Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Cynopsis: Classified




Good morning – it’s Tuesday, March 1, 2011, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage! 

The Informational Interview

What is it?

An Information Interview is where a job seeker asks for career and industry advice from a known person within a particular field.  The interview is used for several reasons:  to learn about the industry, learn about a company, learn about a job, seek advice on how to better prepare yourself for the short and long term for the job and to network.

Informational interviews can be difficult to arrange because the job seeker is the one who asks for the interview.   Some think that most executives have no interest in spending their time with someone they don’t know, answering a slew of questions.  But if asked with proper etiquette and respect, you’d be surprised at how many are actually willing to help, either by phone or by meeting for coffee or a drink.

Before contacting anyone about an informational interview, you have to do some homework.  Research the individual, the company, and the industry.

Always remember the executive is doing you a favor so try to arrange a time and place that is convenient for them and set an amount of time such as 20-30 minutes. 

Dress as if you were on an interview, prepare your questions but don’t get anxious if you are running out of time. 

If you are meeting for coffee or a drink, always pay the tab and offer to end the meeting at the agreed time, if they want to continue, great, but by you mentioning the time, you give the executive a graceful way to exit, something that everyone is always grateful for.

After the meeting is over, ask if you can keep in touch in case you need further advice and give them your business card with all contact info on it.

Make sure you write them a thank you note, and since speed is not a factor, a handwritten note might be more appreciated.

It’s okay to take notes, but never, ever ask for a job or job leads.  You will put the executive in an awkward position plus they will feel ambushed.

Start the interview with thanking them for their time.

Be a good listener and ask good questions.

If you ask someone for an informational interview and they say no, don’t ask again.

The informational interview can be a tremendous tool in gained knowledge and networking, as long as you keep your personal need for a job out of the conversation.  If you do ambush them, the executive will most likely shut it down and you will lose, what could have been, an exceptionally useful experience.

Nest Issue: What am I Doing Wrong?

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

Conducting a Job Search? Plan to be prepared before you start
by Joel Garfinkle

Whether you are unemployed or employed and looking for a job, you need to be prepared before the job search even begins. When you have a plan, your strategy, daily game plan and overall focus help you find the right job more quickly. Don’t be like most people who start a job search by immediately applying for jobs, sending out resumes and telling people the 4-5 jobs they want without any thought process before they jump in.

Prepare for a long job search On average candidates take about six to nine months to find a job. Even though you might have excellent experience, a solid track record and well-known companies you’ve worked for, the job search period will be longer than you expect. It’s vital that you are prepared for this extended amount of time. Even the most qualified can take up to a year.

Be financially prepared Make sure you have enough finances to cover the length of your job search. Save as much money as you can, cut expenses and create and stick to a budget.

Confront fear and self-doubt Even before you start your job search, it’s common for many to feel fear and self-doubt. Fears around not being able to find a job, it taking too long, doubting your confidence, becoming needy to find a job and questioning your overall worthiness.

Dedicate plenty of time to the job search. The more time you spend daily, the less time the job search will take. However, most people resist making the required commitment. The minimum amount of time to commit should be 20-25 hours a week and, if you aren’t working, the maximum amount should be 40 hours a week. If you are working, expect to spend 4-6 hours a week and the maximum will be 20-25 hours a week.

Create a daily schedule Schedule and make time for the most important things related to your job search. Block out chucks of time to avoid distractions. For example, you might designate 9-11:30am on Mon, Wed and Fri for you to work on the most important things that need to get done related to your job search.

Get organized Create a document (e.g. excel spreadsheet)to track the names, numbers, emails and vital information about your contacts as you move forward in your job search. This organized document will be vital as you follow-up with people you contacted in the past and need to recall their key information.

Evaluate job location Ask yourself questions about the location of your next job. Are you willing to live in other locations? If so, where do you want to live?

Once you have accomplished all of the above, you are now ready to target the exact role, industry and job you most want. This involves creating your resume, networking, interviewing and salary negotiation.

Joel Garfinkle is the author of 6 books and is recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in America. He has over 17 years’ experience in the job search and career transition field. His first-hand knowledge, gathered from researching and interviewing more than 1,200 companies worldwide, helps unemployed clients find jobs and employed clients find better paying, more fulfilling positions. Joel’s 9-Step Job Search Program helps all job hunters land the best job quickly.

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].



