Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

Cynopsis: Classified



Good morning – it’s Wednesday, June 28, 2011, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! 

Two Camps of LinkedIn

There are two polarizing camps within the business world surrounding the issue of who you should accept within your LinkedIn network. 

One camp believes any and everyone.  Anything else smacks of elitism.  You’ll accept a SVP because they are a SVP, but never anyone lower on the ladder than you are, unless you think that they may become an asset to you in the future.  Selfish.

The other camp believes that LinkedIn is not a social network, it is strictly business meant for the purpose of helping your career; and you shouldn’t do anything that can jeopardize that goal.  Accepting people you don’t know or might not be an asset to you in the future, is foolish. 

Picture this, an intern, within your network, asks a person in Senior Management of another company, also within your network, for a job.  Not only is this inappropriate, but it reflects on you, badly.  Why risk it?  Accept anyone you want on Facebook or some other social media, but your business reputation is fragile, to fragile to accept people into your network that you don’t know.

Some people may be worth the risk, but certainly anyone just starting out, or outside your industry, or several levels beneath your job, are not.

I understand both sides of this question.  And I think the people who are very careful with LinkedIn invitations, make excellent points.  That being said, I accept all.  If someone wants to judge me by my network, I’m fine with that.  If someone looks down on me because I have people just starting out within my network, let them. 

To me, LinkedIn is a great tool that works both ways.  Yes I would love to have Steve Jobs within my network, he has yet to accept my invitation but I’m still hopeful.  But for LinkedIn to work, I believe we have to accept those who might need us too; not just those who may benefit from. 

I have a nice network, made up of writers, marketers, HR personnel, Senior Management, interns and even some CEO’s.  And I welcome anyone who is reading this article, to join my network.  My email address is listed throughout this publication, [email protected], please feel free to send an invitation.

I believe that people in the business world are smart.  I believe that if someone in my network asks for something inappropriate to another within my network, that will reflect on them, not me.  I also believe that is someone wants to judge me by my network, and sees people from intern to CEO, they’ll notice that I want help, but also, that I’m willing to be of assistance. 

What better reputation can someone have?

Next Issue:  The Reply from a Boss

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

Be Proactive in Developing Your Career
by Michael Pollock

Don’t wait for new challenges promotions and adventures to come to you  go out and seek them.  Put yourself out there. Make your own luck.

Here are some ideas about being proactive that you can twist and spin for your own situation.  Make them manageable for you, because if you try to bite off too much at once  you might never get started.

  • Go to an industry event or meetup.  People who go to these want to meet new folk, so it’s easy to get networking. Some will work for you, some won’t: ask about other events and go to them too.
  • Start a creative project of your own.  Blog or DJ or paint or make a film or write a screenplay or a business plan.  Tell people about it so that they, and you, can see that you have the goods.
  • Look for companies you’d like to work at, even if they’ve no openings right now.  Network your way to someone on the inside.  You’ll be amazed at what you can learn and whom you will meet.
  • Look at requirements in interesting job postings and see if there are any classes you should be taking to improve your skill-set.
  • Get in touch with people you haven’t talked to in a while: ex-clients, former colleagues.  Tell them what you are up to (see #2).  Get together to talk about their challenges and where the business is headed. 
  • Remember those companies that said they would keep your resume on file in case anything else came up? Call them and tell them what you are doing and why they need you.
  • Be a connector.  Actively bring people together who can help each other.   Make sure you ask them to post you on progress. Eventually, when you least expect it, you’ll be surprised at what these connections will give back.
  • Be a thought leader in your field and share your wisdom on the business/social sites.   Dig up information that is outside the box. What are people in your field doing in France, in Indonesia, in China?
  • Volunteer. I have heard of excellent business connections, and friends, being made on Habitat for Humanity construction projects.

Okay that is a few things to get you thinking. See what other ideas you can come up with.  Challenge yourself to do one thing a week, or a day, and see what happens.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.  He works with people in film, TV, journalism, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].

Questions from our Readers
Answered by Michael Pollock

I am going to a job that requires suits rather than the business casual I wore at my previous job. My budget is about $1,500.00. How do I spend it? Cheaper suits but nicer shoes, ties and shirts, or go for the nicer suits and squeeze on everything else?

Well! I clearly have not been spending enough money on my wardrobe because $1500 seems like a lot to me.  I suggest you focus your resources on the suit  that is harder to get right than a shirt and tie  and do allow for some alterations to get the fit right. You can get a designer shirt and tie at a consignment store or outlet mall that will look excellent and use up less than $100.   That leaves you a pretty reasonable amount for the suit and that is where the money should go.  And absolutely, don’t forget the shoes: a ratty pair of shoes will spoil everything. Good luck and happy shopping.

