Tuesday, December 11th, 2012


Crackle Network

Drive Yield Mngmnt & optimization. 4yrs exp dig advrtsng inventory mngmnt, & yield optimization.

More info/Apply www.sonypicscareers.com #502

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, December 11, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

You Never Know…

Do you know what your mailman’s siblings do for work? Do you know what the college roommate of the maitre’ d at your favorite restaurant does for a living? Do you know where the newspaper boy’s dad works?

These are all networking possibilities that are right in front of you. How do you take advantage of them? Be nice and respectful. Be curious and talk to the people that are in your life.

Too many people go unnoticed in our day to day, many of whom are very intelligent and interesting. I worked as a roofer for a couple of summers, the man I worked for had an undergraduate degree from Columbia and a Masters from UPenn. He just loved working with wood. His family is full of investment bankers and C level personnel, but you would only know that if you got to know him and asked.

Another tremendous source of meeting new people that can become part of your network, is your kids. Next soccer game, don’t stand by yourself on the sidelines, talk to the other parents. Some will be in the exact same position as you, some will be able to help you once they get to know you and some will know someone who may be able to assist you. But you’ll never know unless you start talking to them.

Talking is the old fashion word for networking. The most effective form of networking is talking, but people complain they don’t get the chance to talk to those who can help them the most. When clients tell me this, I always ask, how do you know?

I understand you don’t have the opportunity to chum it up with the CEO of the company you would love to work for, but what about everyone else who works there? What about their siblings and friends? The point is, that the world around you provides endless networking possibilities, but until you take the time to find out, you’ll never know.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].


Cynopsis Social Media Webinar
December 13 | 1:30-3:00pm ET
Social Media 3.0 for TV Programmers: Beyond Facebook + Twitter

Expert Speakers:
Jessica Chow
(Associate Media Director) Ignited
Tom Fishman
(Director Social Media) MTV Networks
Pamela Russo
(VP, Digital Media) Discovery Communication
Tom Thai
(VP, Marketing) Bluefin


Are you prepared for your next interview?
Mary Olson-Menzel

There are many talented professionals and executives out there, many who can run companies, drive revenue and lead people with ease. If they lost their jobs tomorrow, would they be prepared?
Even some of the most successful executives in the workplace have a hard time marketing and talking about themselves when looking for a job. Part of what makes my job so much fun is that I get to coach and help these executives shine on a stage that is not their own. A stage that is sometimes very much outside of their comfort zone.

I had an experience recently where I was talking with a very successful HR executive who had decided to leave her SVP position and look for a new opportunity. She had no idea where to start. She had helped people through this exact same process, but when it came to marketing her own experience, it was a whole new ball game. After we had put together a target list of companies and a recruitment strategy for her, we were off and running. The next hurdle came when the interview process started for her.

How would she approach this? What kinds of interviews should she be prepared for? What kinds of questions would be asked of her? What was her “story”?

The range varies drastically from company to company. Some companies keep the interview process simple and straightforward. If they do, that is great, but you need to be prepared for anything.
For any interview, you need to be able to tell your story. In a way that is clear, concise, interesting and above all, relevant to the company and position that you are interviewing for. Practice it, with people you trust, in front of the mirror, whatever suits you. Also be prepared for what we call “behavioral interview questions”.

Behavioral Interview Questions examples:
Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
Give an example of a goal you didn’t meet and how you handled it.
Describe a stressful situation at work and how you handled it.
Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
Have you ever made a mistake? How did you handle it?
Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled implementing it.
How did you handle meeting a tight deadline?
Give an example of how you set goals and achieve them.
Did you ever not meet your goals? Why?
Have you had to put a team to work on a project they weren’t happy about? How did you do it?
Share an example of how you were able to motivate employees or co-workers.
Have you handled a difficult situation with a supervisor? How?
Have you handled a difficult situation with another department? How?

And the list goes on. You get the idea. There are many different scenarios. Regardless of the question, be prepared to answer with real life examples. Ideally, you should briefly describe the situation, what specific action you took to have an effect on the situation, and the positive result or outcome. Think these scenarios through ahead of time if you can. This is a very popular method of interviewing.Other companies love to throw curve balls and see how the candidate handles it. See what you’re made of. There was a company that I interviewed with several years back that brought me in for the day. I met with 10 people back to back, sometimes in groups of two, all interviews were tape recorded and they asked me the most interesting questions.

