Thursday, May 31st, 2007



Ultimate Fan Ticket Package Raffle

Package Includes 2 Tickets to:
World Series
Super Bowl
NCAA Final Four
Daytona 500 and Indianapolis 500
NBA Finals
BCS Championship Game

Raffle ticket sales benefit the City of Hope and the Tim Nesvig Lymphoma Fellowship and Research Fund
Tickets $100 Each.  Contact Julie Filkoff at [email protected] for more information
Drawing on July 30th in California; raffle ticket holders don’t need to be present to win.

Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Thursday, May 31, 2007 and this is your first early morning briefing.

Aardman Animations, the stop-motion animation studio, will launch a branded channel on Joost, the free broadband TV service.  The channel will feature Aardman created content including family targeted animated properties such as Creature Comforts and Morph, and the more offbeat surreal comedies Rex the Runt, Panic in the Village and The Adventures of Jeffrey, as well as some new short films.  Last year Aardman’s started distributing its content for mobile devices.  Aardman’s US version of the TV series Creature Comforts, which is based on Nick Park’s Oscar-winning short of the same name, will launch on CBS this Monday, June 4 at 8p.

Elsewhere, looks like Joost is getting close to a deal with Michelangelo “Mike” Volpi to serve as its new CEO, according to Paid Content.  Earlier this year Volpi exited Cisco where he was SVP and GM, Routing and Service Provider Technology Group.  Fredrik de Wahl is currently CEO, Joost.  There has been no confirmation from Joost.

Remember last week when a bill to ban sales of violent video games to minors was introduced and passed by the New York State Senate in a mere four days?  Well, yesterday the New York State Assembly passed that bill, by a vote of 130 to 10.  Now if NY Governor Eliot Spitzer John Hancocks the bill, it becomes the law of the land … well NY anyhow … and would make the sale or rental of a video game containing “depraved violence” and “indecent images” to those under 17-years-old a Class E felony.  Yeah, that’s right and anyone violating the law could spend up to four years in jail.  If the bill makes it up the steps to become a law, each video game sold in NY would be required to have a sticker with the game’s rating on it, and an advisory council would be established to review the Entertainment Software Ratings Board’s video game rating system, and a parent/teacher anti-violence awareness program would need to be developed.  The bill would also require all gaming consoles to have a parental controls feature by September 2009, which as Bo Andersen, President of the Entertainment Merchants Association points out, “… ignores the fact that the new generation of consoles include them [parental controls] already.”  Before this bill, nine similar bills have been ratified in the US and each has been found to be in violation of First Amendment rights by federal courts.


Peace Arch Entertainment, Reader’s Digest and Fox Home Entertainment have partnered to produce and distribute Ace of Hearts, the first feature film released under the new Reader’s Digest Family Films banner.  Starring Dean Cain, Ace of Hearts is based on the true story published by Reader’s Digest, about a police officer, his 10-year-old daughter and his canine corps German Shepard, as they go up against a bad guy looking for revenge.  Production begins this week on Ace of Hearts, which is being produced by Peace Arch Entertainment in association with Bogner Entertainment Inc.   Currently slated for release in early 2008, Fox Home Entertainment will handle US marketing and distribution.  Reader’s Digest Association will support the movie with magazine, direct marketing and online promotions.

Nicktoons Network and Big Tent Entertainment have inked a broadcast deal for Big Tent’s The Star Girls property.  Under the pact Nicktoons Network will premiere Planet Grove (13×2′), which features The Star Girls, a new series of music videos based on original music by the Australian music group The Star Girls.  Quite popular in Australia, The Star Girls music is aimed at K6-12 and delivers messages of positive feelings, self-worth and empowerment.  Animated by Copernicus Studios, Planet Groove revolves around the intergalactic music group, their manager and D.J. and their adventures.  As the marketing and licensing agency for the property, Big Tent plans grow a merchandising program with key partners in apparel, home furnishings, and stationery and accessories categories.

Casting Call: YTV and marblemedia are looking teens between 14-16 to audition for The Adrenaline Project (26×30′), their new extreme action/adventure competition series.  The catch is that the auditions will take place in Toronto, Canada over the next two Saturdays, June 2 and 16.  To set an audition time for either Saturday, send an email to [email protected] and for information about auditioning and the show, including a trailer, go to

Casting Call: FOX will host casting calls for a new crop of elementary students to appear on its quiz show Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? The first casting call for kids is this Saturday in Chicago on the Navy Pier; followed by June 5 in Atlanta at America’s Mart; June 8 in Las Vegas at The Renaissance Hotel; June 12 in Los Angeles at Sheraton Universal Hotel; and June 16 in New York at The Javits Center. Doors will open 8a at each location. All kids auditioning must be registered to enter the 5th grade this the fall. For more information, rules and guidelines visit


Dad’s get their turn as Noggin celebrates Father’s Day with an all day marathon of dad-themed episodes of preschool series on Sunday, June 17 (8a-9p), including a special new episode of the 3D animated series Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends at 2:30p.

