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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
Good morning. It’s Tuesday, May 22, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!
I have a friend that interviewed for a job he was over qualified for, about a year ago. He knew the company had an interest because he was asked to interview, but he also knew what roadblocks he would have to maneuver to get the position.
And within minutes, the dreaded statement came, “You must be desperate to apply for this job.”
“Not at all,” my friend replied. “I’m pragmatic. I really want to work for this company because of its leadership, its vision, and they put out the best product in the industry. Currently I am not aware of any current job openings here that better define my skill set. Plus I know this company has a great reputation from rewarding productive employees with positions of greater responsibility. So no, I’m not desperate, I’m right where I want to be.”
Hurdle one completed, one to go.
“I have to be honest with you,” the interviewer said, “you would be a tremendous asset here, but I’m worried that once the economy loosens up a bit, you’ll be hired away and our company will have to go through this process again. That’s bad for the company and bad for me.”
My friend answered, “I understand your concern completely, let’s make it go away. Give me a performance review every six months and if I meet the company’s goals, I receive more responsibilities and just compensation. You get a great employee at a discounted salary, and I get recognized for my good work, I won’t walk away from that situation.”
My friend was hired two days later, has received three promotions within a year and while his salary still isn’t where it was in 2007, he’s happy, and not at all desperate.
Next Issue: Best Networking Technique
We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].
Have you ever found yourself feeling discouraged in that awkward period after you’ve sent out your pitch letters and resumes and while you’re waiting for those hoped-for responses, the ones that are bound to be coming soon?
Here is a simple and enormously valuable way to keep up the momentum – and your spirits – and keep advancing in your career development. Use your own unique and acute understanding and insight of your industry sector to write a White Paper that lays out what in your view are the likely next developments in your field. Base it from your own history and your own skills so that it is something that only you can write.
Hit the keyboard without fear, starting with the invaluable brain-dump of the sh-tty first draft, untroubled by considerations of grammar, spelling or organization. Frame it from the angle that you see it. It will make it easier if you have a specific reader in mind, and write as though you are talking to them.
Read the trades. Follow the trends. Go to industry events. Think big-picture about your sector. Each article you read or conversation you have will get your brain cranking, and all of this will sharpen your own thinking and make you more interesting and more valuable.
Your White Paper could become a manifesto for your career goals. If and when you publish, it should proactively set you up as a thought leader. I very much hope that you will feel that you can publish it maybe as a starter piece for your new industry niche blog or by submitting it to one of the publications you have been using for research. And I don’t want to hear you say gloomily that no-one will read it. You will be amazed! And the more you are thinking about the issues and the evolution of your sector, the smarter you will become and the stronger you will be at your interviews when the time comes.
You should consider all this research and writing to be a key part of your job: that job which I define as “developing your own career path.” When you get up in the morning you will always have this project to work on, with you yourself as the demanding client.
So now how could you possibly have time to sit around and be discouraged? Just because you don’t have a new job prospect in the pipeline, or you are dragging yourself to a day-job you can’t bear any more despite these factors, you still have your own job to do. If I may be blunt, thinking there is nothing to do when you get up in the morning displays a lamentable lack of imagination.
Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals. He works with people in film, TV, journalism, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.
Questions from our Readers
Answered by Michael Pollock
If I receive a job offer, should I immediately accept or ask to think about it? What are the pros and cons to each option?
First of all thank them and make it clear that you are excited about the job but that you want to be thoughtful about such an important decision. On the whole I say, sleep on it and see how it feels.
However if you have been sleeping on it already and are primed to rock and roll, it is fine to shake the hand and say. “Thank you, I can’t wait to get started.” The hirer will like a quick answer. It was likely a prolonged search process and they are anxious to be done with it. So now you have a happy hirer but you have forfeited the opportunity to negotiate should you wish to do so.
