Thursday, June 28th, 2007


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL



Good Morning, it’s Thursday, June 28, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

ESPN/ABC and Turner expanded their prospective licensing agreements with the NBA for unprecedented 8 years and a reported $7.4 billion to include the most ambitious digital rights packages yet negotiated between major media and pro sports entities. The deal gives ESPN and Turner exclusive rights to distribute full-length NBA games and highlights across all media and territories via TV, HD, VOD, interactive TV, gaming platforms, radio, online, mobile, etc. – through 2016 and includes platforms not yet invented. ESPN’s package includes 76 regular season games and 29 playoff games on ESPN and ABC on any platform – live, delayed, on demand, via interactive TV, or simulcast on ESPN and ESPN Mobile TV. Turner gets the rights to telecast and stream 52 regular season games, The NBA All Star Game and Weekend and the other conference finals, as well as create interactive applications and fantasy-related content.
The agreement was struck in response to fans’ desire to watch online and on mobile devices and advertisers’ demand to reach consumers on multiple platforms, according to the principles. Early efforts to distribute content online has alleviated fears of cannibalization, said ESPN President George Bodenheimer. Demand for NBA content was high this year: attracted 1 million unique visitors a day seeking NBA content during the playoffs. There were 32 million video starts of NBA video clips on the site during the season, pre-rolls for which were completely sold out.


MySpace is revamping its video home page this weekend to try and stem the flow of traffic drawn to YouTube. MySpaceTV will have a distinctive look and feel from MySpace’s former awkward video offering, with 16 different thematic categories and options to view, rate, comment on and share videos with MySpace members and non-members alike. The service will try to differentiate itself from YouTube by emphasizing more professionally-produced video provided by News Corp., new web partner NBCU and other suppliers including National Geographic and Reuters. The user interface will also integrate social networking features, allowing each MySpace member to create their own customizable MySpaceTV channel that keeps track of everything they’ve uploaded. The service is being made available in 15 countries and 7 languages out of the gate, according to The New York Times.
Cross platform gaming company Brash Entertainment signed new long-term deals with Lions Gate Films, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising, Universal Studios Licensing and Vanguard Animation. The company raised $400 million in capital earlier this month and announced a deal to produce games based upon the Saw horror franchise. Game developers and Hollywood studios are redoubling efforts to create compelling game titles based on blockbuster releases, moving to share more resources and improve communications between movie producers and game developers from early on in the process.
The BBC moved up the release date of its video iPlayer on from November to July 27, announcing plans to distribute the service on YouTube, Virgin Media and several other sites later this year. The player will allow viewers to watch BBC programs commercial free for up to a week after they originally air. Once downloaded, the shows remain in the player’s cache for 30 days. BBC is in discussions with a wealth of distribution partners, including MSN, AOL, Yahoo!, MySpace and Blinkx. The new timetable suggests some planned features such as the option to “stack” or subscribe to multiple series retrospectively and integration with the BBC Radio Player will be offered in a later version. The BBC also announced it will be outsourcing encoding and uploading of World News clips on YouTube to Comcast’s thePlatform.
MTV greenlighted the multiplatform reality series Meet or Delete for a second season. The show follows students as they connect with one another after being matched based on the contents of their hard drives. MTV and mtvU will air two new 30-minute specials, and mtvU, and mtvU mobile will follow with four short form episodes in the U.S. The show will also be distributed across multiple platforms in Asia and Europe. Meet or Delete’s relaunched website will again serve as its hub. 
NBC2Go will air live coverage of the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament beginning Saturday, June 30, available through Verizon’s V Cast Mobile TV service. Live mobile simulcasts of the matches will continue through Sunday, July 8. NBC2Go, powered by MediaFLO USA, is currently available in 30 U.S. cities.
Comcast became the first MSO to commit to launching A&E HD programming as VOD offerings with original Real Life and Justice series including Gene Simmons Family Jewels and The First 48. The package is now available across all Comcast digital cable households.


Sugar Publishing, creator of PopSugar and other female-focused blogs, struck an alliance with NBC Universal that includes exclusive sharing of content between Sugar’s sites and NBCU’s Digital Media will take a minority stake in the company, and its sales team will become the exclusive sales agent for Sugar Publishing under the deal. iVillage attracted 17.1 million unique visitors in May, according to comScore Media Metrix. Display ad revenue has jumped 46 percent for 1Q07 compared to the previous year.
Prom Queen producer Vuguru is producing a “This Is Spinal Tap” type web serial about a fictionalized rock bank, chronicling a poorly planned 24-city tour. Each “All For Nots” episode will run 7-10 minutes, premiering once a week on its own website as well as other web destinations across a 24-week period beginning this fall. Dinosaur Diorama Productions is being tapped to produce the series.
Webcam avatar service fix8 is partnering with webcam broadcaster stickam to enable users to animate live video with virtual costumes, props and their own unique avatars. Stickam’s 550,000 users will have the option to download fix8′ software for free. Fix8 also provides live video chat software used across IM services including MSN, Yahoo and Skype. 
The Roo Group’s Video Exchange platform has been selected to power music video hosting, uploading, encoding, and streaming across Universal Music UK‘s major sites. 


