Tuesday, March 12th, 2013


Music Choice

Dvlpmt/Mgmt of media planning/trking system. Maximize media allocations. Evaluate ROI on mrktg cmpgns. BA/BS, 1+ yrs exp. in sales planning rqd.


Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, March 12, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

by Michael Pollock

Everyone on both sides of the hiring equation today is super-connected and hyper-resourced. So, as Thomas Friedman points out in the NY Times, “every boss now has cheaper, easier, faster access to more above average software, automation, robotics, cheap labor and cheap genius than ever before.” 

In order to stand out as a dream hire, we each need to be able to demonstrate that we are well above the average hirability in our sector or niche. 

How do you do this? Dig out the nuggets in your work history that’ll make your case where it counts.  And bear in mind that if everyone is doing this, then that average above which we need to place yourself is always going to be a moving target. So keep your hirability story constantly refreshed by sharing your  passion and excitement about your work and where your field is headed. That’s what make you special -and will help maintain your above average status.

Friedman has put a catchy spin on this.  He’s named what he calls the Passion Quotient (PQ) and the Curiosity Quotient (CQ) and says they are becoming more important than the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). I wonder whether he read in Inc Magazine how John Mackey, Whole Foods CEO, came up with SyQ, which measures how different parts of a system interconnect.

So maybe you can quantify the fact that you’re above average….just as LinkedIn asks us to broadcast that we appear in the top 5% or 2% or 1% of their searches. Let’s call it our HiQ – your Hirability Quotient. Whether it has a Q number on it or not – our hirability is something which requires constant vigilance. So stay passionate and curious – you’ll reach your goal, in time.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark (www.pollockspark.com). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals. He works with people in film, TV, journalism, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.


Register for This Week’s Cynopsis: Kids! Webinar

Leveraging the Second Screen in the New Kids Market
March 14 | 1:30-3pm ET
| $295/site

Speakers include:
Cedric Arnaud-Battandier
– Magic Ruby
Elie Dekel – Saban Brands/Vortexx
Stacy Isenhower – Cartoon Network
Anne Richards – No Crusts Interactive

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Michael Pollock

Can a blog really help me get a job?

Yes, a blog can absolutely help, if it is smart and relevant.  It can help you be found in an online search.  It can showcase your thinking and writing skills.  It can frame your creative work and your insights.  It can feature your successes and your ideas on where your industry is headed.  Drive potential hirers to it from Twitter, G+, and FB. They can study it to get a deeper sense of you when they have already found your profile on LinkedIn and want to learn if you are right for the task and for their company. They might even engage with its content over time so that you will be on top of mind when an appropriate vacancy occurs.  If well done, a blog can be enormously helpful.

How can I re-invigorate myself in a job I have no more interest in?

Here are some ideas: Try to recapture what attracted you to it in the first place – perhaps this has gotten lost in the weeds. Look around for another project or position within your company that will provide you with challenge or stimulation – get close to the right people and segue yourself into that place.  Explore professional development opportunities offered by your employers – or figure out what studies you might take on your own to raise your chops to a place where you can get pumped again. Figure out what your next career move should be and find the element in your current situation that you can use to boost your qualifications for moving in that direction – this will give you new motivation to put your back into something and find a positive flow.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark (www.pollockspark.com). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.


Cynopsis: Sports Media Awards Breakfast

April 17, 2013 | 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. | The Yale Club NY

The list of Finalists will be announced soon, but don’t wait to reserve your tickets/tables… last year, the event sold out a week before.

 Register here: http://www.cynopsis.com/events/sports-awards/.