One example:
“If you were going to start a pizza business how would you approach it? Tell me your strategy and how you would build it from the ground up.” I was not interviewing at a Food and Beverage company! I was interviewing at a Hedge Fund for a SVP of Recruitment. What did pizza have to do with it? Pizza or Hedge funds, I had to be “on” and thoughtful in my responses. I had to be able to articulate who I was, and what I represented to that company as a candidate, every minute of the eight hours I spent with them. As you can imagine, I was exhausted by the end of the day! Many companies will do this just to see how you handle the pressure.

The bottom line is that you have to be able to think on your feet; regardless of how prepared you think you might be. Even if you think you are ready for anything, those curve balls can surprise you.
The Harvard Business School recently came out with a 43 page booklet with close to 80 interview questions that have been asked during interviews.

Several questions such as:
What is your favorite kind of chocolate, ice cream etc?
How would your parents describe you when you were twelve?
What’s the one thing you’ll never be as good at as others?
What is your favorite cartoon?

And then more introspective questions such as:
How would your friends describe you in three words?
Describe something that you should start doing, do more of, and do less of?
Talk to me about a challenging situation you’ve faced. Describe the situation and how you
overcame it. (Behavioral Question)
Please tell me about three failures you’ve had.

These are just some examples of the kinds of questions that every candidate should be prepared to
answer in any interview situation. Always ask what to expect before going into the interviews so
you can try to prepare  but be prepared for anything! No two interviews are the same, but as long
as you are ready and have done your research on the company, the position AND the people you
will be meeting. Tell them why you will be a good fit for them in a way that is honest and relevant
and go get that job!

Mary Olson-Menzel,Managing Partner- MVP Executive Search and Consultants, specializing in Executive Search, Coaching, Strategy and Executive Outplacement [email protected]. Mary has 20+ years of experience working in corporate America and executive search consulting. She specializes in senior level recruitment across digital, print, broadcast and cable media and runs MVP’s global NY office.

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Mary Olson-Menzel

How does one made the transition from freelancer to full-time employee? In my situation, I have been a freelance Producer for almost a decade, but now would like to make a move into a studio or network position. What steps does one need to take to be noticed. And what type of overhauls should I make to my resume? Traditionally, a Producer’s resume is not much more than a list of credits, but that’s probably going to be no good to an HR rep who is receiving a blind submission via the web.

To make the move from freelancer to employee, go the extra mile, with everything that you do, to get noticed by the people in a position to do the hiring. Build relationships with the other team members and management on site, go above and beyond to be helpful and to pick up extra work. By doing things like this, you should get noticed. Ask what else you can be doing to help in the role. Talk to people and let them know that you are interested in going full time. They might not even know that you want full time unless you let them know. If you are doing great work, going above and beyond what the job description is and building relationships on site, they will notice and when the opportunity comes available and its a good fit for your skill set, you might just be the one to get hired!

What advice do you have for workers over 50? How do we stay relevant and keep from being replaced by people who are younger and cheaper?

I was at a luncheon this week where I had the opportunity to hear Kim Kelleher, the Worldwide Publisher for Time Inc speak. Her words rang very true to me, about the power of relationships. She spoke of what she called “dynamos” and “dinosaurs”. Dynamos are those “20 somethings” in the work force who know all about new technology and social media, Dinosaurs are those who didn’t grow up with technology at their finger tips but yet have experience and knowledge that the dynamos just don’t have yet. She talked about how there is a place for everyone and how we can all leverage our own relationships, skill sets and talents, yet also be open to learning from each other. The Dinosaurs can SOAR by using the power of their relationships to help get things done. These more seasoned individuals have deep and meaningful relationships that have been solidified over time and shared experiences. There is no substitute for that. Whether you are 30, 40, 50 or 60, stay abreast of current events and current trends in the marketplace. Keep trying to be creative and innovative in your job and bring your “best self” to the workplace every day. Make sure you stay relevant and that you are adding value to the company that you work for in a meaningful way. And remember, younger and cheaper does not always mean better.

Mary has 20+ years of experience working in corporate America and executive search consulting. She is Managing Partner- MVP Executive Search and Consultants, specializing in Executive Search, Coaching, Strategy and Executive Outplacement and can be reached at [email protected].


