Tuesday, April 24th, 2012


7-10 years exp w/major agency, Network, Cable and wide range of new media options a plus, relo package avail

Send resume to [email protected]

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, April 24, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!


Didn’t get the job, didn’t even get an interview?  Feel like you failed?  You might have, but guess who else failed… EVERYONE!  At least anyone who has tried to accomplish anything.  They have all failed, so if you recently experienced failure, you’re in pretty good company.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

A past coach of mine once told me failure is nothing more than the opportunity to change.  Makes sense.  If you failed at something, try again, but in a different way.

My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.
Abraham Lincoln

You are going to fail.  Accept it.  And failures at times can be terrifying, gut wrenching experiences.  But at the end of the day, you have to decide, are you going to define failure, or is failure going to define you.

Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.
Benjamin Franklin

You cannot fear failure because to fear failure is to fear life.  Embrace your failures, you will learn much more about yourself through failures than you will through successes; success is easy. 

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.
Michael Jordan

Accept failure as a part of life.  Not the best part of life, certainly, but not the worst either.

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

There is something to be said for the individual who continues on with life, failure after failure, it’s called courage.  Failing is hard, but being a failure is easy.  It takes courage to continue on after a failed attempt, it takes nothing to quit.

Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.
John Wooden

Sometimes we hate change, but more often than not, change is good for us.  Keeps us sharp and aware.  Keeps us going, keeps us from falling into a rut.  Change inspires.

Remember that failure is an event, not a person.
Zig Ziglar

Failure is an event, that comes and goes with the wind.  The only way failure sticks to you, is if you don’t move forward after you’ve failed.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.
Henry Ford

After you have experienced failure, take some time to understand why.  This is extremely important, find out why and adapt.  Ask others.  Take their advice.  Start from square one if you have to; as nothing is sadder than a person who will not change after failure, and yet complains about failing.

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
Steve Jobs

Next week: I Hate My Job

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].

TERRA NOVA: Take a Leap of Faith 
by Jessica Sitomer

Jim Shannon and his family live in 2149 where their planet is dying. When given the chance to be transported back 85 million years to prehistoric Earth to a colony called Terra Nova and a second chance to build civilization, the Shannon family takes it. They had to take a huge leap of faith. They had their fears, yet, despite the fear, they kept taking those steps, moving forward, through the portal.

You are a pioneer of sorts. You believe there is a “career frontier” for you to discover, and yet, there are obstacles sometimes as big as dinosaurs in the way of your clear path to success.

Many people choose fear. They passively wait for others to take the first steps to pave the way, only to find that by the time the steps have been proven, they’re behind the trend.

Others, you I hope, recognize you must be brave, that even when you don’t know what the next step will bring, you move forward and taking the step trusting it will support you until you reach your goal.

Considering taking leaps of faith can bring up feelings of doubt, worry, fear of rejection, fear of financial ruin, anxiety, and paralyzation.      

Remember, in every TV show the hero, like Jim Shannon, must take the leap of faith. Here are some tips to help ease your concerns and quiet those negative beliefs your mind is so quick to bring up for you:

1.  Be certain with uncertainty. It’s one of those sayings that doesn’t necessarily settle you, so you just have to accept it. You don’t know the future, it is uncertain and that you can be certain of. 

2.  When you take the right action you will be supported. Think back to risks you’ve taken that have paid off. Perhaps you pushed yourself to go out and met someone who hired you. Or you took a chance on no-pay project that not only sold and made you some money, it also led to more work for you.

3.  When you take the wrong action it will not pay off to protect you and get you back on the right path. This is when you have to trust that sometimes, an opportunity is masked by a seeming disaster. Perhaps had your action paid off, you would have missed out on the opportunity of your career! 

4.  When finances are low and you know a small investment can take you to the next level of exposure and success remember, “Money is for making things happen!”- Sir Richard Branson’s Grandma when giving him 1K to start his business. 

