Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Cynopsis: Classified




Good morning – it’s Tuesday, March 23, 2010, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! This edition includes the top job listings in the Television, Media and Ad Agency markets, professional development advice from national experts, your Q & A’s with our experts, and a summary of executive moves among top companies.

Outdated Resumes

You’ve worked for the last 25 years but your company is letting you go due to cutbacks.  You’ve read your resume and it looks pretty good.  A tweak here and there and it’s all set. 

Probably not. 

Resumes have changed drastically in the last few years and what was once expected, may no longer be necessary, but now, your resume must be position and company specific.

An objective was at the top of every resume after contact information.  No longer.  Any type of objective has moved to the cover letter.  The resume has limited space, use it wisely.

Most resumes ended with “References available upon request.”  This is now assumed so delete it, but any time you interview, always have a separate document with all references and updated contact information.

The old standard had everyone limiting their resume to one page, and this still holds true if you have recently entered the workforce, but for the more seasoned worker, two pages is now the norm. 

You should no longer list every job you ever had, only the ones that are relevant to the job you are seeking.

There was a time when a single resume was sent to all employers.  Now, this is a deal breaker.  You’re resume must reflect the company you wish to work for and address their needs.  Your cover letter should mention the company by name.  You should tailor each resume to the company you are sending it to.

Most resumes are sent by email, which can cause formatting nightmares.  Many people suggest sending your email as a PDF rather than a Word document.  A PDF document will not change formatting through email, a Word document may.  You want your resume to be seen exactly as you intended it to be.

Personal information, once a standard part of most resumes, is now considered to be a mistake.  Professional information and nothing else. 

Make sure your terminology is up to date.  Resumes are scanned and entered into databases by keywords specific to the company’s needs. If your terminology is outdated, your resume will not be entered into any of the databases, and therefore, unseen.

It’s hard enough getting a job these days, don’t let an outdated resume make it impossible.

Next week: Social Networking, Day 1

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

Have your stories ready
by Michael Pollock

Pitching an idea? Looking for a job? Facing an interview? Then tell stories. This simple and time-honored technique lies at the heart of the way to sell yourself and your ideas.

Tell your stories. Tell stories that will suck people in, make their eyes open wider and then watch them lean in and want to hear more.

If you choose your stories well  which incidentally I insist that you do  then each of these stories will, as subtext, tell the story of you that you want to tell. Tell of things that you did in your career, of successes and excitements. (Don’t bother with the disasters and the failures  the story of how you were not able to sell your great idea will work against you, however good the idea may have been.)

Make them vivid and specific  name names and brands and programs and networks. If you have worked in another country, if you have built a business or started from scratch or developed a team  have the story ready. When you do this you will find that the stories engage not only the listener, but also you the storyteller. Telling your stories will give you energy you didn’t know you had, and that will be infectious.

I am working with a client who is enormously accomplished but had been talking about herself in generalizations. Even she was bored when she talked about herself. We worked on choosing some stories that would speak volumes about her value and experience. We talked about picking from among them, the stories that would work for a particular situation or interviewer. We talked about how the stories she told would add up to a compelling picture of who she is and what she’s done and what value she brings: in specifics not in generalizations.

My client had an interview yesterday. She told me today that it was a “Great” interview.” “Why?” I asked. “Because for the first time in an interview I told stories. Telling them gave me a confidence that I never had. And while usually I feel I am too quiet, this gave me energy.”

So think about the stories from your career. Pick the ones that you get excited about and frame them so that they frame you brilliantly. And tell them.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals. He works with people in film, TV, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].


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May 5, 2010
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Questions from our Readers
Answered by  Michael Pollock

I’ve been doing a lot of cold-calling lately. When I find a name that might be “of value”, I either call or e-mail.  Not knowing the person personally, how should I address the person?

We ARE in “the arts”, and I don’t want to seem to formal, and B) — in many (most?) cases I am probably older than the person I’m contacting.

So, especially for e-mail, is Mr./Mrs./Ms. appropriate, or am I on a first-name basis with everyone in the brotherhood of the arts?

And if you get an e-mail reply, but they don’t sign their name — and instead rely only on their “signature” which uses their full name — what do you do? When this happened, I randomly started using their first name after either 2 or 3 back-and-forths…

It sounds as if you are on the right track. Though first off, I would put the relative age thing out of your mind. It should not affect your thinking.

In The Arts I think it is fair to say that the Mr/Mrs/Miss does not apply (unless you were talking to the late George Balanchine who I believe was known as Mr B.) Using the prefix just shows you are not in tune with industry norms.

