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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
Good morning. It’s Tuesday, July 9, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!
The Power of Protocol and Etiquette in the Workplace
by Gena Yuvette Davis
Someone asked the other day, “Does anyone respect anyone anymore?” This question has been asked so many times that one begins to wonder if it is true. In today’s world, social and professional boundaries are often questioned. Not only do we have to worry about cultural and gender differences, we have to be concerned with generational differences as well. Understanding the various differences takes tact and skill.
The once relied upon basics of protocol and etiquette must be re-examined and, perhaps re-tooled, in order for one to be successful in today’s high-tech, low-touch world. This can re-balance business and social interactions by creating ease, confidence and success in any arena.
How would one navigate the waters of this new way of mastering protocol and etiquette in the workplace? Here are five things to remember:
1) Understand your workplace culture. All companies are not created equal. Just because your last company was more casual in its dress code doesn’t mean this is true of your current company. Some companies are big on hierarchy within the ranks, whereas other companies focus on a more collaborative approach to work. Understanding your company’s protocol is essential to your success.
2) Learn about the people you work with. Everyone’s values, beliefs and the way they approach life in general is different than yours, period. Take the time to get to know those around you. Also, work to understand the different behavior and communication styles of others and match your style when communicating with theirs.
3) Write well. This is more than using good grammar and spelling words correctly. Proper knowledge of workplace etiquette dictates that we write in a way that will be perceived correctly by the reader.
4) Know your non-verbal cues. Body language and tone of voice constitute over 93% of communication. Being present and cognizant of your body language is key to better professional etiquette.
5) Find your voice. One of the most important of all the workplace etiquette is to be careful with your words while maintaining an assertive stance. You will always come across as confident and authoritative. Respect means being respectful at all times.
Even the most savvy business professional can forget that our behavior and manners are under constant observation. Although you may be great at your job, combative behavior, loud talking, a lack of social graces and disrespect for international differences can be seen as negative to key office stakeholders. By mastering workplace protocol and etiquette, a leader will have the tools needed to win friends and influence people, which will ultimately lead to career advancement, recognition, respect and success.
Learn more about Gena Davis on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/genaydavis or http://about.me/genayuvettedavis
Facebook: www.facebook.com/truesynergy
Twitter: @brandingbabe
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/msgenad
Google+: Gena Yuvette Davis
Skype: gena.yuvette.davis
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OFFICE SPACE WANTED: Manhattan Office Space Wanted. For sublet. Approx. 2,500 sq. ft. 10 pvt offices and a bullpen. Please contact [email protected] with opportunities (7/13)
JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES RESEARCH/Fx Cable Netwks/NYC: 3+ yrs cable research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills http://bit.ly/1aUZPvp (7/13)
JOB OPENING: SENIOR ANALYST, DIGITAL AD SALES RSCH/FX/NYC: 2+ yrs exp online or other new media research. Knwldg of Nielsen & ComScore reqd. Strg knwldge of Adobe/Omniture anlytics pref http://bit.ly/11Odb9e (7/13)
JOB OPENING: MGR, CONSUMER/Nat Geo Channel/DC: 5-7 yrs. mktg exp. req. TV network exp req. Exc project management skills with ability to multi task. Must be strategic and have strong consumer mkt exp. Degree req. http://bit.ly/10xdYWY (7/13)
