Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Cynopsis: Classified




Good morning – it’s Tuesday, August 30, 2011, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! 

How to Get Ahead

Dress at least one level above your current position.If everyone is wearing a shirt and khakis, wear a dress shirt, tie and dress pants. Everyone wearing a tie and sports coat? Wear a suit.

Volunteer for the jobs no one else wants. This will demonstrate your willingness to put the needs of the company’s above your own.

Make presentations! I’ve written about this before but there is no better way to allow the maximum amount of people in the smallest amount of time, know that you are a great communicator, than by making presentations. Just make sure they are interesting and interactive.

Keep the discussion of your social life at work, to a minimum. Be polite when asked about the weekend, but be brief. Asking someone about their weekend can be an error on your part because you may hear about their entire weekend. Remember, this is work.

Do your homework and become an expert in as many aspects of your job as possible. When someone is having difficulties, you want to be the person they think of first for assistance.

Educate yourself as much as you can about your company, your competitors and your industry. This will allow you to have an insightful conversation with those who are several positions above you.

Find yourself a mentor, listen and heed their advice.

Be available and willing to mentor others.

Never complain or get involved with gossip. As innocent or as confidential as it may seem, it may come back to bite you.

Learn the software that your bosses use. When asked in an interview, you can honestly say that your transition will be very smooth because you’re already familiar with the software required.

Above all, if you want to be promoted, think like the boss. Demonstrate your ability to make tough decisions, delegate wisely, and put the company’s needs ahead of your own.

Next Issue: Funding a Start Up

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

Looking For A Job?  Do You Have A Communication Plan?
Michael Pollock

Most people spend a lot of time fussing with their resume. I myself never met a resume I didn’t want to rewrite – even the one I rewrote myself last week.  All this is good: your resume provides an invaluable structure for you to craft your story, putting together your successes and experience highlights, incorporating your insights about the hirer’s needs and expressing all this in a way that will move her to call you. 

But don’t spend all your available time on this.  You should commit a significant portion of time to developing yourself a communications plan.  Getting your story into the right ears is not just about a few sporadic phone calls or emails.  It needs a full on, 360-degree strategic plan for reaching the people you will identify as your target hirers.

Here is an outline of how you can get started:

Goal – identify what you want to be doing in three to five years time and what new jobs, skills and experiences can help you towards that goal
Targets – who do you need to reach:

The person who can hire you at a company and for a job that will move you in the right direction,
The person who can network you to that person.
Research – in which you learn all you can possibly learn about:

Companies and jobs that you like the look of,
Industries and niches that can expand your experience,
What the thought leaders in your business are talking about.
Message – this is what your resume creation process has identified: it states explicitly or implicitly the problem you solve and clearly lays out your unique value to a hirer.
Channels to reach your targets: decide which ones are appropriate and in what combinations.  Here a few to get you started:

Phone calls,
Drive to your website or portfolio site,
Other social media: Twitter, Facebook, blog etc.,
Attending networking events, conferences and seminars,
Most importantly: working your very own personal network of connections – and by extension, theirs.

Finalize your materials – portfolio, website, LinkedIn, resume,
Make sure they are all consistent with your story,
Prioritize your contacts and start reaching out,
Record the outcome of each connection you make and plot your next steps.

As with all such advice, take it in and make it work for you in your own style and with knowledge of your own resources.  But don’t ignore it.  These are important considerations.  An effective job search is not for the lazy or fainthearted! 

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.  He works with people in film, TV, journalism, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Michael Pollock

I was under-employed at Company A. So I took a job with Company B (still under-employed, but a new industry for me to learn). I started with Company B on June 1. Company A since came back into my life and offered me a raise and a promotion, so I accepted. When it’s all said and done I will have worked for Company B for less than three months. But while at Company B I learned a tremendous amount, especially within social media.

My question is this, do I include my brief time at Company B on my resume? What will that “job hopping” look like to future potential employers? Will it be thought of as odd to see a person leave a company only to come back three months later?