For an opening email I suggest using both names: Dear Michael Pollock for example. (When people say Mr. Pollock I think they must be talking to my father!) If you are getting to several back and forths, your instinct to go to first name only sounds good. Hopefully by then they will be more interested in the substance of the email than in the form of address.

Think about places you have worked and would like to work. How do people address each other in the day-to-day? In all the firms I have worked for, even the Chairman was addressed by his/her first name.

I’ve been told I am very promotable within my company, but there’s just one thing holding me back: due to my family situation, relocating is not really an option. (Traveling periodically to a meeting is one thing, but moving is quite another!)   This seems ridiculous to me considering that I could do 100% of my job from any location, including my home, as long as I have the right internet connections, etc. (which I already do!)
In fact, the vast majority of my contact with co-workers in my region is already via phone or e-mail, as opposed to face-to-face.

How do I convince my employer (or another one) that they should promote/hire me without relocating?

This is a tough one. I assume from your question there is no possibility of a promotion to be had in your current location.

I posed your question to an executive at a TV network, who immediately said that it would not be likely to happen. In fact his answer was: “It can’t be done. If they want you to move say yes to everything.”

But don’t give up yet. The basis of your case should be your stellar results in your current position and how well they translate to the scope of the new position.

Once you have established that you are the right person to deliver the results they need, you need to make the case that your successes to date have been achieved even though most of your work has been remote (by email or phone)

The location issue should be secondary to your results and skills. You should not make it a big deal until they do  and then be ready to counter their specific objections rather than being generally defensive. For example if their concern is that you need to have daily face time with a client, or with your team, then describe how you will address that specifically, so that you neutralize that particular objection.

You could then propose that they give you a trial period to prove yourself. Since you are an insider and already up to speed, that could be much more desirable solution for your boss than having to bring someone new up to speed.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


Cynopsis presents: Upfront 2010  The Kids! Market
Publishing Tomorrow, March 24

The Kids! Market, the 1st in the Upfront 2010 Special Edition Series, will provide an
in-depth look at the 2010 selling season from both the Buyer and Seller perspectives.

Published to Cynopsis & Cynopsis: Kids! subscribers, and available at www.cynopsis.com

Upcoming Upfront 2010 Special Editions
Cable (4/7), Syndication (4/21), Spanish Language (5/5), Broadcast (5/19)
Ad Space is limited. Contact Mike Farina to reserve today!  [email protected], 203.218.6480


oversee all aspects of physical production on NBC Universal Films from inception through delivery

Vice President Physical Production   1162042
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

http://www.nbcunicareers.com /


originate, manage and scale a sales pipeline sufficient for meeting revenue goals
Digital Advertising Sales Director

manage all top line and detailed analyses/ratings reporting, audience profiling, and highlights covering Chiller and its competitors
Director, Chiller Program Research   1162037
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

create compelling programming ideas, treatments and presentations that allow advertising partners to entertain and inform their customers in new unique ways
Executive Producer   1161874
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

understanding how to utilize the social media space to increase and leverage brand awareness
Director, Social Media   1161514
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

manage all top line and detailed analyses/ratings reporting, audience profiling, and highlights covering Sleuth and its competitors
Director, Sleuth Program Research   1162019
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

provide top line and detailed ratings analyses, reports, presentations, and highlights covering Sleuth programs, dayparts, and competitors
Analyst, Sleuth Program Research   1162009
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

leverage NBCU’s high-quality content and brands to promote and market the products and services of our most important clients
VP, Executive Creative Director – Integrated Sales Marketing   1131146
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

generate Upfront and Scatter media plans that maximize the use of inventory while fulfilling agency/client requirements
Sales Planner, Cable Emerging Networks   1161635
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

identify and report major growth trends in our audiences
Sales Research Analyst, USA and Syfy   1158946
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

support the Integrated Sales Marketing group in identifying and reporting major growth trends in our audiences for our enterprise and cross-property initiatives
Analyst, Strategic Research   1159424
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

work directly with SVP Broadcast and Cable Entertainment Research on projects that support cross network positioning for sales, programming, press, new business opportunities and issues that impact the television landscape
Research Analyst, TV Network & Cable Entertainment   1158835
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

support the Director of Research in the creation of the reports, analyses and marketing materials produced by the Research Department
Analyst, Chiller Sales Research   1161630
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

