Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Wednesday, July 11 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  And as a quick reminder – Cynopsis is on vacation all next week, no editions, no emails, no phone calls from us.  Hard to believe, eh? But we’ll be back on the 23rd, just as if this little break never happened.

ABC O&Os launched a new ad-supported mobile video service in all ten of their markets. Local stations will provide local video news content available for free to users within the ABC DMAs, delivered by mobile content aggregator Local Wireless.  The LSN, Inc.-owned company also powers text-based news, weather, sports, financial and event services for ABC, Cox, Gray, Meredith, Raycom, Landmark and Scripps Howard stations. 


Sundance Channel will begin showcasing some of its original content in HD from Wednesday, August 1st on NBCU’s Universal HD channel. The weekly programming block, sponsored by Microsoft, will feature shows such as Iconoclasts, Big Ideas for a Small Planet and Live From Abbey Road, which are all being produced in HD. Universal HD currently has over 6 million subscribers and is available to 54 million homes.
will begin distributing its two new original series General Hospital Night Shift and The Fashionista Diaries across multiple platforms this week. Episodes of both will be featured on, iTunes, Sprint-based ABC Mobile service and Soapnetic, the gated soap broadband site available exclusively to Verizon high speed internet customers. Following the season premiers on July 12 and August 1 respectively, each episode will be available one day after they air on Soapnet.
Tribune Interactive announced plans to expand its Chicago entertainment portal Metromix across all its newspaper markets. The site provides a searchable database of restaurants, bars, clubs, theaters as well as event listings and classifieds. Sites for Baltimore and Orlando are already up and running with New York and L.A. versions slated to launch later this week.
DC Comics launched the private beta version of Zuda Comics, a portal accepting online submissions from aspiring comic artists that promises to pay for the ones worth developing. The Zuda community will vote on which submissions are best. Starting in October, DC editors will choose 10 entries a month to vote on, awarding winners with the budget necessary to produce a year’s worth of online and printed comics.
and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRCF) will co-present a televised forum on issues of importance to the LGBT community with the 2008 Democratic presidential candidates, including, currently confirmed Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The 60-minute event will be broadcast live exclusively on Logo and streamed live at

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France’s leading video sharing site DailyMotion launched a US-based site run by Joy Marcus, former SVP/Global Marketing for Time Warner. At the request of Hollywood-based copyright holders, the site also rolled out the beta version of a copyright video detection tool developed by Audible Magic that flags protected content and prevents it from being published on the site. DailyMotion plans to implement contextual advertising and follow the MetaCafe model of paying top content producers a per-view royalty.
Netscape founder Marc Andereessen‘s social networking start up Ning raised $44 million in third round financing, led by Legg Mason and others including Marc himself. The deal was brokered by Allen & Co., which is hosting its annual media pow-wow in Sun Valley this week. The money will be used for adding developers to expand product offerings, scaling operations and supporting increased traffic.


Gemstar-TV Guide is exploring a sale of the company with UBS Investment Bank acting as financial advisors and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz serving as legal advisors in the case of a deal. Once assumed to be a 100% takeover target of News Corp. (which owns 42% of the company), Gemstar has been slowly transitioning from a cable-centric technology company and publisher to a multiplatform programming and technology entity with several recent website acquisitions.
Is the iPhone too rich for your blood? Apple is planning to release a cheaper version of the device in the fourth quarter based on the Nano iPod, according to a JP Morgan report. The Nano iPhone is expected to retail for $300 or lower, half the price of the current 8 GB model.
in the battle between East and West Coast TV academies over who has the rights to honcho the New Media Emmy Awards ruled no new awards could be added in the digital realm until October. Meanwhile New York-based NATAS announced nominees for news and documentary programming created specifically for broadband. and led nominees with 4 entries each, followed by (Detroit Free Press) with 3 and (SF Chronicle) and with 2.
series 2 and 3 users can now order movies’s Unbox site directly from their TVs. Until now Tivo users had to order them through a computer and transfer the files through a home network. Sony, MGM, Warner Bros., Paramount and Universal are among the studios supplying titles for the service.



