Jane Doe: How to Fire Your Boss Cynopsis
Good Morning. It’s Tuesday, March 4, 2008, and this is your first early morning briefing. The CW picked up six series for the 2008-2009 season: America’s Next Top Model for cycles 11 and 12; the freshman drama Gossip Girl; the sixth season of One Tree Hill; the eighth season of Smallville; the fourth season of Everybody Hates Chris; and Supernatural – season #4. On the heels of that good news came some not-so-good news. The CW will restructure some of its programming departments, eliminating its comedy department, and merging its drama and current programming departments. Alternative programming will remain unchanged. The restructure results in layoffs of approx 25-30 people. Tonight’s Premieres: Tonight’s Finale: AMC: Television’s Best Story
The premiere of Lifetime’s new reality competition series Your Mama Don’t Dance last Friday (9p) attracted 1.6 million total viewers and a 1.15 HH rating. Celebrity stylist Peter Ishkhans will star in a new series on The Style Network called Peter Perfect. Debuting April 19 at 9p, Peter Perfect will follow Peter as he transforms small independent businesses from floor to ceiling into streamlined, aesthetically-pleasing operations. The series is produced by 44 Blue Productions in association with The Style Network. BET Networks with debut two new series on March 18 – Black Poker Stars Invitational and Iron Ring, airing them back to back beginning at 1030p. Black Poker Stars Invitation features celebrity trash-talking poker players in Hollywood. Iron Ring takes a punch at celeb-managed mixed martial arts fighting competitions. A new weekly lifestyle series, Moment of Luxury will debut on public television stations nationwide April 5 at 7p (check local listings). The 13-part, half-hour series, presented by WLIW/New York and filmed in hi-def, will be hosted by designer Bill Stubbs who will travel the world looking for luxurious items for any American budget. Wow, how do I get a job like that? Season three of MOJO HD’s Three Sheets with host and comedian Zane Lamprey opens April 10 at 9p. Over 14 episodes, Zane will travel to Rio de Janeiro, Chile, Barcelona, Scotland and more visiting pubs in every destination. After learning that one of its chefs had garnished his resume as nicely as some of his dinner plates, the Food Network made the quick decision to not renew chef Robert Irvine‘s show at the end of the current season. Dinner: Impossible will air all of the remaining episodes of the season, and the network may then chose to re-think its immediate decision about a new season. Irvine said on his extensive resume that among those he had cooked for are the British Royal Family and a number of US Presidents. MSG Media will rebrand FSN New York (FSNY) as MSG Plus starting next Monday at 7p with the live broadcast of the Roger Federer/Pete Sampras exhibition tennis match from Madison Square Garden. MSG Plus is the television home of the NHL teams New Jersey Devils and New York Islanders in addition to live sports and original programming from Fox Sports Net which includes national college football and basketball, the shows Best Damn Sports Show and Sports Science and various live local sports events. NBC Universal made a long-term carriage deal with Comcast to launch mun2 in April on the majority of its digital cable television line-ups. Telemundo will also be added to the Comcast systems in Seattle and Detroit next month. The deal additionally included a provision for Comcast to offer various programs from both networks on its On Demand service. ESPN hired Creative Artists Agency (CAA), a talent and sports agency, to represent the new ESPN Films division and identify creative and commercial opportunities that complement the feature film initiative. ESPN Films, part of the ESPN Content Development, will present scripted and documentary film projects for television and theatrical release. UPFRONT UPDATES: Turner Entertainment Networks will reveal their full slates from TNT, TBS and truTV the same week as the broadcast networks in New York City – the week of May 12. TNT has 14 series in development and will announce plans to switch the network’s weekday, primetime schedule to originals by 2010. Other TNT plans include a combination of dramas and unscripted programs and those series greenlit for production include:
One project in consideration:
Scripted Projects in Development:
TBS has several primetime comedy series in development:
TBS Late-night pilots that have been ordered include:
Other late-night series in development:
truTV unveiled a development slate of ten projects. Those that have been greenlit include:
Other truTV series in development include:
Television’s Best Story “AMC has reinvented itself as the next powerhouse Mad Men | Returns Summer 2008 ~ PRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT ~
