Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Tuesday, July 3, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Vivendi’s Universal Music Group told Apple it will not renew its annual contract to sell tracks and albums via iTunes, according to reports. The world’s largest music label is working on a short-term sales agreement instead that would give it more flexibility on pricing and exclusivity. Universal’s reluctance to maintain the status quo is indicative of the music industry’s discomfort with Apple’s dominance in the digital retail space, according to sources. Everyone loves what Apple has done in creating a new online revenue stream, but no one wants iTunes to be the only game in town. 


NBC Universal has decided to fold its online video content syndication service NBBC into its broadband video joint-venture with News Corp., according to an email sent out to partners yesterday. NBBC had signed about 150 large and small distribution partners to date, including CNET Networks, A&E and Access Hollywood.
Freemantle Media
and Mobliss will launch a new mobile channel available for Helio mobile phone users this month, repurposing hours of short-form entertainment and comedic programming sourced from the Freemantle’s library. “Atomic Wedgie” will offer 12 categories of more than 150 shorts including “Baywatch Babes”, “Bush Bites” and the all-new “White People Dancing”. M80 will launch an online marketing campaign this summer to promote the channel.
The new CNN.com is up and running boasting a much cleaner look and a spiffy new Flash video player. A bar across the top keeps readers up to date with “Hot Topics” such as the communion of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence and, of course, the iPhone. (75 stories are featured on the device.)
ABC.com and CMA are partnering to produce an interactive component to the four-day Country Music Festival, held June 7-10 in Nashville. Behind the scenes videos and backstage interviews will debut on ABC.com from July 9.
TV Guide will sponsor the American Idols Live! Tour 2007, taking this year’s ten top Idol finalists to over 50 venues this summer. TV Guide will publish a tour guide in this week’s issue and invite concert attendees to snap photos of the stars on the Idol Tour red carpet. Photos can be submitted to the accompanying website then retrieved and emailed to friends. The concert tour is produced by 19 Entertainment.


The iPhone is selling better than expected, according to analysts, topping 700,000 units sold despite some shortages and a glitch that prevented customers from activating their phones through the iTunes website. Plenty of reports are circulating about eBay sellers charging outrageous prices, despite measures by Apple to minimize reselling efforts. The main criticism continues to be the speed of the AT&T Edge network, or lack thereof. Apple’s solution of enabling users to connect to WiFi networks for surfing is great – if you happen to be within range of an open network.
The Carlyle Group is putting together a bid to buy UK teleco, broadband and cable TV provider Virgin Media for a reported $8 billion. Virgin was formed five months ago with the merger of NTL/Telewest and Virgin Mobile, joined to form a quadruple service provider. Virgin has been involved in a dispute with News Corp.-owned BSkyB that resulted in the loss of nearly 47,000 TV subs last quarter when it lost the rights to carry BSkyB’s basic package of channels.


Yahoo announced it will launch a new behavioral ad targeting service called SmartAds, allowing advertisers to deliver targeted ads based on users’ location, recent product searches and household income or age, in some cases. The system is being tested on Yahoo’s network of sites and in partnerships with eBay, major papers and Comcast by two major airlines. The technology will be applied for ads purchased through online ad exchange Right Media according to The New York Times, a still-pending acquisition made by Yahoo this spring.
Networks had a hard time bundling digital ad sales with TV upfront packages, according to a USA Today report. While upfront TV prices turned out strong – up 5% from last year to a cumulative $9.3 billion, relatively few deals included online and mobile components, despite lots of pre-event hype about integrated buys.


Nielsen and Sony Computer Entertainment America are developing a system to measure in-game advertising that will combine Nielsen game network traffic with data from PlayStation 3 systems and the PlayStation Network. By comparing the combined data advertisers and agencies will be able to calculate CPMs across PS3s and the PS Network as part of Nielsen’s GamePlay Metrics product, due out next month. GamePlay will provide metered game usage and demographic info by game title, genre and platform.
Senator John McCain outspent his rivals in terms of paid online advertising in April but came in 4th in traffic generated to his site, according to Nielsen BuzzMetrics. Democratic Senator Barack Obama led in that category with 647,000 unique visitors to his official site during the month. Hillary Clinton attracted the second most unique visitors with 498,000, generating a “buzz share” of 32.0, compared to Obama’s 45.5 share and John McCain’s 37.9 share. 
The internet is trailing television by only 3 percentage points in a recent Edison Media Research study conducted by Arbitron that asked consumers what media was “most essential” to their lives. One third of consumers queried named the net the most essential, compared to 36% for television. The results represented a significant shift from when the question was asked in 2002, when the split was 39%/20% in favor of TV.


