Tuesday, June 5th, 2012



Video Content Acquisition Amazon Instant Video. Highly exp’d, you will negotiate content deals & mng relationships with studios and cable nets

[email protected]

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, June 5, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

A Retrospect…

In April 10th’s edition, we had an HR professional describe his job and the candidates he sees on a daily basis.  If what he says holds true for most of the candidates out there, what are we to infer from this information? 
That most people are stupid?  No. 
That many are lazy and really don’t want a job?  No. 
That they are so set in their ways that they will not conform to the newer methods of personal marketing?  Maybe at first, but when you are unemployed for a certain amount of time, most people are willing to embrace new ideas. 
Perhaps they have given up.  Unfortunately, that might be true for some, but certainly not the majority. 
I think they are mad.  They are mad that they can walk into a job they are more than qualified for and never hear back from the company.  This is unprecedented for most workers.  Qualifications were once all you needed to get a good job.  But now, you need more. 
So listen to the gentleman who wrote last week’s column. 
You’re not writing thank you notes?
You’re not ready for questions that put you in an uncomfortable position? 
You haven’t researched the company or the industry?
You’re not asking about the hiring process? 
You’re are unenthused during your interview? 
You don’t know how to sell yourself with enthusiasm? 
You haven’t looked into typical questions asked during an interview?
Your resumes aren’t in an easy to read format with three bullet points near the top that clearly demonstrates why you are THE PERSON for the job?
You have misspelled words on your resume or cover letter?
You don’t have a list of questions that will demonstrate your knowledge of the company and the industry?
Stop, before emailing me in anger, I know a lot of you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing and still are unemployed.  But understand this, you are way ahead of a lot of other candidates out there, so hold on, your time is coming.
When I wrote a column about the 3 bullet point resume, I received over 75 resumes asking for my opinion.  Less than ten had 3 bullet points, all the rest had more, one had 27.
I know it’s bad out there, and I don’t want to sound cruel, but if you don’t heed the advice from the Cynopsis writers, industry leaders and people who work in HR, then you’re not doing your job.  And if you’re not doing your job, why should anyone hire you to do theirs?
Next Issue: Time

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].


Is Online-Only TV Ready for Prime Time?

Cynopsis Digital‘s very own Sahil Patel
chats with Bob Garfield, NPR’s On The Media audio podcast!

Listen + Learn: http://www.onthemedia.org/2012/may/25/online-only-tv-ready-prime-time/.

SCANDAL Politics of Perspective
by Jessica Sitomer

Nothing like a good Shonda Rhimes show to make greed and corruption look sexy. It also makes it look near impossible to address necessary reform and change. With government cover-ups going as high as the president, it looks pretty grim!

But even someone as tough as Olivia Pope, a professional ‘fixer’ can change her perspective when she knows something is ethically wrong. But why should something bad have to happen to get an honest perspective on things?

Here are some of the perspectives that have been shared with me lately:
The economy is so bad, the entertainment industry may never recover and I may never work again.

I watch the news everyday and I don’t think we’ll see things get better for at least another decade!

What is the point of trying to change things? We have no power in this country.  

The irony of that last statement is that’s exactly how I feel after I watch Scandal. Is art imitating life? Is “Olivia Pope” out there? And do we have a chance to make a change with people like her keeping things fixed’?  Maybe certain perspectives will always be “in the air.” I don’t know. What I do know is that we have the power to control what perspectives we choose to focus on. I also know that where we focus has a great deal to do with our success, or lack of.

Here are some questions to ask yourself regarding your perspective:

  • What are the general statements you make about your career possibilities, the state of the world, and the people in your life?
  • Are these statements empowering or concerning?
  • If they are empowering, you’re in great shape! Keep it up. If they are concerning, how is it helping you to stay focused on your concerning statements? Are they pushing you to act in a positive way? Or are they keeping you stuck, frustrated, and fearful?

To change your perspective can be a tiny or a great big shift. It can be as simple as sitting in a different seat at your dinner table or as challenging as believing you deserve success even when others are struggling around you.