On a recent interview, I was asked about my old boss. The problem is, he was a real jerk. Promoted because he was a buddy of a higher up, didn’t know what he was doing, he had problems with anyone who wasn’t a white male, he would get drunk at lunch and return to the office angry and he is the reason I left my last job. What do I say when they ask about him and why I left my previous position? Do I lie?

If you are specifically asked about him you should find something vaguely positive to say and then move on to something wonderful that you did while you were in his group. And please, under no circumstances mention anyone’s ethnicity.  Your interviewer doesn’t really want to know about your boss, it’s just a way of finding out about you – so be aware of that.  As to why you left – go with something of the order of: I wanted to get more opportunity to do what I do well, or to expand my talents or to work on something that I felt more strongly about.  Try and find something to say that is not so much about the job you left, but says more about your own drive and skills and ambition: where you are headed.  Don’t forget  this is about you and your next job.  And they don’t want to hire someone who will complain and badmouth – so stay positive and stick to talking about the value you will bring to them.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


develop and execute Vibes’ marketing communications strategy and programs to secure and maintain position as the most recognizable and highly regarded mobile CRM provider in the industry

Director of Marketing Communications
Chicago IL



support the development of the Marketing and Digital annual operating plan, long range plan and quarterly estimates
Finance Manager, Marketing and Digital – USA Network   2230BR
NBC Universal

responsible for maintaining and growing revenue for Telemundo across its web sites, Telemundo.com and Holamun2.com
Digital Account Executive   130BR
NBC Universal

coordinate and distribute all creative assets to International territories
International Coordinator   2224BR
NBC Universal

partner with Marketing, Digital and Ventures leadership to develop the annual budget, long range plan and quarterly estimates
Finance Manager – Marketing, Digital, and Syfy Ventures   2232BR
NBC Universal

achieve/exceed sales quota by selling Sony consumer electronics products directly to customers primarily via phone and email
SCA – Sales Professional – Sony Cierge   2497378
Sony Corporation

participate in the analysis, risk assessment, and process evaluations in support of HBO’s Broadband platforms
HBO Senior Business Analyst, Web Infrastructure   125314BR
Turner Broadcasting

design, implement and manage a complex IT data center/service delivery infrastructure that provides various services (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, etc.) across all TW divisions and locations on a global basis in a private cloud environment
Director, Shared Services Data Center & Service Delivery   125334BR
Turner Broadcasting

support ESPN’s TV and internet properties by creating Business Objects reports and dashboards that would provide deep insight into the complete ad sales lifecycle, related trends, projections and financials
Business Report Developer II   312612
Walt Disney Corporation

develop and deliver thought leadership and creative solutions that strengthen clients’ market distinction and leadership position
Creative Director   9314

responsible for the successful delivery of large-scale client engagements and/or multiple smaller engagements for a single client
Account Director

develop and implement the full suite of Business Intelligence solutions: Reports, Frameworks, Data Marts, Cubes
Senior Developer, Digital Ad Sales Reporting
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

reporting to the Vice President of CMT/TVLand Pricing & Inventory, the Planner will create Ad Sales media plans for CMT/TVLand
Sales Planner
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

lead insights in the digital space, and be the in house ‘go-to’ expert on our demos viewed through the digital lens
Director, Digital Consumer Insights
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

develop and implement the full suite of Business Intelligence solutions: Reports, Frameworks, Data Marts, Cubes
Senior Developer, Digital Ad Sales Reporting
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

inspired and creative Designer to join our talented team
Spike Digital Designer
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

conceptualize, document and drive execution of new features on Content Management Platform
Product Developer- Content Management Platform
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for revenue goals which include, developing existing business as well as developing new business.
Marketing solutions experience is key
Account Exec
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

support senior members of the team during account pitches, including concept ideation, consumer insight research, pitch presentation, and supporting data to make the sale
MTVN Digital Fusion | Director-Account Supervisor
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

driving the ideation of Integrated Marketing opportunities with production and programming
Vice President, Integrated Marketing
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

lead and manage the Content Operations team and oversee the development of progressive sponsorship solutions that support advertising growth for Comedy Central Digital Media
Director of Content Operations
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

lead a small team of digital researchers to provide insights to key stakeholders regarding our website audiences, their onsite/offsite behavior and the competitive landscape
Director Digital Analytics
MTV Networks
Location Unavailable
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