Blockbuster named former 7-Eleven chief executive James W. Keyes as its new Chairman and CEO. James led the convenience store chain from 2000 to 2005, overseeing “record profits” and the implementation of a variety of new electronic services, according to the company. He replaces John Antioco, who announced he would step down in March.
Hispanic agency The Bravo Group appointed Jamie Kalfus as Chief Insights Officer. She will be responsible for strategic and account planning throughout the Young & Rubicam Brands agency, reporting to Linda De Jesus-Cutler, COO & President.


OriginalAmateurHour.com is the official website for The Original Amateur Hour, the radio and TV series that started the talent competition craze that continues to fascinate audiences. The show helped launch the careers of over 50 major stars including Old Blues Eyes himself. (Frank Sinatra appeared on the radio show at age 19 as a member of The Hoboken Four.) Long-time producer and show veteran Albert Fisher launched the site in 2005 to help promote and sell an archival DVD released by New Jersey-based Kultur Video the same year. With a new “order a copy of a show” feature, the site has also become a place where some of the 1 million of the show’s former performers and their loved ones can obtain a copy of their lost “15 minutes,” which the proprietor provides on VHS at no profit as a service to OAH community.
A new website will be featured here everyday for you to check out. Some are TV-centric, some creative, some just plain strange, but all have something to do with this crazy business. Email me your suggestions at [email protected] and if I include the site you mention, your name, company and city will be credited. Only one mention per calendar week, to make it fair.
Have an explosive 4th!
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digitals

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JOB OPENING: REGN’L ACCT DIR/Screenvision/Chicago: Dvlp/present/sell integrated in-theatre advrtsng & media prgrm campaigns to regn’l clients. 3+yrs selling media advrtsng exp. BA equiv work exp. Apply at www.screenvision.com (7/11)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR-Nat’l Sales/Detroit, MI: BET-Cable salesperson w/strong presentation skills. Comfortable w/multi-platform & integrated opps. Sales/agency exp. req’d. Email: [email protected] (7/11)

JOB OPENING: VP, AFF. FINANCE/MTVN/NY: Lead a large team responsible for managing affiliate revenue recognition, A/R & subscriber reconciliation. 10+ yrs required & Degree in Finance/Accting. www.mtvncareers.com . EOE/M/F/D/AAP (7/11)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR/SpikeTV-Research & Planning/NYC: Gather/interpret ratings data & assemble research findings. 4-5yrs TV exp. Strong analytical/numeric skills & knowledge of Nielsen systems. EOE/M/F/D/AAP www.mtvncareers.com (7/11)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MEDIA AE/WCCO-TV/Mpls, MN: Sell digital advertising to clients/agencies, dvlp new business for CBS O&O. Client service and acct mgmt for online/wireless/all media. 2+ yrs online exp. Apply www.wcco.com/jobs (7/11)

JOB OPENING: GM /Equity Media Holdings Corp. for Univision/Telefutura affiliates in Amarillo, TX: Must have TV sales and/or sales mgmt. exp; bilingual a +. Email resume to Connie Vaughn [email protected]. EEO (7/10)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Comcast Networks (Detroit): Maintain accts ie: Dialogue w/ agency clientele re: acct maintenance. Resolve billing issues. Work w/traffic dept re: schedule mgmt. Reply: [email protected] (7/10)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/E! Networks: Manage dept workflow custom requests and standardized reports. Full job description and application online, www.eentertainment.com/careers (7/10)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH/E! Networks: Oversee design, implementation and presentation of all secondary research to support networks. Full job description and application online, www.eentertainment.com/careers (7/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR PLANNING & PRICING/NBCUNI/NJ: Supporting role to the Dir by preparing financial modeling/analysis, sales/marketing initiatives & driving controllership Degree w/min 3 yrs related exp www.nbcjobs.com job#600131 (7/10)

JOB OPENING: VP PROD & DEV-DISC-DISC PLANET GREEN/MD & CA: Strong, creative ldr with enviro passion. 8-10 yrs Prod and Dev exp. Exp in long/short form prog, docs and live ent all ideal. More Planet Green jobs: www.discovery.com (7/10)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES COORD/Screenvision/NY: Seeking detail oriented ad sales coord. College dgre reqd, sales/agency exp preferred. Slight admin work necessary. Support VP, 3AEs & Planner. Apply at www.screenvision.com (7/10)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES MKTG COORD/NY: Create sales proposals, execute added value, support Mktg VP, develop ad sales materials, premiums, coord. events. 1-2 years exp cable/agency. Email res: [email protected] (7/10)

JOB OPENING: RES. STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, NY: Min 5 yrs res. exp., proficiency in Nielsen systems req. Strong analytical/communication/computer/presentation skills. Estimate exp a plus. Apply: www.discovery.com . Req 5500 (7/10)

