Tuesday, June 11th, 2013


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, June 11, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Yesterday was day one of Apple‘s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Here are some of the latest numbers for the company’s products:

  • Apple has sold more than 600 million iOS-powered devices (which means iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads).
  • The iTunes App Store has topped 50 billion app downloads.
  • Mac installed base currently sits at 72 million, with roughly a third powered by the company’s Mountain Lion operating system.

iOS 7:

  • The notification center will now be accessible from the lock screen.
  • Users will be able to share videos via iCloud.
  • Siri now has both male and female voice options.
  • The App Store will update apps automatically.


Yahoo is launching its summer lifestyle programming slate this week, including six new original series as well as two that are returning. Here’s a refresh of the lineup that was originally unveiled at the company’s NewFront presentation to advertisers in late April:

  • Check Up with Dr. Travis Stork (new episodes every Monday): Health and wellness tip from the doctor. Produced by Prime Content.
  • Fashion Recipe (new episodes every Tuesday): Celebrity stylist Brett Alan Nelson invades women’s closets and then supplies style advice. Produced by Full Picture.
  • Grill Next Door (Thursdays): Hosted by chef Megan Mitchell, the show features great girl-grillers sharing their searing secrets. Produced by Yahoo Studios.
  • Cinema & Spice (Fridays): Hosts Julianna Strickland and Natasha Feldman make dishes inspired by their favorite shows and movies. Produced by Cinema & Spice, LLC.
  • The Girl’s Game (Saturdays): Relationship advice series for women. Each episode pairs a woman with male pickup artist to find “Mr. Right.” Produced by The Residential Productions.
  • Cooking 1:01 (new episodes every day): Tips and techniques delivered in a short (1 minute, 1 second), no-talking (just hands and text) format. Produced by Yahoo Studios for Yahoo Shine, this show feels like it’s aiming to dominate search results.
  • Reluctantly Healthy (season 4; new episodes every Wednesday): Actress Judy Greer shares health and wellness tips. Produced by Electus/Principato-Young Entertainment.
  • Blue Ribbon Hunter (season 4; Sundays): Chef Allison Fishman travels to food festivals across America to spotlight the best cuisine. Produced by Prime content.

Emmy-nominated interactive talk show “What’s Trending” is the official live stream partner for Samsung’s 12th Annual Hope for Children Gala, which takes place tonight in New York City. The red carpet show will be hosted by Shira Lazar on What’s Trending’s YouTube channel from 5:30-7pm ET. Viewers will be able to submit questions to attendees via the #Hope4Children hash-tag. Celebrities scheduled to attend include Chelsea Clinton, Boomer Esiason, Drew Brees, John Legend, Jimmie Johnson, and Tracy Morgan, among others. This continues What’s Trending and Samsung’s live-event partnership, which includes coverage of industry events like CES and SXSW.

WIGS will premiere Susanna, a new scripted drama tackling the issue of postpartum depression, on June 14. The 12-episode season will be released across two weeks: The first six episodes will debut Friday, June 14, the remaining six the very next Friday, June 21. Starring Anna Paquin (True Blood) and Maggie Grace (Lost) as two sisters, one who is dealing with postpartum depression and the other who is forced to juggle her work life with caring for her sister’s newborn. Written and directed by WIGS co-creator Jon Avnet (Black Swan), the show also features Rob Benedict (Felicity) and Virginia Madsen (Sideways).


How does Twitter fit with cable? Today at the cable show in Washington, Twitter COO Ali Rowghani counted the ways: Driving discovery and tune-in, creating a corresponding experience around viewing, measurement, and complementary advertising and revenue models. “Among the tech companies of our ilk, you’re not going to find a bigger fan of television than Twitter,” he said.

Intel Media is offering to pay as much as 75% more than traditional cable rates for its upcoming web-based TV service, according to Reuters. Though the company hasn’t finalized any programming deals to date, the report indicates that Intel has arrangements in place with CBS, News Corp., and Viacom on “certain details” covering how their content will be distributed on the service, which will launch later this year. Over the weekend, Variety reported that Intel Media has stashed away $2 billion for programming deals.