JOB OPENING: DIR RESEARCH/Sundance/NYC: Min 5+ years media research exp, strong knowledge Nielsen, MRI, Strartrack/Galaxy. Strong communication/presentation skills. Click here to apply. (3/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR SALES & PARTNRSHP/Sundance/Chicago: Proven sales track record, strong contacts, exp. developing, presenting, executing integrated promos, PM exp. Click here to apply. (3/16)

JOB OPENING: SR.WRITER/PRODUCER/Investigation Discovery/MD: Conceive, write & prod branded ent. creative for ID; 5+ yrs wrtng/prod promo, mtkg, brnded ent for brdcst or cble TV. Exprt knwldg post prod Apply: http://bit.ly/W8IRTF (3/16)

JOB OPENING: SR. IT BUSINESS ANALYST – DATA WAREHOUSING/BI SYSTEMS/LOS ANGELES CA: Computer and Information Systems Manager Apply: http://tinyurl.com/cqrdwwp (FFE0001562) (3/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR., INTEGRATED SALES & MKTG/FX Netwks/NEW YORK CITY NY: 8-10 yrs mktg exp req, exp w/ cross platforms, Agency or Ntwk exp req, strong presentation skills. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/c7vvzme (FOX000183) (3/16)

JOB OPENING: SR IT BUSINESS ANALYST – MARKETING SYSTEMS/LOS ANGELES CA: Computer and Information Systems Manager Apply: http://tinyurl.com/dyz2abg (FFE0001561) (3/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR RSCH/NYC NY: Mgr, Rsch/FX/NYC/ 3+ yrs exp in media rsrch, prefer cable/ad sales exp, Agency exp a plus, Nielsen exp req, estimates exp strongly pref’d. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/bp3h2tg (FNG0001922) (3/16)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, truTV/NY: Degree & 2 yrs sales exp. Agency/Planner role from another ntwrk a +. Resumes to: http://www.turnerjobs.com/careers#/careers/job-details/135077BR (3/16)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, PRICING, & PLAN’G/TV ONE/NY: Wrk w/planners, rsrch, sales ops/ad sales mgmt. BA pref’d. Min 5 yrs cable ad sales. Plan’g or inventory mgmt exp pref’d. Traffic/Stewardship systems. Visit www.TVONEjobs.com (3/15)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/Crown Media Family Networks/Studio City: Supports VP and internal clients through analysis and tracking of various standard and custom reports on all Nielsen Systems & ComScore databases. More info & apply click here (3/15)

JOB OPENING: SR. CAMPAIGN ANALYST/Cox Communications/Orange County, CA: Prepares data prcssing req/cmpgn matrixes to mktg. BA/BS,5+ yrs wrk exp 3+ yrs data mining, predictive modeling/analysis exp w SQL/Oracle  www.cox.com/coxcareer/ (3/15)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, POST PRODUCTION/LOS ANGELES CA: Architecture and Engineering Apply: http://tinyurl.com/cbgehej (FFE0001590) (3/15)

JOB OPENING: HRIS SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST (PEOPLESOFT/TALEO)/LOS ANGELES CA: Human Resources, Training and Labor Relations Specialist Apply: http://tinyurl.com/c2uggut (FFE0001588) (3/15)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/NY: All aspects of account maintenance, liaison with ad agencies. Must be detailed/ able to multi-task. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Apply-[email protected] (3/15)

JOB OPENING: TEMPORARY DIRECTOR AD SALES RESEARCH/NY: Work w/ Pricing and Planning & collaborate with Research Dept. and Ad Sales Marketing through May 2013.More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (3/15)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIR, AMC/NYC: Seeking exceptional creative leader. Previous CD exp in on-air promo at a major network is required. Submit res http://tinyurl.com/bkphnta (3/14)

JOB OPENING: PREDITOR/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Min 3yrs brdcst/ent cble ntwk exper in onair promo as wrtr/prdcr/edtr. On/offair, adsales cobrnd spnrshp & mltpltfm promo vids for Oxygn. Finl Cut Pro. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (9123BR) (3/14)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ANALYST/Music Choice/NYC: Dvlpmt/Mgmt of media planning/trking system. Maximize media allocations. Evaluate ROI on mrktg cmpgns. BA/BS, 1+ yrs exp. in sales planning rqd. http://musicchoicecareers.iapplicants.com (3/14)

JOB OPENING:  PUBLISHER RELATIONS ACCT MGR/NTL/SLS/Long Is. City/NY: 3+ yrs exp/digi pub/wkg w pubs in a digi sales envir. BA in ad, bus, comm, mktg; Familiar w/digi sales language, digi bus app & process; apply @ [email protected] (3/14)