The MPAA filed suits against and on behalf of several major studios for contribution and inducement of copyright infringement. The suits allege virtually all the video available on the sites link to sites that infringe copyrights and therefore should be held liable for assisting in the process. This is the first time the MPAA has gone after link sites rather than sites offering content directly.
Meanwhile Blockbuster and Netflix settled their patent dispute, which held that the brick and mortar rental chain ripped off Netflix’s online model. No word on the specifics of the settlement.
A U.S. District Court judge indicated reluctance to extend antitrust oversight of Microsoft past the expected November expiration date of most provisions after Google filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Monday requesting an extension. She did leave open the possibility of further action if Microsoft didn’t implement the changes to Vista it has promised.
founders Chris De Wolfe and Tom Anderson (every MySpace member’s first friend) are holding out for the big bucks once their current contract expires with News Corp. in October, reports the website Deadline Hollywood Daily. They’re thinking $25 million over two years, plus an extra $15 million with which to invest in digital start-ups. Sounds reasonable, given what News Corp. chairman is seeking in exchange for the company. Then again Roger Ailes, Chairman of Fox News and Fox Television Stations, only makes around $15 million with bonuses, the #4 top paid News Corp. executive.


Google Group Product Manager Alex Kinnier outlined the rationale behind the acquisition of DoubleClick on the company’s blog. The goal is to provide advertisers with a more open platform equipped with performance metrics to manage ad inventory better so that publishers can sell a larger portion of their unsold inventory and to improve efficiency, speed and effectiveness of online advertising by reducing latency of ad servers.


Social networking sites are close to achieving full penetration of the teen and tween market, according to a new paper commissioned by Alloy Media & Marketing. The study, which found that 96% of online teens and tweens check their profiles at least once a week, suggested marketers seek to engage young consumers by offering them items of value for their pages including utilities, downloads and other exclusive content, reports Ad Age.
Nielsen is acquiring Telephia Inc., a leading provider of syndicated consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets. Telephia uses unique measurement tools to study digital consumers’ behavior.
A new analysis by Hitwise shows that YouTube has increased its share of US traffic by 70% from January to May 2007 on a per visit basis. In comparison, the market share of visits to 64 other video sites measured increased by only 8% during the same period. A ranking of the top ten video sites gives YouTube a market share of 60% for the month of May.
Top 10 Video Sites by Market Share of U.S. Visits to Custom Video Category, May 2007
Rank                     Website                 Market Share
  1                         YouTube                  60.02%
  2                         MySpace Videos      16.08
  3                         Google Video             7.81
  4                         Yahoo! Video             2.77
  5                         MSN Video                 2.09
  6                                1.33
  7                         Daily Motion              1.13
  8                         MetaCafe                  1.07
  9                         AOL Media                   .94
 10                        Veoh                           .86
Source Hitwise US


Online video aggregator Roo Group added three executives to its ranks. Bert Solivan, former SVP at Fox News, was named EVP/GM of Roo Media. Paula Blazer, former CMO at Clear Channel Entertainment, will become CMO of Roo. Rick Gell, co-founder of film archive Second Line now owned by Bill Gates’ Corbis Corp., was appointed Chief Content Officer. All three will report directly to Steve Quinn, COO and President of Roo Media.
Former editor Ray Hennessey was named Managing Editor and Director of the new Fox Business Channel’s planned website, slated to launch later this year.
Doug Crichton was hired by Meredith Corporation to serve as Executive Editor of the Better Homes and Garden website Doug was most recently Editor-in-Chief of Time Inc.’s Cooking Light and Health magazines. 