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JOB OPENING: SR EXEC ASST/Fox Group/LA: Apply to: http://ars2.equest.com/?response_id=5148654cd40842e3308f39dc3aa21f7f (12/15)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, DIRECT RESPONSE/REELZ/NYC: experienced AE in selling long & short form direct response advertising. Apply: [email protected] (12/15)

JOB OPENING: TV RSRCH DIR/HARTFORD CT: Provide sales & news for assgnd stations with rsrch. 5+ yrs exp in brdcst TV or cable station in rsch/mktg dept req’d. Apply at http://www.meredith.com/meredith_corporate/careers.html (12/14)

JOB OPENING: ABC RESEARCH PART TIME CONTRACTOR/ABC Network Research, ABC Television Network, Burbank, CA. [email protected] (12/14)

JOB OPENING: MKTG RESEARCH MGR/ATL: 5+ yrs mktg/media rsrch exp. Prof in basic statistics/analysis. Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen rsrch software. To apply, contact: http://bit.ly/11VBb8x (12/14)

JOB OPENING: VP, BUS & LEGAL AFFAIRS CDM/NYC: Structure/draft/negotiate variety of agreements relating to dist of a broad portfolio on traditional linear. JD & min 8-10 yrs in-house or law first exp req’d. www.viacomcareers.com/3444 (12/14)

JOB OPENING: VP GLOBAL COMPLIANCE, TRAINING & COMM/NYC: Dvlp & facilitate enterprise-wide compliance training. Proven track record and 10+ yr exp. More info/apply: www.viacomcareers.com/4695  (12/14)

JOB OPENING: SVP, MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES/GAC/Knoxville: 8 yrs+ exp in advertising, marketing or promotions. Manage and lead on & off air promotion and network marketing in a broadcast/cable environment. Click here to apply (12/14)

JOB OPENING: SR EXEC ASST/20th CENTURY FOX TELEVISION/LA:  APPLY URL http://ars2.equest.com/?response_id=5148654cd40842e3308f39dc3aa21f7f (12/14)

JOB OPENING:  SR. MGR, DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICS/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Dvlps data models/analyses to est impact of TVEverywhere. Mngs data aggregtn & reporting. 5+yrs in media/distrib/rsrch, MBA prefd. #148846, www.aenetworks.com/careers (12/14)

JOB OPENING:  SR CREATIVE MGR/ESPN/Bristol CT: To view full job description please use this link –    (12/14)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/AMAZON STUDIOS/LA: Act as a strategic bus. partner to internal teams, leveraging rsrch to provide recommendations/analyses on film & series projects in dvlpmnt. 5+ yrs mkt rsch ind exp. [email protected] (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/New York City: Provide services to all research dept. internal clients through analysis & tracking of standard & custom reports. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (12/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, FUNNY OR DIE/PROMOS/NYC: 8 yrs of dig promos & branded ent exp. Act as liaison btwn FunnyorDie.com & Digital Sales team. Work closely w/ on-air counterparts for dig. support on integrated FOD deals. Click here (12/13)

JOB OPENING: LEAD PRODUCER/University of Notre Dame/Notre Dame IN: Req. Bachelor’s degree in video prod, comm. or related field. Extensive exp. leading video prod. teams. For more info & to apply, visit http://apptrkr.com/302572 AA/EOE (12/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/NY: 4+ yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable.Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen/MRI rsrch software.Create sales present, primary, mgmt & presentation exp. a plus. To apply, contact: http://bit.ly/TIbzsU (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, PRICING & YIELD MANAGEMENT/Crackle Network/LA: Drive Yield Mngmnt & optimization. 4yrs exp dig advrtsng inventory mngmnt, & yield optimization. More info/Apply www.sonypicscareers.com #502 (12/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR PROD/NESN/NYC: Mng/coordinate all aspects of NESN’s network broadcast center productions. 12+ yrs exp of TV production mngment. More info/apply: http://nesn.com/nesn-jobs/ (12/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR, ON-AIR PROMO PLNG/History/NY: Develop & implement on-air media plng strategies that support network. 5 yrs exp plng & executing on-air promo plans for brdct/cable. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers.html (12/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR SPORTS & EVENTS/SPIKE/NYC: Monitor delivery req’s to ensure compliance w/live action prod guidelines. Insure prod/companies are on schedule; BA Deg w/ 5+ yrs of media exp. More details www.viacomcareers.com (12/11)