I like that you learned so much.  Presumably this SM experience makes you a better value to Company A.  In the short term, perhaps this could be expressed in some way as a special assignment or leave during which you got this SM experience, rather than giving it the full equivalent of two job hops.  This could be suggested by layout and in the way you speak of it.  “I took a break at Company B where I picked up skills that made me even stronger and more value to Company A.” 

But really, you’ve just gone back to Company A with a raise and a promotion, so I don’t guess you are planning to leave any time soon.  By the time you are ready to move on I would hope that considerable time will have elapsed and that side trip can just disappear from the resume and the SM skills you learned will be amply demonstrated by the successes you have had at Company A.

If my resume demonstrates my experience in a particular area, how would it be best to proceed in seeking a job opportunity in a different area outside my field of expertise?

Example: I have 7 years of experience in video production but want to pursue a career in marketing.

Start by carefully researching the field you want to enter.  Look at jobs available for which you might be qualified and study the way they are described.  Talk to people who work in the field and figure out which aspects appeal to you and would match your strengths.  Then review all your work history and other experience through the eyes of someone hiring for these positions.  Strip away the overarching “video production” words and see what else there is. 

Examples of areas you might have chops in could include sales, food, sports, history, international, crisis management, PR, advertising, technology etc.  See which niches and experiences from your prior work (stripping out the video production words) relate to your new target business and describe those experiences accordingly.   You should say clearly why you are excited to bring these valuable skills and experiences to the new field – this would the way to frame your approach.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


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JOB OPENING: ONLINE SALES EXEC/NCC Media/ Dallas: Prospect, dev & close sales for online & Dig Media product lines. 5+ yrs dig media sales exp, w/ part knwlg, affinity & of online & advanced Advrtsng space. Apply: www.nccmedia.com (9/3)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ANALYTICS/Current TV/NYC or SF: 3-5 yrs exp. Define & execute tracking, reporting, & analysis of digital data. Must know Web Analytic tools. Content exp. preferred. http://current.com/jobs (9/2)

JOB OPENING: UX DESIGNER/PRODUCT DEVELOPER/Current TV/NYC or SF: Lead digital UI, UX Product Dev’t. Min 3-5 yrs exp. Content and multi-platform exp. preferred. http://current.com/jobs (9/2)

JOB OPENING: SR. PRODUCT MGR/Current TV/NYC or SF: 5-7 yrs min product, project mgmt, and digital exp. Strong communication skills. Content exp. preferred. http://current.com/jobs (9/2)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER/RESEARCH /TRAVEL CHANNEL/DC. Manage network’s brand and marketing research efforts, using Nielsen ratings data & other consumer databases. Full details, http://www.scrippsnetworks.com & select req 2537 (9/2)

JOB OPENING: VP PRODUCTION/NBCU/Syfy/NY: Lead all on-going promotional production activities in support of Syfy Mktg. Min 10 yrs exp in TV promotions. Apply online www.nbcunicareers.com (9/2)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/Classic Media/NYC: Lead brand strategy  dvlp & execute marketing plans across the Company’s Pop Culture & Boys’ Action properties, including: Where’s Waldo? and Voltron. Resume/cover: [email protected] (9/2)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER/SEO/Interactive/SCRIPPS/NY. Implement and manage search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and campaigns. Full details, http://www.scrippsnetworks.com & select req 2449 (9/2)

JOB OPENING: CSD /Weigel-Chicago. Focused on the strategy and mgmt of on air for two Networks and local stations and streams. Must lead, mentor and grow and have exp. to match. Resume/reel to: [email protected] www.wciu.com (9/2)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/CHICAGO: Sell A+E Networks suite of dig advertising opportunities within assigned territory to agencies/clients https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=106995 (9/1)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT SALES MGR/KGTV, the McGraw-Hill owned ABC affiliate in San Diego: Resp for existing bus & generating new bus.  Exp brdcst ind. Please apply online at www.mcgraw-hill.com/careers (9/1)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT EXECUTIVE/TV Guide.com/Chicago: AE w/ 2+ yrs digital ad sales exp a must. Consumer exp preferred. Competitive salary commensurate w/ exp & excellent benefits prgm. [email protected] (9/1)

