Mng all financial & accnting for busy fast growing TV production cmpny. 7-10 yrs accnting exp in media/film. Strong kwldg of Quickbks + analytics essential.
Knwldg of clearances, S&P, copyright laws, network deliverables Track, compile, mgmt of workflows, flag issues, comm w/legal dept. 3-5 yrs exp. Start asap.
Resume to: [email protected]
Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
Good morning. It’s Tuesday, August 20, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!
Welcome to Leadership Lessons, the column that focuses on conversations with senior managers and leaders in the TV world, speaking candidly about their professional journeys and how that informs what they look for when hiring new employees. Today, meet Keith Gordon, President, NFL Players, Inc.
What was your 1st leadership position?
My first taste of a leadership position was in the NBA’s Global Merchandising Group (GMG). I had moved from Team Marketing & Business Operations where I largely focused on supporting team initiatives from the League office. I joined GMG as a Senior Manager of Business Development with a team of four people, and was responsible for domestic and international growth of licensed consumer products categories.
What did you learn about managing people when you were in that job?
I learned a lot about managing people in that role, but perhaps the greatest lesson was the difference between managing and leading. I would add that (like many first time leaders) I learned more from my failures than from my successes. I like to think of it as going to work on your first day and strapping on a tool belt. When you get started it’s all about finding the right tools and knowing how to use them to get the job done. Over time, you not only accumulate more tools to put in your belt, but you’re constantly re-organizing the tools to do the job as it evolves. As a manager and a leader, the tools are very different and need more and more room in your belt, therefore some tools are minimized to accommodate them in favor of tools with a larger and more strategic impact.
What do you know now that you didn’t know then?
Boy… how long do I have? If I were to only mention a few, I’d say being self-aware (critical to any leadership position), understanding how to build an effective team, and learning how to create an environment where people are inspired and motivated to come to work every day.
What are your go-to interview questions?
I like to start out by asking them to tell me about themselves – if they recite their resume to me, they’ve lost points already. I want to know about them, not just what’s on the sheet of paper. I also prefer to go directly at most people and ask them point blank: “why should I hire you over someone else who’s arguably more qualified or this job?” I’m not always looking for the pedigree, but I’m looking to see how people analyze scenarios, synthesize information and deal with conflict. More often than not, those are very difficult skills to teach, so if they’re already there I can usually overlook other shortcomings with experience.
Cynopsis Future TV: Content Innovation and Next Gen Advertising Models
October 17| Grand Hyatt | NYC
This summit will examine what networks are doing – and what they need to do more of – to aggressively evolve to compete, and profit in this shifting landscape. Join us as our experts share the latest business and advertising models for success.
For sponsor information, please contact Mike Farina (203) 218-6480.
For registration information, please contact Pete Romas (203) 899-8483.