JOB OPENING: VP, FP&A/Crown Media Family Networks/LA: Deg req’d. Min. 7 yrs. FP&A exp. Resp: all aspects of financial plan’g/analysis incl analysis of alternative financial & strategic plans. View full/apply: www.hallmarkchannel.com Jobs (3/13)

JOB OPENING: TICKER/CSN MidAtlantic/DC: 2+ yrs sports journalism; on-air ticker experience preferred; job # 7716, www.nbcunicareers.com (3/9)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/SCRATCH/VIACOM/NYC: Please see below the direct link to the job posting.  http://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH05/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=MTVNETWORKS&cws=1&rid=5339 (3/9)

JOB OPENING:  VP RSRCH, FUSE/NYC: Extnsv exp ad sales & prgrm rsrch. 10+ yrs exp primary & secondary media rsrch. Exp w/focus groups, analyzing, budgeting, forecasting Nielsen data. Exp bldng & mng rsrch team. Dgtl exp a plus. Click here to apply. (3/9)

JOB OPENING:  AD SALES ACCT EXEC/PAC-12/Seattle: AE for multimedia ad sales. 5+ yrs sales exp. See full posting/apply to: http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?k=JobListing&c=qnc9Vfwn&v=1 (3/9)

JOB OPENINGDIGITAL MEDIA SPECIALIST/Crown Media Family Networks/Studio City: Oversight for the efficient mngmnt & processing of dig. file based audio visual assets & metadata utilizing dept. resources. More info/apply:  here http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (3/9)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION MGR/OUTSIDE TV/WESTPORT CT: create/mng budgets, book crews, orgnz logistics, coord and track costs, actualize and wrap out prod/prgrmng. 3 yrs exp within a prod mngmnt. Resume: [email protected] (3/9)

JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL NEWS NETWORK/NYC based: Seeks WRITERS/EDITORS/DIRECTORS/ENGINEERS/PRODUCERS/ADVERTISING EXEC ETC: For its 24/7 global broadcast network. Place job of interest in subject line/resumes to: [email protected] (3/9)

JOB OPENING: MGR DIGITAL RSRCH/ABC/Burbank, CA: Mng day-to-day activities related to metrics & digital rsrch for the Owned Stations’ dig properties. Omniture exp, web & social analytics exp. Apply: http://disneycareers.com, ref 92876 (3/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES DVLPMT MGR: Exp’d Rainmaker to dvlp new biz for ad sls. Client & agcy lvls. Mxmze SXM rev opps. Own sls process from pitch to close & acct mgmt thru-out cmpgn. Some trvl. NY or LA. [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: SVP AD SALES/Baby First TV/NYC: Oversee all Advertising and Brand Integration in the U.S. Prior cable network sales exp. req’d; women nets preferred. Mid 6-figure Pkg. Reports to CEO. Reply to [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: PROMO MGR/WUSA/DC: Work w/Mkting. Dir. on brand strategy, lead staff to promote key brand and news initiatives. Requires 5 years television experience in writing, editing, producing. Resume: [email protected] (3/8)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES PARTNERSHIPS MGR/A&E/A+E Networks/NY: Persuasively sell ideas & value based propositions to agencies, clients, planner & internal network stakeholders. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (3/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Crown Media Family Networks/Studio City: Provide support to the Ad Sales dept. by working with Account Executives to service clients on a daily basis. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (3/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR TRAVEL OPS/Viacom/NYC: 6-8 yrs of travel mgmnt exp. Keen undrstdng TMC ops–prof in Sabre. In-depth knwlge travel ind; strong contacts. Exp w/travel technologies. Expert level MS Office. Apply here: [email protected] EOE/M/F/D/AAP (3/8)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH STRATEGIST/Discovery/NY: Provide spprt to ad sls & group by creat’g quantitative/qualitative. Nielsen analyses rprts & presentations; 4+ yrs media rsrch exp @ cable ntwk or similar nat’l media outlet. http://bit.ly/WDbnvs (3/7)