JOB OPENING: EDITORIAL ASST/NYC: PT Assisting with on-boarding writers, organizing contracts and managing invoices. College graduate with major in Journalism, English or related field. Email: [email protected] (8/31)

JOB OPENING: PHOTO EDITOR/NYC: Research and edit compelling photography for humorous articles and photo-driven features. 1-2 years of online photo editing experience required. Email: [email protected] (8/31)

JOB OPENING: VP PRGM ACQUISITIONS/Lifetime/NY: Mng the acq process for all Lifetime nets, incl off-net, first run series, formats, co-prod. 7+ yrs exp buying /selling prgmng within TV industry. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (8/31)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, DIGITAL MARKETING & PROMO/ABC/NY: Work w/AEs, Ad Ops,Integrated mktg, pre & post-sale dev of digital ad custom solutions;4-5 yrs digital mktg & sales support exp Please apply: www.disneyabcjobs.com Req #319007 (8/31)

JOB OPENING: PST/PROD TECH 2nd Shift/MD: Mng videotap/MPEG QC, Avid ditgitizing, encoding, duplication,& DVD author, knwlg sign flow, video scope. 2+yrs exp, broadcast tape/acq format +, traf log exp + Visit: www.tvoneline.com (8/31)

JOB OPENING: OPS CONTENT COOR/Captioning/MD: Mng daily caption schd, prog log, mng work tapes/caption files to/fm vend; meet deadlines; verify billing, scheding process, bck-up to Netwk Ops log, 2+yrs exp Visit: www.tvoneline.com (8/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR PRGM RESEARCH/REELZCHANNEL/Albuquerque, NM: Provide rsrch-based analysis & trends to Sr Mgmt & Prgmng in support of prgm strategy. 7+ yrs exp in TV Rsrch. Proficient w/ all apps. Apply: [email protected] (8/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR AD SALES RESEARCH/REELZCHANNEL/NYC: Analyze data, support Ad Sales, develop decks. Creativity a must. 7+ yrs exp in TV Research. Proficient with all applications. Apply: [email protected] (8/31)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 40 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas.Includes RT flight to Beijing. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (9/1)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES/MARKETING FALL INTERNSHIP/PLUM NTWRK/NYC:Gain practical experience in the communications industry by working with a top-notch sales & marketing team at a multi-platform media company. Resume to [email protected]   (8/31)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  GSN SM Creative Services Fall Internship. Unpaid School Credit Only. Learn creative process, print design and prod. Send Resume and CL to [email protected] (8/31)


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develop, implement and oversee strategies to publicize Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network programming spanning reality, scripted and original movies

Director, Publicity   106275
Lifetime Public Relations
Los Angeles



develop, conceptualize and execute highly stylized best in class on-air campaigns that are both on brand and fulfill the initiatives set by Ad Sales, Consumer Products and/or Digital Media
Creative Director   97432
Lifetime Marketing


lead strategy and business development activities for the sports vertical at CBS Interactive with a focus on driving current and future revenue and audience growth opportunities
Director Business Development   8935BR
CBS Interactive


develop, articulate and execute a strategic plan for BBC America’s digital products, including the future role and makeup of BBCAmerica.com, mobile apps and sites, and the brand’s presence on social media platforms
Digital Director, BBC America.com
BBC America


coordination of sponsorship and standard online media campaigns
Advertising Account Manager    325397
Disney ABC Television Group


maintaining and managing ABC News social media accounts and implementing SMO strategies and tactics for ABC News Digital
Social Media Editor   325354
Disney ABC Television Group


