Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning – it’s Tuesday, August 9, 2011, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! 

I know a very attractive woman, who has a 12 year old daughter, and lives in an old school house.  Though small, the house is beautiful and decorated in a uniquely fascinating manner.  It is a beautiful home, one she is about to lose.

I’ve been lucky enough to have dinner at her place on occasion and I noticed something that struck me as very odd, even a little disturbing, one night at her house.

This smart, articulate woman had painted a quote on her kitchen wall, “If you ask for it,  you will receive it.”

I found this saying off putting for several reasons – the most being the lack of responsibility implied.

Again, this woman is very attractive and I have no doubt that men in her past have lined up to give her things, and not just because of her looks, but she is also very smart and articulate. 

But when the rest of the country took a hit in 2008, so did she.  She lost her job, taking part time jobs to pay the bills.  Vacations, even weekend getaways, were no longer possible.  She had to tell her daughter that for the first time in six years, she would not be going to summer camp.

She is currently moving out of her house, the bank is foreclosing, and she’s moving into a mobile home.

This is not a lazy or stupid person.  Nor is her situation rare.  Five years ago, things were so good that people with jobs didn’t have economic worries and many bought homes they could barely afford.  Sent the kids off to private schools, we spent like all we had to do was ask, and we would receive.

My Dad grew up in the throws of the great depression.  He worked from a very young age and 90% of his paycheck went to the family for food and rent.  It may sound tough to imagine, but it wasn’t for him, it was all he had known.

My brother and sisters never wanted for food or clothing, and though my Dad was very successful in the advertising business, he never spoiled us.  We all had chores and there was no allowance.   He paid for our college tuition only if we agreed to do the same with our kids.  He let us know, that no matter how great things are, there are no free lunches in this world, and people like my lovely friend are just learning this lesson.

So thanks Dad for never allowing us to take too much for granted and for making us work hard for what we wanted.  Not allowing us to spend like there was no tomorrow and making sure we knew there would be bad times along with the good ones.  We might not have jets skis, but we all have our houses.

I don’t mean to sound insensitive to my friend’s situation, but she, like so many, thought that things would keep getting better.  That a second mortgage on the house was a great way to get a new car and if your credit cards are maxed out, just apply for another.

There will be another generation who grows up in nothing but prosperity soon, let’s teach them a lesson that some parents and seemingly all politicians have forgotten.  It’s okay to have fun today, but only after you’ve planned for tomorrow.

Next Issue:  You can be afraid, just don’t act afraid.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

Getting Your Story Heard and Passed On
Michael Pollock

I paid a rare visit to a McDonalds recently where I ordered a Southern Style Chicken Sandwich and sat to refuel myself at a table with parking lot view. (My apologies to all my former Burger King advertising colleagues.)   Opening the clamshell box I read the following text repeated over and over again:  “You’re about to enjoy a juicy, flavorful chicken eating experience.”

So while I did not want to think too hard about “chicken eating experiences,”  what I did think is  “oh that is smart”.  They have framed my approach to the sandwich.  I know what to expect, I know what to look out for.  And I already have the words to describe it to my friends if I choose to enthuse about it.  This is a classic presentation technique: tell them what to expect, then give them the experience and then tell them what just happened. 

Think of all this in the context of telling your own story.  You are trying to get someone to read your resume or see your pitch.  You want them to understand immediately why they should care and what they should think about you  even before they read it.  So that when they do read it they go  “ah this is just what I expected”.  And then of course you deliver. You are in control of your message and they don’t have to figure it out for themselves.

If you have done this effectively, not only will they will be thinking what you want them to think, but now they have a ready made set of words to pass your story on: the words that you put in their mouths.

This is most important as so many opportunities come not directly from your inner circle of contacts, but from their circles of contacts; from people who are one step removed from you.  Your inner circle probably knows you too well and has too much baggage associated with you to hire you themselves; but they like you and want you to succeed so they are happy to refer you onwards. 

With the words you have given them they’ll find it easier to match you when the appropriate opportunity presents itself to them.  And they can use the story you gave them.  You are now not just someone looking for a job, but you are now “a juicy flavorful chicken experience” or whatever are the words you fed them about yourself that they have saved for passing on. 

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.  He works with people in film, TV, journalism, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Michael Pollock

I just got a new supervisor, and he wants me to be honest with him about any gripes I may have about the job. How honest should I be? I hardly know the guy. Is it possible he is just looking for complainers by asking this question?

Be honest, but be careful.  Is he just looking for complainers?  Maybe.  Is he looking to discover the opportunities that his predecessor may have missed?  Almost certainly.  Is he looking to learn what he can about the people he has been handed.  Absolutely.

So be aware of all this.  Don’t be a complainer. Make it a forward-looking conversation. Ask him what his observation has been in the short time he has been on the job.  Ask him what his goals are for the group. Be supportive of his ideas.

Suggest improvements if you think they are valid  these should be presented as constructive ideas and not as gripes.  You should indicate that you are there for him. And be very very careful not to be disrespectful of your old boss, his predecessor. 

I see women workers changing their shoes when they get to work and when they leave all the time. Is this something that men can do too without it being considered strange? I’d love to wear my sneakers to work and lunch and the walk home, is it okay to change into them at the office or is this a women only thing?

I say it is fine to do whatever makes you comfortable – and feel free to quote me on that.  If this has been a gender thing, then maybe women have been ahead of the curve (again!) and there’s no reason they should keep this to themselves.
There is an admirable trend in new office design to incorporate bike rooms and showers so that people can be getting exercise as they come to work instead of sitting idly in traffic or on the train  and your walking fits in nicely with that. 

