Wednesday, December 21st, 2005



Cynopsis: Kids!



Good morning. It’s Wednesday, December 21, 2005, and this is your first early morning Kids! briefing.

Interactive Television Networks, Inc. has teamed with the National Lacrosse League to launch LacrosseTV on January 1, 2006.  The all-lacrosse all-the-time 24/7 TV network will air both live and archived games as well as college lacrosse games and other related content to subscribers’ via broadband internet.  The network is scheduled to broadcast at least 20 live NLL games during the 2006 season. The lacrosse season officially begins December 30, 2005.  And finally, LacrosseTV will also include dedicated team channels for all eleven NLL teams, which will air archived games plus team news, blogs and other team information.


Nippon Animation Co., Ltd has acquired the TV and merchandising rights to the kid’s picture book series Penelope, by author/illustrator husband & wife team of Anne Gutman and Georg Hellensleben.  The preschool animated series based on the young blue koala bear is currently in production and slated to premiere on Japanese TV in October 2006.  Gutman’s other books include How to Get Rid of Your Little Brother and Hallensleben’s include Baboon, Spider Spider, And if the Moon Could Talk and Pauline, the latter which he both wrote and illustrated.  Together Gutman and Hallensleben other popular picture book series includes the Gaspard and Gaspard and Lisa series.

The Korea Culture & Content Agency, better known as KOCCA, announced that Character Korea Co., Ltd has sealed a deal for its character Jongno 7, with Italian-based licensing agent, The Licensing Factory.  Under the agreement The Licensing Factory will represent the merchandise licensing rights for Jongno 7 across Europe, especially in Italy, Spain and Portugal.  Designed by INJIS Content Studio, Jongno 7 is a fantasy village where the fairy Moll and other creatures live.  Character Korea is currently producing the Jongno 7 series, a 3D TV animation (20 x 5 min) and a 3D mobile animation (100 x 1 min) that slated to be completed by May 2006.


THQ Inc. has introduced a new design feature that links multiple titles in its Nickelodeon videogame line-up for the PS2 that enables expanded game play and special features for gamers who own more than one of the titles.  THQ’s Nickelodeon games that incorporate this special Cross Save feature include Tak: The Great Juju Challenge, SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera Pants!, Nicktoons Unite! and Barnyard based on Paramount Pictures’/Nickelodeon Movies’ upcoming theatrical release.  The Cross Save is a three-tiered approach.  When the memory card for the PS2 detects one of the other three saved Nickelodeon games for the first time, a new tier of bonus content will be unlocked for each game. Players will be able to access different costumes, more health, magic ability, vehicles, and so on. 

Publisher DH Press will publish a series of new original novels based on classic Universal Pictures movie characters from the Golden Age of horror films for a new generation.  The first wave of books set to be published in 2006 will feature Dracula, Frankenstein, The Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. The initial releases coming out in January 2006 will be Dracula: Asylum and Wolf Man: Hunter’s Moon.  DH Press is Dark Horse Comics’ newest prose-publishing venture.

ZKid Network Co., has inked a deal to offer girl kids/tweens-targeted digital content to Club Libby Lu, a division of Saks Inc.  ZKid Network Co. through its relationship with Clubbin TV.Com will provide celebrity interviews, audio and video content, as well as streaming video onto the Club Libby Lu website and in-store computer kiosks.  ZKid will also develop a promotional jingle for Club Libby Lu.  Additionally, once a month ZKid will deliver an email to Club Libby Lu’s age appropriate data base of Clubbin TV.Com promoting services, events and products of Club Libby Lu.  ZKid will be paid $54,000 for providing these services to Club Libby over a 6 month time period. The contract begins this month and runs through May, 2006, with an option to be extended.

The Singing Machine Company has signed a 3-year licensing agreement with the Australian kid’s series Hi-5, to produce and distribute karaoke software, including compact discs with graphics and music downloadable, a range of hardware products, and youth-oriented cassette players, CD and DVD players, and clock radios based on the Hi-5 TV show.  Hi-5 debuted in Australia in 1999 on the Nine Network.  The series currently airs around the world in some 83 countries including here in the US, weekdays on TLC and Discovery Kids’ as part of the Ready Set Learn! programming line-up.