traffic interactive advertising campaigns using Solbright, Doubleclick’s DART for Publishers, and Freewheel’s MRM ad management platforms for key account as well as remnant network advertisers
Campaign Operations Manager
MTV Networks


create new strategies and revenue generating ideas, programs and products for ABC News
ABC News – Senior Vice President – Next   326294
Disney ABC Television Group


lead and manage the Content Operations team and oversee the development of progressive sponsorship solutions that support advertising growth for Comedy Central Digital Media
MTV Networks


write and produce and direct image promotion for original and acquired programming
Producer On-air Promos
MTV Networks


create and execute digital and consumer publicity plans to generate buzz and press for new series, acquisitions and tentpoles
TVLand Publicist
MTV Networks


use our resources to work harder and smarter, and find ways to achieve business and marketing objectives more efficiently and effectively with Moms, Kids and Families
Director of Marketing, Audience Development and Engagement
MTV Networks


experience conceiving and delivering high-quality web content and creating engaging experiences, and a passion for doing so
Digital content Producer (3 yrs exp in digital production, pref in entertainment/ comedy)
MTV Networks


closes revenue from accounts in the Northeast territory
Account Executive   FNG0000343

http://www.foxcareers.com /

manages entire sales process from account identification to close
Account Executive   FNG0000607
Fox Digital Media Ad Sales

http://www.foxcareers.com /

oversee and develop marketing relations with key MVPD accounts – national, regional, and local
Director, Affiliate Marketing   FNG0000505
Fox Networks

http://www.foxcareers.com /

consolidation and analysis of the NBC Sports Group’s divisional closings, Forecasts, Budgets, Long Range Plans, variance explanations, and DR Reporting
Manager FP&A, NBC Sports Group   2838BR

http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

oversee P&L planning processes for all estimates/forecasts, budgets and long-range plans
Director FP&A, NBC Sports Group   2837BR

http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

oversee the creation of big sponsorship ideas, customized to client objectives and consistent with Oxygen goals to monetize existing and future opportunities
Manager, Sponsorships marketing   2835BR

http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

identify, evaluate, structure and help implement business growth opportunities in the digital media space
VP of Digital Strategy and Business Development   2844BR

http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

manage our top MVPD corporate account partnerships; and oversee regional marketing efforts covering the Northeast US territories
Director, Affiliate Marketing   FNG0000433
Fox Networks

http://www.foxcareers.com /

participate in gathering and prioritizing client requirements
User Experience Designer


create correlative and clustering models based on inventory, user behavior and client goals
Optimization Analyst


work with product and engineering teams to translate business requirements and product vision into elegant technical design
Product Architect


build a fully automated testing and deployment application to manage the testing and deployment of dozens of applications running on thousands of servers globally
Director of Engineering, Integration


manage revenue recognition and monthly billing according to client’s contracts
Senior Accountant


providing front line support to platform customers, as well as supply and data partners
Client Services Manager/Director


serve as an invaluable business partner to a variety of cross-function global business leaders, including sales, marketing, and client services
VP, Business Operations


provide post-implementation product support to AppNexus customers
Product Specialist


partner with the recruiting team to increase overall talent as AppNexus continues to grow globally
Community Outreach Manager


design and execute a comprehensive communication strategy that aligns with the marketing plan and broader business strategy. This includes internal communications, crisis management and investor relations
Corporate Communications Director


serve as a key partner to the Sales organization, maximizing their efforts by providing guidance and recommendations to engage prospects and drive the sales process
Manager/Director of Field Marketing


meet/exceed quarterly revenue goals
Account Director


understand our clients’ dynamic business models, strategically implement AppNexus’ technology solutions and work closely with teams internally acting as the client advocate
Account Manager


proactively engage in new business conversations with the largest online media and technology companies and qualify their ability to be a successful AppNexus client
Senior Sales Executive


act as day-to-day point person in all aspects of digital media execution
Senior Account Manager   9014


estimate ratings on scheduled programming and potential acquisitions
TV Programming Strategy Analyst
BET Networks


the development efforts for scripted series and current programs for BET Networks
Senior Director of Scripted Programming
BET Networks