drive online advertising sales to meet and exceed all sales goals
Account Executive

responsible for delivery of effective advertiser-focused products for the North American market and is the main point of contact between the North American sales organization and the BBC.com global product and delivery teams
Manager Product Strategy
BBC America

drive program publicity campaigns from conception through to execution in the traditional and digital space
Publicity & Social Media Manager
BBC America

responsible for managing television sales activity within the fiction genres  drama, comedy and children’s – with designated clients
Senior Manager Sales & Co-Production
BBC America

oversee key aspects of consumer, affiliate, trade, ad sales, digital for the channel and show-specific campaigns, off-air and online
Senior Marketing Manager
BBC America

responsible for the day to day publicity and PR for the Digital and Home Entertainment business, plus Licensed Consumer Products
Senior Publicity Manager – Digital & Home Entertainment
BBC America

help execute daily, monthly and annual Account Budgeting functions and processes
Executive Analyst   4098
Discovery Communications

manage process from Doubleclick Sales Manager, trafficking in the ad server to reporting to post-campaign analysis
Digital Ad Operations Manager
BBC America

track network series and dayparts daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly as well as major competitors
Marketing & Research   4155
Discovery Communications

developing and executing the sales strategy in conjunction with the Commercial Sales Director and General Manager
Sales & Business Development Manager   125349BR
Turner Broadcasting
London England

assigned to produce more highly visible news and information shows
Studio Producer I  International Production   312486
Walt Disney Corporation
Bristol CT

provide regular feedback and conduct performance reviews for direct reports
Associate Director, International Statistics & Information   312381
Walt Disney Corporation
Bristol CT

work closely with senior executives and business & legal affairs for cable services, TV networks, local media and digital distribution teams
Senior Counsel, Business & Legal Affairs   1504BR
NBC Universal
Englewood Cliffs NJ

responsible for oversight and execution of a 7-figure acquisition marketing budget to drive profitable accounts for the Sony Cobrand Portfolio of products
Senior Manager of Acquisitions Marketing   2334750
Sony Corporation
Park Ridge NJ

lead the Princeton based technical staff
Director, Emerging Technology Enhancements   312560
Walt Disney Corporation
Lawrenceville NJ

originate, prepare and publish multi-media features
Magazine Writer/Producer
BBC America
Washington DC

design and perform campaign/line of business analysis, interpret results and develop recommendations for internal and external stakeholders
Senior Analyst
Washington DC

drive key HR initiatives across business units, including performance and talent management, succession planning, compensation planning, staffing, training and development, diversity and inclusion, rewards & recognition, and employee communication
HR Business Partner   4143
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

support monthly and quarterly financial reporting activities, including preparation of monthly reporting packs and quarterly financial summaries for Sr. Management
Financial Analyst   4128
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

manages all the day-to-day operations of our mobile product lines with a focus on delivering top quality products in the mobile space
Director – Mobile   4142
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

plans and develops consumer acquisition programs including: setting and managing to budget, structuring the offer, developing communications strategies, and directing the marketing campaigns in all forms of media
Marketing Manager    36526
Cox Careers
Northern VA

brainstorm with writers and publishers  using tools like Omniture, Hitwise and in-the-field research  to help determine which articles will ultimately appear on HowStuffWorks.com
Business Strategy/Digital Media Division   4177
Discovery Communications
Atlanta GA

m anaging a team of accounting analysts
Manager, Accounting Analysis   37266
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

responsible for corporate level strategy and development which includes the strategic planning, portfolio management and corporate development processes, as well as partnerships and investment management
Executive Director, Business Development   37291
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

responsible for leading the strategy and execution of social media activities that deliver an on-brand experience for Cox, serving the needs of corporate and system properties across residential and business offerings
Executive Director, Marketing – Social Media   37318
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

work closely with Video and Network Engineering in design, test and trial phases
Senior Broadcast Video Engineer, National Video Operations   37317
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

sell bundled telephony, data and video products to existing/new commercial business customers based on assigned revenue targets
Small Business Rep   36770
Cox Careers
Baton Rouge LA

develops prospects and sells marketing solutions to new Cox Media clients across a range of industries
Advertising Sales Business Dev Consultant   37273
Cox Careers
Baton Rouge LA

sell bundled telephony, data and video products to existing/new commercial business customers based on assigned revenue targets
Cox Business Outside Sales Rep   37255
Cox Careers
Lafayette LA

supervise, delegate and organize the digitalization ingest team
Supervisor, Media Technology Services
MTV Networks
Miami FL
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