A new comedy project for CBS – Single White Millionaire. The Warner Bros. TV project has been given the official cast-contingent go-ahead. The show is about a millionaire in his ’30s who decides it’s about time he figure out his personal life and settle down. Casting Call: CW11 (WPIX) will host an open casting call for The CW’s America’s Next Top Model cycle 11 on March 15 in New York City from 10a-3p at The New Yorker Hotel. Casting directors are looking for females aged 18-27 of diverse backgrounds, shapes and sizes, tho with a minimum height of 5′ 7″. Applications and information can be found at www.cwtv.com . Casting Call: MTV and Doritos are teaming on a new short-form reality dating series called When Spicy Meets Sweet and are looking for males and females to prove opposites do attract. People 18 years or older can apply to become a Spicy Girl or Sweet Guy at www.snackstrongproductions.com which also contains full details on the promotion and contest rules. The eventual winner of the dating contest over this spring will be featured on a national Doritos commercial airing exclusively this summer on MTV and MTV2. ~ ELSEWHERE IN CYNOPSIS ~
CYNOPSIS DIGITAL – TODAY’S TOP STORY: Michael Eisner’s Vuguru will debut its next big original web series, indie rock-themed mockumentary The All-For-Nots, next week simultaneously online, on mobile devices and on HDNet, reports The New York Times. Vuguru will make the series, sponsored by Chrysler and Expedia, available on outlets such as YouTube in the U.S., but it will restrict access to it in foreign markets to protect its syndication value. Full edition: CYN DIGITAL. (Or to listen to the Cynopsis Digital Podcast click here or subscribe to it at iTunes here .) CYNOPSIS KIDS – TODAY’S TOP STORY: Juniper Content Corporation, the parent company of Sorpresa, the Hispanic kid-targeted TV network and digital community, has raised $2.14 million in private placement of its stock. Offered on a range of cable systems and multiple platforms, Juniper plans to build Sorpresa’s status in Hispanic kid’s programming in the US marketplace and to acquire niche content providers. Full edition: CYN KIDS. CYNOPSIS INTERNATIONAL – TODAY’S TOP STORY: BBC Arabic television, the BBC’s new Arabic-language news and information channel, is all set to launch on March 11 at 10a GMT. Initially broadcast for 12 hours a day, it will move to 24/7 in the summer as the BBC’s first publicly funded international television service. It is already available on air and on demand around the clock on the radio, internet ( www.bbcarabic.com ), on mobile phones and on handheld computers. BBC Arabic will be distributed on the Arabsat, Eutelsat, and Nilesat satellite systems. Its schedule includes news headlines every 15 minutes and a full news summary every 30 minutes. Full edition: CYN INTERNATIONAL. ~ RATINGS ~
Sunday – A18-49 Analysis: ABC and FOX shared the limelight Sunday night at 4.3/11 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. FOX was the early winner during 7p as NASCAR Racing coverage sprinted in with 4.5/13. ABC claimed the top spot the remainder of the night: at 8p EM: Home Edition posted a 5.1/13; then at 9p the premiere of Oprah’s Big Give received top billing with 5.3/12. Also this hour, FOX debuted Unhitched at 930p with 3.7/9. ABC’s second new show Here Come the Newlyweds opened with a 4.1/11 at 10p. Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Sunday, March 2, 2008 – time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research ABC: 7.3/12 America’s Funniest Home Videos 4.7/8, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 8.4/13, Oprah’s Big Give [p] 9.4/14, Here Come the Newlyweds [p] 6.6/11 FOX: 5.9/9 NASCAR Racing: Sprint Cup in Las Vegas 7.0/12, The Simpsons 7.6/12, King of the Hill 4.7/7, Family Guy 4.7/7, Unhitched [p] 4.5/7 CBS: 5.3/9 60 Minutes 8.0/13, Big Brother 9 3.9/6, Cold Case [r] 4.8/7, Dexter 4.5/8 NBC: 5.2/8 Dateline [2 hours] 4.9/8, Deal or No Deal 5.5/8, Law & Order: SVU [r] 5.5/9 UNIV: 1.4/2 Hora Pico 1.4/2, Familia P. Luche 1.5/2, Los 5 Magnificos 1.4/2 CW: 0.9/1 America’s Next Top Model [r] 1.0/2, Everybody Hates Chris [r] 1.0/2, Aliens in America [r] 0.8/1, Girlfriends [r] 0.8/1, The Game [r] 0.9/1 TELE: 0.5/1 Movie: Pepe 0.4/1, Movie: Starsky & Hutch 0.5/1 A18-49: ABC 4.3/11, FOX 4.3/11, CBS 2.1/5, NBC 2.0/5, UNIV 1.1/3, CW 0.5/1, TELE 0.5/1
Steve Sarantos moved up to SVP/Director of Sales with Christal Radio, a division of Katz Radio Group. Based in Los Angeles, Steve will manage advertising sales in the western region as well as developing new business opportunities. NBC Universal expanded the roles of several executives in the Digital, Sales and Research departments. The areas being restructured were previously under the oversight of Beth Comstock, President/Integrated Media who is taking on a role at General Electric as SVP/CMO where she will head GE’s growth efforts, marketing, sales, communications and directing cross-business digital initiatives in the areas of consumer health and environmental technology.