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JOB OPENING: VP FINANCE/NYC: Mng all financial & accnting for busy fast growing TV production cmpny. 7-10 yrs accnting exp in media/film. Strong kwldg of Quickbks + analytics essential. Resume: [email protected] (8/30)
JOB OPENING: RIGHTS & CLEARANCES SPRVSR/NY: Knwldg of clearances, S&P, copyright laws, network deliverables Track, compile, mgmt of workflows, flag issues, comm w/legal dept. 3-5 yrs exp. Start asap. Resume to: [email protected] (8/30)
JOB OPENING: MGR, ON-AIR PLANNING/SYFY/NYC: 2+ yrs On-Air Planning or Proj. Mgr exp. Coord promo delivery & schuling, execute sales initiatives, help new sys transition. 4mth asgmt. Send Resume: [email protected] (8/24)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/FX NETWORKS/LA: Analyze ratings trajectory of FX Networks and key competitors. Service all FX Networks & partner on custom requests and ad hoc needs. 2 yrs media exp. Apply here: (8/24)
JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR/NY: Mng dev initiatives. Identify, cultivate & evaluate dev activities. BA deg & 5 yrs of exp at ntwrk/prod co. Knwldg audience & industry trends. Resume: (job 5720) (8/24)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES EXECUTIVE/NYC: 3-5 yrs exp, health & wellness media network interest send res & $ to: [email protected] (8/24)
JOB OPENING: SR SALES PLANNING ANYST/NYC: 1-3 yrs exp. Contract mainten, inventory mng, traffic coord, stewardship eval, ratings impact & system upkeep. Agency/Netwrk exp + . Apply: HERE (8/23)
JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANLYST/MGM TV/LA: Use quant & qual rsrch tools to track & anlyze compet TV lndscpe. Create nat’l, local and cable present. Rsrch sftwre + 1 yr exp w/ nat’l & local NR anlysis. Apply: [email protected] (8/22)
JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST AD SALES RSCH/NBCU/NYC: 1-3 yrs media rsrch exp, support Sports & Olympics sales rsrch, proficient w/rsrch software, able to visually communicate & provide mktplce insight URL or Email: HERE (8/22)
JOB OPENING: DR SALES PLANNER/Travel/GAC/NYC: Mng, assist sale of long & short form invntry. 2 yrs sales exp, we are looking for career focused pro w passion to develop career in Ad Sales. #3843 (8/22)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Fox Sports/San Diego, CA: Responsible for ad sales, develop mktg programs/presentations, reporting, maintain accounts. Req’d 4 yrs exp @ media comp. Apply: (8/22)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Screenvision/NYC: Sales acct management support, sales reporting, campaign tracking, Need BS+3yrs media exp, strong excel. Apply at (8/22)
JOB OPENING: DIR BUSW DEV DIGITAL/NY, NY: for Zee TV must have OTT experience for Pay TV/Cable/On Demand Send resume and $$ [email protected] (8/21)
JOB OPENING: LOCAL AD SALES MANAGER/NY, NY: for Zee TV must have Cable, Local, Spot Buys, 5-10 yrs exp prefer NY DMA Send resume and $$ [email protected] (8/21)
JOB OPENING: DIR, BUS INTELLIGENCE & SALES ANALYSIS (20TH CENTURY FOX HOME ENT)/LA: Create/analyze/deliver standardized & ad-hoc performance reports using industry-wide point-of-sale (POS) data from our data warehouse. Apply: HERE (8/21)
JOB OPENING: TV SYND SALES ASST/NYC: Review/enter sales contracts into an order processing sys to main accurate sales data, assist w/billing revisions & stewardship reporting. BA, strong math & PC skills req’d. 1-2 yrs media exp pref’d. Resume HERE (8/21)
JOB OPENING: ADDRESSABLE SALES PLANNER/DIRECTV/NYC: Maintain addressable proposals, monitor campaigns, coord btwn client & traffic. Min 2-3 yrs Addressable, TVE or Digital exp. 4-year degree. (8/17)
JOB OPENING: DIG. SALES EXEC/NCC/Chicago: Min of 3-5 yrs dig media sales exp. Fluent knwldg of online Advrtsng space incl. display, video, tablet/mobile & targeting solutions. Proven sales track record a must – reply HERE [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: SALES TRAFFIC ANALYST/NY, NY: Mng inventory (all aspects), regular reporting, provide sales support on sales related functions, Mng barter deals, kwldg of wide orbit a+ 3-5 yrs, res & $$ to [email protected] (8/17)
JOB OPENING: AE DIRECT RESPONSE/ION/NY: Reqd 3 yrs DR Ad Sales, strong agency & client relationships, grow & develop new business, increase rates. Team Player. Strong oral/written/computer skills. Apply at [email protected] EOE (8/16)
JOB OPENING: COUNSEL/BURBANK: 4+yrs relevant dev/prod exp @ TV studio or law firm. Animation exp. pref. handling orig. prgrmng matters. Ample exp handling dvlpmnt & prod of origi prgrmng for TV rights /content clearance matters. Apply HERE (8/16)