support the Director of Research in the creation of the reports, analyses and marketing materials produced by the Research Department
Analyst, Sleuth Sales Research   1161629
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

prospect and schedule qualified appointments with local decision makers
Digital Account Manager   1162026
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

provide top line and detailed ratings analyses, reports, presentations, and highlights covering Chiller programs, dayparts, and competitors
Analyst, Chiller Program Research   1162035
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

prospects and develops working relationships in the ad buying community
Account Executive (Home Team Sports – NY)   FNG18646
Fox Sports

support the sales force by providing data and analysis (from all available sources) for client calls and/or for RFPs for upcoming campaigns on an as needed basis
Market Research Manager CBSi Interactive Music   4643BR
CBS Interactive

produce original long-form news content, primarily for broadcast, including research, conducting interviews, writing and editing scripts, field producing and shooting, and overseeing editing
Producer, Longform   1160599
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for the overall coverage of assigned stories on all platforms throughout the day
Content Producer   1160615
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

initiate, plan and supervise all phases of production on original show launches from pre-planning to completion, comprised of on-air spots, graphics, print, photography, etc
Cross Media Project Manager- Syfy   1117560
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for managing agencies & clients relationships through day-to-day contact
Account Executive, Bravo Ad Sales   1144516
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

manage custom primary research studies for programming and sales including exploratory studies, satisfaction tracking studies, ad effectiveness research and usability testing
Digital Manager Research   1158409
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for managing agencies & clients relationships through day-to-day contact
Account Executive, Emerging Networks   1161204
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

collaborate with SVP of USA & Syfy Sales to formulate a sales strategy and vision
Director, Emerging Networks Ad Sales   1161208
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for the overall coverage of assigned stories on all platforms throughout the day
Content Producer-A   1160472
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for revenue goals which include, developing existing business as well as developing new business
Account Executive, Oxygen   1160288
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

generate Upfront and Scatter media plans that maximize the use of inventory while fulfilling agency/client requirements
Sales Planner, Oxygen   1160285
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

initiate, plan and supervise all phases of production for show/movie promotion from pre-planning to completion, comprised of on-air spots, graphics, print, photography, etc.
Project Manager – Chiller   1160104
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

oversees and guides regional research approaches and tools across the channel portfolio with a view to maximizing ratings performance while delivering on brand and business objectives
Head of Research (Maternity cover)   1155990
NBC Universal
London England
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

all aspects of the sales cycle for new target accounts which will lead to profitable Synapse programs across multiple industries
Sales Manager, New Business, Synapse Group, Inc.   115691BR
Time Inc.
Stamford CT

coordinate and schedule in-house program prep for air on all NBCU Cable channels serviced out of the NOC
Central Resource Scheduling Coordinator   1160307
NBC Universal
Englewood Cliffs NJ
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

work closely with editors and editorial team to produce finely crafted bumps, teases, packages and complete shows for top rated talk show
Producer, Larry King Live   116971BR
Turner Broadcasting
Washington DC

skilled marketer who understands how to utilize the social media space to increase and leverage brand awareness
Director, Social Media
MTV Networks
Nashville TN
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

generates advertising revenues in accordance with budgetary goals
Account Executive – Fox Sports South   FNG18782
Fox Sports
Atlanta GA

build the annual sales model with input from sales management, finance dept., network programming, corporate guidance, and local programming/news departments
Commercial Analyst, WMAQ-TV   1159934
NBC Universal
Chicago IL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for overall sales support to the sales staff, administering existing deals, coordinating pending deals and following through to closure with all format clients
Sales Planner, Bravo   1162040
NBC Universal
Chicago IL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for overseeing the project management of multiple projects at a time across multiple brands or clients by a team of project managers, and ensuring the overall health of the projects in their portfolio
Program Director   6826
Chicago IL

manages and leads Creative Directors to improve their work and develop continuous thought leadership for their teams and clients
Group Creative Director   6825
Chicago IL

support strategy engagements by assembling robust fact base from multiple data sources covering a broad range of business, marketing, and consumer topics
Digital Strategy Analyst   6728
Chicago IL

manage editorial and business strategy, operations and direction for nbcchicago.com web site and its mobile assets
Director, Integrated Media   1159931
NBC Universal
Chicago IL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

sell this station’s commercial inventory to advertising agencies, retailers, manufacturers, and distributors and effectively market the station to current and potential clients
Account Executive   5030BR
CBS Television Stations
Southfield MI

represent station to clients in a professional manner and produce sales equal to or exceeding personal budgets
Account Executive   5024BR
CBS Television Stations
Los Angeles CA