5.  Success is never achieved in a bubble, you must have a team to support you. It’s easier to take leaps of faith when you have people around you to fall back on and help you along the way.

6.  You will never get there, so enjoy the journey. Sounds negative, right? But actually, it’s the opposite. Have you ever noticed that when you set a goal and achieve it, immediately you think, “What’s next?” You will always be striving for something more, so enjoy it!

7.  Let go of attachment to “the plan.” Is it important to plan? Absolutely! However, if you get too attached to your plan, you may miss better opportunities and extraordinary leaps of faith to take.

Jim has a support group in both his family and the new friends he’s creating at Terra Nova. With their help and support he is motivated to take the risks and the leaps needed to build and protect this strange new (yet old) world.

And Action!

1. What is something you know will move your career forward, yet you’ve come up with obstacles for yourself instead of going for it?

2. Write about what not taking that action has cost you. 

3. What would be possible if you found a way to take the action, you took the leap of faith, and it paid off? Write about what that would look like. 
It was always clear for Jim that his family’s survival was at stake. Nothing would stand in his way; no T-Rex, no Sixers, not even a crazy birds whose breeding grounds his house is built on. What’s at stake for you is your dream and it MUST be worth taking that leap of faith or you will not reach it.    

Jessica Sitomer,The Greenlight Coach,is a top Entertainment Industry Speaker and Coach and is the author of And…Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry. To learn more about her, visit, www.TheGreenlightCoach.com

Questions from our Readers
Answered by Jessica Sitomer

What percent of people actually get jobs through the classifieds rather than knowing someone or through a headhunter?

I don’t know the statistics but if I were to give you an estimate based on over 1000 people I’ve coached, I’d break it down like this: classified: 5% headhunters: 10% knowing someone: 85%.

The accuracy of my numbers isn’t what I want you to focus on. What I do what you to focus on is the undeniable results that relationships are your best commodity in the entertainment industry. The more people you are in relationship with, the more people who want to help you, connect you, and hire you.

People want to work with people they know, like, and trust. Put yourself in their shoes: if you had to fill a position would you rather fill it with someone you know/someone who was recommended by someone whose opinion you value, or a headhunter, or a cold resume you received through a classified?

What are the pro’s and cons of going to a head hunter to help in my job search?

The pro is that you have someone else on your team who may have access to getting you into doors you couldn’t get into yourself. The con is, this may make you think you can sit back and wait for the headhunter to get you a job and you will miss out on opportunities that if you had no one on your team you’d be out there pursuing.

The solution? Eliminate the con by pursuing opportunities while working with a headhunter. Usually the company hiring you pays the headhunter so it shouldn’t be a conflict, but always do your due diligence and check your contract just to be sure.

Jessica Sitomer, The Greenlight Coach, answers an entertainment industry question daily at www.AndActionBook.blogspot.com.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]



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Contact Trish Pihonak to spotlight your company’s job openings today.
***Check out the job board on our Facebook page – updated daily!***


JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/Crown Media/ New York City: Work with AE & Planners to service and maintain agencies and clients on daily basis. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (4/28)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Sportsman Channel/NY or WI: AE w/ 3+ yrs national ad sales AE exp a must. Sports/outdoor sales preferred. Excellent agency relationships & proven track record. Apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (4/28)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ADVNC’D PLATFORM ASSET PROD/AMCN/NYC: Mnge production/delivery of assets associated w/prog on Adv Platforms: DSTB OnDemand, IPTV, EST, TV Everywhere, Social Media,etc. Apply at http://tinyurl.com/c9m33x9 (4/28)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF COMM/Universal Sports/West Lake Village CA: Generate awareness of the network. 6-8yrs PR/Media Rel exp. Exc PR, comm, writing skills & social media skills. Res: [email protected] (4/28)