JOB OPENING: ASSIST DIR, BROADCAST SERVICES/NCAA/Indy: Resp: primary contact with ESPN and TURNER, CBS related to programming, production and TV/Dig Ops. Min 3 yrs exp TV prgrmng/prod req’d. More info/ APPLY HERE (8/16)
JOB OPENING: PARTNER MGR/HBO/NYC: Oversee activities initiatives related to mgmt & implementation of HBO’s marketing efforts w/designated digital partners in an effort to drive HBO GO & MAX GO awareness. Please apply @ (8/16)
JOB OPENING: MGR, MARKET RESEARCH/HBO/NYC: Managing primary quantitative and qualitative mkt rsrch projects. Proficiency in statistical analysis software tools. Min. 5-7 yrs of consumer mkt research exp. (8/16)
JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER/A&E/NY: Develop innovative, break-through creative that drives ratings, revenue & brand image. 5 yrs exp producing first-in-class creative campaigns. Apply: (8/16)
JOB OPENING: SR ART DIR/Lifetime/NY: Creative lead in art directing & designing advertising, promo, digital & mktg materials. 8 yrs exp in ad agency, graphic design firm or tv/cable. Apply: (8/16)
JOB OPENING: SR. MANAGER, PARTNER MARKETING/iN DEMAND/NYC: Devlp/execute consumer mktg & ptnrship initiatives, 3-5 yrs mktg exp., strong know of digital & social media. Resume & sal req to: [email protected] (8/16)
JOB OPENING: DIR, PARTICP & RESIDS/AMC/NY or LA: Serve as internal contact for resids & particip obligations and royalties for AMC Studios Owned prgrmmng. 7+yrs exp. Submit res (8/15)
JOB OPENING: LIFESTYLE FREELANCE PROD/TV 25/Baltimore area: Passionate! Specialize Food/Entertaining/Home Decor/Real Estate. Dvlp prgrmng & show ideas; has strong writing skills; professn’l producing background for dig. or TV. Reel/res: HERE (8/15)
JOB OPENING: DIR-ONLINE DEVELOPMENT/AMCN/NYC: responsible for all website & mobile development across all networks, 10+ yrs. exp. architecting & designing Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP CLICK HERE (8/15)
JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC COORD/Al Jazeera America/NY: 1-3 years traffic or commercial Ops exp./edit commercial logs, rotation of commercial spots, & understanding of Ad-Sales process. Resume/apply HERE (8/15)
JOB OPENING: APC OPERATOR/NBCU/SOUTHEAST/SOUTHWEST: Owned Television station in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, KXTX TV, has a rare opportunity for a detailed oriented, multi-skilled, full-time APC Operator Apply HERE (8/15)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER-ACCT MNGR/PEARSON/POPTROPICA/NYC: Int’l pub of major kids’ brand w/leading ad prgm seeks team player to asst w/RFPs and acct mng nat’l campaigns. 2-3 yrs dig exp, knwlg of metrics/tools. Apply HERE (8/15)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/OVATION/NYC: Create sales proposals, steward accounts, interface w/agency buyers + clients. Min 1+ yrs ad sales dealmaker, media math. BA/BS req’d send resume to [email protected] (8/14)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/NUVOtv/NYC: Exp’d sales plnr to dvlp customized plans/presentations for Ad Sales clients. Great opp for someone looking to join fast growing bus w/future growth opps. Res/salary history: [email protected] (8/14)
JOB OPENING: EXEC ADMIN ASST, PRGMNG/Crown Media/Studio City: Support EVP, Prgrming/VP, Sched & Acquisitions/VP, Prgrmng for Hallmark Channel & Hallmark Movie Channel. 3 yrs exp supporting Sr execs/prior exp TV/Prod. Info/apply HERE (8/14)
JOB OPENING: DIR ACCT MNGMNT/Origin Digital, an Accenture Co./NYC: Worldwide leader in enabling LIVE events on 2nd screens, seeking star to build revenues. New media/sports/sale/tech. background. [email protected] (8/14)
JOB OPENING: DIR. DIGITAL PRODUCTION OPS/Hub/LA: Resp: planning, dev/design strategic thinker, attn. to detail. 7 + yrs web editorial 4 + yrs mgt. role Exp. Apply at: (8/14)
JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE PRODUCER/Hub/LA: Resp: concept, build, launch & mgr’ing entertaining content exp. on hubworld & various dig. platforms 5+ yrs online content. Apply at: (8/14)
JOB OPENING: DEV EXECS: Magnetic LA. Fast-growing TV prodco looking for dvlpment execs. Strong writers, knwldg of current prgrmng/trends, dvlpmnt casting, sizzle reel production, format dvlpmnt, Photoshop, AVID. Send resume HERE (8/13)
JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC AD SALES/NY: Expanding Ad Dept. 70m+ Sports Net. 10+ yrs. TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships. Send resume and cov ltr ATTN: ROSE: [email protected] (8/13)
JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIRECTOR/PROMO PRODUCER/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. TV Promo & Avid/AE exp req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)
JOB OPENING: EDITOR/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. Post production, Avid, Adobe AE exp. req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)
JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NY: Design/animate graphics for TV network. Digital exp. a plus. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)
Cynopsis Kids Webinar – REGISTER TODAY How to (Really) Increase Kid Brand Revenue through Licensing
August 27 | 1:30-3:00pm ET | $295/site
Expert Speakers:
Daisy Kline:
Pete Yoder: VP, U.S. Consumer Products [Cartoon Network Enterprises]
Melissa Segal: EVP, Global Consumer Products [The Jim Henson Company]
Sean Gorman: President [American Greetings Properties]
utilize skills and knowledge in statistics and media research, working closely with other members of the Analytical Solutions team
Senior Statistical Analyst
manage the strategy, planning and execution of online search marketing programs, including campaign setup, monitoring, reporting, analysis, optimization, budget pacing and forecasting, keyword research and expansion, competitive benchmarking, and strategic portfolio insights
Acquisition Marketing Manager
create user experience goals, priorities, and deliverables that align with product milestones, coordinate multiple projects to completion, and drive adoption of user experience practices
Senior Experience Designer
provide legal counsel on intellectual property, privacy and security matters related to Adobe Creative Cloud products and technologies through all stages of development, from concept to launch
Legal Counsel, Cloud Services Development
Remote – NYC NY, Washington DC
prospect for clients, pitch new business, and generate sales
Sales Director
support the development and implementation of MM’s account solutions practice that positions MM as each clients enterprise technology partner and strategic thought leader relating to all elements of digital marketing technology
Vice President, Account Strategy
Media Math
NYC NY/San Francisco CA/Chicago IL
develop, grow and maintain strong strategic and tactical relationships with exchanges, networks, publishers, data providers, and other technologies
VP, Partner Development
Media Math
contribute vision and creativity to our product strategy conversations and will work diligently to bring rigor to our product development process
Senior Product Manager
coordinate and lead meetings with partnership team, product managers and UrbanDaddy campaign partners to ensure that all deadlines are met and projects are completed on time and flawlessly
Partnership Marketing Manager
be a senior face for Digitas and provide relevant, timely digital media expertise
Vice President/Director – Media
help lead and drive Razorfish Internal Communications for its 3,000 employees globally
Director, Communications and Public Relations
effectively balance client needs, creative needs, execution and technology needs as well as project needs to deliver high-impact work on time and on budget
Vice President/Director – Project Manager
Chicago IL
design and perform analysis, interpret results and develop recommendations for internal and external stakeholders
Senior Analyst
Detroit MI
senior role will be responsible for leading all efforts around strategic sales and upsells for Fortune 2000 brands, agencies and partners
Sales Director
Austin TX
enhance and further IT operator data checks to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all initial data processing
Vice President, Quality Control
Portland OR
openings.phpas a member of our Delivery Management aka Project Management community, you would work with our strategy, design, and technology teams
Senior Business Analyst
Seattle WA
understanding the foursquare brand and have your interface design always reflect that understanding
Sr. Visual Designer
San Francisco CA or NYC NY
working closely with the President of Original Programming to ensure the vision of all BET original programming is being realized through quality production
SVP Physical Production
BET Networks
Los Angeles CA
produce effective models and analyses and derive insight into our business and markets, creating powerful narrative presentations to convey key conclusions and recommendations to various audiences
Enterprise Strategy Lead
Mountain View CA
manage a team of specialists to create additional advertising opportunity with existing clients by developing strong relationships with both the end client and their advertising agencies
Head of Industry, Technology B2B
Mountain View CA
Reaching Millennials: New Ways to Activate Viewership & Revenue
Join Cynopsis Wednesday, September 18th to get the latest insights and tactics on how to influence Millennials across different media. Whether it’s online, on mobile or on television, we can teach you how to increase engagement with this sometimes elusive digital native.