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT EXECS/(2 openings)/NYC: For reality/non-fict TV. Extnsve rsrch for characters, subcultures, formats. Basic shoot/edit/cast & treatment writing. Res/Cov Ltr: [email protected]. 3+ yrs exp req’d (12/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES MGR/WPIX-TV-Sales/NYC: Resp for all sales activity in local TV mkt; monitor/evaluate sales perf of local acct execs; 5 yrs TV sales, 3 in a major mkt. More info/apply: www.tribune.com (12/11)

JOB OPENING: TWITTER TV MGR/LA, CA: Be the Twitter ambassador to TV celebrities. Grow/evolve Twitter’s creative relationships. Exp TV prod w/exp working dir w/talent & their reps. Res: https://twitter.com/jobs/positions?jvi=oG3UWfwj,Job (12/11)

JOB OPENING: VP, AD SALES MKTG/REELZCHANNEL/NYC: Lead team to dvlp & execute strong mktg ideas for clients. Create effective multiplatform mktg initiatives. 10+ yrs exp ad sales mktg role. Apply: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/REELZCHANNEL/NYC: Create, maintain & stew ad sales plans. 1-3 yrs exp network/agy Apply: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING: COORD DIST FIELD SALES/A+E TV/NY: Support the East Region Field Sales Team in reaching goals through admin & sales support duties. Act as liaison w/ internal & ext customers. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers.html (12/11)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE COPY WRITER ENTERTAINMENT & DIGITAL MEDIA/NYC: Agency Experience is a must. Strong relationships with vendors. Conceptualize & execute creative across different media. www.nbcunicareers.com #7291 (12/11)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SALES RESEARCH/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Manage sales research for two cable networks. Expertise in Galaxy Explorer, TVToolbox, Simmons/MRI, Excel, PowerPoint. Apply online at www.nbcunicareers.com (#7797BR) (12/1)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/TV ONE/MD: Produce, write and oversee edit sessions for on-air promotions. BS/BA degree pref’d. Min.10 yrs exp at producer level for a nat broadcast/cable network. Visit www.TVONEJobs.com (12/1)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ANALYTICS/Cable Media Sales/NYC: Work with adsales/BI team, Format data/ devlp analytics/Translate intrctve metrics with linear television data. 5 yrs in resrch/tv ad sales www.optimumjobs.net req id 18709BR (12/1)

JOB OPENING: AD SLS MKTG SPECIALIST/Discovery/NY: Supports in dvlp& execution of multiplatform ad sls sponsrships for Destination America; 3-5 years of relevant experience; http://careers.discovery.com/ #6742 (12/1)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/Discovery/MD: Mngs consumer msg via on-air promo, VOD, Social, Digital & press channels; 10+ yrs exp mktg/ad wrkin brdcst/cable ntwrkmktg/ad agency/brand mgmt; http://careers.discovery.com/ #6100 (12/1)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED AD SALES MKTG SPECIALIST/Discovery/NY: Temp assgnmt through DCI Vendor; Supports in dvlp & execution of multiplatform ad sls sponsrships for Velocity; 3-5 years of relevant exp; Visit: www.facebook.com/discoverfsg (12/1)

JOB OPENING: AD SLS MKTG MGR/RLTV/NYC: Dvlp & execute integrated ad sls sponsorships; mng sls tools/presentations; exp w/rsrch; exp w/ Mac & Keynote req., 4+yrs ad sls related mktg exp req. Cover letter/resume to [email protected] (12/1)

JOB OPENING: HBO ANALYST, AUDIENCE RESEARCH/NYC: tracks & reports performance of programming. Strong Kwldg of Nielsen system, Galaxy, Explorer, & NPower. Please apply @ http://bit.ly/Xtw54V (11/30)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ANALYST/NCC RESEARCH/ATL: Mng rsch and sales department. BA deg req’d as well as media co., syndicate rsrch co. or advertising agency in a research-related position. [email protected] (11/29)

JOB OPENING: SR MKTNG ANLST/COX MEDIA/AZ: 5+yrs exp preferred with extensive knowledge of media research and tools; analytic mind with strong comm skills; apply on WorkatCox.com JOB ID #42553 (11/28)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR STANDARDS & PRACTICES/Nickelodeon/NYC: BA, 7+ yrs exp children’s media/compliance. Strong comm/present sk. Deep knwldge regulatory/self-regul media aspects. Apply www.viacomcareers.com EOE/M/F/D/AAP (11/28)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PLANNER/NYC: devises strategies for Interactive media plans. 2-3 years of digital planning/buying at an agency experience required. http://tinyurl.com/bqo92do (11/28)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST/nuvoTV/LA: support 2 C-Level Execs and Mng LA Office Ops. 3-5 yrs sr. level admin exp. req. Highly visible position, strong comm. & interpersonal skills req. Industry exp +. Resume to: [email protected] EOE (11/28)