Upfront 2011 Special Edition Series
Beginning March 22, a 5-part, 8-week Cynopsis Media Special Series

Cyn opsis Media’s Upfront 2011 Special Edition Series will provide an in-depth look at the Upfront selling season, by category, from both the Buyer & Seller perspectives.

Upfront 2011 Special Edition Schedule: Kids! – March 22Cable – April 6,
Syndication – April 19, Spanish Language – May 3, Broadcast – May 16


Ad Space is limited (Cable Edition is Sold Out).
 Contact Mike Farina to reserve today:  [email protected], 203.218.6480

Questions from our Readers
Joel Garfinkle

My Dad always said if you want to get into business, learn to play golf. Is that still true, or is there some other social/athletic events I should get involved in to better my chances to be successful in business?

Golf is no longer the gold standard for networking. Get involved in areas of your interest (sports, yoga, martial arts) where you can interact with others who have a day job and do their hobby on the side.

If you want to be successful in business, I suggest you join these networking groups:

  • American Chamber of Commerce (local chapters)
  • BNI –
  • www.bni.com – business networking organization that shares referrals

  • Business associations related to your business industry

Online social networking is also another option:

  • Facebook.com
  • Linkedin.com
  • Twitter.com
  • Biznik.com
  • Efactor.com
  • Networkingforprofessionals.com
  • Partnerup.com

I have been unemployed for 13 months. I go to a lot of interviews, but never get the job. My friends say I will have a better chance if I shave my beard. I don’t think that is a concern because my beard is close cropped and well taken care of. Who is right?

Without seeing you in-person, I will assume the beard is fine. You do want to make sure you look extremely professional and well-groomed for the interview. Let’s assume you do. The fundamental reason most people get interviews – but not land the job – is their inability to convince the employer their are the right candidate.

To do this, you need to understand what the employer is looking for. Ask him or her this question at the beginning of the interview, “What are the three most important things you want in hiring the person for this position?”

Once you learn this information, spend the rest of the interview demonstrating how you’ve already done specifically what the employer is looking for.

See this link for more information on how to create stories to show how you’ve already done the work. http://www.employmentdigest.net/2007/08/when-an-interviewer-says-tell-me-about-a-time-when-you/ .

Joel Garfinkle’s proven 10-Step Salary Negotiation Program teaches salary negotiation strategies to help you get the pay, benefits and perks that you deserve. Hundreds of clients have benefitted from Joel’s program. Click here for his FREE Salary Negotiation Strategies and Tips on Asking for a Raise. You can also order Joel’s book Get Paid What You’re Worth which is jam-packed with insider tips and salary negotiation secrets.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


work across all channel activity in Latin America and will contribute to the overall communications strategy for the region

Director – Communications
BBC America
Miami FL



 develop overall annual communications strategy for Discovery Channel
Director – Communications   3314
Discovery Communications

responsible for generating profitable sales revenues from an assigned group of agencies, clients and/or a geographical territory
Account Manager – Ad Sales
BBC America

define the spirit and tone of voice that fits the ethos of the network and the company
Associate Editor – BBCAmerica.com
BBC America

accountable for administering daily online advertising operations responsibilities for BBC.com Worldwide
Digital Advertising Operations Specialist
BBC America

responsible for delivery of effective advertiser-focused products for the North American market
Manager – BBC.com
BBC America

devise and implement smart publicity campaigns for key shows like Doctor Who, Being Human and Top Gear
Publicity Manager – BBCA
BBC America

design and implement the BBC WW Americas channels and digital marketing strategy and plan
VP Marketing
BBC America

responsible for implementing digital advertising campaigns
Campaign Specialist
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for managing client-side development activities
Sr. Mgr Web Development
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for leading and overseeing all aspects of data production for assigned products and Nickelodeon shows
Producer, NICK.com
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

lead the go-to-market strategy and app roadmap for our great brands and manage business profitability
Sr Analyst-forecasting, strategy,marketing-Mobile Apps Business Development
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for Architecture, integration and maintenance of Applications
Sr. Systems Engineer
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for consolidated (across international clusters) Nickelodeon brand and content performance tracking, analysis, evaluation and reporting
Consumer Products/ Ad Sales Research Manager-International
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

take charge of story developments, write booking letters for dot.com, mentor junior bookers and oversee their projects/offer guidance, and assist with hiring decisions as needed
Editorial Producer   286283
Disney ABC Television Group

gather research and assess inventory reports to help further develop sales strategy
Business Team Manager   286255

