Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, September 24, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Twitter’s Amplify, which lets broadcasters embed real-time video links into tweets, announced a new partnership with CBS at Advertising Week yesterday. At the moment, the arrangement features only CBS Sports clips, but shows like 60 Minutes are on the docket to be amplified, Twitter-style. Also, check out the new sponsor pre-roll ads – lasting just seconds- that play before a tweeted video clip.

Financial holdings company Fairfax Financial acquired BlackBerry for $4.7 billion on Monday. If approved by shareholders, the deal will take BlackBerry private. Simultaneously, a “go-shop process” is underway, which allows BlackBerry to consider alternative offers to Fairfax’s.

YouTube’s multi channel network Maker Studios launched Maker MADE, which will grant online advertisers access to its production studios, as well as its 30 million viewers.

GroupM Entertainment cemented a deal to partner with Alloy Digital to promote its web series Chasing: Season 2 and Encore. Both companies will share executive producer credit and ownership of the series as well as syndication rights.


Mythbuster’s star Tory Belleci premiered a new web series, Blow It Up! yesterday on Discovery Digital Network’s TestTube.com. The show actually explodes viewers’ items that are tied to bad memories. Seriously! A new episode goes live on the site every Monday.

Gawker Media wants to bring order to the sometimes-ugly comment sections attached to online videos by updating its discussion platform, Kinja. The platform will be integrated into all of Gawker’s sites, including Gizmodo and Jezebel. Users will have their own web address on the Gawker platform which will collect all of their comments and allow them to, in essence, develop their own chat rooms  and to control them.
In other words: The New York Times compared the new Kinja to a personal blog. This may be the answer to “trolls” that can make a discussion board go sour.

The Cynopsis Future TV Summit -Content Innovation & Next Generation Advertising Models is set for October 17 in NYC. This is a 360-degree, in-depth look at TV’s opportunities and challenges at this critical moment in media, from the perspective of sellers, advertisers and content creators. Registration is now open: http://www.cynopsisfuturetvsummit.com/



Cynopsis: Digital Webinar – Tuesday, Oct 1@ 1:30-3:00pm EST
Next Generation Digital Programming Models

Moderator: David Tochterman: Head of Digital Media {Innovative Artists}

Speakers: Evan Bregman: Director, Digital Media {Electus}
Stuart McLean: Founder and CEO {Content & Co}
Daniel Tibbets: SVP, Digital Media {Bunim/Murray Productions}
Scott Nocas: Global Head of Distribution & Marketing/GM {Vuguru/Vuguru-POW}


Absolut Vodka and ad agency Sid Lee presented their millennial outreach program, Transform Today, at Advertising Week yesterday. The new campaign revolves around the millennial “creative class,” and features four up-and-coming artists, from musicians to fashion designers. Absolut Global Brand Director Mathias Westphal commented on the difficulties of advertising to this demo: “The stuff we do has to be creative enough to become part of pop culture [in order for us to] get our brand into that mind. Otherwise, you’re dead in the water.” Videos tracking the artists’ progress can be viewed on absolut.com and their YouTube channel.

Time Warner Cable announced its TWC Media Ads Everywhere platform to help marketers better target second-screen TV audiences. The new platform will allow customizable ads to be inserted in TWC’s TV Everywhere app.

Tremor Video now offers a demand-side platform called VideoHub Connect to help advertisers buy video based on measurements such as consumer engagement and viewability.
In other words: This is one more turnkey service designed to entice clients to transfer some of their fatter TV budgets to online video budgets.

Interactive Advertising Bureau released its latest IAB Digital Stars Style Guide & Technical Specifications for public comment yesterday. The report outlines the five latest “rising stars” in digital ad platforms: one, for instance, is the Ad Control Bar, which allows any ad to be interactive without disrupting the video. This is part of the IAB Digital Stars initiative, which can be accessed at www.iab.net/digitalvideorisingstars.