Sometimes all press doesn’t feel like good press, and that was the case for Nintendo Pokemon USA when researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in NY began using the acronym of “POKEMON” for a cancer gene, rather than calling it by its technical, read: long and drawn out Latin name, POK erythorid myeloid ontogenic.  Since the first usage of the Pokemon acronym in association with the cancer gene in a science journal, there have been any number of articles that take the obvious jabs at the connection of Pokemon to the disease.  Animated brand Pokemon USA has been on the medical center to drop the use of its brand, which included the threat of legal action.  Though it might seem a bit of an over-reaction, you will recall that Pokemon has had its brush with a medical related controversy some years ago when it was claimed that a specific episode of a Pokemon series caused some kids to have epileptic seizures.  The end result of the Pokemon gene fiasco?  POK erythorid myeloid ontogenic is no longer known as Pokemon, but rather as Zbtb7, which by the way would be a great name for a Sci-Fi TV series … or not.


WEA Corp., Warner Music Group Corp.’s US sales and distribution company has undergone a strategic reorganization.  Over the past several years, WEA Corp.’s role has grown to include the oversight of its independent distribution network, its incubator initiative, a digital-only label, and the e-Commerce group, as well as the global management and distribution of WMG’s digital assets.  The new WEA structure will encompass four units, each of which will report into John Esposito, President/CEO, WEA.  Asylum and East West, WMG’s incubator labels, and Alternative Distribution Alliance (ADA) will continue to report directly to Esposito and are not impacted by today’s announcement.  Additionally, exiting is EVP/Sales & Marketing, John Madison.  He is headed for a position at the Entertainment Distribution Company.  Madison’s position will not be filled, and there will be no staff reductions as a result of these announcements. WEA’s four new units:

  • Operations & Administration: This group will be led by Mike Jbara who has been upped to EVP/COO.  Jbara was recently SVP/Production & Media Operations, overseeing all operational aspects of the pre-production, production and distribution of WMG content.
  • Sales Analysis, Credit & Finance:  This group will be led by Matt Signore who has been promoted to CFO/GM.  Signore joined WEA in August 2005; he was previously CFO/GM, Island Def Jam.
  • Sales Marketing & Developing Markets: Todd Van Gorp has been upped to SVP/Sales & Marketing and will lead this group.  He most recently served as WEA’s VP/Field Sales for the Northeast, Southeast and Southwest regions.
  • E-Commerce: Adam Mirabella, SVP/e-Commerce will continue to be lead this group, which includes overseeing WEA’s account managers who coordinate with WMG’s digital service providers and wireless carrier partners.


Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K2-11 (000) 12/12-12/18/05 :
K2-11 Prog Day 6a-11p (000)    K2-11 Primetime 8p-11p         (000)
NICK:                               1252    DIS. CH.*:                                 1036
DIS. CH*:                           747    CARTOON NET:                       1020
CARTOON NET:               687    NAN**:                                         678
NAN**:                               678    ESPN:                                         121
TOON DIS.:                       121    TOON DIS:                                  100
NOG/THE N:                     114    MTV:                                              84
MTV:                                    54    ANIMAL PL:                                   82
ANIMAL PL:                         53    DISCOVERY:                                77
BET:                                     52    BET:                                              56
NICKTOONS:                      49    NICKTOONS:                                51
ESPN:                                  49
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K6-11 (000) 12/12-12/18/05 :
K6-11  Prog. Day 6a-11p        (000)   K6-11 Primetime 8p-11p         (000)
NICK:                                         678    DIS. CH*:                                    769
NAN**:                                       504    NAN**:                                        504
CARTOON NET:                       443    CARTOON NET:                         683
DIS. CH*:                                   438    ESPN:                                           68
TOON DIS:                                  64    MTV:                                              64
MTV:                                            41    ANIMAL PL:                                   63
ANIMAL PL:                                 39    TOON DIS:                                    56
BET:                                             35    DISCOVERY:                                52
NICKTOONS:                              28    THE N:                                           40
ESPN:                                          27    BET:                                               37
                                                             COMEDY:                                      37
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.

Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.

Weekly , Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Networks, 12/12-12/18/05 :: Total Day and Primetime Rankings among Tweens 9-14 (000)
TWEENS 9-14  Prog. Day 6a-11p  (000)  TWEENS 9-14 PT 8p-11p (000)
NAN**:                                              594    DIS. CH*:                            639
NICK:                                                517    NAN**:                                594
DIS. CH*:                                          346    CARTOON NET:                480
CARTOON NET:                               310    MTV:                                  167
MTV:                                                 116    ESPN:                                 113
BET:                                                    61    COMEDY:                           103
COMEDY:                                           54    THE N:                                  92
ESPN:                                                 45    DISCOVERY:                       78
ANIMAL PL:                                         39    BET:                                     68
TOON DIS:                                          34    ANIMAL PL:                          67
NOGGIN:                                             34   
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.