If you have to talk about it, make a virtue of it:  “I have been getting exercise while you were sitting around!”  But maybe another thing to look at is whether you could just get more comfortable work shoes.  There are dress shoes nowadays with walkable sneaker-like comfort – take a look at them as another way to go that could save having to manage two pairs.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


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JOB OPENING: COORD, PROG PLAN/E! ( www.cegjobs.com )/LA: BS/BA deg req’d. 1 to 2 yrs prog or research exp. Fan of E! & comp to max rtgs via strat sched & anlys, work w/ mgmt to get and comm info. Resume: [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: BRDCST VIDEO AUTOMATION ENG/WRNN TV/RyeBrook NY: Strong knwldg Brdcst Auto Playout Systems. Strong IT skills must. MCP/MCSE pref’d. 2+yr hands on exp SDI-SD Dig Video & Final Cut Pro NLE Sys. Res/sal req: [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: SPONSORSHIP SALES PROFESSIONAL/WRNN-TV/Rye Brook NY: Drive new bus. Dev corp partnerships. 3-5 yrs brdcst sales mngmnt/sponsorship exp w/ a strong analytical, strategic & tactical background.Resume: [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: Dir, Strategic Mrk & Digital USA/NBCUniversal/NYC: 10 yrs mrk exp at a TV network/website with a large community; digital ad agency or client. Min 5 years in digital space. www.nbcunicareers.com (job#2562BR) (8/13)

JOB OPENING: TALENTED PRODUCERS, PA s & EDITORS/ WWE, Stamford, CT: Exp w/ editing long form programming. This is a unique oppty with a tremendous upside to work for a global entertainment juggernaut! Learn more: www.wwe.careers.com (8/12)

JOB OPENING: VP, PRIMARY RESEARCH USA/NBCUniversal/NYC: 10+ years exp in media/market research. Extensive exp in survey writing. Exp in managing project budgets. www.nbcunicareers.com (job#2545BR) (8/12)

JOB OPENING: SVP-SCHEDULING/MD: Contribute to channel’s prgm dvlpmnt initiatives; responsible for overall mngmnt of prgmmg; +12yrs of progressive, sr level prgmmg exp in major, commercial TV environment. www.discovery.com # 4364 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: VP SCHEDULING/MD: Dvlp/research/design long-term prgrm’ing & scheduling strgy; mng ntwrk relationships w/ad sls/prod/mrktg/dvlpmnt/comm/online; +8yrs exp in cable scheduling/prgrm’ing www.discovery.com # 4305 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: VP, AD SALES/Showtime/Smithsonian/NYC: Negotiate and sell adv for cable TV network and build national ad sales team. Must have 6-10 yrs of sale exp pref. for a cable network. Apply at www.sho.com (8/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR, SYSTEM SUPPORT/ABCFam/NY: Provide daily systems support & oversee software implementation & business improvement projects for ABC Family’s Sales/Research/Traffic depts. Apply @ www.disneycareers.com ID#318569 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: FULFILLMENT SPLST/NY: Negotiator between multiple parties w/end goal to fulfill orders promptly. www.aetn.com/careers.html https://secure.sterlingdirect.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=104788 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: ANALYST/KATZ MARKETING SOLUTIONS/NYC: Researching a new position? Promote the benefits of Radio and more. To apply, visit Job Opportunities in the Career Section of www.katz-media.com (8/12)

JOB OPENING: WEB ANALYST/Lunchbox Advertising/Culver City: Define & execute tracking, reporting, & analysis of website data. Must know Web Analytic tools. Apply: [email protected] (8/11)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/National Geographic Channel/DC:  Programming Dev/Mktg Research, Nielsen exp, BA/BS & 5+yrs media research exp. Apply: www.foxcareers.com (8/11)

JOB OPENING:  DIR, RESRCH/MIA FL: 7+ yrs exp. resrch/consltng, strategic mindset & exceptnl mgmt, strong analytical & comm/present skills for media co. Exp’ed. w/ LATAM mkts, USH exp. a plus, Spanish a must. Send res 786.273.4115  (8/11)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT EXEC PARTNER MKTG/bottlerocket mktg group/NY: Pitch/neg. partnerships; dvlp/execute promotions; full campaign delivery. 6+ yrs part. mkt & strong proj mgmt exp req’d Res: [email protected] (8/11)

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLAN’R NAT’L & REGIONAL SALES/Screenvision/NYC: Mng all accts for assigned Acct Execs. Fulfill requests for proposals by clients. Track campaign progress. Apply: https://home.eease.adp.com/recruit/?id=543306 (8/11)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER- 5+ yrs exp-Branded Entertainment NYC Oversee creative, execution, project management. Need to have creative, multitasking, orgnz’tl & client skills. Must have prior prod exp. [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: VP, PRGRM RSRCH USA/NBCUniversal/NYC: 8+ yrs exp in Prgrm Rsrch. Proficient of all Nielsen tools – Galaxy Explorer and NPower. Familiar w/prgrmmng on all major brdcst & cable ntwrks www.nbcunicareers.com (job#2545BR) (8/10)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH MANAGER/NY: Job# 822BR Responsible for digital media landscape research to support company-wide strategic initiatives. To apply, please visit http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MOBILE APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS COORDINATOR/NBCU/NYC: Entry level. Support mobile app publishing for NBCU brands. Help w/ app store best practices, comm app related info, keep up with trends. http://goo.gl/X5QEl (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR, INTEGRATED MEDIA SALES/ISC/Daytona Beach FL: Dev new biz for ISC assets  MRN Radio, websites & Sprint Vision. 3-5 yrs exp media sales. Apply: http://iscmotorsports.teamworkonline.com/teamwork/r.cfm?i=36690 (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR CUST ACQUIS & DATA/LodgeNet/NY: Exp w/web/mobile cust acquis methods, mobile ind/apps, db mining/mkt req. Target groups; app download/usage, create db of users, dev mktg & partner prog. Apply [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF DEV/NY PROD CO:  Must have a Rolodex of close network contacts and experience producing sizzle tapes that sell. [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA SALES/NY: Branded ent co: must have a Rolodex of brand contacts and success in sponsorships, strategic partnerships and/or sales,packaging and selling content and media [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SPORTS MARKETING MGR/UNIVISION/NY: Create custom sales pitches w/producers. Develop sponsorships. Run ad sales portal. 5 yrs+ Exp. Soccer fan a must, Bilingual/Spanish a plus. See details at linkedin.com (8/9)