JOB OPENING: FINANCIAL CONTRLER/NYC: Mng all financial and Accounting processes for busy TV Production cmpny. 7-10 yrs accnting exp in media/film. Strong kwldg of Quickbks + analytics. Resume to: [email protected] (7/13)
JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR/Cinedigm/NYC: Mng strategy of mktg up to 15-20 DVD & digital releases per yr w/a focus on TV properties for kids, tweens & adults. 3+ yrs in Entertainment MKTG. Resume/CV: [email protected] (7/13)
JOB OPENING: ASSIGNMENT EDITOR, NECN/NBC UNIVERSAL/East Coast: Assign crews to news stories and provide support for complete coverage, including research, contact information, phone calls, video etc Coordinate satell. Apply HERE (7/13)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TVONE/NY: Monitor/service ad accts. Create Upfront/Scatter media plans. BA pref’d. Sales/media plan’g exp. Apply: www.tvone.tv (7/13)
JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/NBC Universal/West Coast: Sell advertising & sponsorship opportunities for Comcast SportsNet Bay Area & Comcast SportsNet California, w/specific emphasis on San Francisco Giants, Oakland A’’s. Apply HERE (7/13)
JOB OPENING: ASSOC DIR, SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY/NCAA/Indy: Resp: outreach efforts of NCAA’s main comm office; assisting in issue-oriented SM efforts & other PR efforts defined communication leadership team. More info/Apply HERE (7/13)
JOB OPENING: COORDINATING DIR/NESN/Watertown MA: Resp: Overall plan’g/execution & advancement of NESN’s on-air look for Red Sox event telecasts & other, non-pro prod event coverage. 7+ yrs exp dir live TV sports prods. Info/apply: HERE (7/13)
JOB OPENING: VP, RETAIL SALES & MKTG/Bentonville, AR: Walmart team leader role dvlps appropriate sales/mktg plans within allocated budgets to deliver growth for both the NVCP bus. & the broader Viacom relationships. More info/apply HERE (7/13)
JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT DIRECT RESPONSE/Al Jazeera America/NYC: 4 year college degree, strong communication and interpersonal skills, experience in a media sales environment a plus. Apply: america.aljazeera.com/jobs-al-jazeera-america (7/13)
JOB OPENING: MGR, MARKET RESEARCH/HBO/NYC: Managing primary quantitative and qualitative mkt rsrch projects. Proficiency in statistical analysis software tools. Min. 5-7 yrs of consumer mkt research exp. http://bit.ly/19Tcr8h (7/13)
JOB OPENING: VP, DIGITAL AD SALES RESEARCH/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Group lead on Dig Sales Research initiatives, inc syndicated (Nielsen/comScore), ad effectiveness, consumer insights. 10+yrs exp. #166899, www.aenetworks.com/careers (7/13)
JOB OPENING: MGR NETWORK SALES/BBC AMERICA & WORLD NEWS-NYC: Manage US Channls distrbtn. Attend sales calls to present networks to field. Exp & knowldge of TV indsty trends & emerging platforms. [email protected] (7/13)
JOB OPENING: SALES SVC EXEC/MLB.com/LA: Digital sales for Western region. Must have 3-5 yrs of ad agency, digital marketing and digital sales exp. Apply here (7/13)
JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES PR ACCT MGR/Long Is City NY: Maint/enhance nat’l sales relationships w/our current web site clients (ABC, NBC, FOX & CBS), while collaborating w/internal teams on svc/sales opps. 3+ yrs relevant work exp. Apply HERE (7/13)
JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE & ADVANCED TV RESEARCH ANALYST/DISH MEDIA SALES/NYC: Rsch exp. w/TV, digital measurement. Research brands, analyze data, identify trends & findings. Presentation skills needed. Apply [email protected]
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/OVATION/NYC: Create sales proposals, steward accounts, interface w/agency buyers + clients. Min 1+ yrs ad sales dealmaker, media math. BA/BS req’d send resume to [email protected] (7/13)
JOB OPENING: DIR PRIMARY RESEARCH/ALJAZEERA AMERICA/NY: 7+ yrs primary Rsrch experience designing,writing and analysis of studies. Strategic and innovative thinking required. Apply: america.aljazeera.com/jobs-al-jazeera-america (7/12)