Answer to yesterday’s trivia question:
  In this film, the Arnold has set out to find Turbo Man, but keeps getting side tracked by an annoying postal worker.  What film was this?    JINGLE ALL THE WAY  Kudos to:  David Danowski-ABC Kids Networks/NY; Christine Ferrara-WSBK/TV/Boston; Erica Minton-Wondergroup/Cincinnati; Ed Casey-RIOT Media/NY; Julie Syers-Briggs & Caldwell/Houston; Kevin Miller-New Wave Entertainment/Burbank; Anne Henry-BizParnterz/LA; Dean Lavine-The Disney Channel/Burbank

Today’s Trivia Question Today: If you were to appear in front of Judge Harold T. Stone, what court would you appear? (click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone with your answer. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later —

Gwen Billings for Cynthia Turner’s Cynopsis Kids!
Cynopsis Ad Sales – Barbara Shapiro – 203-583-1224 / [email protected]
Classified Ad Sales – Trish Pihonak  – 203.381-9096 / [email protected]

Cynopsis: Kids podcast available for download each morning by 645a at or via iTunes 4.9 listed in the podcast directory under “News”  as well as under Yahoo Podcast

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Copyright Cynthia Turner 2005

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JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER / iN DEMAND: Seeks Writer/Producer to write/research/produce monthly INHD promos. Supervise graphics & audio. BA & 3-5 yrs on-air promo exp req. Send res & $req to [email protected] -fax 646-638-8415 (1/05)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXEC/Rainbow/NY 5 to 10 yrs exp. in Media Sales. Client/Agency presentations, direct to client sales, manage mult prod and platforms. resumes [email protected] (1/05)

JOB OPENING: DIR MEDIA PLANNING/AMC Programming/NY. Oversee daily log prod. Dev and apply promo & packaging strategies. Interact w/ sales, on-air, mktg.5+ yrs min scheduling exp. resumes [email protected] (1/04)

JOB OPENING: MRKTNG MGR/TV Guide Television Group/NY: Creative thinker w/ ability to conceptualize ideas sought for dev. 6+ yrs ad sale mktg exp. Interest in contemp tv req’d. Res/cvr ltr/sal history:  [email protected].  EOE (1/04)

JOB OPENING: MGR HR/A&E TV: STAMFORD. Provide recruiting, emp relations & perf mgmnt support. 5 yrs+ HR generalist exp in an ent/media co. Comp, HRIS and/or benefits exp a +. Strong comm skills. [email protected] or go to (1/04)

JOB OPENING: NBC Universal Cable/NYC/VP, CONSUMER MKTG for Bravo: Strategic planning & execution. MBA pref w/10+ yrs cable exp. keyword job #453655 (1/04)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT- CITY LIGHTS TV / NYC: Responsible for accounting on multiple shows incl processing invoices, billing, & payroll 3+ yrs exp in episodic TV. Must know Vista. Resume: [email protected] (1/04)

JOB OPENING: CONTRACTS ADMIN/A&E TV, NY. Mng affil. contract process. Issue/track/monitor contracts for compliance/accuracy. 2 yrs cable exp in sales or billing. Contract language knwldg a +. Email [email protected] or (1/04)

JOB OPENING: PR DIRECTOR/PBS KIDS Sprout/Phil. Manage media/PR rel/internal comm. Cable pgming exp req/Children’s media exp +. Liaison w/Sprout partners–Comcast/PBS/Sesame Workshop/HIT Ent. Email [email protected]  (1/04)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE/Turner Broadcasting/NY:1+ yrs work exp,strong comm.skills, detail oriented, organized, client service mindset for acct management of CNN advertisers.Contact [email protected] (12/24)

JOB OPENING: MGR SALES SUPPORT/A&E TV/NY: Mng mktg of  int’l prgm/channel sales. Mng media plans, trade shows, dept databases. 3 yrs+ mktg exp media environ. Copywriting & proj mgmnt exp req’d. [email protected] or go to (12/24)