drive revenue opportunities by creation and execution of successful and profitable retail sales programs across multiple channels
Director, Key Account Sales   FFE18791
Twentieth Century Fox Television
Los Angeles CA

drive revenue opportunities by creation and execution of successful and profitable retail sales programs across multiple channels
Sr. Manager, Key Account Sales   FFE18792
Twentieth Century Fox Television
Los Angeles CA

oversee creative strategy development of various FOX products and brands
SVP, Global Creative   FFE18789
Twentieth Century Fox Television
Los Angeles CA

tracking pick up dates for all series talent, including but not limited to actors, producers, writers, casting directors, etc. Maintaining Pickup Options Database
Coordinator, Business Affairs   117013BR
Los Angeles CA

manages assigned show(s) of primetime on-air series programs under the guidance of the Senior Vice President, including the reading and evaluation of weekly scripts regarding concept, character development, character definition, story structure, humor and dialogue
Vice President, Current Programming   117121BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

identifying, developing and exploiting formats and IP outward to the international marketplace and inward to the domestic US marketplace
Vice President, Scripted & Non-Scripted Development   117119BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

general project management, execution of consumer marketing campaigns, coordination of digital marketing initiatives and supporting advertising assets
Marketing Coordinator   232456
Disney ABC Television Group 
Burbank CA

strategically optimizing product call outs, slot merchandising, online navigation and presentation based on analytics (orders, revenue, unit volume, click-path, traffic, conversion, etc.)
E-commerce Merchandising Manager   FIM18001
Costa Mesa CA

strategic oversight of CBS Interactive’s ad platforms including display, video & mobile solutions
VP Ad Operations   4731BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

act as a liaison between creative/development, sales, and marketing in managing projects for the Creative Services team
Project Manager, Creative Services   4481BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

develop an annual commerce strategy and product roadmap in collaboration with other key stakeholders
Director of Commerce   4363BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

own product requirements; serve as voice of customer for product development and engineering
Product Manager/Sr. Product Manager, Direct Marketing Applications   4585BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

coordinate deal strategies and execution with senior executive key stakeholders
Director, Business Development for CBS News and Business   4595BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

develop and implement strategic marketing plans and budgets for traffic-building, customer acquisition, SEM, and affiliate marketing programs for the Shockwave brand
Director, Marketing – Shockwave
MTV Networks
San Francisco, CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /


Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDSFor More classifieds, visit the Cynopsis.com classifieds page herealso check out our Facebook page where our classifieds are listed the night before the editions are published!

JOB OPENING: GM/NEWS DIR BRONX/BRKLYN, NEWS 12 (CABLEVISION DIV)/NY:Mng editorial, staff, P&L,digital, grow audience, work with ad sales. Need 10 yrs in jrnalism, 5 in TV mngmnt, pref. all news. Apply: [email protected] (3/27)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, COMMUNICATIONS/ Nickelodeon/Burbank: 5+yrs exp TV Comm/PR/media relations, Strng written/oral comm. skills, Strng strategy exp, Strng media contacts, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (3/27)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/FX cable net/LA: provide audience analysis of FX and key comps; pgrm pjs., and spec prjcts. Strong facility with all Nielsen systems, 4+ years exp. http://bit.ly/amcJnZ (3/27)

JOB OPENING: SALES EXEC/PLUM TV/NY: Creative, aggressive, strategic pro to grow affluent lifestyle media org (TV/web/social). 7+ yrs cable TV sales or other nat’l media, solid rolodex in upscale sector. Full info: www.Plumtv.com (3/27)

JOB OPENING: SALES PROF/Plum TV/LA: Must be strategic & creative to grow west region for affluent multi-plat lifestyle media org. 10+ yrs cable TV sales or other nat’l media, solid rolodex in upscale sector. Full info: www.Plumtv.com (3/27)

JOB OPENING:  METADATA QC COORD/iN DEMAND/NYC:  Track, proof, approve & disseminate monthly movie schedules.  Database/detail oriented.  Recent college grad ideal.  Apply:  [email protected] (3/27) 

JOB OPENING:  F/T SCRIPT & STORY COORD/LA daytime drama: Liaison btwn. prod & writing team, resp. for continuity, rsrch, script format/dist, long term history tracking & clearances.Daytime exp. pref’d. Resume: [email protected] (3/27) 