JOB OPENING: SPORTS MKTG ACCT DIR/LA: Passionate mktg exec to join brand agency to build/mng sports clients. Proven record of new biz dev. 10+ yrs exp req’d. Strong kwldg of sprts mktg/brand integration. Resume: [email protected] (7/12)
JOB OPENING: SR MGR/NICK/NYC: 7+yrs mktg exp. 4+ yrs dgtl & social mda. BA deg. MBA pref. Lead ideation & dvlpmnt of creative mrkting concepts. Mng cross-platform mktg tactics. Omniture, SiteCatalyst, Google Analytics exp. Apply: HERE (7/12)
JOB OPENING: COORD, CONS MKTG/Lifetime/NY: Asst in the coord of cons mktg initiatives in support of tune-in & branding. 3+ yrs prof exp in TV/cable/agency. Media plng exp pref. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (7/12)
JOB OPENING: SR MGR/NICK/NYC: 7+yrs mktg exp. 4+ yrs dgtl & social mda. BA deg. MBA pref. Lead ideation & dvlpmnt of creative mrkting concepts. Mng cross-platform mktg tactics. Omniture, SiteCatalyst, Google Analytics exp. Apply: HERE viacomcareers.com (7/12)
JOB OPENING: COORD, CONS MKTG/Lifetime/NY: Asst in the coord of cons mktg initiatives in support of tune-in & branding. 3+ yrs prof exp in TV/cable/agency. Media plng exp pref. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (7/12)
JOB OPENING: VP TRADE MKTG/WEATHER CHANNEL/NYC: Work closely w/rest of Sales Strategy & Client Solutions team to develop and communicate best practices and develop case studies to drive future sales. Min 10 yrs bus. exp mktg/advtsg. Resume: HERE (7/12)
JOB OPENING: DIR AD REVENUE FORECASTING/Nickelodeon/NYC: Develops and owns forecasting and analytical processes for the Nick ad sales group. 3-4 yrs exp in pricing/planning or financial analysis. Apply here: http://goo.gl/CntOJ (7/11)
JOB OPENING: MGR GROUP LANDSCAPE RESEARCH/NBC SPORTS/NYC: 3+yrs exp in resrch w/proven knowledge of syndted data systems. Analyze comptive lndscpe including categories & brands. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (10693BR) (7/11)
JOB OPENING: COPY COORDINATOR/TV ONE/NYC: Wrk w/external agencies, planners + Ad Sales mgmt. to secure commercial copy for network. BA pref’d and/ 3 yrs exp in TV Ops & Traffic. See full descrpt: www.tvone.tv (7/11)
JOB OPENING: DIR PRICING & PLANNING-ADDRESSABLE, DIG’L AND NAT’L/NYC: Pricing strat for individual & cross-platform. Min. 10 yrs TV / Media exp. Must have agency buying / sales planning. Resumes to: http://bit.ly/11ew0kk (7/10)
JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORD/NYC/AD SALES/CROWN MEDIA: editing daily broadcast logs, execute agency traffic instruct. & maintain commercial invent. View full/apply: www.hallmarkchannel.com Jobs (7/10)
JOB OPENING: SR UNIT PUBLICIST/NBCUNIVERSAL/CT: Min 5+ yrs exp in Comm or PR and min 3+ yrs exp in ent or prod publicity. Oversee consumer PR efforts for several daytime talk shows. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (10736BR) (7/10)
JOB OPENING: INVENTORY ANLYST CABLE/WEATHER CHANNEL/NYC: Tri-state only. Work on day-to-day inventory/pricing needs incl’g special assignments. Excel Pro/Expert/MASTER! Need sample work. Exp in sale plan’g & media math. Resume: [email protected] (7/9)
JOB OPENING: DIR, DEVELOPMENT/PHILLY: Dvlp orig non-fiction content for ntwrks; prod sizzle reels start/finish;strong casting, writing & rsrch skills; 4+ yrs as Devel Exec/EP of doc shows/reality. Apply: [email protected] (7/9)
JOB OPENING: OPERATIONS DIR/Jupiter Entertainment/Knoxville: Jupiter Entertainment seeks a director to oversee its production operations. 7+ yrs exp. prod. mgmt., post, recruiting, schdl enforcement. Apply: [email protected] (7/9)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCT SUPPORT SPECIALIST/NYC: WO support specialist located onsite @ major client in NYC. Must have exp. working in sales/traffic dept at cable ntwrk. Must be technologically savvy. Apply: http://careers.wideorbit.com/ (7/9)
JOB OPENING: FREELANCE AD SALES PLANNER/NUVOtv/NY: Ad Sales dept. 2+yrs exp. req. Analytical, Excel and comm. skills req. Industry & Dealmaker exp+. Resume to: [email protected] EOE (7/9)