JOB OPENING: DIR LEGAL AFFAIRS/SCRIPPS/TN: Provide legal counsel for prgrmng, neg.agreements across SNI brands. Intellectual property matters, mainly copyright & trademark exp a must. Apply: http://www.scrippsnetworks.com Req. 2953 (4/27)

JOB OPENING: DIR, NEWS & LOCAL PRGRMNG/So. Cali: Mng news/prog content. Responsible for overall plan’g, dvlpmnt & prod for news/prog. News/TV mgmt exp. + 5-10 yr exp.  industry req. www.timewarnercable.com/careers #134478BR (4/27)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIR/GSTV/NEW YORK: Largest nat’l away from home TV network at the pump seeks an account director with strong exp in media sales. Apply at: http://gstv.iapplicants.com/ViewJob-289691.html (4/27)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH EDITOR AD STANDARDS/NBCUniversal/NY: Will focus on prescription/OTC drug ads for broadcast. 2 yrs exp with clinical and consumer related research. Apply at: www.nbcunicareers.com Job#5369BR (4/27)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RSRCH/ATL: Mng rsch proj to support Ent prgmng for TBS. BA/BS deg. 5+yrs mktg/media rsrch exp req’d. Prof in basic statistics/analysis, Nielsen media rsrch suite of software. Res & C/L: [email protected] (4/27)

JOB OPENING: MGR NBC SPORTS NETWORKS SALES PLANNER/NYC: Work across NBC Sports Ntwrk sales teams to oversee inv yield mngmnt, sales plan review, pre/post sales analysis. More info: www.nbcunicareers.com 5159BR (4/27)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ANALYST/CBS Television Distribution/NYC: CTD barter prgrmng using Nielsen NPower, Galaxy Explorer and Market Breaks as well as WRAP sweep. BA Deg pref’d.  [email protected]  Apply: www.cbscareers.com (4/27)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/DIRECTV/NYC: Client acct mngmnt & sales support including dvlpng sales proposals, planning costs, buy/sales reports, billing, scheduling & inventory QC. Req’d 2 yrs exp. Resume to: directv.com, http://DIRECTV.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=1200448&src=JB-10292 (4/27)

JOB OPENING: NATIONAL TV BUYING DIRECTOR/Boston: 7-10 years exp w/major agency, Network, Cable and wide range of new media options a plus, relo package avail, Send resume to [email protected] (4/26)

JOB OPENING: CFO/LEFTFIELD PICTURES/NYC: oversee all financial aspects of the business, raise money & ensure that it is used wisely. Info: http://www.leftfieldpictures.com/cfo-posting/ Resumes to: [email protected] (4/26)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIR/Lifetime/NY: Create & execute high level mktg campaigns for Lifetime’s key initiatives. 5+ yrs on-air promo exp + 3+ yrs campaign launch exp. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers.html (4/26)

JOB OPENING: VP STRATEGY & CONS MKTG/Lifetime/NY: Manage cons mktg activities & direct mktg strategies across all Lifetime brands. 10+ yrs media, promo, mktg or adv exp within ent industry. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers.html (4/26)

JOB OPENING: PR DIRECTOR/TNT-TBS/ATL: develop strategic, creative publicity campaigns for TNT & TBS original programming. 7+ years television publicity experience; Req #130698BR http://www.turner.com/#/careers/job-details/130698BR (4/26)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/CBS Television Distribution/NY: National TV Sales Org. seeks energetic organized individual to join our company. Direct contact w/sales team and agencies. Contact [email protected] (4/26)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE WRITER LIVE TV Writer (LA or NY): w/ passion for video game ind. Resp for talent wraps & breaking news. Must have exp writing for LIVE TV, working w/talent & teleprompter. 2+ yrs exp, apply: [email protected] (4/25)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, HEALTHSOLUTIONS/CBS TV STATIONS/NY: Create/pitch multi-mkt integ sales mktg solutions, neg budget, rate, rtgs & share. 7+yrs TV sales exp, health cat exp a must. www.cbscorporation.com/careers (ID 10927BR) (4/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR, PRODUCTION & CREATIVE SERVICE/NBC/Universal City: Please visit www.nbcunicareers.com for more info. Job # 4497BR (4/25)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, INTEGRATED/truTV.com/NYC: Execution of integrated advertiser marketing solutions across all platforms. 3-4 years, understanding of digital ad sales. Freelance. Email resume to: [email protected] (4/25)