JOB OPENING: SR MKTG MGR/MEDIA WHIZ LLC/NYC: Mng overall mktg & comm, dvlpng strategy + executing tactics. 7+ yrs exp in B2B and/or marcomm role, ideally in online advrtsng /search/perf mktg arena. http://www.mediawhiz.com/careers (8/9)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH DIRECTOR/NBCUniversal/Syfy & Chiller/NYC: 7+ years digital analytics experience. Proficient with Omniture, comScore, Nielsen. www.nbcunicareers.com (job#2545BR) (8/9)

JOB OPENING: SALES MARKETING DIR/ ION/NY: Wk w Network team, develop client solutions, presentations, implement mktg initiatives, 5-7 yr mktg/mgmt exp reqd. Full ad: http://www.ionmedianetworks.com/page.php?p=careers&job=1314 . EOE (8/9)

JOB OPENING: HEAD OF PROGRAMMING/New York: Dream job at est indy TV prodco. Hire/Oversee Showrunners for reality/doc projects. Proven creative & mgt skills/net contacts. [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: iTV Client Services Specialist/DISH Network/NYC: Produce interactive broadcast ad campaigns. Detail oriented, strong communication skills. 1-3 yrs creative PM experience. Email [email protected]. (8/9)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/ ION Media Networks/ NY: National Sales; 5+ yrs exp TV adv, proven track record of increasing revenue. Est client base; team player. Apply at [email protected] EOE (8/9)

JOB OPENING: SR. ANALYST USA DIGITAL RESEARCH/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC:Support USA Digital Rsrch team. Knowledge of Omniture, Hitwise, Quantcast, Nielsen NetRatings & comScore Media Metrix. Apply online at www.nbcunicareers.com (#2620BR) (8/9)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Scholastic is looking for fall/spring interns (for credit only) to work in the CORP COMM department. The interns will work on a variety of PR and internal communications activities. Res/cover: [email protected] (8/12)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY:  MEDIA FIRM/Beijing: 40 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas.Includes RT flight to Beijing. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (8/11)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: PR FALL INTERNSHIP/BRAVO TV/NYC Gain a rare opp at a fast-paced PR dept by monitoring press coverage, fielding media requests and more at a multi-platform media company. Resume to [email protected] (8/11)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: OASIS MEDIA/WEST HOLLYWOOD: A-List talent mngmnt co. seeks office asst intern for the fall; must have excellent social skills & background in either liberal arts or bus. Email: [email protected] with cvr/resume (8/10)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES/MARKETING FALL INTERNSHIP/PLUM NTWRK/NYC:Gain practical experience in the communications industry by working with a top-notch sales & marketing team at a multi-platform media company. Resume to [email protected] (8/9)


collaborate extensively with sales, editorial/product, ad operations and integrated marketing teams to create compelling and strategic proposals that meet specific client marketing objectives

Manager, Digital Marketing & Promotions   319007
Walt Disney Corporation



drive online revenue through the creation of sellable, meaningful and scalable ideas
Vice President, Television Distribution 360   9224BR
CBS Corporation
https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129 https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129

support all activities of President, CBS Local Digital Media
Sr. Manager, Business Development   9180BR
CBS Corporation
https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129 https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129

responsible for negotiating and selling advertising and marketing solutions for the cable TV network as well as building and managing a team of employees for National Sales
VP, Advertising Sales   9126BR
CBS Corporation
https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129 https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129

managing and directing client activities; developing and implementing media relations, marketing communications and new product launch campaigns; conducting spokesperson and client media tours
Vice President – Consumer Lifestyle
MWW Group
https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1554/job https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1554/job

oversee content, writing and production of multiple on-air campaigns, including branded programming, vignettes, promos and other
Creative Director   97432
A & E Networks
http://www.aetn.com/careers.html > http://www.aetn.com/careers.html

provide legal and strategic support for U.S., Canadian and Caribbean distribution of 10 A+E networks (plus HD and VOD), including A&E, History and Lifetime, on cable, satellite, telco, and alternative technology platforms
VP-Distribution Counsel, Legal & Business Affairs   103642
A & E Networks
http://www.aetn.com/careers.html > http://www.aetn.com/careers.html

responsible for Divisional media relations and communications strategy involving the company, individual brands, and other executive initiatives
PR Director, FFG
Conde Nast
http://www.condenastcareers.com/home.cfm http://www.condenastcareers.com/home.cfm

execute and analyze research data (using both syndicated and proprietary research) to develop sales presentations and fulfill RFP requests across multiple platforms (print, web, and tablet)
Marketing Manager
Conde Nast
http://www.condenastcareers.com/home.cfm http://www.condenastcareers.com/home.cfm

review and approve non-standard manuscript contracts, approve non-standard changes in negotiation of freelance artist agreements and conduct rights reviews
Licensing Associate
Conde Nast
http://www.condenastcareers.com/home.cfm http://www.condenastcareers.com/home.cfm

responsible for assisting the Director in the accounting and financial reporting related to the company’s international operations
Manager, Finance -International   93777
A & E Networks
http://www.aetn.com/careers.html > http://www.aetn.com/careers.html

responsible for managing television sales activity within the fiction genres
Senior Manager Sales & Co-Production
BBC America
http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp

oversee key aspects of consumer, affiliate, trade, ad sales, digital for the channel and show-specific campaigns, off-air and online
Senior Marketing Manager
BBC America
http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp

work with VP Publicity to develop integrated communications strategies for Digital Syndication, Home Entertainment in North America
Senior Publicity Manager – Digital & Home Entertainment
BBC America
http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp

develop, articulate and execute a strategic plan for BBC America’s digital products
Digital Director
BBC America
http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp

collaborate extensively with sales, editorial/product, ad operations and integrated marketing teams to create compelling and strategic proposals that meet specific client marketing objectives
Manager, Digital Marketing & Promotions   319007
Walt Disney Corporation
http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html