supports the GMA production team by coordinating daily show operations
Operations Manager – GMA   285584
Disney ABC Television Group

responsible for developing and executing custom solutions for ESPN’s ad sales customers
Director, Co-Marketing   285570

assist ESPN’s Digital Media Research and Analytics group with managing its web analytics platform to enable better decision making regarding its online and mobile properties
Digital Measurement Senior Analyst   285568

sets the tone for all other producers and enforce station and network on-air policies
Producer-Project   285388

interact with all shows, broadcasts and platforms
Manager, News Communications and Digital Media, ABC News
Disney ABC Television Group

responsible for the setting and application of News Standards across the entire Local Media Division
Vice President, News Standards and Practices   1189BR
NBC Universal

helps customize and upgrade NBCU existing courses to remain cutting edge, with a media/entertainment focus
Director, Global Learning   645BR
NBC Universal

responsible for all creative needs of the Corporate Communications team
Manager, Creative Services   1159BR
NBC Universal

responsibility for particular show or shows in a studio
Studio 7E Head Prop- IATSE   1119BR
NBC Universal

extensive skills in mobile application specific interaction design for Android, iOS, Blackberry, PC and Mac, as well as strong background in website User Experience
Director, User Experience   1158BR
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

ongoing creation of mock-ups of system design and reports for iterative workshops with key business users
Manager, Sales Operations   912BR
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for end to end print related operations from idea generation through print execution and delivery of custom published pieces
Production Manger – Print Media   122692BR
Time, Inc

responsible for leading a team in product development and execution for all HBO licensed products globally
HBO Director, Product Development   122837BR

create visually superior communication tools that support the sales marketing strategies
Presentation Designer II   120314BR
Turner Broadcasting

develop and maintain strong, consistent visual direction in all sales and marketing materials
Creative Services Director – TIME   122791BR
Time, Inc

review campaign data and make recommendations to improve the performance of marketing campaigns in one location
Analytics Manager
London England

leads and directs the development and execution of all creative strategies
Creative Director
London England

be one of 2 senior directors responsible for the strategic direction and growth of the business
Media Director
London England

assists in the development and execution of media plans under the direction of Media Director
Senior Account Manager – Display
London England

perform analysis on complex marketing systems, to work independently and to collaborate to break new ground and develop new techniques
Senior Statistician
London England

research, develop, and assign news stories
Assignment Editor   7732BR
CBS Television Stations
Boston MA

create rough versions of shots in a sequence, translates the intent of the storyboarded sequences from 2D to 3D and explores, creates and enhances this material and the vision of the Director
Previs Artist   FFE18903
Greenwich CT
http://www.foxcareers.com /

responsible to define and implement a business intelligence / analytics strategy and roadmap that align with ESPN and enterprise business objectives
Director, HR Analytics & HRIS   285566
Bristol CT

liaison between departments to ensure timely creative workflow across all business channels
Traffic Coordinator, Synapse   122824BR
Time, Inc
Stamford CT

developing new revenue from a wide variety of businesses by using the power of the targeted 1210AM listening audience
Account Executive   7602BR
CBS Radio
Philadelphia PA

monitor Discovery’s production network in real-time
Network Operations Analyst   3304
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

translate brand and business strategies and requirements into effective cohesive design solutions
Interaction Designer   3305
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

provide a broad range of Global mobility support
Manager – Global Mobility   3307
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

structure the rundown, decide on story elements, coordinate with their supervisor on live shot request, assign writers and copy editors, and handle breaking news
CNNI Producer   122815BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

conduct in-depth analysis and reporting on Project and Engineering data and serve as the Clarity Administrator
Business Operations Analyst, Project Management   122811BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

work with ad sales to create relevant marketing materials to assist in sales efforts
Marketing Manager, CNN   122806BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

oversee the high-level day-to-day functions of the Broadcast Operations Centers
Director Broadcast Operations, Network Operations   122561BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

generate advertising revenues in accordance with budgetary goals
Account Executive   FNG0000243
Atlanta GA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

drive hands-on creative production
Senior Designer   8512
Atlanta GA

responsible for all aspects of Presentation Layer development including all project related front-end technologies
Senior Presentation Layer Developer   8690
Atlanta GA

performs necessary analysis and planning to assure that the objectives and priorities for each sales call are established and met in time frames acceptable to the client
Account Executive, Magazine Sales   285567
Atlanta GA