Los Angeles CA

analytics, communications, problem solving, and strategic planning
Business Analyst – Strategy & Business Development
BET Networks


responsible for assisting with a variety of interactive and design projects to fulfill client campaign planning, execution, and management
Junior Producer


manage multiple mobile projects from creation through launch
Director, Mobile News & Business   7044BR
CBS Interactive


generate sales of integrated solutions including HMH and 3rd-party content, curriculum, technology and service to educational entities
VP Strategic Accounts
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt

Boston MA

build an effective consumer product plan to meet strategic targets
VP Consumer Products
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt

Boston MA

own the product roadmap for the K-12 digital platforms, with support for new curriculum and supplemental programs that blend print and digital experience
VP, Product management, K-12 Platforms
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt

Boston MA

lead editorial and merchandising strategy of our most valuable live video entry pages across all platforms — desktop/laptop, phone, tablet, XBOX and future platforms — in an effort to increase video conversion rates
Director, Editorial Products   325544

Bristol CT

completes travel arrangements for ESPN travelers with air, hotel, car and ground transportation vendors at the lowest possible fares
Event Coordinator II   325399

Bristol CT

be the primary contact for all BI related communications and issues/challenges for assigned clients
Senior Business Analyst (Business Intelligence)
Razorfish   9643

Philadelphia PA

supporting the company’s Multicultural Marketing Communication’s efforts to drive brand consideration and increase market share across the Multicultural audience
Sr. Manager, Multicultural Marketing Communications

Philadelphia PA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

supporting the execution of acquisition advertising campaigns that seek to achieve subscriber and revenue goals
Specialist, Acquisition Marketing Communications

Philadelphia PA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

supporting the development of acquisition advertising campaigns that seek to achieve subscriber and revenue goals
Manager, Acquisition Marketing Communications

Philadelphia PA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

delivering Sales revenue and for developing new advertisers for our station’s multi-platform properties
Business Development Account Manager   2849BR

Washington DC
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

develop and execute a sales plan to meet and/or exceed Towson Sports Properties annual revenue goals
General Manager   9388BR
CBS Outdoors

Towson MD

generates advertising revenues in accordance with budgetary goals
Account Executive   FNG0000464
FOX Sports South

Atlanta, GA
http://www.foxcareers.com /

achieve team ad sales revenue goals through daily client contacts
Account Manager, Ad Sales
MTV Networks

Miami FL

contribute to the overall long-term competitive and strategic plans for the portfolio with new technology solutions and product ideas
Director Technology
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt

Orlando FL

works with discipline leads in creative, online media, engineering, and business development to formulate marketing strategy for new business presentations
Group Director, Strategy

Detroit MI

network through industry contacts, association memberships, groups and employees
Freelance Recruiter   9642

Chicago IL

executing through code complex designs that reflect the creative and art direction provided within the established technical framework
Presentation Layer Developer   9629

Chicago IL<, br> https://jobs-razorfish.icims.com/jobs/9629/job

develop and execute Vibes’ marketing communications strategy and programs to secure and maintain position as the most recognizable and highly regarded mobile CRM provider in the industry
Director of Marketing Communications

Chicago IL

own marketing strategy and execution to secure and maintain position as the most recognizable and highly regarded mobile CRM provider in the industry
VP of Marketing

Chicago IL

collect feedback from clients, consumers, and Vibes’ Client Services team and translate user needs to product requirements
Business Analyst

Chicago IL

responsible for establishing Vibes’ Business Intelligence practice through the assembly of the right people, processes, tools and technologies
Director of Business Intelligence

Chicago IL

new business development, maintaining existing accounts, and meeting revenue budgets
Account Executive   FNG0000624

http://www.foxcareers.com /

install, patch, upgrade, configure, tune and maintain Oracle databases
Lead Database Analyst
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt

Rolling Meadow IL

own the product roadmap for the K-12 comprehensive curriculum, with support for new curriculum and supplemental programs
VP Segment Management Job
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt

Evanston IL

accountable for effective, in-depth sales and service to current and potential customers to foster sales, satisfaction and confidence in Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers’ products and to encourage their future use
Sales Consultant Job
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt

Dallas TX

manage multiple mobile entertainment projects from creation through launch for both the CW and CBS network
Product Manager   7746BR
CBS Mobile

Los Angeles

designing and implementing publicity campaigns– which span print, online and electronic media– for four to six prime time live action and animated network and cable series
Publicity Director   FFE0000383
20th Century Fox Television

Los Angeles
http://www.foxcareers.com /

establish and implement client focused activity for the network consistent with the Channel’s brand vision and strategies
VP, Ad Sales Marketing Style   2868BR

Los Angeles
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

identifying and executing STYLE NETWORK digital and new media initiatives
VP, Digital News & Media, Style Network   2867BR

Los Angeles
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

planning, designing, overseeing, analyzing, and reporting voice of consumer primary research projects for Style Programming and Development, Consumer Marketing, Press/Publicity, Ad Sales Marketing
Director of Primary Research, Style Network

Los Angeles
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

provide viewing trends and analysis to network management, program planning, communications, finance, and marketing on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and ad hoc basis
Primary Research Analyst, Style Network   2862BR

Los Angeles
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for all day-to-day aspects of this leading entertainment news , and information website
VP, E! Online  2859BR

Los Angeles
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

financial oversight and management of Ancillary businesses and SG&A budgets
Manager, Finance, Style Network   2856BR

Los Angeles
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

provide national cable (NFL Network), online (NFL.com) and marketing solutions, sell and service new and existing national and corporate sponsorships to direct clients and advertising agencies
Account Executive

Los Angeles

develop unparalleled, best-in-class reporting, analysis and insights around the television and online video marketplaces
Audience Research Analyst

Los Angeles

build effective partnerships:Own and manage a set of partner relationships with the objective to maximize the value of those partnerships for both Hulu and the partners
Content Partner Manager

Los Angeles

provide general company representation on a wide variety of matters
Corporate Attorney (3rd-5th year)

Los Angeles

ensure the receipt of scheduled video content from Content Partners
Digital Video Publisher

Los Angeles

digging deep into data files, analyzing and calculating internal traffic metrics
Financial Analyst

Los Angeles

over see the day to day on the current series and will report to the VP, Current & Cross Platform Productions
Director, Production Bravo  2848BR

http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for user experience research on social gaming, Virtual Worlds and the Addicting Games, Shockwave and Nick Jr Boost sites
Sr. Manager, User Experience Research, Nickelodeon Games Group
MTV Networks

Glendale CA

create and execute publicity plans to generate buzz and anticipation for new series and season launches of Comedy Central original series
MTV Networks

Santa Monica CA

developing a complete understanding of clubs’ brand, business and user needs
Account Manager

Culver City CA

Advance the overall quality of strategic thinking and design applied technology
Creative Director

Culver City CA

development and delivery of high quality, scalable applications and tools that meet product requirements in a timely and cost-effective manner
Director / Senior Director, Engineering
Current tv

San Francisco CA

BBY FY12 Holiday Work – will be working on one of the projects
Freelance Project Manager   9627

San Francisco CA

typical Senior IA skills; needs to be client friendly and work autonomously
Freelance Information Architect   9637

San Francisco CA

bi-lingual English and Spanish speaking copywriter familiar with cultural Spanish terminology and phrases
Freelance Copywriter   9628

San Francisco CA

analyze business requirements, procedures and problems and apply solutions in line with business requirements of clients
Senior Business Analyst   9632

San Francisco CA

manage the West User Experience practice including Experience Strategy, IA, Research and Insights
User Experience Lead   9616

San Francisco CA


FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME), the brand unit of worldwide production company FremantleMedia named Kate Schlomann to the newly-minted role as EVP/Brand Management and Marketing.  Kate is based in London and reports to David Ellender, Global CEO.