If you want to negotiate terms and most employers will initially offer less than they have budgeted – tell them you’ll get back to them the next day and do so with a reasonable counter-offer. This will not be a surprise to them. If they have a problem with that they will tell you and you can respond accordingly.
Can a company set its own rules about forced retirement and if so, do they have to disclose them during the interview process, or is forced retirement against the law?
In most industries, forced or mandatory retirement is forbidden under the Age Discrimination Employment Act. But there are exceptions so you will want to check on your specific situation.
Employment attorney Douglas Rowe of Certilman Balin told me that, for example, a firm can force retirement at 65 for bona fide executives who are entitled to receive a pension. This should be disclosed at the interview, and certainly in any contract or engagement terms.
Other exceptions can be caused by an employee’s inability to perform the tasks required; Rowe told me such a policy requires a factual basis, for example a study that shows that people over a certain age are prone to injuries when operating certain equipment. (I don’t think this includes smartphones!)
Then of course there are the layoffs and cutbacks and closures that effectively result in forced retirement even though they are not triggered by company policy. As so often there are state laws that apply as well and these may offer you additional protections.
Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.
Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]
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Thursday, June 7, 2012
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JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR PROGRAMMING & COMPLIANCE INT’L. NETWORKS/NBCUniversal/LA: Oversee programming from strategy to execution. Min. 5 yrs exp in TV program scheduling in cable. Apply at Job#5539BR (5/26)
JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RSRCH/NY: 5+ yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable exp required. Expertise in data analysis, comp TV landscape & ind trends. Kwldg of Star/Nielsen sys. BA deg req’d. To apply, contact: [email protected] (5/26)
JOB OPENING: SENIOR DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS/NBCUniversal Oxygen/NYC: supervise series publicity/campaign management and press team. Unscripted/TV experience a must. Apply: #5659 (5/26)
JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR ANALYTICS & SOCIAL MEDIA/ATL: 5+ yrs TV rsrch/2+ social media, passion for animation & kids prgrmng +, primary rsch & strong knwldg of dig. platforms. Kwldg of anlytcl tracking systms. [email protected] (5/25)
JOB OPENING: INV MGR-PLANNING/Uni Cable Nets/NY: Support Dir. on invntry mgmt/stewardship/revenue rptg. Must be detailed/analytical/able to multi-task. Exp. in media/DM/VCI/Spanish a +. Apply: [email protected] (5/25)
JOB OPENING: SALES EXEC/PLAINVIEW NY: 2+ yrs Latin America media/tech sales with content delivery network company e-mail resume to [email protected] (5/25)
JOB OPENING: AE-DIGITAL/NYC/Discovery: Dvlp/maint strategic accts/sponsorship deals for Discovery’s dig. portfolio. Exc agency/client relationships & proven track rec. Dig. bckgnd a +: (5/25)
JOB OPENING: SR LEV PRINT GRAPHIC DESIGNER/MOTION MEDIA ARTIST/Denver (area): Design mktg materials, PwrPnt, prod. illustrations, & 2D & 3D animations. Maya, AfterEffects & Photoshop exp a must. Res: [email protected] (5/25)
JOB OPENING: VP POST PRODUCTION/BBC AMERICA/NYC: Oversee daily ops NY post prod facility. Create long term tech strategy supporting various channel initiatives incl: digital, EST and TVE. Cable VOD fulfilment exp. [email protected] (5/24)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR AD SALES RESEARCH/Style & Sprout/NY: Manage sales estimates & forecasting processes, drafting sales messaging and helping with custom research efforts. Apply to: (4976BR) (5/24)
JOB OPENING: MGR, STRATEGIC MKTG, SYFY/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Create cross-platform marketing packages. Min. 2 years experience at an agency, media company or sales org required. Apply online at (#5545BR) (5/24)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/SCRIPPS NETWORKS/ATLANTA: Develop new ad sales accounts & grow existing business. Minimum 6 yrs. National Ad Sales, Agency or Client exp. Info: #3046 (5/23)
JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC. AD SALES/NY: Multimedia co. seeks AE w/ 7+ yrs TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships & proven track record. Sports bckgnd a +. Send resume and cov ltr Attn: Rose to [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: VP of DEVLPMNT/Denver: Reality TV developer/producer w/7 yrs exp in reality series devlpmnt & prod wanted for Denver based Production Co. Relationships with reality nets a +. Resume: [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: REALITY TV SHOW RUNNER/Denver: 5 yrs exp producing cable series, ability to work w/ co. execs to deliver productions on time, on quality, on budget for Denver based Prod Co. Resume: [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: REALITY TV CREW: 7 yrs exp on major cable or broadcast networks. Position can be remote or based in our Denver hq’s. Ability to add to the creative vision of project a must. Resume: [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: ASSIGNMENT EDITOR/RNN TV/Rye Brook/NY: Research and story development and crew logistics. Assist in development, planning and follow up of all news stories. Res/cvr: [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: LINE PRODUCER (News) RNN TV/Rye Brook/NY: Line and stack daily news broadcasts. Must have TV news producing experience. Res/cvr: [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: MASTER CONTROL OPERATOR/RNN TV/Rye Brook/NY: operate control room boards & monitor programming, log all transmitter readings, overnight & wkend hours avail. Resume: [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR/RNN TV: assist director of ops, supervise master control team and live events; manage schedules, implement policies and train news employees. Resume: [email protected] (5/22)
JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/Lifetime TV/NY: Write & produce high impact promo campaigns for scripted & unscripted series. 3+yrs On-Air Promo TV exp. Apply: (5/19)
JOB OPENING: DIG. MEDIAANALYST/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Define analytics reqs for web, mobile/gaming/social apps.Lead A/B testing, implementation, QA. Build reports/prsntions.3+yrs Omniture/reqd. 5yrs web anlytic (5/19)
JOB OPENING: ADV-PLATFORM ASSET PROD MGR/AMC/NYC: Manage product life-cycle & project plan effectively for progmmng content delivered to VOD, iTunes, Netflix. Submit res at: (5/18)
JOB OPENING: SCHEDULING MANAGER/WE tv/NYC: research/analyze competitive data, create monthly VOD schedule, strategic scheduling Resumes to: [email protected] (5/18)
JOB OPENING: SR DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/NYC/ABC: 3 yrs exp: rsrch/planning/executing dig campaigns, client service driven, manage multiple projs, manipulate data for analysis/presentation. Apply to: Req:44469 (5/17)
JOB OPENING: MGR DIGITAL INTEGRATED MARKETING/MTVN/NYC: overseeing the life cycle of assigned advrtsng spnsorshps & prgrms across dgtal, mobile, social, video production & event mrkting. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (5/17)
JOB OPENING: AE-DIGITAL/NYC/ABC Network Sales: Devlp/maintain strategic accounts/sponsorship deals for,, GMA on Yahoo!,, & Hulu Network Apply to: req ID: 44397 (5/17)
JOB OPENING: DIR, ON AIR PROMO/LOGO/NYC: 5 – 7 yrs exp. promo/advertising; excellent conceptual & creative thinker; passion for ent, promo & brand building; strong comm skills a must. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (5/17)
JOB OPENING: SR MANAGER PROGRAM RESEARCH/NBC Universal/NY: 5+ years Program Research experience required. Experience with Explorer/Arianna/Npower needed. Must have mgmt & presentation exp. Apply: Job #4291 (5/17)
JOB OPENING: SR DIR, NATL ACCTS/WWE/LA: Oversee affiliate sales & marketing for Western Reg across multi-platform prods (PPV, on-demand, altern distrib, netwk launch, etc) 10+ yrs including premium netwk expr: (5/17)
JOB OPENING: DIG OPTIMIZATION MGR/New York: Drive Ad Sales Rev thru Direct & 2nd Channel Partnerships & Solutions across A+E Networks Dig initiatives (5/17)
JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORD/TV One/NY: BA pref’d and/or 2 yrs of exp TV Ops & Traffic. Build daily comm. log within parameters to ensure accuracy. Wrk w/ Ad sales mgmt, traffic mgmt. and agencies. More info: (5/17)
JOB OPENING: COPY COORD/TV One/NY: BA pref’d and/or 2 yrs of exp in TV Ops & Traffic. Wrk w/external agencies & traffic mgmt to secure commercial copy for network. Brdway exp a +. Visit (5/17)
JOB OPENING: TLK SHW PRODCR/Stamford, CT: Mng team of AP/PA. Booking real guests. Must hve talk/court shw exp. Writing skills a must. Resume to: [email protected] (5/16)
JOB OPENING: MGR, BUS AFFAIRS/Sundance/NYC: Monitor & process weekly production & payroll funding, Producer Royalty Entitlements & other payment scheds for Sundance’s Owned Productions. Submit res @ (5/16)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF POST PRODUCTION/Pilgrim Studios/LA: Oversee all aspects of Post Production. 5-7 years exp. preferred. Resumes: [email protected] (5/16)
JOB OPENING: VP FINANCE/DailyCandy/NBCU/NYC: 10+yrs exp, Dig Media/ Fin. Planning & Anls/Planning Systems/Operations exp. Lead LRP, Budget & Reforecasting. MBA/CPA desired. Apply: Job#5514BR, EOE/M/F/D/AAP (5/16)
JOB OPENING: VP STRAT. & OPSS., EDN/IM, NBCU/NYC: 8+yrs exp. Strategic Plan/Proj Mgmt/ID Ind. Trends & Biz Ops4 rev. growth. Invest Bank & Biz Dev exp w/in media. MBA desired. Apply: Job#5299BR, EOE/M/F/D/AAP (5/16)
JOB OPENING: VP CREATIVE/G4/NBCUniversal/LA: Manage OnAir, Print & Online Design teams and work on programming & network brand mktg strategy. 8 yrs exp in Creative Exec role req. Apply at: Job#5312BR (5/16)
JOB OPENING: SR ACCT DIR DOMESTIC DISTRO/Discovery/NY: Responsible for distro & mrktg efforts for 18 ntwrks; 6+yrs in cable distro w/proven track record of territory mgmt & client relations; #4823 (5/16)
JOB OPENING: REGIONAL ACCOUNT EXEC/Screenvision/NYC or ATL: Cinema or Spot TV sales exp. preferred. 4+ yrs exp selling media advertising. Client acct mngmnt & develpmt. Apply: (5/16)
JOB OPENING: GENERAL EDITOR/ESPN: Position Title: Part Time – General Editor, espnW: To view full job description please use this link – (5/16)
JOB OPENING: TV prod. company specializing in reality/docu-series for multiple series. Need exp APs, PMs, LPs, SPs, ShowRunners, Editors, Post Sprvsrs & Post PC/NYC: Docusoap exp a must. Resume to [email protected] (5/16)
JOB OPENING: DIR, PRGMG & SCHEDULING/DISCOVERY/MD: Dvlps/executes ntwrk prmg strategies, oversees schedlng & completed prgrm acquisitions; 10+yrs prmg/schdling or prgm rsrch exp in TV industry. #5803 (5/16)
leadership of Oxygen Digital
SVP, Digital Oxygen Media 5701BR
NBC Universal
responsible for understanding and strategically directing CBS business processes/models into holistically integrated solutions as it relates to our technology architecture and structures
Chief Business Architect 11258BR
CBS Corporation
plan, design, assist in the development and launch efficient business, financial and operations systems in support of core organizational functions and business processes
Senior Business/Support Analyst – Broadcast Industry 11781BR
CBS Corporation
sourcing investment opportunities; conducting market, product and financial due diligence; managing the deal closing process; analyzing financing terms; working closely with portfolio companies; interacting with other investors, advisors, and our colleagues at Comcast NBCU
Senior Associate
have primary responsibilities relating to scripted, reality, documentary and animation development and production matters
Vice President, VMN Business & Legal Affairs
be a senior member of the advertising sales team working with counter parts in Programming, Marketing, Integrated Marketing and Research to ensure the network meets client objectives and exceeds sales goals
Vice President, Media Sales 142
responsible for managing resources and schedules for the Marketing team(s) so as to ensure the efficient execution of the departmental deliverables
Production Supervisor Marketing FFE0001010
Fox Networks
Greenwich CT
effectively manage domestic/international programming relationships and run, for DNI, the day to day operations for Discovery Channel and Velocity