works closely with Programming, Research, On-Air Promotions and Press to coordinate PR initiatives that support brand objectives
Manager – Program Publicity   4137
Discovery Communications
Miami FL

oversee all aspects of the on air & off-air creative process
Director – Creative   4110
Discovery Communications
Miami FL

responsible for the development of the MarComms Strategies for Discovery Home & Health, Discovery Travel & Living and TLC HD geared to strengthen the brands, generate consumer tune- in, and impact on ratings while ensuring consistency with brand
Director – Marketing & Comm   4151
Discovery Communications
Miami FL

responsible for the development and implementation of programming strategies targeted at increasing ratings for the network
Director – Programming   4147
Discovery Communications
Miami FL

works as part of a multi-disciplinary creative team comprising Visual Designers, Interaction Designers, Experience Architects, and Copywriters
Lead Content Strategist
Detroit MI

leverage account planning skills and methodologies to create relevant, breakthrough customer insights and identify brand opportunities across key channels for clients
Senior Account Planner   9306
Chicago IL

lead the analytics practice and build out the team
Senior Manager, Digital Analytics
Chicago IL

create innovative, best in class design concepts and templates for mobile marketing campaigns
Interactive Designer
Chicago IL

drive revenue through the development and execution of effective sales strategy, sales process and closing of new business contracts for mobile marketing and advertising programs
Sr. Sales Director, Mobile Solutions
Chicago IL

develop and evangelize working knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices
Content Analyst   4144
Discovery Communications
Chicago IL

identifies new prospects using multiple sources of sales leads (other media, internal and external networking, and investigating new and expanding businesses)
Media Sales – Business Development Consultant   37319
Cox Careers
Las Vegas NV

manages team of Senior Account Executives providing Cox Communications business solutions for voice, data and video to large vertical market accounts including educational, government, hospitality, lodging, and other market vertical markets
Strategic Sales Manager   37289
Cox Careers
Las Vegas NV

review, analyze and approve contracts and related documents to ensure that revenue will be recognized in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and compliance with policies
Senior Revenue Operations Accountant   9228
Seattle WA

work closely with peers from Media, Search, Social, Creative, and other disciplines to support the vision and strategy established by Account Leadership and flawlessly execute our clients’ online marketing efforts
Senior Digital Account Manager/Senior Campaign Manager   8855
Seattle WA

identify new business opportunities and prioritize pursuits
Director Business Development   9237
Seattle WA

responsible for creating on-brand, on-strategy compelling creative work for assigned clients
Creative Director, Copy   8962
Portland OR

play a strong leadership role in new business development, senior client relationships, and agency management relationships
Creative Director   8963
Portland OR

work closely with the creative team under the direction of a Creative Director, Art Director or Visual Designer, to concept projects including but not limited to web sites, online advertising, presentations and other animations
Senior Motion Graphics Designer   9184
Portland OR

manage all aspects of the TLC, Studios, and JVs (BBC, HUB, OWN, & 3D) business and legal affairs team in support of programming objectives and overall business goals
SVP – Business & Legal Affairs   4153
Discovery Communications
Los Angeles CA

responsible for the commercial exploitation of all of BBC and its brands in the digital interactive & gaming space
VP Marketing
BBC America
Los Angeles CA

leverage proprietary and syndicated tools to create and present analyses for internal and external clients
Advertiser Strategist
Los Angeles CA

provide general company representation on a wide variety of matters
Corporate Attorney
Los Angeles CA

assist with the advertising revenue build-up for the annual budget , quarterly reforecast, and 5-Year Plan
Financial Analyst – Media Sales & Pricing
Los Angeles CA

be the primary advisory for the product and engineering teams
Internet, Technology and Licensing Attorney
Los Angeles CA

oversee and coordinate Hulu’s new market launches around the globe from its headquarters in Los Angeles, CA
Product Manager – International
Los Angeles CA

project manage advertiser campaign research on Hulu,from study design and inception through completion
Research Analyst
Los Angeles CA

analyze a variety of traffic metrics related to streams, visitors, and content consumption
Senior Financial Analyst
Los Angeles CA

focus on mobile applications, but all Development Team members at Hulu contribute across multiple technologies and projects, from architecture to testing to implementation to enhancements
Software Developer, Mobile
Los Angeles CA

demonstrate strong internet research skills. Must be extremely internet savvy and fast with technology
Technical Sourcer/Researcher
Los Angeles CA