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PRICING & PLANNING/Hallmark Channels/New York: Work with SVP to direct discrete aspects of the Pricing and Planning for the Ad Sales. View full job posting & apply: www.hallmarkchannel.com “Jobs”  (3/26)

JOB OPENING: A/P DESIGNER/WE tv/NYC: Support interactive content mktg teams& provide editorial content prod. 1-2 yrs web prod/design. Exp w/CMS, Movable Type, Flash, Photoshop & Illustrator. Resume: www.cablevision.jobs ref#10841 (3/26)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/The Hotel Networks/NY/CHI:  National media sales exp req’d. Excellent opportunity/DOOH/Broadcast Exp:Client direct/travel/auto/financial/hospitality/ a+:send resume: [email protected]   (3/26)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORD/PLANNER/NY: Dvlp on-air & online media plans. Track delivery & steward accts; working w/prgrmng, traffic, proficient in PPT.Media ind. exp req’d. 4 yr deg req’d. Resume to: [email protected] (3/26)

JOB OPENING: NATIONAL BROADCAST MEDIA DIRECTOR/Starcom/NY: Resp for managing Nat BC, Cable, Syn TV and network radio negotiations for GM. Details & Apply: www.starcomworldwide.co m Qualified candidates will be contacted (3/25)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL /iN DEMAND/NYC: Contract management, copyright & trademark, standards & practices. JD plus 3 yrs cable/entertainment. Reply: [email protected] (3/24)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISOR, PROGRAMMING/iN DEMAND/NYC: Create/Maintain/Track PPV, VOD, SVOD scheduling docs. Data gathering/delivery deadlines with program suppliers. Bachelors + 3 yrs exp. Reply: [email protected] (3/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR, BUSINESS & LEGAL AFFAIRS: Production, Talent agreements, etc. For indy producer. NY. Entertainment law experience a big plus. Great opportunity. [email protected] (3/23)

JOB OPENING:  VP LEGAL/BIZ AFFAIRS for NY media company. Draft review & negotiate agreements including, ad sales, distribution, new media, programming, talent, rights and other IP. res to: [email protected] (3/23)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH ANALYST/AETN/Los Angeles: Anlyz LT & comp rtings prfrmnce, prov anlyses/reprts fr Prog & Mrktng.  Exp in TV rsrch/data anlysis.  https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=70005 (3/23)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Experience you can’t pay for! STARGREETZ,a pioneering digital content co.,wants summer interns for MKTG, DESIGN & BUS.DEV. in L.A.  If you’re a self-starter with talent to spare please CONTACT: [email protected] (3/27)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  SUMMER INTERNSHIPS/HOWARD TV/NYC:  Logging, QC, tape dup/library & assisting producers/technical staff. Unpaid, college credit only. 2-4 days a week from 10-4. Apply: [email protected]  (3/27)


Sony Pictures Television (SPT) named Victoria Ashbourne as SVP/Creative Development, International Production. Victoria will be based at the company’s London office and will report to Mike Morley, CCO/EVP, International Production.

Pete Thomson was tapped as VP/GSM with ComStar Media, parent company of AmericanLife TV Network, FamilyNet TV and FamilyNet Radio. Pete will supervise sales for all ComStar Media companies including AmericanLife TV, FamilyNet TV and FamilyNet Radio.

Comcast Spotlight, the advertising sales arm of Comcast Cable promoted Bill Haase as VP/Finance and Administration and Kevin Smith as Group VP/Spotlight Integrated Media Sales. Bill will head the administration of human resources for the company’s 3,400 employees in addition to managing financial operations and reporting. Bill reports to Charlie Thurston, President, Comcast Spotlight. Kevin is in charge of the division’s digital media, advanced advertising and on-demand publishing products and responsible for nurturing relationships with agencies and national clients. Kevin will also manage the company’s online platform and sales activities led by Tom Straszewski, VP/Interactive Sales.

Tandy O’Donoghue joins World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. as VP/Operations and New Business Development, effective April 5. Tandy will head business development both domestically and internationally, securing business partner relationships and increasing growth across WWE’s platforms. Tandy will report to Donna Goldsmith, COO. Tandy comes from the United States Tennis Association (USTA) where she served as Managing Director/Business Affairs.

Tyler Massey advanced to Director/International Sales with GRB, effective immediately. Tyler will now manage the company’s sales in Eastern Europe and Asia. Additionally, GRB also bumped Joey Sabella to Manager/International Sales.