Before you focus on changing your perspective, take an accurate inventory about how you’re feeling right now:

Are you scared about your future? Are you frustrated with your career? Do you feel let down by work associates? Do you struggle with not living up to the expectations you had for yourself? Is your money situation causing you stress? Do you feel alone or unsupported by those around you? Do you ever feel helpless or just want to give up, but don’t know what else you’d do? Do you ever feel like nothing in your life is as it should be? 

You may need to take a few deep breaths after that. I sure do! It’s no fun to focus on those questions. How about these:
Who is the one person (or animal) in your life you can always count on to make you smile? What have you done or can you start doing to feel proactive about a stable future? What do you love about your job that keeps you pursuing it? What fuels your passion outside of work?

Now for the “what ifs”:

What if the economy turns around in the next two years and work becomes abundant? What if you’re getting so many job offers, you’re turning work away? What if you paid off all of your debt and had enough left over to feel secure for the rest of your life? What if you met great people who always make you feel welcome and cared about? What if everything in your life fell into place; you are healthy, fulfilled at work, fulfilled in your personal life, making an abundance of money, giving back, having fun, feeling loved?

The challenging part of changing your perspective is recognizing that the “what ifs” are just as made up as your “worries.” In fact, in most instances, worries never come to be, and things tend to work out for the best.

Now the decision is yours to make: Do you want to worry about your future? Or do you want to focus on the “what ifs” and in doing so, motivating yourself to make those “what ifs” turn into actuality? 

And Action!

1. For every concern you have, create a “what if” that you prefer for your future.   

2. For every “what if” you create, design a strategy plan for working toward seeing it through to fruition.

Yes, Olivia Pope doesn’t leave anything up to chance, she can’t afford a ‘what if’ that she doesn’t control. But you’re not a professional fixer. You can pursue your “what if” perspective with integrity and passion.

Jessica Sitomer,The Greenlight Coach,is a top Entertainment Industry Speaker and Coach and is the author of And…Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry. To learn more about her, visit, www.TheGreenlightCoach.com 

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Jessica Sitomer

Do salary advances still exists and if so, what is the best way to approach the subject?

There are no laws requiring salary advances, so every company is going to have it’s own policy. You’ll have to inquire at your company. What is the best way to approach the subject? Professionally. Think about what their objections may be and provide solutions.

What is the best way to refuse an assignment that is outside of my job description without hurting my career?

Say that you are booked (this doesn’t have to be a lie, book yourself with “stuff”) and recommend great people to make it easy for them to fill the position. Your contacts will appreciate you throwing their name in the hat and it will be good karma for your career.

Jessica Sitomer, The Greenlight Coach, answers an entertainment industry question daily at www.AndActionBook.blogspot.com.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


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JOB OPENING: MANAGER/Ad Sales MKTG/HGTV/NY: Create custom sponsorship proposals, budget management, manage sweepstakes and sponsorship fulfillment.Full details, http://www.scrippsnetworks.com & select req 3073 (6/9)

JOB OPENING: KEY PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT/NYC: Daily, synd talk show seeking experienced Key Accountant. Must know Global Vista. Non-union position. Must work as a NYC local. Starts 6/18. Resume to: [email protected] (6/9)

JOB OPENING: IN-HOUSE COUNSEL/VP, LEGAL & BUS AFFAIRS/LA: Attorney for TV prod co to manage agreements, releases, employment, negotiations. JD + 5 yrs TV/film legal experience req’d. Apply: [email protected] (6/9)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AD SLS RSCH STRATEGIST/DISCOVERY/OWN: Sprt Sr Dir w/digital ad sls rsch, cross platform & social anlys; BA Comm, Econ, Media pref; 4yr exp in data/media relatd field pref; http://careers.discovery.com/ #5737 (6/9)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR/PROG & PROMO SCHEDULING/Crown Media/Studio City: Key program & on-air promo support to the program and acquisitions team. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (6/9)

JOB OPENING: MGR CONSUMER MKTG/SYFY, NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Manage Syfy’s Off-Air, Brand, and Consumer Marketing efforts. Must have 3 yrs marketing exp in TV or entertainment. Media planning exp req. Apply: nbcunicareers.com (5747BR) (6/9)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ASSIST/Beacon Media Grp/Mahwah NJ: Leading kid media buyg/plng agcy looking for media plng assist, inputer, & day-to-day maint of kid buys. EXCEL WIZ A MUST. Great bnfits. Send resumes to: [email protected] (6/9)