JOB OPENING: COORD, BRAND MKTG PROMO/USA Network/NYC: Min 1 yr. exp in brand or promo mktg. Self-starter who thrives in fast-paced environment. Passion for pop culture and television. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (8968BR) (3/7)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIR/DESTINATION AMERICA/NY: Resp for dev of promo campgns, net brndg, mktg natives. 10+ yrs promo/mktg exp. In tv or ent, brand mgmt. or promo agcy. Proven 360 Mktg. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/cyckra9 (3/7)

JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL ANALYST/AJ America/NY: Min. 4+ yrs exp. Exp. TV or media pref’d. Build/mng budgets/forecasts/other models, support mthly close (var. analysis, mgmt. reporting), support ad hoc analysis. Res: www.aljazeera.com/america (3/7)

JOB OPENING: KIDS RESEARCHER/Insight Strategy Group/NYC: Looking for highly analytical Kids researcher w/5-7 years exp managing research projects and hands on exp working with kids Res/letter: [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: SALES DEV MGR/CAPTIVATE NETWORK/NYC: Create presentations & proposals to drive ad sales revenue. Strong writing skills, research insights, PPT. 3+ yrs proposal dev & sales support exp. Resume: [email protected] (3/6)

JOB OPENING: LOCAL SALES MANAGER/CSN Bay Area San Fran: 4+ yrs exp in Ad Sales; prior manager exp, a plus; Bachelor’s required; job # 9042, www.nbcunicareers.com (3/6)

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/CSN Bay Area San Fran: 3+ yrs exp in sports tv; Bachelor’s req or equivalent required; job # 9053, www.nbcunicareers.com (3/6)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR DEVELOPING PLATFORMS RESEARCH/ESPN/NYC: Lead Ad Sales Research for all Digital and Emerging Media. 10+ years agency,  publisher exp. Proven leader and creative thinker. www.espncareers.com Job ID-89819 (3/6)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PRODUCTION MGT/DISCOVERY/NY: Mnge multiple projects from dev thru delivery. 8-10 years of exp. Exp in creating and negotiating non-fiction prod bdgts. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/cyckra9 (3/6)

JOB OPENING: TEMP ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/Studio City: Support dept. with content updates and production for company’s consumer web initiatives.More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (3/6)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ADMIN/CSN Bay Area San Fran: 1-2 yrs accounting exp; Bachelor’s in accounting or finance; job #9052, www.nbcunicareers.com (3/6)

JOB OPENING: MKTG ASST/COORD/SONAR ENTERTAINMENT/NYC: Sole support for SVP & VP MKTG, coord trade shows, liaison with vendors & agencies, manage mktg materials, 2-5 yrs exp in ent or media pref. Resume & cover to: [email protected] (3/6)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/NY: All aspects of account maintenance, liaison with ad agencies. Must be detailed/ able to multi-task. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Apply-[email protected] (3/6)

JOB OPENING: SR ADMN ASST/AMC/LA: Provide high level adm suppt for SVP, Bus Affairs and team. 5+ yrs admin exp in tv/ent. Legal exp a plus. submit res to http://tinyurl.com/am23uxo (3/5)

JOB OPENING: MGR, MKTG SOLUTIONS/CLEAR CHANNEL/NYC: Support ideation & dev of programs and acct management for clients. Exp in digital/multi-platform pref’d. 6+ yrs in related field exp. Resume to: [email protected] (3/5)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Los Angeles: For full job description details go to: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers, https://secure.sterlingdirect.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=156477 (3/5)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH/ANALYST/NBCUniversal/LA: support primary research activities. For a full job description please visit: https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_jobdetail.asp?partnerid=25354&siteid=5108&areq=8904br (3/5)

JOB OPENING: SVP TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING/Financial News Network/NYC: Int’l cable broadcaster seeks Sr. engineer. 10yrs exp for studio facilities & uplink. Similar operations CNN, CNBC. Career opportunity. Resume: [email protected] (3/5)

JOB OPENING: SR.MGR, PROGRAM RESEARCH/NBC Sports Group-Stamford, CT: resp. for the creation, content, & distribution of audience reports & insight analysis. Star Estimator and supervisory exp. a + click here to apply: (3/5)