work with ESPN Ad Sales team to facilitate the initial implementation, stewarding, and analysis of campaign and media effectiveness projects
Senior Analyst, Advertiser Analytics   319775
Walt Disney Corporation

provide key analytic and research support in the company’s continuing reassessment of its growth, investment, product offering, advertising sales and distribution strategies
Senior Analyst, Media Networks Strategy   321093
Walt Disney Corporation
http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html

conceptualize, document and drive execution of new features on Content Management Platform
Product Developer
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

responsible for application portfolio supporting multiple functional business areas including but not limited to Legal, Rights, Consumer Products, Licensing and MTS.
Director, Applications Development – Legal
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com/ http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

producing and overseeing show sites throughout series and project lifecycles
Producer, VH1.com
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com/ http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

work closely with members of the Music National Ad Sales team on Research requests
Senior Research Analyst
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com/ http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

transform high-level concepts, strategies and directives into a cohesive on-air product
Vice President, Network Operations   2647BR
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/

support mobile video technology strategies including establishing product road map, advising businesses on currently available technologies, and defining future opportunities in the space
Mobile Video Program Manager   2171BR
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/

ensures that production has all sponsor branded elements for on-air executions
Promotions Service Rep   FNG0000586
Fox Careers
http://www.foxcareers.com/#/home/ http://www.foxcareers.com/#/home/

hands on responsibility for the daily operations of the sales team
Head of Sales, iVillage   2680BR
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/

manage the quarterly Capex & free cash flow pacing process, interacting with Media Works divisional CFOs/FP&A and communicating regularly with NBCU Corporate
Finance Manager, FP&A   2673BR
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/

resolving employee relations and labor relations issues in production and providing coaching to department leaders and show runners on associated HR and labor issues
Manager, Human Resources Production   2534BR
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/

serve as the leader of NFL’s mobile business by representing the NFL’s mobile interests, both internally and externally
General Manager – Mobile
http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships

we are seeking an entrepreneurial and analytical Sr. Consultant to join our rapidly growing Customer Insight Group (CIG)
Senior Consultant, Customer Insights   9164
http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9164/job

analyze user behavior and motivations online to provide actionable insights that address client business objectives
Senior Analyst, Customer Insights   9413
https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9413/job https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9413/job

understand and map user and business driven requirements to the technologies needed to support them
Senior Developer   9356
https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9356/job https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9356/job

work with the pursuit team to complete RFP’s project scoping, sizings and pricing estimates
Senior Project Manager   9191
https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9191/job https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9191/job

provide structure and overall vision on our projects
Senior Producer   9434
https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9434/job https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9434/job

work with the pursuit team to complete RFP’s project scoping, sizings and pricing estimates
Program Director   9041
https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9041/job https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9041/job

contributes as part of the leadership body of a discipline team (could be search, media or social) toward knowledge-sharing, training and personnel development
Director, Performance Marketing   9450
https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9450/job https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9450/job

responsible for translating business and functional requirements (business process models and use cases) into detailed technical design from system architecture down to code-level design
Senior Technical Architect   9486
https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9486/job https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9486/job

lead development on the next generation of our internal tools used to manage, monitor, measure and deploy our applications globally
Sr. Production Operations Engineer
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

lead our next phase of technical growth and expansion
VP of Engineering
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

working closely with the other AppNexus Leadership Team members, and acting as a strategic & operational business partner
VP, Business Operations
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

review, draft and negotiate a variety of commercial agreements  including advertising services agreements, vendor agreements, license agreements, and data provider agreements
Legal Counsel
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

responsible for delivering a product that is both extremely powerful and easy-to-use
User Experience Designer
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/<, br>
create correlative and clustering models based on inventory, user behavior and client goals
Optimization Analyst
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

enhance revenue through direct sales to national advertisers and advertising agencies
Account Executive, Digital Sales
http://www1.bet.com/site/site_jobs http://www1.bet.com/site/site_jobs

manage the 106 & Park show Digital experience across online, mobile and VOD
Interactive Producer, 106 & Park
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provide objective and unbiased perspectives on the value of potential business development transactions
http://www1.bet.com/site/site_jobs http://www1.bet.com/site/site_jobs

responsible for the detailed performance analysis of all marketing and operational data to ensure the efficacy and continued excellence of the division
Manager, Business Intelligence   205041-033
Sony Pictures Entertainment
< http://www.sonypicscareers.com/stelprdwcm1/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1151&ssSourceNodeId=1150 http://www.sonypicscareers.com/stelprdwcm1/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1151&ssSourceNodeId=1150

concept and collaborate with cross-disciplinary teams including creative and art directors, digital strategists, information architects and technologists
http://indelible.tv/careers > http://indelible.tv/careers

work with upper management to guide product vision and strategy
Product Manager, DLP & Search Applications
Everyday Health
https://everydayhealth.tms.hrdepartment.com/ https://everydayhealth.tms.hrdepartment.com /

responsible for business development and managing assigned consulting engagements for Diversity Best Practices Consulting in the northeast
Senior Consultant   1428
Bonnier Corporation

meet & exceed revenue goals by aligning clients objectives with strategic digital, print and event platforms
Eastern Advertising Director, Transworld
Bonnier Corporation

plan, develop and implement licensing & brand strategies
Director of Licensed Consumer Products
BBC America
http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp

responsible for implementing customers on our platform and providing ongoing analytical support
U.K. Services Manager/Director
London England
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

consulting to business managers to assess effectiveness of marketing programs
Business Intelligence Analyst   4132
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boston MA

oversee the development and implementation of permissions standards, policies, workflows, and best practices in accordance with established laws, company policies, budgets and schedules
Dir, Rights Management & Compliance   3264
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boston MA

establish HMHI as the premier provider of high quality, high value PD services globally
Director Sales & Marketing   3689
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boston MA

build effective partnerships with all levels of management to help drive the business toward establishing and maintaining a culture of growth and excellence and support the organization as it strives to deliver against its business, product and people strategies
Human Resources Manager
Chelmsford MA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com/ > http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

