeling and executive presentations. [email protected] (7/13)

SITUATION WANTED: I’ve written a 1-hour dramedy entitled, Tree House, which is loosely based on my life story. It’s, ” A Contemporary, Edgy, Multiplatform Show “. I’m looking for studio executive assistance. [email protected]  (7/13)

SITUATION WANTED:  UK: DEVELOPMENT RESEARCHER/AP Skilled in Factual & Fact Ent research, finding contributors and writing pitches. more info at or email [email protected] (7/13)

SITUATION WANTED: BILINGUAL COPYWRITER SPANISH – Print, TV, Social Media, Digital see my portfolio (7/9)

SITUATION WANTED: Script Doctor/PROD w 16 yrs as Brdcst exec can consult/edit/polish your TV/film/web pitch/bible/screenplay. Credits inc. DeGrassi, DaVinci, Dragon [email protected] (7/9)

SITUATION WANTED:  Recent CSUN graduate looking for an entry level job in Production/Post-production in LA.  Exp w/ PA, final cut pro, videography, web design, graphic design.  Please contact Christian Mikkelson at [email protected] (7/9)

SITUATION WANTED:  Recent college graduate looking for ENTRY LEVEL JOB IN PR/PROMOTIONS/MARKETING in television broadcasting. NYC based. Please contact Elissa Henderson at [email protected] (7/8)

SITUATION WANTED:  I’ve written a one-hour modern action/ fantasy, about a fictional island’s revolution against tyranny. ‘Game of Thrones’ meets ’24.’ Looking for Studio Executive Assistance. [email protected] (7/8)

SITUATION WANTED: LA – BIZ DEV/MKT/CONSULTING – 12 years Internet experience, w/ content, retail, eTail, CE  across domestic & international markets for Fortune 500s and start-ups. Rock solid resume/top MBA. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE MEDIA MIND Seeking to assist, Entry- Junior level positions, B.A. & Communications/Media background, 3-5 years of experience domestically & internationally. NY based. Please contact, [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: NEED A BUDGET DONE?? LINE PROD/EIC – 15+ yrs. exp- budgets done in all formats TV & Features- Accurate, Reasonable fast turn around. Email:  [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED:  AUDIO ENGINEERS – SAE graduates seeking internship and staff positions in all fields of audio. NYC based. Contact Job Placement Coordinator Jeff Lanier at [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE HARD WORKING MIND Seeking Assist position, Entertainment law firm exp /Television production background, 3-5 years of experience. NY based. Available NOW! Please contact, [email protected] (7/7)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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