JOB OPENING: SR. IT BUSINESS ANALYST – DATA WAREHOUSING/BI SYSTEMS/LOS ANGELES CA: Computer and Information Systems Manager Apply: http://tinyurl.com/a9q2agz (FFE0001562) (3/5)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE UNIT PUBLICIST/The Online Network/NYC & Stamford, CT: Daily on-set coverage and media outreach for launch of two well-loved daytime dramas. Exp in TV PR a must-Sal neg. Apply: [email protected] (3/5)

JOB OPENING: RSCH MGR/GSN Santa Monica: Mgr. Research opp 3+ yrs TV/CBL rsrch field/Sr. Analyst exp. Nielsen software, NPower, FOCUS, MarketBreaks, StarTrak/StarEstimator & Gabriel stewardship. Res/cover: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR SPONSORSHIP RESEARCH/NASCAR/CLT: Syndicated/Custom research solutions & insights for sales/renewals. Exp presenting to execs. Team environment. BA with 5+ yrs research exp. www.employment.nascar.com EOE(3/4)

JOB OPENING: MGR, GROWTH SEGMENT RSRCH/NASCAR/CLT: Mng rsch focused on youth, Gen-Y, Multicultural segments. Team environment. BS w/min 5 yrs mkt rsrch exp. Interest in sports, SPSS, Synd’d Tools Pref’d.  www.employment.nascar.com (3/4)

JOB OPENING: NEWS PRODUCER/NECN/Boston: 2+ yrs newsroom exp required, Bachelor’s degree req, Associate Producer or Producer exp preferred; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8896 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: WEB PRODUCER/NECN/Boston: 1 yr news writing exp, HTML/web coding required, Bachelor’s degree req, social media exp a plus; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com, job #8902 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MEDIA PRODUCER/CSN MidAtlantic DC: 3-5 yrs news producer/editor/journalist/reporter or talent req’d, web content mgt/DART/DSM req’d, FCP editing and Photoshop required, DC-Baltimore sports knowledge req’d; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8910 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/TCN/Philly: Bachelors + 3yrs in tv/broadcast design and graphics, Adobe: Illustrator + Photoshop + After Effects required, 3dSMax and Cinema 4d a plus, Avid/FCP a plus; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8916 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CSN Philly: Bachelor’s + 2 yrs ad sales exp req’d, pref digital media/publishing or sports media; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8921 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/EDITOR/CSN New England Boston: Bachelor’s + 1-3 yrs media production req’d, familiar w/all aspects of a newsroom, expert in FCP, basic knowledge of After Effects + Photoshop, must know Mac OS X, exp w Cinema 4D a plus; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8939 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/CSN MidAtlantic DC: 3 yrs tv production + Bachelors/equivalent, thorough knowledge of sports; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8954 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SR PRODUCER, ORIG CONTENT/CSN Chicago: 5-10 yrs regional/nat’l TV news, Bachelor’s degree, Chicago sports exp req’d, INEWS exp a plus; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8964 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/SNY/NYC: Bachelor’s + 1 yr Avid editing in news, expert knowledge in sports, Interplay knowledge req’d; apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8965 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SR. MARKETING MGR/SNY NYC: 7-10 yrs marketing/advertising in sports/tv req’d, exp in NYC req’d; more info, apply: www.nbcunicareers.com job #8990 (3/4)

JOB OPENING: VP, TALENT DEVELOPMENT/CMT/LA: 7 – 10 yrs. successful exp. as a Casting/Talent Exec. or Booker for TV/film req.; well-established contacts a must. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.viacomcareers.com (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SLS Support Specialist/Discovery/NY: Assist National Sls Asst w/day-to-day ntwrk admin responsibilities; 2nd sls support trainer; 4+ yrs biz exp, 3+yrs Ad Sls environment http://bit.ly/WZ8tBR (3/4)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION MGR/OUTSIDE TV/WESTPORT CT: create/mng budgets, book crews, orgnz logistics, coord and track costs, actualize and wrap out prod/prgrmng. 3 yrs exp within a prod mngmnt. Resume: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: VP GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION/FINANCIAL NEWS NTWRK/NYC: International experience imperative (Asia, Africa, India, etc).  Salary/bonus/stock options.  Career opportunities. Resume/cover to: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: HEAD OF SALES PLANNING/OPS/Outcast Media/NYC: lead team of 4, reporting, pricing, Salesforce, advanced Excel, operations-focused http://www.outcast.net/careers/ (3/4)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Outcast Media/NYC: Eastern Reg, digital, broadcast, video, major agency contacts, strategic http://www.outcast.net/careers/ (3/4)



WEDNESDAY | APRIL 17, 2013 | 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.