work closely with Marketing, Production, and I.T. integration staff in the development of new systems and workflows for support of Promotion and On Air departments
Senior Business Analyst Media/Broadcast   95823
A & E Networks
Stamford CT
http://www.aetn.com/careers.html > http://www.aetn.com/careers.html

ability to effectively work with various teams throughout the agency and prioritize timelines and goals to meet desired outcomes
Marketing Manager   1567
MWW Group
East Rutherford NJ
https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1567/job https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1567/job

work closely with Senior Creatives to develop and produce online projects for a wide array of clients
Digital Designer   1562
MWW Group
East Rutherford NJ
https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1562/job https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1562/job

manage Washington, DC Revenue Accounting and Partnership Reporting team
Manager, Revenue Accounting & Partnership Reporting
Everyday Health
Washington DC
https://everydayhealth.tms.hrdepartment.com/ https://everydayhealth.tms.hrdepartment.com /

perform all Playback and Monitoring functions for the origination of multiple 24×7 server based television channels
Master Control Operator, Broadcast Operations
Washington DC
http://www1.bet.com/site/site_jobs http://www1.bet.com/site/site_jobs

design and perform campaign/line of business analysis, interpret results and develop recommendations for internal and external stakeholders
Senior Analyst
Washington DC
http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4978 http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4978

responsible for partnering with assigned client organizations and Human Resources team(s) to ensure strategies and initiatives are met
Mgr. Human Resources
Pittsburgh PA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com/ > http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

create and conceptualize series, specials, stunts, franchises, properties, and other programming initiatives for domestic telecast
SVP – Programming   4364
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD
https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4364/job https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4364/job

create and conceptualize series, specials, stunts, franchises, properties, and other programming initiatives for both domestic and international telecast
Sr. Director of Development   4353
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD
https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4353/job https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4353/job

define the online visual style and information architecture for the Discovery International network of sites
Lead Designer   4330
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD
https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4330/job https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4330/job

responsible for month-end close, including general ledger entries, revenue recognition, expense accrual, AR risk analysis and reconciliations
Senior Accountant   4311
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD
https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4311/job https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4311/job

oversees scheduling for all Discovery Channel programs and optimize ratings by leveraging programming inventory and premieres
VP – Programming   4305
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD
https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4305/job https://careers-discovery.icims.com/jobs/4305/job

recommend and develop break formats for programs and live events that require a new/different clock format to accommodate both programming’s (ratings driven) and ad sales’ (revenue driven) needs
Network Operations Supervisor
BBC America
Silver Springs MD
http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp http://www.bbcamerica.com/employment.jsp

be the expert on the local golf economy, which includes detailed knowledge of the golf courses, golf marketing outlets, market leaders, decision makers, macroeconomic issues and key competitors
Market Sales Manager
Raleigh NC
http://www.comcast-jobs.com/ > http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

negotiating with agents, working with authors on all editorial and publication matters, and writing cover copy and title information sheets
Senior Editor – Howard Books   8716BR
CBS Corporation
Nashville TN
https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129 https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129

support the entertainment networks and businesses
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA
http://www.turner.com/careers/ > http://www.turner.com/careers/

provide analytic support to the Entertainment & Animation network’s financial forecasting and scheduling process
Director, Program Planning
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA
http://www.turner.com/careers/ > http://www.turner.com/careers/

play a key role in the Operational Excellence department by developing and maintaining Business Intelligence (BI) resources in order to enhance the analytics and reporting provided to the entire company
Senior Business Intelligence Analyst   37801
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA
http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox

conducts business requirements reviews and formulates logical statements of business requirements; may gather business requirements
Sr. Analyst Wireless Demand Management   37785
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA
http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox

creates national and local operational support infrastructure to enable the successful deployment and ongoing operations of Cox¿s Home Security product line through collaboration with Customer Operations at Corporate and the Field
Director of Operations- Home Security   37714
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA
http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox

works closely with Sr. Director of Marketing, Enterprise Solutions to execute overall marketing strategy especially around targeted campaigns relative to assigned platform product lines
Director of Platform Marketing   4068
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Orlando FL

create and maintain Multicast programming grid such as 2 year grids for finance and sales planning purposes; develop grids and implement changes in COMPASS; create hurricane grids; coordinate live programming with producers as needed; create program formats and clocks
Director Multicast Program Planning and Scheduling   1682BR
NBC Universal
Hileah FL
http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/

ability to learn tasks and conceptually digest the deliverables, beyond simple execution
Detroit MI
http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4975 http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4975

responsible for managing and executing specific aspects/work streams with strategic consulting projects and web development efforts
Manager, Strategy
Detroit MI
http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=5016 http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=5016

collaborate with business, creative, and technical colleagues on mobile and tablet concepts
Mobile Application Architect
Detroit MI or San Francisco CA
http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4934 http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4934

responsible for leading the Analysts team in assisting the Ad Sales Teams in preparing sales presentations with strong emphasis on qualitative and quantitative research
Sr Advanced Media Sales Planner
Chicago IL
http://www.comcast-jobs.com/ > http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

responsible for establishing Vibes’ Business Intelligence practice through the assembly of the right people, processes, tools and technologies
Director of Business Intelligence
Chicago IL
http://www.vibes.com/mobile_marketing_company/careers http://www.vibes.com/mobile_marketing_company/careers

collect feedback from clients, consumers, and Vibes’ Client Services team and translate user needs to product requirements
Business Analyst
Chicago IL
http://www.vibes.com/mobile_marketing_company/careers http://www.vibes.com/mobile_marketing_company/careers

drive revenue through the development and execution of effective sales strategy, sales process and closing of new business contracts for mobile marketing and advertising programs
Sr. Sales Director, Mobile Solutions
Chicago IL
http://www.vibes.com/mobile_marketing_company/careers http://www.vibes.com/mobile_marketing_company/careers

responsible for several complex projects at the same time, often multiple program components
Content Quality Services Project Manager   4125
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Austin TX

develops, implements, and maintains internal controls to safeguard Company assets
Manager, Business Assurance
Denver CO
http://www.comcast-jobs.com/ > http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