be part of the team at the center of defining success around B2B marketing execution for Cox Communications
Manager, Cox Business Campaign Management   36162
Cox Communications
Atlanta GA

responsible for leading and coaching the Automated Finance Processes team which is focused on analyzing, creating and managing a set of end to end financial processes
Manager, Automated Finance Processes   36163
Cox Communications
Atlanta GA

prospect potential buyers, set up meetings, make presentations and close deals
Sales Account Exec
Plum tv
Miami Beach FL

assist Director of Finance in all bookkeeping and accounting matters
Finance Manager
Plum tv
Miami Beach FL

create and sell campaigns to top tier advertisers
Ad Sales – Account Manager   3306
Discovery Communications
Miami FL 


utilize research to maximize ad sales revenue and business opportunities for MTVN Latin America
MTV Networks
Miami FL
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

new business development, creative selling techniques, prospecting and inventory control
National Sales Manager   7754BR
CBS Television Stations
Miami FL

manage multiple projects from creation through launch
Director, Mobile Sports   6380BR
CBS Mobile
Fort Lauderdale FL

support of the editorial and programming teams which produce and distribute CBSSports.com content for passionate sports fans
Business Intelligence Engineer/ Programming Analyst
CBS Interactive
Fort Lauderdale FL

leader in conceptualizing interactive marketing strategy
Director Strategy
Detroit MI

responsible for the creation and maintenance of a dynamic and healthy client relationship
Executive Director, Engagement Management
Detroit MI

lead talented sales, marketing and traffic teams
Vice President & General Sales Manager   285304
Disney ABC Television Group
Chicago IL

responsible for revenue goals which include, developing existing business as well as developing new business
Digital Account Executive   898BR
NBC Universal
Chicago IL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for conceptual development and copy deliverables, including advertising, web sites, email and other forms of interface design
Senior Copywriter   8689
Chicago IL

responsible for ensuring media strategies and deliverables meet or exceed the strategic requirements of the client and Razorfish’s quality standards
Media Director   8692
Chicago IL

idea generator, a pitch master, a teacher, a mentor, and a touchstone to help assure creative excellence among the senior creative team
Group Creative Director   8709
Austin TX

work for the LIVE WELL NETWORK / KTRK-TV, an ABC-TV Owned Television Station
New Business Sales Account Executive   285606
Disney ABC Television Group
Houston TX

providing administrative and sales support to the Cox Sales Teams covering all product lines
Sales Operations Support Representative   36150
Cox Communications
Phoenix AZ

manages the Network Engineers to plan, design, install and maintain the IP network elements that support data, voice and video services
Network Engineering Manager   36149
Cox Communications
Las Vegas NV

responsible for developing the overall end-to-end project plan, facilitating the execution of the plan, acting as the liaison between technical teams, generating weekly status reports, and managing the tactical issues, risk, deliverables and dependencies of the projects
Senior Technical Account Manager   285505
Disney Corporate
Seattle WA

responsible for coordination, deployment and support of all operational processes and workflows used for the launch and ongoing operations of Discovery Communications West Coast
VP of West Coast Operations   3324
Discovery Communications
Los Angeles CA

advertising sales professional to manage Los Angeles sales for Yardbarker
Account Executive   FNG0000267
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

responsible for ensuring that production requirements for pre-production and production are met in a timely manner
Production Coordinator – Fuel TV   FNG0000224
Fox Sports
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

responsible for sales and account management efforts for Discovery Education (DE) in assigned territory
Sales Manager   3309
Discovery Communications
Los Angeles CA

develop and execute marketing programs that maximize customer acquisition and awareness of STAR L and all our product lines
Director, Marketing & Sales   FOX000082
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

responsible for coordinating and executing look & feel exploration, conceptual and visual development, and final execution of design directions
Mobile Graphic Designer   FNG19008
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

deliver digital sales revenue for CNBC in a newly established sales organization focused on integrated customer solutions and premium digital sales products
CNBC Digital Account Executive   1017BR
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

support the Universal Film group with insurance and risk management related matters
Senior Analyst   1182BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

identifying, prioritizing and improving key IT supplier relationships
Vendor Mgr Global Outsourcing Program   826BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

create and execute full media campaigns for scripted and alternative programs for NBC Entertainment
Senior Press Manager   1174BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

supervise the energetic, highly motivated, and brand focused bi-coastal development team of the Oxygen cable channel
VP, Development   1162BR
NBC Universal
Burbank CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