Effective immediately, Kantar Media promoted George Carens as President/Kantar Media Intelligence North America and Steve Davis as President/Kantar Media SRDS.  Furthermore, the company appointed David Hamric as GM/Marx, a Kantar Media solution where he is based at the company’s Minneapolis office.  George was formerly President/Kantar Media SRDS and Kantar Media Healthcare.  He is based in New York and replaces Mark Nesbitt who departed the company.  Steve most recently was SVP/Sales and Client Service at Kantar Media SRDS and in his new position will additionally manage Kantar Media Healthcare which encompasses Kantar Media Professional Health and Kantar Media’s MARS Consumer Health. 

Entertainment network Logo, part of Viacom’s MTV Networks hired Brent Zacky as SVP/Original Programming and Development and Michelle Auguste as Senior Director/Programming Research.  Brent joins from TLC where he was VP/Development and Programming since 2007.  In his new position, he will be based in Los Angeles, reporting to Lisa Sherman, EVO/GM, Logo and he will head all facets of Logo’s current original programming and development functions for the network.  Brent will also supervise Logo’s bi-coastal development team and celebrity talent development.  Michelle in her new role heads the network’s newly-formed Programming Research Department based in New York.  She will jointly report to Marc Leonard, SVP/Multiplatform Programming, Logo and Colleen Fahey Rush, EVP/Chief Research Officer, MTV Networks. 

Rick Carpenter was added at Los Angeles-based independent advertising agency Quigley-Simpson in the newly-minted position as President, effective as of yesterday.  Rick joins Quigley-Simpson with vast experience and in the last ten years has served as both President and CEO of DDB Los Angles and DDB Chicago. 

Discovery Networks International announced a change in the title of its four regional Managing Directors.  Effective immediately, all four executives will be titled President/Managing Director though their roles and scope remain the same.  The executives who have gained new titles include: Dee Forbes, President/Managing Director, Discovery Networks Western Europe; Tom Keaveny, President/Managing Director, Discovery Networks Asia Pacific; Kasia Kieli, President/Managing Director, Discovery Networks CEEMEA (Central & Eastern Europe Middle East and Africa); and Henry Martinez, President/Managing Director, Discovery Networks Latin America and US Hispanic

Psychiatrist and media personality Dr. Janet Taylor tapped as Head of Guest Support Services Team on The Jeremy Kyle Show premiering September 19 in more than 90% of the US.  The show is from distributor Debmar-Mercury and producer ITV Studios America.

Full-service creative services advertising agency, KO Creative hired Teall Barnes as Director/Business Development.  Teall’s new job will have him work with internal creative teams and entertainment companies to develop and executive various marketing tools. 

Effective immediately, Indianapolis-based advertising agency Young & Laramore (Y&L) added two to its team: Joe Botich at EchoPoint Media, a unit of Y&L as a Digital Media Strategist and Brad Bobenmoyer at Y&L as an Account Director.  Joe will report to Sue Doron, EchoPoint Media Director and Carolyn Hadlock, Y&L Executive Creative Director.  Brad will focus on the Stanley Steemer and Farm Bureau Insurance accounts for Y&L, reporting to Barbara Biancalana, Director/Account Management.

Former BBDO Atlanta executive Kyle Lewis joins Modea, an independent digital advertising agency as Executive Creative Director.  In his new position, Kyle will work in tandem with Co-Founder David Catalano to expand the agency’s creative department and its capabilities.  Kyle also reports to David Catalano. 

Don Gorski was hired by Intersport as SVP/Media Sales, effective immediately.  Don will be located at the company’s New York office. 

Lori Neuhardt rejoins ABC News as Design Director for ABC News Digital.  Lori’s scope will head the creative and design team at ABC News Digital.  Most recently, Lori was with NBCUniversal Digital Studio as Art Director/Creative Director.