The creators of Reno 911 Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon have joined in Norman Lear’s comedic quest to get out the vote to the YouTube generation. The two produced a series of hilarious shorts on the click on “the message” section of the site to see them try to convince 18 year olds why it’s only natural that they decide who becomes president.
A new website will be featured here everyday for you to check out. Some are TV-centric, some creative, some just plain strange, but all have something to do with this crazy business. Email me your suggestions at [email protected] and if I include the site you mention, your name, company and city will be credited. Only one mention per calendar week, to make it fair.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digitals

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JOB OPENING: MKTNG ASST/ NBC Universal/USA Ntwrk: Must be self-starter and passionate about Mktng. Will act as admin. Assst and support consumer mktg projects. Long-term temporary position. Resumes to: [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/Legally Blonde/NYC: 2+ yrs promo/mktg w/in media/entertain/theater. Develop mktg/ tix sales initiatives/ viral mktg/ promotions. Graphic skills a plus. email to [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/ Oxygen Media/ NY: Support two AE’s, 3 yrs exp. buying or plan’g. Must be detail oriented & possess excellent communication skills. Email res and cover letter to [email protected], ref job title in subject (7/6)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAM OPS COORDINATOR/Oxygen Media/NYC: Provide tech assistance & coordinating support for Broadcast Ops; digital media & master control aptitude. Email w/ sub line: “Prog Ops ” cover letter & res to [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ADMINISTRATOR/Weather Channel/NY: providing support of proposal, traffic, and sales systems to Cable Ad sales. Exp with Dealmaker and VCI. Please apply online at ref VSA004. (7/6)

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JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE SALES PLANNER: ABC Digital Media Sales seeks a sales planner with a minimum of 1-2 years experience in researching, planning and executing digital campaigns.. Req ID:99245 (7/4)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PRGMNG OPS/VERSUS/Stamford, CT: Maintain time buy & ad sales inventory tracking system for fast growing sports cable net. 1-2 yrs related exp req’d; traffic or sales asst exp pref’d. Apply at EOE (7/3)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR-SALES/POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE/CHICAGO: Oppty to sell print and website. Must have 3-5 yrs exp, ability to interact with agencies and clients + excellent presentation skills. Apply: [email protected] (7/3)

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JOB OPENING: MGR SALES/STRATEGY RESEARCH: Primary research & audience analysis in support of the ABC TV Network Sales division, particularly Daytime and Late Night entertainment programming. Req ID: 93570 (6/29)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA PLANNER/Discovery Nets, Silver Spring, MD: On-air strategic media plan’g & promo scheduling. 3 yrs media plan’g exp. -cable, brdcst; media metrics & usage, strong comm skills. Apply: , Req#5431 (6/29)

JOB OPENING: SR ANLYST TV RSRCH, Disney*ABC/LA: Pgm analysis and syndie research. 2+ yrs. exp. at a studio/distributor. Knwldg Galaxy Explorer, WRAP Overnights/Sweeps, Word Excel PowerPoint. Apply REQ 94668 (6/29)

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JOB OPENING: MARKETING MANAGER/ Bend Broadband, located in beautiful Bend OR, is welcoming an experienced Marketing Manager to our organization. Find out more about us and this great career opportunity @ (6/29)

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JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE PRODUCT MANAGER/iVillage Live/Chicago, IL: Drive web traffic, build user community, implement strategies for growth. keyword search “iVillage Live” to apply (6/29)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ONLINE ADVERTISING/VERSUS -Stamford, CT: Coordinate all online advertising activities for 3+ yrs experience req’d. For more info and to apply please visit EOE (6/29)

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JOB OPENING: NYCTV -Entrepreneurial? Sponsorship/s & integrated pkgs -Exp’d Closer w/media/buy/plannrs contacts-luxury brand- Base + incentives- Resume: [email protected] (6/29)

JOB OPENING: VP, ORGANIZATION & STAFFING/Silver Spring MD: Provide strategic leadership in the acquisition and development of talent globally. Min 10 yrs HR/OD/recruiting exp. Apply:  Position 5463 (6/29)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Intern/PA: Short film shooting in NYC with award-winning Actors, Director & Writer looking for team player to work hard with a professional crew. Interested applicants respond to [email protected] (7/4)


SITUATION WANTED: CONSULTANT w/ 20 yrs transactional/biz affairs/biz dev/legal experience in cable, broadband, broadcast. Successful and creative solutions. Available project basis/hourly rate. contact [email protected] (7/6)

SITUATION WANTED: FREELANCE TRAFFIC COORDINATOR OR MANAGER/NYC or Philadelphia: Looking for freelance traffic work. 7yrs + experience in broadcast traffic- cable, radio and agency traffic. Contact: [email protected]   (7/3)

SITUATION WANTED: SAVVY SENIOR LEVEL SALES/NEGOTIATIONS ACQ/NYC/LA/Atlanta/DC: seeks position mng. clients/content/deals in Film/TV/New Media. Exp on 2 coasts & abroad closing multi-MM dollar content deals. [email protected] (7/3)

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