coordinating the details of all aspects of the sales process
National Sales Coordinator   286240
Disney ABC Television Group
Burbank CA

inspire the rest of the team with their concepts and their command of the art of promotion and marketing
Writer / Producer – Off Air   285396
Disney ABC Television Group
Burbank CA

responsible for guiding and consulting on the delivery of learning solutions for the Corporate segment as well as the enterprise, where appropriate
Consultant, Learning Technology, Platforms and Operations   284579
Disney Corporate
Burbank CA

responsible for day-to-day sales operations and achieving revenue goals
VP Sales   7736BR
CBS Television Stations Studio City CA

responsible for developing and implementing communications strategies for MTV programming, working daily with a broad range of media outlets covering television, music, entertainment, business, politics, and advertising
Senior Publicist
MTV Networks
Santa Monica CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for providing management reporting on actual results to the respective business unit finance teams
Senior Financial Analyst – Financial Reporting   284553
Glendale CA

responsible for creating tactical solutions for Internet and multimedia project strategies
Senior Experience Architect
San Francisco CA

responsible for all human resources related activities for our highly collaborative global, fast-paced, progressive, multi-location company
VP, Human Resources
San Francisco CA

supervise specific groups of Senior Media Planners and Media Planners
Media Supervisor   8685
San Francisco CA

responsible for all financial planning and forecasting within the Interactive division of CBS Corporation
Senior Business Analyst, Financial Planning & Analysis   4770BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

work with modern Linux systems in a large scale
Senior Unix Administrator   7074BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

lead and collaborate with our team of web developers and engineers responsible for building the middle-tier and front-end layers of modern api driven web applications for our major media brands
Senior Web Development Manager   NDM0000109
San Francisco CA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

execute and maintain advertising flights on Discovery Networks websites, affiliated sites and content distribution platforms
Specialist – VOD   3323
Discovery Communications
Location listed as US


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JOB OPENING: DIG. PRIMARY RSRCH DIR/NBC Universal/Longwood FL: lead custom prgrmng & sales rsrch projects on NBC.com, NBCSports.com & NBCOlympics.com & corp. initiatives such as mobile, online video & VOD apply: nbcunicareers.com (3/5)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/NFL/NYC: Asst Rsrch Dir in daily resp & w/dvlpmnt & reporting on aud ratings for NFL games. BA degree and 2+yrs rsch exp. Strong organz’l & interpersonal skills. Apply to nfl .com (3/5)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE COMMUNICATIONS DIR/AOL/NY: Looking for a creative Communications Director with 8+ yrs exp in the women’s content space, public relations/corp comm/media. Apply: http://corp.aol.com/careers , Requisition 119996 (3/5)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, DR SALES/DIGITAL NETWORKS -Qubo, ION Life/NY: Req 2 yrs DR Sales, strong oral/written skills, est relationships & interact w/clients. EOE Full Ad http://www.ionmedianetworks.com/page.php?p=careers&job=1264 (3/5)

JOB OPENING:  CASTING DIRECTOR, NYC  needed ASAP. Cast real people/families for a travel-style show. 5+years exp mandatory. You should be the best researching most convincing person on earth. [email protected]  (3/5)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PROD/MTV/NYC: Strong writing skills; able to mng a team; give creative notes on rough cuts, oversee sev episodes at once.5 yrs exp prod’g docu-series/reality. Resume/cover: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, MARKETING/TELEMUNDO/UNIVERSAL CITY:  Please visit www.nbcunicareers.com for more info. job#344BR (3/4)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCT MANAGER/EPIX/NY: ID Emrging techn/consumer needs analysis, mrkt sizing & comp analysis/HTML,CSS & JavaScript/ Create & maintn prod vis/Min 2-5 yrs prod mgmt sftware dvlpmt exp/ http://corp.epixhd.com/jobs/ EOE (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PUBLICITY/Mun2/UNIVERSAL CITY:  Please visit www.nbcunicareers.com for more info, job#342BR  (3/4)

JOB OPENING: CONSULTANT, BRAND STRATEGY/INTEGRATED MKTG/truTV/NY: Dev strategic integrated mktg concepts & mng projects in support of ad sales 5+ yrs brdcast/cable integrated mktg exp. Apply: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING:  SALES, ASSISTANT DIRECT RESPONSE AD SALES/Hallmark Channel/NY: Exp w/ad sales/advertising preferred to asst Direct Response team. Prof w MS Office req. See full posting and apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/4)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORDINATOR AD SALES/Hallmark Channel/NY: 2+ yrs related exp. Experience w/databases & proficiency w MS Office req. See full posting & apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/4)