JOB OPENING: KEY PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT/NYC: Daily, synd talk show seeking experienced Key Accountant. Must know Global Vista. Non-union position. Must work as a NYC local. Starts 6/18. Resume to: [email protected] (6/9)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ANLYST/MSG Ntwk/NY: Support Media & Spnsrship w/reprting & data anlysis Ntk ratings & varius primry/secndry reserch resorces (Scarborgh) Excl Skills Requ Nielsn systm exper pref Agncy exper welcm http://bit.ly/L4hDn6 (6/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PR/WEtv/NYC: Create publicity campaigns for WE tv series, specials, digital/social media content. Work w/prgrm’ng, marketing, digital, agents, talent etc. 8+ yrs exp. Submit res: http://tinyurl.com/6uqmcnv (6/8)

JOB OPENING: NEWS BOOKER/Los Angeles: Seeking deal-closer with competitive booking experience, familiarity with law enforcement and judicial system, and strong research skills. Apply: [email protected] (6/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR, CONSUMER MKTG/NatGeoChannels/NY: Drive viewership & build awareness for the U.S. based channels & support cross co. initiatives incl. Affil/Ad Sales activities. BA/BS req. 7+ yrs ent/media exp. [email protected] FNG1110 (6/8)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DISNEY/BURBANK: Sell advertising/sponsorships to Advertising Agencies on West Coast. 2 yrs exp required. Kids National Media exp pref. Please visit www.disneycareers.com REQ 44992 for more info. EEO (6/8)

JOB OPENING: IMA/SR DATA PLANNER/SFV: 4+ yrs TV Planning DR; Manage response data; provide analysis on media, performance, ROI; Knowledge of STRATA/Core/IMS/Excel/AdViews/Access & SQL Resume: [email protected] (6/8)

JOB OPENING: RSCH ANALYST/NCM MEDIA NETWORKS/NYC: Prepare sales materials using syndicated & primary rsrch based around ad effectiveness & audience positioning; 1 yr media/agency exp. a + Apply: www.ncm.com (6/8)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC CLIENT ACTIVATION/bottlerocket mktg group/NY: Manage events/activations; Pitch/neg. partnerships; dvlp/execute promotions; full campaign delivery. 5+ yrs exp req’d Res: [email protected] (6/8)

JOB OPENING: EDITORS (2 Types) NYC: Exp with True Crime or similar genre. Also Reality TV specializing in Intervention. Familiar with AVID, AVID FX, Boris FX. Cover/resume to: [email protected] (6/8)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/NYC: Experience in Reality television specializing in Intervention Reality, extensive experience in field and/or post.Cover/resume to: [email protected] (6/8)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/Sony Pictures TV/NY: Strong dig. sales bckgrnd a must. Interest in entertainment, gaming, emerg. tech. Able to sell mult properties, incl: Crackle, PS Network, FEARnet & DrOz. Apply: www.sonypicscareers.com (6/7)

JOB OPENING: MGR-INTEGRATED AD SLS MKTG/DISCOVERY/NY: Resp for dvpmnt/execution of Advrtsr sponsorships, opps/integrations on Velocity; 5+ yrs relevant exp; auto/sports sponsorship a +. https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/5847/job (6/7)

JOB OPENING: SR. MGR AD SLS MTKG/Discovery/NYC: Collaborate cross departments to create custom integrations & advance OWN brand/sales strategy/ on air exp. is a must. Apply: https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/5459/job (6/7)

JOB OPENING: ASSISTANT, DEVELOPMENT & PRODUCTION/SABAN BRANDS/CENTURY CITY/LA: 1-3 yrs TV Animation, Family/Kids or Live Action administrative experience to support SVP. Apply: [email protected] (6/6)

JOB OPENING: VP OF PROD/LA: Vry strong mgmt skills, extrmly positive agncy/ntwk relationships a must. Strong undrstding of TV prod issues & prblm-solving skills needed. A true leader. Resume to: [email protected] (6/6)

JOB OPENING: Assoc. Dir., Media Operations & Client-Vendor Comm/Sherwood Trading Group/Ramsey NJ: Mng daily operat’l processes ntwrk TV & Radio clients. Proficient: MediaOcean and EXCEL. Resume: [email protected] (6/5)