Nick News with Linda Ellerbee: Teachers Talk Back will bow on Sunday, June 17 at 8:30p on Nickelodeon.  Teachers will get the chance to talk about what they think of homework, classroom materials and why they love and/or hate their jobs.  The episode is a follow-up to Nick News’ 10 Things I Hate About School (2005), during which kids spoke about homework and teachers not understanding them.

The official start of summer 2007 begins with the summer, on June 21 2:06p EST in case you need to know.  Disney Channel will celebrate the start of summer that with new episodes of its Playhouse Disney series including My Friends Tigger & Pooh, Handy Manny, The Doodlebops and The Wiggles on Saturday, June 23 (6a-12p).


Starz Entertainment and Domino’s Pizza are launching Make Mine a Pizza Topped with Movies and Videos To Go, a marketing and promotional campaign and sweepstakes, running now through July 22, 2007.  As part of the effort, consumers that place pizza orders via the Dominos website will receive a free 30-day trial to Vongo, the Starz owned broadband downloadable movie service.  More info is available at , but not if you are a Mac user.


Marvel Entertainment, Inc. has appointed its own Alan Fine to the new position of EVP and CMO/Marvel Characters, which is a subsidiary of Marvel.  As CMO Fine will be responsible for directing and coordinating Marvel’s efforts to support and strengthen its brands.  Fine, who joined Marvel in 1996, will retain his current title as CEO of Marvel’s publishing and toy divisions, which he has held since 1998 and 2004 respectively.

Cynthia Barton Rabe has been appointed Laika, Inc.’s VP and CMO/Enter Division.  She will oversee all marketing efforts for the Entertainment Division, as well as, exploitation of rights for Laika’s film properties, market research, PR and communications among other things.  Reporting to CEO/President, Dale Wahl, Rabe will also be involved in selecting new projects for development and establishing the company’s overall long-term strategies.  Prior to this Rabe headed Zero-G, LLC, a consulting company she founded, and has spoken and written about the topic of innovation.  Previously, she was an executive with Intel for 10-years and before that was with Eveready battery Company.  Rabe graduated from Washington University, St. Louis (yeah  I know I never tell you where folks went to school, but hey, it’s my alma mater too.  Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone’s SAT scores)


Monthly Year-to-Year Comparison: Total Day Rankings among K6-11 (000) 4/30-5/27/07 vs. 5/1-5/28/06, Cable Networks Only:
Network:                  (000)   %diff
NICK° :                       578       -10%
DSNY:                        469        +5%
CARTOON** :             357        -10%
NAN* :                       213        -16%
ADSM** :                   185       +10%
TOON DIS.:                  68       +11%
DISCOVERY:                 31       +11%
ANIMAL PLANET:           30         +7%
MTV:                            29       -33%
NICKTOONS:                 25       -17%
BET:                             24        +4%
NOGGIN/THE N***:      19       -10%
TLC:                             18       -18%
ESPN:                           17       -37%
COMEDY:                      15       -17%
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p
*NAN Total Day 9p-6a
**Cartoon Network & Adult Swim share channel space ADSM airs
Sat.-Thurs. 11p-6a
The networks listed are mostly those cable networks that regularly appear on the K6-11 weekly ranking charts.
***NOGGIN and THE N share channel space, NOGGIN 6a-6p, THE N 6p-6a daily.
Source: Disney Research from Star Media Multitrak Reporting System Live+7 Blended with Live+SD from 10/16/2006 to date; Data prior to 12/26/2005 is based on Live Viewing