JOB OPENING: DIR AD SALES & MKTG RESEARCH/NBCUniversal/NY: 5+ yrs ad sales experience with proven knowledge of Npower, Galaxy Explorer, Monitor Plus & MRI. Expertise in PowerPoint a plus. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com (10590BR) (6/28)
JOB OPENING: MGR, DIG SALES & ACCT MNGMNT/NY: Maintain/prospect/pitch/close & renew online advrtsng site specific nat’l brand premium dir & programmatic bus. 5+ yrs exp online ad inventory. 1-2yrs mgr exp. Cover/resume/sal req HERE (6/28)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Discovery/LA: Talented sales exec to join Digital Media Ad Sales team. Excellent solution-oriented skills. 5-7+ yrs ad sales exp, minimum 2 yrs in digital sales pref. Apply (6/28)
JOB OPENING: SR DIRECTOR, MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING/The Weather Channel/ATL: Requires deep understanding of media, Digital & IT infrastructure. Engineering & Operations exp. Resume to: [email protected] (6/27)
JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING COORD/Los Angeles: Provide support to two very busy movie executives in Lifetime Original Programming Department. Apply HERE (6/27)
JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORD/LA: Detail oriented & be part of a fast-paced co. Process commercials instructions & maximize ad inventory. BS deg. Req’s: B.S. degree pref’d; Min 3-5 yrs exp. [email protected] (6/27)
JOB OPENING: AR COORD/LA: 3-5 yrs exp. BS Acct’g pref’d. Book rev, verify & process billing, cash application posting to the system, General Ledger acctg, ensure accurate records & maintgood comm w/ client & ops. Resume: [email protected] (6/27)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL INTEGRATED MKTG MGR/NICKELODEON/NYC: Dvlp mkt-leading custom dig. mktg concepts for advertising clients. Exc written/oral presentation skills. 3-5 yrs exp dvlpg dig. Integrated mktg prgrms. REQ 5822 Apply HERE (6/27)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL INTEGRATED MKTG MGR SPONSORSHIPS/NICKELODEON/NYC: Dvlp mkt-leading digital sponsorships for advrtsng clients across Nick portfolio & Social Media. 3-5 yrs exp dvlpng dig. sponsorship prgrms. REQ 5820 Apply HERE (6/27)
JOB OPENING: START UP/PRIORITY HIRE: DIR. PROGRAM PLANNING & SCHEDULING/FUSION, ABC/Univision JV, (Miami Based): Oversee planning/sked of all long/short form content for new network. 5 yrs exp., 3 yrs US cable exp. Apply: HERE (6/27)
JOB OPENING: START UP/PRIORITY HIRE: DIR RESEARCH/Fusion, ABC/Univision JV (Miami Based): oversee all research functions for new network. Min 5 yrs exp incl primary, Nielsen, digital, ad sales. Min 3 yrs cable exp. Apply HERE (6/27)
JOB OPENING: GAME DESIGNER/APP PRODUCER/Brklyn: Resp for game design of Early Math & Literacy Apps for young children. Exp early edu. Min 5 yrs exp game design & prod. Bilingual English-Spanish highly pref’d. More info HERE (6/27)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Discovery/NYC: Talented sales exec to join Digital Media Ad Sales team to sell our digital properties. Excellent consultative sales skills. 5+ yrs ad sales exp, min. 2 yrs dig sales exp pref. Apply (6/26)
JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/IFC/NY: 3+ yrs cable/brdcst research, exp. w/ Nielsen products & MRI, Simmons, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills Resume: [email protected] (6/26)
JOB OPENING: VP STANDARDS & PRACTICES/MUNDOFOX/LA: Supervision, dev. & mgmt. of staff assigned to review programming, advertising and marketing materials- FCC & FTC Reg. SPANISH Must 7+ yrs. exp in tv/ent, http://goo.gl/0kOFE (6/26)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PROD ASST, INT’L DIG. MEDIA/NYC: Mng daily prod tasks. Passionate about digital media. Exc time mngmnt skills & Ability to work in high pressure, fast-paced prod envir. 1 yr exp dig content/prod. Res: HERE (6/25)
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Join us for a stimulating two hours with a dynamic group of women in senior sports positions talking candidly about the challenges that women still face in landing shot-calling, game-changing positions in the sports world, as well as the opportunities those same challenges present.