responsible for providing financial analysis, reporting, and forecasting for the Mile High Region to include sales, marketing, and administrative expenses
Sr. Analyst, Business Operations
Denver CO
http://www.comcast-jobs.com/ > http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

prospect, close and manage new relationships with local clients and partners seeking regional/local consumers through Digital products
Account Executive   9200BR
CBS Corporation
Las Vegas NV
https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129 https://sjobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_home.asp?partnerid=25084&siteid=5129

work closely with the Account Manager in developing and executing an implementation plan that will make customers amazingly successful with our real time ad platform solutions
Implementation Consultant
Seattle WA
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

work closely with the Vice President of Sales to build effective pipelines and resource allocation internally
Senior Sales Executive
Seattle WA
http://www.appnexus.com/careers/ > http://www.appnexus.com/careers/

develop and execute programming publicity campaigns for series, specials and general programming, which include screenings, special events, special theme weeks, and community outreach programs. Must be an excellent writer and have solid media contacts in order to obtain positive results for A&E’s programs and initiatives
Director, Publicity   93594
A & E Networks
Los Angeles CA
http://www.aetn.com/careers.html > http://www.aetn.com/careers.html

serve as a business partner and resource to A+E Networks L.A. office for all HR needs
HR Business Partner   101108
A & E Networks
Los Angeles CA
http://www.aetn.com/careers.html > http://www.aetn.com/careers.html

manage and oversee the development and execution of social media campaigns for Style and mystyle.com
Mgr Digital Marketing
Los Angeles CA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com/ > http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

tax structuring for film production for US state and foreign country tax issues
Sr. Tax Accountant   FFE0000479
Fox Careers
Los Angeles CA
http://www.foxcareers.com/#/home/ http://www.foxcareers.com/#/home/

work closely with marketing group to determine and prioritize copy writing and editing needs
Copy Writer – Customer Acquisition
Los Angeles CA
http://www.hulu.com/jobs > http://www.hulu.com/jobs

serving as a liaison by managing, sorting and forwarding internal and external inquiries to the appropriate individuals
Executive Assistant – International
Los Angeles CA
http://www.hulu.com/jobs > http://www.hulu.com/jobs

handling all patent matters for Hulu, including litigation, pre-litigation, and prosecution
Patent Attorney
Los Angeles CA
http://www.hulu.com/jobs > http://www.hulu.com/jobs

work with external marketing partners/agencies to implement, and manage content marketing initiatives off-hulu
Sr. Manager Content Marketing
Los Angeles CA
http://www.hulu.com/jobs > http://www.hulu.com/jobs

contribute to the architecture of mobile and other apps
Software Developer, Mobile
Los Angeles CA
http://www.hulu.com/jobs > http://www.hulu.com/jobs

working collaboratively with the EVP of Digital Media for the Disney/ABC Television Group and the ABC owned television stations, this person will manage all aspects of digital media to further define and execute our digital and social media strategies
Senior Vice President – Digital Media, ABC Owned Television Stations   319830
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA
http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html

spearheads a critical business process that supports replenishment of catalog products and the placement of New Release home entertainment products into retail stores to maximize sales and profitability
Senior VMI Replenishment Analyst   319376
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA
http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html

develop software for new concept devices as well as existing mobile devices
Sr. Mobile Software Engineer
Dreamworks Animation
Glendale CA
http://careers.dreamworksanimation.com/jobs.php http://careers.dreamworksanimation.com/jobs.php

analyze and prepare Individual film forecasts
Senior Accountant
Dreamworks Animation
Glendale CA
http://careers.dreamworksanimation.com/jobs.php http://careers.dreamworksanimation.com/jobs.php

develop the strategy and business development initiatives to grow the domestic licensed apparel business
Director of Licensing, Apparel
Dreamworks Animation
Glendale CA
http://careers.dreamworksanimation.com/jobs.php http://careers.dreamworksanimation.com/jobs.php

work with station management to build and achieve advertising sales revenue goals
Digital Sales Manager   320067
Walt Disney Corporation
Glendale CA
http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html

work directly with designers, product managers, and research managers to identify and prioritize research opportunities in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment
Sr Manager, User Experience Research, Nickelodeon Games Group
MTV Networks
Glendale CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com/ http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

work with business analysts, web engineers, network engineers, systems administrators, applications developers, architects, database administrators and external vendors to define the systems and infrastructure components required to deliver the Sezmi service
Infrastructure Architect   5460
Belmont CA
http://www.sezmi.com/about-sezmi/employment.php http://www.sezmi.com/about-sezmi/employment.php

line manage the development and productization of core Sezmi content systems
Senior Director, Core Software Development   5447
Belmont CA
http://www.sezmi.com/about-sezmi/employment.php http://www.sezmi.com/about-sezmi/employment.php

prepare schedules/reports for the monthly close packages (budget/forecast/actuals), including P&L, cash flow, EBIT analysis, Flash, and account reconciliations
Sr. Financial Analyst, SPDP Finance   205268-033
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Culver City CA
http://www.sonypicscareers.com/stelprdwcm1/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1151&ssSourceNodeId=1150 http://www.sonypicscareers.com/stelprdwcm1/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1151&ssSourceNodeId=1150

accountable for various aspects of accounting and financial reporting for all business segments of Sony Pictures Television
Senior Financial Analyst, Sony Pictures Television   205033-033
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Culver City CA
http://www.sonypicscareers.com/stelprdwcm1/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1151&ssSourceNodeId=1150 http://www.sonypicscareers.com/stelprdwcm1/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1151&ssSourceNodeId=1150

developing a complete understanding of clubs’ brand, business and user needs
Account Manager
Culver City CA
http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships

advance the overall quality of strategic thinking and design applied technology
Creative Director
Culver City CA
http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships

high level planning and management of the feature content the digital media team is producing for all its partners
Director of Digital Features
Culver City CA
http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships

work with a highly capable existing team of online marketers to identify, define, and implement customer acquisition, retention, and engagement strategies through digital marketing channels
Head of Digital Marketing
Culver City CA
http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships http://www.nfl.com/careers/internships