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K2-11 (000) 5/21-5/27/07 :
Total Day      (000)   Primetime     (000)
NICK°:           1104   DSNY*:            1213
DSNY*:            753   CARTOON:         740
CARTOON:        559   NAN**:             454
ADSM**:          307   TOON DIS:        191
NAN**:            278   DISCOVERY:      103
TOON DIS.:      132   ANIMAL PLANET:  97
NOG/THE N:     102   MTV:                   72
DISCOVERY:       58   NICKTOONS:       71
NICKTOONS:      55   TLC:                    59
ANIMAL PLANET: 52   ESPN:                 56
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K6-11 (000) 5/21-5/27/07 :
Total Day      (000) Primetime      (000)
NICK°:             596   DSNY*:             937
DSNY*:            472   CARTOON:         546
CARTOON:        368   NAN**:             348
NAN**:            218   TOON DIS:        123
ADSM**:          217   DISCOVERY:       71
TOON DIS.:        76   ANIMAL PLANET: 69
DISCOVERY:       42   MTV:                  54
NICKTOONS:       31   TLC:                  38
MTV:                   31   ESPN:                37
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among Tweens 9-14 (000) 5/21-5/27/07 :
Total Day  (000)   Primetime       (000)
NICK°:        425      DSNY*:              767
DSNY*:       370      CARTOON:         406
NAN**:       295      NAN**:              368
CARTOON:   278      MTV:                 132
ADSM**:     252      DISCOVERY:        91
MTV:             76      COMEDY:            77
DISCOVERY:  59      BET:                   69
BET:              55      THE N:               65
COMEDY:       49      TOON DIS.:         63
TOON DIS.:    45      ANIMAL PLANET: 53
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Saturday, May 26, 2007, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:         K2-11 1324; K6-11 877; TWEENS 9-14 655
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11   867; K6-11 497; TWEENS 9-14 356
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   574; K6-11 419; TWEENS 9-14 340
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11   128; K6-11   80; TWEENS 9-14   48
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Sunday, May 27, 2007, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:          K2-11 968; K6-11 668; TWEENS 9-14 503
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11 886; K6-11 521; TWEENS 9-14 369
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11 616; K6-11 452; TWEENS 9-14 300
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11 169; K6-11 101; TWEENS 9-14   37
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to Yesterday’s trivia question: This Magic School Bus character is often is seen as a “wimp”, but is actually smarter and braver than he’s given credit. Who is he? ARNOLD PERLSTEIN.   Kudos to: Ronnie Krauss-Grand&Me Inc/Irvington NY; Maria Degnan-WTXF Fox 29/Philadelphia; Melissa Sylvester-University of Georgia/Georgia; Hank Bordowitz/Suffern NY; Matt Wayne-Cartoon Network/Burbank; Al Ovadia-Al Ovadia & Associates/Calabasas CA; Brenda Nietupski- Corus Entertainment Inc. Treehouse TV & Discovery Kids Canada/Toronto;  Kristen McGregor-Kids CBC/Toronto

Today’s Trivia Question:  Who has a talking pet goldfish named Dennis, that the main character talks to about his pre-school problems?   (click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)
Later — Gwen
Gwen Billings for Cynopsis: Kids!

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JOB OPENING: MANAGER, ON-AIR PROMOS/Fox Sport Net/Pittsburgh: 2+yrs net/cable on-air promo exp/mgt of overall promo ops and planning; produce & schedule element; ensure execution. Submit CV’s via /FNG6738 (6/7)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/BET, NY: Detailed-oriented, organized, multi-tasker, exc comm & math skills.Prof w/excel, Bachelors degree req. Email resume: [email protected] (6/7)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’R/BET, NY: Prepare Sales Plans, Mng mult Accts, 2 yrs exp in Cable Sales or buying a must.Detailed-oriented, org’d, multitasker, exc comm & math skills, BA req. Email resume: [email protected] (6/7)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L TV BUYING AMD/BUYERS (LA) /SUPERVISOR (NY): For major agencies. Exp with network, cable and syndication. Relo avail for LA positions. Resumes to: [email protected] (6/7)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR NA CONSUMER PROMOTIONS/HASBRO: 7+ yrs exp consumer promos for consumer products. Must have experience executing promos at retail. Agency exp a plus. Loc: East Longmeadow, MA. Apply at (6/7)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR-TV INTEGRATIONS/LA: . Oversee integration of brands in TV. Thorough knowledge of industry & prior exp essential. Res to: [email protected] (6/6)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLNR/NAT’L GEO/LA: Mng all deals, develop & create sales proposals. BA & strg written skills req. 1-2 yrs exp sales/cable adv. Apply FNG6882 (6/6)

JOB OPENING:  PROD ACCT/Rainbow Media/NYC: Track, report financial info for VOOM. Handle invoices & monitor expenses. BS/BA req’d. Acct exp a plus. To apply, visit and apply to job ID 3397BR (6/5)

JOB OPENING:  PUBLICIST/VERSUS/Stamford, CT: Support/contribute to publicity efforts of fast growing sports cable net.3+ yrs related exp.Apply at EOE (6/5)

JOB OPENING:  SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/Fox Sports/LA: 3+yrs cable/broadcast research. Nielsen systems exp. Strong knwldg of PhotoShop/Flash/Scarborough. Strong presentation /analytical/communication skills. Reply to (6/5)

JOB OPENING: PLANNER /Oxygen/Chicago: Support 2 AEs in National Ad Sales w/ all aspects of sales. 2+ yr cable exp or advertising agency. Resume to:[email protected]. ref job title in subj ln. Go to for more info. (6/5)