JOB OPENING: FLASH WEB DEVELOPER, DIGITAL MEDIA/Sesame Workshop/NY: Development & programming chops req’d – CS3, After Effects, FCP, Flash video & games, etc. [email protected]   (7/7)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIRECTOR/Scripps Networks/LA: – Sell-in netwrk distrib quarterly promos to maximize media value. 5-7 yrs exp in affiliate or sales. Strong pres & comm. skills pref’d. [email protected] ref #6147 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: COPYWRITER /The ZUNE brand team is looking for an experienced copywriter to drive the strategy and execution of ZUNE voice, tone, style in all communications. Go to www.microsoft.com/careers req#183782 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST Vh1 AD SALES RESEARCH/NYC: 2+ yrs natl rsch exp.Detail-oriented with strong analytical/written/oral comm sk.Expert w/ Nielsen, MRI, Simmons.Prof in MS Office. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (7/7)

JOB OPENING: MKTNG ASST/ NBC Universal/USA Ntwrk: Must be self-starter and passionate about Mktng. Will act as admin. Assst and support consumer mktg projects. Long-term temporary position. Resumes to: [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/Legally Blonde/NYC: 2+ yrs promo/mktg w/in media/entertain/theater. Develop mktg/ tix sales initiatives/ viral mktg/ promotions. Graphic skills a plus. email to [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/ Oxygen Media/ NY: Support two AE’s, 3 yrs exp. buying or plan’g. Must be detail oriented & possess excellent communication skills. Email res and cover letter to [email protected], ref job title in subject (7/6)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAM OPS COORDINATOR/Oxygen Media/NYC: Provide tech assistance & coordinating support for Broadcast Ops; digital media & master control aptitude. Email w/ sub line: “Prog Ops ” cover letter & res to [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ADMINISTRATOR/Weather Channel/NY: providing support of proposal, traffic, and sales systems to Cable Ad sales. Exp with Dealmaker and VCI. Please apply online at www.weather.com/careers ref VSA004. (7/6)

JOB OPENING: COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC OPS ADMN/NY: Must have BA/BS & 2yrs of traffic exp; Resp: Create, manage, and ensure accuracy of commercial spots; execute manual day of air changes. Apply: www.nbcjobs.com #558504. (7/4)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, AFF FINANCE/MTVN/NY: Full acct Mgmt, Cash Flow of MSO remittances & subscriber updating. Prepare subscriber & reconciliations & A/R Analysis. Bus. Degree w/ 2-3 yrs exp. www.mtvncareers.com EOE/M/F/D/AAP (7/4)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE SALES PLANNER: ABC Digital Media Sales seeks a sales planner with a minimum of 1-2 years experience in researching, planning and executing digital campaigns.. www.disneycareers.com Req ID:99245 (7/4)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

ALL YEAR INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: GOSPEL MUSIC CHANNEL – ATLANTA seeks INTERN for MKTG/PR department for project and event support. Must be able to lift 10lbs. Knowledge of MS Word/Excel/Publisher req’d. For app/more info: [email protected] (7/10)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Intern/PA: Short film shooting in NYC with award-winning Actors, Director & Writer looking for team player to work hard with a professional crew. Interested applicants respond to [email protected] (7/4)


SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA PLANNING/Los Angeles Full Time/Freelance: 10+ yrs exp.  Experience-General Market and Hispanic.  Works independently or manages staff.  Large and small agency exp.  [email protected] (7/11)

SITUATION WANTED: TV DEVELOPMENT/CREATIVE/PRODUCER/Los Angeles: seeking consulting or staff position. 15 yrs experience in show development, promo/trailer/EPK producing. www.daviddaigle.com  
[email protected] (7/11)

SITUATION WANTED: 07 Phi Beta Kappa Harvard grad seeks employment in entertainment industry. Worked two media internships and wrote professionally directed play. Skilled in script coverage. Email at [email protected] (7/10)

SITUATION WANTED: INTERNET MARKETING SPECIALIST SEEKING CONSULTING /LA/NYC/SF/DC: Talented in complete campaign management including SEO, PPC, affiliates, e-zines, RSS, ad placement, etc. LA based, can work remotely. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: MID-LEVEL DIGITAL MEDIA BIZ DEV MGR seeking position that leverages interpersonal and analytical strengths in international business, leadership, and cross-cultural interaction  www.LinkedIn.com/in/RussellBernstein (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: Experienced manager seeks immediate FT or FREELANCE OPPORT. In on-air promos or new media mgt. In NY, but maybe willing to relocate. For resume & ref, e-mail [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: INTERNATIONAL ONLINE ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ONLINE MARKETING MANAGER/DALLAS: Interested in incorporating a passion for online sales with an internationally branded company-TV/New Media/. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/PRODUCER – LA: HBO Creative Services writer/producer recently relocated to LA looking for freelance or permanent gig. See resume and most recent work www.ostroviesky.com Contact: [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: CONSULTANT w/ 20 yrs transactional/biz affairs/biz dev/legal experience in cable, broadband, broadcast. Successful and creative solutions. Available project basis/hourly rate. contact [email protected] (7/6)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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