A new report from the IDC forecasts global shipments of “smart connected devices” (PCs, tablets, smartphones) to surpass 1.7 billion units by 2014, which means the screen fragmentation that everyone in our industry is talking about is going to continue. It will be one of the central topics discussed during Cynopsis Digital’s BIG Monetization Summit, which is now exactly a week away. If you haven’t signed up to register yet, do it. See you there!


Cynopsis: Digital BIG Monetization Summit

An all-day event about the next generation of video content business models.

Don’t miss the “How We Monetize” debate and the “Next Generation Digital Programming Models” discussion!

More info + registration: http://www.cyndigitalmonetization.com.


Real Media Group (RMG) has launched InfuseTV, a new video ad product that aims to help TV advertisers reach audiences online, on mobile devices, and on connected TVs. “As TV viewing habits continue to fragment across screens, it becomes increasingly important for brands to utilize the same targeting tactics and measurement standards across all platforms,” said Nicolle Pangis, President, RMG. “InfuseTV provides marketers with the ability to leverage set-top box data and Nielsen GRP measurement tools to complement their existing TV buys.” Among the features the product offers: Custom creative executions for in-stream, rich media, and mobile ads; HTML5-compatible interactive pre-roll formats and IAB Rising Star units; the ability to target light-TV viewers via set-top box viewing data; measure delivery with Nielsen’s Online Campaign Ratings solution; and day-parting and ad sequencing across screens and placements.

Telemundo is partnering with Vision Critical and Symphony Advanced Media to launch “Mi Telemundo” and “Tu Pulso Latino,” two research initiatives designed to measure four-screen media consumption among Spanish-dominant Hispanic Americans and bilingual Hispanic millennials, respectively. Telemundo and Vision Critical will develop a custom 5,000-member viewer panel and integrate SymphonyAM’s cross-media tracking capabilities to measure how Hispanics’ television, mobile, and social behaviors. SymphonyAM has a patent-ending “passive measurement” technology, which continuously runs in the background of the panelist’s smartphone, tablet, or PC. The belief is that this will provide more accurate data on cross-screen media consumption and ad effectiveness.


34% of American adults ages 18 and older now own a tablet, up from 18% a year ago, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. The demographics most likely to own a tablet include: Those living in households with an income of at least $75,000 a year (56%); adults 35-44 (49%), and college graduates (also 49%).
— In other words: Tablets carry a higher premium (aka: $$) than smartphones, which skew more toward younger (though still decently affluent) people. What’s more interesting is the staggering year-over-year increase in ownership, which signals that as tablet prices begin to drop (as a result of more lower-cost alternatives rolling out in the market), tablet sales should continue to rise.

According to Nielsen‘s newly released Q1 2013 Cross-Platform Report, smartphone users spent 87% of their “app/mobile web” time on mobile apps, and the other 13% surfing the mobile web. Both men and women spend more than four hours per month on the mobile web

Social media’s influence on TV viewing is currently small, but has the potential for growth, at least according to a new study from the Council for Research Excellence(CRE). Per the study, which surveyed more than 1,700 adults 18-54: Only 12% of respondents use social media one or more times per day in relation to what they are watching on TV. However, 37% of respondents use social media one or more times a week to talk about what they’re watching. In addition, only 1.5% of respondents are influenced by social media to check out existing shows, but that number rises to 6% when asked about new shows. Half of the respondents say they watch TV and use social media (for any reason) concurrently. Other interesting findings include:

  • Respondents were twice as likely to use social media in relation to a TV program if they were watching it on-demand or online.
  • “Super Connectors” most actively use social media when watching TV content and represent 12% of the public (and tend to skew younger and female).
  • Sci-fi, sports, and talk/news show generate strong social media usage both during and before/after the telecast; reality TV generates a lot of chatter during the show but not much before/after; comedy generates a lot of chatter before/after, but not much during.

Yesterday, ESPN presented preliminary findings from Project Blueprint, a five-platform measurement initiative it launched in partnership with Arbitron and comScore to measure video, audio, and display content consumption across radio, TV, PCs, smartphones, and tablets.One of the goals of Project Blueprint is to see if its “hybrid” approach to measuring content consumption and audience size could provide a basis for a service offering to all media companies, advertisers, and agencies. Some of the topline findings include:

  • ESPN’s total reach for February across TV and digital was 136 million adults and 85 million men, which represents 57% of US adults and 72% of US men.
  • During an average week, ESPN’s digital properties provide a reach lift of 18% for US adults and 72% for US men.
  • 33% of ESPN users and 38% of male users accessed ESPN digital media content exclusively or in combination with TV.
  • Heavy users are heavy users regardless of the screen: ESPN says the more digital platforms a sports fan uses, the more likely they are to spend time with ESPN’s digital content as well as watching ESPN on TV.

