Tuesday, August 4th, 2009




Wendy’s first two weeks in Washington, DC ranked #1 with W18-34 and W18-49 in the TP!
W18-34: +175% over July ’08          W18-49: +29% over July ’08

Contact Debmar-Mercury for more information.
Source: NSI WRAP Overnights, Live, 7/13/09-7/24/09, Rtg, Up=Vs July 08 Shr. 

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage


Good morning – it’s Tuesday, August 4, 2009, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage!  This edition includes the top job listings in the Television, Media and Ad Agency markets, professional development advice from national experts, your Q & A’s with our experts, and a summary of executive moves among top companies.

Is Your Resume Headhunter-Ready?

Want to know if your resume is any good? Send it to a headhunter.

Nobody looks at more resumes than a headhunter. People in Human Resource departments are constantly doing other tasks, professional resume writers often write for other pursuits, but all headhunters’ income starts with resumes from potential candidates. It’s been said that a potential employer will look at a resume for 15 seconds before deciding to keep or toss it, a headhunter looks for five. Headhunters are only interested in the best of the best, so if your resume can keep a headhunter’s attention, the chances are excellent it will do the same with potential employers.

According to numerous articles, headhunters greatly prefer chronological resumes to functional resumes. In fact, functional resumes rarely make it past the initial five second glance. Functional resumes are complicated and have to be pieced together. There is an overwhelming consensus that functional resumes are for those trying to hide something. The chronological resume is greatly preferred in part to its ease of reading. Chronological resumes also make it easier to find “red flags” which is a detriment only to those being evasive about their employment history. A solid chronological resume should get you passed the initial read.

Secondly, use as many industry buzzwords as you can. All those who read resumes professionally, scan for industry buzzwords. If your industry-specific vocabulary is lacking, read the industry trades, look at job openings, search the internet, ask questions on LinkedIn and other networks. Often resumes are categorized, tracked and identified by the use of buzzwords. No buzzwords, no one reads the resume.

Lastly, make your achievements quantifiable. Let the reader know you can make them money.  Headhunters see you as possible income, in many ways, so do employers. Demonstrate how you raised revenue, cut costs, and/or increased market share. Use numbers to illustrate your accomplishments. State how many people you supervised and how many clients you managed. The more skills you can quantify, the more people who will read your resume.

If your resume is headhunter ready, then so are you.

Next week: Insights from an Interviewer

Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage is a work in progress, designed with our readers in mind. We welcome your feedback and will try to incorporate any suggestions into our weekly coverage.  And if you have any specific questions or topics of particular interest you’d like our Experts to address, please let me know!  You can reach me – John Cox – directly at [email protected].

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].


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September 14th – 16th , 2009   Doubletree Suites Hotel – Santa Monica, Ca.

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Surviving The Cut

By Stephen M. Pollan and Mark Levine

No resume, no matter how extraordinary, can get you a job. The best it can do is get you an interview. It’s that face-to-face meeting that actually wins you an offer. And then, it’s the successful negotiation of that offer that lands you a position.

That means resumes are primarily tools of elimination; screening devices that let a low level assistant thin the pool of applicants down to a few members. With so many out of work today, this paring down of the pile has taken on even more importance. So rather than viewing your resume as a proactive marketing device, you need to start viewing yours as a defense mechanism to keep you in the running. The secret is to do everything you can to eliminate any information or perception that could lead to your being culled from the herd.

Number one: Dates.  Dates give away your age, reveal employment gaps, job hopping or present unemployment.  All or any of these may mean you won’t make the cut.  If none of these are a concern to you, use the dates.  But if they are, you may want to leave them off your resume.

Similarly, don’t feel the need to list every job you’ve ever held. This should be a one page, no need to scroll document. Include only those jobs that demonstrate a clear professional progression and a mastery of the skills needed for the job for which you’re applying. Listing your paper route shows you’re inexperienced and including your role in the Carter administration implies you’re ancient.

Forget about goals and objectives. If yours doesn’t match theirs, you’re toast. Any introductory language should serve solely to explain how your skills and experiences qualify you for the job in question.

Title a concluding section “Other” and provide one physical activity (to demonstrate you’re not sickly), one mental activity (to show you’re not brain dead), and one totally non-controversial civic or charitable activity (to show you’re a good citizen).