SpringBoard Video introduced its social video dashboard platform yesterday, which tracks data such as a video ad’s social media shares and how many views a video is pulling from sites like Facebook and Twitter. “To be honest, we [may] be providing clients too much data with this dashboard, because most still only care about video completion rates and similar core databases. But the market is moving pretty quickly and this can give clients more advanced data as they become more sophisticated,” SpringBoard Video VP of Operations Fabian Ricard told Cynopsis.


Microsoft unveiled the next generation of its Surface tablets on Monday. The Surface 2 Pro is for business professionals, and can act as a laptop when connected to the new accompanying docking station, which also doubles as a battery charger. The tablet sells for $899. A less expensive model, the Surface 2, is available for $499 starting Oct. 22.


Vine Video Journalist is now an official job title, thanks to video news site NowThisNews. The site hired Vine celeb Cody Johns as its first Vine VJ to report six seconds of daily original news content. Johns has 850,000 Vine followers.

Online ad agency OpenX named John Gentry its first president on Monday. Gentry will oversee the company’s business, engineering and product teams under CEO Tim Cadogen.

David Frank has stepped down as Zodiak’s CEO. Marc-Antoine d’Halluin will take over in October.


Cynopsis Future TV Summit:
Content Innovation & Next Gen Advertising Models
October 17 |Grand Hyatt|NYC
This all-day conference bringing together expert speakers on topics including measurement, the Second Screen, the New Networks, a unique “5 People on Chairs: Meet the Millennials” guerilla Focus Group, and much more.

Sponsorship: Mike Farina (203) 218-6480 | Registration: Pete Romas (203) 899-8483

Featured Sponsors:
Gold: ABC Family | Silver: A+E & Rhythm | Participating: NCC, BrightLine & TruthCo. | Media: IAB


MTV is celebrating the 20th anniversary and re-issue of Nirvana‘s final album In Utero with the release of two never-before-seen rehearsal videos from MTV’s New Years Eve 1993 concert Nirvana: Live and Loud. MTV News is also promoting the album by featuring a video interview of Viacom’s Van Toffler recounting the experience working with the band and attending that iconic concert. Step back into the ’90s by watching Nirvana’s live rehearsal footage of the song Very Ape at www.Cynopsis.com.


Cynopsis eReport Series: Demographic Viewing Patterns
Cynopsis Editors will take a look at the viewing patterns of various Demographics. Each of these Special eReports will uncover the Who, What and the Where – who these people are, what they are watching, where they are watching… and more!
OCT 3 // African Americans
OCT 6 // Women (sold out)
OCT 16 // Millennials
OCT 31 // Kids, Tweens & Teens
NOV 5 // Hispanics

Advertising space is limited. Contact Mike Farina: 203.218.6480

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: SVP/CONTENT LEAD/DISCOVERY FIT & HEALTH/LA or MD: Dynamic creative leader to drive DFH’s success and brand evolution through devel of hit content, acqns, mktg strat, and ntwk day to day. 10-15 yrs TV exp nonfic. Apply HERE (9/28)

JOB OPENING: RSCH COORD/AMAZON STUDIOS/LA: Prgrm surveys using third party tools such as Vision Critical, Insight Express, etc. – Mng secondary rsrch. Able to work in fast paced environment. APPL HERE (9/28)

JOB OPENING: SOCIAL MEDIA MKTG MGR/AMAZON STUDIOS/LA: Resp for devising/leading, cutting-edge social media (SM) strategy across various SM platforms. Except’l comm skills a must. Dvlp SM relationships w/key ent ind counterparts. APPLY HERE (9/28)

JOB OPENING: MGR, MARKETING & EVENTS/IFC/NYC: Develop & execute partnerships, events, & promos, project manage from idea to execution, 4+ yrs. marketing/event exp. Click HERE (9/28) 

JOB OPENING: SALES RESEARCH MANAGER/USA NETWORK/NYC: Manage sales research for USA. Expertise in Explorer, TVToolbox, Simmons/MRI, Excel, ppt.  4+ years research exp. Apply online at HERE (9/27) #11645BR