JOB OPENING: MGR, BUS OPERATIONS/ESPN Inc/NYC: 4+ Yrs Exp; Manage ad sales support team handling acct. maint. Ad industry exp req’d. Must have exp. in TV. Analytical skills a +. Digital exp is a +. www.espncareers.com Job ID-45958 (6/5)

JOB OPENING: QC TECH ESPANOL/STAMFORD: Freelance Tech eval audio & video for Spanish & English programs. apply www.aenetworks.com https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=131267 (6/2)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/HEALTH CLUB MEDIA/CHI: Assist AEs in proposal gen. & dvlp prod integration for plans, wrks w/ AEs & Ops on media buys to ensure proper maint of all accts Send resumes to [email protected] (6/2)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER AD SALES MARKETING/BRAVO NBCUniversal/NYC: Collaborate cross departments to create sponsorship opportunities & advance Bravo brand/sales strategy Ad Sales exp is a must. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com #5341 (6/2)

JOB OPENING: DIR, LEGAL & BUS AFFAIRS/Nat Geo/DC: Attorney to manage talent issues (agreements, releases, employment, negotiations). JD, 5 yrs TV/film legal exp req’d. Apply for Job 5124 at www.nationalgeographic.com/jobs (6/1)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE MGR, STRATEGIC MKTG/USA NTWK/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Develop & execute digital/integrated multi-platform mktg solutions. Min 5 yrs mktg exp in TV or digital mktg agency. Apply: [email protected] (6/1)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRGRMNG BOOMERANG/Cartoon Network/ATL: Mng/execute day-to-day prgrmng strategies, incl stunt plan’g & all inventory. Must have 2-5 yrs TV prgrmng exp. Resume:  http://www.turnerjobs.com/#/careers/job-details/131126BR (6/1)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES MGR/OWN/Oprah Winfrey Network/CHI: 5 yrs exp in Ad Sales, xlnt biz dev/client & agency mgmt skills, great team player. Apply at: http://careers.own.tv/ (5/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/OWN Digital/Oprah.com/NY: 2 yrs exp in Online Ad Sales, oversee rfp requirements & price/cpm analysis, develop proposals and presentations, team player. Apply at: http://careers.own.tv/ (5/31)

JOB OPENING: FLASH DVLPR/DESIGNER/NYC: 2-5 yrs related work exp in high-end, fast paced, graphic design & prod stdio or agency. Exc comm skills w/strong client srvce & proj mngmnt. BA deg/ graph des pref’d. Res: [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICITY ASST/LA: Asst maint’g press lists/press set visits/event plan’g/press junkets & escorting talent to events/media apprncs. 1-3yrs ent pub. exp pref’d. Strong written comm skills a must. [email protected]  (5/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PR/LA: 7+YRS TV publicity exp. at a ntwrk, studio or agency & a comprehensive knwlg of ent, cbl industry & unscripted ser. Strong relations w/key print, brdcst & online media outlets is key. [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: SHOW PRODUCER/REELZ/ABQ, NM: Entertainment news bckgrnd/strong writing skills/on deadline. Staff position with benefits; At least 5 yrs on daily/weekly pop culture shows. Please apply to [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PROMO EDITOR/(PT)/New Orleans: Exp w/ final cut pro and recent topical promos a must. Need a sense of comedy and exp with graphics.  8 wk position, Could become staff position.  Contact – [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: SR DIRECTOR OF PROGRAM SCHEDULING/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL or NYC: 7-10 years TV programming, strong knowledge TV & digital platforms. Solid program planning/scheduling exp a must. Resume to: [email protected] (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING COORDINATOR/HGTV & DIY/NY: maintain materials related to the programming production process. 2 yrs exp in production or programming req. Apply: http://www.scrippsnetworks.com/careers.aspx?code=careers (5/31)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, TV RESEARCH/FX-LA: Support sr execs w/ data anlys of perf of on-air & competitive ntwrks. BA Fin., Math, Acct’g pref. Sup skills MS Excel. 1yr exp in data/media relatd field pref. www.foxcareers.com. FNG0001112 (5/31)