For sponsor information, please contact Mike Farina at (203) 218-6480
develop, grow and maintain strong strategic and tactical relationships with exchanges, networks, publishers, data providers, and other technologies
VP, Partner Development
Media Math
drive Revenue in the Agency vertical by partnering closely with Account to scale current business, as well as assisting Sales in closing new strategic Agency and Trading Desk clients
Category Specialist, VP Agency Partnerships
Media Math
create, develop, and maintain processes, best practices, and training documentation
Business Operations Specialist
possess basic knowledge of employment law and general practices around HR practices like hiring, leaves, benefits, comp and terminations
Human Resources Manager
oversees all program and schedule research for Program Planning team providing in-depth quantitative analysis on performance and trends that inform long-term plans and ensure short-term schedules are hitting ratings targets
VP, Program Analysis
lead the development of the information architecture and content strategy of transactional, informational, and marketing websites
Experience Director
Atlanta GA
working with Executive team, spearhead business development and strategic partnership initiatives and alliances that are consistent with the company’s overall strategy
Sales Director
Austin TX
lead digital strategy engagements with a strong focus on business analysis, strategic and financial modeling, differentiated digital experiences, key digital capabilities and/or road mapping
Strategy Director
Seattle WA
prospect, manage, and nurture a client list with a rapidly growing advertiser and revenue base
Digital Sales
Martini Media
San Francisco CA, NYC NY, Detroit MI
responsible for executing solid designs that speak to the creative and art direction provided
Senior Designer
San Francisco CA
work on cutting-edge, technology-oriented privacy and data security issues relating to all aspects of Fox’s global entertainment business
Counsel/Senior Counsel Privacy and Data Security
Fox Group
Los Angeles CA
oversee and responsible for the planning, creation, execution and delivery of all FX Networks broadcast design
SVP Broadcast Design
FX Networks
Los Angeles CA
build and define Tumblr’s positioning to media and TV audiences
Director of Entertainment and Media Partnerships
Los Angeles CA
work within a team structure to market
Adconin Direct’s digital advertising solutions, across display, mobile, email and social to top brands, their advertising agencies and other parties within the advertising ecosystem
Director Product Marketing
Santa Monica CA
work closely with your assigned teams to guide them through Hulu’s strategic talent processes and programs
HR Business Partner Talent Management
Santa Monica CA
have primary responsibility for all of Hulu’s patent litigation (including pre-litigation matters)
Patent Litigator
Santa Monica CA
responsible for defending NLRB, EEO and Wage and Hour Cases – interviews witnesses, prepares position statements, appearances at State Labor Commissioner and NLRB proceedings
Senior Attorney, Employee Relations Legal Services
Paramount Pictures
Hollywood CA
lead and build the Financial Planning & Analysis function at Adconion Direct
Director of Financial Planning & Analysis
San Diego CA
partner with the Director of Go To Market Marketing for the Americas to craft compelling marketing strategies for North America
Head of Integrated Marketing, Android
Mountain View CA
responsible for building programs that deliver thought leadership about Google’s social vision to businesses worldwide
Head of Social Marketing and Thought Leadership, Brand Partners
Mountain View CA
Send your ad to a real person who will handle it with elite customer service.
[email protected]
TV director Paris Barclay has been elected president of the Directors Guild of America. Barclay was chosen at the Guild’s National Biennial Convention held at DGA National Headquarters in Los Angeles. He is the Directors Guild’s first African-American and first openly gay president.
Lucy Hood, Executive Director of the Institute for Communication Technology Management at the University of Southern California, has been named President and Chief Operating Officer for the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. Hood replaces Alan Perris, who announced his retirement earlier this year. She will be responsible for daily operations of the Academy and its Foundation, overseeing department heads and staff, and acting as liaison to the Executive Committees and the Boards of both organizations. Retiring COO Perris will continue through the end of the year as a Consultant to the Chairman, helping Hood transition into her new role.