JOB OPENING: VP OF UNSCRPTD TV DEV/LA: TV ProdCo/ Mng dev slate/casting exp./talent friendly/treatment writing/story editing/field prod post/ FCP/ 3-7 yrs cable dev exp./must love reality tv! Resume to: [email protected] (9/27)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, COMMERCIAL PLANNING & STRATEGY/LOS ANGELES CA: Responsible for delivering/driving Domestic Home Entertainment go- to market best practices & strategies across all domestic channels of trade. Sales Representative, Services. Apply HERE (FFE0001869) (9/27)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED MKTG MGR/TVONE/NY: Work on strategic/creative development and mgmt. of revenue-generating mktg. solutions for existing and prospective clients. BA pref’d. 5 yrs. exp. Apply: www.tvone.tv (9/27)

JOB OPENING: SCHED COORD/AJ America/SF: Min 1-2 yrs. Exp. TV indust. In Broadcast Ops, Scheduling, or Promo. Resp: Prog. Schedule, daily logs, track data/media, understanding program formats. Resume: www.aljazeera.com (9/26)

JOB OPENING: DIR VISITOR SALES (MIDEM)/NYC: 5-10 yrs sales/mgmt exp. Mng intn’l visitor growth for tradeshows/conferences. Retain/grow visitors from across intn’l TV/music industries. Resume: [email protected] (9/26)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC SPECIALIST/MILLENIA 3/ATL: Mng traffic for brdcst & cable Network Clients in the dist of paid media. 1 Yr Brdcst/Agency Exp. Can-do attitude with good comm and org skills. Resume to [email protected] (9/26)

JOB OPENING: SR TRAFFIC SPECIALIST/MILLENIA 3/ATL: Mng traffic for Key Brdcst & Cable Network clients in dist of paid media. Min 5 yrs in traffic/production. Strong Client Service skills. Resume to  [email protected] (9/26)

JOB OPENING:  CONTENT LICENSING/DIST: Danny Lipford Media prod of natl synd TV show Today’s Homeowner seeking firm to mkt 300+ 1/2 hr HD prev aired episodes & 2000+ short form videos to cable/digital outlets [email protected] (9/26)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/SEG PROD/SPIKE TV/LA: 5 yrs exp. Write/prod field segments; pitch new ideas; book guests; oversee pre/post prod. Exp w/mktg integrations a must. LIVE exp a + Sports, pop cult, tech & gaming fan a +. Send res HERE (9/25)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/SPIKE TV/NY: 5 yrs exp. Highly-motivated self-starter. Expe writing host copy, on-air promos, mktg integrations a must; concept dev; Sports, pop culture and gaming enthusiast a +. Send res: HERE (9/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PROD INFO SECURITY/AMC/NYC: Oversee production security for AMC productions. Work w/Bus Affairs to address incident response for any IP rights violations on copyright/trademarked material. Submit res HERE (9/25)  

JOB OPENING: DIR, PHOTOGRAPHY/AMC/NYC: Oversee photog dept to support AMC PR dept. Exp hiring, evaluating, directing photogs. 5+ yrs exp in digital photography. Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator req’d. Submit res HERE (9/25) 

JOB OPENING: YAHOO RESEARCH MANAGER – RETAIL/NYC: You will manage quantitative and qualitative studies run both internally as well as with third-party audience research companies. Resume to: http://bit.ly/18qjSge (9/25)

JOB OPENING: YAHOO MANAGER, RESEARCH OPERATIONS/SUNNYVALE CA: The single point of contact for the entire insights team in tracking studies and managing vendors abilities to execute studies on Yahoo. Resumes to: http://bit.ly/18qkHWm (9/25)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Ent. PR agency looking for motivated go-getter, w/interest in PR. Communication, Journalism, English, Marketing, & PR majors preferred. Great opp to gain hands-on experience. Resume to [email protected] (9/28)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Assist with sports network communications department. Must have working knowledge of sports industry and be available multiple days during the week. Contact [email protected] (9/28)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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