Cynopsis: Sports Media Awards Program

**Finalists announced soon**

Register here: http://www.cynopsis.com/events/sports-awards/.


provide advice, counsel and representation in connection with the negotiations, drafting and management of agreements for a broad range of information technology
Director, Business & Legal Affairs  13-0037
Universal Music Group

lead teams in the creative and technical execution of new and existing products
Senior Product Developer  4048

helm multiplatform daily news editorial and operations, specifically the reporting, writing, shooting, editing, digital production, broadcast and distribution of on-air and online video, articles, blogs and photos
VP, MTV Daily News

responsible for cultivating and managing new sales activities that result in reaching and exceeding sales targets for the Digital Marketing Platform and Services group
Fluent Business Development Director  2013-8022

researches, architects, develops and supports technologies and workflows geared toward improving and automating the media post production pipeline
Director, Media Processing  FFE0001591
Fox Networks

work between departments and IT groups to document business requirements and translate them into proper system requirement specifications to achieve operations goals
Senior Manager, Business Analysis

responsible for aligning creative concepts with strategy, technical specifications, production planning, execution and quality assurance
Senior Art Director

work closely with the rest of our design team to continue to evolve the brand across all channels
Sr. Visual Designer (Mobile) at Foursquare
NYC NY or San Francisco CA

responsible for all of Velocity’s scheduling operations
Scheduling Specialist  7414
Discovery Channel
Silver Spring MD

implementation of new and existing technology systems
Senior Project Manager/IT Trainer
Ion Media Networks
Clearwater FL

source, negotiate and close international sales partnership
VP of Monetization
Maker Studios
Chicago IL

responsible for the creation, implementation and overall success of our online marketing strategy
Sr. Director, Online Marketing
Maker Studios
Chicago IL

create photorealistic 3d images in a team based environment for nationally broadcast commercial projects
Mid-Senior Vray Lighter
Method Studios
Chicago IL

accountable for generating new revenue opportunities for the agency
Business Development Director
Chicago IL

drive the content calendar in support of the strategy and execution of a robust lead generation marketing plan to deliver a qualified pipeline of leads to the Sales organization
Sr. Marketing Communications Manager
Chicago IL

developing and delivering training content, act as an extension of the HR Partner network to provide employee relation support
Senior Manager/Director, Training and HR Business Partner
Waggener Edstrom, Inc
Seattle WA

managing execution and personnel over multi-discipline areas of work at Revsiion3
Director, Audience Development  7445
Discovery Channel
San Francisco CA

providing creative strategies, solutions and ideas to maintain the company’s competitive edge relating to our talent
Director, HR
San Francisco CA

acquire approximately twelve titles per year in the areas of health and wellness, spirituality, family and relationships, and general nonfiction
Editor/Senior Editor – HarperOne
San Francisco CA

acting in a functional capacity in all phases of the Project Life Cycle for medium to large projects, including post-production support and ongoing maintenance
Lead Analyst – JD Edwards  FFE0001442
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA

oversee the national and international facilities/experience team
Manager, Experience and Facilities
Los Angeles CA

work and train artists in a fresh environment on exceptional feature film productions
Senior Compositor
Los Angeles CA

responsible for processing all third party digital sales files for Universal Music Group Distribution
Manager of Finance  13-0042
Universal Music Group
Santa Monica CA

negotiate and implement all collective bargaining agreements
V.P. Labor Relations
Santa Monica CA


Stan Gill was appointed as VP and General Manager of the CBS Television Station group’s WTOG-TV (CW 44) in the Tampa-St. Petersburg market.  Gill begins his new post on Monday after 14 years with ACME Communications.

Theano Apostolou has been promoted to Executive Vice President, Communications for Starz. Based in Los Angeles, Apostolou is responsible for the network’s overall communications strategies, programming publicity and external affairs. She will report to Chris Albrecht, Chief Executive Officer for Starz.