conduct Analysis of market conditions to proactively manage changes in the market place & develop project plans to address such issues
Manager, Strategic Sourcing- Supply Chain    125366BR
Turner Broadcasting
Burbank CA

ensure product metadata, artwork, and pricing are accurate. Communicate changes internally and to partners when necessary
Analyst, Warner Archive   125316BR
Turner Broadcasting
Burbank CA

develop and execute results-oriented sales plans for assigned digital & mobile accounts
Manager, Digital Sales   312510
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

develop and manage a robust business plan including a new virtual economy, currencies, and monetization methods across DOS virtual worlds that is inspired by consumer motivations for purchase
Manager, Online Economy Monetization   313095
Walt Disney Corporation
North Hollywood CA

responsible for preparing and evaluating quarterly estimates and the annual budget, including revenues and expenses
Sr. Manager, Finance
MTV Networks
Glendale CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for preparing and evaluating quarterly estimates and the annual budget, including revenues and expenses
Sr. Manager, Finance
MTV Networks
Glendale CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

apply advanced analytic techniques such as data mining and statistics to design, implement, validate, and refine mathematical models and algorithms to understand and optimize the value of user engagement with DIMG’s games using player-level behavioral and attitudinal data
Scientist,Predictive Analytics   312467
Walt Disney Corporation
Palo Alto CA

manage and schedule a software team responsible for developing multiple Blu-ray Java projects
Manager of Advanced Java Development   2503656
Sony Corporation
Culver City CA

responsible for owning and managing all day to day financial functions supporting the Business
Director, Digital Finance – Sony DADC   2485904
Sony Corporation
Marina Del Rey CA

member of SONY DADC’s Digital Distribution Leadership Team responsible for design, build-out, implementation and operations of SONY DADC’s Digital Supply Chain
Production Manager, Business Operations – Sony DADC   2482131
Sony Corporation
Marina Del Rey CA

ability to conform and convert subtitle and captions files
Subtitling & Captioning Specialist – Sony DADC   2473115
Sony Corporation
Marina Del Rey CA

direct the Experience Architects in the Creative Department
Associate Director, Experience Architecture
San Francisco CA

work with clients, agency partners, and internal discipline leads in creative, online media, engineering, and business development to champion new ideas in digital experience
Interactive Architect
San Francisco CA

management of new business pitches and client on-boarding
Manager, Delivery Management
San Francisco CA

provide analysis of client reporting and optimization ideas to SEM and Media teams
Senior Search Specialist – SEM
San Francisco

identify new business opportunities and prioritize pursuits
Senior Business Development Director   8994
San Francisco CA

lead all daily HR operations for a 500 employee region of Razorfish. Offices are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle.
Director,, Human Resources   8926
San Francisco CA

perform in a major functional audit support role to conduct financial, operational and system reviews domestically and internationally
Internal Auditor   2486911
Sony Corporation
San Diego CA

reporting directly to the Brand & Acquisition Manager, independently oversees the communication and administration of marketing campaigns and promotions for Advanced TV, High Speed Internet, telephone and Wireless
Marketing Specialist   37281
Cox Careers
San Diego CA


JOB OPENING: FREELANCER AUD RSRCH/MTVN/LA. TV rsrch mgr/dir; strong conceptual skills. Media Math,Nielsen/Star Media sftwr req’d w/ prof synd. rsrch (MRI) pref.Min 5 yrs. Exp TV resrch/related field. Res: [email protected] (7/2)

JOB OPENING: VP BUS & LEGAL AFFAIRS/MD: Mng business negotiations for a wide variety of prgmmg transaction for Discovery Ntwrks w/focus on documentary & non-scripted reality prmmg. www.discovery.com # 3497 (7/2)

JOB OPENING: EMERGING MEDIA TECHNOLOGIST/NBCU/NYC: Full time technical position focused on Mobile (Social Media, QR codes, Tablets, Apps, Augmented Reality, etc.), Connected TVs and Automatic Content Recognition. http://goo.gl/119Bd (7/1)

JOB OPENING: MOBILE VIDEO PROGRAM MANAGER/NBCU/NYC: Technical knowledge of mobile vid/infrastructure including: codecs, transcoding, bit-rates, RSS/MRSS/XML feeds, delivery systems, and device player capabilities. http://goo.gl/zI1RV (7/1)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PROD FIN/LIFETIME/NY: Support Prod Mgmnt with invoicing, budgeting, monthly close &analysis.2 yrs exp in fin/acctg/prod within a media environment. To apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (7/1)