A new report from the IAB, conducted alongside Vibrant Media and comScore for Oreo’s “Cookie vs. Creme” campaign finds that the IAB’s Mobile Rising Stars ad formats drive greater engagement and interaction when compared to standard mobile banner ads. When study participants were presented by both types of ad formats on a mobile device, 9.3% interacted with a Mobile Rising Stars ad, while only 5.2% interacted with a traditional mobile banner. In addition, 98.1% of respondents who interacted with a Mobile Rising Stars ad recalled the brand, with 18% more likely to recall the brand name advertised than users who viewed a standard mobile banner. What’s more, those who interacted with a Mobile Rising Stars ad were also 23% more likely to recall the advertised message.


Award-winning journalist Kelly Wallace will return to CNN in July as a Digital Correspondent and Editor-at-Large for CNN Digital. She will report on issues and interests relevant to modern women, from family and parenting to work/life balance. She will not only write articles and stories for CNN.com’s Living section and serve as a contributor to CNN.com’s upcoming Parents section, but she will also create original web video packages on a weekly basis and appear regularly on CNN and HLN TV. She will report to Meredith Artley, VP and Managing Editor of CNN.com.

Lee Heffernan, a former marketing exec at companies like Lifetime, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, and Turner Networks, is joining Georgia-based creative boutique Wier/Stewart Advertising in the role of Agency Development Director. “We’re hoping, with Lee’s connections and experience, we can grow to be one of the most sought-after creative boutiques bringing these big ideas to big companies, right here from downtown Augusta,” said agency Co-Founder and Studio Director Daniel Stewart.


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Amazon Studios, the original production arm of Amazon.com, has launched a new Storyteller tool, which allows writers and filmmakers to turn their scripts into storyboards. Storyteller is currently in a free beta, and allows users to share the storyboards with others for feedback. Here’s how it works: Storyteller scans a movie screenplay that has been uploaded to Amazon Studios. It then identifies scenes, locations, and characters from the scene descriptions and “casts” them from a database of “thousands” of characters, props, and backgrounds. Users can then make edits such as changing the frame; facial expressions and positions of characters; and/or adding vehicles, props, captions, or additional dialogue. Once completed, the storyboard can be published on Amazon Studios for others to view and critique.


Women In Action Sports Event
SAVE THE DATE: August 13 from 4-7pm in NYC

To take place the evening before the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit (8/14 at the Grand Hyatt NY), join us for a stimulating 2-hrs with a dynamic group of women in senior sports positions talking candidly about the challenges that women still face in landing shot-calling, game-changing positions in the sports world, as well as the opportunities those same challenges present.

Networking cocktail reception to follow!
For more info, contact: Jenn Ocampo.

Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Editor for Cynopsis Digital

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Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Cynopsis Media
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

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JOB OPENING: SR ASIGNMENT DESK EDITOR/Fox Sports 1/LA: Newsgathering for programming. Answer phones, book feeds & crews. Monitor wires, cut video, set up live events. Req 5+ yrs relevant exp. Apply: http://goo.gl/oPNWV (6/18)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR LICENSING/MATTEL/L.A.: Dvlp cons products strategies across brands & set global brand priorities. Partner w/ brand mktg to develop strategies. Min. 5-8 yrs. licensing exp req. Int’l exp pref’d. Apply to HERE (6/15)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORD/TV One/NY: Build daily comm. log within parameters to ensure accuracy. Wrk w/Ad Sales mgmt., traffic mgmt. and agencies. BA pref’d and/or 2 yrs of exp TV Ops & Traffic. More info: www.tvone.tv (6/15)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, ACCT MANAGEMENT & STRATEGY/A+E Networks/NY: Manage day-to-day brand strategy copy & client mgmt. Full Info/Apply: http://www.aenetworks.com/careers (6/15)