E! Entertainment added Bruce Perlmutter in the newly created position of SVP/News and Online. Bruce will head the network’s news division across all platforms including E! News, Daily 10, E! Online and E! News Now. He will manage the production and daily operations for the division in addition to news gathering and reporting. Bruce reports to Suzanne Kolb, President/Marketing, News and Online, E! Entertainment and The Style Network.

FishBowl Worldwide Media, formed by Vin Di Bona and Bruce Gersh, hired Susan Levison as EVP/Creative Affairs. Susan will be in charge of creative development for all platforms involving scripted and unscripted franchises for worldwide television, film and digital distribution. In her new role, Susan will report to Bruce Gersh, President/CEO. Most recently, Susan worked for FOX Broadcasting Company where she was SVP/Comedy Development.

Here Media elevated Mark Smelzer as VP/Publisher for the Advocate and Gay.com brands. Based at the company’s Los Angeles office, Mark will continue establishing and executing multi-platform efforts for clients wishing to target the gay and lesbian market.

Independent, global agency La Comunidad named Darren Himebrook as Director/Interactive Production where he will oversee and produce digital work for the agency’s clients such as Crown and Best Buy. Additionally, the agency tapped Carla Poumian-Ruiz as Senior Account Director where she will lead the accounts Remy Martin, Crown and Best Buy.

Music Choice upped Janis Unterweiser as Director/Video Programming for SWRV, the new network launched last month by Music Choice. Janis will continue to supervise programming efforts for both networks, reporting to Damon Williams, VP/Program and Content Development, Music Choice. Additionally, Michelle “BREEZE” Johnson was named Senior Manager/Video Programming, reporting directly to Janis.

Banijay Entertainment Group announced it has formed a new global distribution unit, Banijay International. This new division will include Nordisk Film TV World’s efforts and will distribute all formats and finished content produced by Banijay Entertainment companies. In so doing, Karoline Spodsberg, currently holding the position of International Director with Nordisk Film TV World, will become Managing Director of Banijay International. The new unit will have offices in Paris and Copenhagen, staffed by current members of the Nordisk Film TV World and Banijay Entertainment distribution groups.

Marc Hirschfeld was tagged as a Casting Consultant for Starz Media involved with original programming for Starz’ premium entertainment channels. Under his non-exclusive deal with Starz, Marc will work in tandem with Starz programming executives on casting for the channels’ scripted and non-scripted programs.

Trifecta Entertainment added Kristin Peace as SVP/Creative Affairs in charge of increasing the company’s original programming slate. Prior to this appointment, Kristin was VP/Development, Acquisitions and Broadband Development with TV Guide Network.

Samuel Roberts takes on the new position as Marketing Director at New York-based recording studio, Play Studios NYC.

Lisa Choi Owens was appointed as SVP/Digital Media with Scripps Networks. In her new role, Lisa will provide strategic and operational oversight to the company’s digital group including the websites FoodNetwork.com, HGTV.com and TravelChannel.com among others as well as digital efforts involving social media, mobile and VOD. Based in New York, Lisa will report to John Lansing, President, Scripps Networks.

Randa Minkarah takes on the position of SVP/Business Development with Fisher Communications, Inc. where she will concentrate on new digital revenue streams in addition to finding opportunities to leverage the company’s businesses via cross-marketing, content sharing and more. Randa reports to Colleen B. Brown, President/CEO.

Heartfelt Agency, a unit of Bright Group International (BGI) added Jo Turner as Business Development Manager and Claire Stead as Art Director.

Howard Dorsey was named Executive Producer of PIX Morning News on WPIX/New York, owned by Tribune Broadcasting. Additionally, WPIX hired Amy Waldman as Executive Producer/Special Projects for PIX News. Both Howard and Amy begin their new jobs next Monday.

Haute Life Public Relations has employed Lisa Heckaman as Account Manager/Publicist where she will handle overall client sponsorship, event and strategy management. Previously, Lisa was with Fox College Sports as Manager/Programming and Business Development.

VH1 advanced Noah Pollack and Kristen Kelly each to the role of VP/Series Development and Original Programming. Kristen will continue to increase current franchises and work on the production of new inspirational content. She is now involved as executive producer for Fantasia For Real, Frank The Entertainment In A Basement Affair among other series. Noah will continue to develop new programming formats tied to multiple series such as Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew and Tough Love. He currently is the executive producer for Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, Sober House with Dr. Drew, Tough Love as well as the upcoming Basketball Wives series among others. Both Kristen and Noah report to Jill Holmes, SVP/West Coast Production and Development, VH1.

Later — John
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