work closely with the Senior Producer and game team to make products come to life
Lead Designer   319790
Walt Disney Corporation
Palo Alto CA
http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/who.html

developer new business and oversee current client accounts. We are all about low client turnover and high new client win rates
Executive Vice President / General Manager
MWW Group
San Francisco CA
https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1556/job https://jobs-mwwgroup.icims.com/jobs/1556/job

responsible for development and delivery of high quality, scalable applications and tools that meet product requirements in a timely and cost-effective manner
Director / Senior Director, Engineering
San Francisco CA
http://current.com/job/204507782.htm http://current.com/job/204507782.htm

design, architect and build great user experiences for Current.com
Front-End Engineer
San Francisco CA
http://current.com/job/204507785.htm http://current.com/job/204507785.htm

serve as a content and organizational leader on digital content and online video efforts
Director, Online Production
San Francisco CA
http://current.com/job/204507768.htm http://current.com/job/204507768.htm

oversee the Delivery discipline within Organic San Francisco
Director of Project Management
San Francisco CA
http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4933 http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ORGANIC&cws=1&rid=4933

supports the advertising sales staff and the marketing team by utilizing market research software programs
Cox Media Sr. Research Analyst   37793
Cox Careers
San Diego CA
http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox

leads and motivates a team of sales professionals to meet or exceed sales goals
Cox Business Sales Manager   37773
Cox Careers
San Diego CA
http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox http://ww2.cox.com/aboutus/careers.cox


Former CBS network executive Bela Bajaria becomes EVP of Universal Media Studios.  Along with Bela’s new appointment as head of the NBC television production company, the studio will re-establish as a stand-alone entity after it merged into the NBC network three years ago.  Bela begins her new position in mid-August and she reports to Robert Greenblatt, Chairman, NBC Entertainment. 

Chris Hayes joins MSNBC’s on-air team as the host of a new weekend morning show.  Chris’ new political themed program will air live on Saturdays from 7-9a and also on Sundays from 8-10a beginning September 17.  Chris has been a contributor at MSNBC and a substitute host for The Rachel Maddow Show and The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.  He will remain as a contributor to the network and also continue in his present position as Editor-at-Large of The NationWeekends with Alex Witt anchored by Alex Witt will follow Chris’ show on Saturdays from 9a to noon and on Sundays from 10a to noon.  She will continue as anchor of MSNBC Weekends.

A+E Networks added Saugato Banerjee as Director/Strategy and Business Development, Asia.  Saugato will manage and implement A+E Networks’ business development initiatives across the Asia Pacific region.  He will report to Alan Hodges, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, A+E Networks.

Multichannel healthcare marketing and technology agency, LBi Health, a unit of LBi, hired three executives from Digitas Health, effective immediately.  Joining the New York-based healthcare agency are Krista Bowman as Client Services Director; David Lavietes as Group Director/Strategy and Planning; and David Lane Fisher as Group Delivery Director.  All three will report to Gregg Fisher, LBi Health Managing Director.

Jason Feneque advances to Senior Director/Affiliate Sales and Marketing at the YES network where he will head daily affiliate sales and marketing activities for the regional sports network.  Jason will also manage the network’s relationships with various over-the-air broadcast partners outside the New York DMA.  Jason reports to Ray Hopkins, COO.

Starting immediately, Elisa J. Carson joined Crossborders as Interactive Director.  Most recently, Elisa served as Executive Producer at WPP Group’s Wunderman.  In her new role at Crossborders, Elisa will head the company’s biggest account Walmart and additionally will manage new business and a ten-person team working in the interactive department.  Elisa reports to Nick Godfrey, COO.

Sherry Pitkofsky takes on the new role as VP/Partnership Marketing, Promotions and Public Affairs with WE tv.  Sherry will oversee WE tv’s brand awareness and viewer affinity efforts.  Based in New York City, Sherry reports to Rosie Pisani, SVP/Marketing.

Screenvision appointed Lee Heffernan as SVP/Marketing where she will report to Mark Mitchell, Chief Revenue Officer.  Lee joins Screenvision from Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia where she served as SVP/Integrated Marketing. 

Elliott Gordon, the former Director/Digital Media and Product Management for the NFL, tagged by Universal Sports Network as VP/GM of Digital Media.  In his new role, Elliott will supervise all digital efforts for the network encompassing digital operations, product development, sales production and vendor oversight.  He will report to Perkins Miller, COO, Universal Sports. 

New York-based independent producer of non-fiction entertainment content, Atlas Media Corp promoted Jeanne McHale Waite to EVP/GM and named Abby Strauss to the role of VP/Production.  Both appointments are effective immediately.  Jeanne’s scope includes managing production, post production, operations and legal/business affairs departments in addition to overseeing communication between these departments and programming and development.  In her new role, Abby will head all physical production for the company consisting of budgets, cost reporting and growth as well as hiring and supervising all EICs and Line Producers.  Abby reports to Jeanne McHale Waite.

MTV, a part of Viacom’s MTV Networks established MTVX, a new cross media group that incubates, develops and produces content for television, online and mobile.  David Gale, just named EVP/MTVX will lead the group, reporting to Stephen Friedman, President of MTV. 

Los Angeles-based The Promotional Edge upped BethAnn Meier to Director/Marketing where she will supervise promotion strategy and development in addition to client management for the entertainment marketing agency. The Promotional Edge is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. 

Jennifer Dangar named by The Weather Channel Companies (TWCC) as EVP/Distribution, Business Development and Marketing.  Jennifer will oversee the company’s marketing efforts and extended marketing activities including research, consumer marketing and distribution marketing as well as her current roster of responsibilities which include distribution and business development.  She will continue to report to Mike Kelly, President/CEO of TWCC.

Independent media services company, KSL Media added Adam Block to its Los Angeles office as VP/Account Director.  Adam will report to Anita Sites, SVP/Managing Director.