JOB OPENING: HR BUS PARTNER/A+E NETS/LA: Serve as bus partner &resource for LA office in all areas of HR. 7+ yrs HR exp in a media co. Strong recruiting/employee relations/comp/benefits exp. To apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (7/1)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR/Discovery Comm/FL: 7+yrs exp. Resp for program strategy, acquisition & scheduling of general entertainment channel LIV, Gen. Ent. background a must, speak Eng/Spa perf. www.Discovery.com #4147 (7/1)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE MEDIA DIRECTOR/GSD&M/AUSTIN TX: Looking for 15+ years of experience to lead the Media department at all full-service advertising agency. To apply and see the full job description, please go to www.gsdm.com (6/30)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF TECHNOLOGY/Bravo/ NY: Job #1718BR Manage & motivate in-house team of developers; implement development methodologies ensuring timely delivery of products & services. http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (6/30)

JOB OPENING: WEB DVLPR/Bravo/ NY: Job #759BR Create Drupal Themes & modules w/ Php, Javascript, HTML, & Ajax; Tech savvy, prod creative online concepts for show sites & web-exclusive content http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (6/30)

JOB OPENING: VP PROD STRATEGY & DVLPMNT/Bravo/NY: Job #1844BR Work w/Bravo Digital leaders on prod strategy & roadmap across web, mobile, apps, connected devices, & interactive TV platforms http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (6/30)

JOB OPENING: COORD, A & E CONS MKTG/NEW YORK:  Coord consumer communications (paid/earned media) in support of tune-in & branding goals for A&E/Bio/CI https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=101651 (6/30)

JOB OPENING: PROMO PRODUCER/2C Media/Miami: Dvlp promo campaigns fr major national ntworks. Strong writing, conceptual, & 2-5 yrs cable, studio, or ntwk promo exp needed. Must work in Miami, Fl.Cntct: [email protected] (6/30)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/RMG/NYC: Generate, optimize & analyze sales proposals for the sales org. Including pricing, viewers & impressions. 2-3yrs sls/planning exp in cable or dig. media. BA req’d. Res/cover: [email protected]  (6/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SLS PARTNERSHIPS/NEW YORK:  Work w/Ad Sales to sell ideas/value propositions to agencies, clients, planners, internal stakeholders https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=101569 (6/30)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, PRIMETIME/Chicago: Job#2095BR AE will be responsible for increasing revenue from existing business and new business for Primetime, Late Night and Daytime. 5+ yr exp. http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (6/30)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PRODUCER- ON AIR PROMOTIONS/WEtv/NY: Ovrsee launch/episodic campaigns frm concpt-delivry. 8+yr exp advrtsing, promo/mkting/stratgic brand devlpmnt of cble/ent or new media proprties. Reel/Rez: [email protected]  (6/30)

JOB OPENING: TV SYND CONTRACTS ASST/NYC: BA/BS DEG, strong math & PC skills req’d. 1+yrs media exp pref’d. Review/enter sales contracts into order proc. system to maint accurate sales data. Apply at: www.cbscareers.com (6/29)

JOB OPENING: PROJECT MANAGER /NEW YORK:  Project Manager-IT: Full job description please visit www.aetn.com/careers to apply https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=94274 (6/29)

JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR TOYS/Fisher-Price/NYC: Strong consumer product mktg exper with product devt and supervisory exper req’d. Licensed prod exper a plus. To apply visit the career opportunities page on www.Fisher-Price.com – EOE (6/29)

JOB OPENING: ASST  TO EXEC PROD/Leading daytime talk show/NYC:  Coord schedules & maint calendar.  Orgnzed, detail minded and multitasker a must. As well as excellent PC & comm skills.  BS/BA.  [email protected] (6/29)

JOB OPENING: SVP BUS & LEGAL AFFAIRS/LA: Mng TLC, Studios, & JVs; daily activities to incl budget, staffing & general policies; Lead deal negotiation for DCL; 8 yrs exp negotiating transactions in ent field. www.discovery.com #4153  (6/29)

JOB OPENING: SALES RESEARCH DIRECTOR/SYFY/NYC: Leads research efforts to position Syfy in marketplace; synthesize & package insights with focus on ROI. Apply online at www.nbcunicareers.com (#2121BR) (6/29)

JOB OPENING: SALES DIR/Cynopsis Media/LA: 5+ yrs ent media sales exp w/established contacts within industry; able to dvlp new biz for all Cynopsis Media brands, exc comm skills. Resume and salary req: [email protected] (6/29)