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Seventy-four percent of U.S. internet users are receptive to viewing ads in exchange for free or discounted downloads, and 83% would have a better opinion of advertisers who offered them, according to a new survey conducted by InfoSurv, Inc. for Intent MediaWorks. The research is meant to justify a market for ads reaching consumers through direct peer-to-peer content downloads. Seven out of 10 (73 percent) of respondents said they are willing to watch general advertising during the download process in order to obtain the content legally either free or at a reduced price.


TNS Media Research signed a deal with Scripps Networks to provide its digital audience measurement service in Los Angeles. TNSMR provides second-by-second audience data culled from digital set tops.
The Harry Potter Franchise will be sorely missed by a variety of platforms once the final novel Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows works its way through the mill. A new Nielsen study found The Harry Potter Books:

  • Have sold more than 22.5 million copies in the UK and 27.7 million copies in the US.
  • The films have grossed more than $3.5 billion worldwide.
  • The ad spend on branded merchandise totaled $269.1 million in the U.S.
  • All 3 DVD releases debuted at #1 and remained there for at least 3 weeks.
  • The website for the latest film drew 446,762 unique visitors.
  • And the four Harry Potter soundtracks sold more than 1.1 million copies stateside.

The fifth film debuts today on 4,100 screens.
penetration among cable subscribers has nearly doubled in the past year with 29% of cable customers claiming they have an HD set compared to 15% a year ago, according to a report from CTAM. Digital cable customers are the most likely to make the leap, with 41% of digital cable homes now HD ready. Most homes that haven’t upgraded but plan to do so within the next 12 months say they will order a cable package to go with it within a month of their HDTV purchase; 83% say they will order at least basic cable, and 77% say they will get a digital package.
New series and seasons (full eps only) released online since 3 July 2007:

Body of Evidence (CourtTV; iTunes): current season (season 6)

CatDog (Nick; iTunes): seasons 1 & 2

Chicas Project (mun2; iTunes): current season (season 2)

Ken Burns: America (PBS; iTunes): series of specials

Ken Burns: American Lives (PBS; iTunes): series of specials

Ken Burns: Jazz (PBS; iTunes): complete series

The L Word (Showtime; iTunes, Unbox, Movielink): season 4

Rock of Love with Bret Michaels (VH1; Unbox, iTunes): current season (season 1)

Scott Baio is 45…and Single (VH1; iTunes): current season (season 1)

Source: Trivial TV


Facebook hired former AOL executive Chamath Palihapitiya as VP/Product Marketing and Operations. He will be working on better defining Facebook’s business model, which has so far relied on banner ads and some widget-based ad solutions.  
Stephen Lynas was appointed SVP of Daily News Digital to oversee development plans for an increased online presence for the Daily News. He will report to Marc Kramer, CEO of the paper.
OSS service management solutions provider Sigma Systems appointed Gary Gibbs as VP/Channel Development to accelerate the company’s global partner initiatives. He will be based in Sigma’s U.K. office, reporting to Alex Salamon, VP/Global Sales.
BrainPop announced several executive moves and new hires.

  • Karina Linch moves up to SVP, BrainPop.  The former NYC public school teacher will be responsible for structuring the organization and providing operational support.  Linch will also continue to oversee BrainPop Jr.
  • Moving from the company’s Tel Aviv office to NYC headquarters is Eyal Bino who has been named VP/Business Development.  Bino will establish and manage strategic partnerships.
  • Joining BrainPop is Paul Kuhne as VP/Marketing & Communications to oversee the company’s integrated marketing, public relations and client communications to build brand awareness and identify new business development.  Most recently, Kuhne lead Institutional Marketing at
  • Traci Kampel signs on as Director/Communications, guiding trade and consumer efforts, as well as working with other departments to build the brand and community outreach.  Previously, she was with Kaplan, Inc.