| SEPT.18 |1:30PM – 3:00PM EST | REGISTER NOW |
Greg Goldman is taking the reins as president of All3Media‘s Studio Lambert USA, which creates and produces American series and adapts formats by U.K.s Studio Lambert.
A&E Networks promoted Elaine Frontain Bryant to senior vp, development and programming at History, while Paul Cabana has been bumped up to senior vp and head of programming for H2. Both report to exec vp and g.m. of both nets Dirk Hoogstra.
Len Webber joins Juma Entertainment at as senior vp/head of production. “Len possesses excellent storytelling ability and a rare skill in dealing with show talent,” said president Robert Horowitz.
Canada’s Halfire-CORE Entertainment has added Stephanie Fontana as director of development and production and Ben Murray as director of business development.
In addition to senior vp promotions for Elaine Frontain Bryant and Paul Cabana, A&E has elevated Mary Donahue to senior vp, non-fiction programming for Lifetime, and Gena McCarthy to senior vp of programming at BIO. “The extraordinary bench strength of our creative teams at A&E Networks allows us to give key executives new opportunities across our portfolio,” said Jana Bennett, BIO and LMN president; Dirk Hoogstra, exec vp and general manager of HISTORY and H2 and Rob Sharanow, exec vp and gm of Lifetime in a joint statement.
ESPN Numbers Never Lie host Hugh Douglas was let go after an alleged confrontation with co-host Michael Smith at the National Association of Black Journalists convention. Douglas was accused of being intoxicated and using racial slurs.
A couple of changes at OWN: Amy Oelkers has been named vp, digital sales, and Mary Beth Cunin was tapped for vp of scheduling and acquisitions. Oelkers comes from Real Simple; Cunin from CMT.
National Geographic Television announced Tim Pastore as its new exec vp of programming and development. While at BBC Worldwide Productions, Pastore worked on NatGeo’s Life Below Zero and Brain Games.
Angela Courtin has been promoted to president of Aegis Media U.S. She reports to CEO Nigel Morris.
NBCUniversal International Television Production has tapped Deborah Oppenheimer as exec vp of Carnival Films. She reports to Carnival managing director Gareth Neame.
Abhijay Prakash has been bumped up to evp of Universal Pictures‘ business development and strategic planning division.
The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation as appointed Karla Loor Kitchel as director of strategic partnerships and marketing. She’ll lead the foundation’s marketing and funding development team.
Dan Lieberman is jumping from ABC News to join Fusion, the new net from ABC and Univision for Latinos and millennials. Lieberman will serve as dayside anchor, correspondent and producer, based in Miami. has tapped Nuzhat Naoreen for the newly created position of editorial director of the site.
Timothy Kring and Thomas F. Lesinski have joined the board of directors at Sonar Entertainment.
Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]
Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group
Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858
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