JOB OPENING: SR. PRODUCER/ Oversees online strategy, biz dev & production; creates games & mrktg plans for site. 5+ yrs children’s content, tech delivery & branding req. Apply: [email protected] (12/24)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR PROMO SCHEDULER/OLN,Stamford, CT- Schedule all on-air and internet promos and handle contractual obligations. 1-2 yrs prior exp req’d.See . Resume/salary: [email protected]  (12/24)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR RESEARCH, OLN-Stamford  Provide research support to all depts.  7+ yrs exp nat’l cable/broadcast tv & sports exp req’d. More info: Resume/Salary: [email protected] EOE/AA/Drug (12/24) 

JOB OPENING: MGR SCHED & ACQUISITIONS/Wash. DC: Nat Geo Channel. Dvlps primetime program sched., recommend programs for purchase, 4-7yrs.exp.TV.ability to program/purchase shows.Apply@ . (job# fng1180) EOE. (12/24)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER OF DEVELOPMENT/National Geographic Channel/DC. Devlp concepts to meet aggressive ratings goals. 5-10 yrs exp. TV prod, writing, program financial budgt. Must apply [email protected] . EOE (FNG1363) (12/24)

JOB OPENING: RES ANALYST/Entravision Radio LA 1 yr. exp w/Arb. and sales research. Excel & Power Pt exp needed. Time managmt skills necessary. Presentation exp and billing. a plus.  [email protected]  (12/24)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MARKETING ANALYST/Paramount Advertiser Services NYC-Develop graphics/powerpoint for sales mtgs; asst w/research. Powerpoint, Adobe photoshop reqd; Flash, excel pref.1-2yrs. Go to (12/24)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE, Turner Broadcasting, NY 1+ yrs work exp, strong comm. skills, detail oriented, organized, client service mindset for acct management of CNN advertisers. Contact [email protected] (12/23)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION COORD/OLN – Stamford –3+ yrs related exp integrating operational, talent and production personnel for major cable or broadcast network. See for more info. Salary/resume: [email protected] (12/22)

WINTER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here.  They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only.  For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: ABC News Now (New York): Strong interest in ELECTRONIC JOURNALISM via coursework & extracurricular pursuits. Excellent Research skills. Send resumes to [email protected]. Subject: ABC News Now (1/05)

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: CURIOUS PICTURES, “LITTLE EINSTEINS”, NY, needs interns for the RESEARCH AND CURRICULUM DEPARTMENT. Experience with children a must.  Approx 15  hrs/week. Email cover letter and resume to: [email protected] (1/04) 

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:CHANNEL ONE NEWS/NYC: ASSIST MKTG DEPT of teen TV news network w/sales &consumer mktg projects, promotions, sponsor programs. 3-5 days/wk. Enthusiastic/organized, Excel/PPoint. Cover ltr/resume: [email protected] (1/04)

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PT INTERNSHIP www.HYENAMAG.COM, www.KOMEDYU.COM: Approx 15 hours week. Great Mentoring Opportunity: MOVIES/TV/MAGAZINES.  Start ASAP. Respond to: [email protected]  (12/24)

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: THE TENNIS CHANNEL needs PRODUCTION INTERNS. Must live in LA, be familiar with sport. 15 hrs/week. Great hands-on experience! Resume & cover letter to: [email protected] (12/23)

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: RADIO DISNEY NY needs INTERNSHIP APPLICANTS in all departments.  If you have an interest in working with the most recognized name in family entertainment email to: [email protected] or fax 212-615-3268 (12/22)

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Intern for Credit only: Small political/strategic adv firm in LA/Valley area; great learning opportunity. Send resume/cover ltr to [email protected] (12/22)


SITUATION WANTED: BIZ DEV/SALES POSITIONS. Successful sales pro for both CBS and ABC Radio. Recent MBA in Finance and Entertainment from USC. Worked in DRTV, Radio, and Online. Would relocate. Contact [email protected] (1/04)

SITUATION WANTED: INTERACTIVE STRATEGIST/Marketing Manager seeks position in LA. Experienced with Campaign analysis, Web trends, MS Office.  Ent. exp. Persistent and highly motivated. Contact: [email protected]  (12/22)

SITUATION WANTED: Award Winning Network CREATIVE DIRECTOR (MTV, Nick & Cartoon Network)  seeking position at network or marketing dept. Expert in print, advertising & consumer products. Contact [email protected] (12/22)

E-mail [email protected] for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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