Stephen M. Pollan is one of America’s most trusted and admired career and financial advisors and is the author of more than a dozen books including the national bestsellers Die Broke and Second Acts. Information about his practice and writing can be found at stephenpollan.com. Mark Levine (gostryter.com) has been Pollan’s collaborator for more than 20 years.

Next week: All in the Family

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].

Questions from our Readers
Answered by Stephen M. Pollan and Mark Levine

I was recently granted an interview with a well known company within the television industry. I really want this job. My question is this: My interview was at 10a. I arrived at 9:45a, and waited for three hours before I talked to the HR specialist. How long is okay? I felt I wasn’t my best because I was frustrated, anxious and very hungry. What is the protocol here?

Unfortunately, there’s little justice in the workplace. They are at fault. You have been victimized. And odds are you’re out of luck. Complaining – however justified – won’t get you anywhere. You’re best bet is to make your point, forcefully but diplomatically, and hope there’s enough guilt to give you another chance. Send a personal note to the interviewer saying that you realize interviews can be stressful. You were fully prepared for that, but your endurance and equanimity were tested by a four hour delay, and that may have helped create a negative impression.

I have been a Freelance director for 19 years. I have beating down the same doors and I am looking for new ways to sell myself. I have an agent, but I’m looking to be more proactive. Advice?

Banging your head against closed doors only leads to a bloody forehead. It’s time to find some new doors. That means expanding your target by moving into new areas. These could literally be in new geographic locations, or they could be potential clients in new businesses or industries. Consider broadening the services you offer or redefining your services more broadly so they’re more widely applicable. And have a candid chat with your agent. It might be time to find a new one.

Stephen M. Pollan is one of America’s most trusted and admired career and financial advisors and Mark Levine has been Mr. Pollan’s collaborator for more than 20 years.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


Beginning September 7th on ION Television, Watch Us Add More to Mondays

8/7C – Ghost Whisperer

•  The Emmy-nominated series starring Jennifer Love Hewitt kicks off the night

9/8C – Criminal Minds

•  The hit series makes its ION Television debut following Ghost Whisperer

10/9C – Durham County

•  ION Television welcomes its first original series, where no secret stays buried forever


create analyses and presentations that will uncover and prove ION’s most important selling attributes

Senior Manager of Ad Sales Research
Ion Media Networks



identifying, developing, maintaining and managing accounts to which he/she is assigned with the goal to hit and exceed set advertising sales goals
Online Advertising Sales Manager
Regent Media

leading the team as the expert marketing partner within the client’s organization
VP/Senior Director, Accounts
[email protected] attn Jennifer

maintain Parent, Advertiser, Brand, and Category information across advertising sales systems
Advertising Information Manager   34304
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

implement creative and impactful strategies to support publishing, merchandising, broadcasting and internet initiatives
Public Relations Manager   33860
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

grow and shape online communities in our core lifestyle channels: food/cooking, crafting, weddings, decor, and gardening
Community Experience Producer 33816
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

develop content syndication packages
Internet Media Network Ad Sales

schedule online ad campaigns, create campaign reports and perform campaign analyses
Sales Coordinator

work with Technology Solutions sales team to sell online advertising to online publishers and networks
Account Director, Online Advertising Sales
Collective Media

identify opportunities, qualify prospects and work though the stages of the sales cycle to close new account business
Account Executive, Sales
Collective Media

support sales team and account management on all facets of client relations and service
Account Coordinator
Collective Media

forging strategic content partnerships
Manager Online Business Development
Collective Media

oversee account coordinator workflow to ensure creative, delivery and billings are enacted/managed in a timely fashion
CBS Interactive: Account Manager   2106BR
CBS Interactive
CBS Career site: 
For this specific job listing, click here 

oversee account coordinator workflow to ensure creative, delivery and billings are enacted/managed in a timely fashion
CBS Interactive: Account Manager   2107BR
CBS Interactive
CBS Career site: 
For this specific job listing, click here 

experienced digital seller to grow our national business across all CBS Radio’s online properties
Director, National Digital Sales   2141BR
CBS Radio
CBS Career site: 
For this specific job listing, click here 