Effective immediately, Weigel Broadcasting Co. tapped Rob Morhaim to become Senior Executive Producer at WCIU for the station’s You & Me This Morning program. Rob is charged with enhancing content development and increasing the ratings for the show.

Christian Drobnyk relocated to New York to take on the new position as SVP/Scheduling and Acquisitions with Lifetime Networks.  In his new role, Christian will direct all program acquisitions, scheduling and planning for Lifetime, Lifetime Movie Network and Lifetime Real Women.  He will report to Nancy Dubuc, President/GM, Lifetime Networks.  Most recently, Christian served as Controller/GM of UKTV Entertainment Networks in London.

Iva Campisano was added at PMC as VP/Sales based in Los Angeles.  Iva previously worked for Apple as Sales Manager/Mobile Advertising.

USA Network formed a Public Affairs unit headed by Toby Graff in the new position as SVP.  The newly-formed division will spearhead the development and execution of pro-social efforts, create cause marketing promotions tied to the network’s original programming and also manage government relations and charitable giving for USA and other emerging networks.  Located in New York, Toby reports to Chris McCumber, Co-President, USA Network.  

Former ESPN, Inc. Senior Director/Consumer Products, Francisco Arenas joined Univision Communications as VP/Consumer Products, Univision Enterprises.  Francisco will dually target owned properties as well as third party partners’ licensing opportunities.  Francisco will be based in New York and report to Rick Alessandri, SVP, Univision Enterprises.  

Nicholas Walters advances to VP/GM of Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN) & CIS (RCIS).  This is a newly-minted role where Nicholas will oversee the strategy, development and implementation of complete local operations and will manage VIMN’s now-open Moscow office.  Nicholas will further continue to supervise the Corporate Development efforts for VIMN’s Emerging Markets region.  Based in both London and Moscow, Nicholas reports to Bhavneet Singh, Managing Director and EVP, Emerging Markets, VIMN and is supported by Irina Nazarendo, Senior Commercial Manager, VIMN Russia.

Octagon, a worldwide sports and entertainment representation and marketing agency, established a new office in Nashville, Octagon Entertainment.  The company added Stuart Dill as a SVP and he will also serve as GM to head the new Nashville office and the company’s management in the country music genre.  Stuart will work in tandem with Octagon Entertainment Managing Director John Ferriter and Octagon Music Managing Director Peter Rudge on artist development among other projects. 

AMC Networks Inc. revealed its senior management team following the company’s recent spin-off from Cablevision Systems Corporation on June 30:

  • Josh Sapan serves as President/CEO.  He has been with the company for nearly 25 years, joining the former Rainbow Media Holdings in 1987 as President of AMC and Bravo.
  • Ed Carroll is COO and was named to this position in January 2009 when the company was Rainbow Media Holdings.
  • Sean Sullivan is CFO and he joined the company from HiT Entertainment in 2010.
  • Jamie Gallagher is General Counsel and has been with the company since 2008, starting as EVP/General Counsel. 
  • John P. Giraldo is Chief Accounting Officer in charge of accounting and financial reporting.  He joins from Scholastic Corporation.

David Lyle, former president of Fox LOOK, joined National Geographic Channels US as CEO.  David’s position takes effect immediately and news of his appointment was released by the National Geographic Channels board, to whom he will report.  Over the last several months, David has been working with the National Geographic management team as head of West Coast development.  In his new position, David will oversee the domestic channels National Geographic Channel (NGC), Nat Geo WILD and Nat Geo Mundo.  David will be based in Washington, D.C. and Steve Schiffman, National Geographic Channels President will report to him.

FremantleMedia tapped Monica Galer to become President of FremantleMedia France, a newly created role beginning September 1.  Monica had previously worked in a dual position for the company as CEO, Northern and Southern Europe and as CEO, FremantleMedia France for the last two years.

Travel Ad Network (TAN) hired Ali Kellerman to the newly-minted role as Senior Manager/Custom Media Solutions.  Prior to this appointment, Ali was with Glam Media as Product Marketing Manager/Social Media.

Millennium Sales & Marketing, a unit of Katz Television Group upped three to the role of VPs/Sales Managers: Kim Ryer based in Atlanta; Wolfgang Liebertz in Miami; and Thomas Caffrey in Philadelphia. 

PBS added two executives to focus on primetime content strategy.  Beth C. Hoppe joins at the end of August and Donald Thoms begins next Monday, both as VPs/Programming, General Audience.  Beth and Donald will report to John F. Wilson, PBS SVP and Chief TV Programming Executive.  Most recently, Beth was Executive Producer at Discovery Studios and prior to that she was President/CEO of Optomen Productions.  Since 2009, Donald was President of ThomsMediaGroup (TMG) where he managed the multimedia consulting firm.

Showtime Networks restructured its marketing and creative services department and in so doing promoted several executives:

  • Frank Pintauro advances to EVP/Red Group where he will manage the network’s in-house agency.  Frank reports to Matthew Blank, Showtime Networks’ Chairman/CEO.
  • Donald Buckley upped to EVP/Program Marketing and Digital Services to supervise the marketing divisions as well as media, consumer promotions and digital media. He reports to Matt Blank.
  • Sharon Allen elevated to SVP/Program Marketing and Advertising, reporting to Donald Buckley.
  • George DeBolt as SVP/Media and Promotions will also report to Donald Buckley.
  • Jamie Dienstag as VP/Creative and Marketing Operations and Administration will jointly report to Frank Pintauro and Donald Buckley.

Showtime Networks also announced a reorganization of research, scheduling and affiliate marketing where Kim Lemon as SVP/Research, Program Planning and Scheduling will now report to David Nevins, President/Entertainment, Showtime Networks Inc. and Laura Palmer as SVP/Distributor Marketing will now report to Tom Christie, EVP/Affiliate Sales, Showtime Networks Inc.

America CV Network, owner and operator of America TeVe (WJAN) and CV48 (WFUN) in Miami hired Lourdes Diaz, effective immediately as GSM in charge of both stations.  Lourdes will report to Herb Espino who was recently upped to SVP/Sales for America CV Network. 

Later — John
 John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

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Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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