JOB OPENING: NEW BIZ & INTGR MRKT MGR/NYC: Mng 360 mrktg efforts to drive rev + ratings, connect biz strat w/brand strat. Resp for mng partners, campaigns & EST relationships. 5+ yrs mrktg exp. Agency/CPG/brand exp +. Send resume HERE (6/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AD SALES & SPONSOR DVLPMNT/Location flexible: Sell advrtsing for avail over-the-air TV station, reg’l sports ntwrk & dig partner inventory for sports series. Min 5 yrs TV sales/media buying &/or selling exp. Info HERE (6/15)

JOB OPENING: MGR, SCHEDULING/AMC/NYC: Be part of the prog sched team behind The Walking Dead, Mad Men, and more. Submit res http://tinyurl.com/cxmr88z (6/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR CONTENT ACQ/ION/NYC: Resp for prospecting, analysis, diligence, acquisition of program content for network. 5+ yrs exp w/program acquisitions EEO Apply at [email protected] (6/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR DIGITAL YIELD MGMT, PRICING/INV/Weather Channel/NYC: Dvlp/implement strategy, systems & processes to dramatically improve pricing & rev mngmnt. BA deg req’d. 5+ yrs mngng personnel & complex activities. Resume HERE (6/14) 

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, INTEGRATED/truTV/NYC: Development & execution of integrated advertiser marketing solutions across all platforms. 3-5 yrs, solid linear & digital ad sales exp. Freelance. Email resume: [email protected] (6/14) 

JOB OPENING: DIR PARTNER MKTG/NBC/NJ:  8+ yrs cable mktg. Create 360 mktg materials/prgrms. Work closely w/MVPD strat, press, rsrch & ntwrk grps to dvlp accnt-spfc value props. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (9774BR) (6/14) 

JOB OPENING:  MGR, AD SALES RSRCH/NY: 5+ yrs TV rsrch exp. Provide marketplace insight and strategic sales positioning. Manage primary rsrch proj. Strong analytic & pres skills. To apply click HERE (6/13)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC DIR MKTG/NYC: Create proposals to support sales team; 5-6 yrs exp pref’d; strong writing skills and creativity a must; team player; good comm; knowledge and passion for tv a plus. [email protected] (6/13)

JOB OPENING: BIZ & LEGAL AFFAIRS/NY: entertainment law “back room brain” to advise successful NY prodco on transactional, corporate and prod matters. JD/7+ yrs exp req’d; cable prod/netwk exp pref’d. Res: [email protected] (6/13)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/NY: All aspects of account maintenance, liaison with ad agencies. Must be detailed/ able to multi-task. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Apply-[email protected] (6/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR, SOCIAL MEDIA/SPIKE/NY: Participate in strategic dir for Spike content properties on social media including dvlpng voice/content strategies. BA deg w/3-8 yrs exp in dig & social content space. More info & apply HERE (6/12)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR AUDIENCE SALES/ESPN/New York: 10+ yrs. exp. w/Media Sales. Resp. for driving profitability specifically in Audience Targeting. Exp. with SSP/DSP/RTB platforms required. To apply: www.espncareers.com Job-110070 (6/12)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR Insights & Media Strategy/NBCU/NYC: Lead NBCU across all of its brands/platforms thru insights & new transco. initiatives for creation of new value across NBCU assets. 3yrs min exp media rsrch. Job#10283 Apply HERE (6/12)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNTANT/ANALYST/Huntington, NY (LI)Media Company: Manage & monitor A/R, Sales Forecasting, good analytical & comm. skills, MS Office req’d, B.S. Acct/Finance req’d. resume: [email protected] (6/12)

JOB OPENING: HBO FIXED-TERM MGR, MKT RESEARCH (w/Benefits)/NYC: 5 yrs of primary consumer mkt research exp. Design, Execute & Manage primary quantitative and qualitative mkt research projects. Apply @ http://bit.ly/14eBJIQ (6/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR DISTRIBUTION/Weather/ATL: Corporate account management. Develop strategic comm & mktg plans. Campaign sell-in/execution. Execute renewal strategy. 7+ yrs industry exp. Resumes: [email protected] (6/12)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORD/NYC/DIRECTV: Support ad sales team, scheduling media plans, acct. maintenance, liaise with traffic dept. Strong comm skills, MS Office, multitasking. Ad/Media exp. pref. http://bit.ly/ZvZL2p (6/12)

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