JOB OPENING:  SALES ASSISTANT AD SALES/Hallmark Channel/NY: Exp w/ad sales/advertising pref to asst Acct Execs/Sales Planners to svc clients. Prof w MS Office req. See full posting and apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/4)

JOB OPENING: COORD PROD/NYC Prod Co:  Mng three casting dir/3 diff series. Highly orgnzd. Exp in either prod management, production, or development positions in TV.  TV exp a must & casting exp a +.  Resume/cover: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER/QVC/WEST CHESTER PA:  has immediate Multimedia Designer opportunities to support mobile apps, interactive TV, etc. Exp w/mobile a must. View job descr & apply at www.qvc.com/careers (3/3)

JOB OPENING: CORP COMM MGR/Univision/NY: 5+ yr exp. TV background pref’d. Generate ratings releases & coverage. Dvlp & execute press materials & strategic media plans. Interest & exp in sports media a +. [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RSRCH/ATL: Mng jr staff members & asst Rsrch Dir in completion of complex special projs. 5+ yrs brdcst and/or cable TV rsrch or another media-related field a must. BA deg req’d. Resume: [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR TECHNICAL SERVICES/LA: Saban Brands seeks to lead content mngmnt, asset mastering & operational workflow for WW distribution, vendor relations, near/long term asset storage & security: [email protected] (3/3)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR/NAT’L ACCTS/AFFILIATE/Scripps Networks/KNOXVILLE, TN. Support neg primary agreements/renewals, lead neg on new media/non-linear agreements, collaborate on strategy on Key Acct’s, www.scrippsnetworks.com #2171 (3/3)

JOB OPENING: EXP’D PT MEDIA ADMIN ASST/NYC: Light office mgmt & exec support to CEO & team. Ability to work independently; Must have good written/verbal comm skills; Prof. in MS Office. Send resume: [email protected] (3/2)

JOB OPENING:  AFFILIATE OPERATIONS ASSISTANT/Sportsman Channel/New York office:  Great opportunity for college grad to learn all aspects of back office cable network operations.  Apply www.thesportsmanchannel.com (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR MANAGER, CRM/WWE/Stamford, CT, As critical strategist, drive evolution of CRM programs & capabilities, including targeted advertising & audience marketing, customer retention/loyalty, etc.- www.wwe-careers.com (3/2)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ASST DIR RESPONSE/GMC Cable/NY: We are seeking a recent grad w/ previous ad sales/advertising internship exp to asst direct response & pd prgrmng dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Apply: [email protected] (3/2)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA RELATIONS/Hallmark Channel/New York: 12 yrs exp w/PR/Communications. Prior leadership exp managing PR/Communications function. See full posting and apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR ADVERTISING SALES RESEARCH /DIRECTV/New York, NY or El Segundo, CA and AD SALES RSRCH ANALYST/DIRECTV/ New York, NY or El Segundo, CA For add’l info: www.directv.com/careers Job# 1100255 and Job# 1100319 (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SR EXEC. WEB PRODUCER/Owings Mills, MD: Mng web proj. & people. Exp: 5+ yrs web prod, online tech for formal/informal  education,  interactive dev using Flash, online course dev. using Moodle. www.mpt.org/careers (3/2)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST/BRAVO/NYC: Provide top line, detailed analyses covering Bravo’s online properties & competitors. Produce traffic estimates & rationale for sales.2 yrs online rsrch, exp w/Omniture. www.nbcunicareers.com 942BR (3/1)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/TV Guide Network/LA: AE w/ 5+ yrs national cable ad sales exp a must. Multi-platform sales exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits program [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG MGR/ATL: 3+ yrs affil mrkting.Key Industry contacts req. Exp. w/Excel/Ppt/Keynote/Illustrator. Prior exp. with dev. & impl. trade shows. Prov mrkting/sales supp to Affil team. Res: [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG COORD/ATL: Prior mktg exp.Strong org skills w/event plan’g exp. Exp. w/ Excel/Photoshp/Ppt/Keynote/Illus.Prior exp. w/ dev. & impl. trade shows. Prov admin supp to Affil Mktg team. Res: [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: STAFF ACCOUNTANT/OVATION/ARTS TV/Santa Monica.Monthly invoicing.Maint Affil DB. JE’s. Monthly closings & financial statements.BA deg Acctg, Finance, Busn Admin. 3-5 yrs exp. Email resume: [email protected] (3/1)