Big Fuel Detroit added Robert Anderson as EVP/Managing Director.  At Big Fuel, Robert will report to Jon Bond.  Prior to this appointment, Robert worked for Rapp Dallas where he served as Executive Creative Director. 

Michael Hazan moved to JUMA Entertainment in the role as Head/Development, West Coast and Co-Executive Producer.  Michael reports to Robert Horowitz, President, JUMA Entertainment.  Alaina Killoch and Dionne Clifton, both development executives at JUMA will now report to Michael Hazan.  The company also is transferring Lewis Fenton to its New Hope, PA offices to manage the company’s expansion in the East.

Rob Spodek promoted to SVP/CFO for NBCU’s Syfy and Chiller where he will be in charge of all financial facets of Syfy and Chiller as well as Syfy Ventures and other associated projects.  Based in New York, Rob reports to Dave Howe, President, Syfy and Chiller. 

Caroline Giegerich elevated to VP/Innovations with Initiative in the company’s Los Angeles office.  Caroline will spearhead the company’s future operations and clients’ needs by researching cutting-edge emerging platforms and new content in an effort to reach the client’s target audience. 

Laura Ackermann advanced to VP at Much and House Public Relations up from Senior Publicist.  Laura oversees the Breakout Talent Division where she specializes in public relations on behalf of kid, teen and tween actors and musicians to help launch their careers as well as the youth product lines from Wall Flower Jeans and toy company Monster Factory.

Revision3 ups Ryan Daume to East Coast Director/Sales.  Ryan will supervise the company’s New York City office and the East Coast sales team. 

FishBowl Worldwide Media hired Shaleen Desai in the newly-minted role as SVP/Comedy Development. Shaleen will be in charge for comedy development across all platforms including scripted franchises for television and digital distribution.  At FishBowl, Shaleen reports to Susan Levison, EVP/Creative Affairs.  Previously, Shaleen was with BBC Worldwide Productions as VP/Programming where he developed unscripted programs for the US broadcast and cable market. 

Theresa A. Gamba takes on the new job as SVP/Marketing for the NBC Owned Television Stations.  Theresa’s scope involves being an in-house consultant to the company’s ten stations helping them hone their individual brand strategies.  She will also manage NBCUniversal’s broader promotional campaigns and marketing efforts for the division.  Theresa will report to Valari Staab, President, NBC Owned Stations.

Fox Sports Media Group’s FUEL TV added Melissa Forman as SVP/Programming, Development and Current effective immediately.  Melissa will manage the development and production of shows for the network by independent production companies.  She will report to George Greenberg, GM/EVT, FUEL TV.

Toronto-based Tricon Films & Television hired Nick Solowski in the new role as Manager/International Sales and Acquisitions.  Nick will be in charge of new acquisitions for the company’s increasing program catalog and will also oversee all inflight sales efforts and content sales to Asia, Middle East and Africa. 

Roberto Stopello elevated to VP/Novela Development at Telemundo.  Roberto will manage the writing staff involved in Telemundo’s forthcoming 2011-2012 original primetime programming slate.  He will further spot international production trends and will handle recruiting well-known writers and screenwriters to join the company. 

Joe Oulvey appointed to the role of EVP/Sales at Twentieth Television beginning September 12.  Joe will head all sales efforts for Twentieth Television as well as sales for Debmar-Mercury and Carsey-Werner.  Based in New York, Joe will report to Greg Meidel, President, Twentieth Television.

44 Blue Productions promoted Mark Hamaguchi as Director/Production Management and Corey Rogers to Director/Development.  In his role with the company, Mark manages hundreds of hours of programming worldwide while Corey supervises the company’s docu-series and format development.

Effective immediately, Peter Steckelman was named SVP/Business and Legal Affairs at Tennis Channel.  Based in Los Angeles, Peter oversees all business and legal affairs functions for the network and reports to Bill Simon, COO/CFO, Tennis Channel.

Later — John
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