responsible for defining and driving ESPN’s multi-media sales research agenda
VP Advertiser Insights and Strategy   200956
Disney Career site: 
For this specific job listing, click here

overseeing creative development of network branding, promotional campaigns and cross-promotional marketing initiatives
Creative Director   9065
Discovery Planet Green

well-connected with interactive ad agencies and their clients and can produce results quickly
Account Executive, Online Sales
Waterfront Media
Brooklyn NY

craft marketing proposals answering client/agency RFP’s
Manager, Interactive Marketing and Sponsorships
Stamford CT

create effective marketing and advertising campaigns that net bottom line results
Account Director   8801
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

develop and execute cross promotional marketing plans for network priorities
Digital Marketing Manager   9043
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

contributing to generating program ratings that drive revenue, while building and maintaining the quality of the network brand
Director – Marketing Strategy   8924
Silver Spring MD

coordinate with outside vendors, internal production managers, and/or in-house network promo producers on bids, budgets and payments for on-air television projects
Director – Media Marketing   9115
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

conduct marketplace, consumer and brand analysis to assist CMO in setting marketing strategy
Director – Strategic Marketing   8606
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

lead all aspects of select partner programs ensuring all deliverables are achieved on time, under budget and to the client’s satisfaction
Manager Partnership Marketing   9098
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

managing consumer marketing for TLC initiatives, with overall goal of increasing viewership, generating revenue and reinforcing brand presence
Marketing Manager   8925
Silver Spring MD

promoting Shows & Events form local to national entertainment venues
Advertising Sales Manager, Entertainment
Chicago IL

develop content syndication packages
Internet Media Network Ad Sales
Chicago IL

developing overall plan to grow existing business to meet company revenue objectives
Director Digital Strategy & Execution
E-Comic Branding
Los Angeles CA
[email protected]

identifying, developing, maintaining and managing accounts to which he/she is assigned with the goal to hit and exceed set advertising sales goals
Online Advertising Sales Manager
Regent Media
Los Angeles CA

energetic, enthusiastic sales professional with proven success selling integrated marketing programs
Senior Account Executive
Los Angeles, CA

manage and execute conversational and online word-of-mouth marketing tactics
Senior Manager, Social Media Marketing
Los Angeles CA

conducting multiple in-depth evaluating movie-goer feedback for theatrical releases
Director Media and Research   1596BR
CBS Feature Films
Los Angeles CA
CBS Career site: 
For this specific job listing, click here 

develop advertising campaigns, print and a/v materials for assigned domestic theatrical releases
VP Creative Advertising  2128BR
CBS Feature Films
Los Angeles CA
CBS Career site: 
For this specific job listing, click here 

create and conceptualize ideas for new series, specials, and other programming initiatives
Director – Development   8863
Los Angeles CA

leading special projects relating to new business development and new revenue generation from ancillary exploitation
Director – Strategy & Operations   8836
Los Angeles CA

creation and delivery of Disney branded interactive entertainment and informational content across multiple platforms
Vice President, Marketing   198140
The Disney Interactive Media Group
North Hollywood CA
Disney Career site: 
For this specific job listing, click here

determine sales strategies, prepare proposals and presentations
Advertising Sales Manager   143
San Francisco, CA

utilize the OpenX ad serving platform to test and traffic creative assets; generate tracking codes; schedule, target, and optimize ad campaigns
Online Ad Traffic Manager
San Francisco, CA

sourcing and developing relationships with major and minor brand publishers
Director, Business Development
San Francisco, CA
[email protected]

set the marketing strategy for games in development and create, develop and execute marketing and promotional campaigns across new and traditional media
Product Marketing Manager
Glu Mobile Inc
San Mateo, CA

strategic and tactical aspects of distribution channel account management on a day to day basis
Sales Account Manager
Glu Mobile Inc
San Mateo, CA

dynamic individuals with proven management skills, high energy, and the ability to drive sales
Display Advertising Sales
BowTie Inc


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The Primetime Emmy® Awards 2009 Special Issue Series

Dedicated to Primetime Emmy® Nominated Programming & Talent
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Contact Chuck Bolkcom – [email protected] – 646-468-6180
Exclusive Breakfast Sponsor of the 61st Primetime Emmy® Nominee Announcements


Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDSFor More classifieds, visit the Cynopsis.com classifieds page herealso check out our Facebook page where our classifieds are listed the night before the editions are published!