As a follow up to TVOne, here’s an online/IPTV content provider for Africans or African Americans who want to reconnect with the African continent. Africast offers live television available as an online subscription service or through an IPTV service delivered via a broadband-connected TV. (Africast leases the set-top box for free.)  The site also provides free videos, streaming audio and sells CDs of artists from Algeria to Zimbabwe.
Thanks to: Tina DeMarco
Correction: The blurb in yesterday’s edition incorrectly lists Univision’s website as (It was missing an “i”) — it should be We regret the error.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digitals

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JOB OPENING: OPS MGR/Rainbow Media/NYC: Manage all post production activities including editing, encoding, & q.c. of programming for network, broadband and alt distribution. HD knowledge a plus. Resumes to [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING DIRECTOR/Discovery Communications /Miami, FL: Direct brand mgmt; mktg strats, promotions, campaign budgets, media plans, staff mgmt. 7+ yrs Exp, Industry Exp a +, send Resume: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES OPS SUPV. – Discovery Communications/Miami, FL: 3+ yrs exp in network operations a must; previous mgmt. exp; analytical, effective communicator; bilingual ENG/SPAN. Send resume: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: REGN’L ACCT DIR/Screenvision/Chicago: Dvlp/present/sell integrated in-theatre advrtsng & media prgrm campaigns to regn’l clients. 3+yrs selling media advrtsng exp. BA equiv work exp. Apply at (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/Screenvision Cinema Net, NY: 8-10 yrs; Run sales resch, strong know of resch resources, Nielsen exp req, prim resch exp plus, TV bkgnd pref, Mgmt Exp req.Apply at (7/25)

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE MANAGER, AFFILIATE MARKETING & LOCAL AD SALES/TVN/NJ: Must have BA & 2 1/2+ yrs TV Network Dist. Sales & Mkting; Responsibilities: Asst w/ promos & events. Apply: #611217 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’R/AETN, CHICAGO: Create Plans, steward accts, designate ADUs&recaps, coord make goods&post analysis prep. 2yrs exp pln’g or buyer.Exc comm skills.Client service mindset. Apply: (7/25)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/MEREDITH VIDEO SOLUTIONS NY: Direct contact client sales of the Better. TV and Parents TV products. More at . Send resume to: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RES. STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, NY: Min 5yrs Rsch exp. Proficiency in Nielsen systems req. Strong analytical/communication/computer/presentation skills. Estimate exp. a plus. Apply Position 5500 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L TV BUYING SPRVSR/NY Major NY advertising agency: 6+ Yrs exp. Cable & net TV. Train/supervise buyers. Exp added value & promotions. IAG exp a +. Cal year end upfront advtsr. Res: to [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR DIGITAL MEDIA AD SALES-NBC UNI/NY: Assist and increase sales across NBC Universal properties. Degree w/ min 5 yrs related exp. keyword job#598623 (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR AD SALES MARKETING-NBC UNI/NY:Marketing and increasing multi-platform sales for Bravo. Degree w/ min 5 yrs related exp. keyword job#608413 (7/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, INTEGRATED MKTG & PROMOTIONS/ABC Family, Devlpmnt & execution of multi platform mktg programs, Mgmnt of RFP process & Promo Bdgt,BA, 5-7 Yrs Exp, MS Office, Photoshop, MRI & CMR Req# 73810 (7/24)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH FREELANCER/ LIFETIME TV NY: short-term engagement, 3-5 days per week. Must have 3+ years experience with Nielsen N-Power. Apply at: (7/24)

JOB OPENING: US DIR OF FINANCE & PROD ACCT’G/Chorion Silver Lining, Inc/NY: Oversee acct’g & reporting function in the US, prod accounting along w/corp oversight. Animation exp pref’d. Res/cvr ltr: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: LINE PRODUCER/Chorion Silver Lining, Inc/NY: experienced line producer for animated children’s series. Email resume and cover letter to [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MARATHON MEDIA/SANTA MONICA. For a PRINT MEDIA BUYER/PLANNER w/1-2 years exp. E-mail resume: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MARATHON MEDIA/SANTA MONICA. For an ONLINE BUYER/PLANNER w/1-2 years exp. E-mail resume: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/WorldLink NY: Sell Nat’l Cable advertising for general market, direct to clients/agencies and dvlp new business. Nat’l cable exp min 2+ yrs in sales. Resume: [email protected] (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MKTG/SALES PROMO COORD/Fox/NY:dvlp & execute sponsor partnerships (in-show integration, promotions, events) for FOX reality programming incl American Idol; 2+ yrs ad sales mktg or agency exp pref; (7/14)