News Corp. has appointed Julie Henderson as Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Chief Communications Officer of spin-off company, 21st Century Fox.
Henderson, formerly News Corp.’s senior vice president of corporate affairs and chief communications officer, will continue to serve as its spokesperson. In her new role she will continue to handle communications strategies supporting finances, regulatory issues, litigation, mergers and acquisitions.
Telemundo Station Group has appointed Juan Witt as Vice President of Business Development at its new business development office in Mexico City. Witt will play a key role in the continued growth and success of Telemundo Local Media. He previously served at Univision Communications, where he held various positions including Senior Vice President, New Business Mexico, since 2004.
Jonathan Greenberger is returning to ABC News as Executive Broadcast Producer of This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Greenberger previously served as a senior producer on the show, helping to re-launch it when Stephanopoulos returned as its anchor during the pivotal election year.
Brian Levy has been promoted to Director, Direct Response Sales, NBCUniversal Domestic Television Distribution. A nearly 10-year veteran of NBCUniversal, Levy last served as Manager, Direct Response Sales, a post he assumed in 2011.
Allied Integrated Marketing has hired Karen Abrams as Vice President, Marketing and Promotional Strategies. Abrams will work with broadcast and cable television networks and other content distributors to promote their shows to consumers. She previously served as a partner at MerryMedia, a boutique media promotions firm where she developed promotional campaigns for clients including ABC Television Network, CBS Television Distribution, The CW Television Network and Twentieth Television.
CAA client NFGTV, the production company behind VH1‘s Love and Hip Hop franchise, is rebranding as Eastern. Owned by Toby Barraud and Stefan Springman, the management team headed by COO/SVP Mala Chapple is promoting several executives. David DiGangi has been named Vice President, Programming. Gregg Lieberman and Joshua Asen have been upped to Directors of Development. Lisa LeeKing has been named Casting Director. Eastern has also hired Marcia Xintaris as EIC and Adam Der Aris as Director of Post.
Discovery Communications has named Charlie Foley as Executive Vice President of the company’s newly created Original Content Group. Foley will create, write and executive produce both scripted content and non-fiction series and formats and oversee a team dedicated to creating and producing content for Discovery Networks in the U.S. and internationally. In addition, he will continue to oversee Animal Planet’s Development department.
Alix Jaffe has been tapped to head Greg Garcia‘s Amigos de Garcia Productions. Jaffe had served as Vice President of Current Programs with CBS since June 2004. In her new position she will oversee current programming and future development, beginning with new comedy The Millers, which debuts on CBS this fall.
JWT Worldwide has appointed Peter Sherman as CEO of JWT New York. Sherman, formerly Executive Vice President, Managing Director, BBDO Europe, will be tasked with driving overall strategic direction and growth, while building on JWT New York’s creative reputation. He will also lead business development efforts, manage client relationships, and accelerate the agency’s nontraditional offerings.
The InterMedia Group of Companies has tapped Rob Levy to head up InterMedia Entertainment as President. He will lead the company’s growth in celebrity endorsement and branded entertainment deals, talent and entertainment partnerships and intellectual property ventures. Levy launched the Branded Entertainment Division of Untitled Entertainment in 2007 and for the next six years oversaw its roster of clients.
Guggenheim Digital Media has promoted Suzan Gursoy to Publisher of Adweek, the leading media, marketing and advertising publishing company. Gursoy assumes the role after serving as interim publisher, beginning February 2013 and integrated advertising director from 2010 to 2013. She will oversee integrated sales, marketing, events and circulation in addition to overall revenue for the Adweek brand.
TNA Entertainment has appointed John Gaburick as Executive Vice President of Television Production, effective immediately. Gaburick, formerly VP of Television Production at WWE, will oversee management and production of TNA Entertainment television, including LIVE IMPACT Wrestling, marketing and advertising production, special projects and digital assets.
Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]
Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Cynopsis Media
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group
Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858
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