JOB OPENING: SALES MGR/Cynopsis Media/NY:3+ yrs ent media sales exp w/established contacts within industry; able to dvlp new biz for all Cynopsis Media brands, exc comm skills. Resume and salary req: [email protected] (6/29)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST/TV Land Programming Research/MTVN/NYC: 2+ yr cable/bcast exp. Strong analytical/numeric skills Advanced Nielsen systems. Attn to details. BA/BS. EOE/M/F/D/AAP www.mtvncareers.com (6/28)

JOB OPENING: MGR, CABLE & MEDIA AFFIL SALES & MKTG/Here Media Inc/NY: Est/main affil cable & satellite mktg prtnrshps/promos. 5yrs exp TV affil mktg, sales. Res & sal req: [email protected] Info: http://advocate.com/Careers.aspx (6/28)

JOB OPENING: PREDITOR AND AP/(2 Positions) WWE/Stamford, CT: Demonstrated ability to dvlp prgrmmng from concept through creation. Ability to create new & innovative programs.Proven background & experience. Apply: wwe-careers.com/ (6/28)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE MOBILE PROD/SESAME WORKSHOP DIGITAL MEDIA/NYC: 5+ yrs of interactive media exp, incl1+yr producing native mobile apps on iOS & Android. Res/cvr: [email protected] Plz put job title in subj line (6/28)

JOB OPENING: SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST/Global Multimedia Co./NYC: Mngmnt, dvlpmnt, execution of social media strategy. 5+yrs exp. Strong comm skills, w/proven writing talent. Accomplished strategist/project mgr. [email protected] (6/28)

JOB OPENING: S & P COORD/DISNEY/BURBANK – Disney JR – Review daily broadcast log; compliance with FCC procedures. Process promo/synergy spots; work in multiple databases. TV experience needed. disneycareers.com REQ 308764 (6/28)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: LA. Small television production company, primarily reality. Great learning exp. Assisting Executive Producer in all facets of show production. Please e-mail [email protected] (6/30)


FOX News Channel tapped CNN’s Ed Henry as its new Chief White House Correspondent.  At CNN, Ed also served as Chief White House Correspondent.  Ed departs CNN at the end of this week.

Tribune Company reorganized two of its major business units falling under Tribune Media Services (TMS).  The company’s Entertainment Products division will now function as a stand-alone business and be under Tribune Company’s roster of digital and other non-traditional media assets.  Furthermore, the company News & Features division will be managed by Walter Mahoney, currently serving as SVP/McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.  Walter will report to Tony Hunter, President/CEO, Chicago Tribune Media Group.  Jay Fehnel will remain as SVP/COO in charge of the Entertainment Products unit, reporting to Dan Kazan, SVP/Investments at Tribune Company.  David Williams, President/CEO of TMS is also exiting the company.  David will be a consultant to TMS throughout the restructuring process. 

Reva Stark hired by Here Media Inc. as Senior Advertising Director, Western Region to supervise the company’s advertising relationships in the Western Region on behalf of Here Media’s various brands.  Reva reports to Joe Landry, SVP/Group Publisher. 

Roberto Ruiz elevated to SVP/Brand Solutions within Univision Communications Inc.’s Client Development Group.  In his new expanded position, Roberto will continue to be located in New York reporting to Graciela Eleta, SVP/Brand Solutions. 

Vicky Free joins BET Networks as EVP/Marketing where she will head the marketing strategy and implementation of marketing efforts for BET, BET.com, BET mobile and CENTRIC.  In her new role, Vicky is based in New York and will report to Debra Lee, Chairman/CEO, BET Networks.  Previously, Vicky managed strategic marketing initiatives at Turner Broadcasting Systems. 

Liz Mahaffey moves into the new position of EVP/Strategic Insights and Research with NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment and Cable Studios.  Liz will be involved with analyzing and adapting consumer intelligence and cultural trends used to spur strategic planning for NBCU’s networks which include USA, Syfy, E! Entertainment, G4, Sleuth, Chiller and Universal HD.  In her new role, Liz reports to Bonnie Hammer, Chairman. 

Univision advanced Sandra Thomas to the newly-minted role as Senior Director/Local and Affiliate News for Univision News and Marco Flores to the position as News Director for KMEX, the Univision affiliate in Los Angeles.  Sandra is located in San Francisco and reports jointly to Daniel Coronell, VP/Univision News and operationally to Kevin Cuddihy, President, Univision Television Group.  Marco is based in Los Angeles and will report to Sandra Thomas under editorial and to KMEX’s GM, Alberto Mier y Teran.