JOB OPENING: SPONSORSHIP TV SALES ACCOUNT MGR/National Talk show-PBS/NYC: 5+yrs TV AD sales & sponsorship. Excellent record in originating and closing. 360 sales exp. a +. Resume must detail success/apply: [email protected] (4/25)

JOB OPENING: SR PUBLICIST/Current TV/LA: Asst in dvlpmnt, prod & dissemination of comm materials to help support PR campaign. 2 yrs exp in consumer or business-oriented PR envir.  More info/apply: http://current.com/jobs.htm (4/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORD/TV Guide Mag/NY: Assist sales: client/mktg/research/events. Strong org/comm/multi-tasting/skills a MUST. Ability to prioritize & self sufficient. 1yr media/agency related exp. [email protected] (4/24)

JOB OPENING: PROD MGR/NICKJR/NY: Animated series HQ office.Manage day-to-day prod scheduling, contracts, prod accounting. Knowledge of series animation pref’d.Resume to: [email protected] (4/21)

JOB OPENING: DIR, SCHEDULING/AMC/NYC: Long and short-term sched plan’g, maximize ratings via prgm inventory, determine stunts/events, create program platforms for AMC’s orig series. Apply: http://tinyurl.com/bwe357z (4/21)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC, BD & GROUP SALES/CBS TV STATIONS/LA: Create/pitch multi-mkt integrated sales & mktg solutions. 7+yrs TV sales exp, bus. dvlpmnt exp a must. More info/apply: www.cbscorporation.com/careers (ID 11423BR (4/21)

JOB OPENING: ASST RSRCH DIR/NY: Lead rsrch projects, provide expertise to brand & activation teams, analyze synd data, knwldg of media plan’g/ buying & Nielsen systems, 4/5 yrs exp in Media ind. pref’d. Resume: home.eease.com (4/21)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, EVENTS & TRADE/CONSUMER MARKETING/NYC: Responsible for strategic development/execution of marketing solutions for the integrated media group. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com #4195 (4/21)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, MARKETING & EVENTS/NBCUniversal/NYC: Responsible for development and implementation of trade and consumer marketing efforts and events for Integrated Media. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com #4753 (4/21)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/SCRIPPSNETWORKS/KNOXVILLE: 1+ years Research exp. in a national cable network or TV operator environment Info: http://www.scrippsnetworksinteractive.com/careers/career-opportunities #2998 (4/21)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/TV Guide/NY: 2+ yrs digital exp. Plan/ execute online media plans, wrk w/mktg to devlp client presentations, monitor campaign delivery & deliver superior custmr service to clients [email protected] (4/20)

JOB OPENING: SR SALES PLANNER/BlogHer/NYC: Join our revenue team. Primary responsibilities include creating high quality presentations in response to proposal requests & supporting pre-sales efforts. Resumes: [email protected] (4/20)

JOB OPENING: VP RESEARCH/OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network/LA: Leads team responsible for all regular ratings/digital reports, show testing, custom surveys & ad-hoc analyses for both TV and digital. Apply at http://careers.own.tv (4/20)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/Turner/NY: 5+ yrs nat’l cable sales exp req’d. Support Adult Swim/Cartoon/tru. Present proposals to secure bus. Dvlp/mntain client & agency relationships. Sprvse ASRs & Pln’rs. Apply: careers.timewarner.com (4/20)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/GSTV/NEW YORK: Largest nat’l away from home TV network seeks a sales planner with strong exp working closely with advertising sales. Apply at: http://gstv.iapplicants.com/ViewJob-251375.html (4/19)