JOB OPENING: ANALYST, AFF MKTG/FOX CABLE/LA financial tracking, forecasts, analyze various mktg campaigns, calculate ROI, make strategic recommendations on findings. BA, finance skills 3+ yrs cable exp. Apply http://tiny.cc/NUUl4 (8/7)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT ANALYST/iN DEMAND/NYC: Develop/Implement procedures to collect revenue and report data from affiliates. Bachelor’s degree (Accounting preferred) and cable/collections exp req. Apply: [email protected] (8/7)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC & SERVICING MGR: Beverly Hills Int’l TV distribution co. seeks traffic & servicing manager with min. 2 years experience ordering &delivering video elements.  Email resume to [email protected] (8/6)

JOB OPENING: PR MGR/ SR.MGR /Classic Media/NYC: 5-7 yrs exp in PR, esp. ent/media w/consumer focus; Develop publicity strategies, Generate positive brand visibility, Execute PR plans, Liase w/creators; apply to: [email protected] (8/5)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST NICK KIDS & FAMILY/NYC: 2 yrs natl resch exp.Strong analytical/detail/organiz sk.Expert w/Nielsen, Npower. Strong written/oral comm. sk.Prof in MS Office. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (8/5)

JOB OPENING: SR MANAGER, CONTENT PARTNERSHIPS/ PRN (the in-store TV media leader)/LA: 8+ yrs exp in developing content provider relationships, must be well connected to networks, cable, studios, etc. http://tinyurl.com/prnjobs (8/5)

JOB OPENING: ART DIRECTOR/Nicktoons/Freelance/NY:Mng schedule/workflow & art dir. for in-house design grp. Oversee art direction for all onair/offair projects by freelancers/design firms. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply: [email protected] (8/5)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, MARKETING/MTV/NYC. Min 7yrs exp. in promos or consumer marketing w/in entertainment, media or music industry. Exp. w/ promotions management and online marketing content. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.mtvcareers.com (8/4)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/ABC Family/NYC: Develop, maintain, grow revenue against strategic advertising accounts for abcfamily.com 3+ yrs digital sales exp Apply www.disneyabcjobs.com Req # 198753 (8/4)

JOB OPENING: VP, PR/MSG Varsity (New Cablevision network)/LI: 10+ yrs exp creating/managing strategic media relations programs. Exp with sports programming preferred. Apply [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: IN HOUSE FREELANCE INTERACTION DESIGNER, DIG MEDIA/Sesame Workshop/NY: 3+ yrs dig. media design & user interface dvlpmt exp (multi-client design firm/vendor-side exp) EOE/M/F/D/AAP Apply  [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: METRO TV AFFILIATE SALES: Resp for dvlpng new affiliations. Mng/grow existing affiliations. Knwlg of TV dist biz as well as Synd & affil sales exp. Resume and salary requirements to: [email protected] (8/4)

JOB OPENING: VP, CREATIVE SRVS/VERSUS NTWRK/COMCAST/PA: Visionary creative/passion for the craft/strong work ethic, dev & mgmt skills? Req’d 8-10+ yrs exp. @ TV Ntwrk, ad agency, or post prod/design firm. Apply: www.comcast.com (8/4)

JOB OPENING: DVLPMNT EXEC/NY: Est’d prod. Co. seeks creative, workaholic, self-starter to oversee reality & non-fiction dvlpmnt. Solid ind contacts, exceptional ideas & exp selling to ntwrks a must. Res/Cvr Ltr: [email protected] (8/4)


Julie Piepenkotter becomes SVP/Research for FX Networks, reporting to John Landgraf, President/GM. In her new role, Julie will provide oversight for daily audience research results for FX and Fox Movie Channel in addition to managing special research projects on behalf of Fox National Cable Networks Group. Julie migrates over to FX after numerous years at Disney.  Well done Julie!  Well done!

NATPE named Gary Mitchell to the position of European Business Development Executive based in the UK. Prior to joining NATPE, Gary had his own company and before that he served as VP/International Sales at DLT Entertainment UK Ltd in London. Gary succeeds Pam Smithard at NATPE who recently left after 15 years to pursue other projects.