JOB OPENING: SPONSORSHIP SPECIALIST-DISCOVERY LA: Mge devel & fulfill of Ad Sales Sponsorships on TLC/DSC/HOME. Support Mgr in execution of integrated mktg Sponsor. 3-5 yrs mktg/agency/prod exp. Apply: (req #5464) (7/14)

JOB OPENING: GROUP BUYING DIR/Spot TV-Active Int’l /Pearl River NY (15 miles NYC): 10 Exp+. in Supervising/Buying TV. Strong negotiating, operations & team bldg skills req’d. [email protected] 845-732-8943 (7/28)

JOB OPENING: SR. NEGOTIATOR/National Broadcast/Pearl River NY(15 miles NYC): Exp in all areas of Nat’l Broadcast placement. Strong analytical & presentation skills req’d. Resume: [email protected] or call 845 732-8943 (7/28)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER: CBS is looking for a Sales Planner in our W/C Sales office. Interested candidates should apply online at and reference job 2120. CBS is EOE. (7/14)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING ANALYST/News/NY: Must have BA & 5 years exp. at agency; Responsibilities: Analyze spending patterns; develop/execute promotional concepts; run SMRB/MRI data. Apply: #604969 (7/14)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL MEDIA ASSET MGT/Stamford, CT: Create, drive, execute strategies for media inventory management. Exp with media flex preferred. Apply (7/12)

JOB OPENING: SR ANLYST TV RSRCH/Disney*ABC/LA: Pgm analysis and syndie research. 2+ yrs. exp. at a studio/distributor. Knwldg Galaxy Explorer, WRAP Overnights/Sweeps, Word Excel PowerPoint. Apply REQ 94668 (7/12)

JOB OPENING: PROD ASST/NY: Inside Edition, NY based nationally syndicated newsmagazine seeks orgz’d, outgoing PA w/opp to grow. FT position to assist daily operations of the on-air promotion dept. Apply: [email protected] (7/12)

JOB OPENING: EXP WRITER/PROD/ Rachael Ray/NY: Syn talk show seeks promo prod w/exc writing skills & strong conceptualizing ability for topical promo prod. Strong org skills & 5-10+ yrs in TV promo prod. [email protected]. (7/12)

JOB OPENING: PROMO EDITOR/Rachael Ray/NY: Syn talk show seeks exp avid editor w/ 5-10 yrs in TV.Ideal cand. is creative, conscientious, team player, works well under pressure, & has a good ear for music. [email protected]   (7/12)

JOB OPENING: NEW BUSINESS SALES/ WRNN-TV in NY: needs salesperson 4 new business initiatives 4 both tv & online.Must have exp. selling media to agencies & direct business.E-mail resume AND SALARY REQ. to [email protected]. (7/12)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/History/A&E Chicago: Sell digital advertising solutions to clients/agencies. Dvlp new business. Client service and acct mgmt. 4 yrs in sales -min 2 yrs digital sales. Apply: (7/12)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES ASST, ADV SALES DEPT, ELMSFORD NY: Input orders for Acct Execs, search cable network websites for prog & promo info, power point presentations. If interested please email resume to akonecny (7/24)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NY INTERCONNECT-TRAFFIC COORD/JERICHO NY: Intern will learn the fundamental aspects involved w/ trafficking TV commercials. Visit req id 3189 for more details. (7/24)


SITUATION WANTED: ENTRY LEVEL/CHI. Smart/creative college grad. exp. interning in TV programming/research, worker/quick learner/good attitude would open for all things Web site of work on net. [email protected] (7/25)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/WRITER/FIELD DIRECTOR. Reality; Entertainment; News; Magazine format; Excellent story teller. Three-time Emmy nom. LA based, willing to travel. [email protected] (7/25)

SITUATION WANTED: FILM APOC or POC– 10+ yrs exp. as TV Line Producer/Prod Mgr. switching to film seeks APOC or POC position. Recent work on major studio feature film. LA based. Please contact: [email protected] (7/14)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER   LA: Former NBC producer avail. for freelance or staff basis. 5+ yrs of Entertainment Industry exp, including field/studio directing, writing, daily live-brdcst, & reality. Contact: [email protected] (7/13)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.


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