JOB OPENING: PROMO EDITOR-PRODUCER/MLB Network/NJ: Edit/produce topical/image promos and sizzle tapes. Min 3-5 yrs exp w/non-linear. Strong design, FinalCutPro & After Effects exp req. Send resume/ link to reel to [email protected] (4/19)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/NFL/NY: Reporting of TV Audience Ratings for NFL games and competitive programming. Proficiency in all Nielson rating systems required.. Please apply www.nfl.apply2jobs.com (4/19)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/NYC/Scripps Networks: Ad Sales Research team. Responsible for providing support and create solutions for rev goals. Info: http://www.scrippsnetworksinteractive.com/careers req#2977 (4/19)

JOB OPENING:  ASST DESIGN DIR/WEtv/NYC: manage on-air & print design team, production scheduling & budgets, art direction, some hands-on design work. Resumes to: [email protected] (4/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR-OPS/NYC/Brdcst set design comp: Plan, manage, track from conception thru implementation. Ensure & improve performance, effic & profit. Must read design docs. 7-10 yrs industry ops exp. Resume to [email protected] (4/17)

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/NYC: NYC Game Show seeks AP to audition & produce contestants for show. Reports to Supervising Producer. Great communication skills & previous casting exp a plus! Resume to: [email protected] (4/17)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/Sportsman Channel/NY: Wkly reprts, selling stories, rsrch. Bachelor’s deg, 2-3 yrs exp w/natl rated cable network. Full info/apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (4/17)

JOB OPENING: EVENT MGR/NASCAR/NY: Manage various sponsor hospitality services & commitments. 5+ yrs exp in event management/marketing/sports. www.employment.nascar.com (4/17)

JOB OPENING: APs and RESEARCHERS/National Talk show/NYC: Hiring for Conflict/Resolution driven stories. Main duties include booking guests, social media, research, etc. Job starts in May! Email resumes to: [email protected] (4/17)


manage the license of BBC properties to selected digital video platforms in the United States, including multi-platform digital VOD and EST clients
Director, Digital Distribution and Business Development
Discovery Communications

executes entertainment publicity campaigns for a roster of FOX series and specials
Publicist  FNG0001116
Fox Networks

responsible for overseeing the review and approval of all advertising airing on the national network, certain advertising airing on the NBC Universal cable networks and all NBC created custom content
Vice President, Advertising Standards

responsible for independent day-to-day management of complex interactive marketing programs and Web development projects
Senior Project Manager  1071BR
Ogilvy & Mather

responsible for excellence and originality of execution in all brand creative productions, and ensuring our human and physical resources are well utilized
Director of Production, On-Air Promo’s NickJr.
MTV Networks

responsible for ideation and execution of groundbreaking digital marketing creative across Kids & Family sites supporting Digital Ad Sales & Marketing
Producer, Digital Creative Advertising
MTV Networks

drive the development of multi-platform marketing campaigns for priority programs, develop breakthroughs in on-air and off-air strategy
Director, Consumer Marketing & Media Strategy (Nat Geo Channels)  FNG0001110
Fox Networks
Washington DC

oversee all aspects of the Company’s Internal Audit department to ensure its strategy, objectives and resources are aligned with the Company’s objectives and governance policies
Vice President – Internal Audit  5773
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

primary Legal contact for rights related questions and requests, and decision making relating to interpretation of programming and related contracts
Director – Rights  5770
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

project and editorial lead on multiple projects and production teams in the creative development and production of video content
Producer/Editor – Digital Media  5728
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

work closely with clients and account teams to lead the development of social media programs and strategies
Senior Account Strategist  1064BR
Ogilvy & Mather
Chicago IL

work with Sr. Consultants to plan and execute online surveys using survey technologies such as Factor TG
Consultant  10934
Chicago IL