Eric Benitez was upped to VP/Operations with international television program distribution and development company, CABLEready. Prior to this appointment, Eric was Director/Operations and he will continue to be in charge of daily operations for CABLEready including the supervision of all traffic broadcast materials, the company’s technical areas and rights management in addition to overseeing daily operations of CABLEready Productions.

RHI Entertainment tapped Steven Selikoff to the new position of VP/Development, Series. Steven will work closely with EVP/Series Elizabeth Stephen, to whom he will report, to purchase and develop television series. Steven will be based at RHI Entertainment’s new Los Angeles programming office that opened this past May to further expand the company’s presence on the West Coast.

Valerie Schaer joins Harpo Productions, Inc. as EVP/Creative Development as of August 17, coming from Worldwide Pants Incorporated where she was EVP in charge of all production, development, new media and business development. In her new position, Valerie will work in tandem with Harriet Seitler, EVP/Marketing and Development to generate new television content and media opportunities for Harpo Productions across multiple formats such as syndication, network, cable and digital. Based in New York, Valerie will report to Tim Bennett, President, Harpo Productions, Inc. and Chairman Oprah Winfrey.

Ascent Media Group hired Douglas Parrish as EVP/Operations and Drake Pruitt as SVP/Business Development. Douglas will manage the company’s primary media management systems integration and content distribution areas while reporting to Jose Royo, CEO. Drake will report to Tom Kuehle, EVP/Strategic Solutions.  

Timothy Devito moves into the position of Area Sales Manager with Comcast Spotlight in charge of the Wheeling, Youngstown/Cleveland and Pittsburgh South local sales teams. Previously, Timothy was the LSM of Comcast Spotlight in the Youngstown/Cleveland markets.

BET Networks added Reggie Williams as SVP/Music Strategy and Operations where he will manage all development facets of the company’s music strategy and its increased presence across platforms. Based in New York, Reggie will report to Stephen Hill, President/Music Programming and Specials and will also work with him to supervise operations of the BET Music division.

Discovery Channel named Kevin Mohs as VP/Production and Wayne Sampson as Director/Development and Production. Kevin will supervise content and production for all cross-platform network programs, including specials and returning series. He will report to Gena McCarthy, SVP/Production and Development. Wayne is responsible for increasing the network’s development presence on the West Coast and will work within the Los Angeles creative pool to target new producers and talent for the network. Based in Los Angeles, Wayne will report to Elli Hakami, VP/Development West Coast.

Jason R. Carey was elevated to VP/Production at Animal Planet, effective immediately. Previously, Jason was Executive Producer for such Animal Planet shows as Whale Wars and Jockeys. In his new position, Jason will manage the network’s current series, working with the network’s executive team and Marjorie Kaplan, President/GM, to whom he will report. Jason is located at the network’s New York office.

Granite Broadcasting Corporation announced broadcasting veteran Sarah Norat-Phillips, President/GM of WMYD/Detroit resigned from her position to pursue other personal endeavors. Sarah will continue in her position through August 31, 2009 during the transition period. Sarah has been President/GM of WMYD-TV since May 1998 and started with Granite Broadcasting in 1980 when she began as a production assistant at WKBW/Buffalo. Succeeding Sarah will be David T. Bangura who was previously Director/Sales at WMYD-TV. 

Andrew Plotkin will become SVP/Original Programming at Syfy. Andrew is a long-time television executive who has developed such TV shows as Without a Trace, Nip/Tuck, Cold Case and Smallville. In his new position at Syfy, Andrew will be based in Los Angeles and will report to Mark Stern, EVP/Original Programming, Syfy/Co-Head, Original Content, Universal Cable Productions.

FremantleMedia named Donna Wiffen to the role of SVP/Production and Network, Worldwide Drama (WWD), where she will report to Claire Tavernier who was recently elevated to the position of SEVP/WWD and FMX, FremantleMedia. In addition, Sarah Hoeflich was appointed as SVP/Production and Network, WWD.

Later — John
   John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Cynopsis Media Facebook Page here

Cynopsis Kids Ad Sales:
Chuck Bolkcom, Pres/COO – 646-468-6180 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-926-9878 / [email protected]

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