ShootersTV, the new unit under the umbrella of content company ShootersINC hired John Foy as SVP where he is charged with expanding the company’s roster of long-form content.  John will focus on generating more projects as well as expanding the styles of content the company produces. 

Aaron D. Shapiro hired by Urbanspoon as Head/Global Audience Monetization.  In this newly-created role, Aaron will manage global advertising sales for Urbanspoon.com and Urbanspoon Mobile via iPhone, iPad and Android.  Based in Los Angeles, Aaron reports to Mani Dhillon, GM.

Newly-established Merlin Media recognized the addition of John Gehron as Chairman/Advisory Board and Liz Aiello as VP/New York.  Merlin Media was formed to acquire and operate radio stations in partnership with private equity firm GTCR in Chicago and Emmis Communications, a diversified media company targeting radio broadcasting.  Merlin Media started with three stations with two being in Chicago and one in New York and in time, seeks to establish a network of radio stations across the US.  Forty-year radio veteran, John will spearhead creating strategic and strong relationships with business partners in Chicago.  Liz formerly was the SVP/Broadcast at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. 

Adspace Digital Mall Network employed Amy Jo Wayne as SVP/National Sales. Amy Jo joins from REELZCHANNEL and REELZCHANNEL.com.  The company also upped Amy Kauffer, Marc Galiano, John Wall, Steve Bruman and Kathy Hassett all to the position of VPs/National Sales.

Former Sony Pictures Entertainment executive Joseph Epstein appointed CMO at Digital Broadcasting Group.  Joseph will oversee marketing strategy and outreach activities for the company.

Beth Coleman advances to SVP/Ad Sales Research at MTV Networks Entertainment Group where she will lead the strategic thrust for the ad sales research department in addition to supporting all Entertainment Group ad sales efforts via multi-pronged research.  Beth will manage the Entertainment Group Ad Sales Research team which includes the networks Comedy Central, TV Land, Spike TV and CMT as well as their companion websites and digital assets. 

Cox Media Group’s (CMG) Revenue group adds Katie Reid as a Senior Director beginning July 11.  In her new position, Katie will work with Marc Morgan, Chief Revenue Officer and Paul Curran, VP/Revenue to develop and execute sales strategies, employee recruitment, and CMG conference planning among other duties. 

Sundance Channel named Michael Lehrer in the newly-created position as VP/Strategic Marketing. Michael has oversight for the network’s brand and strategy positioning within the ad marketplace.  He is involved in the creation of campaigns, collateral and more to spur demand and sales.  Michael will further manage the development and execution of short-form and branded entertainment content related to revenue growth.  Previously, Michael was with MTV as Senior Director/Integrated Marketing and Sponsorship Development. 

Cheryl Magiros rejoins Screenvision as SVP/Direct Sales.  Cheryl heads the company’s local ad sales initiatives, reporting to Mark Mitchell, Chief Revenue Officer.

Bunim/Murray Productions, a Banijay Group company, extended its agreement with Jeff Jenkins serving as EVP/Entertainment and Programming.  Jeff is an integral part of the company’s executive team and is also Executive Producer of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami, Kourtney and Kim Take New York, Khloe & Lamar, Married to Rock and The Spin Crowd for E! Entertainment.  Jeff is Bunim/Murray’s primary creative executive for the E! franchise and supervises all facets of the shows from idea phase through post-production. 

USA Network advanced New York-based Vida Bauer to VP/Program and Production Operations and Administration and Rebecca Rhodes to VP/Program Scheduling.  Most recently, Vida served as Senior Director in her capacity and she will continue to manage key areas for all USA, Sleuth and Universal HD original and acquired programming, including formatting, avail management, closed captioning, parental ratings and standards and practices among other duties.  Vida is also involved as a member of USA Network’s strategic scheduling team, working with overhead and production budgets and oversees the network’s PSAs as well as serving as the department’s main contact with the Networks Operations Center.  Rebecca served as Senior Director in her former role and she will continue to oversee the department, manage the Compass system and be involved with long-range planning and help manage the networks Sleuth and Universal HD.  Rebecca is in charge of movie and series scheduling and is the liaison with ad sales and marketing to spearhead sponsorships and stunts among other duties. 

Sean Holzman joins Bonnier Corp. in the newly-minted role as Chief Brand Development Officer.  Sean will supervise the licensing functions pertaining to the company’s brands, editorial, video, mobile and television products in addition to creating new revenue outlets.  Previously, Sean worked for Source Interlink Media as President/Enterprises Division.

Later — John
 John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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