Programming & Content Ops Specialist 5887
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD
plan, budget, manage and execute Adoption Option workshops throughout North America; maintain positive relations with AO sponsors and speakers to assure their needs are met
Specialist – Shelter Outreach 5939
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD
develop and lead a team of 15 Business Operations professionals including 3 Directors, managers and analysts supporting the Corporate Operations Teams and acting as liaison to Field Business Operations Teams in an effort to meet OCF and OFCF goals
Executive Director, Financial Operations-Client Support 40393
Cox Communications
Atlanta GA
lead the Business Development process from initial account meetings, through project estimating, proposal development to close of the deal
Vice President, SAP
Chicago IL
assumes responsibility for the public relations direction of account assignments, while building strong and trusting relationships with top client brand management
Senior Account Supervisor, Public Relations
Rhea & Kaiser
Chicago IL
responsible for leading Creative teams in the successful creation and production of design solutions for one to two assigned accounts
Senior Art Director 11211
Chicago IL
collaborate with strategists, designers, copywriters and developers to create and manage content that’s desirable, usable, sharable and discoverable
Senior Content Strategist ARC000153
Leo Burnett
Chicago IL
own marketing strategy and execution to secure and maintain position as the most recognizable and highly regarded mobile CRM provider in the industry
VP of Marketing
Chicago IL
manage and deliver medium-sized projects (3-10 members) on-time and on-budget
Sr. Project Manager 11208
Seattle WA
design, evaluate and implement advertising solutions that are scalable across online, social, mobile, set top and game console platforms
Senior Manager, Advertising Technology 43329BR
Seattle WA
responsible for providing high-quality, reliable, flexible, and appropriate infrastructure networking technology solutions for Fox
Sr. Manager, Architecture & Design FFE0000887
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA
oversee all aspects of the print production department
Production Manager, Print Creative FNG0001141
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA
own project schedules and drive deliverables to completion
Senior Program Manager, Mobile
Los Angeles CA
manage the sales efforts of The Walt Disney Company’s current and library content to more than twenty cable networks located on the west coast
Vice President – Cable Sales 45232BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA
draft and negotiate television entertainment contracts for NBCUniversal’s Entertainment business
Counsel, Legal Affairs 4889BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
maximize opportunity and minimize risk as we enter hyper-growth phase
Chief Financial Officer
Emeryville CA
manage the business development function and sales of the company’s services within the High Tech industry
Director Business Development, High Tech
San Francisco CA
National Geographic Channels International established a program commissions and content facility in the UK and has appointed EVP/Head of International Content Hamish Mykura to head the new London office. NGCI will be recruiting a new commissioning team which will report to Hamish and based in London. The London office will be the main facility for the commissioning of series and single shows which are broadcast on National Geographic Channel (NGC) outside of the US in 172 countries to more than 335 million homes.
M. Sanjayan, the head scientist for The Nature Conservancy has been tapped as Science and Environmental Contributor for CBS News. He will offer insight into a variety of scientific and environmental topics across multiple platforms and contribute to CBS News broadcasts including CBS This Morning and CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley.
Todd Sokolove takes on the new role at Sonar Entertainment as VP/Marketing where he will continue to be involved in positioning the company’s brand via the production of digital, video and print products. Todd reports to Alan Zapakin, SVP/Marketing.