JOB OPENING: OPERATIONS MGR/NewsOne/NY: To support/maintain day-to-day technical ops of the NewsOne systems. Maintain & grow NewsOne affiliate/client website NewsOneNET. apply at: disneycareers.com ID 275299 (3/1)

JOB OPENING: DISNEY MEDIA SALES & MARKETING/NYC: Integrated cross platform sales org, create customized ads for assets in TV, Online, Radio & Print has Research jobs: Please apply at: disneycareers.com Req # 260250/274875/274920 (3/1)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES MARKETING INTERNSHIP/Univision: provides practical experience in the communications industry and teaches daily operations within sales and marketing for Univision.com. Send resumes to [email protected] (3/5)

SPRING/SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: TALENT/DEV/LA: High paced digital content co. spec. in mobile & online platforms.Detail orientd/str written/oral comm skills.Mac, Excel, PP. Interface w/prod/sales/distrb. Contact 310-806-6410 [email protected]  (3/4)


Mike Oddi rejoined KSL Media last month in the newly-created position of CMO where he oversees the company’s marketing, new business development and public relations efforts.  Mike also spearheads KSL’s presence at industry events and coordinate promotional activities across media.

International creative content and brand communications company, Gravity appointed Eric Bauer as Creative Director.  In his new position, Eric will serve as creative lead on the company’s commercial and digital branding projects and at times on feature film and television opening title sequences.  Eric reports to Zviah Eldar, CEO/CCO. 

Comcast Spotlight, the advertising sales unit of Comcast Cable promoted Chris Ellis as Senior Director/Communications and Dennis Marshall as Senior Manager/Promotional and Integrated Marketing.  Chris was recently the Director/Communications at Comcast Spotlight, managing the company’s external and internal communications activities.  Dennis supervises the company’s partnerships with network affiliates and key sponsors in developing customized promotional marketing efforts across Comcast Spotlight’s on-air, online and on-demand advertising platforms.  Dennis also oversees Comcast Spotlight’s e-marketing efforts.

Three promotions were announced at transit advertising company, Titan:

  • Mary Hamilton becomes SVP/Director of Human Resources and continues to be based at the company’s New York office.
  • Jeff Randazzo upped to SVP/GM of the Philadelphia and New Jersey Regions where he will now supervise all advertising sales and operations in Philadelphia and throughout the state of New Jersey.  Jeff also is joining Titan’s Executive Committee.
  • In addition, Titan is relocating Scott Christensen to the company’s Boston office where he will assume the job as VP/GM of the Boston Region.  Previously, Scott was Sales Manager in Titan’s Minneapolis/St. Paul office. 

Christal Radio, part of Katz Radio Group elevated Kelley Hoyle to VP/Sales in Los Angeles and Jason Rose to Senior AE in New York. 

Drew Hilles, CEO and Rob Williams, COO together established TheMediaDash.com, Inc., a media and advertising technology company with the goal to advance the buying and selling of radio advertising.  The company’s self-serve, online platform is still under development and is scheduled to launch during second quarter this year. 

Jonathan Lee advances to VP/Operations for RLTV where he will manage the network’s enterprise systems and operations including Broadcasting Operations and IT.  Jon also spearheads RLTV’s Digital Media group.  After this new appointment, Jon reports to Elliot Jacobson, SVP/Programming and Production.

GMC bumped Greg Madsen to VP/Affiliate Sales up from Director/Affiliate Sales.  In his new position, Greg will oversee corporate relationships with MSOs and help with negotiations and managing contract adherence.  Based in Atlanta, Greg reports to Lisa Delligatti, SVP/Affiliate Sales.

Randall Rothenberg returns to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) in the role as President/CEO of the digital trade organization.  Randall served in the same capacity from 2007 through 2010 and for the last month has been EVP/Chief Digital Officer at Time Inc.

PIC Media Group hired Christina Consuegra as Manager/Account Services in New York and Arielle Cohen as Sales Planner in Los Angeles.  Also in Los Angeles, the company promoted Philip Jespersen to VP/Integrated Marketing

RJ Palmer revealed several staffing changes:

  • Pete Regan elevated to COO.
  • In the local buying side, Cerissa Chin celebrates 10 years with the company and a promotion to VP/Associate Director, Local Buying.
  • Jonathon Donini upped to Senior Research Analyst in the Strategic Insights division.
  • Thomas Coyle added as Assistant Media Planner and Brittany Cianflone also hired as Assistant Media Planner.