JOB OPENING: AD SLS MKTG MGR/Discovery/NY: Dvlp & execute multi-platform ad sls sponsorships; 5+yrs ad agency, media sls/mktg, client mktg exp; prod exp preferred; http://careers.discovery.com/#6742 (11/28)

JOB OPENING: TRANSMISSION OPERATOR/Pac-12/SF: Excuting daily actvty w/in brdcst ingst & trnsmssn dept. 3-5yrs as mdia ingst oprtr w exp w satllte or fbr trnsmssn & vndrs. Apply: http://hire.jobvite.com/j/?cj=oM7sWfw1&s=Cynopsis (11/27)

JOB OPENING: SR. MANAGER/FRANCHISE MANAGEMENT/DISNEY CHANNEL/BURBANK: Lead strategy for girls tweens incl brand plans, music, fashion, digital . 8 yrs exp in consumer prod, brand mgmt, licensing. www.disneycareers.com REQ 72607 (11/27)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED SALES MGR./NYC: Dvlp custom sales materials, proposals for hot digital/video media start up. Min 2 yrs exp. Apply: bitly.com/RmvGuy (11/27)

JOB OPENING: SR MKTG MGR/Discovery Communications/NY: Dvlp & execute TLC-centric multiplatform, integrated partnership deals for Ad Sls clients; 5+ yrs of relevant integrated mktg exp. http://careers.discovery.com/ #6771 (11/27)

JOB OPENING: DIR BUSINESS & LEGAL AFFAIRS/DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS/LA: Handles talent negotiations & drafting/review agreements for talent in reality programs; exp in entertainment law. http://careers.discovery.com/ #6753 (11/27)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL CMT BUSINESS & LEGAL AFFAIRS/Santa Monica: Mng high vol deopent/prod. agreements emphasis on the unscripted/reality genre. 3-5 yrs exp w/ent law firm or studio/network. Apply: http://bit.ly/THqzFo (11/27)

JOB OPENING: TALENT MGR/CASTING PROD/NY: 8+ yrs exp. Skilled casting producer. Easily transition between office research and field work. Ability to shoot and edit. Final Cut exp. Apply: www.viacomcareers.com (11/27)

JOB OPENING: DIR., PRICING & PLANNING (FX, NYC): 7-10 yrs Media Ad Sales, Inventory Mgmt, reporting & forecasting for multiple networks. Strong exp. w/Ad Sales systems & Excel. Strong math & comm skills. http://bit.ly/Rk4ywe (11/27)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/New York City: Work with Ad Sales dept. to service and maintain agencies and clients on daily basis. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (11/27)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE SERVICES ASSISTANT/Studio City: Perform administrative duties & provides support to SVP and department. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (11/27)

JOB OPENING:  DESIGN DIRECTOR/LOGO/NYC: 5+ yr exp. broadcast & print design; Illustrator, Photoshop req.; After Effects, Video Editing, Compositing systems, 3D Animation & OACIS a +; BFA req. Apply @ viacomcareers.com EEO/M/F/D/V (11/27)


prepare and produce daily/weekly/monthly production updates for the Sony.com website and assist in the creation of site’s promotional/editorial strategy for English-language content targeting US users
Website Production Manager, Sony.com   3401739
Sony Corporation

develop, execute and manage a winning editorial proposition for the site
Managing Editor, BBCAmerica.com
BBC America

responsible for a broad range of functions related to the managing of the day to day enterprise-wide compliance program including, in particular, policy and training initiatives, training development and facilitation
Vice President Global Compliance, Training & Communications   4695

take a leadership role in the production of integrated marketing and ad sales needs, including integrated promos, stunt sponsorship, studio integrations, upfront sales tapes, and more
Sr. Writer/Producer, On Air Promos   4925

focus on linear TV viewing metrics while incorporating alternative platform consumption
Sr. Research Analyst, Broadcast Entertainment   8081BR
NBC Universal

responsible for concept development and the execution of creative deliverables
Art Director   12075