assumes responsibility for the public relations direction of account assignments, while building strong and trusting relationships with top client brand management
Senior Account Supervisor, Public Relations
Rhea + Kaiser
Chicago IL

primary implementer of public relations projects, working to ensure public relations communications achieve the defined goals of the client
Account Executive, Public Relations
Rhea + Kaiser
Chicago IL

creative brand-thinking designer who brings creativity to everything you do, who understands that brand expression
Senior Designer  2612
Landor Associates
Chicago IL

responsible for managing the planning, creation and distribution of the BTN programming strategy and schedule
Director Programming  FNG0001108
Fox Networks
Chicago IL

negotiate and draft complex programming and production deals on behalf of BET Networks
Vice President, Business Affairs  136
BET Networks
Los Angeles CA

responsible for providing high-quality, reliable, flexible, and appropriate infrastructure networking technology solutions for Fox
Sr. Manager, Architecture & Design  FFE0000887
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA

facilitate the financial reporting and accounting functions for the television production studio
Senior Financial Analyst – CES
Los Angeles CA

responsible for developing, communicating, and executing a strategy to attract, develop and retain diverse talent in support of the Disney ABC Television Group’s business objectives
VP Workforce Diversity & Inclusion  31764BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

creates, maintains, and distributes monthly scheduling grids
Sr.Manager – Program Planning  41484BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

all finance and accounting functions including AP, AR, cash management, options accounting, monthly closings, preparing financial statements and coordinating audit
Chief Financial Officer
Tube Mogul
Emeryville CA

facilitates learning to develop participants’ competencies and help learners meet specified performance expectations
Leadership Development Professional – Corporate Training and Development
Livermore CA

responsible for developing and implementing the CNET Video product roadmap
Senior Product Manager, Video  11522BR
CBS Corporation
San Francisco CA

serve as the main point of contact for all government-related external communications for a high profile technology company but also have the opportunity to work on new business accounts
Technology Vice President
Cohn & Wolfe
San Francisco CA


Curt Hecht was named Chief Global Revenue Officer at The Weather Channel Companies (TWCC).  In this newly-minted role, Curt will head all strategic definition and management of TWCC’s international business.  Additionally, Curt will oversee digital and cable ad sales revenue activities.  He reports to David Kenny, Chairman/CEO. 

HGTV and DIY Network appointed Steven Lerner as VP/Programming where he will head the network’s programming team based in Knoxville.  Steven reports to Kathleen Finch, SVP/GM, HGTV. 

Scott Basilotta has joined Danny Lipford Media, owned and operated by national home improvement expert Danny Lipford.  Scott’s new position is that of Director/Television Syndication for the nationally-syndicated show, Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford. Scott will be in charge of all syndication activities for this program.  Most recently, Scott was with American Latino TV as Director/Affiliate Relations and Distribution.  Congratulations on your new position, Scott!

Evan Shapiro named President/Participant Television, reporting to Participant Media CEO Jim Berk. The move is effective as of May 7. Evan will be responsible for the conception, development, and production of original television programming that will follow the company’s model of commercial and socially relevant entertainment. Participant Media focuses on documentary and narrative feature films, television, publishing and digital content and for each of its projects, Participant creates social action and advocacy programs to transform the impact of the media experience into individual and community action. Congratulations Evan!

Taking on a new role at GroupM North America is Mike Tunnicliffe as Chief Growth Officer, a new position.  Effective immediately Mike will lead a new team designed to maximize support for GroupM agencies in the areas of new business, organic growth, and collaboration initiatives. 

Susan Whalen has joined Toronto-based BroadView Software as VP/New Market Solutions. Based in Memphis, TN, Susan will focus her efforts on expanding Broadview into new market segments in the US. Most recently, she served as Director/New Business Development for INVISION, inc.