Strategic media and marketing agency, Media Storm named Scott Yambor as Media Director. Scott begins his new position effective immediately and will be based at the agency’s New York office. Scott previously worked for Serino Coyne, Inc. (an Omnicom Company) as Senior Director/Media Services.
Insight Strategy Group promoted Betsy Grimes to Associate Director. Betsy joined Insight in 2009 where she has held several positions within the company and most recently as Senior Manager since December 2010.
Paul Butler was appointed GM of ASPiRE, the new African American network ready to launch next month that counts Earvin “Magic” Johnson as its Chairman. Based at the network’s headquarters in Atlanta, Paul will oversee all operations of ASPiRE and report to Johnson and the network’s Board of Directors. Paul joins from GMC TV where he most recently served as GMC’s SVP/General Counsel. He will continue to fulfill his duties at GMC until he transitions full-time to ASPiRE in June.
Millennium Sales & Marketing, a division of the Katz Television Group elevated Grant Covell to SVP. Grant will manage all Sinclair stations repped by Millennium Sales & Marketing. Grant is based in Chicago.
Nicola Drago takes on the new responsibility as SVP/Strategy and New Business at Zodiak Active, the digital unit of Zodiak Media. This new role for Nicola is in addition to her current position as CEO of Zodiak America Latina.
Effective immediately, BBC Worldwide, the commercial unit of the BBC promoted Parul Patel to VP/Factual Co-Productions and Sales. Parul will continue to supervise co-production and sales efforts with broadcast partners on a variety of programming genres including natural history, news and current affairs, lifestyle and general entertainment titles. Parul reports to Greg Johnson, SVP/TV Sales, Factual.
KWHY-TV, the independent Spanish language TV station in Los Angeles, hired Jon Dubin as the new NSM. Jon, who is an experienced industry veteran, will lead the station’s national sales efforts as they TV station transitions to MundoFox 22.
Effective immediately, Albert Rodriguez was named COO with Spanish Broadcasting System Inc. (SBS). Albert will supervise all daily operations of SBS and will continue to manage the revenue and profits of the company’s consolidated operations encompassing radio, television, interactive and entertainment divisions.
Neil Johnston who was promoted earlier this year to EVP/Strategy and Digital Innovation at Cox Media Group will receive the Distinguished CFO Award from the Media Financial Management Association (MFM). Prior to his promotion, Neil served as EVP/CFO at Cox Media. Neil picks up his award at the 52nd annual conference for the MFM and its BCCA subsidiary at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas taking place next Monday to Wednesday.
New York-based branding and marketing communications agency, The Halo Group elevated Lara Cohn to SVP/Director of Public Relations. Lara joined the firm in 2010 and has supervised the public relations activities at the integrated communications agency.
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard B. Myers was appointed Senior Military Security Analyst for CBS News, effective immediately. The general is currently Foundation Professor of Military History and Leadership at Kansas State University and additionally services as the Colin Powell Chair for National Security Leadership, Character and Ethics at National Defense University.
Effective immediately, Larry Corwin takes on the newly-created position of Creative Director at BBH New York. Larry will be part of the team working on Google and he reports to John Patroulis, CCO.
nuvoTV hired one new executive and promoted two others: Morena Calderon-Perez joins the English-language television network created for American bicultural Latinos 18-49, in the newly-minted role as Director/Advertising Sales in New York. Morena most recently was with Telemundo Network as Network Sales AE and at nuvoTV will report to Craig Geller, SVP/Advertising Sales. Sara Auspitz was elevated to VP/Programming up from Executive Director/Programming reporting to Maria Perez-Brown, SVP/Programming and Development. Marcus Best was also upped to Director/Affiliate Marketing reporting to Judi Lopez, SVP/Affiliate Sales and Marketing. Marcus previously served as Affiliate Marketing Manager.
Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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