James G. Gallagher joined Rainbow Media Holdings, LLC, a subsidiary of Cablevision Systems Corporation, as EVP/General Counsel to supervise all legal affairs for Rainbow Media Holdings and its properties. James will report jointly to Joshua Sapan, President/CEO, Rainbow Media Holdings and Jonathan Schwartz, EVP/General Counsel, Cablevision Systems Corporation. The online ad rep firm, Gorilla Nation named Alex Godelman as VP/Technology. Alex has almost 20 years of senior management experience in ecommerce, commercial software development and online media and entertainment technologies and most recently was part of the senior management team at Shopzilla. ABC News appointed Amy Entelis to the new position as SVP/Talent Strategy, Development and Research to develop and oversee the news division’s strategic planning for on-air and off-air talent. Additionally, Derek Medina was upped to SVP/Business Affairs with responsibility for all contract negotiations for the division. Both report to Dave Davis. DIY Network elevated Peter Moore to VP/Special Projects to manage the network’s off-channel marketing, promotion and design as well as the network’s image and brand identity. Peter reports to Robyn Ulrich, SVP/Marketing and Creative Services. Additionally, Brandii Toby-Leon was promoted to Director/Press and Public Relations where she will create and supervise program publicity campaigns for the network’s series and specials and will manage and implement national and local market communications efforts. Brandii will report to Kathleen Finch, SVP/GM and will work closely with the network’s PR agency and programming and marketing teams. Wayneston Harbeson is the new Director/Operations for the National Association of Program Executives (NATPE). Wayneston will be in charge of all logistical operations of the conference and exhibition, working directly with exhibitors to help them showcase their companies most effectively. A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM CABLEU
TV executives around the world use CableU, www.CableU.tv – Know Networks Better. Pitch Smarter. This day in History: 1974-People Magazine was officially launched. Mia Farrow was featured on the cover. Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: On the TV drama series Family (1976-1980) Kristy McNichol played teenager “Buddy” Lawrence. What was her character’s real first name? LETITIA Kudos to: Chris Claro/Westbury, NY; Brad Stern-OMCS; Steve Kurtzer-Zimmerman/Ft. Lauderdale; Terrence Moss-Advanced Results Marketing/Marlboro, MA; Jim Smith-First Data Remitco/Dallas; Judy Margolis-The Ad Place/Dallas; Dory Melman Petsrillo-Petry TV/Dallas; Laura Black-Lulu Pix/LA; Len Klatt-Premiere Radio Networks/LA; Renee Moffitt–Vision Media Sales, Inc/Reno, NV; Arnie Meissner-PopJax/LA; Shaun Johnson-Frantic Films/Winnipeg Today’s Trivia Question: In 1979 this “soap” was the first Australian TV show to be aired prime-time in the U.S. It soon went into syndication and was shown on various networks throughout the 80′ and 90’s. What was the name of this series in the U.S? ( Later — Cyn Cynopsis Ad Sales: Cynopsis website – Video Resumes, Extended Classified Ads, Archives, and the Cynopsis Daily Video CableU – Know Networks Better. Pitch Smarter. Click here
Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDS – For More classifieds, visit the Cynopsis.com classifieds page here JOB OPENING: SENIOR RESEARCH ANALYST SR WEB ANALYST/NY: Analysis/reporting of traffic with HBO/Cinemax online services. Omniture Site Catalyst a must. Send resume to: JOB OPENING: POST-PROD ASST/ A&E TV Networks/STAMFORD: Asst w/workflow in AVID rooms, perform techl admin. duties& support the post-prod workflow of their History projects.Hiring immed. Hrly pay. Res to: JOB OPENING: PBS seeks an ASSOCIATE CREATIVE DIRECTOR/Arlington VA to work with the Creative Services team in the creation of multi-media promotional materials. For a full job description and to apply, please visit www.pbs.org/jobs (3/11) JOB OPENING: PROD MGR, HOME ENT/VIZ Media/SF: Pref’d exp: min 5 yrs rel entmt/pub exp – plans, organizes, & controls an assigned prod line from acq stage – prod life cycles. Send Res/Sal req: JOB OPENING: SR RATING RESEARCH ANALYST/NICKELODEON/NYC: Min. 3 yrs exp. at a network or agency; Exp. w/ Nielsen ratings & software; Strong analytical skills a must; B.A.; Kids exp a plus. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply mtvncareers .com (3/11) JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PROMOTION SALES REP/MerryMedia/LA: Freelance promotion sales rep w radio & TV exp for award winning ent. marketing co. (MerryMedia.net) apply w/ cover note to JOB OPENING: VIDEO PROD MGR/WE tv/NYC: 2+ yrs Video & Web production exp pref in entertainment/cable. Manage dig platform video content, special projects from start to finish. Rez to www.cablevision.jobs #5481BR (3/8) JOB OPENING: RSRCH DIR/MGR/STRATEGIST/Discovery/NY: Media/mkt research ops. supporting Discovery’s AdSales team. Strong presentation/comm skls. Exp w/ media measurement tools, mkt knwldg. Apply: www.discovery.com/careers Req #7656 (3/8) JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED MKTG/PROMOTION DIR/NYC: Dev/execute multi-platform, intg. programs for clients w/ b’cast ad sales team, write client proposal decks; MS PP. TV mktg exp. must. 6-7+ yrs. FT. JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/CNN DIGITAL/NY: Support sales across multiple digital platforms. BA, Strong media math, 1+ yrs. exp with Nielsen Online and web analytics products pref’d. Apply: JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING WEB PRODUCER/SHOWS/MTV Digital/NYC: 5+yrs online prod. exp, Exp overseeing creative Web De v& Implement, Strng knwldge MTV Brand & Youthculture, HTML/DHTML/Flash/XML EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (3/8) JOB OPENING: SENIOR WEB PRODUCER/SHOWS/MTV Digital/NYC: 4+yrs online prod. exp, Exp overseeing creative Web Dev&Implement, Strng knowldge MTV Brand&Youthculture, HTML/DHTML/Flash/XML EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (3/8) JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/Hallmark Channel/NY: Support EVP Ad Sales. 2 yrs exp. supporting high level exec. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com . Com (3/8) JOB OPENING: ADMIN ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST/NY: 1-2 yrs exp. Should have media exp or interest. MS Office. Admin support/greet visitors/phones/mail/filing/supplies/etc. Apply: www.weather.com/careers Position VSA555 (3/7) JOB OPENING: ACCT SPRVSR DIGITAL MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY/mPRm Public Relations/LA: 5 yrs exp & strong grasp of ent & tech industries, with high-level media relationships & mngmnt skills. Reply: JOB OPENING: FREELANCE EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT: P/T, review scripts for animated kid’s series to ensure appeal and age-appropriateness. Prior experience a plus. Send resume to JOB OPENING: SALES DIRECTOR/Adconion Media Group (formerly EuroClick)/Chicago: Min. 4+ years of Sales experience and generating monthly revenues above target goals. Email resume’s to: JOB OPENING: TEMP MGR DIGITAL MEDIA/Sundance Ch/NY: Create RFPs, media plans & sales materials. Manage banner inventory via DFP & prepare weekly reports. Knowledge of Omniture web analytics. Res: JOB OPENING: TEMP ASSOC PRODUCER DIGITAL MEDIA/Sundance Ch/NY: Website plng/prod. Edit/compress/syndicate video for multipltfrm delivery. Content entry via CMS. Develop widgets/blogs/digital apps. Res: JOB OPENING: SALES/LATV Network/NY: Head office of bilingual, bicultural music & ent channel distributed nat’l. Join fastest-growing ntwrk in Hisp. space. 3yrs+ brdcst sales exp req’d. Ntwrk sales pref’d. Res to: JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MANAGER/Nickelodeon/NYC: Min 4 yrs exp. in primary research; Solid exp. in kids-oriented environment; BA in Psychology, Education, Child Development or Marketing req. 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Apply www.mtvncareers.com (3/6) JOB OPENING: SR DIGITAL PRODUCER/VH1.Com/NYC: 7+ yrs online/web production exp, Strg written/oral/creativity skills, Knwldge of VH1 prgming. Knwlge in SEO/multipltfm content/ HTML/Flash. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (3/6) JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, DIGITAL MEDIA/(WNBC NYC): 2+ yrs Online Ad sales exp. Strong sales, presenting, negot. skills. Creative thinker who can sell on both local& nat’l level as well as online agencies.Send JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Comcast Networks/NY-Strong analytical & time mgt skills, Nielsen & MRI proficiency, and prior media experience req’d. Apply: www.comcast.com REQ61002BR (3/5). EEO/AA/drug free. (3/5) JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/AETN, NY: Create Plans, steward accts, designate ADUs&recaps, coord make goods&post analysis prep. 2 yrs exp pln’g or buyer. Exc comm skills. Client service mindset. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (3/5) JOB OPENING: VP MKTG & PROMO/SANTA MONICA, CA/GSN, The Network for Games: Rep to EVP Mktg. 12+yrs exp in media mktg, pref TV, web and cable exp. BA/BS Business/Mktg. Send Res/Cov Letter: JOB OPENING: MGR, PLNG & OPS/DIRECTV/NY: Will plan and conduct thorough, accurate analyses in support of company wide pricing and inventory initiatives. For immediate consideration, please send resume to: JOB OPENING: VP, LEGAL AFFAIRS/ABC Studios/LA: Assist SVP in mgmt of all legal affairs; strong drafting, analytical, organizational, leadership skills; JD+ 10 yrs exp in studio/prod co. Apply: www.disneycareers.com Req ID #144088 (3/5) JOB OPENING: ONLINE MEDIA PLANNER/Special Ops Media/NY: Coord planning/execution of online media buys-Negotiation, research, reporting and client/pub relationships. 1 yr exp interactive req’d. Apply: JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MKTG MGR/Epic Records/NY: Help direct the digital mktg strategy for diverse roster of musical artists. Apply: https://myjobs-en.becruiter.net (enter 201767in Job-ID field and click Search). (3/5) JOB OPENING: TV SYNDICATION EXEC/Eclipse TV: Seeking exper synd vet w/ major mrkt exper to clear sports and ent prog. Innovative comp – a great opp to work on development and sales. JOB OPENING: AD SALES MARKETING COORDINATOR/Hallmark Channel/NY: Support Ad Sales Marketing dept. Min. 1 yr. exp in TV Marketing, Sales or Media. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/5) JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/NAT’L SALES/BET/Chicago: Cable TV salesperson w/strong presentation skills. Sales/agency exp. & BA/BS degree req’d. Comfortable w/multi-platform & integrated opps . Email: JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/BET/Chicago: BA/BS degree + 3-5 yrs. marketing & media research exp. w/proficiency in Nielsen systems req’d. Email: WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MARKETING INTERN/NY: Opportunity to work with broadband TV network and website for collectors (comics, action figures, pez).Work on branding, community outreach, promotion. Send resume to SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA BUYING/PLANNING OR PROMOTIONS: 10 yrs. experience radio buying. Knowledge of promotions and design. Dedicated, innovative, and outgoing. Would love a flexible schedule. Contact SITUATION WANTED: OFFSHORE ALTERNATIVE: Drilling for gold? Proven pro can help you write -or shoot- your way out of a corner -at reasonable rates. Visit: www.hankadoodledoo.com (3/8) SITUATION WANTED: Creative, results-oriented MARKETING PROFESSIONAL seeks mktg. position. 10 yrs. exp w/Advertising, PR, events, print, web, copywriting & leadership. NY based. Contact Kelly: SITUATION WANTED: Highly motivated/organized TV PRODUCER seeks Sr level producer position.More than12 years of experience in various formats such as talk, entertainment. Prefer employment in S Florida/LA area. E-mail Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email WHAT’S ON TONIGHT – Tuesday, March 4, 2008 ABC: Just for Laughs, Just for Laughs [r], According to Jim, Carpoolers, Primetime: What Would You Do? All outgoing e-mails are scanned and sent out virus free. Copyright Cynopsis 2008 |
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