Turner Broadcasting has promoted three sales executives to lead advertising sales and marketing efforts across its portfolio of news, digital and entertainment brands. Andrea Ching will be the SVP/CNN and Turner Digital Ad Sales Marketing and Promotion, which is a newly created position. Jeff Collins and Michael Strober have been named SVP/CNN Ad Sales and SVP/Turner Entertainment Ad Sales, respectively. Ching will oversee specialized promotional and marketing opportunities for advertisers across the CNN networks, while continuing to develop marketing across the Turner Digital portfolio, which includes sites like NCAA.com and CNN.com, as well as a number of mobile properties. Ching will be based in New York and reports to Greg D’Alba, President/CNN News Networks and Turner Digital. Collins will oversee sales efforts for CNN, HLN and CNN Airport Networks. Strober, who is also based in New York and reporting to Frank Sgrizzi, EVP/Turner Entertainment Ad Sales, will oversee the New York sales teams for Turner Entertainment (TBS/TNT) alongside Tom Winiarski, SVP and National Sales Manager/Strategy & Operations.

Beginning immediately, S. Paul Musco was elected Co-Chair of the PBS SoCal Board of Trustees. S. Paul is the founder/chairman of Gemini Industries based in Santa Ana, CA and he has participated on PBS SoCal’s board since 2009.  He will share co-chair duties with Jo Ellen Chatham, Southern Edison Director/Public Affairs. 

Zoom Media and Marketing named Catherine Warburton to the newly-minted role as SVP/Business Development.  Catherine will be in charge of helping advertisers utilize the advertising and marketing solutions offered by Zoom.  She will be based in New York.  Previously, Catherine worked as EVP/Managing Partner, US Integrated Investment at UM.

Effective immediately, Laura Fegley joins BBH New York as Creative Director.  In her new role, Laura will manage the creative activities for the worldwide Vaseline account and for BBH Zag, the agency’s brand invention practice.  She reports to John Patroulis, CCO.

Global Broadcast Summit (GBS) Chair, Michael McEwen was named Director General of North American Broadcasters Association (NABA).  The announcement was made in New York yesterday on behalf of the organization’s board of directors.  Michael was previously with Canadian Broadcaster CBC where he served as SVP until 1997. 

Susan Claxton was hired at MEC as Senior Partner/Content Integration of MEC Entertainment, the agency’s programming and content creation unit.  In this new role, Susan will be responsible for identifying, creating and implementing brand integrations for MEC’s clients in addition to joining together integrated marketing programs involving content across multiple platforms.  Susan joins a team including Evan Fleischer, Senior Partner who will now manage strategy and original content.  Susan and Evan are based in New York and both report to Chet Fenster, Managing Partner, MEC Entertainment.

Shine America added Joe Schlosser to its executive team as SVP/Communications.  Joe will manage Shine America’s corporate branding, trade and consumer media relations, programming publicity, events and talent relations.  Joe will additionally serve as the company’s chief press officer and as its communications contact with Shine Group’s communications team.  Prior to this appointment, Joe worked for NBC spanning ten years most recently as SVP/NBC Entertainment Television Publicity. 

Bonnier Corp. named Julie Smartz as VP/GM of Brand Development.  Julie will head brand licensing, retail development and strategic partnerships.  Julie joins the company from Source Interlink Media where she was VP/GM of Brand Development.

European-based entertainment network, RTL Group added Cecile Frot-Coutaz as its new CEO of FremantleMedia.  Cecile’s position begins July 1 and is based in London.  Cecile will succeed Tony Cohen who will step down from the position to concentrate on his non-executive duties.

Beginning May 11, Antonio Roman will take on the new role as SVP/National Sales for Univision Communications Inc.’s Television Station Group.   Antonio will manage a national team of sales executives who are charged with creating advertising and marketing solutions for Univision’s local media.  He has been with Univision for 16 years and most recently served as VP/Network Sales.

BusterINK, a print design division of Buster, tapped Kimberly Leass as VP/Production and hired Josh Mintz as Creative Director.  In addition, Buster has appointed Joel Lava as Motion Graphics Creative Director and Live Action Director.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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