JOB OPENING: PROD MGR, PRINT CREATIVE/FOX/LA: Oversee aspects of print prod incl. schedlng; vendor mgmt; sprvise prod staff; etc. 5+ yrs advtsng & print prod. Mac, Photoshop, InDesign exp a must. www.foxcareers.com FNG0001141 (5/30)

JOB OPENING: TV One/NY: TRAFFIC COORD. BA pref’d and/or 2 yrs of exp TV Ops & Traffic. Build daily comm. log within parameters to ensure accuracy. Wrk w/Ad sales mgmt, traffic mgmt. and agencies. More info: www.tvone.tv (5/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, FINANCIAL PLANNING & ANALYSIS/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL: 7+ years finance or acctng. Experience with media company a plus, financial metrics/modeling, OLAP tools. MBA preferred. Resume to: [email protected] (5/30)

JOB OPENING: PROD COORD/LA: Animated TV series looking for full-time PC/APM to start ASAP. Prior television animation coordinating/ team management exp a must. Resume to [email protected] (5/30)


responsible for overseeing the review and approval of all advertising airing on the national network
Vice President, Advertising Standards   5385BR
NBC Universal


structure, draft and negotiate a variety of agreements relating to the distribution of a broad portfolio of basic cable programming services and related content offerings
Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs CDM


translate user needs and business objectives into intuitive and compelling consumer products used by millions of users
Sr. Director, Product Development


coordinate talent planning and evaluate outside talent for all CNN networks
Exec Dir, Talent Recruitment
Turner Broadcasting


be editorially and creatively responsible for developing and producing auditions, segments, pilots and sizzle reels in order to evaluate potential talent and program ideas for all CNN networks
Executive Producer, Program Development
Turner Broadcasting


build and manage a team of highly technical product managers
VP of Product


serves as the point of contact for Production to implement effective Human Resources solutions to business issues, strategies and initiatives
HR Business Partner   44527BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Bristol CT


manage all aspects of Discovery’s relationship with the top MSOs, owning all day to day interactions and negotiations with their corporate offices
VP – National Accounts   5976
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD


lead the marketing strategy and help guide the creative direction for the Military Channel, in order to grow the current audience and expand the brand
Director – Marketing Strategy    5972
Discovery Communications
Silver Springs MD


responsible for overseeing the review and approval of all advertising airing on the national network
Vice President, Advertising Standards   5385BR
NBC Universal


work closely with the Production Management (PMD) and the Scheduling team to create, prioritize work orders in ScheduALL and supervise the “Incoming QC” process for the Global Production Technicians
Global Operations Supervisor(Nat Geo)   FNG0001170
Fox Networks
Washington DC


responsible for the ideation, strategy, development, and launch of video products for business customers
Senior Product Development Manager of Video Services   40545
Cox Communications  
Atlanta GA


develop processes and procedures that increase the effectiveness and efficiency of systems used to prepare financial reports for the enterprise portfolio management organization
Senior Financial Analyst   40520
Cox Communications  
Atlanta GA


leads, participates in, or directs others who lead or participate in content-related stakeholder interview identification, planning, facilitation and analysis
Content Strategy Director   ARC000201
Leo Burnett
Chicago IL


drive the strategy and execution of a robust lead generation marketing plan to deliver a qualified pipeline of leads for the Sales organization
Senior Marketing Manager
Chicago IL


leading the strategy behind each specific paid search campaign by providing budget estimates, competitive analysis information, and insight into the category
Lead Search Manager   11161
Chicago IL


leads and oversees all sales strategies to ensure revenue and growth objectives are met
Director of Sales Cox Media   40535
Cox Communications  
Phoenix AZ


envision, champion and oversee execution of creative work that conveys E!’s key brand & programming messages
SVP, Creative  E!   5845BR
NBC Universal
Los Angeles CA


work closely with the VP, Finance and serve as a key member of the senior staff that sets the company’s strategic direction
VP, Strategy & Financial Planning   FFE0000798
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA


performs the close process for the FNG Shared Services overhead departments
Financial Analyst    FNG0001140
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA


manages assigned comedy, drama, reality and competition/game show programming through review of scripts, table reads, run-throughs, dailies, rough-cuts, tapings and final cuts
Manager, Standards & Practices   FNG0001122
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA


work with Hulu Marketing team to define goals and tailor the message
Senior Interactive Designer
Los Angeles CA


optimize collaboration between cross-functional teams to launch products in new international markets
Program Manager – International
Los Angeles CA


serve as in-house producer on major Network projects as assigned by the head of production
Manager – Production   5926
Discovery Communications
Los Angeles CA


directs and oversees financial planning, analysis, budgeting and forecasting
VP, Financial Planning & Analysis – Network Entertainment   5881BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA


optimize and facilitate Project Approval process; help write Project Approval Requests and perform ROI analysis
Senior Manager, Strategic Planning   11280BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA



Former AOL executive Jennifer DeGuzman was added at National Geographic Channels as VP/Communications.  Additionally, Dara Klatt was promoted to Senior Director/Corporate Communications and Erin Griffin to Associate Director/Communications and Talent Relations.  Jennifer and Dara, who are based in New York and Washington, D.C. respectively, report to Chris Albert, SVP/Communications and Talent Relations while Erin reports to Jennifer.  Congrats to Jennifer on her new hiring and to Dara and Erin on their new promotions!
Leftfield Pictures, behind such current television series as Pawn Stars and Monster In-Law tapped television producer Laura Nieder as Director/Development.  Laura will concentrate her efforts on developing female-focused programming and will report to Rob Shaftel, VP/Development.  Previously, Laura was with Rachael Ray where she served as producer on the syndicated series.

Beginning June 1, Tiffany Rolfe takes on the new role as Partner/Chief Content Officer at Co:Collective.  Tiffany joins from Crispin Porter + Bogusky where she has served as VP/Executive Creative Director.

Former Trans Digital Media executive Lisa Sumja was hired at Pure Play Broadcasting as EVP/Distribution.  Lisa will head the company’s expansion in the US and international broadcast markets.

NBCUniversal has expanded the position of Todd Whiting who will become SVP/NBCUniversal Cable & New Media Distribution.  Todd will continue to work in tandem with Frances Manfredi, President/NBCUniversal Cable & New Media Distribution in digital content licensing for the company’s network and cable TV series and Universal Film to subscription on demand (SOD) clients such as Netflix and Amazon among other digital platforms.  Todd will additionally continue to license television and film content to fully distributed and emerging cable networks.  Todd most recently was VP/NBCUniversal Cable & New Media Distribution since 2008.

Alicia Muntzner was named to the newly-minted position of VP/Advertising Sales at Style Media.  Alicia will manage Style Media’s first dedicated sales force and will also be in charge going into the 2012-2013 Upfront season.  Previously, Alicia was with USA Network as Director/Advertising Sales.  At Style Media, Alicia is based in New York and will report to Susan Malfa, SVP/Ad Sales for Bravo Media, Oxygen Media, Style Media and Women At NBCU and Salaam Coleman Smith, President, Style Media. 

In July, John Berman, most recently at ABC News, is joining CNN’s 5-7a program Early Start as Anchor along with Ashleigh Banfield and Zoraida Sambolin.  John was with ABC News for 17 years as a correspondent where his focus was politics.

Sony Pictures Television (SPT) Networks has reorganized its senior management structure for its business across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).  Effective immediately, the region will be divided into two portions: Kate Marsh will continue to lead UK and Italy and now Iberia and the Netherlands, Scandinavia and France as SVP/Western Europe. Lyle Stewart was elevated to SVP/CEEMA where he will continue to manage business throughout Germany, Russia, the Baltics and Africa as well as Central Europe as well as now in Turkey, Greece and the Middle East.  Kate and Lyle both report to Andy Kaplan, President, SPT Networks.  Juan Romeu will remain as SVP/GM for Iberia reporting to Kate Marsh while John Rossiter, GM/Central Europe, Sergey Plotnikov, GM/Russia and Bettina Hermann, Territory Director, German Speaking Europe all report to Lyle Stewart. 

Independent media services company, KSL Media added Larry Most as VP/Business Development for its Miami office.  Larry will oversee the expansion of KSL Media’s client roster in the Southeast region of the country.  He reports to Mike Oddi, CMO. 

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

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Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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