Former Nielsen Chief Human Resources Officer Roberto Llamas hired by Univision Communications Inc. as EVP/Chief Human Resources Officer.  Roberto is based in New York City and reports to Joe Uva, President/CEO.

Camilla Carpenter elevated to SVP/Strategy and Network Operations for Discovery Channel.  Camilla’s new expanded duties has her working closely with Edward Sabin, Group COO for Discovery and TLC Networks to establish annual and long-term strategic plans, hone in on critical business matters, analyze deal strategies and work with Commerce and Licensing divisions among other functions.  Camilla, who also reports to Edward Sabin, will supervise all facets of third party partnerships and will be the point person on all business issues related to Discovery Networks International.

Nicole A. Bernard advanced to SVP/Audience Strategy for The Fox Group.  Nicole for the last six years has served as SVP/Broadcast Standards and Practices for FOX.  In her new role, Nicole will report to Kevin Reilly, President/Entertainment, FOX.  Furthermore, Elizabeth Casey, SVP/Business and Legal Affairs, Broadcast Standards and Practices with Fox Cable Networks promoted to EVP/Standards and Practices for the Fox Networks Group (FNG) where she will continue to report to Rita Tuzon, General Counsel, FNG.

Simon Shaps, formerly Director/Television at ITV joined multi-platform story studio, Oil Studios as Non-Executive Director.  In his new capacity, Simon will work with CEO/Creative Director, Mike Bennett and COO, Mark McKeown advising both and the company on its development and expansion plans.  Previously, Simon also served as CEO of ITV’s global production business.

Jo Lovell named Director/Content Sales, Europe with AETN International, a unit of A&E Television Networks, LLC.  Jo’s newly-created position is effective immediately and she will be in charge of content sales in Central and Eastern Europe.  Based in London, Joe reports to Jonathan South, Senior Director/Content Sales, EMEA.  Jo previously worked for Carsey-Werner Distribution where she was Sales Director supervising territories such as Central and Eastern Europe, CIS, Scandinavia, Israel, Greece and Cyprus.

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.) bumped Angela Santone to SVP/Human Resources for corporate business groups within the company.  In her new role, Angela will continue to manage HR support for the company’s corporate areas encompassing finance and accounting, properties, security, legal, communications, research, media and human resources.  Angela is based in Atlanta and reports to Loretta Walker, SVP/Chief Human Resources Officer.

Andrew Brandt a former VP with the Green Bay Packers joined ESPN as an NFL Business Analyst.  In his new job, Andrew will offer his perspective on the league’s labor news and player acquisitions by teams on all ESPN studio shows and other platforms. 

Megatrax Music upped Ileana Landon to Senior Division Manager in the company’s Radio division.  Ileana has been with Megatrax Music since 2003 and in her new position, she will continue to manage and oversee the company’s US and Latin American presence in the radio arena. In addition, she will now be in charge of key accounts and top DMA management.

Toronto-based Multiple Media Entertainment Inc. hired Jennifer Graham as SVP/Sales and Acquisitions.  Jennifer joins the company from Peace Arch Television Ltd., a division of Peace Arch Entertainment Group Inc. where she served as VP/Sales and Acquisitions.

Effective immediately, ABC News moved James Goldston to become Senior Executive Producer of Good Morning America to work with Tom Cibrowski who retains his position as Executive Producer.  Furthermore, Jeanmarie Condon takes on the new role as Executive Producer of Nightline.

Emilio Nunez elevated to SVP/Movies and Original Programming at iN DEMAND L.L.C. In his new capacity, Emilio will supervise content acquisition, planning and schedule for the company’s Movies On Demand (MOD) service as well as the SVOD service Vutopia.  He will further be involved with developing original programming for transactional and various free on demand platforms.  Emilio will also manage Howard Stern’s SVPD channel Howard TV On Demand.  Based in New York, Emilio reports to Michael Berman, EVP/Programming and General Counsel.

Howard Lee takes on new responsibility as SVP/Production and Development with TLC where he will manage the network’s bicoastal production team while reporting to TLC GM Amy Winter.  Howard recently was VP/Production and Development, East Coast for TLC.  He also launched and serves as Executive Producer for Toddlers & Tiaras and The Little Couple.

Later — John
 John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

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