be directly engaged in ABC News’ continued mission to create a pipeline for internal and external candidates to achieve success in the news division
Producer, Talent Development   81253BR
Walt Disney Corporation

develop content ideas and manage a team in the creation, timeline and delivery of content to appropriate platforms
Senior Digital Producer   82069BR
Bristol CT

identify and maintain a database of Discovery’s rights and obligations with respect to programming and brands for use in home video, digital distribution, licensing and publishing for the North American territory and tracking worldwide rights
Project Manager – Rights & Partnerships   6863
Discovery Channel
Silver Spring MD

create and/or manage development of business cases for potential new digital ventures
Director, Product Strategy – CNN.com
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

leads the report design and production process for Turner digital brands worldwide across mobile and connected device platforms
Mgr, Mobile & Conn Device Insights & Analytics
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

inspire decision makers at both clients and agencies, to see radio in a different light with well-developed, integrated marketing solutions and content ideas
Director Strategic Partnerships   13440BR
CBS Corporation
Detroit MI

responsible for the successful delivery of large-scale client engagements and/or multiple smaller engagements for a single client
Senior Delivery Manager  
Detroit MI

work closely with the Vice President, Advertising Sales to ensure priorities are defined and making sure the team and function are operating effectively
Director, Pricing & Planning   187
Chicago IL

lead a team of Developers in the design and coding phases of a software development project while functioning as the escalation or focal point to resolve technical obstacles to project completion
Hybris Senior Developer   12042
Chicago IL

participate in a wide variety of Analytic efforts, including the development/support of custom, client-facing analytics as well as business intelligence efforts
Senior Analytics Developer   1427
Chicago IL

focus at the same time on optimizing workflows across teams and promoting efficiency within the overall studio creative process
Senior Creative Technologist   1674
Chicago IL

act as the primary HR partner for the West Coast based Original Programming and Ad Sales function
Director Human Resources  191
Los Angeles CA

responsible for developing and driving the success of DEG’s online community management, and social marketing activity
Digital Marketing Manager
BBC America
Los Angeles CA

serve as primary contact for the users, both production support and project requests
Sr. Manager, Studio Finance   12268BR
CBS Corporation
Los Angeles CA

digging deep into data files, analyzing and calculating internal traffic metrics
Financial Analyst  Hulu Plus
Los Angeles CA

develop innovative and comprehensive marketing strategies for the portfolio of Hulu Original Series programming
Director, Original Program Marketing
Los Angeles CA

responsible for the monitoring of Foxs global IT network, which consists of thousands of network devices, servers, storage components, WIFI access points and critical content delivery systems and applications in over 125 worldwide locations
Director, Information Technology – Data Center   FFE0001434
Los Angeles CA

oversee corporate maintenance of Fox’s international subsidiaries
Senior Paralegal International Distribution Free TV   FFE0001105
Los Angeles CA

leading negotiations and drafting agreements on development projects with US- represented talent for internationally financed production and advising on underlying rights issues as necessary
VP, Legal & Business Affairs International Television Production   6912BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

serve as key role in the programming department by providing creative and production support
Producer, Development & Production   6999
Discovery Channel
Culver City CA


John L. Humphries will become President/GM of WGAL-TV, the NBC affiliate serving the Lancaster-Harrisburg, PA market and owned by Hearst Television.  John succeeds Paul Quinn who announced his retirement plans in September.   Prior to this appointment, John was the Director/Sales at Hearst-owned WYFF-TV in the Greenville-Spartanburg, SC market.

Zodiak Media announced Mikael Wallen is departing as President of the company’s Swedish production company Yellow Bird, the company behind Wallander and the original version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  Mikael will leave this month after spending more than five years with the company.  Anni Faurbye Fernandez, currently an executive producer at Yellow Bird was named CEO of the company beginning January 1, 2013.

GMC TV promoted Sophia Kelley to SVP/Programming up from VP/Programming.  At the network Sophia manages program planning, scheduling and acquisitions in addition to promotion, planning and scheduling.  She reports to Leslie Glenn Chesloff, EVP/Programming.