JOB OPENING: SALES ACCT EXEC/BBC Motion Gallery/NYC: Mng adverts, corp & new media biz, grow assigned mkt, 4 yrs exp media related sales. Biz dvlpmnt, cld call, dirct cust acct mngmnt, sales targets. Res: [email protected] (6/5)

JOB OPENING: ASSISTANT/BBC Motion Gallery/NYC: College grad asst VP in ops, rsrch/biz projects. Comp skill, accounting assumptions. sum info, attn dtl, reliable. know media indstry/dig tech, vid contnt. Res: [email protected] (6/5)

JOB OPENING: OPRAH.COM PROD/HARPO/CHI: Work w/ The Oprah Winfrey Show & related franchises to expand/create/design/prod web content for 5yrs+ prod’g web content w/ exceptional writing skills. Apply: (6/5)

JOB OPENING: BROADCAST SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTORS/TRAINERS: Extensive US travel. 12 month + contracts. 5 yrs general media exp. BAs, trainers, and power users please apply. Email: [email protected] or call 860 632 3705.  (6/5)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER PROD/Sundance Ch/NY: 5+ yrs exp. Concept & prod promos for all major on-air & off-channel campaigns. Support CD w/ proj mgmt. Shoot exp, great creative, Final Cut skills req’d. Res: [email protected] (6/2)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED SALES EXEC/Sundance Ch/NY: 5+yrs sales/mktg exp.Dev/sell/exec multi-platform, integ’d partnerships for “like minded” clients.Creative media mktg & savvy prof w/ proven rec.Res: [email protected] (6/2)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC SUPRVSR, NTWRK OPS/BBC Am/Silver Spring MD: Schdl, traffic, validate trans lgs & mtrls for bcast 2-4 yrs exp in traffic or ntwrk/bcast ops, Exp w/ traffic management systems. RES/CV: [email protected]   (6/2)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING DIR/NAT GEO/WASH DC: Overseeing DVD/ digital prod development & mrktng initiatives for new releases/back titles, to deliver on strategic plans & financial goals. BA + 6 yrs apply at (6/2)

SPACE AVAILABLEThree Edit Rooms, Fully Functioning, and Production Pit available for rent June 1. Edit rooms have all equipment needed: Final Cut & multiple decks. Turn key situation (phone, T1, cleaning) Call Katie at 212.242.1400 (6/1)

JOB OPENING: SYNDICATION SALES. Seeking smart aggressive closer with creative touch and natural sales personality to round outTV distribution sales staff.Looking to groom new industry superstar.Resumes to: [email protected] (6/1)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/LIFETIME TV NY: Support LFT Networks prgming and mkting functions; analyze LFT Networks ratings perf; BS/BA plus 1-2 yrs exp. using Nielsen Apply at: (6/1)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PROGRAM ENTERPRISES MARKETING/MTV/NYC: 7+yrs Cons.Prod Mrktg exp, Strng Leadership, Licensing/Retail/Mrkt rsrch exp, Strg interpersn’l/org skills, Home Ent exp/MBA A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (6/1)

JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, ON-AIR PROMOS/NICK/NYC: 8+yrs On-Air Promos exp, Strg creative & writing skills, Strng Mgmt exp, Knwldge of pop-culture/kid’s demo/comedy EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (6/1)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH PROJECT MGR/CNN/NY: 3+ yrs TV rsrch/agency exp, Multi-tasker, strong analytical/problem solving skills, previous management skills preferred&proficient in Nielsen applications; info Res: [email protected]   (6/1)

JOB OPENING: MOBILE VIDEO PROGRAMMER/VH1 MOBILE/NY: Resp for end-to-end programming of VH1’s mobile video srvcs. Work w/ other VH1 platforms to acquire content. 2 yrs mobile media exp required. Cover/CV to [email protected] (6/1)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF CASTING/ENDEMOL USA/LA, CA: Cast network non-scripted presentations, pilots and series. Deliver celebrities and undiscovered talent. Min. 5 yrs casting experience. Apply: [email protected] (6/1)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DOCU DEV & PRODUCTION 2spots, MTV/NYC: 5+yrs develpmnt/prod exp, Strg knwldg/Prod exp of Cinema Verita Docs, Knwldge of pop culture/MTV brand/News & Docs Progmng EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (6/1)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: NYC dist co. seeks Media Biz Dev Intern to asst in strategic financial/mktg plan’g & implementation. Financial modeling exp & business background a must. Internship is unpaid. Res: [email protected]  (6/5)


SITUATION WANTED: ASST/COORDINATOR/NYC: 4+ yrs freelance on independent films. Asst in ent industry. Excellent skills incl. computer, multitasking, communication. Available immediately. Contact: [email protected]   (6/6)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

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