Sparkpr bolstered its ranks by adding Jim Dowd, former SVP of National Media Relations with Golin Harris, and Candice J. Yusim, former VP at Tribal Brands, to its agency. Dowd will be based in New York and run the consumer division as Managing Director. Yusim will lead the Los Angeles office as Managing Director and oversee the new multi-platform media, music and entertainment practice.

Lisa Heckaman has been hired as the new Marketing & Communications Manager at The Mill in Los Angeles, a post production facility specializing in visual effects.

NBCUniversal International Television Production has snared BBC Worldwide‘s current COO Sarah Cooper. Cooper will take on the newly created position of COO of the international TV production unit of the Comcast-controlled entertainment group. Her appointment is effective March 11.

Jeff Zeleny has been appointed Senior Washington Correspondent for ABC News. He previously worked at The New York Times as National Political Correspondent, White House Correspondent and Congressional Correspondent.

Sarah LaBrache, former Director, CBS On-Air Promotion since 2007, and Anne de Vega, former Director, CBS On-Air Promotion since 2010, have been promoted to Vice Presidents, CBS On-Air Promotion.

Comcast Spotlight, the advertising sales division of Comcast Cable, has promoted four executives. Rick Stanley has been named Senior Vice President of the company’s West division; Roland Trombley as Senior Vice President of its NorthCentral division; Kevin Patrick Smith as Senior Vice President of Comcast Media 360; and Mary Rooney as Vice President of Strategic Planning and Internal Communications.

Shine America has appointed Leslie Belzberg as senior VP of scripted production. Belzberg, a cofounder of the TV production company St. Clare Entertainment, will oversee the studio’s day-to-day scripted production, including FX’s summer drama The Bridge.

Karyn Edwards is departing Brightlight Pictures to launch her own production company Pictopia Pictures, which will develop, finance, and produce television and feature film projects. Edwards served as both EVP Business & Legal Affairs and Producer on several feature film and television projects during her 10 year tenure at Brightlight.

Discovery Communications has announced the promotion of Eric Phillips to President, Domestic Distribution, effective immediately. A 10-year veteran of Discovery, Phillips most recently served as Executive Vice President, Domestic Distribution for the company. Phillips will lead day-to-day management of the Domestic Distribution division and oversee content distribution sales and marketing on behalf of Discovery’s U.S. networks.

Nena Rodrigue, former Executive Vice President and Executive Producer of Wolf Films, has been appointed Senior Vice President of Original Production and Development at Sundance Channel, effective immediately. Based in New York, Rodrigue will develop and oversee the network’s growing slate of original productions.

Echo Bridge Entertainment has promoted Emilia Nuccio from Senior Vice President to President, International Distribution, effective immediately. Nuccio will oversee the International Distribution’s growth by expanding and diversifying the company’s portfolio.

Ed Hersh is rejoining StoryCentric LLC, the New York based company he founded in 2007, as its Chief Creative Officer. Hersch, who last served as Senior Vice President, Content Strategy for the Military Channel at Discovery Communications, will continue to work with Investigation Discovery through a consulting arrangement with StoryCentric.

Half Yard Productions has announced the promotion of executive producer Jordana Starr to Vice President. Since joining Half Yard Productions in 2011, Starr has guided the success of two hit series for TLC, Say Yes to the Dress and its various spin-offs, as well as Randy to the Rescue and I Found the Gown, both of which were just renewed for second seasons.

Shushannah Walshe, a Digital Political Journalist for ABC News in New York, is leaving her position to join ABC News’ Washington bureau on March 11. Walshe will continue to cover politics for broadcast and ABCNews.com, including the upcoming midterm elections, 

Marc Liepis is joining ID public relations agency as a vice president. Liepis previously served as a segment producer on NBC’s Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and a consultant on the series Portlandia.

Former WGHP president Karen Adams has been appointed VP and general manager of WJZY and WMYT, the anticipated FOX duopoly in Charlotte. Adams previously served as president and GM of the WGHP FOX 8 in Greensboro, N.C., a Fox-owned station.

Later — John
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