New York-based Leopard Films USA hired veteran TV-development executive Jordan Harman as VP/DevelopmentLauren Deen, who was hired earlier this year, has been elevated to VP/Development and Original Programming.  Jordan and Lauren will both report to President Nick Rigg. 
Kim Woodard has joined part2 pictures in their senior management team as Executive-in-Charge, a newly-created position where she will oversee production and development on new and existing programs at the growing non-fiction production company.  Kim most recently was VP/Development and Production at the National Geographic Channel.  Based at part2’s Brooklyn headquarters, Kim will report to Co-Founders and Creative Directors David Shadrack Smith and Greg Henry. 

Andrew Atkin joins talent management company ACM co-founded by Marc Guss and Phil Sutfin who are continuing their expansion on the West Coast. 

Jennifer Dangar was appointed President/Distribution and Business Development at The Weather Company.  In addition, Cameron Clayton was named President/Digital Division.  Both are based at Weather’s Atlanta headquarters and will report to David Kenny, Chairman/CEO.  Jennifer will continue to identify new opportunities for growth and expand relationship with distribution partners across all platforms.  Cameron will lead Weather’s digital division and will oversee all teams in charge of weather.com, wunderground.com, intellicast.com, mobile and digital apps, interactive television and more.

Robert Weiss was named Chief Creative Officer of Ovation and will be based at the network’s Santa Monica headquarters.  Robert will be responsible of the network’s strategic direction and creative vision as well as branding for all media platforms.  He will report to CEO Charles Segars. 

Rob Shaftel has become SVP/Development (East Coast) at ITV Studios America.  Rob will be based in ITV Studio America’s New York office and will develop new programming for the US broadcast and cable markets to support the company’s continued growth plans.  He will report to Bruce Robertson, Head/Development. 

Young Broadcasting, LLC hired veteran television management executive Viki Regan for its ABC affiliate, WRIC-TV in Richmond, VA as VP/GM.  Viki’s new position began this week and she reports to Young Broadcasting President Deb McDermott.

Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN)  the Americas tapped Maria Badillo as VP/Programming and Production at Tr3s.  In her new role, Maria will head the company’s programming strategies and original production across the US Hispanic network’s content platforms. 

Independent studio Entertainment One Reality (eOne) hired Jeff Hevert as VP/Current Programming and Development, Alternative Programming US eOne Reality.  Based in Los Angles, Jeff will head the development of new series as well as current programming.  He reports jointly to John Morayniss, CEO, eOne Television and Tara Long, SVP/US Alternative Programming.

Mance Media tagged Brian Conlon to become the company’s new VP/Worldwide Acquisitions.  In another move, Mance Media announced it has moved its corporate headquarters to Sunset Gower Studios.  Brian joins Mance Media from Halogen TV where he was an acquisitions executive and played a key role in the network’s launch. 

Boutique distribution company Looking Glass International has opened a new office in Beijing and Karen Lee will head the office and manage all activities in the region in addition to Middle East and Central Eastern Europe.  Karen previously was with China’s LIC.

Entertainment marketing and creative agency BIG SMACK added Kevin Lahr as Executive Producer/Director of Production.  Prior to this appointment, Kevin was with Discovery Communications for five-plus years working for Discovery Channel, Science Channel and Investigation Discovery.

West Hollywood-based Miller PR promoted Jennie Kong to SVP after her leadership within the company’s Digital Entertainment sector and additionally Mark Lindsey was elevated to Account Supervisor in Technology.  The firm also announced it has hired Eddie Garcia as an Account Supervisor specializing in Consumer PR. 

Force Four Entertainment has added Robert Hardy as Head/Development who joins Director/Development Nicole Lawson and Development Producer Tara-Lee Novak.  Robert joins from CTV where he held positions for ten years, most recently as Executive-in-Charge of Production. 

Effective immediately, Hearst Corporation elevated David J. Barrett to Chairman/CEO of Hearst Television and Jordan Wertlieb as President.  Hearst Corporation CEO Frank A. Bennack, Jr. made the announcement yesterday. 

Fandango, the nationwide moviegoer destination and a unit of NBCUniversal hired Dana Henry Benson to the newly-created role as Executive Director/Communications.  Dana will report to Paul Yanover, President of Fandango and Lenore Moritz, VP/Communications for Digital and Integrated Media in NBCUniversal’s Entertainment & Digital Networks and Integrated Media (E&DN/IM) division.

Beck Media & Marketing, founded by Todd Beck acquired Insignia Public Relations that was founded by Eddie Michaels.  Effective immediately, Eddie will join the Santa Monica-based Beck Media & Marketing as all of Insignia’s clients are expected to follow him to the agency.

Later — John
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